Why I Looked Away.
This is not mean to be another Jane vs Kenny thread, thougth I know better that to think this won’t end up turning into one. I just want to clear all the misconceptions, hatred and outright lies people say about Kenny to justify shooting him, nothing more. This seriously needs to be said. Now I am going to list common complaints against Kenny and my reasons against them.
Complaint 1: He killed Larry
This reason is stupid. First, you have to consider that they were trapped in a small room, weapon less-yes, because a saltlick doesn´t not count as a weapon-, and Larry had just dropped to the ground. This all happened after Ben told them that is not the bite that does it, so that Larry-the same dude that knocked motherfucking Lee flat with one punch- would reanimate and kill all of them was a justifiable fear. Second, Larry was truly unsalvageable, no matter what you say. As soon as he dropped to the ground, he was as good as dead. You can claim that he stars breathing if you chose to save him, but that is very ambiguous. It could have be him reanimating as a walker. Besides, even if he had be breathing, he was not going to last. CPR is not some sort of magical revival technique; without proper medical attention, such as serious heart attack is going to kill anybody.
Complait 2: The Bitten Girl
I honestly don´t understand why even Jane fans cite this against Kenny, since is equal to what she did to Troy-one person dying for the sake of the group-, but I will explain myself anyway. First, like the title of this complaint says, that girl was bitten. There was nothing they could do about her. It is more merciful to kill her so she doesn´t have to experience the pain, yes, but it does not change that there was nothing they could do about her. It was one random person in one side, and the sake of a group of the brink of collapse in the other, and Kenny wanted to take the obvious choice. He didn´t like it, but it was one more hard choice that had to be taken for the sake of survival and he was willing to live with it.
Complait 3: He can refuse to help Lee
If you don´t help him kill Larry, regardless of whatever else you chose, Kenny distrust of Lee plus is own guilt make him refuse. If you help him kill Larry, but you don´t back him and his family, he will also refuse. I think is pretty clear why. Kenny character is centered on family-literally everything he does is centered on family.
Kenny:…You didn´t help my family, so excuse me if I don´t bend backwards for you.
Apart for that, you can´t really say that Kenny refusing to help Lee makes him bad or something like that. Is just one impulsive decision. Is attitude quickly changes when Lee returns-having time to cool down-, and he shows that regardless of what he thinks of Lee Kenny is not the type of person who could stand by idly when a child suffers.
Kenny: We are going to get that little girl back, with or without you.
Complait 4: He shoots Carver´s men.
This point ridiculous.If Kenny gave himself up, he could have gotten killed and the group could not have a chance to make it. Honestly, this should not have been out to debate. There was literally the only reasonable choice Kenny could make at the time-only the Cabin Group knew Carver could not kill them.
Complaint 5: The Truck Escape Plan
Even now, Kenny could not have any reason to think Carver could not just kill them in his community to make them an example. The plan was stupid, yes, nobody denies that, but Kenny thought that as soon as they Carver got them to their community they were as good as dead. At least, he thought they had to try to escape. I don´t know why this is so hard to understand.
Complaint 6: The Death of Sarita.
Clem was responsible for the death of Sarita, whatever you chose. Sure, Sarita could have not got herself bitten in the first place, but Clem is the one that ends up killing her. If you cut off her arm, she screams, attracting the walkers to her and getting her dragged into the ground and bitten. If you don´t cut off her arm, them Clem is responsible because the infection spreads far enough for Sarita to be unsalvageable. Does this make him right in screaming at a child? Nope, but is something anyone should understand. And he apologizes for doing that, no matter what you do. Even if you axe Sarita right in front of him.
Complaint 7: AJ
I don´t see why is attachment to AJ is issue, honestly. He is literally the only one who can take care of him, so he has to do it. He does not have any choice. And, even if you accept the AJ=Duck 2.0 argument, if does not change that Kenny puts AJ over himself, not the other way around.
Complaint 8: Arvo´s treatment
8.1: Keep in mind that Arvo had leaded the Russians to the group, and it was a miracle (writer hax) that nobody died in the gunfight. When Kenny was going to shoot Arvo, he did it because letting him go to maybe take revenge down the line was worse, and that Arvo was not different for the rest of Russians to Kenny.
