Why pick Jane?
I'm unbelievably surprised that so many people though Kenny was in the wrong in all of this. Everyone's main arguement against Kenny is that he was losing it? How? Kenny was literally right about every judgement of a person in the game. He thought Arvo was bad when everyone (even me for a bit) thought he was ok. But then he shot me. Arvo also basically got Luke killed if you've forgotten.
I don't consider myself a DIE HARD Kenny fan, but I never liked Jane. A lot of people also said Kenny was a doucher in this season. The only thing he said that was kind of douchey, was when he yelled at Clem and blamed her for Sarita's death. He obviously said this in anger and even apoligized for it later and said he didn't mean it. Also Jane, Mike, and Bonny all thought it'd be a good idea for them to head back south. And for what? For Howe's? The place that with 20-30 people almost gets overrun by hordes on a monthly basis? It's just not a good plan. Wellington was the best shot for everyone. Kenny and Clem knew first hand that the only thing that awaited them south was uncertainty and death.
Kenny knew the best shot for a stable life was Wellington. He may be quick to anger, but he never once, has put Clem in danger (in my choices at least?). As soon as Jane came and said "You're going to see the true him, don't interfere" I knew she was pulling some slick stuff and it clicked in my head that she was trying to get me to turn against Kenny.
TL;dr Kenny was never once out of control or insane. He's just ambitious, and knows the difference between a good and bad person and It boggles my mind when people say he deserved to die.
Side Note: How do you think they'll go about our choices in season 3? Will our choice of companion matter? Will both die? Or will they write in 2 different storylines for each?
Hell yeah man! I agreed!
I didn't shoot Kenny so...
Seriously my jaw dropped when i saw the percentage of Kenny Shooters in the post-episode screen..
"Me and you Lee. Till the bitter fuckin' end"
That quote ran through my mind throughout season 2. Could not kill Ken.
Kenny's always been there for me. He always had my back when it mattered. What kind of "friend" would I be, if I wasn't there for him then? Crazy or not, I'm with him to the end. He can count on me.
Basically, I agree. I could never shoot Kenny. (Although I still feel a little bad for letting him kill Jane)
Jane was seriously dumb. She knew how to survive but she lacked common sense. She told Clem to not interfere but then asks her to shoot Kenny. Was she expecting to overpower a full grown man who's been killing shit with his bare hands for 3 years by herself? And yeah a lot of people say that Kenny was a bad choice because he wouldn't help look for Clem, but that was only if you didn't stand up for him.
Edit; Excited as balls for new Game of Thrones / ASOIAF game from Telltale
Yo!When did he say that?!
He thought Luke wouldn't come back for the group, he thought Arvo was lying about the house and supplies, he thought Mike was trustworthy (to be fair, so did we), and he thought Jane didn't care about anyone but herself. Kenny didn't predict Arvo becoming a douchebag, he made Arvo into a douchebag. He treated that kid like an animal. Pushing him around, berating him, tying him up in the cold, not offering him a single shred of sympathy, and of course, beating him bloody.
I couldn't really understand the Jane choice either as in my first blind playthrough. I picked Kenny and thought the majority also picked Kenny and I often try to select the unpopular choice that I think most wouldn't go through with, Like with Doug and Carley decision I chose Doug in my original first playthrough because I knew most picked Carley because atleast if your a male player you'd probably pick Carley because she was hot and great with a gun which is shallow and the real main difference is Carley adds much more talk to the story while Doug adds more innovations and inventions to help survive. And I know it's possibly hilariously why most players also chose to leave Lilly behind after she surprised everyone and killed Carley out of rage as they thought and hoped Lee would score with Carley at some point like Luke did with Jane, as if this game was like Mass Effect or something. And I am getting sidetracked But back to Jane and Kenny.
I theorize that the majority of players basically in the back of their mind subconsciously saw a older man blinded by rage attacking and about to kill a helpless attractive appearing younger woman. And players probably make decisions as they would if it were in real life in these games. Like with the Doug and Carley choice. Most saw a hot woman in distress and a chubby nerdy guy also endanger. When it was actually obviously easier for Carley to escape her death by just kicking or pistol whipping the walker grabbing her heels and reach for her purse for more ammo. As Doug was much more in jeopardy as he had possibly multiple walkers grabbing him by the neck, arms or shoulders. And if you walked in on a Kenny and Jane situation where a man is about to kill a woman whom is considered the weaker in physical strength what do you think the majority of people would immediately jump to do about that scenario? Especially if the majority of people are men whom want to be seen as the knights in shining armor. And yes I know some women played the game too but I strongly feel more males play these types of games.
