Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Mike, Bonnie, and Jane all had a good experience of Carver's dictatorship back at Howe's Hardware. It's not surprising to find Jane comparing Kenny to Carver, and Mike and Bonnie wanting to leave Kenny first chance they get.

    Carver and Kenny both believed that their way of raising the baby was right. And both of them were quite stubborn of other people's opinion.

    Carver travels long miles to kidnap Rebecca, and even threatens to put a bullet in her head if she dares leave again with his child. Kenny is going to Wellington no matter what. Quickly dismisses other people's opinion, and would fight to the death for anyone who dared go against him.

    It was a 50/50 chance that Carver was going to be the biological father, but Carver would've done anything to maintain his perfect utopia. Once Rebecca died, Kenny assumed the role of the baby's father. He was very distrustful of Jane. Even implies he's still living for that baby. And just like Carver, if that baby ended up in the wrong hands, he would've killed anyone. That's where Kenny and Carver only differ, Carver would've killed the baby's mom, Kenny wouldn't.

    Even though Kenny was not as barbaric as Carver, he still shared some very frightening similarities. It's a justifiable response to want to leave someone if it reminds you of a really bad experience you went through. Is this guy gonna be like Carver? Is he.. I don't know, but I'll stick around to find out. So yeah, there's no chance in hell they were gonna stick around Kenny.

  • edited September 2014

    In the dream sequence, Ben has really awkward facial hair.

    Arvo probably shot Clementine because he thought she killed Natasha.

    Literally, everyone wanted Clementine to help Kenny out. Rebecca, Luke, Mike, and Bonnie in episode 4. Jane and Bonnie in episode 5. Their opinions quickly change once Luke dies and Kenny beats up Arvo. I know, I said this twice.

    This is just my opinion, but I think it would've been much better if Nick and Sarita had died in the shootout in the beginning of episode 5. Nick shot in the head, and Sarita shot in the heart. Sarita later turns and devours Vitali to save Kenny. And have Jane kill Buricko. That's just my opinion. Would've been more realistic as well.

    It's oddly creepy that the Kenny and Jane fight happens at a rest area. No matter what choices you make, one of them will be forever resting.

  • Yeah I thought it was a dark remix myself.

    The music heard when Kenny kills Carver sounds a lot like the music that plays during Kenny's sacrifice in "No Time Left

  • edited September 2014

    My Jane might have reanimated then shambled up and walked away from the rest stop since Kenny only stabbed her in the chest.

    remorse667 posted: »

    In the dream sequence, Ben has really awkward facial hair. Arvo probably shot Clementine because he thought she killed Natasha. Litera

  • No. It was square in the heart. If she gets out of that, most likely as a walker.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    My Jane might have reanimated then shambled up and walked away from the rest stop since Kenny only stabbed her in the chest.

  • edited September 2014

    Yeah, I meant as a walker. No way she is still alive after Kenny stabbed her. Fixed my comment.

    remorse667 posted: »

    No. It was square in the heart. If she gets out of that, most likely as a walker.

  • edited September 2014

    If you don't continue to smash on Andy St. John, he will push himself back up to the top and start beating on Lee, which causes Lee to knock him back into the electric fence.

  • I recommend you strongly to read the book! It's amazing! The musical has to have a lot of plots cut due to time limition. I think it has done its best but the original book give me 10th stronger impact.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Well, I'm glad you replied at all. I decided to ask you that because after getting unbanned here I put Jean Valjean (played by Hugh Jackman)

  • Kenny kills Jane with the knife that Jane uses to save Kenny at the start of Ep 5

  • Everyone who appeared in season 2, episode 1 (apart from Clem) is either dead or unknown by the end of the season.

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited September 2014

    Also in 202 Carver said "Come out or I'll put another bullet in one of your friends heads!" later during the gunfight in 205, Kenny grabs Arvo and threatens to put a bullet in his head if Vitali doesn't give up.

    remorse667 posted: »

    Mike, Bonnie, and Jane all had a good experience of Carver's dictatorship back at Howe's Hardware. It's not surprising to find Jane comparin

  • And when they return there is a walker in the closet near the door

    Well well...seems like we have an expert here! Did you know that Clem hides inside one of the houses storerooms, when the group goes to Crawford and you told Clementine to stay behind and didn't gave her a gun to defend herself?

  • edited September 2014

    Mike, Bonnie, and Jane all had a good experience of Carver's dictatorship back at Howe's Hardware. It's not surprising to find Jane comparing Kenny to Carver.

