Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Okay I get it B]

    get what lol?

  • You don't have to overdo it and post smiley faces.

    I'm sorry if it looked like overdoing it. Also, it ain't nothin' to do with confidence. Do your own vote count :)

  • Nah I gotta sleep, maybe tomorrow.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    You don't have to overdo it and post smiley faces. I'm sorry if it looked like overdoing it. Also, it ain't nothin' to do with confidence. Do your own vote count

  • Ah whatever it's like this:

    1: 14

    2: 11

    About that ;)

    Nah I gotta sleep, maybe tomorrow.

  • Man, hopefully he does.

    People change and others will do what they believe is necessary I hope you are right on this one, because of that, and also the "the

  • Just wanted to take one last minute to appreciate what you did for my character man. Thanks.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    guys lets not kill cs THE WAR IS OVER There is no point in killing him you would just be killing ANOTHER great character THIS NEEDS TO END i vote 1) let him live WHO'S WITH ME ?

  • 1) Tell him to Get up. Get the fuck out of here. You better make sure I don't ever see your face again. I'm also taking half of your supplies.

    JonGon (!) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. The others mana

  • my character go a REALLY bad death

    and even thought i got over it i won't let that happen to anyone else :)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Just wanted to take one last minute to appreciate what you did for my character man. Thanks.

  • I'm happy for you :)

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    my character go a REALLY bad death and even thought i got over it i won't let that happen to anyone else


    Deceptio posted: »

    1) Tell him to Get up. Get the fuck out of here. You better make sure I don't ever see your face again. I'm also taking half of your supplies.

  • Oh hey you killed me. thank you, I was disagreeing with myself.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Just wanted to take one last minute to appreciate what you did for my character man. Thanks.

  • I'm confused... Are you angry at me, neutral, or happy?

    Oh hey you killed me. thank you, I was disagreeing with myself.

  • Happy B)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I'm confused... Are you angry at me, neutral, or happy?

  • Whatever. Since the story is almost over, I will at least have my character do something of importance. With everyone changing their votes, I will probably end up sparing you. If that happens, I will probably not get to do anything interesting anymore. So be it. I will accept whatever the vote's outcome is. I am not changing the vote, though. Killing you is what my character would have done.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Sorry, but you don't know anything about Tobi's fate. Nobody knows. CS was looking up at me with a worried look, was one more death re

  • There isn't really much I have to redeem myself for. I killed tntlee because it was the only choice. I haven't done anything bad since that ever since. Sure, I snapped once in the warehouse, but I think I apologized. Killing CS now would be the first death in this story my character would actively choose to bring.

    Also, your argument is invalid. "Even Tobi was kind to you and now look where that left him". Well, last time I checked, his community got annihilated, his warehouse overrun and his last supplies are about to get stolen by either Cs, me or us both together. He is also chased by an ex-hitman. Alone. He is dead meat. Considering that, he would have been better off killing us all while he still had the chance.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    KINDNESS IS POINTLESS ? Did you seriosly just say that...... Gulty you have survived do to other peoples kindness Tntlee, PAP, Valk

  • Well, at least Nick felt bad about it and he also didn't go on a killing spree. CS chose to do Tobi a last service and that's what he gets for it. Should have done the world a service and killed him instead.

    Lord_EAA posted: »


  • I am a bit disappointed that all this begging actually worked. It was interesting for a second because it evened out the votes for a short while. But now that almost everyone changed their votes, it's boring again. And thus my character does nothing interesting in this chapter either. Well, I guess I survived, so that's something...unless letting CS live will bite me in the ass like I almost expect it to.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Lord for the vote to actually count you need to reply to the comment with the votes on it! So go quickly now!

  • Well, at least someone is happy about that. Meh.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Ah whatever it's like this: 1: 14 2: 11 About that

  • Neglecting your own character? What are you talking about? CS killed 3 people, just because of Tobi.

    Lord_EAA posted: »


  • Shut up Pro! I don't always have to make the most rational choice!

    Wait... I never do anything rational...

    Alt text


    Tomorrow is the finale for chapter 4. I checked the latest votes and it's 9 to spare CS and take half his stuff, and 11 to kill him and take

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    Indeed dude. Well, when I vote something I don't change it afterwards. No fun in that. And the ultimate goal is not to be like "HEY HEY SAVE EVERYONE DON'T KILL ANYONE BE A SAINT", not for me at least xD

    I am a bit disappointed that all this begging actually worked. It was interesting for a second because it evened out the votes for a short w

  • you are so right. Have a like.

