Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Well, Gustav is either dead or unknown at the end of this chapter anyway, I don't think he'll make a big impact.

    I have been thinking that too. But all the shit Tobi has been giving Gustav, I think he might finally come to his senses.

  • edited September 2014


    Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted to keep his own Goddamn self alive, he was willing to sacrifice anyone in order to keep this place fully functional. I had my own motives, though. I knew that talking things out with the mansion people wasn't going to be an option, I was planning to escape during all the chaos. I just had to be very careful about it...


    (!) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    Pro had made up his mind, and decided to take everyone that wanted to go and fight Tobi and his men. It was the next day and everyone was outside getting ready to say goodbye. I saw Jewf and ATR play fighting, Valky and Guilty hugging, Broken talking to AC, Sheep telling a few people about his brother SGK. Fan telling his brother Deceptio to stay safe, DLB and CSB sharing some snacks. Goust was telling everyone about what he did before the apocalypse, Password was smoking by a corner with Wanderer nearby. Pro, Jon, WtW were discussing a plan. Salt was with Twistee, Rafoli and Shadow. SweetPea was talking about her farmhouse and all the friends she had lost before getting here, Shiina was with Gary talking about a plan C. King was watching Gustav. Guetta came up to me."How's it going, best friend?" She asked.

    "Just kind of sad..." I replied.

    Guetta made a confused look."Why is that, Az?"

    I looked down."This may be the last time we see some of these people... we've already lost so many. I just want all the killing to stop."

    Guetta gave me a hug."This is the world we live in now. We can't do anything about it, except try to survive as best we can."

    "I know... but it's difficult, Guetta." I said.

    "When they finish off Tobi, we'll be able to continue building this place, making it better. Maybe we'll be able to live peacefully again, we just have to hold on to that hope." Guetta says.

    "I'll try, Guetta... I'll try my best." I tell her.

    Guetta turned around to look at the others."They'll be okay, we'll all be okay."

    "All right, everyone. It's almost time to go, so for those of you who are leaving with us, get any last minute ammo, supplies and snacks. Looks like there's a storm coming, so we'll try to get to Tobi's as soon as possible. It's already the afternoon, so if we leave now, we'll be there by night time." Pro told us. Everyone started getting ready, I saw Pro walking over to ATR and Jewf, he seemed to ask to speak to ATR in private.

    "Come on, Az. Let's go meet up with the others." Guetta tells me, and we walk over to them.

    "Shiina will be in charge while we're gone. Most of you have gotten to know her this past week, and most of you were with her before getting here. She'll try her best to protect you guys if anything happens." Jon tells us.

    Shiina spoke up."I know I'm probably not the best choice, but if you guys give me a chance, I'll do what I can."

    "I'm also leaving ATR in charge." Pro told us as he made his way over.

    "What? Why?" Jewf asked.

    "She's been here longer than some of them, and a lot of people trust her." Pro replied.

    "I'll keep my eyes on everyone like an owl, don't worry." ATR told us.

    "Okay, then. With that said, I think we should start heading out." Jon said.

    "Everyone has said their goodbyes, right?" Salt asked us.

    "Yeah, we're ready to go." Guilty replied.

    "All right, then. Let's not waste anymore time. Stay safe out here, people. We'll be back when we finish this. We'll make sure Tobi pays for everything he's done." Pro told us. Everyone that was going to Tobi's headed for Pro's SUV and Jon's pickup. We waved goodbye as they drove off, I guess they were really going to do this. I just hoped that everyone would make it back safely...


    Tobi had taken me into his office, he had me tied to a chair and he just stared out his window."Did you ever think we would end up here?" Tobi asked.

    "Don't talk to me." I replied.

    "Heh, I knew you had somewhat of a temper, but you don't have to act like a bitch." Tobi said as he walked over to me.

    "Well you're an asshole, so I'll act any way I choose." I said while glaring at him.

    "What's the matter? You can't stand me anymore? Have you not realized what we have to become in order to survive this new world?" He asks.

    "What? So you became just like the walkers? Just another monster? We didn't have to change who we are, we just have to survive." I told him.

