Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Ah okay thanks.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Nope, I think they're the only ones who can be saved from their first deaths and die the same way afterwards. Ben can be eaten or shot, we d

  • edited September 2014

    Playing through Season 1 again, it hit me how Clem might have joined up with Carver's camp early on. Episode 4--Vernon offers to take Clem. If Lee had accepted and been able to convince Clem, she might have ended up going on the boat. She could have eventually found her way to the diner and met up with Shel and Becca. If Shel chose to escape in the RV and Clem came with her, she could have eventually tagged along with Tavia back to Howe's. I know it's a bunch of "ifs", but just something to think about, how Season 2 could have been different.

    From what I can tell, Adam Harrington has voiced in the widest range of TTG products: TWD Season 1 (Andy St. John), 400 Days (Jerry-Vince's story & Leland), as well as Wolf Among Us (Bigby & Woodsman). In addition, he's had roles in TTG's Back to the Future and Monkey Island.

  • edited September 2014

    Don't worry the dislike button is gone so...

    just kidding :)

    oh.... well this is embarrassing

  • edited September 2014

    larry is a pedo and is gay

  • Isn't it possible for Lilly to get shot if the player is silent during the negotiation with the bandits in Season 1 Episode 3?

    Neither Lilly or Larry ever have a non-canon death scene possible during their stints in the game. Throughout the entire course of the st

  • Arvo, Vanilla Ice and Snoop Dog.

    Sounds like a pretty great team.

    fallandir posted: »

    And Mike was Snoop Dog. All makes sense now. We solved it!

  • Lee's voice: Vernon you son of bitch.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Playing through Season 1 again, it hit me how Clem might have joined up with Carver's camp early on. Episode 4--Vernon offers to take Clem.

  • WHAT?! Then what's his problem with Brenda?! He also gets the ring of Lilly's mom along with him!

    I can't get to youtu (I'm living in China, within the great fire wall)... Could you please tell me what's in it?

    larry is a pedo and is gay

  • Some nooby troll video

    24601 posted: »

    WHAT?! Then what's his problem with Brenda?! He also gets the ring of Lilly's mom along with him! I can't get to youtu (I'm living in China, within the great fire wall)... Could you please tell me what's in it?

  • Pete is voiced by Brian Sommer actually.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    Playing through Season 1 again, it hit me how Clem might have joined up with Carver's camp early on. Episode 4--Vernon offers to take Clem.

  • The first living animals to be seen are the two crows at the start of episode 2.

  • I don't mind, she'll probably at least be hanging about. Nate 2015!

    24601 posted: »

    I learnt it from wiki. Here's the exact words: During the interview of the finale of Season Two, Sean Ainsworth, and Dennis Lenart have s

  • That motherfucker. That's how Carver knew.

    Gonna rip his throat out.

    fallandir posted: »

    Checked. It's Hank.

  • Alvin's way ahead of you.

    Alt text

    Hbh128 posted: »

    That motherfucker. That's how Carver knew. Gonna rip his throat out.

  • Thanks, Alvin.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Alvin's way ahead of you.

  • Well thank god he's still a zombie. Get to put down Alvin. Hank on the other hand, I'm gonna try out a little something I learned from Molly.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Alvin's way ahead of you.

  • She's little. People underestimate her.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Buricko had a clear shot at Clementine and the baby. However, he simply ignored them and kept shooting at Luke. If you look closely, he's right behind Clem when she's dragging herself to where AJ is. Seems like they weren't that evil.


    In Season 1 Episode 2 When Lee and Danny St. John go into the woods to look for the bandits that shot Mark they find one of the Bandits Camps Which I'm pretty sure originally belonged to Jolene (CRAZY WOMAN WITH CROSSBOW) and her daughter. If you look in the tent you will see a White Stuffed Bunny Toy, However at the beginning of season 2 Clementine looks in all of the toilet stalls to make sure they're safe in the middle stall however you see guess what? A VERY Similar White Stuffed Bunny Toy maybe indicating that Jolene's daughter may still be alive.

  • If you don't help Carley in A New Day, Doug lives and will be present in the game from then on.

    Similarly, if you don't help Doug in A New Day Carley lives and will be present in the game from then on.

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    If you don't help Carley in A New Day, Doug lives and will be present in the game from then on. Similarly, if you don't help Doug in A New Day Carley lives and will be present in the game from then on.

  • Doug will tell Lee not to call him small as well.

  • Oh yeah, you're right. Brain fart I guess, lol; must have mixed up Andy and Danny. Corrected.

    Pigisdeado posted: »

    Pete is voiced by Brian Sommer actually.

  • Alt text

    remorse667 posted: »

    Doug will tell Lee not to call him small as well.

  • Could be just a re-used asset. Seems odd, but I think Telltale wanted to show how disgusting public bathrooms have become. lol, but I guess they weren't that great to begin with.