8.2: When Kenny hits Arvo (determinant) in the campfire scene, he is frustrated and angry that they took the chance that Arvo was telling the true, increasingly sure that everything was just a lie. Then, Arvo goes:
Leave me alone!
Arvo nearly had all of them killed, had been lying to them to save its own skin when he deserved to die just as much as the others, and now he acts like the victim?! That´s what Kenny was thinking in that scene. So he shuts Arvo up.
8.3: Arvo tried to run away, played a big part in Luke´s death, and the unfished house seemed to confirm its worst fears-Arvo had be lying. Then Arvo tells him to fuck up. That does it, so Kenny hits him. He didn´t intend to kill him, like so many of you have said. If you don´t do anything, Kenny stops before Mike drags him away for Arvo. At if you ask him, Kenny stops immediately.
Complaint 9: The Betrayal of Bonnie and Mike
Wellington was the best chance for AJ-for everyone really-so he wanted to go. You have to consider that lots of characters know of the existence of Wellington, so that it didn´t exist was not a possibility. Looking for Wellington was not a death sentence, despite that they could have a hard time. It was the best chance, like I have already say, but the rest of the group wanted to take the most safe option so they didn´t agree. Keep in mind, that neither Bonnie nor Mike nor Arvo nor Jane knew about Wellington, so they could not really understand what Kenny was thinking. If they had known, then maybe the betrayal could not have happened. Also, the response to Kenny´s decision was disproportional, no matter how you look at it. In TWD, thief´s are slow killer´s, like Lily said. Mike and Bonnie didn´t have to take all the supplies, leaving tree persons and a baby for death, but they did.
Complaint 10: The Argument In The Truck
Like I said, Kenny knew that Wellington was the best chance for AJ-for everyone really-so he wanted to go. You have to consider that lots of characters know of the existence of Wellington, so that it didn´t exist was not a possibility. Looking for Wellington was not a death sentence, despite that they could have a hard time. But Jane didn´t know that. Now that we got that out the way, let’s go on. First, you should know that Kenny did not make the argument personal. Jane made the argument personal.
Jane: Let´s play a game, Clem. I spy with my little eye, an asshole.
Kenny: Grow up.
Clem: (One of the dialogue choices)
Kenny: I couldn´t even see the damn road.
Jane: Bet you´re having trouble seeing a lot of things these days.
If that is not making it personal, people, I don´t know what it is.
Complaint 11: Rest Stop Figth Scene.
Let´s consider how Jane comes to the rest stop: in tears, hugging herself, but completely unharmed. That´s fishy, really fishy and Kenny noticed it. He noticed it, but he is still refusing to believe it.
Kenny: Jane, where is the kid? Jane, where is he?
Clem: (Whatever you chose)
Jane: He is...
Kenny: What are you saying? He shakes his head No, no, no.
Then he runs out, desperately searching for AJ. When we see him again, he is enraged. Jane said that AJ is dead, and she is unharmed, so there is only one logical conclusion. Jane killed AJ. She left him behind because, in a snowstorm chased by walkers, the baby was just a liability.
Kenny: How could you kill a fucking child?!
Jane: I didn´t kill him. It was accident, Kenny.
Kenny: Bullshit.
Then Jane sheaths the knife. You can call it Jane trying to end the fight, but we all know is bullshit. She wanted to give him an opening so the fight could happen.
Jane (as she sheaths the knife): Don´t you come near me, you son of a bitch.
I don´t know about you, but I certainly could not be stupid enough to taunt and insult my opponent if I wanted to stop a fight. So is clear that she wanted it to happen. There is nothing to debate.
When Kenny shoves Jane against the Rest Stop window, he is not trying to kill her. He is doing the same thing he did to Mike in episode 3-no to choke her, but to restrain her.
After this, Clem tries to stop the fight, Jane punches Kenny, driving him to the ground, straddles him and repeatedly punches him. If she had wanted to stop the fight, not kill Kenny, is pretty clear she had a chance right there and there. But she didn´t take it.
When Clem tries to stop the fight again, both end up on the ground, and even before Kenny is back on his feet, she goes for her knife. That Jane didn´t kill Kenny with that slash of the knife was pure luck.
After that, Kenny retreats outside. That was another perfect opportunity to stop the fight-she could have run past Kenny to the car, but she didn´t do it.
Jane: Fucking Psycho!
