Melissa Hutchinson's performance was far from flat... Her voice acting was just as good as it was in Season 1, if not better. You can always… more hear the emotion in Clem's voice, especially when there's something especially troubling going on such as the Jane and Kenny tussle.
A protagonist will always have far more luck than any other character. It's the same in any piece of fiction and it will remain that way. Lee was also immortal until the writers decided his time was up at the end of Around Every Corner, and they could easily choose to do the same with Clementine at any moment in the future, so that's not really a valid argument as far as I'm concerned.
And who knows what Kirkman might allow? He's a swell guy, after all, and even if he denies Telltale a large timeskip there's still a lot they can do.
The Walking Dead is not exclusionary to Season 2, nor is it to the games. Personally, as many problems as I had with Season 2, it was still … morebetter written with better characters than the comics or show. However, don't mistake my disillusion with Telltale's new "production strategies" as somehow throwing in my towel and forsaking TWD universe. I love Season 1 and I support it unconditionally; but Season 2 was problematic in almost every category. There was tons of cut or revised content (looking at you, shooting Mike), choices that ultimately meant nothing, throwaway characters/determinants who became almost invisible until their inevitable death and a reduction in gameplay (the puzzles were braindead and there were barely any hub areas). So yes, I suppose you couldn't call me the biggest fan... of Season 2. But if someone said they liked the television show and not the comics, would you say they weren't a real fan? You don't have to enjoy eve… [view original content]
Yeah. I'll be content either when she's dead or every single player has a satisfying, all-conclusive ending to her story. No Going Back didn't provide that.
I dunno... The three best characters in the game (Lee, Kenny, Clementine) are all done imo. One is dead, the other is dead in some peoples game and alive in others (which means he's most likely on borrowed time even if they do bring him back) and in my game Clementine is in Wellington. Just seemes like a natural ending to me. Having said that, I would still definitely buy and be excited for a game that involves Clementine and yet another group going through the same shit. The games are just so addictive
I dunno... The three best characters in the game (Lee, Kenny, Clementine) are all done imo. One is dead, the other is dead in some peoples g… moreame and alive in others (which means he's most likely on borrowed time even if they do bring him back) and in my game Clementine is in Wellington. Just seemes like a natural ending to me. Having said that, I would still definitely buy and be excited for a game that involves Clementine and yet another group going through the same shit. The games are just so addictive
All he had to learn from was his father. That's all he had ever known. Since his dad was afraid of everything and kept thinking that everything was going to go wrong the kid would naturally think this as well.
Maybe when he was a little older he might start second guessing his dad, but not so young, especially having no other influences his entire life.
The only other well-written child character I can think of is 'The Boy' from The Road... Then again, that movie/book's very similar to The Walking Dead Game in essence.
Agreed. Anyone deterred by the idea of playing as a child should be directed to RPG experiences such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Skyrim... All of these cater to power fantasies and allow the player to blast the shit out of everyone, consequently making them feel like a badass.
People more interested in fascinating character development and gripping storylines should stick around, however.
I want to keep playing as Clementine.
I'm very attached to her character and don't want her story to end so soon. There's still so much p… moreotential and so much that can be done with her, she's only 11.
Also...some people are fed up playing as a child. I'm fed with playing as an adult man. There's a million other games for that.
Pretty much. I don´t want to be the adult man who can easily break people´s face with a punch. Playing as the little girl is different, it´s refreshing and I´d like to keep it that way because it´s really the only game of high quality I can think of that has something new like this.
Also, a lot of people might disagree but we´ve been molding Clementine´s character when we play as her. If she turns out to be an NPC, it might ruin the personality we gave her; that´s also a reason why I want to play as her again. I want to choose who #MyClementine is.
Agreed. Anyone deterred by the idea of playing as a child should be directed to RPG experiences such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Skyrim..… more. All of these cater to power fantasies and allow the player to blast the shit out of everyone, consequently making them feel like a badass.
People more interested in fascinating character development and gripping storylines should stick around, however.
Yup! I already have an idea of how I'm gonna play Clementine if she does end up being protagonist, having shot Kenny and abandoned Jane... She's gonna be as utterly depressed as ever, doing everything she can to look after AJ provided he actually survives. She'll be extremely slow to trust new faces at this point primarily due to fear of becoming emotionally attached to people and then losing them, like she has with absolutely everyone she's gotten to know so far... However, if she sees someone in trouble, she'll do all she can to help them, and will never resort to banditry, keeping both Lee and her humanity in mind at all times.
It's this kind of roleplay and personalized character development that makes TWDG so damn great.
Pretty much. I don´t want to be the adult man who can easily break people´s face with a punch. Playing as the little girl is different, it´s… more refreshing and I´d like to keep it that way because it´s really the only game of high quality I can think of that has something new like this.
Also, a lot of people might disagree but we´ve been molding Clementine´s character when we play as her. If she turns out to be an NPC, it might ruin the personality we gave her; that´s also a reason why I want to play as her again. I want to choose who #MyClementine is.
I also have somewhat of an idea of how I want to play my Clem. I personally shot Kenny, forgave Jane and didn´t let the family in. My Clementine can be considered somewhat cold but truly it´s only because she wants to protect those she already bonded with. Now imagine in S3 she´s an NPC and she decides to let strangers in . That´s not how I played her at all and I´m terrified of it happening. I´d rather keep playing as her and making her into the person I feel she fits as in my game.
100% with you. She´s only 11 too, imagine how much we can still do with her. She´s got a whole life ahead of her if TT wants. She´s badass, she can survive.
Yup! I already have an idea of how I'm gonna play Clementine if she does end up being protagonist, having shot Kenny and abandoned Jane... S… morehe's gonna be as utterly depressed as ever, doing everything she can to look after AJ provided he actually survives. She'll be extremely slow to trust new faces at this point primarily due to fear of becoming emotionally attached to people and then losing them, like she has with absolutely everyone she's gotten to know so far... However, if she sees someone in trouble, she'll do all she can to help them, and will never resort to banditry, keeping both Lee and her humanity in mind at all times.
It's this kind of roleplay and personalized character development that makes TWDG so damn great.
Thank you so much, I am so glad that I am not the only one who brings up all of these points on why Clem needs to shine on in the series, and to not just throw her entire story and character away. Thank you.
She deserves a ton more, and I hope Telltale realize that. With luck, maybe they've even seen this thread and taken some of the points I've made on-board.
Thank you so much, I am so glad that I am not the only one who brings up all of these points on why Clem needs to shine on in the series, and to not just throw her entire story and character away. Thank you.
I agree with you a lot. but I have also agree, to some point, with people that give out the point about giving clem a break or having her c… moreome into the season late. but I want clem, and hell Vanaman said it himself, and basically I learned it at mid season two, Clem its this Franchise face. and I agree they leave some open window for the next season. IMO the only one that gives us a better closure is the one in wellington where she stays. I mean that was the whole point of the game, keep her safe and take her to some place safe. but again, one of my favorite quote from the show from morgan, "if you got something good, that means (probably) someone wants to take it". wellington will probably fall, or theres something shady about it. idk
A lot of good thoughts here. Nice post . My big issue with this, or any other scenario that has Clem as a major non-playable part of the story is one I've mentioned elsewhere.
