Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about, The Wolf Among Us
So you can miss a lot of information about the characters or the case in TWAU.
What's something you noticed that people may have missed, forgotten or overlooked?
It could be what someone says, an object in a room, or something else.
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Judging by certain comments on this forum one thing a select few seem to have missed is just how brilliant this game is.
That's a bit harsh.
I don't mean to be harsh but there are people that don't seem satisfied with this game. I meant it as a joke to be honest. I respect opinions. That's the point of forums so people can chat and get their opinion across.
Well here's a detail people might not notice. If you smash Jersey with the anvil, he gives a little squirt of blood when Bigby takes it off, as opposed to when you smash Jersey with the statue, where nothing else happens.
It's OK
When you go to Dee and Dum's office you'll actually see something that Toad says to you in the first episode. Pause the video at 9:20
Holy shit, nice one!
at 9:20 bigby sees a can with snow's hair in it. What does that have to do with the toad?
It's what's over his shoulder, it says "Gobshite".
Since the game has been over for a few months, I decided to bump it in case anyone has any knowledge.
There is a hanged guy in the backround of the buisusness office.
In Lawrence's apartment, the episode of "Midtown Cowboys" from Sam & Max is playing on the Tv. Also, the song that is playing at the trip trap is from poker night at the inventory, which also comes from Sam & Max(the office theme).
Granted, this is a reference, and I'm not really sure if it counts.
Nerissa during Episode Four smokes a pack of cigarettes named 'Shorette'. This refers to one of Telltale Games' actual writers named Pierre Shorette.
The cigarettes also appear in Episode Two as part of a cigarette machine you can purchase packs of cigarettes from.
A.k.a. the Forsworn Knight.
Not familiar with him...
he's in the comics
When he gets drunk (at least from what I've read, I'm only on volume 2) he tells prophecies.
I wish the comics were published here as well.. Godamnit!!! >:\
That is an intresting for him to be working... Not going to judge.
eats popcorn
And then?
he says like this weird riddle that tells bigby and blue boy what is going to happen at the farm
"There shall be unto them a great upheaval in the land. The children of the North shall maketh to smite the children of the South" Bigby assumes it's a prediction about the civil war.
Tiny Tim is in every single episode, but his only speaking role is in episode 4.
Where is he in episode 2?
Adam Harrington plays Bigby and The Woodsman.
Gavin Hammon plays Beast, the Magic Mirror and both of the Tweedles.
Melissa Hutchinson plays Beauty and TJ.
Chuck Kourouklis plays Toad and Bufkin.
Julian Kwansneski plays two minor characters, a random cabbie and the caller on Beauty and Beast's answering machine.
The only time Cryer doesn't drive the cab.
Ohh, nice, never noticed him.
I don't know if this really applies but there are a lot of subtle hints to the comics. If you look outside Holly and Gren's bar I believe you see the "Glass Slipper", the shop Cinderella owns in the comics (as her cover she is really a spy for Fabletown). Plus, if you go the Lucky Pawn first in ep.4 and look around the shop, there is something of Briar Rose's in there (Sleeping Beauty), and Bigby says something like "I wonder where Briar Rose has gotten herself into". I also heard that if you look in Crane's desk there is a reference about Boy Blue in there but I am not sure what.
These are the references to blue
Wait Snow can get injured!!!? Wow I would've never found that one, good find!
I notcied this one in Episode 5 before you take the Crooked Man to his trial (or not): When he is speaking to you before you decide to take him to the trial or kill him there and then he will say "You know I'm actually looking forward to seeing Miss White again, my previous interactions with her have gone rather well"
He specifically states interactionS, meaning that the two have met each other before and more than once, why wasn't this brought up again I wonder?...
oh shit son! wow......
In Episode 1, I think you can see Banang in Bigby's apartment.
I would've also pointed out the Poker Night 1 rendition of the Sam and Max office theme in the Trip Trap Bar, but Shubbalubbadingdong already beat me to the punch.
You mean this Banang, right?
Oh, here's one that I didn't see in this thread.
Also seen in Episode 1 at Bigby's Apartment is a Case File referencing a Sam and Max character. You can't directly interact with it, but you see it when the camera zooms in as you click on Bluebeard's case file on the desk.
I think that's it!
I was a bit disappointed that they did not also sneak in a Banang in the Drink Refrigerator at The Cut Above in Episode 4.