    She has no reason to do compare Kenny to Carver, she is just grasping at straws. Just like you.

    Carver and Kenny both believed that their way of raising the baby was right.

    Carver talked about breeding the perfect survivor, Kenny talked about not repeating the mistakes he made with Duck.

    And both of them were quite stubborn of other people's opinion.

    Carver could literary kill you in the spot if he doesn´t need you and you disagree with him, Kenny is stubborn but can apologize for his mistakes.

    Carver travels long miles to kidnap Rebecca, and even threatens to put a bullet in her head if she dares leave again with his child. Kenny is going to Wellington no matter what. Quickly dismisses other people's opinion, and would fight to the death for anyone who dared go against him.

    Leaving aside the fact that your comparison is shaky, at best, and that Carver always dismisses any opinions and Kenny is reasonable most of the time, that Kenny 'would fight to the death with anyone who dared to go against him', is just plain bullshit. The one time that he fights to the death is not even for 'having dared to go against him', but because he thought Jane killed the baby.

    It was a 50/50 chance that Carver was going to be the biological father, but Carver would've done anything to maintain his perfect utopia.

    I not even sure what the hell are you trying to say here.

    Once Rebecca died, Kenny assumed the role of the baby's father.

    Once Rebecca died, Kenny wanted to take care of the child and nothing more, just how it was while Rebecca was alive.

    He was very distrustful of Jane.

    Kenny distrusting someone that gave him enough reasons= Carver 2.0

    Sure, whatever.

    Even implies he's still living for that baby.


    And just like Carver, if that baby ended up in the wrong hands, he would've killed anyone.

    To Carver, the wrong hands mean´s everybody except himself. To Kenny, the wrong hands mean´s people he can´t trust with the baby´s safety or are just plain bad. Sure, Kenny could have totally killed anyone.

    That's where Kenny and Carver only differ, Carver would've killed the baby's mom, Kenny wouldn't.

    See my last response. Also, this sentence doesn´t even make sense.

    Even though Kenny was not as barbaric as Carver, he still shared some very frightening similarities.

    dafuq? What you call 'frightening similarities' I call grasping at straws.

    It's a justifiable response to want to leave someone if it reminds you of a really bad experience you went through.

    Sure, is justifiable to try steal all the supplies which could have condemn four people to death, three of which they thought were innocent, for grasping at straws instead of talking it out because obviously words never work or stealing only half the supplies and not taking the truck.

    Also in 202 Carver said "Come out or I'll put another bullet in one of your friends heads!" later during the gunfight in 205, Kenny grabs Arvo and threatens to put a bullet in his head if Vitali doesn't give up.

    Carver did that when he already had control of the situation for his own selfish needs, and Kenny did that in desperation to save the group for the remaining Russians.

    remorse667 posted: »

    Mike, Bonnie, and Jane all had a good experience of Carver's dictatorship back at Howe's Hardware. It's not surprising to find Jane comparin

  • He was just avenging the Russian, we all know Kenny cared deeply for him.


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Kenny kills Jane with the knife that Jane uses to save Kenny at the start of Ep 5

  • She's shot in the shoulder, not the heart.

    Shot in the heart = Dead.

  • No need to repeat the word 2 more times.

  • Alt text

    Near_ posted: »

    You called?

  • Episode 5 explicitly compares Kenny to Carver, both by characters' treatment of him and the framing of scenes involving him. He also has an ominous speech about "raising AJ right", which was exactly what Carver had in mind.

    They're not the exact same person, but they're clearly meant to be similar in some ways. I find it distressing that people's love for Kenny blinkers them from the unflattering aspects that the writers themselves intended for us to realize about him.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Mike, Bonnie, and Jane all had a good experience of Carver's dictatorship back at Howe's Hardware. It's not surprising to find Jane comparin

  • Episode 5 explicitly compares Kenny to Carver.


    Both by characters' treatment of him.

    Jane is grasping at straws to justify murdering him and Mike and Bonnie leave because of his treatement of Arvo, not because of him behind similar to Carver.

    The framing of scenes involving him.

    Bullshit. Pics/Vids/Proof or it didn´t happen.

    He also has an ominous speech about "raising AJ right"

    Kenny talking amicably to Clem about the baby before she changes his bandages = ominous speech.

    Sure, whatever.

    Which was exactly what Carver had in mind.

    Bullshit, again. Carver talked about breeding the perfect survivor, Kenny talked about not repeating the mistakes he made with Duck.

    They're not the exact same person, but they're clearly meant to be similar in some ways.

