Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Not sure if delusional, or just can't handle other people's opinion.

  • This is just a theory, but I think that by breaking the ice on top of Luke, you knock him unconscious and cause his death.

  • She's my kind of bitch <3

    Ellias posted: »

    1.Nick thanks you if you saved him in 1 and talked to him. He thanks you for not giving up on him 2.depending on your console, Amid The

  • if she settled for troy, she'd be okay with you.

    remorse667 posted: »

    She's my kind of bitch

  • Don't hate, just stick with the old man and his gross facial hair. Leave my Jane alone! <3

    Ellias posted: »

    if she settled for troy, she'd be okay with you.

  • gross facial hair

    troll detected

    remorse667 posted: »

    Don't hate, just stick with the old man and his gross facial hair. Leave my Jane alone!

  • Before crossing the pond to Arvo's house Clem can ask if there is another way around. Kenny will say a straight line is fastest Bonnie will say they just need to be careful Jane will say we should have followed the treeline.

  • Wait, what..

    Jane is a fucking bitch, but we all know this.

    Ellias posted: »

    gross facial hair troll detected

  • I kinda raise my eyebrow at that first one, would she really call Kenny son?

    Unless it's directed at Clem, she would look like a young boy at a distance.

    Otherwise, maybe it's a hint at Luke's further survival till the end?

    fallandir posted: »

    More unused Wellington/Edith's audio: * * * And about Christa:

  • Sorry that I didn't see your reply till now. I do take 24601 for Jean Valjean, and I'm glad that someone notice that! Jean Valjean is one of my favorite literature figures, and Les Misérables is one of my favorite books&musicals.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Hey, your name is Jean Valjean, right?

  • edited September 2014

    I feel very sorry that it was till then that I started to realise he's not that "keeping moving on"... I was mad at his reaction to Nick's death, but here I found that I got him wrong...

    Kennysucks posted: »

    If Clem tells Luke he looks like crap when they stop to take a rest, he will laugh but immedietly after will ask Clem to not make him laugh as it hurts. If Clem tells Bonnie that Luke feels bad, he will be annoyed and give Clem this look

  • Lord must be kidding him with this athletic kid!

    fallandir posted: »

    It's also unused audio here, Winston says: "What are you, some kind of athletic kid?" :>

  • Katjaa is really a caring lady. When Shawn died she standed before Duck and Clem to prevent them from seeing that (though it may be late for them). Just after Duck got safe from Larry's trying to throw him out, she asked Lee if Clem was okay. She told Lee to tell Clem what happened to Duck. When she was just holding the dying Duck around the train, she asked Lee if he felt okay because she knew that he was fond of Carley.

    She agreed to steal the stranger's supplies, and when Duck asked whose car it was she said it was abandoned. I don't like it, but I must admit that I almost steal for Clem if she didn't stop me. And I feel not good that Carley/Doug are also okay with stealing the supplies... they didn't say they like it or not, but they helped carried them so happily...

    Katjaa also has a lot in common with Sarita. They are both caring, kind-hearted lady. They love Kenny and would like to defend him. They don't agree with something Kenny does, but can't do anything about it (Katjaa doesn't like it when Kenny just driving passing those who need help, and is worried about Kenny's killing Larry. Sarita doesn't want Kenny to kill Carver. But they can't stop him). Perhaps that's the only kind of lady that can get along and be got along with Kenny...

  • I can handle opinions, but when these opinions are disapproved in the very game, I just have to wonder if he tuned Kenny out when he was talking about Duck and the mistakes he made parenting him in the campfire scene, something that clearly explains that by raising AJ rigth he doesn´t mean raising a psychopath but not making the same mistakes he made with Duck.

    remorse667 posted: »

    Not sure if delusional, or just can't handle other people's opinion.

  • No, Edith simply confused Clementine for a boy, because of a her baseball hat.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    I kinda raise my eyebrow at that first one, would she really call Kenny son? Unless it's directed at Clem, she would look like a young boy at a distance. Otherwise, maybe it's a hint at Luke's further survival till the end?

  • The generator outside the half-built house near the steps you can talk to Bonnie on uses the same model as the generator at the St John Dairy.

  • Troll = someone who doesn't love Kenny.

    Logical fallacy detected.

    Ellias posted: »

    gross facial hair troll detected

  • Well, I'm glad you replied at all. I decided to ask you that because after getting unbanned here I put Jean Valjean (played by Hugh Jackman) as my avatar. Pretty easy to guess what it symbolised.

    I like the musical very much, and I'm still thinking about giving the original book a read.

    24601 posted: »

    Sorry that I didn't see your reply till now. I do take 24601 for Jean Valjean, and I'm glad that someone notice that! Jean Valjean is one of my favorite literature figures, and Les Misérables is one of my favorite books&musicals.

  • Clem doesn't show any weakness, including pain.

  • After got seperated from the protagonist of S1, Kenny got lucky, really lucky, and then he met the protagonist of S2...

  • Omid got shot at point blank range, Clem didn´t. Also, she winces and touches the wound numerous times, so she was indeed in pain even if she didn´t express it with words.

