Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)




    I DIN'T MEAN MOST OF IT i wasen't thinking sry

    Grafite posted: »

    Is there really a need for that? Is CS' death that important that you're gonna try to kill everyone with the votes?

  • Oh, for the record, CSB was killed by another guard. CS was nowhere near them when CSB got shot. So really, CS just killed two of the mansion people.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but chapter 4 will be over today, and chapter 5 according to Lee is going to be super short, and you're just one

  • Lol, I was surprised people picked that. I thought for sure they would go with Twistee and AC.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    like Guetta's death I forgot she was on the 2nd story...I thought she was on the ground floor >_< Dissapears into the bushes

  • What can I say.

    Goust is a badass.

    Lol, I was surprised people picked that. I thought for sure they would go with Twistee and AC.

  • It was time for the old man to show off some of his skills. B^]

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    What can I say. Goust is a badass.

  • Btw, I know the Chapter is almost over and we'll be getting the optional paths soon, but what would've happened if we didn't make Sweetpea kill WTD's walker? I suspect chomping...

    It was time for the old man to show off some of his skills. B^]

  • Doing nothing would have killed her, telling the others would give her an option to keep him as a guard dog, or just kill him anyway.

    I'm close to the ending, so the final part of Ch.4 will be up soon.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Btw, I know the Chapter is almost over and we'll be getting the optional paths soon, but what would've happened if we didn't make Sweetpea kill WTD's walker? I suspect chomping...

  • edited September 2014

    Kinda good thing Guetta was gone, she would've voted 'Do Nothing' xD (plz don't kill me Guetta Ghost)

    Guard dog? Man. Going 400 Days up in this thread. Don't know if Sweetpea would've been ok with that, though. This IS Duck we're talking about.

    I eagerly await in anticipation. Aka: Hype train.

    Doing nothing would have killed her, telling the others would give her an option to keep him as a guard dog, or just kill him anyway. I'm close to the ending, so the final part of Ch.4 will be up soon.

  • Alt text

    Doing nothing would have killed her, telling the others would give her an option to keep him as a guard dog, or just kill him anyway. I'm close to the ending, so the final part of Ch.4 will be up soon.

  • heck yeah!

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    It's very important, so don't worry. The Guilty King confirmed for Ch.5. B^]

  • You did a good job, Shadow.

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    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    The only reason I voted for Guilty to shoot CS is because... Well, that's Guilty!

  • I have no words.


  • You can't blame me.

    I voted for you.


    ComingSoon posted: »

    I have no words. NO. FUCKING. WORDS.


    Oh, for the record, CSB was killed by another guard. CS was nowhere near them when CSB got shot. So really, CS just killed two of the mansion people.

  • Just...fuckin' Gustav...Rafoli...tntlee...


    BlueShadiw posted: »

    You can't blame me. I voted for you. #NoRegrets

  • There were 14 new characters in Chapter 4.

    3 survived the events of Chapter 4.

    This doesn't bode well.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Just...fuckin' Gustav...Rafoli...tntlee... FUCKING FUCK

  • So much damn death...

    It's gonna take a while for me to get over this ;-;

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    There were 14 new characters in Chapter 4. 3 survived the events of Chapter 4. This doesn't bode well.

  • Juicy, Star, and Scarlet right?

    Jesus, what a brutal chapter.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    There were 14 new characters in Chapter 4. 3 survived the events of Chapter 4. This doesn't bode well.

  • Meh.

    Took me awhile to adjust to 'Wait...I just died? In my second entry that I was introduced in? Wat.'

    ComingSoon posted: »

    So much damn death... It's gonna take a while for me to get over this ;-;

  • Yep.

    Juicy, Urban, and Scarlet.

    Twistee posted: »

    Juicy, Star, and Scarlet right? Jesus, what a brutal chapter.

  • ;-; I'm not getting any better tbh

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Meh. Took me awhile to adjust to 'Wait...I just died? In my second entry that I was introduced in? Wat.'

  • I can't win ANY of them sadly ;(

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    It's alright. I felt the same way when people choose Sweetpea over WTD, but you can't always win them all.

  • Sorry, I just took my break at work.

    I love how he mentioned Joe and Sardines. It shows he didn't just randomly become a monster for no reason. The people he truly cared about are gone and he never really felt attached to this group. Decent explanation for why he did what he did.