Now that TTG has gotten so many people invested in Clementine's story, and given us what free reign they have to handcraft that emotional investment and her personality; now that so many of us have very personal and very different ideas of who Clementine is, writing her as a non-playable will be almost impossible to do. No matter what course the writers take with her there will be a not insignificant number of people who, at some point or other during the game, indignantly throw their controller down and shout, "NO! No, that is NOT what Clem would do!" There's just no way to approach it that won't leave one or another type of player feeling as if she's behaving in a wildly out-of-character fashion.
If I were penning Season 3, I'd switch to a different protagonist (i.e., playable character) than Clementine. Yet, I wouldn't abandon her st… moreory. Instead, much like Lee served as the protagonist in Season 1, but the story was still about Clementine, I'd set up Season 3 to do the same. That's why the protagonist I'd choose for Season 3 would be...her uncle. Another father-figure type. Someone who lived apart from Clementine's family when the zombie outbreak occurred. And, for him, his personal journey is an attempt to rejoin his brother's family (and hence, Clementine...because we already know her parents are dead).
I'd open the first episode of Season 3 with her uncle having finally made his way to Clementine's home, only to discover the dead babysitter...the same message on the answering machine from her mom...and I'd even let him discover a camcorder with the home movie the babysitter took of Clem discovering those baby raccoons in her tr… [view original content]
I am known for essay-length posts, and this is a topic for which I'm passionate and about which I have written several. But, there's really not much I can say that will strengthen the original post. Excellently said, Hazzer! My hat is off to you, and so is Clemmie's.
I would like to add, for the record, that if Clem is not the season 3 main, I will throw things and probably cry. Hear that, Telltale? I'm going to hold you accountable for any and all drywall repairs!
Its gotten to the point to where I have said all I have to say and I just can't express how much Clementine NEEDS to be in Season 3, The rest is in Telltale's hands to make it happen.. SO MAKE IT HAPPEN TELLTALE!
I know that's why I put that quote, something can be up in wellington and I think it will fall. theres so much story that can be tell. and I said that the wellington ending where it could possibly end the clem arc because it was, to me, the most satisfying one where I could have ended. but I think that there is still a lot of story/
Look guys i understand that being in denial seems as a viable option for a lot of us now who like this game and woh love Clem at the helm and all, but reality is that there is simply no way that season 3 will be about clem given the vastly different and mutually exclusive endings we have had. Even if they did start season 3 two years after the events, the character would still probably at some point reflect on the past - and it cannot possible be that she both killed Ken and also walked away with him or killed jane but also went with her. That is why it is called mutually exclusive.
I am pissed at this. This was NOT a good resolution. For me one of the great things about a series like that is that there is a character whose journey you follow from start to end - with the end being season 7, not 2 though. The first mistake they made was kill off Lee. But ok, then we had Clem and she is awesome and the face of the Walking Dead games and they nixed her too now. If this is the kind of narrative you wanna have, which is valid too, then why bother with continuity at all and instead just make each episode be its own contained internal episode, like an extended version of "400 days"? But this is not what this has been about, so why make your main narrative point "who am i gonna kill off this time". Like this was shooting fish in a barrel.
Anyway people, as hard it seems for us to grasp, it is finished. It is over. Clem's story line is over and season 3, which i hear is not going to happen until 2016 will be about a whole new group set in the apocalypse. It is sad and fucked up, but there is no other way the ending(s) we got can be perceived.
Look guys i understand that being in denial seems as a viable option for a lot of us now who like this game and woh love Clem at the helm an… mored all, but reality is that there is simply no way that season 3 will be about clem given the vastly different and mutually exclusive endings we have had. Even if they did start season 3 two years after the events, the character would still probably at some point reflect on the past - and it cannot possible be that she both killed Ken and also walked away with him or killed jane but also went with her. That is why it is called mutually exclusive.
I am pissed at this. This was NOT a good resolution. For me one of the great things about a series like that is that there is a character whose journey you follow from start to end - with the end being season 7, not 2 though. The first mistake they made was kill off Lee. But ok, then we had Clem and she is awesome and the face of the Walking Dead games and they… [view original content]
Look guys i understand that being in denial seems as a viable option for a lot of us now who like this game and woh love Clem at the helm an… mored all, but reality is that there is simply no way that season 3 will be about clem given the vastly different and mutually exclusive endings we have had. Even if they did start season 3 two years after the events, the character would still probably at some point reflect on the past - and it cannot possible be that she both killed Ken and also walked away with him or killed jane but also went with her. That is why it is called mutually exclusive.
I am pissed at this. This was NOT a good resolution. For me one of the great things about a series like that is that there is a character whose journey you follow from start to end - with the end being season 7, not 2 though. The first mistake they made was kill off Lee. But ok, then we had Clem and she is awesome and the face of the Walking Dead games and they… [view original content]
S1- How does Lee Everett's story end? Human or Walker?
S2- How does Clementine's story end? Who does she end up with?
Kenny and AJ
Jane and AJ
Jane, Randy, Gil, Patricia, and AJ
In Wellington
It may just be out of speculation not fact, but that's just the way i see it. Clem's story is over. Just MY opinion. Now if she comes back for S3, i would be happy. I just don't see it.
Whatever helps make the story better, i'm OK with it.
There's still many ways in which Clem could return. A simple time-skip or seperate introductions depending on the ending you got are both possibilities.
Look guys i understand that being in denial seems as a viable option for a lot of us now who like this game and woh love Clem at the helm an… mored all, but reality is that there is simply no way that season 3 will be about clem given the vastly different and mutually exclusive endings we have had. Even if they did start season 3 two years after the events, the character would still probably at some point reflect on the past - and it cannot possible be that she both killed Ken and also walked away with him or killed jane but also went with her. That is why it is called mutually exclusive.
I am pissed at this. This was NOT a good resolution. For me one of the great things about a series like that is that there is a character whose journey you follow from start to end - with the end being season 7, not 2 though. The first mistake they made was kill off Lee. But ok, then we had Clem and she is awesome and the face of the Walking Dead games and they… [view original content]
As hard as it is for you to accept this people have right to make their own opinions. It's your opinion but you can't say that everyone else are in denial . Let me put it this way - you're saying that Clementine's story is over, okay. Maybe we're wrong BUT what if you're wrong? What are you saying is just theory just like Clem being protagonist for season 3 is just theory until Telltale will announce something officially.
Look guys i understand that being in denial seems as a viable option for a lot of us now who like this game and woh love Clem at the helm an… mored all, but reality is that there is simply no way that season 3 will be about clem given the vastly different and mutually exclusive endings we have had. Even if they did start season 3 two years after the events, the character would still probably at some point reflect on the past - and it cannot possible be that she both killed Ken and also walked away with him or killed jane but also went with her. That is why it is called mutually exclusive.
