Dead City (Finale)



  • Survivors are people just trying to get by.

    Bandits are survivors that are doing ANY thing to survive.

    Hunters are scavengers who are hunting the family for reasons that will be given.

    The soldiers are a part of the military and are tasked with a job that will be disclosed later.

    ThatOneUser posted: »

    I want to be a survivor. Can you give me the background to the groups? Like are the bandits bad people or just trying to get by? Here give me a minute.

  • That's fine, just trying to save time.

    I think that one user wanted to be a survivor and ill use his character but I will save yours for a role coming later.

  • I think that one user wanted to be a survivor and ill use his character but I will save yours for a role coming later.

    mr.quality posted: »

    Michel Ramsey Survivor Age: 38 Height: 6'5'' Weight: 210 Eye color: blue Hair color: blonde History Michel was somew

  • edited September 2014

    Survivor: Lev Salazar

    Age: 20

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 135 lbs

    Ethnicity: Russian/Hispanic

    Description: Not much is know about Lev, since he doesn't really talk about his past. He is however a kind person, patient, and understanding but by no means a coward. He tries to avoid fights and trouble, but he is known to stand up for himself if people try to push him around. Lev has a good sense of humor on the rare ocassions when he wants to make a joke, and can be somewhat pessamistic, even though he claims to be more of a realist. He seems to be ok being alone, but sometimes it just seems he is lonely without family/friends/girlfriend/etc.

    What is known about his past is that he and his family were really close. It is unknown what happened to them. He attended a prestigious university, but was not really interested in the life of a student despite his intelligence. He is in good shape, not particularly muscular but not scrawny either and with excelent speed and agility. He has medium long black hair and blue eyes.

    He grew up on a farm, so he has experience in hunting and growing food. He loves to play video games but is also handy when it comes to crafting items from scraps left in the garage. He took matrial arts classes for a while, but stop going for unknown reasons. Overall, he looks normal enough on the outside, but his thoughts remain his own. You get glimpses into his mind when ever he decides to stand up for what he believes in. His faith and morals are set in stone...but the world changes people.

    Survivors are people just trying to get by. Bandits are survivors that are doing ANY thing to survive. Hunters are scavengers who are

  • You are the last survivor.

    Chapter 1 will be up by 10 pm EST

    ThatOneUser posted: »

    Survivor: Lev Salazar Age: 20 Height: 5'5 Weight: 135 lbs Ethnicity: Russian/Hispanic Description: Not much is know about Lev

  • Cool, I can't wait.

    You are the last survivor. Chapter 1 will be up by 10 pm EST

  • You should edit your OP that the first choice is posted

    Im still accepting characters for the open areas but heres the opening for the "S&B" storyline. ???-Okay get in here and grab everyth

  • What is OP if you dont mind asking?

    You should edit your OP that the first choice is posted

  • edited September 2014

    I was worried people wouldn't see that there is already story, as it was easy to overlook.

    OP is original post, so your first post before others commented.

    What is OP if you dont mind asking?

  • edited September 2014

    (choice result- save group member)

    Chapter 1

    ???-Anthony! Help!

    Anthony- Im coming!

    Anthony smashs the walker's head in


    A- no problem, Josh

    J-Come on lets get to Colton and that idiot Simon!

    The group meets on the roof


    S- Im sorry!

    J- You are lucky im fine, thanks to Anthony!

    C- Hey calm the fuck down! We are alive and we have the medicine, lets just get back to the group.

    They start their long walk back to the rooftop camp

    When they arrive everyone is happy to see them

    Brandon- Thank God youre back, Megans getting worse.

    C-let me have a look

    Colton walks off with a bag of medicine to check on Megan, Lev sits in a corner alone with a rifle in hand, Brandon goes to talk with Simon while Josh goes to sit with Sammy at the fire

    Anthony joins the conversation Simon and Brandon are having

    S-so anything happen while we were gone?

    B- No, anything happen to you all? Josh looks pissed.

    A- Simon almost got him killed...