    Of course I don't think it's silly. It's cute, heh. Plus, I don't remember how, but, I swear I've heard you singing before. You have a really sweet voice. Seriously, I'm not a stalker. Have you posted something before?

    sardines posted: »

    I liked the ending when I read it, yeah, Though you already saw that. :PP I do like it as an ending to his arc I think it works better than

  • REMEBER this was moslty becouse of you guys

    Twistee posted: »

    Juicy, Star, and Scarlet right? Jesus, what a brutal chapter.

  • edited September 2014


    (!) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit, like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff.

    I thought about it for a moment, but then I remembered how he killed some of our people."Broken and CiD are gone because of you, you injured Fan and shot at us... I'm sorry, but I can't let you live." I told him.

    "What?! Don't do this, man. I was just trying to survive, you guys would have killed me if I didn't defend myself." CS told me.

    "Fuck you, you're just another piece of shit, like Tobi." I replied.

    "I'm nothing like Tobi! You can view me as a bad guy, but I'm not! I was just on the opposite side of you guys, doing what I needed to do in order to survive. Who's to say that you guys aren't the bad guys?! Killing an unarmed man, yeah, way to go. There are no good sides or evil sides, just people who believe that they're doing the right thing. I never liked Tobi, but I was just following orders. I used to be a Marine, it's what I did. I followed orders no matter who was in charge, and if you're going to kill me because I was trying to protect myself, and I was just doing what you were doing, then go ahead. I understand why you would want to kill me, but this is no better than what Tobi would do. I told you that I would leave and you would never see me again, and I MEANT THAT!" He replied.

    "Yeah... but this can't go unpunished, CS. You're probably not like Tobi, but still... I can't just let you leave after what just happened. I can live with the guilt, I have nothing to worry about anymore. This world has gone to shit, and who's to say you won't come back to try and finish us off? I just can't take that chance. Even if you are telling me the truth, I just can't let you leave." I told him.

    CS sighed."War... when two sides are fighting against each other. Both sides think they're doing the right thing, both sides will fight until the end. Both just want to survive and live to see another day. No good guys, no bad guys, no soldiers, no monsters. Just humans... it's in our nature to kill each other. We're so ignorant that we can't ever live in peace. No, no, peace doesn't exist, there was always something going on in this world, even before all of this started. People were fighting and killing each other for no Goddamn reason. Now, even after the walkers have taken over, I can still see that nothing has changed. Go ahead, Guilty, just kill me. It won't make a difference, right? Go ahead, and take everything I have after I'm dead. Just take everything I had left... I guess... I'll at least get to see my family this time. One thing I wasn't able to do when the walkers showed up... Just end it, Guilty." CS said.

    I aimed the handgun that Shadow gave me at the back of his head."Don't even think about doing anything, CS. I have a sniper waiting on the second floor, and they're a very good shot." I told CS.

    CS spread his arms out."Heh, I know Tobi won't get too far. He has nowhere to go. He doesn't even know those woods like I do. Just make sure you guys kill that bastard, too." CS told me.

    "Tobi will go down. I'm sorry, CS. But it's time, just close your eyes." I said to him.

    "I'll finally get to see my little girl... heh." I heard CS say.

    I kept the gun aimed at the back of his head. He stayed quiet and didn't say anything. BANG! I took the shot and ended his life. It was over for him. I looked at the back of the SUV and saw all of the supplies and food that he was going to take with him. I started checking his corpse and found the keys. WtW made her way over."So... what did he say?" She asked.

    "Well... he made a point. But I couldn't let him get away after what he did." I replied.

    "Yeah... we should start heading back." She told me.

    "Yeah, we'll take this car back to the woods with us, so it'll be quicker and easier, it's starting to rain heavily again." I turned and looked behind her."Shit... more walkers. Let's get out of here."

    She turned and spotted them making their way over."Yeah, now would be a good time."

    BOOM! Out of nowhere, we heard a very loud explosion."Shit! The fuck was that?!" I yelled out.

    "Come on! Start driving, let's go check it out!" WtW told me...


    After telling the others to go, I ran towards the woods as fast I could. I needed to catch up to Tobi. I still had a bit of ammo left for my M4. I still had a knife on me as well. I had a bad feeling about going after Tobi, I had a feeling like he almost wanted us to go after him. It felt like a trap, maybe I was just paranoid, but who wasn't considering the world we were living in now? I made it into the woods and checked all over the place. I had my M4 aimed and ready. I moved toward a tree and then hid behind it to check my ammo."Damn... four bullets left?" I said to myself. I peeked out to make sure it was clear, and then I started moving forward again. Tobi was nowhere in sight, but I knew that he couldn't have gone too far.