  • I did that on my first playthrough and laughed XD

    Kennysucks posted: »

    If Clem tells Luke he looks like crap when they stop to take a rest, he will laugh but immedietly after will ask Clem to not make him laugh as it hurts. If Clem tells Bonnie that Luke feels bad, he will be annoyed and give Clem this look

  • Clem was meters away, Omid was nearly pressed against the scavenger.

  • When Lee was getting his arm cut, Christa did much faster than Kenny. Lee got some time to say something if Kenny did it. But if it was Christa his words were always interrupted by the great pain caused by Christa's keeping working...

  • It's interesting, I think the slide is relevant to the end of episode 5 and not 4

    Ellias posted: »

    1.Nick thanks you if you saved him in 1 and talked to him. He thanks you for not giving up on him 2.depending on your console, Amid The

  • Ben also got beaten up by the cancer patients if Lee left him (alone or with anyone else) with the boat. He got small wound on his lips.

  • Alvin actually sacrificed his life to save Carlos. He went downstairs because he can't let Carver kill Carlos. But for this Rebecca's reply was: "He(Carlos) will die anyway." I never like Rebecca for this sentence. If you will not cause any problem to her, she's good to you. But if you do, she doesn't give you a shit. Yeah, she doesn't agree to leave Kenny behind but her having lost/losing Alvin contributed to it. If she couldn't even feel any sympathy with Sarita in that situation, I couldn't see any humanity left in her.

  • No one fucks with the cancer patients.

    24601 posted: »

    Ben also got beaten up by the cancer patients if Lee left him (alone or with anyone else) with the boat. He got small wound on his lips.

  • Clem is like a walking bad luck charm. Any group she joins starts dying off 'til she's the only one left.

    Ever since Season 1, lol.

    24601 posted: »

    After got seperated from the protagonist of S1, Kenny got lucky, really lucky, and then he met the protagonist of S2...

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited September 2014

    There are two ways for Arvo to shoot you. The first is you either give the gun to Mike or you drop it when you threaten him. But if you call for help he'll shoot you before the choice to threaten Mike even comes up. So if Mike was originally supposed to be a determinant character, you might not get the choice if you called for help.

  • Kenny probably shot first and the rest went to cover. The Russians were probably caught off guard.

    quinnics posted: »

    I constantly wonder how only Luke and Mike got injured in that fight. Everyone is standing so close together when the guns first go off... h

  • Sometimes you have to do bad things and hurt people to protect those you love :)
    Crawford was full of evil and leaving that guy alive would probably draw more attention than if he was dead - the group needed to get in and out as sneaky as possible. Without Crawford's resources, no boat - no safety.

    shibbymary posted: »

    Wasn't trying to say that it was the only way. Just wanted to point out that in at least one version, Lee looked like he was gonna nonchalantly stick a hatchet in that dudes head, even if up to that point he was 100% against killing people.

  • edited September 2014

    No, I don't think so. He was panicking, shortening his chances of holding out long enough for her to break the ice for him. You can see him slowly drowning and letting go as you break the ice (you can see it if you don't break the ice either).

    remorse667 posted: »

    This is just a theory, but I think that by breaking the ice on top of Luke, you knock him unconscious and cause his death.

  • In season 1, you can tell Kenny and Katja that your family owned the drug store, in episode 1. And in season 3, right after Duck and Kat’s death, you can talk to Kenny and one of the dialogue options makes Lee say “I wanted to talk to you about keeping my past from you all…” and than Kenny mentions that you mentioned that store was his families, and that that was enough personal information, and that Kat would be okay with it so he is, than he tells him to drop it.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited September 2014

    It's implied by Vitali that Kenny is the one who shot Natasha, "You've killed Natasha, you bastard! He is already dead! You'll only help him!" This is him telling Kenny that he'll only help Arvo by killing him.

    It also makes sense for Kenny to have killed Natasha as there is no reason for Arvo to go with either Mike or Bonnie if they killed, or in his case believed they hurt, his sister.

  • Well then, it looks like the ending of Amid The Ruins and the beginning of No Going Back are two different stories. When they started shooting, Kenny was pretty far from Arvo and his sister. He would have turned around, burst through the half of the group and then shot Natasha with super-speed Matrix move.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's implied by Vitali that Kenny is the one who shot Natasha, "You've killed Natasha, you bastard! He is already dead! You'll only help him

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited September 2014

    Buricko and Vitali switched weapons, perhaps we ended up in a parallel universe.

    fallandir posted: »

    Well then, it looks like the ending of Amid The Ruins and the beginning of No Going Back are two different stories. When they started shooti

  • edited September 2014

    And AJ was chillin on the ground like nobody's business.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Buricko and Vitali switched weapons, perhaps we ended up in a parallel universe.

  • Luke, Vitali and Bonnie managed to get behind cover before anyone shot them as well, especially considering Buricko is on the ground with a shotgun and Kenny is standing behind a tree.

    fallandir posted: »

    And AJ was chillin on the ground like nobody's business.

  • edited September 2014

    Jane wanted Clementine to help Kenny out. Her opinion changes once Luke dies and Kenny beats up Arvo. Literally, everyone wanted to be freed from Kenny after he beat up Arvo and wanted to go north no matter what.

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