I am pissed at this. This was NOT a good resolution. For me one of the great things about a series like that is that there is a character whose journey you follow from start to end - with the end being season 7, not 2 though. The first mistake they made was kill off Lee. But ok, then we had Clem and she is awesome and the face of the Walking Dead games and they… [view original content]
There's still many ways in which Clem could return. A simple time-skip or seperate introductions depending on the ending you got are both possibilities.
It took me about two min to think up a way to write the story from three different starting points, each one with slight differences based on player choices, tying them all into one common location after about five min of game time.
Look guys i understand that being in denial seems as a viable option for a lot of us now who like this game and woh love Clem at the helm an… mored all, but reality is that there is simply no way that season 3 will be about clem given the vastly different and mutually exclusive endings we have had. Even if they did start season 3 two years after the events, the character would still probably at some point reflect on the past - and it cannot possible be that she both killed Ken and also walked away with him or killed jane but also went with her. That is why it is called mutually exclusive.
I am pissed at this. This was NOT a good resolution. For me one of the great things about a series like that is that there is a character whose journey you follow from start to end - with the end being season 7, not 2 though. The first mistake they made was kill off Lee. But ok, then we had Clem and she is awesome and the face of the Walking Dead games and they… [view original content]
I think they would probably make a new playable character who cares for Clem and AJ(Assuming for each season there's a new protagonist) or you play as either AJ or Clem but my theory of playing as AJ got shot down by the timeline of the comics. Wouldn't it be interesting if you got to play as Christa or any of the previous episodes' survivors and find Clem from there though
I totally agree with the original statement. Clem's story should go on! After season 1 it was an awesome decision to make Clem the protagonist. To be honest that was actually the reason for me to buy the game and go on with it. So, if Clem's story goes on I will be playing on. If not, I am not so sure whether I really will be really interested. It is really the unique story of a child trying to survive in the apocalypse. Grown-up heroes are nothing special - other games and movies are full of those.
If you want me to throw in my two cents and pitch in ideas for season 3, then can i throw this out?
The season starts up 2 months after the events of season 2, then cue your openings. After the openings: Clementine will get back into Wellington, where she will be questioned by Edith, and, depending on your endings in season 2, she will be questioned about who she is and she will be let into the community. She then gets introduced to Wellington and its people (determinate), this will take 15 minutes, she will then thank them for bringing her in (determinate). Or She then immediately tells Micheal (her new friend), what happened to Elise (the person in your opening), Micheal will be shocked since she was one of his friends. After a while of interaction to show the player about Wellington, Jessica (new character) will direct Clementine to her bunk bed. Clementine then wakes up the next morning due to a heated argument from the next room. Clementine then notices that there is no gun next to her, to much of her surprise when she tries to reach for it. She then quotes Kenny about him telling her about it (determinate). She then proceeds to the next room, where she finds the three people arguing, Yala, Tony, and Landin are arguing about what to do with letting people in now that a couple of months went by. Clementine breaks up the arguing by entering the room and asking what they are talking about, and they tell her that Yala and Tony want to let more people in, while Landin is against it and exclaims that we should expand Wellingtons camp perimeter to make room for more crops and greenhouses. Clementine can then give them her opinion about it, or stay neutral, Yala and Landin then says that since this is a democracy, Clementines opinion will matter, however, Landin says that only people who are at least 3 months known to the community can vote, not Clementine since she has only been here 2 months. Clementine then asks why that is, and they say that it is because people who are 3 months known here are more aware of the problems facing this community. Clementine then can say how much her friends would have loved to come this place. They then share her grief and tell her that she should go back to bed, she then exclaims that she doesn't have to and they say that she can then help them with certain duties around the camp. They then take her out and tell her that she is going to be helping with the crops and teaching children/teenagers how to shoot a gun. Help farming the crops Clementine is taken by Yala to the crop area, where she is given a simple task: crop the corn from the field. While she is farming, she then is talked to by Collin, one of the farm hands, she then answers his questions about how old she is and where she is from and what she is planning to do in the future, she then proceeds to ask him why he is out here. He refuses to tell her his story, and they both just continue to farm out corn until Clementine gets called out by Tony.
Teaching the children/teenagers how to shoot a gun Clementine is taken by Tony to the shooting range inside a shelter with walls. Clementine then questions if this is a good idea to have a shooting range with all the walkers around to camp. Tony will say "What are you talking about? This is well within the walls of the camp as well as the building it is in." Clementine then proceeds in to find 5 children and 8 teenagers. 2 children and 1 teenager question why she is showing them how to shoot a gun, Tony then says to make her welcome and no slack-offs. Tony leaves Clementine with the children and the teenagers. The five children are: - Markus (8 years) - Cloe (11 years) - Luke (10 years) - Lawrence (9 years) - Kate ( 8 years)
Out of the eight teenagers, 4 of them are given names: - Matthew (14 years) - Jake (12 years) - Ellen ( 14 years) - Melissa (16 years ) Clementine then proceeds to tell them to get in line, where she will show them how hold a gun, saying that it is heavy at first, but when you keep using it, it gets lighter. She then tells them that not to put your finger on the trigger until you need to use it. Then to squeeze the trigger and hold your breath, and not to be afraid of the kick-back. The students then proceed to their booths. Clementine then shows them how she shoots. They start trying, one of the children falls after shooting the gun, and he tells Clementine that it was just the shock of shooting your own gun. The teenagers then cry out to Clementine to come over there. To Clementine's surprise, Melissa accidentally fooled around with the gun and shot herself accidentally in the lower leg. Clementine then immediately heals her and sends her back to Tony. Tony then expresses anger at her, and Clementine can either stop Tony or stay out of the discussion. Clementine then goes back to the station where the teenagers are, one of them, Micheal, asks why she is teaching them if she is just 11. Clementine can either ignore him or tell them her story. They then claim that they have been at Wellington for 1.5 years, and have not experience the lot that Clementine went through (determinate). Jake is then shooting lousy, and Clementine then goes over to help him, Jake then out-of-the-blue complements her on how good she looks. Clementine then says "It's the jacket right?" sarcastically, and Jake tells her truthfully "No". Clementine then gets confused and then goes over to the kids’ station.
Edith then walks in to replace Clementine with another instructor, and takes Clem outside. Edith then informs Clem that one of the guards of the south gate vomited suddenly and was taken to the sick bay. Clementine then goes to Edith at the south gate: the same gate Clem went through. Clementine is then given a radio and Edith tells her that the channel to talk to the main headquarters is channel 3. Edith guides her to the top of the gate, where they talk to each other for a little while. Soon, 3 figures appear at the top of the hill. One of them has a medium-purple hoodie with the hoodie on their face. The other 2 are visibly guys with green and blue jackets on. Edith tells them to drop their guns. They comply, and one of them drops their blue-pickaxe.