    The rain was letting up, and it was silent out. There were no walkers in the woods, seemed like I was the only person out here. I kept my focus and tried to listen in for any other noises besides the rain. It almost seemed peaceful out here, I kept on slowly moving forward, I observed the area carefully, making sure I wouldn't miss anything. It reminded me of this one time where I had to sneak into some drug dealer's house. I was in his backyard and hiding in the woods so he wouldn't spot me. I remember he had a nice pool in the back, and he left the back door open. I sneaked in and found him on the couch, passed out drunk. I grabbed my fiber wire and wrapped it around his neck. He died almost instantly, and then I snuck back out. Easiest fifty grand I ever made. The funny thing was that I never even really spent my money, just kinda saved it all if I was ever going to need it in the future, who would have expected the dead to come out of their graves and start killing everyone? Now that money doesn't mean shit. As I slowly kept walking, I heard a crackling noise and instantly turned to where it came from. for a split second, I saw someone going behind a tree. I rolled over to a big tree near me and got into cover."Pro! Is that you?!" It was Tobi.

    "Come on out, Tobi. It's over. You won't get away." I replied.

    "Oh! But I already have, Pro! Haha." He tells me.

    I needed to keep him talking, I needed to figure out where he was."You haven't gotten away with anything, I'll make sure that you die." I told him.

    "We're all just living on borrowed time. We're all going to die, aren't we?" He asked me.

    "That's true, but I'll make sure that you die tonight. You won't get the chance to hurt anymore people." I said to him and then peeked out on both sides of the tree.

    "Come on, Pro! I was just having some fun! People are useless, especially when they're spineless fools who can't do anything right. You should join me, together we can rule over anyone that defies us!" I heard his voice getting louder, he seemed to be getting closer."So, you're the hero they sent after me, huh?" He asks.

    "I'm no hero. I never looked at myself as that, I've done some wrong, and I've done some good. I'm just a person who chooses what I think is right." I replied.

    "Then how are you any different than me?" Tobi asks.

    "I know that there's a line you don't cross. I don't fear consequences, but I'm not a psycho like you." I told him.

    "Ha! We all do things for a reason." Tobi tells me.

    I spotted another tree next to me, and switched my cover. I peeked out and didn't see anyone. I could hear the rolling thunder in the distance."Shadow told me that you didn't do anything but sit on your lazy ass while you forced everyone to do all the work. What type of leader are you, Tobi? You want me to join someone who can't even help out once in a while? You kill anyone who disobeys you, and you torture people for fun. You're sick in the head, you need to be put down." I told him.

    I looked out and saw a shadowy figure moving over to the tree that I was hiding behind earlier. I started to slowly move forward to get around them."Haha! They played with fire and got burned! They needed to learn who was in charge, I made sure that no one would ever try to betray me. I probably didn't help much in the warehouse, but I went out looking for people, I brought them back and provided a place for them to live in. I gave them everything they could ever want, and if they thought it was bad with me, then they should have just tried their luck out here with the walkers." Tobi told me. His voice sounded close, I knew that it was him behind the tree.

    I stayed quiet and moved closer. I went behind the big tree and spotted Tobi leaning up against it, he was looking at the other side and hadn't seen me. I aimed the M4 at his head."Like I said, it's over, Tobi." I told him.

    He turned around and looked shocked."Shit! No, no, no, no! Please! Don't kill me! PLEASE!" He got on his knees and started begging.

    "What are you--" He interrupted me.

    "PLEASE!" He placed his Model 41 on the ground next to him."I fucked up! I know! I don't want to die!" He shouted.

    "Tobi... just shut the fuck up." I told him.

    Tobi started to cry."Please, Pro! I'm begging here!" He moved closed and tried to grab my foot, I started to move back."Pro! If you kill me, you'll just be like me! Just another monster! Truth is, I was never like this. I just wanted to find Noncy again, and when I did, I... I killed her! Pro, I killed Noncy! The one person I ever loved in this world! Why the fuck did I do that?! Pro, I don't know what's wrong with me, but you have to believe me that I want to change! Please, for the love of God, PLEASE, don't kill me!" Tobi pleaded.