    "Survive, exactly. But if you want to survive nowadays, you have to do WHATEVER it takes to make sure you live." Tobi told me.

    "Capturing people, torturing and killing them just to prove a point, killing an innocent dog, and going insane... Is that what survival is all about to you?" I asked.

    "Yes." He said with a smile."I will do whatever it takes to make sure I survive. That's what makes me strong, I'm the type of person this world needs, these people wouldn't last a Goddamn minute out there without me. They need someone who is willing to do anything and everything to keep them going. I'm this world's savior, I will be the one to bring this piece of shit world back to what it used to be." Tobi told me.

    "You're a piece of shit, Tobi. This world would be better off without you!" I told him.

    "Fuck you." He replied in an angered tone.

    "What's the matter? Are you finally realizing how much better off we would be without you constantly going around collecting and killing everyone?!" I tell him.

    "If I knew what a fucking bitch you were going to be, I would have left you back at the fuckin' mansion. You stop talking, right now!" He told me.

    "Who are you to tell me what to do? You don't fucking control me! I'll say or do whatever I please." I said to him.

    "You shut that fucking mouth of yours if you know what's good for you." He told me.

    "No. I will keep talking until you stop this bullshit. Just stop! This war doesn't have to happen, nobody has to die, we can all just try to live peacefully." I told him.

    "Those assholes came in here and killed Emu and Pur. Two of my best men! They stole almost all my workers, and shot my place up! You think we'll be able to live peacefully?! This shit will end when they all die!" He shouted at me.

    "Fuck you, Tobi! You're the one who needs to die!" I told him.

    "You fuckin' bitch..." He said and then grabbed my face."Never realized how much of a big fuckin' mouth you got on ya." He says.

    "Get your filthy hand off of me!" I shouted.

    "Haha, Noncy, Noncy, Noncy... I'm just trying to be nice, my dear. But you just keep yapping and yapping, why don't you just shut your fuckin' mouth already, huh?" He says with a smile...

    1) Spit in his face.

    2) Make me, you bastard!

    3) Say nothing.




    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • 2) Make me, you bastard! Not really sure about that, but Tobi does hate weak people... ;-;

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • Did you except vote #2 to win over vote #3? or Did you expect the votes to be closer number wise?

    Wonder who's gonna take over leadership that I'm um sleeping?

    I honestly thought more people would pick you.

  • I thought it was going to be close between you and Romy, but I thought NDY was going to win.

    Star is already trying, so he might take over.

    Did you except vote #2 to win over vote #3? or Did you expect the votes to be closer number wise? Wonder who's gonna take over leadership that I'm um sleeping?

  • 3) Say nothing. Maybe it's best to stop the argument, before it escalates and Tobi hurts Noncy or something like that.

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    1) Spit in his face

    WOW ok Rood Tobi? BRING IT

    Alt text

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • edited September 2014

    NDY had the damn keys.

    This shit will never end for the RV group... ;-;

    Damn. Thanks for voting at 3 am, guys xP

    Markd4547 (!) Drive off. I don't have time for this, I need to get to Tobi's. "Please! I'm begging you! I need your help, I need to ge

  • 1) Spit in his face.

    I'm 95% sure I'm gonna change up this soon.

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • I looked at the rear view mirror and saw her sticking her middle finger out. I didn't give a shit, tough. I needed to get to Tobi's place.

    Typical Mark... xD

    2) Make me, you bastard! Like SweetPea said, Tobi does seem to like when people have a little bite. As tempting as spitting in his face i

  • 2) Make me, you bastard!

    Like SweetPea said, Tobi does seem to like when people have a little bite. As tempting as spitting in his face is, I think that might make him hurt Noncy.

    By the way, I forgot to mention this in the last part but the scene with Mark going past that woman was hilarious xD

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • Lmao, Mark's character is just that type of guy, haha.

    2) Make me, you bastard! Like SweetPea said, Tobi does seem to like when people have a little bite. As tempting as spitting in his face i

  • I looked at the rear view mirror and saw her sticking her middle finger out. I didn't give a shit, tough. I needed to get to Tobi's place.