They then proceed to approach the gate. The one in the green jacket then asks if this is Wellington and if they can be let in. Edith once again starts up the same dialogue that she had with Kenny, saying that the leaders hadn’t decided if they are going to let more people in yet. The one with the blue jacket then comforts the one with the purple hoody. The one with the blue jacket then talks angrily at both Edith and Clementine. Edith then tells Clementine to ask the leaders what they should do. Edith says “Hey can you ask the leaders through the walky-talky the situation here Clementine?” Clementine then looks at the radio sadly, and then is interrupted by a familiar voice. The woman in the purple hoody then yells “Clementine!” The woman then opens her hoody and reveals that the woman is Christa. Clementine’s eyes then light up with excitement and she then yells “Christa!” Clementine then tells Edith that she has to let them in. Edith then disagrees and says that they need verification from the leaders first. Clementine then lets out a look at Edith. Clementine then starts the radio and asks the leader if they can let them in. The leader strictly says “No, there is not enough room yet, we need to expand first!” Clementine’s face then gets very sad and then she starts crying. Christa then exclaims a sad face, as well as the other two people get angry. The two people then tell Christa that she should go in and not them, Christa then rejects the demand.
Clementine then gets sad as this remind her of her final moments with Kenny (determinate). A shot is then heard, and the guy with the blue jacket then falls to the ground, being shot in the chest. Christa and Quinton then get low and start moving to the gate to let them in. Edith is startled and doesn’t know what to do. Clementine, seeing the opportunity jumps out of the gate room and falls on the snow, she then gets up immediately and helps Christa and Quinton escape alive. Christa then thanks Clementine and for helping her. The trio then runs into the woods to the left of the gate facing the gate. They then start up a small fire and to keep warm a bit until sun-down. Clementine and Christa then converse telling each other what happened since they were separated. Clementine then asks Christa why she was with a group, and who was the guy with the blue jacket. Christa then says that she almost died and found the group of 5 just in time. Christa then says that she almost gave up on Wellington, but one person coming south told her that Wellington was out here. She then said that the guy with the blue jacket was Alex, a good friend of Quinton. Clementine then tells her about Kenny and Jane, and her final choice. Clementine and Christa then show friendship to each other by saying that they are happy to have each other. Later on, after getting to know Quinton, the three then get caught up on a walker fight after hearing gun-shots in the distance from Wellington’s direction, Quinton then gets bit by a walker and Christa then looks away while Clementine shoots him.
Christa says that she is not angry at Clementine, and that there was nothing she could do. The two get back to Wellington alive, and to their surprise, the front gate is left wide-open. Christa then tells her what to do, saying that she should probably stay down and stay near the walls. Clementine agrees and they get their guns out and start going into the camp. Christa goes in front, while Clementine is in the back. Soon, Clementine hears AJ in the distance and sees him in his baby blanket held in the arms of a dead person shot in the head. Christa expresses fear and sadness, Clementine then picks up the baby. Christa then tells Clementine that she should keep to the hope that the baby will survive, not like Christa’s. They then proceed to walk, Clementine then hears a voice in the distance, and it’s Landin’s, he whispers Clementine. Clementine then whispers to him as to what is going on, and he tells them that a group of 7 raided the camp successfully and pushed the forces back to the headquarters. Clementine then gives a suspicious look. Christa then notices that he is moving his hand on his back. Christa then shoots him in the stomach; he tries to shoot Christa but is shot in the head by her.
Clementine then does a yell-whisper at Christa, asking why she did that. Christa then said that she recognized him and said that he was a traitor and killed one of the members in our group and he ran away in a truck up north when she last saw him, Christa says that he must have come here immediately after he left the group. The two of them proceed and here a person yelling at a shelter. Both of them then go over to the shelter and hear children crying, Clementine then immediately knows that it was the group of children/teenagers. Clementine then has to shoot the guy banging on the door in the chest; he falls on the ground and dies. Clementine then busts the door open and tells the children/teenagers that it is her, they all sigh in relief, and Clementine tells them about Christa, Clementine also tells them to stay put and that they should go lower into the building and barricade the door. They do so and Clementine closes the door and starts going towards the zone with the allies in it. They then proceed towards the zone and they are stopped told to put their hands above their heads. 3 allies with machine guns come up to them and ask them questions, especially Christa and whether they are traitors or not. A walker then appears behind them, and topples one ally, Clementine then shoots the walker and she demands that they both be let in, and that they both are allies. This convinces them that both of them are allies and they let them in.
As they pass into the zone, Michael and Yala then immediately question her about how many people are out there, they then question Christa. Clementine says that they are good friends and that Christa is with her. They both then proceed to the safe ground between each battle barricade, and they then hear banging on the west side entrance, Michael goes with them to investigate. The door is still banging constantly and the latch begins to break. Christa and Michael hold the door closed, while Clementine is hiding behind a couple of barriers holding out her gun pointed towards the entrance. The banging then stops, and Michael then turns around that it is over. Clementine then notices that walkers are coming towards them and she starts to shoot them and successfully saves both of them from the walkers. They all thought it was over. However, it was not, and the door bursts open with two enemies holding Michael and Christa at gun point. After a few questions from Christa as to why they are raiding Wellington.
Right after responding, one of the enemies is shot in the head and falls to the ground by an accidental gunshot from the battle front, Clementine then tries to shoot the other alive enemy, but however, her gun is out of ammo, the other enemy then points his gun towards Michael to kill him. Christa then pushes Michael out of the way and is shot in the stomach by the enemy. Michael then immediately shoots the enemy and kills him. Michael and Clementine immediately rush to a dying Christa. Christa then gives her remarks to how she was so glad to have met Clementine and how glad she is to help raise her and meet Lee. Christa’s last words are “Be strong… Clementine”. Michael then tells Clementine to look away, she does and Michael shoots Christa in the head to prevent her from reanimating. A crying Clementine then turns around and hugs Michael. Clementine then gets very angry, and she throws her gun down to the ground. She then picks up the enemy’s gun, seeing that there was 4 more bullets in it, she starts walking into the front battle lines, with Michael trying to stop but to no avail. She then walks straight through the barricade with her gun in hand, while the allies declare “Cease fire!” Clementine then hears her friend Edith in the distance crying to the last enemy not to shoot them (the teenagers and Edith).
Clementine then sees the enemy yell at Edith while holding her at gun-point. He yells at her that he is 32 and that this is his final rage against the post-apocalyptic world. Clementine then points his gun toward the 32 year-old and pulls the trigger. She successfully kills him and all of the teenagers and Edith are saved. Clementine then stands in her spot watching the teenagers being baffled at her bravery and rage. She then walks back into the ally barricade. That enemy was the last of the seven-people group who raided Wellington. The military commander then says “An 11 year-old girl just shot a 32 year-old man without even hesitating… remind me not to get on her bad side”. Michael then sympathizes with her about Christa, asking how Clementine was able to kill that guy just like that. She gains the respect of Wellington. Clementine then response, “It was what Christa would have wanted me to do”. Skip 3 days later, and Wellington is recovering well, with 10 people who was lost in the raid, most of them were people who went outside of Wellington to fight the people. Clementine is sitting on her bed looking at her photo that she took with Kenny/Jane/AJ, during her travel in the 9-day period.
