Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited September 2014

    They should get Goust, but I don't want Guetta to die. ;-;

    1) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast!

    Dark_Star (!) Do what you think is best. Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

  • 2) Go with Twistee and AC, meet up with the others.

    Dark_Star (!) Do what you think is best. Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

  • I smile and walker over to them

    I totally read this as: "I smile and a walker goes over to them"

    Thanks for the heart attack, Pro XD

    1) Save Goust, the walker-killing badass!

    Dark_Star (!) Do what you think is best. Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

  • I just sort of lurked around the forums, not really getting into it. I also used to have a Hershel profile picture, so that may be it. did you know what my old profile picture looked like? I never saw you around O_O

  • I thought my urban luck is gonna run out.


    At least we got a happy ending for now.

    Alt text

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Phew... MAN! This whole ''Bandits VS Survivors'' thing... I thought my urban luck is gonna run out. BUT I'M ALIVE! I'll miss my other bros.

  • Damnit Lee, y u do dis ;____;

    2) Go with Twistee and AC, meet up with the others.



    Dark_Star (!) Do what you think is best. Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

  • Well, she should try, but not alone... maybe someone will want to go with her?

    1) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast!

    Dark_Star (!) Do what you think is best. Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

  • 1) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast!

    "I know, Azlyn. Whatever you do, just don't look back."I reply..

    Y'all bitches better not look back, or someone's gon git cut.

    Dark_Star (!) Do what you think is best. Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

  • edited September 2014


    (!) Drive around, run over some of the walkers.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I kept firing at the walkers. I needed to get inside Tobi's warehouse. I decided that maybe I could drive over some of them. I got out and then entered the driver side. I looked over at the walkers trying to reach me."Haha! Bunch of ugly sacks of shits! Time to have some fun!" I floored the pedal and then started driving through the horde. A bunch of them were getting piled up on the hood."HAHAHA! A new high score!" I shouted. I was almost to the side of the warehouse, I was killing a bunch of walkers in the way. I could almost hear Tobi begging for mercy."HAHAHA! Almost there!" I said to myself. BLAM! BLAM! Out of nowhere, I heard two gunshots and I start losing control of the HUMVEE."What the fuck?!" I shout as I try turning the steering wheel and then hitting the brakes. A loud screech could be heard as I'm approaching the concrete wall of the warehouse."OH SHIT!" I brace myself for the impact...


    As I'm making my way up to the roof, I spot a HUMVEE out in the distance and one of the people that escaped shooting at the horde of walkers. I climb the ladder and make my way up, I crouch down and aim my sniper rifle at him. I see him going into the driver seat and then running over the walkers."The hell?" I say to myself. I see him driving to the side and then I aim for his wheels."Okay... patience...careful..." I hold my breath and keep the gun steady. BLAM! BLAM! I fire two shots to make sure I don't miss, and then I see him starting to spin out of control. I hear a loud screech as he runs over the gate and then crashes into the wall. I move over to look down and see him getting out of the HUMVEE.

    "Ugh... what the fuck was that...?" He manages to say. He had a bloodied forehead and was holding his arm. He notices the walkers making their way towards him, and then proceeds to get onto the turret."FUCKERS! DIE!" I aim the sniper rifle at him. BLAM! I shot him in the shoulder. "AGH!!!" He yells out and then tries to turn around.

    "Up here." I tell him.

    He looks up and spots me on the roof."What?! Who the hell are you?!" He asks while holding his bullet wound.

    I take out a grenade and then pull the pin off."ComingSoon. Don't worry, at least the walkers won't get you." I tell him and drop the grenade near him.

    He looks down at it and then back up at me."FUCK Y--" BOOM!

    The grenade goes off and I see him burning up. The HUMVEE was destroyed and the walkers kept making there way over to him."Well, that's one down..." I say to myself...


    "Too many of them in the back, stay focused on that." Broken tells me.

