Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



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    Markd4547 posted: »

    XDDD I'm going to kill you to bro I would watch your cheeky gifs before it's to late MUAHHA

  • I think I'm going to accidentally kill myself or something 'cause I'm stupid like that.

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    aww You will not I promise I'll kill you before that happens :P

    Who's your favorite character or characters from the RV/Hilltop group? Why are they your favorite? Juice and WTWH How many people do y

  • Goddamn it, I was just about to start it, but something came up. I'm about to leave and won't be on until late at night, shit. I'll try putting some parts up tomorrow.

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • What about me?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Who's your favorite character or characters from the RV/Hilltop group? Why are they your favorite? To hard I like and want to kill them a

  • Lol thanks Mark, much are appreciated!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I think I'm going to accidentally kill myself or something 'cause I'm stupid like that. aww You will not I promise I'll kill you before that happens :P

  • little purpose ;~:

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    More like unfulfilled potential we need an evil Owl? Wanna join

    I don't think I'll survive, I don't have the badass Juicy storyline so my character has little purpose ;~:

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    XD you will need the luck not me bro :P

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  • I don't know if I will survive until the end, but I'm convinced I'll be around for a while.

    Won't be able to post another part today, going to head out in a bit and I won't be back until later at night. I'll try to continue tomorrow

  • I'm just rooting for getting an unknown status.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD meh your cool ok

  • XD meh your cool ok

    What about me?

  • Lmao, if you say so. But yeah, I have to go, later, bro! B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD you will need the luck not me bro :P

  • If it's family matters, take care of that first dude. I can wait until tonight or whenever.

    Goddamn it, I was just about to start it, but something came up. I'm about to leave and won't be on until late at night, shit. I'll try putting some parts up tomorrow.

  • See ya bro :)

    Lmao, if you say so. But yeah, I have to go, later, bro! B]

  • Who's your favorite character or characters from the RV/Hilltop group? Why are they your favorite?
    All of them. I swear, you are the best at getting me interested in bland characters.

    How many people do you think will survive until the end?
    Only Firedog122. He is dead now, but i got a feeling he is going to come back as a smart zombie who becomes leader of the world. Speaking of which, has there been a character encountered as a zombie after there death? I don't remember.

    Won't be able to post another part today, going to head out in a bit and I won't be back until later at night. I'll try to continue tomorrow

  • SweetPea's character sees eking back at the pharmacy. I can't remember but she says something about seeing a walker wearing an orange shirt back at a pharmacy next to a broken candy machine who looked very sad for some reason.

    firedog122 posted: »

    Who's your favorite character or characters from the RV/Hilltop group? Why are they your favorite? All of them. I swear, you are the best a

  • I like the sound of evil badass ATR >:)

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    On the other hand...

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    little purpose ;~: More like unfulfilled potential we need an evil Owl? Wanna join

  • Don't forget about my owl suit that is impenetrable to bullets and walker bites and is also a rather rebellious fashion statement.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Who's your favorite character or characters from the RV/Hilltop group? Why are they your favorite? To hard I like and want to kill them a

  • What about the great Gary Oak? D:

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Who's your favorite character or characters from the RV/Hilltop group? Why are they your favorite? To hard I like and want to kill them a

  • Yea I know :/. I have to rethink the story now. Starting from scene 1. I won't delete it this time.

    Damn, 26 pages, man. I don't think I would have been able to delete it after all that.

  • I wish my story was as popular as yours. I don't have any traffic whatsoever. Regardless, I am really excited for more parts.

  • Ah, okay. Just don't worry about it. Haha, that's good, that's a lot of work, must have taken you a long time to finish.

    Yea I know . I have to rethink the story now. Starting from scene 1. I won't delete it this time.

  • It's a lot of work doing it by yourself, too, takes a lot of patience. Luckily for me, I'm almost done with it. I'll be able to check out more stories from more people when I do, I'm just trying to focus on this one first. Just don't give up, man. Hopefully you'll get more people involved later on, just keep going with it. Good luck!

    firedog122 posted: »

    I wish my story was as popular as yours. I don't have any traffic whatsoever. Regardless, I am really excited for more parts.