Melissa then comes in and thanks her for healing her leg and for saving Wellington. Clementine can then respond that she wishes Lee or Kenny was here, someone she could lean on to keep her going. Melissa then responses that they can be friends, Clementine is then reminded of Sarah asking her that, and then says that she doesn’t trust that they will be friends due to the conflicts that always arise. Jake then enters the room and complements Clementine on her bravery, and that he is sorry for her lost. Clementine then makes friends with them, Michael enters the room, seeing that Clementine is smiling along with the other people, and he says that they are going to be accepting a small quantity of new members and they expanded the camp. All four of them then hear gunshots in the distance, they then become distraught and they all walk out of the room and the screen fades to black. And the episode ends. Here is the achievement list:
Survival– Learned new survival techniques Safe haven – Made it to Wellington With no gun next to me – Woke up the next morning Lost and found – Found a specific person I would do anything – Helped a woman and a man survive Battle grounds – Got back to Wellington alive Don’t go – Said goodbye to your friend Glimmer of hope – Completed episode 1: “All that’s left”
What do you think of this?
How does 5 endings cause Clem's future in season 3 be impossible? Telltale can do anything with their endings of episodes and seasons and tie them back together. At the end of episode 4 of season 1, Lee could end up with 8 different possibilities; Lee with Kenny, Lee with Ben, Lee with Kenny and Ben, Lee with Omid and Christa, Lee with O & C and Ben, Lee with O & C and Kenny, or Lee with all of them, or Lee alone.
Clearly Telltale can tie up a story into season 3 with only 5 different endings.
It wasn't really a mistake to kill of Lee, since it was a major part of Clementine's development and maturity. They did not "nix" her, she is still alive and her story endings can still converge easily.
"Who am i going to kill of this time"
If you claim that then you must end the TWD since having a season 3 without any deaths in it is going to be very difficult given that it is in the apocalypse.
Ok, so now that i have responded to your points then how can you claim that Clem's story is over, and season 3 will feature completely new an unrelated characters.
Also season 3 is planned to be released in 2016.
Basically your whole point is that since each ending is very different, then the story line cannot converge, however this is just simply too easy to refute, a good story can definitely be converged and telltale has very talented writers, even I wrote an idea of how season 3 could be started, as well as HardAppleCider, and the story converges into Wellington.
Why is so much people against Clementine returning in season 3?! It doesn't make sense to me.
Look guys i understand that being in denial seems as a viable option for a lot of us now who like this game and woh love Clem at the helm an… mored all, but reality is that there is simply no way that season 3 will be about clem given the vastly different and mutually exclusive endings we have had. Even if they did start season 3 two years after the events, the character would still probably at some point reflect on the past - and it cannot possible be that she both killed Ken and also walked away with him or killed jane but also went with her. That is why it is called mutually exclusive.
I am pissed at this. This was NOT a good resolution. For me one of the great things about a series like that is that there is a character whose journey you follow from start to end - with the end being season 7, not 2 though. The first mistake they made was kill off Lee. But ok, then we had Clem and she is awesome and the face of the Walking Dead games and they… [view original content]
If you want me to throw in my two cents and pitch in ideas for season 3, then can i throw this out?
The season starts up 2 months after t… morehe events of season 2, then cue your openings. After the openings: Clementine will get back into Wellington, where she will be questioned by Edith, and, depending on your endings in season 2, she will be questioned about who she is and she will be let into the community. She then gets introduced to Wellington and its people (determinate), this will take 15 minutes, she will then thank them for bringing her in (determinate). Or She then immediately tells Micheal (her new friend), what happened to Elise (the person in your opening), Micheal will be shocked since she was one of his friends. After a while of interaction to show the player about Wellington, Jessica (new character) will direct Clementine to her bunk bed. Clementine then wakes up the next morning due to a heated argument from the next room. Clem… [view original content]
If you want me to throw in my two cents and pitch in ideas for season 3, then can i throw this out?
The season starts up 2 months after t… morehe events of season 2, then cue your openings. After the openings: Clementine will get back into Wellington, where she will be questioned by Edith, and, depending on your endings in season 2, she will be questioned about who she is and she will be let into the community. She then gets introduced to Wellington and its people (determinate), this will take 15 minutes, she will then thank them for bringing her in (determinate). Or She then immediately tells Micheal (her new friend), what happened to Elise (the person in your opening), Micheal will be shocked since she was one of his friends. After a while of interaction to show the player about Wellington, Jessica (new character) will direct Clementine to her bunk bed. Clementine then wakes up the next morning due to a heated argument from the next room. Clem… [view original content]
But shes not dead... will you only be content when shes dead?
I agree. Her voice work is breathtaking.
In season one as well. And that isn't a bad thing. It's normal during a creative process.
Great OP. Was interesting to read, and I 100% agree with you.
Haha, Clem don't need to use no cigarette filter!
Yeah. I'll be content either when she's dead or every single player has a satisfying, all-conclusive ending to her story. No Going Back didn't provide that.
I dunno... The three best characters in the game (Lee, Kenny, Clementine) are all done imo. One is dead, the other is dead in some peoples game and alive in others (which means he's most likely on borrowed time even if they do bring him back) and in my game Clementine is in Wellington. Just seemes like a natural ending to me. Having said that, I would still definitely buy and be excited for a game that involves Clementine and yet another group going through the same shit. The games are just so addictive
That's literally the only ending I'd consider natural, though. I hate how open-ended and ambiguous the others are... They only make me crave more.
I didn't like the boy from the road.
All he had to learn from was his father. That's all he had ever known. Since his dad was afraid of everything and kept thinking that everything was going to go wrong the kid would naturally think this as well.
Maybe when he was a little older he might start second guessing his dad, but not so young, especially having no other influences his entire life.
Agreed. Anyone deterred by the idea of playing as a child should be directed to RPG experiences such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Skyrim... All of these cater to power fantasies and allow the player to blast the shit out of everyone, consequently making them feel like a badass.
People more interested in fascinating character development and gripping storylines should stick around, however.
Pretty much. I don´t want to be the adult man who can easily break people´s face with a punch. Playing as the little girl is different, it´s refreshing and I´d like to keep it that way because it´s really the only game of high quality I can think of that has something new like this.
Also, a lot of people might disagree but we´ve been molding Clementine´s character when we play as her. If she turns out to be an NPC, it might ruin the personality we gave her; that´s also a reason why I want to play as her again. I want to choose who #MyClementine is.
