How Can People Say Jane Doesn't Care About Clem?
As we know Jane likes to be alone most of the time and avoid relationships, she knows that people will die all the time and if she doesn't want to deal with the pain of becoming close to someone then losing them so she finds it easier to just not associate herself with them. But she has developed a bond with Clem and the reason she wanted to leave is because she knew she really cared for Clem and she couldn't bare to see her die but in the end she cared too much that she had to come back to be with her. Although hiding the baby was a bad idea, it did show Clem who Kenny is deep down, no i'm not saying Kenny doesn't care for Clem but he is dangerous and has a unsafe temper. For all you saying Jane just wanted to fight Kenny because when he tried to kill her she didn't say the baby was fine, that's a bunch of bullshit, I highly doubt if she said she was lying about killing the baby Kenny would just be like "oh okay shoulda just said so." and been all calm, he wouldn't have believed her and would still try to kill her. Also Kenny is the one who started a fight and even after Jane told him to back down and sheathed her knife (showing she didn't wanna fight) he lunged at her and smashed her head on the glass. Also some people think that Jane was having pure bloodlust from the start because if Clem tells her to back off she says "Not happening." Well how is that any different from Kenny? He wanted to murder her too out of rage. Its the same deal, if you can forgive Kenny for his bloodlust, you can deffinantly forgive Jane.
bc she horribl keny say she selfisch she selfisch stupid why u not udnerstand
Oh boy. Yah another topic on this.
Then just don't click on it?
Clem is like family to both Jane AND Kenny. Clearly they care about her. Both characters are equally imperfect and that's what makes the final decision great. Saying one side is better than the other is pointless as it all comes down to a matter of opinion.
To me, Kenny and Jane are essentially the same character. They're both broken and flawed. Kenny from the loss of Katja, Duck, and Sarita (and even Lee, considering how much he thought of him). And Jane is broken because of the loss of her sister...someone she sought to protect, but someone who just gave up. Yet, both Kenny and Jane area survivors. And, truth be told, they're both argumentative and incapable of backing down from anyone.
In addition, Clementine represented a "replacement" for what they'd lost. Kenny calls Clem by his son's name earlier in Season 2. He felt a great weight of responsibility towards keeping her safe, and that was reinforced with AJ, and even clearly demonstrated if you choose to save him and go with him to Wellington. She (and AJ) represents a second chance at what he lost (i.e., Duck). Jane is the same way. She comes to regard Clem as a "replacement" for her sister. She bonds with Clementine like no other character in Season 2, which is precisely against character for her, because she's become such a withdrawn loner and solo-survivalist following the loss of her sister. Separating Clementine from Kenny (who she believes is dangerous and leading Clementine down the same lost path as her sister) represents a do-over for Jane.
When viewed through that lens, you can see Kenny and Jane as sympathetic characters. They're both broken and need "saving" by Clem in some fashion. Yet, as the player, you get to make the final decision on who you save and you even get a choice of "neither" if you want it. In the end, you get to decide the fate of #YourClementine. But, you also get the opportunity to decide Kenny and Jane's fate, as well. Can you redeem them and pull them back from the brink? You'll have to lose one or the other to do it. Or, you can walk away from both of them and leave them to the choices they've made and their own broken dreams. Either way, it defines who #YourClementine becomes.
She cares but she sees Clem as another version of her sister - same as Kenny sees her as a replacement for Duck. Jane also disregards 'useless' people like Sarah or her sister if they are not the ideal versions of herself. She tries to destroy Kenny because he does not fit the description. I think NSpaicer has down to a T I think. I totally agree.
Does copying immature Kenny fans give you the shakes?
Ah, whatever floats your boat, I guess.
You could say it
Motors my boat
Arl's my eamon
Beards my Kenny
Darks my spawn
Neuters my Krogan
Filters my coffee
Mirrors my Edge
Daisys my Gatsby
Masses my Effect
Lillies my Carley
Flogs my 61
Lings my Vort
Harrys my Potter
Cancers my Vernon
Drowns my Luke
Masters my Taint
Pikas my Chu
Ashes my Ketchum
No, it makes you look just as immature as the people you're mocking.