  • Yes I'm in the same place as you, but don't give up . Let your creativity fly. After all isn't that what creative writing is? :D the more you write the better you get at it. I'm at the beginners stage where I'm not as good at professionals yet, but I will. I recommend taking some writting classes. They make it fun and easy for you. Either way just have fun and good luck :).

    firedog122 posted: »

    I wish my story was as popular as yours. I don't have any traffic whatsoever. Regardless, I am really excited for more parts.

  • Thanks guys. I am a really good writer myself. I'm trying to challenge myself by trying a new way of writing. It's basically this, where people choose what happens in the story. The problem is i can't do anything except two short narratives when only two people have signed up for it.

    firedog122 posted: »

    I wish my story was as popular as yours. I don't have any traffic whatsoever. Regardless, I am really excited for more parts.

  • try adding your own characters if you need more people :). I'm still on the first paragraph of mine XD. I shouldn't have deleted my first copy

    firedog122 posted: »

    Thanks guys. I am a really good writer myself. I'm trying to challenge myself by trying a new way of writing. It's basically this, where peo

  • when I make my stories, I like to use audio sounds that pertain to my scene. For example if my scene takes place with people running and screaming, i'd go to youtube and search it. Then write my story and dialogues :). It helps bring out my imagination.

    What are y'all techniques you use when writting?

  • edited September 2014

    rather rebellious fashion statement

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    FORGET everything we said that's so delightfully evil, fashion always seems to take a back sit in the ZA not fair why can't you kill Walkers and look fabulous while doing it :'( IN

    Don't forget about my owl suit that is impenetrable to bullets and walker bites and is also a rather rebellious fashion statement.

  • Oak bro was only person who used to challenge my unnecessary over the top arrogance you proved yourself IN

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    What about the great Gary Oak?

  • edited September 2014

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    XDDD Indeed admirable but mistaken bitches only existed before the ZA we live in a different world there are only survivors the question will always come down to one simple question are you willing to do what's necessary to survive. Be a leader a badass, killer or are you follower a sheep in a group where only matter of time before they do something stupid and get you killed the question is DID YOU DIE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN?

    Be the governor or be Lori YOU DECIDE?

    I like the sound of evil badass ATR On the other hand...

  • I just do the first thing that comes to mind, I don't think much about it, then I reread afterwards to check for mistakes and plotholes.

    when I make my stories, I like to use audio sounds that pertain to my scene. For example if my scene takes place with people running and scr

  • edited September 2014


    We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at the rear view mirror to make sure nobody was following us."Almost there, CS." Tobi said as we were nearing the warehouse.

    He kept his eyes on Noncy, and she just kept glaring at him. She looked pissed, I was wondering what was going through her mind."Finally, we're here." I said when we reached the street that led to the warehouse. As I made the turn out of the woods, I spotted a large horde of walkers in the parking lot."Holy shit!"

    "What is--" Tobi's eyes widened."Son of a bitch! They're scattered everywhere, head for the front door while we have the chance, quickly!" Tobi told me. He pulled out his walkie talkie."We need to make sure the others are in the warehouse." He said before talking through it."Everyone! We're heading into the warehouse, if anyone is still alive, this is Tobi. I'm coming back with my hunting crew. DO NOT FUCKING SHOOT!" He said.

    "Hang on, Tobi!" I said, and then put my foot all the way down on the pedal.

    Tobi turned the walkie talkie on again."For those of you behind us, follow CS and block the entrance with your vehicles!" He told them. I drove over to the double door entrance, and then took out my M4. Tobi took out his Model 41 and opened the door. He grabbed Noncy and aimed it at her."Get the fuck in there, hurry up!" He told her. I got out of the car and headed towards the door to open it. I held it open for Noncy and Tobi, and then waited for the other four guys to enter. I looked over at the parking lot and saw that the roamers were starting to head over to us.

    "Tobi's back!" I heard another guard say as I closed the door behind us.