    B- Damn, im surprised he didnt kill you, Josh is nice but hes becoming broken.

    S- It was an accident, I mistook as fire alarm for a lightswitch.

    B- How do you do that? trying to hold in a smile

    S- I wanted to help...

    Josh overhearing this walks over

    J- Well you didnt, I dont care about you, you left me for dead, Anthony didnt.

    S- Im sorry! Damn I just wanted to help!

    J- Well FUCK YOU, you didnt and dont expect me to help you or that girl you love!


    C-Will you shut the fuck up Josh!

    J- ME! You stay out of this Doc, youre lucky youre a doctor or I wouldnt of saved you!

    C-Im tired of your leader BULLSHIT! Youre no better than the dead or bandits!

    (second choice)

  • Good job man:)

    (choice result- save group member) Chapter 1 ???-Anthony! Help! Anthony- Im coming! Anthony smashs the walker's head in ???-t

  • Thanks, dont forget to vote tomorrow if we have enough ill start on the hunter storyline and keep going with this one.

    Kenny4ever posted: »

    Good job man:)

  • I wanted to possibly be a survior, but since it's closed I'll make a bandit character. I'll make a male and female character sperate from eachother in case you need one or the other (or both) to keep a good ratio. I'll keep the descriptions short so you can work with them.

    Name: Amari Ramada

    Gender: Female

    Age: 22

    Ethnicity: Indian/ Arabic

    Description: 5'7, 120 lbs, Green Eyes, longish pixie cut hair

    Former Occupation: Student

    Background: Amari grew up in the United States, but was always persecuted due to her background. This, along with the strict upbringing of her parents have shaped her into a hardened yet respectful individual. She respects and cares deeply for her family, even though she doesn't openly show it. She has one close friend who is like a sister to her, but what happened to her is unknown. She can be impulsive and very critical about people making mistakes. She was a medical student. She does not agree with being a bandit, but she feels their protection is needed to survive in this world. She would never hurt anyone unless they deserved it.

  • I need a bandit, hunter, and two soldiers... I will use her for bandits but you can make the next one a soldier or hunter. A soldier would be nice

    UnknownX posted: »

    I wanted to possibly be a survior, but since it's closed I'll make a bandit character. I'll make a male and female character sperate from ea

  • Would a female soldier work?

    I need a bandit, hunter, and two soldiers... I will use her for bandits but you can make the next one a soldier or hunter. A soldier would be nice

  • Already voted

    Thanks, dont forget to vote tomorrow if we have enough ill start on the hunter storyline and keep going with this one.

  • Yes

    Would a female soldier work?

  • Name: Leon Polonsky

    Gender: Male

    Age: 23

    Ethnicity: American Caucasian

    Description: 5'10, 160 lbs, Brown Eyes, short black hair

    Former Occupation: Unemployed

    Background: Leon is a wild card (like Nate from 400 days). He is loyal only to his group and those who take his side. He protects his own no matter the cause. He believes in giving people chances but if they screw up in anyway then he is quick to try and get rid of them. Before all of this he was a small town delinquent, with many arrest for minor crimes. He comes from a military family which is why he is somewhat of a rough person. To his friends however he is an ok guy. He has been shown to be merciful to people who may be of use whether it be for a skill or a strenghth, or agility. Overall he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty.

    UnknownX posted: »

    I wanted to possibly be a survior, but since it's closed I'll make a bandit character. I'll make a male and female character sperate from ea

  • edited September 2014




    A mix between Stephanie and Edith. Somewhat Asian. 5'5, hazel eyes, pretty slim.


    She is silent but deadly. She tends to stay out of conflicts and is never the center of attention. Excels at marksman weapons.


  • I will use him as another bandit actually...Maybe the leader.

    WilltheSeal can do the soldier

    UnknownX posted: »

    Name: Leon Polonsky Gender: Male Age: 23 Ethnicity: American Caucasian Description: 5'10, 160 lbs, Brown Eyes, short black hair

  • Skylar, like it, finally another soldier.