Some players only thought as they would in life, and as you know in life people are rather shallow and ignorant to different matters. Like Greg Miller for example each playing dead I noticed he says some pretty simple, rude and insensitive things about at least one character. Like Sarah who is portrayed to have a disability of some sort and he couldn't wait to make the decision to leave her or get her killed quickly as possible because he and quite a bit of others found her "annoying" because of her handicap in the game.
I imagine this could be how Greg actually views individuals in real life whom are disabled and if he were in a life threatening situation he might have no qualms about leaving someone less fortunate or helpless to die to save his own skin. The opposite of a hero and identical to a coward. Kenny from my perspective couldn't hurt Clementine after the feats of courage and determination he's displayed to save her and get her to safety. Tell-Tale just likes to experiment on the players with their tricks in the game. But this is just my theory and isn't intended to come across as stating the actual factual about other players of the game. Fantastic game.
Because opinions n' shit.
Because of their freedom of religion, they are allowed to squander and mock our God, but in the end, it shall be them that is left by the Holy Boat. It shall be them who is smashed by the Great Saltlick. It shall be them who will be turned away at the gates of Wellington.
Hail Kenny, full of boats. The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Ken Jr. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds, now and in the hour of our bite. Amen.
I go into detail here about how both answers are correct. So why pick Jane? Because it makes as much sense as picking Kenny, or picking no one.
I think she underestimated him, she probably thought he was still weak after Carver's beating. I'm guessing she was planning to overpower him, and then she, Clem, and AJ would leave him behind. The more I think about it, the more I realize that she wasn't out to kill him, just to try and prove that she was right (I don't believe she was right, but that's open to interpretation).
And yeah, GoT should be awesome.
The Luke point is right.
But let's talk about Arvo. So when Arvo first approached the group, my Clem, refused the supplies, the then thanked me and left. Yet he still robs me and my group on the road. Before doing so in a cocky fashion saying "I was just telling them you were the ones who robbed me." He is a evil bastard who looks innocent due to his brace and nerdy appearance.
When did he say Mike was trustworthy? Even if he did,he pretty much was up until the end haha. Jane didn't care about anybody but herself. She loved Luke's D and the fact that Clementine could be a 'Sort of' replacement for her late sister. She even said in her ending "i can't do this alone clem" . In the end it was for her benefit. Also, everyone said Arvo was cool and no trouble, but do you think anybody who had their sister murdered by a group would NOT be plotting against them? He also SHOT a little girl for trying to make people NOT rob her.
He punched him when he thought he made them walk out of their way for a house with no supplies.
I kind of read halfway, but couldn't keep us since you didn't use paragraphs so it was all just a big clunk of words.
But i saw you're point about people only seeing a man beating on a defenseless woman. Yeah, i agree, that's probably why most just did it quickly.
I'll edit it.
4th or 5th episode of season 1. I lost my progress after i beat season 2 episode 3 so I replayed all of the series to catch up, heard this, and never forgot it during my S2 playthrough.
Arvo wronged Clementine, that much is clear. But he's not evil. Think about Arvo's situation. He stumbles back to his group, no gun in hand, and his group asks him what happened. He responds with the truth: that he was robbed by some other survivors. Maybe he's the one who advocated getting even, maybe not. But during the confrontation he says "They are not telling me to ask" not "We are not asking." That seems to imply that it's not his idea. He also does seem to feel bad about robbing Clem if she doesn't rob him and very quickly tries to get the others to stand down when he realizes that there's a baby in the group. And despite what Kenny believed, he was leading the group to a house and supplies. And violently attacking someone because you assume they did something bad is everything that's wrong with Kenny.
If you're going to reduce Jane's care towards Luke to something sexual and care towards Clem into a replacement, why not do the same for Kenny and Sarita? "I won't be left alone again." That's what he said when she died. It was about him. I guess Kenny just wanted that V, huh? No, Jane cared about Luke and Clem. She even empathized with Arvo, something that Kenny never does (you'd think that after Ben he'd learn, but no). And at the end, if Clem stays silent Jane lets the family in. Jane cares about other people and she's far more sensitive and caring than Kenny thinks.
