Three questions.
First: What was your favourite episode of S2? I personally liked In harm's way the most.The whole captive thing,and trying to escape was definitely interesting.I also checked steam evey day to see if it was released,and it surely lived up to expectations(despite,you know,the length and the choices not mattering)
Second:This one is kind of different.What if...a zombie bit off your finger? I mean,it's an immediate amputation,but still.
Third: In 4th episode,Jane says: "Your jacket,it looks warm,but a walker will bite straight through that." Don't walkers rot,and so do their muscles? At that point a walker could barely bite through a t-shirt.I also read they turn into skeletons if they are old enough.If so,then food and water will be the only problem for people,since zombies can't bite anymore now that they don't have jaw muscles,or any muscle at all.Or how will they walk?
1: Definitely No Going Back or Amid the Ruins. (Can't pick)
2: Well, it's either cut it off immediate and only lose a finger, or wait a little and lose the hand or arm.
3: I guess walkers still has some power, since in some of the Clementine death scenes, the walkers can lift Clementine up, just like if they were strong human beings. They don't look strong since, they're just skeletons, but still alive, but not themselves. They should be weaker than they are.
Five- Three questions.
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is your favourite color?
Damn you beat me to this.
I most certainly did not.
I'm telling you, you did.
I did not!
To be honest , that jacket is fabulous.
But hideous because Bonnie gave it to us.
If bonnie touches clementine , does that make clementine hideous?
Tough titty if you did you nasty spotted prancer.
A house divided
Cut it off! Your not gonna wanna keep it!
3.) It would take an hell of a long time for them to decompose to that level! For the skull to begin rotting the brain would also have to be affected meaning the walker would die. But, video games.
Don't come up to me with that kind of posh talk, you nasty, stuck-up twit.
No, Clementine is god
Don't give me that you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings.
Batarian! Die!
Shut your festering gob, you tit! Your type makes me puke! You vacuous, coffee-nosed, malodorous, pervert!!
Begone! Sinner, I cast you out into the cold black! I name you unclean!
Rotten, rotten, you're no bloody use at all. You make me sick you weed.
If you're gonna split hairs, I'm gonna piss off.
In Harm's way
I would cut off my hand just to be safe.
I don't know good question.
Reading all this...
You know when you listen at the keyhole to two people arguing, its the same principle...
I loved House Divided. Plot was happening, Kenny came back, kidnapped to carvers. 2much4me
1: A House Divided
2: if it tore off the finger you could just cauterize the wound and it should be fine, if it bit a chunk off of your finger you would need to amputate the rest.
3: zombies have magical properties that defy all logic and physics, basically as long as a body part is connected to the brain in some way it is perfectly functional, and it doesn't matter about any damage, it just works fine (eg. zombie eyes have perfect vision) and zombies are stronger than the average human ( think high adrenalin strength all the time) and they feel no pain so can do things which would hurt humans eg. bite really hard.
so basically zombies are at full threat all the time unless they lose limbs or teeth/jaw, or they are frozen.