Season 2 Quizzes



  • edited September 2014

    Which TWDG Season 2 Character Are You?
    Your Result: Carlos
    You are Carlos. You take your responsibilities very seriously. During conflicts, you always remain calm. You're intelligent and brave. You'd put your own life on the line for your loved ones.

    Your Quote - "Regardless of intent, there are consequences to rash actions."
    Result Breakdown:
    58% Carlos
    58% Sarah
    54% Nick
    54% Walter
    52% Kenny
    50% Christa
    50% Bonnie
    38% Jane
    28% Pete
    26% Luke

  • I'm the helpfull survivor and doug :P

  • I got The Helpful Survivor and Luke.

    Not bad.


    Rock114 posted: »

    I got The Helpful Survivor and Luke. Not bad.

  • I bet you guys hanging around "The Details" thread will score the best.

    I hope so, I created the darn thread.

  • If you guys have any other quizzes ideas, just let me know. I'm out.

  • What s1 character you are?

    I dunno, but I haven't seen many good ones of those so it would be cool to take

    fallandir posted: »

    If you guys have any other quizzes ideas, just let me know. I'm out.

  • I got Nick. Nick is love. Nick is life

  • The Helpful Survivor



  • First Quiz

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    Second Quiz

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    Third Quiz

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  • And that means you will have to eat a saltlick if you won't score 100%.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I bet you guys hanging around "The Details" thread will score the best. I hope so, I created the darn thread.

  • i got luke, i don't mean to rub it in if that's what this feels like.

    lee4life posted: »

    I'm the helpfull survivor and doug :P

  • Cool!

    -XYAB- posted: »

    i got luke, i don't mean to rub it in if that's what this feels like.

  • I got the same

    Rock114 posted: »

    I got The Helpful Survivor and Luke. Not bad.

  • Im the prudent survivor, 67%, Walter :)

  • We literally got the same results

    Cinicage posted: »

    First Quiz Second Quiz Third Quiz

  • You Are 36% TWDG Season 2 Specialist.
    Not bad, even if you could've scored more. I dare you to try it again. Good luck!

  • The Tough Survivor.(82%)

    Uncle Pete(80%) ...D':

    DIdn't take the last one, because I don't have the best memory for trivial details.

  • Alt text

    I don't like being that similar to Sarah... -__-

  • At least you're 0% dead. :)

    I don't like being that similar to Sarah... -__-

  • Holy Crap that's awesome! I mean.... I'M AWESOME!! XD

    fallandir posted: »

    At least you're 0% dead.

  • The Helpful Survivor - 76%

    The Prudent Survivor - 49%

    The Lonely Survivor - 41%

    Dead/Walker - 39%

    The Lost Survivor - 31%

    The Impulsive Survivor - 23%

    The Tough Survivor - 19%

    The Ruthless Survivor - 11%

  • Luke - 86%

    Jane - 76%

    Walter - 70%

    Pete - 64%

    Nick - 46%

    Carlos - 42%

    Sarah - 42%

    Kenny - 14%

    Christa - 8%

    Bonnie - 0%

  • edited September 2014

    I took the quizzes and my results:

    The helpful survivor. Pete. And there were more details than I thought. 81%.

  • First quiz:

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    Second quiz:

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    Third quiz (OH COME ON!):

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  • How well I know TWDG

    You Are 89% TWDG Season 2 Specialist.

    Holy crap, you're a true fan, don't you? Congratulation. I couldn't find any more details to suprise you with. Accept a handshake!

  • edited September 2014

    Who have you become? (TWDG Season 2)
    Your Result: The Tough Survivor

    When it comes to survival, you're willing to hold back if it means protecting yourself or someone you care about. You've seen many bad things, enough for the lifetime of a one person. You have commited your share of atrocities. You're the true warrior. Who suits you the most? 1. Carley 2. Carlos

    55%The Helpful Survivor

    53%The Lost Survivor

    46%The Ruthless Survivor

    46%The Prudent Survivor


    29%The Impulsive Survivor

    0%The Lonely Survivor

    Which TWDG Season 2 Character Are You?

    Wait, what the fuck? I got JANE.
    Your Result: Jane


    You are Jane. You feel good being alone, you believe that groups tend to fall apart, leading to people getting killed, which you witnessed before. You're honest, resourceful and cunning person, which sometimes gets you into trouble. Your Quote - "You can't save everyone."










    That was... Unexpected. But I'll roll with it, I suppose. 14% KENNY, THOUGH! What? Just because he's my idol doesn't mean I have to think like him. I just... Follow him blindly.

  • The prudent survivor and I'm Luke.

  • Quiz 1

    Who have you become? (TWDG Season 2)
    Your Result: The Tough Survivor

    When it comes to survival, you're willing to hold back if it means protecting yourself or someone you care about. You've seen many bad things, enough for the lifetime of a one person. You have commited your share of atrocities. You're the true warrior. Who suits you the most? 1. Carley 2. Carlos


    46%The Lost Survivor

    46%The Ruthless Survivor

    46%The Prudent Survivor

    45%The Lonely Survivor

    29%The Impulsive Survivor

    28%The Helpful Survivor

    Quiz 2

    Which TWDG Season 2 Character Are You?
    Yay my second favorite character next to Kenny :D

    Your Result: Nick

    You are Nick. You show little concern for others, considering them a risk to your own people's safety, and tend to be rude to them. Your Group worries about you and consider you to be a bit of liability, which you realize. Your Quote - "I wish I could just keep movin’ all the time. But I’m just not… built like that."










    Quiz 3
    I did better than I thought I would lol

    You Are 69% TWDG Season 2 Specialist.

    Almost there! More details than you thought, huh? No need to worry about it, you're great. Good job!

  • I got Pete, though closely second I was Nick and following that was Luke. I'm a helpful survivor. Hell yeah!

  • I did the quiz again and thought things through a bit more and got something much more fitting: Sarah. I've been coddled all my life, but there's stuff I want to do and I can act tough at times.

    It makes A LOT more sense than Jane.

  • edited September 2014

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  • Man, you're almost dead/walker. It happened to me :(

    First quiz: Second quiz: Third quiz (OH COME ON!):

  • I guess you don't like Jane then :)

    I did the quiz again and thought things through a bit more and got something much more fitting: Sarah. I've been coddled all my life, but there's stuff I want to do and I can act tough at times. It makes A LOT more sense than Jane.

  • That's awkward...

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  • It's not that I dislike her, it just doesn't suit me. It does a little, just...

    I guess you don't like Jane then

  • Didn't thought it would be this much.

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