The versus thread (videos and suggestions)
So the purpose of this thread is to have characters fight each other using the kenny vs jane scene that was from no going back and I would like to know what you guys want to see
since i don't want to make people feel like they are being ignored i am going to pick a couple of suggestions that have been mention and you guys can vote on which one you want to see first if your suggestion does not win it doesn't mean i won't do it it just means i will do it a bit later
I will not be discussing how to do this as it is against the forum rules and can result in the thread being closed or me being banned
Characters that can be used
Season 1
Clem (s1 model)
Kenny (s1 model)
Season 2
Everyone who has appeared in season 2 can be used
These are videos that have already been done
Credit to ZeroFleet for Luke v Kenny
Credit to TinyCarlos for Nick v Kenny
Leave some suggestions below and hopefully we can have some fun with this
Clem vs duck
Kenny vs carver
Alvin vs carver
I will say Jane at first Reminded me of Molly but after Episode 5 she reminded me of Lilly a little...
Jane vs Molly. That would be something
Edit, sorry skipped over the part on which chars can be used :P... Ill leave it as a suggestion then :P
which clem are we gonna use season 1 or 2?
Giving molly the epic PCmasterrace beatdown
yea after i did that a lot of people asked me whether nikki rapp actually voiced jane it pretty funny how similar they sound
Season 1 would be preferable.
Why did people ban gladiator fights?...
What's a gladiator fight?
Pretty much this, fights in the colosseum, now that was entertainment :P
To be fair , this was inhumane.
Aww you spoilsport
, ofcourse it was. But highly entertaining
It was like watching Die hard in roman time :P. They didn't have tv's 
yea thats all good its the purpose of the thread
I'll add it on with the other two
I hope it's alright if I share this.........
I did Nick VS Kenny
Nick sounds a bit girly
"Do you remember when people were killed for entertainment?"
"pepperidge farm remembers"
Katjaa vs Sarita
Juicebox vs Peaches
Lee VS Carver because
Ben vs Arvo.
Ah yep, this would be nice to see. Toss this thing a like, lets make it happen!
ok since i don't want to make people feel like they are being ignored i am going to pick a couple of suggestions that have been mention and you guys can vote on which one you want to see first if your suggestion does not win it doesn't mean i won't do it it just means i will do it a bit later
Round 1
1)Ben vs Arvo.
2)Clem vs duck
3)Katjaa vs Sarita
4)Lee VS Carver
andy and danny
I want 2
and then 4 and then 3
so i can just count your vote as number 2?
4 cause I want to see Lee kick Carver's ass
Ben vs Arvo. gief :P
/incites the crowd
Cmon guys!, Like this post up for some good old wrestling match between tall & clumsy vs Tiny and handicapped!
Will Ben break Arvo's glasses? Will Arvo drop Ben off a tower? Only one way to find out!, Like this post and we can find out together!
.... i had to.
yea i don't see why not
Yes but vote 2!
I wanna see it done.
I want 4, since I thought of it, do people who made up the suggestions count?
I mean people who up a suggestion already count since they made up the idea.
And The Cabin Group would be like "Holy fuck, that guy is doing something none us could."
And Clem and Kenny would be like "Yep, that's our Lee. He knows how to get things done."
For the lols I would absolutely love a Katja vs Duck!
Yeah, do the people who made the suggestions count, because i would go with 3 then, but if i can't vote for myself, i want 2.
Gavin approves this message.