    I kept my gun aimed at him."What about everything you were telling me before?! You're full of it, Tobi. I'm going to kill you, and that's the end of it." I told him.

    "No, no, no! Please! I was just talking nonsense! Sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying! I'm trying to change! I really am! I tried so hard! Noncy was trying to help me, and I fucked up!" Tobi covered his face with his hands and started sobbing."Pro... what the fuck is wrong with me?!" He looked up and shouted."I've become a monster!"

    I kept staring at Tobi. I was about to shoot him in the forehead, until I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around and saw three of Tobi's guards behind me. Without hesitation, I aimed the M4 at the closest one and fired. Bruppa! I shot the final bullets I had and killed the guy in front of me by shooting him in the head."Fuck!" The guy next to him shouted. I then threw the M4 at him and it hit him in the face, I quickly pulled out my knife and threw it with full force toward the last guy, catching him in the forehead. I ran toward the guy in the middle that got hit with the M4, and disarmed him. I took his handgun and shot both his knees before putting a bullet into his head. BANG! BANG! BANG! I looked around to see if there were more of them.

    BANG! BANG! I heard two gun shots behind me and I felt an agonizing pain on my shoulder. I fell down to the ground and turned around to see three more of Tobi's guards coming out from hiding. I quickly aimed the handgun at them. BANG! BANG! BANG! Click, click. I caught one in the head and shot another in the knee before the gun ran out of ammo. The last guy aimed his AK-47 at me."LEAVE HIM!" I heard Tobi shout.

    "Ahh! Fuck... Tobi, he got me in the knee..." His injured guard said.

    Tobi walked up to him."Pathetic. Six men, and they can't even kill one fucking guy." Tobi aimed his gun at his head. BANG! "Useless."

    His last guard looked at him."Uh... should I kill him, sir?"

    Tobi looked at him and then over at me."Follow me." He told his guard, and then started approaching me. I held my shoulder and kept pressure on it."Pick up all these weapons and then place them over by that big tree." Tobi told him.

    "Okay... I'll do it right now." He told him and started picking all the weapons up.

    Tobi aimed his Model 41 at me."I have one bullet left, Pro. Just one. It was a great show you put, but I think it's time I end it, huh? I must say, that was impressive, I really wasn't expecting that, but damn. You were quick, you stayed calm and you knew what you were doing. Bet you didn't expect to get ambushed, though, right?" Tobi asked me.

    "I knew something like this would happen. A coward like you can never fight alone." I replied.

    Tobi smiled and then started laughing."Hahaha! Is that so?" He said.

    "Tobi, I'm done. I placed all the weapons by that three." His guard told him while walking up next to him."I even put mines over there as well, just in case..."

    Tobi kept looking at me and smiling. He then turned to look at his guard, and aimed his gun at his head. BANG! Tobi shot his only guard point blank."Good... your job here is done." He said while looking down at him. He turned back to me."I was pretty convincing back there with the whole crying bit, huh? I should have been an actor or something, haha!" What the fuck was wrong with this guy? There was no saving him, he needed to be put down."So... you think I can't fight my own battles, huh? I killed that dumb sonuvabitch just so it can be you and me, Pro. No more guards, it's just you and me, that's it." He said, and then tossed his gun away.

    "Sure... fight me when I'm injured..." I told him.

    "Ha! I had to even this out a little, a man with your skill, I would be no match. Oh, and one last thing..." He walked behind a tree and took out two grenade belts. He put them over his torso."Just go ahead and try to kill me, I dare you." He said with a smug smile.

    I gritted my teeth at him."You dumb asshole."

    "Hahaha! Yes! Get angry, Pro! Feed me your anger!" Tobi looked psychotic, he approached me and then kicked me in the ribs.

    "Argh! That's the best you got...?" I said.

    "Haha! A comedian!" Tobi walked around me and then kicked me in temple. I started to feel blood coming out. He then proceeded to start stomping on my injured shoulder."How do you like that?! Better?! HAHAHA!" He said and started laughing maniacally. I rolled around to get away from him. I turned and saw him trying to run over to me. I waited for him to get closer and then locked one of his legs with both of mine so he could trip and fall. Tobi face planted, and then I elbowed the back of his neck."ARGH!!! Son of..." Tobi started punching me in the face while trying to get away.