    Bullshit. They are literally two complete different characters in exactly everything.

    I find it distressing that people's love for Kenny blinkers them from the unflattering aspects that the writers themselves intended for us to realize about him.

    I find distressing that Jane lovers have to resort to bullshit, exaggerate everything and saying the writers intentions like they know anything about them.

    Bokor posted: »

    Episode 5 explicitly compares Kenny to Carver, both by characters' treatment of him and the framing of scenes involving him. He also has an

  • So you are saying that you wanted Clementine to die? Also my guess is that Omid wasn 't actually dead and Crista thought he was so she said ''We can 't let him turn Clementine. We.. we just can 't. I wouldn 't be able to forgive myself if we did... We have to put him down...'' or something like that. But you have a point there. I guess plot.

  • Hey, you dont need to justify it to me. My Lee had no problem with it. But I'm just saying, it was treated like not a big deal and people seem to forget that the original plan was for him to hatched a living person in the head cuz turns out he was dead anyway. I just find it funny that even though you can play your Lee as 100% against killing and hurting others, no one seems to notice that he was gonna murder that dude.

    I mean, you can play a Lee who lets Danny and the Stranger live, and yet if you choose the sneak option, even that Lee was gonna kill that random guy.

    Sometimes you have to do bad things and hurt people to protect those you love Crawford was full of evil and leaving that guy alive would p

  • If you pull Jane away when she's hurting Kenny's injuried eye, in the next moment she will still hold her thumb as if you don't pull her and have Kenny bite her thumb.

    If you shoot Kenny after he killed Jane, his right eye keeps wide open when he's falling to the ground. It's very probable that he died with one eye open.

  • We hear gunshots when Kenny was searching the cars around the rest area. So he must have take a gun with him. So Jane must be so thorough about how many bullets Kenny has, or she is not afraid of being shot to death...

  • Wow, so much swearing and name-calling here. Even when provided with evidence, you blindly shoot down anything that puts your beloved character in an unflattering light - one that the writing supports - and then accuse them without any grounds that they MUST be a fan of another unsympathetic character.

    I really hope you aren't like this in actual debates.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Episode 5 explicitly compares Kenny to Carver. False. Both by characters' treatment of him. Jane is grasping at straws

  • Thats not really fair. She was pretty certain Carver would kill Alvin (Can we really imagine a man like Carver letting Alvin live?), so how can you expect her to sacrifice her husband and father of her unborn baby? Maybe she really did think Carver would kill Carlos anyway (since he did seem to dislike Carlos especially, even more then Luke imo), but even if she just said that to stop Alvin, can you really blame her? I think its easier to sacrifice yourself then to sacrifice someone you love. Alvins choice to sacrifice himself for Carlos is an easier one then Rebecca having to choose to sacrifice Alvin to save Carlos.

    24601 posted: »

    Alvin actually sacrificed his life to save Carlos. He went downstairs because he can't let Carver kill Carlos. But for this Rebecca's reply

  • edited September 2014

    Wow, so much swearing and name-calling here.

    Saying your points are bullshit=name calling and swearing.

    Even when provided with evidence, you blindly shoot down anything that puts your beloved character in an unflattering light.

    Stating your opinion= providing evindence. Also, I don´t 'blindly shoot down anything that puts my beloved character in an uflattering ligth', I provide reasons while you just act shocked and apalled because my post has the word bullshit three times.

    • one that the writing supports -

    False.Jane is grasping at straws to justify murdering him and Mike and Bonnie leave because of his treatement of Arvo, not because of him behind similar to Carver. You didn´t provide any evidence as to why the 'framing of scenes' support the whole Kenny = Carver 2.0 thing.

    and then accuse them without any grounds that they MUST be a fan of another unsympathetic character.

    Blindly ignoring a character positive qualities and condoning a baseless and outright wrong argument is usually a sign that you are on the other side-that is enough basis for me, especially because you called me a Kenny lover first.

    I really hope you aren't like this in actual debates.

    I shot down remorse667 points, I shot down your points and when you respond you don´t even brother to respond to any of what I said. I am no sure how you can think I am the one acting badly here.

    Bokor posted: »

    Wow, so much swearing and name-calling here. Even when provided with evidence, you blindly shoot down anything that puts your beloved chara

  • Dont you know, that beard is + 5 AGI and gives you the ability to cast Haste once per day.

