The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Haha, okay. thing is, though, I've met like 12 Anthony's in my lifetime. There are two in my family: my nephew and my brother-in-law.

    Sheesh, I can't even remember the last time I got sick. Lmao, you can call me Anthony btw. I find it weird that I know your name and you don't know mine, haha. Although I mentioned it before on here, but you probably missed it. B]

  • Lol, damn! It is a pretty popular name. You can call me Pro if you like, I'm used to that as well.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Haha, okay. thing is, though, I've met like 12 Anthony's in my lifetime. There are two in my family: my nephew and my brother-in-law.

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    XD Wait wat?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    i am experiencing a spook for i was being inside a little girl's room at night after overhearing her say she is having a scare of the monste

  • It is. Joseph's pretty popular too. Nah, I like calling people by their actual names. So I'll call you Anthony now :P

    Lol, damn! It is a pretty popular name. You can call me Pro if you like, I'm used to that as well.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Wait wat?

  • Lol, all right, bro. No problem with that as well. B^]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    It is. Joseph's pretty popular too. Nah, I like calling people by their actual names. So I'll call you Anthony now :P

  • edited September 2014

    Yeah. Thank god my old lady is cool with me joking. Pretty much just guys being guys. XD

    Didn't you say you have a wife and a kid on the way???

  • Condolences to him

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, my math teacher's mom died. We had a sub today and she said that we wont have any homework until he comes back. Yay?

  • Yeah i had a teacher who lost her daughter too, it was heartbreaking seeing her cry when she was not in class

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yay My teachers only son died last year and it killed me when you saw the change when she got back she lost that sparkle in her

  • Falling asleep at my phone here. Like I said, HOLY SYRUP TITS this was a LONG day.

    I'm going to bed. See you guys at around 5:30 PM EST tomorrow! Because I've got the same busy day ahead ;-;

  • I don't need to "call my friends for help", I can handle myself thank you very mich.

    Pretty anyone that would go to that thread and read what you said will realize how biased and dumb your arguments are, it's not a surprise that a smart girl like Tinni has agreed with me.

    Up yours, and screw off.

    ErenCoral posted: »

    It's funny how you come here and complain about him. I don't see you mention anywhere that you make arguments and insult people when they do

  • Oh like hell you do, and everything you say is so fucking dumb it makes me want to die.

    They can go to the thread and look at it themselves, we'll see what they think.

    ErenCoral posted: »

    Honestly if you want me to reply I'm fully willing to, I'd do anything to stop you from thinking that that was an excuse because " I don't know how to reply back."

  • I'm not even going to bother, they can go to the thread themselves, I have nothing to hide.

    ErenCoral posted: »

    Except that AWESOMO was the one who had no respect for others opinions, then he comes here and acts all innocent.

  • Sorry. ;_;

    That vote was intended as a joke anyway,

    You posted what I voted for. -_____- that's a secret. You suck so bad. And I don't ship with anybody, I ship with myself only because no one else is good enough for me. its really because no one likes me.

  • No breakfast for me today, yay...

    I'm gon' go die in a fire now.

  • I don't think I've gotten a good night's sleep in 3 days. It's not that I'm not tired, I just can't get my mind to turn off. I have to crash sometime though.:/

  • Have you tried listening to those videos that hypnotize you and help you drift off to sleep?

    Tinni posted: »

    I don't think I've gotten a good night's sleep in 3 days. It's not that I'm not tired, I just can't get my mind to turn off. I have to crash sometime though.:/

  • No I haven't, I'll definitely try that tonight though! Thank you for the tip.:)

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Have you tried listening to those videos that hypnotize you and help you drift off to sleep?

    edited September 2014

    I hope you manage to sleep :l

    I also see you found this thread, notice how that asshole stalked me here from that other thread? Lol.

    Tinni posted: »

    I don't think I've gotten a good night's sleep in 3 days. It's not that I'm not tired, I just can't get my mind to turn off. I have to crash sometime though.:/

  • haha I love this video. /r/montageparodies FTW

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

  • They think they're being clever or funny. They're not.