    Typical Mark XD

    Stop. Deleting. My. Posts. Please. Forums. xD

    2) Make me, you bastard! Like SweetPea said, Tobi does seem to like when people have a little bite. As tempting as spitting in his face i

  • 2) Make me, you bastard!

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • 1) Spit in his face.

    Tobi wont do anything. His intentions were to use Noncy as a drawing point to bring the group to him and possibly have Noncy as a hostage, he wont kill Noncy yet.

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • edited September 2014

    I looked at the rear view mirror and saw her sticking her middle finger out. I didn't give a shit, tough. I needed to get to Tobi's place.

    Alt text

    XD WOW ok !! she had no need to be Rood though :'O

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I looked at the rear view mirror and saw her sticking her middle finger out. I didn't give a shit, tough. I needed to get to Tobi's place. Typical Mark XD Stop. Deleting. My. Posts. Please. Forums. xD

  • edited September 2014


    (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this.

    Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this." He tells him.

    Romy looks back and smiles."Go on, guys. Get out of here." He turns his head back to look at the woods again."It's time to party with Spooch, Blue, Salt123, NDY and WTWH. We'll be rooting for y'all." He says.

    "Romy..." Juicy starts tearing up.

    "Okay, Romy... you made up your mind." Scarlet says and then walks up to him. She gives him a kiss on the cheek."Make sure you kill one of those fuckers for me." She tells him with a smile.

    "Thanks again, Romy... good luck, man." Latte tells him. He turns to look at me."Let's go."

    I nod my head and then look at Juicy and Scarlet."It's time, we have to go." I tell them with a sad look on my face. They make their way over and start walking ahead. I look at Romy one more time."Thanks, Romy. We'll keep you in our hearts." I tell him, I could hear the bandits closing in. Romy finished the bottle of vodka and then threw it on the ground. He aimed the gun towards the woods and then I turned to catch up with the others.

    I ran towards a dirt road where the others were waiting."Okay, we'll need to run for it. We can't let those bandits catch up to us." Scarlet told us.

    We started running down the dirt road to who knows where. Latte spoke up."Or we can finish the rest of them off, make sure they don't come after us."

    "I'm with Latte. I don't want to constantly look behind me or sleep with one eye open, worrying that someone might sneak up on us." Juicy told us.

    "We might be able to do that, but we'll need to find a place with lots of cover, that way we'll be able to ambush them." Scarlet told us.

    "I'm with whatever you guys want to do. I wouldn't mind killing the rest of those sons of bitches off, though." I said.

    BANG! BANG! BANG! "Fucking bandits! DIE!!!" We heard gunshots and Romy's voice in the distance.

    "There's one right there!" We heard an unknown voice.

    "Get that fucker!" Another person said.

    BRATATAT! BLAM! BLAM! BANG! BANG! BANG! POW! "AGH!!!" Everyone stopped and looked back, it sounded like Romy.

    "Holy shit..." Latte said.

    "He's... he's gone." Scarlet tells us.

    "We have to keep moving, they're right behind us..." I tell the group.

    "Damn it..." Juicy says.

    "Star's right, let's keep going. Fuck..." Latte says. We turn back around and start sprinting down the dirt road. We had no idea where we were going, but we had to get away from them. I was hoping that Romy at least killed one of them before dying.

    "Just keep going! We have to get away from them!" I shouted. We kept running and running, we were all getting tired. As we ran for about fifteen minutes, we spotted something in the distance."Look!"

    "A junkyard! Never thought I'd be happy to see one of those." Scarlet says.

    We got out of the woods and stopped to look at it."That's perfect. We can hide there, and then ambush them." Juicy tells us.

    "There's plenty of cars down there that we could hide behind or under. Lots of cover, too. They won't know what hit them. This is where we can make sure they won't come after us anymore." Latte says.

    "It's still night time, but it's not too dark out, the sun will be up in about an hour or two. This will be perfect." Scarlet said to us.

    Juicy started going through her backpack and took something out."What are you looking for, Juicy?" I ask her.

    "We still have some ammo left. We'll be able to take them if we do this." She replies.

    "Okay, so are we going to do this, or what?" Latte asks.

    "If we want to get rid of those bandits, then we'll have to do this." Scarlet replies.