Oh good... Another one of these.
Long story short. I chose Jane because I'm evil. No way around it. I take pleasure in knowing that Kenny dies.
Well no actually... I don't see what happened so black and white as Kenny fans do... But thats not what you want to hear. SO yeah I wanted to spit on Lee's grave or something.
I "picked" Jane because I just couldn't watch Kenny brutally murder Jane in that way. Slowly pushing a knife through someone's chest is a cruel way to die. Also, with the information I had at that time, it seemed like she really had lost the baby in an accident. She looked remorseful. She tried to talk it out at first. Nobody deserves to die for that.
Who's right or wrong is almost irrelevant at that point... especially considering both are wrong in their own way. I didn't want to kill either of them to be honest. It was quite a moral dilemma.
When I found out Jane had concocted the whole scenario, I felt betrayed but I understood that if it wasn't now, he could have snapped at a far worse time and got more than just himself killed. I don't agree with how either Kenny or Jane handled the situation but as Lee said: "Good people do bad things."
This is coming from a guy who actually loved Kenny, for better or for worse. His ending is also more fleshed out and satisfying but I'll still be going with the Jane ending come next season.
I picked Jane because I thought the baby was gone and Kenny would CRAZY and kill me next. AJ is like his own kid.If AJ died Kenny would lose all hope.
So many threads hating on Jane...
Dude, Kenny lost his shit so many times. He was not a rational person. Even if he does not be mad at Clem the way he reacts to things and situations around her and the baby can be as detrimental.
I'll tell you why I picked Jane.
Kenny's destructive, abusive kind of behavior I was getting tired of. He shows time and time again that he is not able to control his temper. Even if he doesn't mean it, it could mean life or death for Clementine. Like, think about it. What if they went through with Kenny's retarded plan to attack the first guard they see and rambo their way out of there? I'll tell you this, that door saved Kenny's life. (so yes, Kenny has put Clementine's life in danger AT LEAST ONCE)
Also, Kenny is NOT a team player whatsoever. He always berates the people who disagree with him. Puts them down. BROS 4 LYFE, until you disagree with me. Yeah, he might've known Clementine since the beginning, but that don't mean shit to me. He won't even save Lee from the St. John Brothers if you didn't team up with him to kill Lilly's dad. LIKE What the hell BRUH? What kind of partnership is that? Look at the constant arguing he had with Lilly too. I mean, who would you trust to lead your group? A commercial fisherman or a member of the United States military? I tried to remain neutral, but he still gave me shit. Like WTF?
Let's not forget how he always responds to every situation with violence and Clementine has to play the therapist and calm him down. Yes, Arvo and his crew tried to ambush the group, but he still offered to help. And exactly how does it help for Kenny to beat him up? Did you see that scene where he knocked him out cold? That was brutal. And don't say he was right about Arvo because Arvo offered to help, and Kenny still beat him up. So yeah, it's not hard to predict that when you treat someone like shit, they will do their best to get away from you.
AND let's face it, you know you fucked up when even Mike wants to get away from you.
So, what really killed me is Clementine falls in the freezing water in a futile attempt to save Luke, Jane's the one that saves her and lights a fire for her, and Kenny just beats up Arvo. HOW DOES THAT HELP CLEMENTINE AT ALL KENNY? If that was Duck, he would've ran across the ice just to save him. He also implies that he's only alive because of that baby.
Jane's pessimistic attitude can be poison, but just like Kenny, she has gone through traumatic experience. And shows more remorse about killing strangers than Kenny does. And don't say well, Jane abandoned her sister after being cornered by walkers and not being able to make her jump. Well I would've done whatever it takes to save my sis Throw her off a building so she can fall to her death? SMH -_-
So yeah, I liked how Jane didn't treat Clementine like some annoying little kid. I hope she lives for a while. That plan was fucked up, but she didn't deserve to die over it. I hate how Kenny didn't even bother listening to me.
So, I called her fucking crazy and forgave her.
Because in the moment it felt right, thats all i need to say you cant judge or get mad at someone for that if you want to say that then i could say
Why pick Kenny?
In the end its what the player thought was right, not everyone thinks Kenny is the right one.
Hey, that's also why I shot him. His bond was with Lee not with Clementine!