    How someone responded to Emma Watson saying that people looking and commenting on the leaked nudes have no empathy: "Am I not allowed to

  • Alt text

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Lasagna is the best. fix'd

  • Sleeping is hard.D: It takes me 3 hours to fall asleep, it's ridiculous.

    lol yeah, I think he backed off though.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I hope you manage to sleep :l I also see you found this thread, notice how that asshole stalked me here from that other thread? Lol.

  • No kidding! I sleep when I don't want to and don't sleep when I need to. Insomnia is really picking on me now.

    Tinni posted: »

    Sleeping is hard.D: It takes me 3 hours to fall asleep, it's ridiculous. lol yeah, I think he backed off though.

  • edited September 2014

    This is me right now

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    I absolutely hate it! Can't decide what to do. Do I wanna play Skyrim or New Vegas? no maybe something else! Hmmmm maybe i'll watch some Breaking Bad... But there was a movie I was going to watch cause Robin Williams is in it... No don't wanna sit through a movie. Maybe I'll get on the bike... But I feel lazy right now. OMG I hate indecision! I should just go to bed but my insomnia wont let me so I know that would be a waste of time right now!

  • I had the worst and happiest dream last night.

  • edited September 2014

    Insomnia sucks, I've had bouts with it off and on throughout the years, I fear it's coming back. The problem is I don't want to take the medication that I had to take last time I had Insomnia, it made me really anxious.:/

    Rockworm posted: »

    No kidding! I sleep when I don't want to and don't sleep when I need to. Insomnia is really picking on me now.

  • What was it SEEMON?

    I had the worst and happiest dream last night.

  • My grandpa woke me up last night... He told me that he was still alive and it was all a prank. I had a long conversation with him and then I woke up.

    What was it SEEMON?

  • Sounds happy and sad at the same time. :')

    My grandpa woke me up last night... He told me that he was still alive and it was all a prank. I had a long conversation with him and then I woke up.

  • I've learn to just roll with it. I've lost count of how many times I got myself to bed at a decent time only to just lie there completely awake for whatever reason. The real annoying part is my dad. He thinks I stay up all night just playing video games. I have ADD! That means if I didn't have video games distracting me it would be something else!

    Tinni posted: »

    Insomnia sucks, I've had bouts with it off and on throughout the years, I fear it's coming back. The problem is I don't want to take the medication that I had to take last time I had Insomnia, it made me really anxious.:/

  • edited September 2014

    I know that feel. I often stay at my mother's house because it's closer to University and work, but she sometimes thinks I stay up all night on purpose lol. Like that can't be further than the truth. It's not like I don't want to fall asleep right when my head hits the pillow, that actually sounds just divine right now.:P

    Rockworm posted: »

    I've learn to just roll with it. I've lost count of how many times I got myself to bed at a decent time only to just lie there completely a

  • I always feel like crap if I stay up too long. SO you better believe it that I'd do things differently.

    Tinni posted: »

    I know that feel. I often stay at my mother's house because it's closer to University and work, but she sometimes thinks I stay up all night

  • Yeah I'm pretty much shooting myself in the foot rn by staying up. It's almost 1am here, and I have work at 7am. yaaaaayy.

    Rockworm posted: »

    I always feel like crap if I stay up too long. SO you better believe it that I'd do things differently.

  • Thats the hardest part. Doesn't matter how much my body hates me having a normal sleep pattern. I still have to do stuff. Its even harder for me because I been struggling to find work.

    Tinni posted: »

    Yeah I'm pretty much shooting myself in the foot rn by staying up. It's almost 1am here, and I have work at 7am. yaaaaayy.

  • I'm sorry to hear that, I know several of my friends are having trouble finding work as well. I hope you find a job soon!

    Rockworm posted: »

    Thats the hardest part. Doesn't matter how much my body hates me having a normal sleep pattern. I still have to do stuff. Its even harder for me because I been struggling to find work.

  • I manage somehow. The temp agencies near here are promising and I get the occasional work from neighbors. Like the orchard nearby 10 bucks an hour to just collect peaches for them.

    Easy money there.

    Tinni posted: »

    I'm sorry to hear that, I know several of my friends are having trouble finding work as well. I hope you find a job soon!

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