    But seriously, the outcome of that shootout is so ridiculous that It makes me angry >:/

    fallandir posted: »

    Well then, it looks like the ending of Amid The Ruins and the beginning of No Going Back are two different stories. When they started shooti

  • When Clementine takes her first steps in the frozen lake, the ice breaks a bit. That is the exact same spot where Luke and Bonnie/Luke and Clementine fall in.

  • I saw a tiny version of this on my phone, but I'm so glad I get to experience it now in all its full sized glory on my laptop. A++ makeup skills.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Well after he saw the one he gave to Luke... He was a little to exited to be aware of what was really going to happen.

  • Yes! I was laughing at that a few days ago. Not only that, but the St. Johns and Carver had pretty good setups that fell apart just days after Clem showed up. I'm even gonna blame Crawford on Clementine. I think they just gave up and died in preparation for her arrival :P

    Pride posted: »

    Clem is like a walking bad luck charm. Any group she joins starts dying off 'til she's the only one left. Ever since Season 1, lol.

  • She has no reason to do compare Kenny to Carver, she is just grasping at straws. Just like you.

    Ironic. Coming from you.

    Carver talked about breeding the perfect survivor, Kenny talked about not repeating the mistakes he made with Duck.

    He was also hellbent on finding Wellington. And goes against the group's wishes to go south. Carver kidnapped Rebecca to bring her back to Howe's.

    Carver could literary kill you in the spot if he doesn´t need you and you disagree with him, Kenny is stubborn but can apologize for his mistakes.

    Exactly. They're both stubborn. I stated that Kenny isn't as barbaric as Carver.

    Leaving aside the fact that your comparison is shaky, at best, and that Carver always dismisses any opinions and Kenny is reasonable most of the time, that Kenny 'would fight to the death with anyone who dared to go against him', is just plain bullshit. The one time that he fights to the death is not even for 'having dared to go against him', but because he thought Jane killed the baby.

    After Rebecca's death, the only person who really went against him was Clementine, and Luke. Everyone trusted Clementine to talk to Kenny. And why are you repeating what I said.. Kenny isn't as barbaric as Carver was.

    I not even sure what the hell are you trying to say here.

    Of course you don't


    Rewind the scene where Clementine and Kenny are in the truck speaking about the plan to Wellington.

    To Carver, the wrong hands mean´s everybody except himself. To Kenny, the wrong hands mean´s people he can´t trust with the baby´s safety or are just plain bad. Sure, Kenny could have totally killed anyone.

    See my last response. Also, this sentence doesn´t even make sense.

    I said Kenny isn't as barbaric as Carver

    Sure, is justifiable to try steal all the supplies which could have condemn four people to death, three of which they thought were innocent, for grasping at straws instead of talking it out because obviously words never work or stealing only half the supplies and not taking the truck. Sure.

    Grasping at straws? You really need to check what you're writing.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Mike, Bonnie, and Jane all had a good experience of Carver's dictatorship back at Howe's Hardware. It's not surprising to find Jane comparin

  • Saying your points are bullshit=name calling and swearing.

    Well, not necessarily. I find it hilarious that you're accusing me of grasping straws. You really don't understand the definition of it, do you?

    I shot down remorse667 points, I shot down your points and when you respond you don´t even brother to respond to any of what I said. I am no sure how you can think I am the one acting badly here.

    Shot down? Wow, if that's what you call shot down, then don't even take debate class if you're gonna be that closed-minded. You'll fail in heartbeat.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Wow, so much swearing and name-calling here. Saying your points are bullshit=name calling and swearing. Even when provided wit

  • edited September 2014

    Ironic. Coming from you.

    Anwering like that doesn´t prove you rigth.

    He was also hellbent on finding Wellington. And goes against the group's wishes to go south. Carver kidnapped Rebecca to bring her back to Howe's.

    So you are basically admiting you were wrong about him talking about raising AJ rigth means that he intends to do it like Carver? I mean, you don´t even try to refute what I said and go on to make anonther point.

    Also, comparig Kenny being 'hellbent' in finding Wellington and going agaist the group wishes with Carver chasing Rebecca and the whole cabin group for escaping is ridicolous.

    Exactly. They're both stubborn. I stated that Kenny isn't as barbaric as Carver.

    Sharing a trait hardly means they are comparable, much less justify the Kenny=Carver 2.0 argument.

    After Rebecca's death, the only person who really went against him was Clementine, and Luke. Everyone trusted Clementine to talk to Kenny. And why are you repeating what I said.. Kenny isn't as barbaric as Carver was.