Yup! I already have an idea of how I'm gonna play Clementine if she does end up being protagonist, having shot Kenny and abandoned Jane... She's gonna be as utterly depressed as ever, doing everything she can to look after AJ provided he actually survives. She'll be extremely slow to trust new faces at this point primarily due to fear of becoming emotionally attached to people and then losing them, like she has with absolutely everyone she's gotten to know so far... However, if she sees someone in trouble, she'll do all she can to help them, and will never resort to banditry, keeping both Lee and her humanity in mind at all times.
It's this kind of roleplay and personalized character development that makes TWDG so damn great.
I also have somewhat of an idea of how I want to play my Clem. I personally shot Kenny, forgave Jane and didn´t let the family in. My Clementine can be considered somewhat cold but truly it´s only because she wants to protect those she already bonded with. Now imagine in S3 she´s an NPC and she decides to let strangers in . That´s not how I played her at all and I´m terrified of it happening. I´d rather keep playing as her and making her into the person I feel she fits as in my game.
100% with you. She´s only 11 too, imagine how much we can still do with her. She´s got a whole life ahead of her if TT wants. She´s badass, she can survive.
Thank you so much, I am so glad that I am not the only one who brings up all of these points on why Clem needs to shine on in the series, and to not just throw her entire story and character away. Thank you.
She deserves a ton more, and I hope Telltale realize that.
With luck, maybe they've even seen this thread and taken some of the points I've made on-board.
There are a lot of ways in which Wellington's collapse could come about... It may well be far more shady than it appears. >:o
A lot of good thoughts here. Nice post . My big issue with this, or any other scenario that has Clem as a major non-playable part of the story is one I've mentioned elsewhere.
Now that TTG has gotten so many people invested in Clementine's story, and given us what free reign they have to handcraft that emotional investment and her personality; now that so many of us have very personal and very different ideas of who Clementine is, writing her as a non-playable will be almost impossible to do. No matter what course the writers take with her there will be a not insignificant number of people who, at some point or other during the game, indignantly throw their controller down and shout, "NO! No, that is NOT what Clem would do!" There's just no way to approach it that won't leave one or another type of player feeling as if she's behaving in a wildly out-of-character fashion.
I am known for essay-length posts, and this is a topic for which I'm passionate and about which I have written several. But, there's really not much I can say that will strengthen the original post. Excellently said, Hazzer! My hat is off to you, and so is Clemmie's.
I would like to add, for the record, that if Clem is not the season 3 main, I will throw things and probably cry. Hear that, Telltale? I'm going to hold you accountable for any and all drywall repairs!
Its gotten to the point to where I have said all I have to say and I just can't express how much Clementine NEEDS to be in Season 3, The rest is in Telltale's hands to make it happen.. SO MAKE IT HAPPEN TELLTALE!
Long Life Clementine
Only need one more like for a grand 100! Our willpower alone will allow Clem's story to continue, raise your sword for the great crusade!
Here ya go! Grand 100!
raises sword
I know that's why I put that quote, something can be up in wellington and I think it will fall. theres so much story that can be tell. and I said that the wellington ending where it could possibly end the clem arc because it was, to me, the most satisfying one where I could have ended. but I think that there is still a lot of story/
Look guys i understand that being in denial seems as a viable option for a lot of us now who like this game and woh love Clem at the helm and all, but reality is that there is simply no way that season 3 will be about clem given the vastly different and mutually exclusive endings we have had. Even if they did start season 3 two years after the events, the character would still probably at some point reflect on the past - and it cannot possible be that she both killed Ken and also walked away with him or killed jane but also went with her. That is why it is called mutually exclusive.
I am pissed at this. This was NOT a good resolution. For me one of the great things about a series like that is that there is a character whose journey you follow from start to end - with the end being season 7, not 2 though. The first mistake they made was kill off Lee. But ok, then we had Clem and she is awesome and the face of the Walking Dead games and they nixed her too now. If this is the kind of narrative you wanna have, which is valid too, then why bother with continuity at all and instead just make each episode be its own contained internal episode, like an extended version of "400 days"? But this is not what this has been about, so why make your main narrative point "who am i gonna kill off this time". Like this was shooting fish in a barrel.
Anyway people, as hard it seems for us to grasp, it is finished. It is over. Clem's story line is over and season 3, which i hear is not going to happen until 2016 will be about a whole new group set in the apocalypse. It is sad and fucked up, but there is no other way the ending(s) we got can be perceived.
Computer says no.
Unless Telltale create vastly different and mutually exclusive beginnings for season 3
S1- How does Lee Everett's story end? Human or Walker?
S2- How does Clementine's story end? Who does she end up with?
Kenny and AJ
Jane and AJ
Jane, Randy, Gil, Patricia, and AJ
In Wellington
It may just be out of speculation not fact, but that's just the way i see it. Clem's story is over. Just MY opinion. Now if she comes back for S3, i would be happy. I just don't see it.
Whatever helps make the story better, i'm OK with it.
There's still many ways in which Clem could return. A simple time-skip or seperate introductions depending on the ending you got are both possibilities.
As hard as it is for you to accept this people have right to make their own opinions. It's your opinion but you can't say that everyone else are in denial . Let me put it this way - you're saying that Clementine's story is over, okay. Maybe we're wrong BUT what if you're wrong? What are you saying is just theory just like Clem being protagonist for season 3 is just theory until Telltale will announce something officially.
Or the same beginning with different dialogue options.
It took me about two min to think up a way to write the story from three different starting points, each one with slight differences based on player choices, tying them all into one common location after about five min of game time.
I think they would probably make a new playable character who cares for Clem and AJ(Assuming for each season there's a new protagonist) or you play as either AJ or Clem but my theory of playing as AJ got shot down by the timeline of the comics. Wouldn't it be interesting if you got to play as Christa or any of the previous episodes' survivors and find Clem from there though
I totally agree with the original statement. Clem's story should go on! After season 1 it was an awesome decision to make Clem the protagonist. To be honest that was actually the reason for me to buy the game and go on with it. So, if Clem's story goes on I will be playing on. If not, I am not so sure whether I really will be really interested. It is really the unique story of a child trying to survive in the apocalypse. Grown-up heroes are nothing special - other games and movies are full of those.
If you want me to throw in my two cents and pitch in ideas for season 3, then can i throw this out?