I don´t know who the hell could said that Jane doesn´t care about Clem, honestly. The whole point of those that let Jane died or just plain Kenny fans is that Jane only does what she thinks is right without thinking of the consequences for Clem and her opinion. Also, Jane didn´t prove anything but that she was willing to go that far. Nobody is saying that Kenny could stop if Jane said the baby was alive, but that she had too many chances to run towards the car and open the door, which could have stopped the fight but she doesn´t. Kenny doesn´t start the fight, Jane does by looking to have him lash out at her, and that she sheathed her knife doesn´t mean she didn´t want to fight because she engineered the situation in the first place. Is not 'forgiving' Kenny for his 'bloodlust', is 'forgiving him' for lashing out when Jane cruelly pusses him into it and for ending the fight when Jane could have made him stop if she really wanted.
Hard to tell people everyone here is sick of this argument when I see a new thread begging for the argument to continue every time I turn around.
Or just don't make it it in the first place? DO we need 500000 Kenny V Jane Threads. We get it, everyone loves whoever they chose for whatever reasons. A lot of you can't argue without resorting to name calling, The neutral people like myself are tired of it.
She was happy to manipulate her and cause her emotional trauma so...
I refuse to get involved in these discussions.
Mocking is not intrinsically immature.
I don't doubt that she cares for Clem, I just take issue with her actions during and leading up to the fight with Kenny. I actually like both of them (Though I freely admit to liking Kenny more, that doesn't mean I hate Jane by any means) and I really wish that both of them could have lived.
Repeating it not to prove a point or give an example but rather to have fun (from what it seemed to me) is pretty immature in my book.
It was to prove a point: I was expecting people to comment below with various permutations of the above as has been the case on several threads.
It wasn't funny because it's spelled badly and 'lol kenny fans r stupid kek'. Not at all. It was intended to be funny because that's what it can actually sound like, and preempting this was as much a purpose of my comment as humour itself.
It wasn't just to have fun. But even if it was, mocking to have fun isn't immature either. It's a perfectly valid form of humour.
What is satire, if not mocking to prove a point?
What is an invalid form of humour, then?
Oh, it's a satire now? Doesn't look like satire, but fair enough.
P.S: Dragon Age 2 isn't the best game to reference.
Let's say she cared about Clem, but does that give her the right to take Clem away from Kenny? At least in the way she did it? I don't get Jane's logic, like what was she thinking; either I kill Kenny and you follow me or I get killed and you follow that psycho Kenny? feel free to correct me if I'm wrong..
1) There is no perfectly invalid form of humour. That's the whole point.
2) Satire is nothing MORE than mocking to make a point.
'the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices'.
And why not? Dragon age two has loads of gameplay faults, but the companions are generally well written, including Isabela, whose line I referenced.
That should be from Dragon Age Origins, not 2.
That can be from either.
Which one references DA2?
I love you Flog.
Weren't you the guy in my thread repeating the same lines about the blight?
Would joking about person's deceased relatives/social interactions/physicality, etc, be acceptable? There's no perfectly invalid form of humour, right?
Very well, I guess I'm just used to more clever ways of using satire, but, to each their own, I guess.
I think its more than that. The Onion doesn't just mock. Its more subtle than that.
Also DA2 doesn't exist.
That game never happened.
Skip to 3:11
Begone! Sinner, I cast you out into the cold black! I name you unclean!
If it's more subtle, then it's refined satire.
Satire isn't by definition subtle.
Ahh, their banters are so awesome
If some people find it funny, it's a valid form of humour.
It may seem unkind, even immoral if we're mocking peoples dead relatives. But still valid.
Satire is a slider. There is no level of sophistication one has to pass in order to be satirical.
Anyway, it was just a silly half thought through comment I made when I was up very late and tired.
I don't doubt Jane actually cares for Clementine in there somewhere, what makes her dangerous to be around to me is that she thinks she's the only one who can care for Clementine the right way.
i'm just going to break this whole thing down to its most basic parts.
Kenny is crazy and so is Jane
Kenny cares about Clem and so does Jane
Neither one deserved to die but the game forced us to chose. Both options are valid. No one is the villain and no one is the hero or victim.
Arvo is a piece of shit.
Some people are just sick fucks, but it would be hypocritical of me to blame them, because I indeed find some of that humour funny.
Maybe it would've been better to postpone the response just to make it something more serious and/or well-thought? I totally see where you're coming from with those mocking sentences, but I can't really stand them. I guess it's because I'm a Kenny fan, and it is kind of offensive for me to read all these "mocking Kenny fans" statements, even if they aren't exactly directed at me.
They are.
I guess... I'm just tired of how overused the term is now. Everyone thinks anything remotely funny is satire now.
If only the rest of the game could have been as good.
Origins ftw.
Unfortunately, that game did happen.
It wasn't that bad, but that understanding came to me in time, not at first.