    "Okay, I got it." I tell her. As I'm shooting the walkers heading towards the back door, I hear a car nearby and then I see a HUMVEE to the side."What the hell?!"

    "Oh shit!" Broken says. We see a man that looked oddly familiar coming out of the vehicle."Is that... Mark?" Broken says.

    "Wasn't he with us when we helped you guys escape?" I ask her.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! He starts shooting at the walkers."Yeah, he was. He's the one that ditched us, looks like he came back to help? I don't know..." Broken tells me.

    "HAHAHA!" We hear him laughing maniacally.

    "Um..." Broken says.

    "Yeah, I don't know either..." I reply.

    We see him getting into the driver side and then running over some of the walkers."Well... at least he's clearing a path for us, if we need to go inside." Broken tells me.

    "Hmm, I guess so..." I reply. BLAM! BLAM! Out of nowhere we hear two gunshots."Oh shit!"

    "Where did it come from?!" Broken asks. We see the HUMVEE crashing into the side of the warehouse."What the fuck?!"

    I aim my sniper and look around. I look up at the roof and thought I saw someone for a quick second."Up there! On the roof!" I tell Broken.

    "Oh! I see him! Think you can shoot him from here?" She asks me.

    "It's a tricky shot, I can barely see whoever is up there..." I reply.

    "Well at least try! We have to shoot them!" Broken tells me.

    "It's not that easy... just give me a minute and let them come out from hiding." I tell her.

    BOOM! We hear an explosion and then see the HUMVEE getting blown up."Whoa! Did that roof person do that?!" Broken asks.

    "Shit! It had to be, looks like no one else is around." I reply.

    "Shit! Shoot him before he spots us!" Broken tells me.

    "We're hidden, he won't see us, and I already told you that I can't get a clear shot from here, he'll need to go out of cover." I tell her.

    "But he's one of Tobi's men! If one of our people come out, he'll see them and then kill them! Fuck this." Broken says and then aims her Ak at him.

    "You don't have a silencer on that. You're only suppose to fire when the others come out, what are you doing?!" I ask her.

    "There are gunshots all over, this won't matter." Broken replies. BRATATAT!

    "NO!" I yell out.

    I see the bullets hitting the side of the roof."I'll get him, just stay hidden." She tells me.

    BLAM! I see Broken's head snap back as she hits the ground. A perfect shot to her forehead."Broken!!!" I yell out. I stay in cover and then aim my sniper at the roof. I spot the guy running back."Shit! I have to go after him!" I say to myself. I look down at Broken's corpse and then shut her eyes closed. I look over and see the walkers distracted. I pick up Broken's AK and then start running out to the parking lot. I try my best to avoid them seeing me and then make it to the front of the warehouse where I see the ladder that the guy used to get on the roof."That son of a bitch!" I say out loud.

    "Uuuuunnhhh..." I hear a walker nearby and then turn to them.

    "Oh... oh no... no, no, no, no..." My eyes widened, I saw Noncy's reanimated corpse next to an office chair with some rope next to it. Noncy's reanimated corpse was chewed up to hell, her insides were sticking out and her legs were missing a lot of flesh. Half of her face was gone, the only thing I recognized on her was her clothes and one of her heels next to the chair. I could hear the walkers behind me getting closer. Noncy's reanimated corpse was slowly crawling over to me. I fell down to my knees and started crying...


    (!) Stay here with Rafoli.

    I was still arguing with Rafoli."Stop!" Shadow shouted."I'm staying here with Rafoli, go to the back by yourself, Gustav." He told me.

    I looked back over at Rafoli."Fuckin' fine! You assholes want to stay here and wait to die, be my guest! I'm going to find Tobi and make sure I kill him!" I tell them. I get up and start running down an empty aisle. I could hear gunshots all over the place. I reach the end of the aisle and then I see Pro, CiD and Fan hiding behind loaded up pallets. They were getting shot at by some of Tobi's men, who were also in cover. I aim my gun towards Tobi's men and then start shooting and moving forward. Bruppa! Bruppa! Bruppa! "Guys!" I shout and make my way over to them.

