Sunday is coming, so it's time for a daily prayer to our lord, Kenny.

Our Kenny, Who art in a Commercial Fishermen, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kenny come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Boat Land. Give us this day our daily boat; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against urbans; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from Lilly. Amen.
This discussion has been closed.
Hail Kenny, full of boats
The stache is with thee
Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Ken Jr.
Holy Kenny, Father of Duck
Pray for us shitbirds, now and in the hour of our bite
O, my Kenny, I am Duckfully sorry for having shitbirded you. I detest all my shitbirds because of your just punishment, but most of all because they shitbird you, my Kenny, who are all-urbans and deserving of all my love.
Fuck off.
Excuse my language.
This shit is getting ... shittier every day.
Geht wirklich langsam auf die nerven...
Guys, let's appreciate this level of honesty.
Es geht alles den Bach runter.
Das Walking Dead Forum ist echt zum kotzen.
Naja, ich nimm´s mit Humor, nur das ist ein bisschen übertrieben.
I will forever be a proud shitbird.
At this point, this thread is no different than those spambots posting rubbish on this forum...
But I am not posting rubbish, I am posting the truth.
atleast, he is trolling, some guys actually believe these kinda things
I am not trolling...
you are a way too obvious to not be a troll, take Lemoncakes for example, that guy is so good at hiding that he is a troll, I'm actually starting to believe that he isn't a troll, and just a very stupid guy. but your threads are way too obvious
(?)SaltLick305 won't remember this
Um, no. You're making fun of my relgion (Kennyist), how could you?
Shut up.
Ich dachte schon ich wär der einzig deutsche..
But still: pray to kenny as he guides us to a land full of boats and urbans
finally some sense
That's not a very nice thing to imply.
No problem, dude. I have more of this, don´t worry.
Saltlick, please remember you prayers as well.
Nee, bist du nicht :P
@Katzenknuddler ist noch einer, den ich kenn
Die Leute haben halt nix zu reden...aber langsam ist es ausgelutscht...oder eher schnell.
Haha nice:)
Okay, just remember to lock the door so there is privacy while you're praying.
Probably a troll, but anyway I was happy when I left Kenny at Wellington. There. I said it.
Thank you for stating that we must abandon other threads and come here to pray.
I actually believe in Saturdays, not Sundays, but I wouldn't pray for Kenny anyway.
Sir, I am no troll. I'm a Kennyist trying to state out the truth.
Sorry, but I don't believe in Arvo, if you're a Arvoist that is.
Nah, I'm not an Arvoist, I like Nick and Ben more, and I'm not a Nickist or Benist.
Nick is St. Mullet and Ben is a shitbird, a bad shitbird.