Because look in the last 100 threads and you'll see why
Kenny was never once out of control or insane. He's just ambitious, and knows the difference between a good and bad person and It boggles my mind when people say he deserved to die.
Regardless of intent, there are consequences to rash actions. The entire season 2, except episode 1, was basically Kenny out of control. What are you talking about? LOL
Also, the entire group was right about Wellington either way. They get there, and find out they're not accepting survivors. So... what now oh godly and immaculate Kenny?
Because after failing to break up the fight and getting smacked around a few times for my trouble, the last person Clem cares about was about to stab to death the other last person she cares about. I didn't know what was going on, I didn't think Jane would kill the baby on purpose, but something didn't feel right, and Kenny had just snapped.
I'm not just going to sit there and watch Kenny murder Jane over what was potentially a tragic accident. And it's all fine and well saying 'Jane could have just said the baby was ok'. That's not the point. Even if Kenny had listened, he is obviously prepared to murder.
At the end of the day, Clem's forced into a choice there, of murdering someone to save someone else, or being complicit in a murder because she can't commit murder herself. Seems like a lose-lose situation.
I think it was the circumstance that affected the results of shooting Kenny/Looking away. Jane appears to be the one in peril, so I would assume that many people would shoot someone before murdering a group member.
Let's say Jane overpowers Kenny, and with all that adrenaline going through her body in the heat of the moment, is about to plunge the knife into Kenny's chest, I would think many people would shoot Jane.
In either case, it is such a shame that the fight got so out of hand, as both Kenny and Jane mean so much to Clem.
In the playing dead episode the developer's goal was to see if they can make you turn against Kenny.
Why pick Jane? Kenny was starting to scare me and I thought he'd attack Clem next. He wasn't taking any of her advice into consideration and still went on about "my plan, my say-so, my way, fuck yours". There was no need to beat up Arvo senselessly over Luke's death. He kept saying it was Arvo's fault Luke died, but Kenny was quick to agreeing to the ice, even though I wanted desperately to find a way around.
But blahblahblah things and such. Kenny was a good man, but a broken man, and I was scared for my Clem on my first playthrough. Jane, while I don't agree with what she did, felt like the safer choice. I wasn't going to watch Kenny kill Jane like that anyway--he didn't give her a chance to explain, wouldn't listen to my Clem when she demanded that he let Jane explain. Even though Jane didn't help, Kenny took things too far too often. There would always be alternatives (shooting Carver instead of shooting his knees+bashing his skull in and wasting time, thinking about going around the lake, LISTENING when people suggested going back south) but Kenny wouldn't have it.
While I love his character, the 'my way or fuck you' mentality he has has grated me since Season 1. I supported him through so much, and he still had the gall to say I was never there for him, and this happened on all three files. The last file, I finally just told him 'fuck you' (it also worked out I'd make that Lee swear whenever possible). I did everything I could do for that man, but I make or say one thing he disagrees with, and I'm on his shit list.
He was a good man, a decent man, but he was off the edge. He's at peace with Katjaa, Duck, Sarita and Lee now. He smiled as he left.
(and then in file 2 he lives and sends Clem and AJ off to Wellington. In file 3 they're both dead.)
You mean the ones where you worshipped Jane a 1000 times and said that the people who chose Kenny are stupid ?
I picked Jane because Luke was dead... I mean, if Luke was still alive, then i go with him.
Anyway, i like the howe's. This is a strong building. And i didn't saw 400 days people's dead body there, so i hope we can meet them in the near future.
You again? You're still butthurt since I won that argument? I only called you stupid since you kept re-writing points I have already addressed. All you ever say is " HURR DURR JANE RAN AWAY SHE BETRAYED US !!!" " HURRR DURRR JANE KILLED SARAH SHE IS EVILL HURR DUR" Please come back when you know how to make a proper discussion kthxbye.
I shot Kenny. Why pick Jane? I didn't pick her because I liked her better, but because Kenny was trying to murder her. Also, I always wanted to go south, back to Howe's, where it's warm, but Kenny wouldn't listen to me, and kept insisting on going to Wellington. However, my wish of going back to Howe's was crushed when I found out what Jane did, and went off alone.
Triple post
Triple post
Double post.
I only really stuck with her as I didnt wantb clem to be alone, plus shes is trying to change at least, considering when we met her she barely spoke and wanted to leave everyone. In ep 5 she saves clem multiple times,