    You never know :O

  • If you tell Mike to take the radio he wil agree (and it says mike will remember that) but it's just the same afterwards

  • Yeah she shoots about two of the walkers and then starts daydreaming.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    What? Seriously?

  • edited September 2014


    Just when I thought I could not hate Bonnie more that I hated her already...

    Yeah she shoots about two of the walkers and then starts daydreaming.

  • edited September 2014

    Larry:hohoho Brenda I haven't had ass like that since I was in the joint

    lee:hmm? walks over and opens the gate
    lee: my ass sense is tingling
    Larry: lee if you go near her I be the one to TICKLE YOUR BALLS first chance I get so don't sleep with your ass open boy hahaha
    lee:shit time to go

    24601 posted: »

    WHAT?! Then what's his problem with Brenda?! He also gets the ring of Lilly's mom along with him! I can't get to youtu (I'm living in China, within the great fire wall)... Could you please tell me what's in it?

  • I think it's more probable that he was killed by walkers before he was shot in the head. You know, because he was surrounded by walkers when we last saw him. And because his guts were spilled all over.

  • A glitch in episode 3 can occur when Troy opens the door to find Clementine, he will disappears, with the door wide open, therefore Clementine will be stuck in there for the rest of her life
    Skip to 2:20

  • Seems weird that whoever killed him (most likely Carver) would let walkers eat him up a bit after he shoots him so I think this is plausible.

    That1Guy posted: »

    I think it's more probable that he was killed by walkers before he was shot in the head. You know, because he was surrounded by walkers when we last saw him. And because his guts were spilled all over.

  • Our little Clem smoking with Bonnie.

    Alt text

  • edited September 2014
    • There's unused dialogue from Brenda St. John flirting with Larry. She'll say, "Oh, Larry. Now you behave or you won't get your hands on my biscuits all night." Listen to it here

    • Jane says that she decided to come back for the group when she heard the gunshots. This is slightly confusing (at least for me) since the player can choose to stay behind for over three days. Whether or not you leave in the morning or wait, Jane leaves beforehand and should be long gone by the time they set out.

    • You can question how much you can trust Bonnie in episode three around the campfire. If you ask this, Luke will say that they have no reason not to. Alternatively, both Luke and Kenny will question their trust in Mike in the same episode.

    • Despite being in the same episode, Omid never gets to meet Molly or Brie.

    • While Luke argues to stay a few days in order to let Rebecca rest up, he'll go along with the plan once Rebecca says that she wants to leave in the morning. Luke will then kneel next to her and will assure her that everything is alright ("Okay, Becs, it's gonna be alright")

    • Both sets of rivals save each others lives during the shootout. Kenny saves Luke's life when he is out in the open after getting shot in the leg, and Jane saves Kenny's life when he is unable to defend himself in time.

    • When Luke spots Matthew on the bridge, he'll immediately hold his arm out in front of her. This is a protective gesture so he has time to assess whether or not Matthew is a danger to him and Clementine or not.

    • Pete's words about Nick (saying that he is good and has a good heart) is determinant foreshadowing to the encounter with Walter. By remembering these words, you save Nick's life. If you reject them, Nick is killed.

    • If you walked forward to help Luke, his last words to her "Please, just go back." Clementine's last words to him will be "It's going to be okay" (the same words she can tell him when she's applying pressure to his leg wound earlier on). His last words to Bonnie, if the player let the timer run out on either option, can be "you'll get us both killed".

    • When Luke gives Clementine a sad look (when he realizes she has to choose between his table and Kenny's), you can actually see Nick look up and give her a look as well.

    • Kenny will tell you that it's a bad idea to run across the ice if you suggest that dialogue option. Ironically, he's the first one to run after Arvo once they catch him trying to make an escape.

    • If you left Nick behind in the cellar, he'll actually admit that everything you said was right. He won't hold it against you that you abandon him.

    • If you let Luke run into the shootout for AJ, he'll get shot in the leg on the way back to cover. If you ask if he's okay, Luke will say that he's fine as long as AJ is okay.

    • The music that plays when Luke is struggling on the ice is On Ice. The music that plays around the campfire is called "Happy Birthday".

    • There was a discussion among the writers if they should let the player choose if they want to keep the baby around or abandon it. They decided against it, saying that she's not in a dark enough place to be that kind of person yet.

  • edited September 2014


    Double Post ftw.

  • yet.

    Yet? Oh god...

    quinnics posted: »

    * There's unused dialogue from Brenda St. John flirting with Larry. She'll say, "Oh, Larry. Now you behave or you won't get your hands on my

  • Actually those are not the official names for the soundtracks. Mikonreborn, her/himself said that he names them like that so it could be easier to find.

    quinnics posted: »

    * There's unused dialogue from Brenda St. John flirting with Larry. She'll say, "Oh, Larry. Now you behave or you won't get your hands on my

  • They all could have helped. I didn't understand why everyone suddenly forgot that they were holding guns.

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