    "Holy shit! Tobi!"

    "Tobi, yeah!"

    There were about twenty people still alive, all hiding inside the warehouse."Glad to see that a lot of you made it." Tobi told them."As you know, we were attacked about a week ago. Some people came in here and thought they could fuck with us. We found them earlier today, unfortunately things didn't go as planned. I was going to bring the people that escaped back here, so I could teach them a lesson. Our "guests" weren't having none of that, though. They weren't willing to give them up, and I had to try to negotiate with them. To my left here is Noncy. We were together before this whole world went to shit, many of you know that I was searching for her in the beginning of all this. It was fate that I found her back at the mansion where those people are. I gave them Gustav in exchange for her. Yes, I know what many of you are thinking, "Gustav, the fucking traitor!" I could have just killed him, but he's been a fuck up for quite some time now. I thought it would be best to just leave him with them. Like I mentioned earlier, things didn't go as planned. Noncy here thinks differently of me, and we had a little "accident." Some dog started charging at me, and I was forced to shoot it."

    "Fuck you, Tobi!" Noncy yelled out as two guards held her back.

    Tobi kept his focus on the guards and then smiled."I've seen the lurkers out there, to be honest, I wasn't expecting them when I came back."

    "They just showed up recently. This afternoon, to be precise. Some of us were outside, still patrolling the place and keeping an eye out. A large horde of walkers came out of the woods and we started shooting at them, after a short while we realized that it was useless. We grabbed the remaining weapons from the armory and decided to wait in here." A guard told Tobi.

    Tobi grabbed his chin and looked down."Hmm, I know what many of you are thinking. We're fucked, right?"

    "There's a lot of them out there, Tobi. We might not be able to escape." I told him.

    "No, CS. This is good." Tobi replied.

    "How is it good?" I asked him. Tobi turned to me with a smirk on his face...


    Everyone went inside after keeping an eye out for Tobi and his men. It seemed like he wasn't coming back, but we were still sure to stay careful. I was upstairs with Jewf, we were getting ready for the house meeting that Jon and Pro told us about. I was looking at the owl costume that I scared Jewf with when I first found it. Jewf walked into my room."Hey, you ready?" He asked.

    I closed the closet door and turned to him."Jewf... do we have to do this?"

    "What do you mean?" He asked.

    I looked down."Do we really have to go after Tobi. I want him dead as much as anyone here, but maybe we should all just stay here and hope for the best."

    "We can't do that, ATR. We have to kill Tobi. We have to make sure that fucker dies. He killed Gamer and Angel, and then he took Noncy. We have to get her back and we have to make sure he pays for this." Jewf told me with an angered look on his face.

    "I just don't want any of us to die... we're losing people, Jewf. Do you think it'll be worth it in the end?" I asked.

    "Of course it will be. We won't have to worry about that asshole coming back, and then we can continue expanding this place and making it better for all. That's what we all want, right?" He asked with his eyebrow raised.

    "I guess so... I'm just... I'm scared, Jewf. I don't want to lose anyone here... I don't want to lose you." I told him.

    Jewf's eyes widened, he looked down to the side and then back at me. He walked forward and lifted my head up with his hands. We stared into each other's eyes until he went in for a kiss. Our lips locked and I closed my eyes, it was like everything I was worried about went away. I felt peace, and I felt happy. After he was done, he leaned me closer to him and hugged me tight. I felt so safe in his arms. I had my ear on his chest."You hear that, ATR?"

    "Yes... your heart is beating rapidly. Are you scared, too?" I asked.

    "Yeah... but I think we should all stay strong, and just get this over with. I want you to stay here where it's safe, let me and the others take care of Tobi and his goons. Ain't no way in hell I'm going to let anything happen to you, ATR." He told me.

    "I'm glad you're here to make me feel better. I'm glad I have you." I told him.

    "Same here. Thanks for always being there for me and having my back. Everything that happened... you always had my back, just... just thank you." He told me.

    "Of course, Jewf. I'll always be there for you." I replied with a smile...