The season starts up 2 months after the events of season 2, then cue your openings. After the openings: Clementine will get back into Wellington, where she will be questioned by Edith, and, depending on your endings in season 2, she will be questioned about who she is and she will be let into the community. She then gets introduced to Wellington and its people (determinate), this will take 15 minutes, she will then thank them for bringing her in (determinate). Or She then immediately tells Micheal (her new friend), what happened to Elise (the person in your opening), Micheal will be shocked since she was one of his friends. After a while of interaction to show the player about Wellington, Jessica (new character) will direct Clementine to her bunk bed. Clementine then wakes up the next morning due to a heated argument from the next room. Clementine then notices that there is no gun next to her, to much of her surprise when she tries to reach for it. She then quotes Kenny about him telling her about it (determinate). She then proceeds to the next room, where she finds the three people arguing, Yala, Tony, and Landin are arguing about what to do with letting people in now that a couple of months went by. Clementine breaks up the arguing by entering the room and asking what they are talking about, and they tell her that Yala and Tony want to let more people in, while Landin is against it and exclaims that we should expand Wellingtons camp perimeter to make room for more crops and greenhouses. Clementine can then give them her opinion about it, or stay neutral, Yala and Landin then says that since this is a democracy, Clementines opinion will matter, however, Landin says that only people who are at least 3 months known to the community can vote, not Clementine since she has only been here 2 months. Clementine then asks why that is, and they say that it is because people who are 3 months known here are more aware of the problems facing this community. Clementine then can say how much her friends would have loved to come this place. They then share her grief and tell her that she should go back to bed, she then exclaims that she doesn't have to and they say that she can then help them with certain duties around the camp. They then take her out and tell her that she is going to be helping with the crops and teaching children/teenagers how to shoot a gun. Help farming the crops Clementine is taken by Yala to the crop area, where she is given a simple task: crop the corn from the field. While she is farming, she then is talked to by Collin, one of the farm hands, she then answers his questions about how old she is and where she is from and what she is planning to do in the future, she then proceeds to ask him why he is out here. He refuses to tell her his story, and they both just continue to farm out corn until Clementine gets called out by Tony.
Teaching the children/teenagers how to shoot a gun Clementine is taken by Tony to the shooting range inside a shelter with walls. Clementine then questions if this is a good idea to have a shooting range with all the walkers around to camp. Tony will say "What are you talking about? This is well within the walls of the camp as well as the building it is in." Clementine then proceeds in to find 5 children and 8 teenagers. 2 children and 1 teenager question why she is showing them how to shoot a gun, Tony then says to make her welcome and no slack-offs. Tony leaves Clementine with the children and the teenagers. The five children are: - Markus (8 years) - Cloe (11 years) - Luke (10 years) - Lawrence (9 years) - Kate ( 8 years)
Out of the eight teenagers, 4 of them are given names: - Matthew (14 years) - Jake (12 years) - Ellen ( 14 years) - Melissa (16 years ) Clementine then proceeds to tell them to get in line, where she will show them how hold a gun, saying that it is heavy at first, but when you keep using it, it gets lighter. She then tells them that not to put your finger on the trigger until you need to use it. Then to squeeze the trigger and hold your breath, and not to be afraid of the kick-back. The students then proceed to their booths. Clementine then shows them how she shoots. They start trying, one of the children falls after shooting the gun, and he tells Clementine that it was just the shock of shooting your own gun. The teenagers then cry out to Clementine to come over there. To Clementine's surprise, Melissa accidentally fooled around with the gun and shot herself accidentally in the lower leg. Clementine then immediately heals her and sends her back to Tony. Tony then expresses anger at her, and Clementine can either stop Tony or stay out of the discussion. Clementine then goes back to the station where the teenagers are, one of them, Micheal, asks why she is teaching them if she is just 11. Clementine can either ignore him or tell them her story. They then claim that they have been at Wellington for 1.5 years, and have not experience the lot that Clementine went through (determinate). Jake is then shooting lousy, and Clementine then goes over to help him, Jake then out-of-the-blue complements her on how good she looks. Clementine then says "It's the jacket right?" sarcastically, and Jake tells her truthfully "No". Clementine then gets confused and then goes over to the kids’ station.
Edith then walks in to replace Clementine with another instructor, and takes Clem outside. Edith then informs Clem that one of the guards of the south gate vomited suddenly and was taken to the sick bay. Clementine then goes to Edith at the south gate: the same gate Clem went through. Clementine is then given a radio and Edith tells her that the channel to talk to the main headquarters is channel 3. Edith guides her to the top of the gate, where they talk to each other for a little while. Soon, 3 figures appear at the top of the hill. One of them has a medium-purple hoodie with the hoodie on their face. The other 2 are visibly guys with green and blue jackets on. Edith tells them to drop their guns. They comply, and one of them drops their blue-pickaxe.
They then proceed to approach the gate. The one in the green jacket then asks if this is Wellington and if they can be let in. Edith once again starts up the same dialogue that she had with Kenny, saying that the leaders hadn’t decided if they are going to let more people in yet. The one with the blue jacket then comforts the one with the purple hoody. The one with the blue jacket then talks angrily at both Edith and Clementine. Edith then tells Clementine to ask the leaders what they should do. Edith says “Hey can you ask the leaders through the walky-talky the situation here Clementine?” Clementine then looks at the radio sadly, and then is interrupted by a familiar voice. The woman in the purple hoody then yells “Clementine!” The woman then opens her hoody and reveals that the woman is Christa. Clementine’s eyes then light up with excitement and she then yells “Christa!” Clementine then tells Edith that she has to let them in. Edith then disagrees and says that they need verification from the leaders first. Clementine then lets out a look at Edith. Clementine then starts the radio and asks the leader if they can let them in. The leader strictly says “No, there is not enough room yet, we need to expand first!” Clementine’s face then gets very sad and then she starts crying. Christa then exclaims a sad face, as well as the other two people get angry. The two people then tell Christa that she should go in and not them, Christa then rejects the demand.
Clementine then gets sad as this remind her of her final moments with Kenny (determinate). A shot is then heard, and the guy with the blue jacket then falls to the ground, being shot in the chest. Christa and Quinton then get low and start moving to the gate to let them in. Edith is startled and doesn’t know what to do. Clementine, seeing the opportunity jumps out of the gate room and falls on the snow, she then gets up immediately and helps Christa and Quinton escape alive. Christa then thanks Clementine and for helping her. The trio then runs into the woods to the left of the gate facing the gate. They then start up a small fire and to keep warm a bit until sun-down. Clementine and Christa then converse telling each other what happened since they were separated. Clementine then asks Christa why she was with a group, and who was the guy with the blue jacket. Christa then says that she almost died and found the group of 5 just in time. Christa then says that she almost gave up on Wellington, but one person coming south told her that Wellington was out here. She then said that the guy with the blue jacket was Alex, a good friend of Quinton. Clementine then tells her about Kenny and Jane, and her final choice. Clementine and Christa then show friendship to each other by saying that they are happy to have each other. Later on, after getting to know Quinton, the three then get caught up on a walker fight after hearing gun-shots in the distance from Wellington’s direction, Quinton then gets bit by a walker and Christa then looks away while Clementine shoots him.
