All endings in Season 2 are pointless...
[Mod edit: In order to ensure civil discussion regarding the Pizza/Ice Cream choice, I have created a Civil Character Discussion Megethread. In order to ensure there is no drama, I am locking all other threads about the choice - old and new alike. Please keep discussion in the Civil Character Discussion Megathread. Thanks! - Blind Sniper]
(at first sorry for my English)
...because Clem has gunshot wound. When Clem was wounded I was certain that Kenny and Jane will go to Wellington with Clem for her and AJ safety. I don't believe that Kenny and Jane wouldn't find common solution when Clem is lying heavily wounded. Most probably Jane agree with Kenny for Clem sake and they go to Wellington for medical treatment for Clem. For me this is how season 2 ended. I refuse other endings for that reason. I'm not military men or doctor but I don't believe that Clem's gunshot wound should be minor.
I was reading some of that "Kenny vs Jane, who is ze bestie for Clem!?" fights and I don't believe that most of you just ignore simple fact that Clem is wounded. Tonight all of you will have dream. In that dream you will see Lee who standing is above you with axe. And he asking a question: "Why are you fighting for Jane and Kenny? Take Clem to Wellington or next time I will come with Freddy Kruger" ;P
Once again sorry for English. I hope that all of you understand what I was trying to say.
I dont think its Clementine as the main. 6 endings.. 3 different places.. what could they do so all of that could go right?
The endings are pointless because Kenny/Jane will probably die 10 minutes into S3. And Clem is gonna end up in the same place regardless.
So...these wars are probably gonna be something to laugh at in a year or so.
I wouldnt go search for Wellington, because wouldnt dont risk my life because of rumors & stories. There was no factual evidence of its existance and i dont base my decisions on hope.
Thats more or likely going to happen, maybe i'm the only person who thinks this but shouldn't someone like Kenny have a certain death with him dieing altogether? (hope that makes sense ) I mean I love Kenny but still he was a main character in both season 1 and season 2 why do they have to make him determinant meaning people who saved him will have Kenny die in a horrible pointless death at the beginning of Season 3!!!
Diversity I guess...for 10 minutes. Either way, Jane and Kenny are pretty doomed.
Exactly this was one of the main reasons why Kenny and Jane fought in the first place. Wellington was just a rumor and hoping to find sanctuary based on that seemed like suicide to Jane. The game keeps pushing Clem (you the player) back and forth doubting it may exist or that you'll ever find it. If you head back to Howes who's to say they can't treat her wound there, it's by yourself ending that should worry you.
Alone and leaving Wellington are the worst endings imo. Both of them just put Clementine in danger.
Kinda wished for a Clementine, Jane AND Kenny ending. Everybody lives but I'm glad with my Jane ending too.
I agree. She had to go through too many things but the adults keep fighting like children...
I was just about to start a thread pointing this out. The whole thing is so laughable. The death of one can't not be the death of the other. I might be willing to entertain the notion that the whole game and story might split here (S3:Jane & S3:Kenny being different products) at least for a season, were there only two different endings but there's 5.
I also don't really get how anyone can be so gung ho that they made the "right" choice. To me, they were all awful. No jibe at TTG, sometimes there are no good choices.
In response to Runnersandwalkers: I think Clem will still be the main. I mean, who else would it be? If they think they're going get away with introducing a new character and having them catch up with Clem or (God forbid) discovering what happened to her without having a riot on their hands, then I don't know what to say. I predict that S3E1 will be very short (20-30 mins.) Just long enough for whatever situation she's in to break down, with every ending getting one tough choice apiece. All breakdowns will lead to Clemmie (and AJ, hopefully) being alone in an identical wilderness. We'll have only just met the new group or someone from it when S3E2 begins and things begin to proceed normally.
In next season story will be from another perspective I think. Maybe Christa or some random man. From another perspective we will see psychic transformation of Clementine. Our decisions made in season 2 will show us how we change her. I would like to see her better prepared to this new world. Better prepared and still a good person.
Bullshit. There is danger regardless where you go. Not even Wellington is safe. Might as well do whatever the fuck you want. Sticking with Kenny isn't more dangerous than staying in Wellington is. Though staying alone might still be the worst situation.
Oh no. You might be right. I think the chances of a new, random, main are slim to none. I hadn't considered Christa. That idea holds water, especially considering AJ. With Christa having lost her baby, to finally find Clem and discover she has a newborn in tow... there'd be alot to work with there for the writers.
In some ways I think it'd be a mistake. Clem was an easy switch, because near enough to everybody loves Clementine. I don't see alot of Christa-hate floating around, but she has a large enough body of previous words and deeds, not all sympathetic, that not everyone will feel connected to her, or want to play as her. Having preexisting resentments towards your own character isn't a great environment in which to foster immersion.
In addition, between the events of the past two seasons, Clementine's struggles growing up fast in a hostile and dangerous world is more or less what this story is about. Lessening our degree of control over how that plays out could hurt immersion, too. I can only imagine how indignant I'd feel the first time I had to throw the controller down and shout, "NO! That is NOT how Clemmie would react to that!" If they write her in a way that doesn't cause me to do that, It'll just be someone else whose Clem responds to things in a slightly different way.
I really, really hope that's not the direction they decide to go, but I have to admit, it makes at least as much sense as asking single-playthrough non-diehards to pay for an episode that costs a dime a minute to reconcile all the branching pathways the story has taken.
Yes, cuz lets forget that the St. Johns, Mayberry and Terminus are a thing that happened. Wellington may not be as magical as it appears.