What would you Rate season 2 of TWD game out of 10?



  • Loading times are a problem for everyone on consoles so I can see that problem (I play on PC btw and loading times are fine) :p other than that though I haven't heard or seen anyone having these problems other than just a few people and that only happens like one time for them, I think it's just a problem with your console :P

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Both seasons on Xbox 360. Season 1 would freak out when you made a third save file, near the end of episode 2 the game would just crash,

  • Yeah I played on Xbox and only experienced some unfavourable loading times.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Both seasons on Xbox 360. Season 1 would freak out when you made a third save file, near the end of episode 2 the game would just crash,

  • So, mine, my brother's, by best friend's, my mom's, my dad's, and my cousin's consoles all have the same problem?

    Please excuse me, but I am gonna call BS on that one.

    Green613 posted: »

    Loading times are a problem for everyone on consoles so I can see that problem (I play on PC btw and loading times are fine) other than th

  • Why do each of your family members have a separate console? XD

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    So, mine, my brother's, by best friend's, my mom's, my dad's, and my cousin's consoles all have the same problem? Please excuse me, but I am gonna call BS on that one.

  • Pretty much :p I'm pretty sure most Xbox 360 users here can say I'm right on this. But then again, i don't know if there are that many on here.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    So, mine, my brother's, by best friend's, my mom's, my dad's, and my cousin's consoles all have the same problem? Please excuse me, but I am gonna call BS on that one.

  • same

    Yeah I played on Xbox and only experienced some unfavourable loading times.

  • Youre right :p

    Green613 posted: »

    Pretty much I'm pretty sure most Xbox 360 users here can say I'm right on this. But then again, i don't know if there are that many on here.

  • Season 2 even with its flaws, made me the most emotional I have been in a VERY long time. Something doesn't have to be perfect to get a 10/10 from me, the score just has to feel right. 10/10 feels right to me.

  • Go on Google.

    Look up, "Walking Dead Storage Device Lost"

    That's what I'm talking about. TellTale's reaction wasn't any better. They just closed there eyes, plugged their ears, and pretended it never happened.

    Green613 posted: »

    Pretty much I'm pretty sure most Xbox 360 users here can say I'm right on this. But then again, i don't know if there are that many on here.

  • 9/10

    Loved it. My only real complaint is the misuse of Nick and Sarah.


    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I would give it a 9 but there was wasted potential and unexplained things, and out of all people I would expect YOU to find Luke's death unn

  • It was horrible, too many plot holes, no hubs, no character development, Sarah was a little bitch, overall an amazing game 10/10

    • IGN

    (Not my actual input I swear)

  • It's interesting. I'll explain it the best I can.

    Season One

    • Playability: 9/10
    • Watchability: 7/10

    Season Two

    • Playability: 8/10
    • Watchability: 9/10
  • Yeah, there are no perfect games, but I think a 10/10 just means that the game is one of your all-time favorites.
    So I'd give both seasons (as an overall rating) a 10/10.

  • Either a 6.5 or 7/10.

  • edited September 2014

    Season 1:

    • 9.5/10

    Season 2:

    • 8/10
  • season 1 light/10

  • What??? You have...4 XBOXs? xD I play on Android the most buggy of all consoles and dont seem to have ANY of these problems. Loading times are fine, there are games that are 1,000,000 times worse. As I said, I dont have any problems only some rare (very rare) crashes out of nowhere.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Go on Google. Look up, "Walking Dead Storage Device Lost" That's what I'm talking about. TellTale's reaction wasn't any better. They just closed there eyes, plugged their ears, and pretended it never happened.

  • edited September 2014

    Hmm probs a 9/10 because of several lazy deaths.

    Season 1 was a 10/10

  • At its best possible day, it's a seven out of ten for me.

  • Season 1: 9/10

    Season 2: 10/10

  • Season 1 Score: 9/10

    • Pros: Character development and consistency, choices affects the plot and how characters treat you, HUBs enables character conversation, engaging main character.
    • Cons: Puzzles tend to take too long to solve (train puzzle, anyone?), Crawford plot is underwhelming.

    Season 2 Score: Can't decide between 6/10 or 7/10

    • Pros: Graphical quality improved, more diverse character cast, more tense and atmospheric moments, environment and location designs are well done, zombie apocalypse feels more desperate than ever.
    • Cons: One dimensional characters, cheap deaths for cheap drama, character inconsistency, playable child character tends to break immersion at times, choices tend to never affect characters or plot in the long run, episodes too short.
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