    I also love your gif. Haha.

    Indeed dude. Well, when I vote something I don't change it afterwards. No fun in that. And the ultimate goal is not to be like "HEY HEY SAVE EVERYONE DON'T KILL ANYONE BE A SAINT", not for me at least xD

  • ............ no

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    REVENGE IS POINTLESS PLS VOTE 1) This needs to stop it's sick All these charcters pls he NEEDS to become NEW MARK pls

  • I recently had a vision of Arvo, our prophet and savior russian. He has told me to vote for 2. I hope Arvo is right in this.

    2) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit, like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff.

    JonGon (!) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. The others mana

  • @ComingSoon may I ask you a question about your character?

    Has he lost people? People he really cared about?

  • Interesting question. I mean, he's most likely been in many groups in the past, had people he cared about, lost them, and slowly hardened over time. So yes, probably people he cares about. Maybe not immensely, but he cared.

    @ComingSoon may I ask you a question about your character? Has he lost people? People he really cared about?

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited September 2014

    Heh, I found my old character submit, makes my character seem off-character in the story.

    Whats your personality like? I'm a funny guy, will always try to make a fun situation out of anything, doesn't trust people from the start, I will trust people if I get to know them enough, but not with my life, I will do evil things to survive, some might even call me cruel. I use the word 'Ain't' a lot I also swear a shit ton. Also just call me Gustav in the story.

    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect your family/friends? No, I focus more on myself living.

    If you had to do something evil to keep yourself alive, (killing a friend, stealing something, torturing someone) would you? Yes, I am funny and evil, Muahahahha!

    What did you want to be when you were growing up? A Comedian.

    Do you think it's safer to be alone or with a group? A-fucking-lone.

  • Since it looks like your character will live, do you think he'll be a future ally?

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Interesting question. I mean, he's most likely been in many groups in the past, had people he cared about, lost them, and slowly hardened over time. So yes, probably people he cares about. Maybe not immensely, but he cared.

  • Heh... I changed my vote... CS is going to reunite with the people that he's lost... Sorry.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Interesting question. I mean, he's most likely been in many groups in the past, had people he cared about, lost them, and slowly hardened over time. So yes, probably people he cares about. Maybe not immensely, but he cared.

  • 1 is still ahead, doesn't really matter.

    Heh... I changed my vote... CS is going to reunite with the people that he's lost... Sorry.

  • Hmm...who knows, really? (Besides Pro lol) Maybe he will be valuable in the future, we'll see.

    Twistee posted: »

    Since it looks like your character will live, do you think he'll be a future ally?

  • He asked you a lot to vote to kill me? XD man, someone hates me lol

    Sorry if I sounded rude in the above comment.

    I'm aware, I mostly changed it because Puncake asked me, like, a lot. I just changed it to satisfy him, I want you to live, I want you to redeem yourself.

  • I'm aware, I mostly changed it because Puncake asked me, like, a lot. I just changed it to satisfy him, I want you to live, I want you to redeem yourself.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    1 is still ahead, doesn't really matter.

  • You didn't sound rude, don't worry.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    1 is still ahead, doesn't really matter.

  • Back from the dead just to vote for this.

    2) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit, like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff.

    JonGon (!) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. The others mana

  • i think sice there was already a "Carver" you got close but you could'nt go to the top

    also i think you would have tried to take over if you were still alive (maybe?)

    Heh, I found my old character submit, makes my character seem off-character in the story. Whats your personality like? I'm a funny guy, w

  • Actually, I had to be like Carver, lol just kidding.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    i think sice there was already a "Carver" you got close but you could'nt go to the top also i think you would have tried to take over if you were still alive (maybe?)

  • Oh, Guilty. Don't worry, there's still something I need you to do in the story, even if he doesn't kill CS. B^]

    There isn't really much I have to redeem myself for. I killed tntlee because it was the only choice. I haven't done anything bad since that

  • Say nothing

    Shut up Pro! I don't always have to make the most rational choice! Wait... I never do anything rational... HYPE INTENSIFIES THOUGH

  • Huh, I wonder what that could be.

    Oh, Guilty. Don't worry, there's still something I need you to do in the story, even if he doesn't kill CS. B^]

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