    Most of us were downstairs in the living room, getting ready for the house meeting. Valky was handing out some skittles that she found on one of our supply runs."Just call me the skittles queen! Skittles for all!" She said while joyfully handing them out.

    "Okay, is everyone here?" Jon asked.

    "I think Jewf and ATR are missing, they're still upstairs." CSB said.

    "Nope, we're here." Jewf said as he was walking into the living room with ATR."Damn this place is packed!"

    "Yeah, lots of people here." I told him.

    "Okay, so everyone is here now, correct?" Jon asked.

    "Yeah, go ahead, guys. You can start." Fan told Jon and Pro.

    "Start it off, Pro." Jon told him.

    Pro moved forward and looked at all of us."All right. So you all know that we're going to war with Tobi and his men. It's going to be very dangerous, and people are going to risk their lives here. I'm not asking you all to go if you don't want to, but I need people who are willing and able. I understand if you don't want to go and fight, you can stay here, it's okay. Hell, I would go out there and look for Tobi myself if I have to." Pro told us.

    "You won't have to do that. I'm willing to go, I'm ready to watch that scum die." Guilty told him.

    Jon placed his hand on Pro's shoulder."You know I have your back, man."

    "I'm going, too. You've taught us so much, and I'm ready to help you out whenever you need it." Puncake told him.

    "I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. I'm ready to help you, Pro. It's time I repay the favor." Fan told him.

    "I'm helping as well, I have your back like you've had ours." Jewf told him.

    WtW stood up."Fuck, Tobi! I'm gonna rip his head off and shit down his neck! My grandfather stormed the beach at Normandy! I will not let what he did to me, to us! Go unpunished!"

    "Holy shit..." I heard DLB say.

    "That's the spirit. I'm glad that you guys are ready for this, we'll look after each other out there and make sure that we come back safely." Pro said with a smile.

    "I want to go too, I know I may be a little too young for this, but I want to help out. I want to make sure Tobi gets killed." Shadow said. He turned to Rafoli."Rafoli, I'm sorry for not accepting your apology earlier. I know now that you didn't mean to do what you did to CC. It still pains me... but I forgive you."

    Rafoli smiled."Thank you, Shadow. You can stick with me while we're out there."

    "You know I'm going. After Joe and Sardines... I have to go." Salt said.

    "I'm helping... I want to help." Gustav said.

    Pro turned to him."You can come with us, you helped these people escape, and I'm convinced that you truly want to help out."

    "I want to help out, too. Tobi isn't the same anymore... I think the only way this will end, is to finish him off." CiD told us.

    "That's right, if we ever want to expand this place and try to live peacefully, we'll have to get rid of Tobi first." Jon told us.

    "I want to help, but I think some of us that are experienced with weapons should also stay here, just in case." Shiina said.

    "I have no problem with that, some of us aren't as experienced as others. So that's a good idea, Shiina." Pro told her.

    "Well... I want Tobi dead. So I'm going with Pro and Jon." I told them.

    "Same here." Broken spoke up. She turned to AC."I want you to stay here, watch over the people who stay, okay? I'll be safe, so don't worry about me."

    AC frowned."Okay, Broken. Just be careful."

    "I'm not sure that Shadow should go, but if he does, you guys should keep an eye on him." Password spoke up.

    "I will, don't worry." Rafoli told him.

    "I'll go, too. I've gotten better with a gun, I'm ready to help out." CSB said.

    "Okay, then. That's half the people here. I think it's good enough." Pro said.

    "Wonder what Tobi is doing..." I said to myself as the others kept talking...


    "This is survival of the fittest! Only the strong will survive! The weak shall perish!" I shouted as I walked back and forth, staring at all my guards."They started this, and we're going to end it! They think they can just come in here and destroy what I built?! No! We're going to show them NO MERCY! They will pay for what they have done, we are stronger than them, we will survive this war!"