    I get next to Fan and I see Pro and CiD on the other side."Gustav! You made it!" Fan tells me.

    "Where are Rafoli and Shadow?" Pro asks.

    "They're in here, but they stayed back and waited. I told them to come to the back with me, but they didn't listen." I told him.

    "These guys have us pinned down. We need to get to Tobi's office, but they're complicating things for us!" CiD tells me.

    "We just need a distraction." Fan tells me.

    BRATATAT! POW! BANG! BANG! The barrage of bullets kept coming."Fuck! If we wait here any longer, Tobi might escape! We need to finish these assholes off!" I tell them.

    "We're trying, man!" CiD Replies.

    I peek out and see three guys hiding behind a wall that led to the back of the first working area."Fuck... I'll distract them." I told the three.

    "What?! Really?" Fan asks me.

    "Yeah, I'll do it." I tell him.

    "You'll die, Gustav. Don't be a hero." Pro tells me.

    "We're pinned down here, and we can't wait much longer. I need to help you guys out." I tell them."CiD knows how to get to Tobi's office, just let him lead the way. I'll stay here and keep 'em busy. Ain't no way these fuckers are going to keep us down!"

    "Shit, Gustav... you're really going to do this?" CiD asks me.

    "After everything I've put some people through... I have to, man." I tell him.

    "But you could die..." Fan tells me.

    "At least Sardines will be waitin' for me." I tell him.

    "Okay, then, Gustav. You've made up your mind." Pro tells me.

    "Just head for that first aisle near the wall. I'll keep them pinned down, I'll make sure I kill them for you guys." I tell them.

    "Okay, then... thanks, man." Fan tells me.

    "You got it, now get ready!" I told them. I take off the silencer and I got up and started shooting. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! "Go, now!" I shout.

    The others make their way over to the first aisle and then I get back into cover. I reload my weapon and then Shoot at two of the men that try to go after them. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I'm able to kill them and then I start running forward. I get into cover again and then peek out. POW! The last guy had a shotgun on him."Gustav! You backstabbing piece of shit!" He shouts at me.

    I get out and then start moving towards the wall. BRATATAT! "Come out, fucker!" I tell him.

    "Fuck you! You betrayed us, asshole!" He shouts back.

    "I just realized what a bunch of dumb-asses ya'll were! Especially Tobi! Fuck that guy!" I shout.

    "Fucking, Gustav! Fuck you, man!" POW!

    "AGH! FUCK!" I felt my legs give out and then I fell down to the floor. I looked up and saw that the guy had crouched down to shoot me in the legs.

    He came out and then started walking over to me."Haha, should've stayed here with us. Now who's the dumb-ass?" He says to me.

    "You are!" I shout and then aim my gun at him.

    "Fuck!" He aims the shotgun at my face. BRATAT! POW!

    Everything went black. I didn't know if I got him, but I was hoping that I did. I was hoping that I was able to help the others. I opened my eyes and everything was dark. There was a small light in the middle, and a female was standing there with her back turned to me. I start walking over to her and then she slowly turns around. I immediately recognize who it was."Sardines...?" I say...


    We saw Gustav running to the back."Come on, Shadow. Let's check out the other side, we could probably find Tobi in the first working area, that's where his office is. The others should be there by now." He tells me.

    "Okay, let's go." I reply. We get up and start moving, we enter an empty aisle and then we see Clayton's corpse by the wall.

    "Shit... that was Clayton, right?" Rafoli said. We noticed that his intestines were torn out, and his body had been chewed on."The fuck happened to him? Did they become cannibals?" Rafoli asked.

    "I don't know, Rafoli. But let's keep moving and find the others." I tell him.

    We make it out of the aisle and then notice some walkers around. We crouch down and stay behind cover."Jesus! How the fuck did they get in here?! Why are they just standing there? There probably hasn't been a lot of action on this side, I don't know, hmm." Rafoli whispers.