    I moved to the side and then tried getting up. I looked over and saw Tobi getting up and then running up to me."Ahh!" He kicks me in the ribs and I fall on my back. Tobi walks up to me and gets ready to stomp on my face. I take the opportunity to sweep his leg, and I see him falling back. I use my good arm to help me up and then I go over to Tobi and get on top of him to start punching him in the face. I was furious, I kept punching his face over and over. I broke his nose and saw his eye getting swollen. I was going in for another punch, and then Tobi used both of his hands to block it. He saw my bullet wounds and then started digging into one of them with his fingers."AHH!!! Fuck!" I shouted.

    "Ahaha!" Tobi laughed. I felt myself getting weaker, I tried grabbing his arm, but then he started punching me in the right side of my ribs. He then managed to crawl his way out and kicked me back using both of his legs. I fell on my back again, and started holding onto my shoulder. I felt the blood leaking out, and I couldn't move my arm. It started to rain some more and then I heard thunder hitting the ground. Tobi gets up and wipes his mouth, he spits out blood and then turns to look at me."Get up, you son of a bitch..." He says while panting.

    I move back using my legs and go over to one of Tobi's dead guards. I notice a small knife on him and quickly grab it. I start using the dead body to help me up, and then I slowly make it back to my feet. More thunder hits the ground, me and Tobi are both tired and hurt. The rain starts pouring down some more. I kept looking at his grenade belts."Let's end this, Tobi..." I said to him.

    "Haha... you're going down, Pro..." He replies.

    I turn my head and spit some blood out. I turn back to Tobi."No... you're the one who's going to die, Tobi..." I tell him with a serious look on my face. Tobi smiles and then gives me an angered look. He starts charging at me and I wait for him to get closer. I step to the side and kick the side of his knee. Tobi falls on it and then I knee him in the face with my other leg. I take the opportunity and get on top of him again to try and stab him in the neck with my good arm. Tobi notices and then tries to stop me, he then reaches for my face and starts to push my left eye in with one of his hands."Argh... ah..." Without looking, I take the small knife and stab his arm.

    "AH!!! Fucking hell!" Tobi shouts. I try to open my eye but I felt too much pain on it. I look with my good and see Tobi going for a punch.

    He hits me in the bad eye and I fall back. I roll onto my belly and I open my good eye. I can see the wet grass in front of me, with my blood dripping onto it. I start to hear Tobi coughing and then I turn to see him on his knees and hands, trying to get up. I start using my good arm, and force myself to start getting up. The rain was still pouring, the thunder and lighting didn't stop. I started panting as I managed to get up. I saw Tobi pulling the small knife out of his forearm, and then he turns around to look me."What's the matter, Tobi? Can't kill me?" I said with a smile.

    Tobi gritted his teeth."You..." He says. We start to slowly move around in a circle while focusing on each other.

    "You're a piece of shit, Tobi. You deserve to die..." I said.

    "Ha! Survival of the fittest, Pro. Only the strong will survive. I do what it takes to ensure my survival..." Tobi tells me.

    "You capture people and use them as slave workers. You use fear to get what you want, you can't do anything without your guards. You torture or kill anyone that gets in your way, or doesn't follow your rules. You're worse than the walkers, you need to die..." I tell him.

    "Haha, I'm the one who will bring this world back to what it used to be. This new world needs a leader like me to rule over everyone. To make the tough decisions, and to punish anyone who disobeys. I'm this world's savior... you need someone like me." Tobi says with a smile.

    I smile back."No... this world would be better off with one less psycho to worry about."

    We both stop and stare at each other. Our smiles go away, and we both have on a serious face. Thunder hits the ground, this time it was very close to us. We both ignore it and keep our focus on each other. Tobi had the small knife in his hand, but he was still hurting. I was still injured and bleeding, I only had one good arm and one good eye. I needed to be careful. Tobi moved his foot to the side and then got ready. I did the same and waited. After a few seconds, Tobi starts running forward. I do the same and then he tries to stab me, I grab his arm and start pushing my thumb into his forearm wound so he could drop the knife. Tobi headbutts me in my wounded temple and then charges at me again. He starts to stab me repeatedly in the ribs."Fucking die! Fucking DIE!!!" He shouts. I manage to headbutt him and kick him in the shin. Tobi falls on one knee and then I try to get closer to him. Tobi looks up and then quickly lounges at me. He manages to stab me in the heart, and I start to feel the blood coming out of my mouth. Tobi had a sinister smile on his face, like he knew that he had won, and that it was over."Yes... die..."

