Has anybody else heard this about Daryl Dixon?



  • uhm.... Evolution is a fact. Theory of evolution EXPLAINS how it works.

    Theres plently of them, if you actually did some research with eyes open.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    No... Evolution is a theory That is why it is called the THEORY of Evolution... Where is the missing link?

  • edited September 2014

    You can´t seriously be saying this douche is rigth? First of all, even if he didn´t call them by any 'degoratory names' his views of them are pretty degoratory.

    While I do not like homosexuals, I still will try to treat them in a respectful manner, which I've demonstrated by not calling them by any d

  • Thanks bud, we also need more people like you. In other words, non close minded cock faces.

    SwagBeast posted: »

    We need more people like you.

  • Whatever, Rick and CAWRLLL rule the show.

  • edited September 2014

    All I'm saying is that his request that they "show him the same courtesy" was not granted. I don't like to get into arguments about this subject, but I found it funny how he asked people not to call him names and every comment has called him a name so far. Of course, I didn't expect people not to.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    You can´t seriously be saying this douche is rigth? First of all, even if he didn´t call them by any 'degoratory names' his views of them are pretty degoratory.

  • not funny

    No one gives a shit about veterans. No wonder we are all so pissed off.

    zykelator posted: »

    Then how come there are vets left, if everyone kills themselves after 55 minutes? ps. just making fun of your sentence. No trolling included.

  • All I'm saying is that his request that they "show him the same courtesy" was not granted at all.

    Well, what I have said is that he didn´t show any courtesy at all in the first place, so he does not deserve courtesy.

    All I'm saying is that his request that they "show him the same courtesy" was not granted. I don't like to get into arguments about this sub

  • NOTICE: While I do not like homosexuals, I still will try to treat them in a respectful manner, which I've demonstrated by not calling them by any derogatory name. And all I ask in return, is that they show me the same courtesy.

    Alt text

  • Then it makes total sense.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    All I'm saying is that his request that they "show him the same courtesy" was not granted at all. Well, what I have said is that he didn´t show any courtesy at all in the first place, so he does not deserve courtesy.

  • edited September 2014

    These types of people are the ones that don't let us progress as a species, and respect each other for who they are. They promote bigotry. It's impossible to respect this opinion if your a decent, moral person who accepts others for who they are. They are holding us back from evolving into a respectable, peaceful, and equal species. I really hope people to learn to respect each other in further generations. This has nothing to do with religion, I know plenty of religious people who accept homosexuality.

  • They are holding us back from evolving into a respectable, peaceful, and equal species.

    wake me up when we get there.

    Colton posted: »

    These types of people are the ones that don't let us progress as a species, and respect each other for who they are. They promote bigotry. I

  • edited September 2014

    That is because he doesn't deserve it

    'I fucking hate you people, but I won't call you names if you don't. Ok? I still hate you of course.'

    All I'm saying is that his request that they "show him the same courtesy" was not granted. I don't like to get into arguments about this sub

  • [removed]

    Flog61 posted: »

    NOTICE: While I do not like homosexuals, I still will try to treat them in a respectful manner, which I've demonstrated by not calling them by any derogatory name. And all I ask in return, is that they show me the same courtesy.

  • See, the thing here is, assuming he´s not trolling (and I hope he is), this is simply disturbing. It´s 2014. People shouldn´t still be hating people over something they can´t control. You wanna dislike someone over something they did? Sure, go ahead. But to hate over their preferences? Ones that they aren´t able to choose, at that? That´s not a phobia, that´s being a simple asshole for the heck of it. Because people don´t do what you want them to do. Because they´re "different" from you.

    Also, shove their lifestyle down our throats? What do you think society does to them every day of their lives all the while they can be offended just because they don´t follow that norm?

    Some people need to grow up.

  • ^^^^^ times a million

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    See, the thing here is, assuming he´s not trolling (and I hope he is), this is simply disturbing. It´s 2014. People shouldn´t still be hatin

  • Using language like that is hardly going to create a good impression is it?

    Please don't use words like 'retard', they're just as bad as 'faggot' and 'nigger'.

  • He's implying that it's perfectly acceptable to completely belittle and condemn a person or group as long as no offensive words are used in the process. LOL. Because that's totally how society works, isn't it 'Kenny/Lee'? Let me ask you this... Would you walk up to an African-American person and tell them that you 'don't like what they are'? That's just as offensive as flat-out calling them a nigger and doesn't make it even remotely acceptable.

    Flog61 posted: »

    NOTICE: While I do not like homosexuals, I still will try to treat them in a respectful manner, which I've demonstrated by not calling them by any derogatory name. And all I ask in return, is that they show me the same courtesy.

  • Fighting for equality = shoving lifestyle down throats in posters mind.

    * Nobody cares * Stop being a homophobic piece of shit. I honestly don't care if you treat homosexuals with 'respect' you obviously are d

  • sounds like a political debate to me.

    That is because he doesn't deserve it 'I fucking hate you people, but I won't call you names if you don't. Ok? I still hate you of course.'

  • Why does his sexuality matter!? He is one hell of a zombie slaying motherf***er and just plain badass.. If he likes zombie penis i honestly don't give a damn.

  • Comment of the week

    sounds like a political debate to me.

  • While i could get into the religious stuff people are talking about here... (Calling evolution a theory?... cmon... its 2014)
    Or i could get into the whole homosexuality hypocrisy... Ill try to stay on topic.
    I believe Daryl is an a-sexual.

  • If he likes zombie penis i honestly don't give a damn

    Wait a second,that's not "gay",that's necrophilia.

    xClementine posted: »

    Why does his sexuality matter!? He is one hell of a zombie slaying motherf***er and just plain badass.. If he likes zombie penis i honestly don't give a damn.

  • zombie penis


    xClementine posted: »

    Why does his sexuality matter!? He is one hell of a zombie slaying motherf***er and just plain badass.. If he likes zombie penis i honestly don't give a damn.

  • Most people in here have behaved themselves but these type of threads can turn ugly with insults and other unpleasant comments so i'm going to close this before things start heading south.

This discussion has been closed.