    Name:Sky Age:23 Female A mix between Stephanie and Edith. Somewhat Asian. 5'5, hazel eyes, pretty slim. Soldier She is silent

  • She was inspired from Kerrigan in Starcraft :)

    Skylar, like it, finally another soldier.

  • Lets hope it was the right choice ;)

    Kenny4ever posted: »

    Already voted

  • Im think of her in that way, I only need 1 hunter and 1 soldier to start those stories.

    She was inspired from Kerrigan in Starcraft

  • edited September 2014

    Hey. I have a question. Since this story is set in TWD universe would you be alluding to the game in anyway?
    Example: Let's say the group is looking for supplies and goes into a pharmacy (Everett's Pharmacy). One of them notices a radio and makes a remark like "Why are the batteries in backwards". This would be refering to Carley indirectly. If so I want to throw in an interesting idea, if I may.

    You are the last survivor. Chapter 1 will be up by 10 pm EST

  • edited September 2014

    Well I might want to link Wellington to the survivors or refrence the dead bodies of carley/doug.

    I dont want this to be at Macon just somewhere in Georgia.

    ThatOneUser posted: »

    Hey. I have a question. Since this story is set in TWD universe would you be alluding to the game in anyway? Example: Let's say the group

  • Group 6: HUNTERS

    Name: Jack Jelq

    Age: 22

    Ethnicity: White

    Apperance: Very tall and lean. Wearing jean shorts cut off, high heel black combat sexy boots, an unzipped denim jacket, and a pink cowboy hat. Gorgeous blonde hair, blue bright eyes.

    Personality: Flamboyant, sexy, really good with his aks-74u with no stock.

  • Your description reminds me of this....

    Alt text

    Group 6: HUNTERS Name: Jack Jelq Age: 22 Ethnicity: White Apperance: Very tall and lean. Wearing jean shorts cut off, high heel

  • So, will the rest of the story just be posted on this thread as comments, or will it be somewhere else?

    Lets hope it was the right choice

  • I...Might kill him off quick XD

    Hes in the story

    Group 6: HUNTERS Name: Jack Jelq Age: 22 Ethnicity: White Apperance: Very tall and lean. Wearing jean shorts cut off, high heel

  • Ok. In that case since nothing is known about Lev's family, I was thinking if it was possible to link him to one of the minor people in the game? My idea was that there would be a sort of one on one scene with him where he explains that his dad was a senator who was killed by a man (Lee). After that his family fell apart, especially his mother who not only lost her husband, but found out he was having an affair. I thought this might provide for some good development and explain his character little bit more, but at the same time it might be too far fetched, though something along these lines would be interesting with the characters.

    Anyways, just a thought, but thanks for your time. I've seen the first post and its coming along great.

    Well I might want to link Wellington to the survivors or refrence the dead bodies of carley/doug. I dont want this to be at Macon just somewhere in Georgia.

  • Why?


    I...Might kill him off quick XD Hes in the story

  • That's a sick picture. Would make a kickas cosplay. But i was going more this

    Alt text

    Your description reminds me of this....

  • edited September 2014

    I might do the prologue for the hunter arc tonight, if I get another soldier then I can do chapter two of (S&B), chapter one of "Hunters" and prologue of the "Soldier" arc tomorrow.

  • Thanks and ill try to do tie ins when they work.

    ThatOneUser posted: »

    Ok. In that case since nothing is known about Lev's family, I was thinking if it was possible to link him to one of the minor people in the

  • Alright

    On here as comments, I will try and back it up somwhere but for right now its just here.

  • On here as comments, I will try and back it up somwhere but for right now its just here.

    Colton posted: »

    So, will the rest of the story just be posted on this thread as comments, or will it be somewhere else?

  • He might live for a while but nothings confirmed yet.


  • If you want you can find a good website to post it on, ill try to post it there.

    Colton posted: »

    So, will the rest of the story just be posted on this thread as comments, or will it be somewhere else?

  • maybe you could just edit the OP and put the story there? and the strawpolls

    If you want you can find a good website to post it on, ill try to post it there.

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