Morgan Shepards Story part 3
Morgan- "I think we should spare him he hasent done any harm by us
Monica- "Good choice Morgan
Gracie-"Good choice like monica said morgan
Jesse-"What the hell Morgan
Gary-"Yeah i mean he could be dangerous
Morgan-"Yeah i know gary and jesse but he seems like a innocent family man trying to feed his kids
Gary- "I dont know still dont trust him
*Group walks to empty room
*Morgan unties guy
Morgan- "Hey you alright your free to go buddy whats your name
"Nice to meet you marvin well supply you supplies
"Morgan marvin lets have a chat in the house buddy
*group walks over to house
*group sits at table
Gary-"Marvin nice to meet you names gary
Marvin- Sorry for making a bad presence trying to steal my family and group they are starving
"Its ok marvin its understandable
Marvin- Infact my group has heard on early radio broadcasts early on in the apocalypse about places way safer then this
Marvin- Maybe you wanna tag along i heard they have food supplies tons more then here
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Were getting closer and closer morgans season 1 story end
If we are choosing for him to leave or stay,then I vote leave.
Yes... Last name.
No your choosing if you wanna go or stay at your current community infact the communitys safer then this might be even foreshadowing wellington or a neighboring community up north possibly who knows i might make connections in the story to this like maybe in season 2 of the story of shepard and such ill make easter eggs on depending who died on my game in the fight they find a dead body of maybe easter eggs like that
Yes I knew and I want them to take a chance at safety.
The ending might not have a villian but a big finale ill have to think up a villain or something else ill decide but i want your guys opinions for a good finale after i make the semi-finale in a hour or 2
Just made me think of
ME3's reinstated Female Shepard. Drooling
When I create characters I always use the last name Shepard just because I love Mass Effect so much.
Everyone revote i forgot to add no voting unlimited times feature when i made the poll
Sorry for my lack of knowledge but what's going on? O.o
The story or the convo about mass effect 3?
Advice you should keep all your parts on 1 thread, or type on google doc . keep up the good work.