    "It'll be the only way to be sure that we kill them all off." Juicy replies.

    "What do you think, Star? Do you want to do this?" Scarlet asks me. This may be our only opportunity to kill the rest of the bandits off, this was our chance to make sure we get rid of them and to be sure that we wouldn't have to keep running away from them. There was plenty of cover in the junkyard, it was the perfect spot for an ambush. I needed to make a choice...

    1) Say nothing.

    2) I'm not sure, let's just keep moving.

    3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.


  • edited September 2014

    "It's time to party with Spooch, Blue, Salt123, NDY and WTWH. We'll be rooting for y'all."


    Time to fucking party, RV group.

    3) Let's end this, once and for all.

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • 2Rood4Me

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I looked at the rear view mirror and saw her sticking her middle finger out. I didn't give a shit, tough. I needed to get to Tobi's place. XD WOW ok !! she had no need to be Rood though :'O

  • Alt text

    3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members

    Now were talking lets have a little fun for once stop running prove your worth and avenge your friends this is a battle worth fighting for.

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • Alt text

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • A junkyard is also the perfect place for walkers to hang around in, occupying the same hidey holes the group would be going in. I think the group is kind of weak at this point. Juicy isn't very skilled with guns, and isn't Dark Star shot? They'd probably be outnumbered as well.

    That's my logic, but my gut tells me that fighting is the right choice. Blehh, I hope I don't regret this >_<

    3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • edited September 2014

    Fuckin' bandits! They're all thread to anyone else in this world. If we don't kill them, they'll keep killing, robbing survivors and... maybe kidnapping chlidren and... FUCK! NO MORE RUNNING! NO MORE ESCAPE! NO GOING BACK! And if it means that I'm gonna die in the end, then so be it!

    3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.

    Hahahaha... I'm gonna enjoy this!

    Alt text

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • 2) Make me, you bastard!

    Also I'm really pumped to see if I'll slink away silently.

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • 3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.

    They are all confident that they can do this, so why not?

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • 3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.


    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • 3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • edited September 2014

    Though I missed the vote, I am certainly satisfied at how my character died. Sacrificing himself for his friends. And getting a kiss from Scarlet.

    Mike: Romy here is a regular Casanova.

    LOL, ok so I might have tweeked Mikes' quote a little.

    "It's time to party with Spooch, Blue, Salt123, NDY and WTWH. We'll be rooting for y'all."

    That quote alone, man....Pro, much respect, bro.

  • 3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.

    We end this NOW.

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • edited September 2014

    Blue walks through the fog

    Blue: Romy. Allow me to escort you...

    Camera pans out

    Blue: ...To the river.

    Alt text

    Though I missed the vote, I am certainly satisfied at how my character died. Sacrificing himself for his friends. And getting a kiss from Sc

  • Alt text

    Blue, my friend. It's great to finally see you again :'''')

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Blue walks through the fog Blue: Romy. Allow me to escort you... Camera pans out Blue: ...To the river.

  • And you as well.

    Have a Protein Bar!

    Alt text

    Blue, my friend. It's great to finally see you again :'''')

  • HAHAHA....

    It took you death and the afterlife to finally give me one. Thanks, bro :) Though I already look great ;)

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    And you as well. Have a Protein Bar!

  • 3) Hell yeah, let's do this.

    I'm kind of hoping that the mansion group comes down and saves them, but it seems unlikely.

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • 2) Make me you bastard!

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • I don't think saying nothing is the best, since it will probably show weakness...

    1) Spit in his face.

    ComingSoon Tobi was finally done with his speech and he headed to his office with Noncy, I didn't buy any of it, though. Tobi just wanted

  • 3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.

    Time to have fun.

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

  • Yeah, I'm glad I went out like a badass

    Though I missed the vote, I am certainly satisfied at how my character died. Sacrificing himself for his friends. And getting a kiss from Sc

  • 3) Hell yeah, let's do this. We'll make sure we avenge our fallen group members.

    Dark_Star (!) Okay, Romy. We're leaving you, like you want. Thank you for this. Latte was looking at Romy."Okay, Romy. We're leaving y

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