  • edited September 2014

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physically scarred... For WtW, you left her with almost nothing... this is for Angel and Noncy... Guilty, Valky, Shadow... Gustav and CiD... for the church group that you captured... This is payback for every evil thing you've ever done, or anything you've ever done to hurt my people... my family... or anyone else... this is for them..." I said with a smile.

    Tobi made a confused look."The fuck are you talking about? You lost!" He says to me.

    I kept my smile while looking at him."Ever heard of the ring trick...?" I asked him.

    "Ring trick? What are you..." I lifted my arm and opened my fist. Tobi noticed all the grenade pins on my fingers, and then he made a shocked look.

    "This... is... for them..." I said to Tobi once more and grabbed on to him as tightly as I could. Tobi looked furious. I started laughing at him."See you in hell... you bastard..." I Said.

    Tobi starts to say something."YOU MOTHE--" BOOM! The final loud bang that ended it. The war was finally over...


    GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit, like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff.

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    HOLY SHIT THE BADASSNESS, THE JOKER STYLE, THE DIALOGUE, DAT ENDING,THIS IS PERFECTION AT IT'S BEST like you were possessed by Mark yourself I just 10/10 dayum best moment ever written in a fanfic for me :'D

    Alt text

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • edited September 2014

    Amazing ending Pro! Rip, CS, Tobi and Pro. This part showed that its not all about surviving, but how you shape others for survival. Pro knew exactly what he was going to get him self through in the battle with Tobi, and he prepared everyone for safety. I like that, thats how I modelled my character, if I had to die (I expect an early death for me in ch.5), sacrificing my self would be my way out.

    I would like to see how Ch.5 starts, I wonder if they will stay in the Mansion. I am also excited to see how you will end it since you probably wont make a sequel, or at least for a very long time.

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • edited September 2014


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    "As Fearless in death, as he was in life." R.I.P LeeThePro(Bro)fessional 9/11/2014

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit, like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff.

  • Meanwhile, Salt is playing hide and seek with handicapped walkers somewhere.

    Back to this, great ending. It was well done and badass. One of the best ways you could've possibly ended this conflict.

    Shit, break is over. Gotta get back to work. I'll be back in a few hours for further thoughts.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu (!) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit, like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff.

  • Holy. Shit.

    I called it. I called the grenade thing the SECOND he pulled em out.

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • applauds

    Amazing man. Loved this chapter.

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • Salt hears an explosion and looks at the aftermath of the fight

    Salt: Once again being a dick Nice.

    Leaves for Hawaii

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Meanwhile, Salt is playing hide and seek with handicapped walkers somewhere. Back to this, great ending. It was well done and badass. One

  • Pro left something behind that ATR has. Just in case him or Jon die, Jon is bit, so he won't last. ATR is still alive, so she has to find what Pro left behind and tell them what they're going to do.

    I already know how I want to end it, I think I know how to end this. But hopefully you guys like it. B]

    Amazing ending Pro! Rip, CS, Tobi and Pro. This part showed that its not all about surviving, but how you shape others for survival. Pro kne

  • ATR is still alive, so she has to find what Pro left behind and tell them what they're going to do.

    I get a feeling ATR is gonna be the new leader...I like.

    Pro left something behind that ATR has. Just in case him or Jon die, Jon is bit, so he won't last. ATR is still alive, so she has to find wh

  • Damn amazing ending. Best so far. I'm gonna see my daughter now. :)

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • Damn that sounds very interesting, I agree with blue, ATR will most definitely take up the "leader" role.

    Im sure we will like it.

    Also, are you adding anyone else to Ch.5? I think we have a good amount all ready, not that I wouldn't like new characters but I think at this point new people will seem forced into the story.

    Pro left something behind that ATR has. Just in case him or Jon die, Jon is bit, so he won't last. ATR is still alive, so she has to find wh

  • Hmm, I don't think I need anymore people. I had like 79, and there's like 14 that survived. Plus, I wouldn't need anymore, I don't think.

    Damn that sounds very interesting, I agree with blue, ATR will most definitely take up the "leader" role. Im sure we will like it. Als

  • We still have to put the 3 remaining characters into the main story, most died from sub-plot xD

    Damn that sounds very interesting, I agree with blue, ATR will most definitely take up the "leader" role. Im sure we will like it. Als

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