Why His Death Sucks



  • R.I.P Thread

  • Never forget Nick and Pete :(

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  • How is the creepypasta going?

  • Telltale be like

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  • Still working on the first paragraph :]

    How is the creepypasta going?

  • ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Nice, can't wait to read it.

  • Nice, can't wait to read it.

    Green613 posted: »

    Still working on the first paragraph :]

  • Oh he is.

    He's comin' for TTG.

  • He's comin' for TTG.

    Green613 posted: »

    Still working on the first paragraph :]

  • Most likely.

    Will there be gifs? >:D

  • Will there be gifs? >:D

    Green613 posted: »

    Still working on the first paragraph :]

  • Are my reply's even showing up here? lol I can't see them.

    Will there be gifs? >:D

  • I can't either.

    Green613 posted: »

    Are my reply's even showing up here? lol I can't see them.

  • They show up in your feed though right?

    I can't either.

  • Yeah.

    Green613 posted: »

    They show up in your feed though right?

  • Nick was a huge and incredibly complex character. Easily one of the most developed. His arc shouldn't have ended with Jane handing Clem a screw driver.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I mentioned this in my topic, but I'll say it again. Maybe Luke knew Nick was not gonna make it anyway. Shot and bleeding with no doctor and

  • Nick's last words were "Man, we're never gonna make it through this."(If saved in episode 2).

  • I'm crying right now Salty Seas was totally made for Nick. I can't why the fuck did telltale do this to me?

  • Luke "You kidding me? If Clem can handle it, you can."

    Nick's last words were "Man, we're never gonna make it through this."(If saved in episode 2).

  • Looking back at this scene (I watched my girlfriend play it for the first time the other day), I realize just how contrived some of these arguments got during Season 2. The whole time, people argued over the dumbest things so that when decision time came we would be swayed one way or the other. I was so sick of the arguing at the end that I would've happily abandoned everyone anyways (though I got stuck with the baby so I roomed with asshole-Jane and a family of weirdoes in a Home Depot).

    But really, for the second half of the season, the main characters' traits were "I disagree with this character because of 'reasons.'"

    Mich19 posted: »

    Never forget Nick and Pete

  • I have a plan.

    We contact Brian Bremer... He knows where the old lady lives who can rub Nick's blood all over Pumpkinhead's shrivelled up corpse. Then anyone who ever did Nick any wrong will die.

    But yeah I agree.
    Nick was such a great character in the first 2 episodes... It was just a bunch of bullshit.

    I am so glad that Nick survived just so he could tell Clem that the beds were not comfy.

  • Nick and Pete were family though.

    That's a normal and realistic argument to have.

    But I completely agree with you about the other 50,000 arguments over pointless shit. Also making drama in the game by choosing who to sit with for dinner.

    gray6 posted: »

    Looking back at this scene (I watched my girlfriend play it for the first time the other day), I realize just how contrived some of these ar

  • because telltale wants to see the world burn...

    Ellias posted: »

    I'm crying right now Salty Seas was totally made for Nick. I can't why the fuck did telltale do this to me?

  • edited December 2014

    180 supporters. Only 20 more to go.

    For Nick...

  • Lol, never checked out this thread but I agree. Entire Cabin Group was underdeveloped, especially Nick.


  • You sure you haven't? It was pretty big back in the day, the original title was #SaveNick if that rings a bell :P

    Lol, never checked out this thread but I agree. Entire Cabin Group was underdeveloped, especially Nick. NeverForget

  • edited December 2014

    Its no use now. Agreed Amid the Ruins sucked major cock but whats done no matter how bad a character's death is ( which goes for most of the characters in S2) they can't be undone.... sadly

  • Please tell me you're joking.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Its no use now. Agreed Amid the Ruins sucked major cock but whats done no matter how bad a character's death is ( which goes for most of the characters in S2) they can't be undone.... sadly

  • NickWasn'tSaved </3

  • He did have quite a rubbish death but I think Luke's was worse.

    Nick was made determinant after episode 2 so I didn't really expect him to have many lines or contribute much to the plot although, they could have made his presence benefit you in some way so it's like your choices matter so to me it just felt like Telltale should have just killed him off completely after episode 2 if he didn't make much of a difference to the story. Although, to be honest I never really felt like Telltale wanted Nick to be a major character anyway so I wouldn't have thought he would make it to episode 5, but I guess, to his fans it would be annoying that his death was quite random.:P

  • Nah, I have to respectfully disagree with your statement.

    Carley was an example of a great determinate character. You got this whole subplot of revealing your past and romance that you wouldn't get with Doug. She still had an major impact on the story even if she was determinate.

    Nick's death was like Telltale was giving us the middle finger and saying "Yeah, you like Nick? Too bad!" Same with Sarah's deaths, even more so. Nick was hyped up in A House Divided to be a major character, and even if he was determinate, we thought he would add more. Maybe finally fight with Luke over his unrequited friendship or finally fight back when the group thought he just caused trouble. He could've became the man Pete thought he could be and Pete even said to watch Nick for him.

    What did we get? A minute of dialogue about beds and kissing Luke's ass in In Harms Way and a second of him in pain before we find him as a walker in Amid the Ruins. It's like they just dropped his story and said "Fuck it, let's focus on how amazingly cool Jane is and use Zombie Nick as a way for her to teach Clementine stuff she already knows." Kenny's spotlight stealing didn't help much either. Nick and Kenny could've duked it out instead of him and Jane due to their personality's.

    Luke went out in a way I can accept. He was weak and it was obvious he wouldn't be able to go on with his leg. We learned a lot about him in the camp fire scene and his death affected a lot of the characters. He died saving Clementine (determinately) and his death set off Bonnie and Mike betraying us. He had some type of closure.

    Am I happy with Luke's death? No, I like Luke a lot and I wish he lived. But did he have a better death than Nick? Absolutely.

    Simply posted: »

    He did have quite a rubbish death but I think Luke's was worse. Nick was made determinant after episode 2 so I didn't really expect him t

  • You may disagree but it is my opinion. Just like I may disagree with some of what you are saying but I know it is your opinion so I'm not trying to change that.

    Nick was never hyped up as a major character, out of everyone in the group Luke was. He appeared in various key arts for episode 1,2 and 4, Telltale created a bond between Clementine and Luke and made Clementine choose to side between Luke or Kenny in situations like the dinner scene in episode 2 and episode 4 when they are both arguing, Nick was never built up to be a major character like this.

    Nicey_Deady posted: »

    Nah, I have to respectfully disagree with your statement. Carley was an example of a great determinate character. You got this whole subp


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    Sign this petition.


  • When will you realize that this petition is useless? Lmao

    cassada posted: »


  • please dont be rude, let the ones who care dream

    Green613 posted: »

    When will you realize that this petition is useless? Lmao

  • I wasn't being rude, I'm just tired of seeing him spam this dumb petition everywhere. Like literally every week he necrobumps the dead Nick threads just to repost the same petition.

    colgato posted: »

    please dont be rude, let the ones who care dream

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