    "It's times like these where the only thing we can do is fight back. Tobi is power hungry, and is willing to do ANYTHING in order to get something that he wants. He doesn't care about you or me, he doesn't care about his people, he doesn't care about anyone or anything other than his own safety. I've known some of you a lot longer than others, and I know what some of you are capable of. All of you are gifted, you have the power in you to survive and to keep fighting no matter how difficult things may seem..."


    "I need all of you to fight! I need everyone to prepare themselves for what's to come! I didn't get a bunch of pansies in my group, I got people who are willing to do whatever necessary in order to survive this God forsaken world! Look around you, everything has gone to shit! If you're a pathetic weak willed individual, then you might as well die right now. Put a bullet in your fuckin' skull and end your misery! If you're not strong like me, then do yourself a favor and end your life, right here and right now! Don't fuckin' waste my time with your bullshit!"


    "We'll be heading out tomorrow. We'll strike at nighttime. We're going to put an end to this, we're going to make sure that Tobi never hurts anyone anymore. Too many people have already lost their lives, Tobi is just making it worse for those of us who are just trying to survive. I believe in all of you, I know we can get this done together. I'm not saying that it's going to be a walk in the park, people may die out there, you and I both know that. We'll do whatever it takes to make sure we come back with as much people as we can..."


    "This is it, people! This war will separate the weak from the strong, this will prove who has what it takes in order to keep living on. The weak will die, the strong will live. Have any of you ever wanted to protect something so badly? Like you would tear a man apart in order to keep that certain thing safe?! This warehouse, my community, we shall protect it with our lives! We are strong, we will survive. Do whatever necessary to make sure we keep this place up and running. In the end, we will be victorious..."


    "Tobi and his guards will be ruthless and unforgiving. We'll need to stop them all if we're ever going to be sure that this war will end. Work together and communicate with each other. Some of the people that are going already know what the inside of the warehouse looks like, so that'll help us out. We need to stick together and work as a team, we'll make sure we put an end to this. I just need to be sure that we're all in this together, we're a family, and we help each other. Even if some of us die out there, Tobi and his guards will never take that away from us." I told the group.

    "So is that clear, everyone? Is everyone absolutely sure that they are ready for this?" Jon asked them, and everyone agreed. He turned to me."So we have Me, Puncake, Fan, Jewf, WtW, Broken, Guilty, Salt, King, CiD, Rafoli, Shadow, CSB, You and Gustav... Are you sure these are the people you want to take with us?" He asked me...

    1) Not sure. Let's switch it around a bit.

    2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.


  • 2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t




    Markd4547 After killing Lord and Papai, and taking the HUMVEE, I was driving back to Tobi's place. I knew it was a long drive back but it

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    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • "Jewf's eyes widened, he looked down to the side and then back at me. He walked forward and lifted my head up with his hands. We stared into each other's eyes until he went in for a kiss. Our lips locked and I closed my eyes, it was like everything I was worried about went away. I felt peace, and I felt happy. After he was done, he leaned me closer to him and hugged me tight. I felt so safe in his arms. I had my ear on his chest."You hear that, ATR?"

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    AllThatFreeus is SUPREME SHIP <333

    Shadow going into the fight?!?

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    Can't wait for the next part!

    2) I'm absolutely sure. These are the people we're taking with us.

    You better not play a nasty trick and have them kill all the people who are staying back in the mansion instead!

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • Well, I don't see you stepping up, mom.

    "Jewf's eyes widened, he looked down to the side and then back at me. He walked forward and lifted my head up with his hands. We stared into

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    Although it is not revealed in the story, I carry Jewf's lovechild in my owl womb. This child is destined to end the apocalypse as we know it and rescue mankind. It is known.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, I don't see you stepping up, mom.

  • @LeeTheProfessional

    ATR needs to have a baby!

    Although it is not revealed in the story, I carry Jewf's lovechild in my owl womb. This child is destined to end the apocalypse as we know it and rescue mankind. It is known.

  •  AllThatFreeUs

    ... I boat that.

    "Jewf's eyes widened, he looked down to the side and then back at me. He walked forward and lifted my head up with his hands. We stared into

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    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @LeeTheProfessional ATR needs to have a baby!

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