    "I think Tobi must have brought some of them in here, some of them could be Tobi's men. Check if they have guns on them." I told him.

    Rafoli peeked out."I don't see any... Just about ten walkers around, I see one dead by the wall. I think we're good if I just shoot them, and then we can continue on."

    "Don't waste too much ammo. We need it for Tobi's men." I tell him.

    "Hmm, you're right. Maybe we should just try sneaking around, then." Rafoli replies.

    "Okay, but we'll need to be very quiet and careful about it." I tell him.

    "This is where Emu died, there's a lot of cover we could use. We can do this, Shadow." He tells me. He looks around and then back at me."Come on, just follow me."

    We stay crouched down and then move forward. We used the fully loaded pallets to move from cover to cover. The walkers hadn't spotted us and we were almost to the first working area. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BANG! BANG! We start hearing more gunshots nearby."Get into cover!" We heard someone say.

    "Was that Jon?!" Rafoli asks me.

    "He's shot! Stay down!" We heard another man.

    "That sounded like Puncake! It must be them." I told Rafoli.

    "Okay, we're close! We just need to get past these walkers without them seeing us. We can do this, Shadow. Come on." He tells me and then starts to slowly move forward.

    "There's no cover here, Rafoli." I whispered to him.

    "I know... just stay quiet and move slowly. Don't make any noises." He replies. We start moving closer to the first working area and the walkers still hadn't noticed."Almost there, Shadow." Rafoli whispers.

    "Surprise, fucker!" We hear the walker who was by the wall. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!

    "What the fuck?!" I fall back and was confused as to what just happened.

    "UNGH! Fuck! He shot my legs!" Rafoli shouts.

    I aim my gun at him before he gets a chance to shoot me. BANG! A clean shot to his head."Holy shit!"

    The walkers notice the sound and then start heading for me and Rafoli."Fucking, asshole! He was disguised as a fucking walker! He probably had that gun hidden behind him! Shit! Get out of here, Shadow! Find the others! Go!" Rafoli tells me and then starts shooting the walkers with one hand. Bruppa! Bruppa! "Fuck! My legs! Agh!"

    "Rafoli! I'm not leaving you behind!" I tell him.

    "No! Just go! You'll die if you stay here! Just go! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! HURRY!" Rafoli tells me. The walkers were a few feet in front of us and getting closer. I didn't know what to do...

    1) Run and find the others.

    2) Shoot the walkers. Try to help Rafoli.


  • No, lol :p

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    wtf no it isn't becuz I do rite ;-;

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited September 2014

    Did I just kill Mark

    sigh... here's my vote:

    2.) Shoot the walkers. Try to help Rafoli.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I kept firing at the walkers. I needed to get

  • Lmao, fixed! Thanks for pointing that out, haha. B^]

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I smile and walker over to them I totally read this as: "I smile and a walker goes over to them" Thanks for the heart attack, Pro XD 1) Save Goust, the walker-killing badass!

  • Dude... you did... I wanted Mark to go out in a more bad-ass way, but you guys voted for an option that got him killed.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Did I just kill Mark sigh... here's my vote: 2.) Shoot the walkers. Try to help Rafoli.

  • 1.) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast!

    Dark_Star (!) Do what you think is best. Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    SO MUCH SHIT GOING DOWN. So many people just died. ;_; RIP everyone who died.

    Edit: I changed my vote.

    1)Run and find the others.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I kept firing at the walkers. I needed to get

  • I can't even...

    DAMNIT CS ;_______;

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Did I just kill Mark sigh... here's my vote: 2.) Shoot the walkers. Try to help Rafoli.

  • Apparently I killed Broken too.

    I can't even...damn.

    Dude... you did... I wanted Mark to go out in a more bad-ass way, but you guys voted for an option that got him killed.

  • I'm SARRY ;-; It was the votes that killed Mark! Broken though...