No matter what you do in this scene, Jane tries to kill Kenny with her knife instead of revealing her plan. Kenny dodges the slashes, grabs her arm and throws her against the sign, breaking it, leaving then both of the ground. Kenny goes for the knife, but Jane stops him and tries to poke his eyes out. She has Kenny on the ground, writhing and screaming him pain, so this was another perfect opportunity to stop the fight. Jane could have stopped tried to poke his eyes out, and make a run for the car, but she didn´t.
Clem gets Jane off Kenny, and he takes the chance to grab the knife, stab her in the length, straddled her and stab her trough the chest.
Kenny: I fucking kill you!
Jane: I… knew you would …
Kenny: Just… fucking die …
Jane: Fuck you!
Kenny: I am not going to let you…
This final exchange of dialogue not only has Jane revealing her intentions, but that Kenny was fighting not only for revenge but for Clem.
Kenny: I am not going to let you…
You can say that Kenny was just going to say that he was not going to let Jane live, okay, but for me is clear that, if he had continued, the full line could have been this:
Kenny: I am not going to let you do that too her too.
Take all I said how you wish, but for me, is clear who is the one that was more in the wrong here.
So I looked away.
Gonna sit back and relax while this turns into another one of those threads.
Yeah, I know, but... Well, I felt it needed to be said.
Just prepare yourself for the shitstorm, bro.
These childish retarded reactions of "HURR JUST GONJNA SIT HIER AND WATCH XD MEME GIF" being the first posts of the threads is what usually starts these shitstorms.
Love you too.~
Look, you don't need to justify yourself, this is your opinion, and nothing will change that. You hold on to your belief, and I'll hold on to mine.
Well said. I feel the same way, Jane just wanted a situation where she could get Kenny out of the way, which didn't sit well with me. Honestly? I wanted the option to just kick her out of the truck when she was blabbing off about Kenny's family.
Beautiful, the game choices turned things from a battle of logic and reason into a battle of beliefs. Bravo Telltale, you magnificent bastards.
Yeah, this is not about Jane. How can you just dismiss someone's reasons, what they feel personally, because you don't feel the same way? All of my reasons for how I feel about Kenny and why I shot him, I feel completely justified in. If you felt like you needed to look away, that's fine but I don't think you can tell people that they're reasons are wrong either.
Also saying that one ending is correct starts shit storms as well
1.something believed; an opinion or conviction.
So much bullshit, you are just seeing his actions in a forced way as an attempt to make them reasonable, going totally against the common sense. I don´t know what was the purpose of this thread but this won´t change anyone´s opinion. Kenny fucks up and makes mistakes, just like all the other characters, but it looks like you wanna justify his mistakes and see him as a perfect being.
100% biased.
ensue insane raging arguments that last 6-8 pages that continuously bump the thread
Kenny: I am not going to let you do that too her too.
Kenny admitted himself that he was in a dark place and couldn't control himself. So, no. Kenny didn't do it to protect Clementine, he did because he rage got the best of him, again.
I didn´t want to change anybody´s opinion. And, dude, I don´t want to see him as perfect or anything like that. Is just that... all that people say about Kenny, 'mad dog', 'rage monster'... he is not as bad as most people think he is. I just wanted to say that, okay?
What...? I never said this.
He was talking to Clem_is_awesome.
Kenny is not as bad as people think he is, thats the only think I was saying. I am not dismissing anybody´s opinion. Hell, I don´t even care how many people hate Kenny.
Yes, and? I just saying he is not bad as so many people think he is. I don´t care if you shoot him or not, but I just wanted to say that.
I never said this.
What part of 'this is how I interpreted that line' you don´t understand?
I never said otherwise.
Ah. Okay.
Look, to all the people who will come here to complain without bothering to understand what I have written, please keep in mind that I never said Kenny is flawless, just that I fell people are demonizing him, okay?
another fucking rage thread.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c](null "Title")
Yes, is my opinion. And?
I can say for Kenny is that he was incredibly passionate when it came to his family. But for me he was a pain. Disagree with him and he will blow up in your face and hold grudges forever. You have got to look at everything from the other point of view. There are two sides to every story and you are completely biased.
Jesus Christ, what part of 'I just want to say Kenny is not that bad' you don´t understand?
Sarah Michelle Gellar?!?
This thread was unnecessary... but damn, good points.