Christa says that she is not angry at Clementine, and that there was nothing she could do. The two get back to Wellington alive, and to their surprise, the front gate is left wide-open. Christa then tells her what to do, saying that she should probably stay down and stay near the walls. Clementine agrees and they get their guns out and start going into the camp. Christa goes in front, while Clementine is in the back. Soon, Clementine hears AJ in the distance and sees him in his baby blanket held in the arms of a dead person shot in the head. Christa expresses fear and sadness, Clementine then picks up the baby. Christa then tells Clementine that she should keep to the hope that the baby will survive, not like Christa’s. They then proceed to walk, Clementine then hears a voice in the distance, and it’s Landin’s, he whispers Clementine. Clementine then whispers to him as to what is going on, and he tells them that a group of 7 raided the camp successfully and pushed the forces back to the headquarters. Clementine then gives a suspicious look. Christa then notices that he is moving his hand on his back. Christa then shoots him in the stomach; he tries to shoot Christa but is shot in the head by her.
Clementine then does a yell-whisper at Christa, asking why she did that. Christa then said that she recognized him and said that he was a traitor and killed one of the members in our group and he ran away in a truck up north when she last saw him, Christa says that he must have come here immediately after he left the group. The two of them proceed and here a person yelling at a shelter. Both of them then go over to the shelter and hear children crying, Clementine then immediately knows that it was the group of children/teenagers. Clementine then has to shoot the guy banging on the door in the chest; he falls on the ground and dies. Clementine then busts the door open and tells the children/teenagers that it is her, they all sigh in relief, and Clementine tells them about Christa, Clementine also tells them to stay put and that they should go lower into the building and barricade the door. They do so and Clementine closes the door and starts going towards the zone with the allies in it. They then proceed towards the zone and they are stopped told to put their hands above their heads. 3 allies with machine guns come up to them and ask them questions, especially Christa and whether they are traitors or not. A walker then appears behind them, and topples one ally, Clementine then shoots the walker and she demands that they both be let in, and that they both are allies. This convinces them that both of them are allies and they let them in.
As they pass into the zone, Michael and Yala then immediately question her about how many people are out there, they then question Christa. Clementine says that they are good friends and that Christa is with her. They both then proceed to the safe ground between each battle barricade, and they then hear banging on the west side entrance, Michael goes with them to investigate. The door is still banging constantly and the latch begins to break. Christa and Michael hold the door closed, while Clementine is hiding behind a couple of barriers holding out her gun pointed towards the entrance. The banging then stops, and Michael then turns around that it is over. Clementine then notices that walkers are coming towards them and she starts to shoot them and successfully saves both of them from the walkers. They all thought it was over. However, it was not, and the door bursts open with two enemies holding Michael and Christa at gun point. After a few questions from Christa as to why they are raiding Wellington.
Right after responding, one of the enemies is shot in the head and falls to the ground by an accidental gunshot from the battle front, Clementine then tries to shoot the other alive enemy, but however, her gun is out of ammo, the other enemy then points his gun towards Michael to kill him. Christa then pushes Michael out of the way and is shot in the stomach by the enemy. Michael then immediately shoots the enemy and kills him. Michael and Clementine immediately rush to a dying Christa. Christa then gives her remarks to how she was so glad to have met Clementine and how glad she is to help raise her and meet Lee. Christa’s last words are “Be strong… Clementine”. Michael then tells Clementine to look away, she does and Michael shoots Christa in the head to prevent her from reanimating. A crying Clementine then turns around and hugs Michael. Clementine then gets very angry, and she throws her gun down to the ground. She then picks up the enemy’s gun, seeing that there was 4 more bullets in it, she starts walking into the front battle lines, with Michael trying to stop but to no avail. She then walks straight through the barricade with her gun in hand, while the allies declare “Cease fire!” Clementine then hears her friend Edith in the distance crying to the last enemy not to shoot them (the teenagers and Edith).
Clementine then sees the enemy yell at Edith while holding her at gun-point. He yells at her that he is 32 and that this is his final rage against the post-apocalyptic world. Clementine then points his gun toward the 32 year-old and pulls the trigger. She successfully kills him and all of the teenagers and Edith are saved. Clementine then stands in her spot watching the teenagers being baffled at her bravery and rage. She then walks back into the ally barricade. That enemy was the last of the seven-people group who raided Wellington. The military commander then says “An 11 year-old girl just shot a 32 year-old man without even hesitating… remind me not to get on her bad side”. Michael then sympathizes with her about Christa, asking how Clementine was able to kill that guy just like that. She gains the respect of Wellington. Clementine then response, “It was what Christa would have wanted me to do”. Skip 3 days later, and Wellington is recovering well, with 10 people who was lost in the raid, most of them were people who went outside of Wellington to fight the people. Clementine is sitting on her bed looking at her photo that she took with Kenny/Jane/AJ, during her travel in the 9-day period.
Melissa then comes in and thanks her for healing her leg and for saving Wellington. Clementine can then respond that she wishes Lee or Kenny was here, someone she could lean on to keep her going. Melissa then responses that they can be friends, Clementine is then reminded of Sarah asking her that, and then says that she doesn’t trust that they will be friends due to the conflicts that always arise. Jake then enters the room and complements Clementine on her bravery, and that he is sorry for her lost. Clementine then makes friends with them, Michael enters the room, seeing that Clementine is smiling along with the other people, and he says that they are going to be accepting a small quantity of new members and they expanded the camp. All four of them then hear gunshots in the distance, they then become distraught and they all walk out of the room and the screen fades to black. And the episode ends. Here is the achievement list:
Survival– Learned new survival techniques
Safe haven – Made it to Wellington
With no gun next to me – Woke up the next morning
Lost and found – Found a specific person
I would do anything – Helped a woman and a man survive
Battle grounds – Got back to Wellington alive
Don’t go – Said goodbye to your friend
Glimmer of hope – Completed episode 1: “All that’s left”
What do you think of this?
How does 5 endings cause Clem's future in season 3 be impossible? Telltale can do anything with their endings of episodes and seasons and tie them back together. At the end of episode 4 of season 1, Lee could end up with 8 different possibilities;
Lee with Kenny, Lee with Ben, Lee with Kenny and Ben, Lee with Omid and Christa, Lee with O & C and Ben, Lee with O & C and Kenny, or Lee with all of them, or Lee alone.
Clearly Telltale can tie up a story into season 3 with only 5 different endings.
It wasn't really a mistake to kill of Lee, since it was a major part of Clementine's development and maturity. They did not "nix" her, she is still alive and her story endings can still converge easily.
If you claim that then you must end the TWD since having a season 3 without any deaths in it is going to be very difficult given that it is in the apocalypse.
Ok, so now that i have responded to your points then how can you claim that Clem's story is over, and season 3 will feature completely new an unrelated characters.
Also season 3 is planned to be released in 2016.
Basically your whole point is that since each ending is very different, then the story line cannot converge, however this is just simply too easy to refute, a good story can definitely be converged and telltale has very talented writers, even I wrote an idea of how season 3 could be started, as well as HardAppleCider, and the story converges into Wellington.
Why is so much people against Clementine returning in season 3?! It doesn't make sense to me.
I'd read this if it weren't for the lack of paragraphs...
Lol, sorry, i'll change it
Deuteragonist great... better than great, protagonist I really dont want her again.
I can't argue any more, i just need a break
Up-voted for effort.