    Twistee posted: »

    I can't even... DAMNIT CS ;_______;


    SO MUCH SHIT GOING DOWN. So many people just died. ;_; RIP everyone who died. Edit: I changed my vote. 1)Run and find the others.

  • Man you killed 2 characters in one part. ;___;

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I'm SARRY ;-; It was the votes that killed Mark! Broken though...

  • CS!!! NOO MARK!! MARK!!!

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I'm SARRY ;-; It was the votes that killed Mark! Broken though...

  • I'm afraid to Vote Now, I choose 2) I guess...

    Markd4547 (!) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I kept firing at the walkers. I needed to get

  • Oh my god...jeez >.<

    I'll probably kill more people though ;___;

    Twistee posted: »

    Man you killed 2 characters in one part. ;___;

  • ;-; I REGRET NOTHING >:)

    Jk srs man holy shit ;_;

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    CS!!! NOO MARK!! MARK!!!

  • 1) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast!

    No man left behind!

    Dark_Star (!) Do what you think is best. Scarlet kept staring at us. Juicy finally spoke up."Do what you think is best." She told her.

  • edited September 2014

    Wow, just... Broken, Mark, Gustav, WTW and Rafoli doesn't look too good. But it would be out of character for Shadow to help him.

    1) Run and find the others.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I kept firing at the walkers. I needed to get

  • Good Job, Good Job.... Alt text (!) Saltlick123 will remember this (jk)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    ;-; I REGRET NOTHING Jk srs man holy shit ;_;

  • .____.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Good Job, Good Job.... (!) Saltlick123 will remember this (jk)

  • Yeah, her too. But CS isn't a bad guy, he's just on the wrong side, and he'll fight to make sure he lives. The others don't know this and will just assume he's another one of Tobi's men. It's either him or them.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Apparently I killed Broken too. I can't even...damn.

  • Woah that was intense... R.I.P to all of our dead...

    2) Shoot the walkers. Try to help Rafoli.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I kept firing at the walkers. I needed to get

  • Yeah, he just eliminates people he thinks are threats (basically everyone in the situation lol) and his 'survival of the fittest' mentality contributes. But damn, though. Being blown up and burning to death. Shitty way to go.

    Yeah, her too. But CS isn't a bad guy, he's just on the wrong side, and he'll fight to make sure he lives. The others don't know this and will just assume he's another one of Tobi's men. It's either him or them.


    Markd4547 After leaving the lady behind, I kept my focus on getting to Tobi's. A few hours had gone by and it was getting dark out. I not

  • Jesus... Everything turned into a disaster. The Mansion is screwed too. -.-

    1) Run and find the others.

    I don't even know what to do anymore. ;_____;

    Markd4547 (!) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I kept firing at the walkers. I needed to get

  • Mark and Broken too bb


  • edited September 2014


    Alt text

    And rip Gustav and Broken. ;-; And argh, Shadow might fuck up in both options ;-;

    1) Run and find the others. sorry raf :c

    Markd4547 (!) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I kept firing at the walkers. I needed to get

  • There's only one option where Shadow could fuck up...

    MARK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;----------------------; And rip Gustav and Broken. ;-; And argh, Shadow might fuck up in both options ;-; 1) Run and find the others. sorry raf :c

  • well, I guess Mark went out with a bang.

    1) Run and find the others. If it's only ten, he theoretically should manage to take them out with a gun. But then again, Shadow probably isn't that good a shot. better stay on the safe side.

    Markd4547 (!) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I kept firing at the walkers. I needed to get

  • went out with a bang

    very punny

    well, I guess Mark went out with a bang. 1) Run and find the others. If it's only ten, he theoretically should manage to take them out with a gun. But then again, Shadow probably isn't that good a shot. better stay on the safe side.

  • Wonder how Mark's gonna react to this XD

  • Yeeeeah, but which one? Meh, I guess I shouldn't trust in helping people. ;-;

    There's only one option where Shadow could fuck up...

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