    I said your comparison- Carver travels long miles to kidnap Rebecca, and even threatens to put a bullet in her head if she dares leave again with his child=Kenny is going to Wellington no matter what-was shaky, at best and that he 'quckly dismisses other people's opinion, and would fight to the death for anyone who dared go against him' is a lie. So, no, I not repeating what you say. And what you have written in response doesn´t have anything to do with your original point.

    Of course you don't

    Explain like a reasonable person instead of being condescending.

    Rewind the scene where Clementine and Kenny are in the truck speaking about the plan to Wellington.

    He says that 'we dont try the best for the baby, whats the point'. He is talking about not abandoning your humanity even in thougth times, not that if AJ ever dies he is going to kill himself or something.

    You said:

    And just like Carver, if that baby ended up in the wrong hands, he would've killed anyone.

    I said:

    To Carver, the wrong hands mean´s everybody except himself. To Kenny, the wrong hands mean´s people he can´t trust with the baby´s safety or are just plain bad. Sure, Kenny could have totally killed anyone.

    That is not repaiting what you said, but calling you out of baseless and shaky comparisons.

    I replied:

    See my last response. Also, this sentence doesn´t even make sense.


    That's where Kenny and Carver only differ, Carver would've killed the baby's mom, Kenny wouldn't.


    Grasping at straws? You really need to check what you're writing.

    I said that is not justifiable to leave the group in such a situation for a few shaky comparisons, that they should have tried talking it out, and even if the leaved, they should have stole only half the supplies or not take the truck.

    remorse667 posted: »

    She has no reason to do compare Kenny to Carver, she is just grasping at straws. Just like you. Ironic. Coming from you. Carve

  • Well, not necessarily. I find it hilarious that you're accusing me of grasping straws. You really don't understand the definition of it, do you?

    Ok, bullshit is a swearword, but you must admit that I never called him anything but a Jane lover, when he called me a Kenny lover first.

    Shot down? Wow, if that's what you call shot down, then don't even take debate class if you're gonna be that closed-minded. You'll fail in heartbeat.

    Didn´t they teach in debate class to not ignore half of what the other has to say or you just skipped that part?

    remorse667 posted: »

    Saying your points are bullshit=name calling and swearing. Well, not necessarily. I find it hilarious that you're accusing me of gra

  • Yeah, especially looking at a lots of therories people made up. Damn shame here, TellTale.

    shibbymary posted: »

    Dont you know, that beard is + 5 AGI and gives you the ability to cast Haste once per day. But seriously, the outcome of that shootout is so ridiculous that It makes me angry >:/

  • Didn´t they teach in debate class to not ignore half of what the other has to say or you just skipped that part?

    I just find it funny that you're committing the exact same logical fallacy you're accusing me of.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Well, not necessarily. I find it hilarious that you're accusing me of grasping straws. You really don't understand the definition of it, do

  • I just find it funny that you're committing the exact same logical fallacy you're accusing me of.

    I am not acussing you of any 'logical fallacy', I am telling the truth.

    You didn´t adress this:

    Stating your opinion= providing evindence. Also, I don´t 'blindly shoot down anything that puts my beloved character in an uflattering ligth', I provide reasons while you just act shocked and apalled because my post has the word bullshit three times.

    Nor this:

    False.Jane is grasping at straws to justify murdering him and Mike and Bonnie leave because of his treatement of Arvo, not because of him behind similar to Carver. You didn´t provide any evidence as to why the 'framing of scenes' support the whole Kenny = Carver 2.0 thing.

    Nor this:

    Blindly ignoring a character positive qualities and condoning a baseless and outright wrong argument is usually a sign that you are on the other side-that is enough basis for me, especially because you called me a Kenny lover first.

    That´s like 75% of my post you have ignored, actually, not just half.

    remorse667 posted: »

    Didn´t they teach in debate class to not ignore half of what the other has to say or you just skipped that part? I just find it funny that you're committing the exact same logical fallacy you're accusing me of.

  • I'll keep it short and sweet.

    Even though Kenny was not close to being as barbaric as Carver was, they still shared some frightening similarities. Both believed their way of raising the baby was right, both were stubborn of other people's opinion about the baby, and beat or berated anyone who went against them.

    You call the group's actions justified or not, that's up for debate. But I don't blame them for attempting to leave.

    Anwering like that doesn´t prove you rigth.

    I don't commit the exact same fallacy I accuse someone of doing. At least now you're offering some explanations, as compared to your first reply, you just dismissed my points by being smug and condescending yourself.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Ironic. Coming from you. Anwering like that doesn´t prove you rigth. He was also hellbent on finding Wellington. And goes agai

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