Admit it! You plain don't like Jane, or you plain don't like Kenny. *Poll Included*



  • Yeah, in the actual canon ending, he's a zombie, not dead.

    Kenny is dead in the non-canon ending

  • Or I like both...?

  • I voted for "I never liked Jane, and didn't care Kenny killed her." I think this answer is the closest that i could relate with. My interaction with Jane, in episode 3 really bothered me how cold she was with Troy. In my episode he saved Clementine's life, so i was willing to forgive him for beating me down. She shot him in the penis, without a second thought. She was just so cold about it, i knew at that moment as Carlos would say.


    Episode 4 comes around and she keeps talking about her dead sister, sure i felt bad for her, but other than that it never changed how i felt about her in Episode 3. She leaves and gets the group in trouble with Arvo. She keeps talking shit about Kenny. A guy who just proved his loyalty to me in the last episode for taking a beating for me. To me that is loyalty.

    Episode 5 comes around and Jane is still picking on Kenny, at this point i'm ready to kill her myself. She just keeps it up, then when the final fight happens, Jane told Clementine to stay out of it. I tried stopping the fight, and when Jane pulled out the knife and stabbed Ken in the stomach i knew it wasn't my fight. I let Kenny kill jane and would do it again, and again.

  • I actually think its more interesting the way they did it as it is , because if you had either "shoot Kenny" or "shoot Jane" its more obvious what will happen. Personally I was emotionally fumbled by that point, I couldn't bear to shoot anyone to cause more bloodshed so the "look away" option was perfect for me.. had no idea that Kenny would actually kill Jane though...

    Yeah true that, it would have been better to choose to shoot one or the other imo. I agree.

  • Uggh come on are we still on this? I don't know why people are so ignorant to ignore the fact that she deliberately and knowingly antagonized him to his breaking point. She knew how he would react. She played with fire and got burnt she deserved what she got. After all Kenny has a WAY better ending and is a far better influence on Clem.

  • edited September 2014

    The way i see it is that by this point Kenny is very mentally unstable and Jane used a tactic to deliberately provoke a mentally wounded person by lying and deceiving them, I understand why she did it but its just not on IMO. It would be like stealing and hiding a lion cub from its parent and being surprised that you got ripped to shreds.

    Oh trust me, when I say that I hate Jane, it doesn't change my empathic way. I see what she was trying to prove, yes, but I don't exactly li

  • You're right I don't like Kenny, doesn't mean he wasn't objectively loosing his sh*t by the end though. Jane didn't really need to go that far to convince me of that.

  • I remember S1... picking up that bust, throwing it at Kenny's head. "Damn! I missed!" I thought, "A view of the room, need to find something to hit him with now". Spam clicked all over, found that coat rack, getting ready to bust Kenny's skull open and Lee... hits the wall? Then the dialogue option actually includes "I wasnt trying to hurt you"?

    The absolute most frustrating moment in the series, Kenny's time was long overdue.

  • They're both pretty shitty influences in certain aspects:

    Kenny- yell at anyone who disagrees with you, including your family

    Jane- leave anyone who annoys you slightly

    Christa would be the better influence in my opinion, but you know... She's kinda of MIA.

    Jaxknife posted: »

    Uggh come on are we still on this? I don't know why people are so ignorant to ignore the fact that she deliberately and knowingly antagonize

  • I really, really don't like Kenny...and yet if Jane was pushing a knife into his chest, I would have shot her even though I like her considerably more. Though in that moment I knew she was lying about the baby, so I was pretty furious with her and almost considered thinking about letting Kenny murder her.

  • I admit, any respect I had for Jane died the moment she "lost" the baby just to provoke Kenny into killing her.

  • Couldn't have put it better myself. Take my upvote.

    Joweh3010 posted: »

    The way i see it is that by this point Kenny is very mentally unstable and Jane used a tactic to deliberately provoke a mentally wounded per

  • Well in my ending he is alive.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Yeah, in the actual canon ending, he's a zombie, not dead.

  • Yeah. Unfortunately Christa isn't an option. Out of those 2 Kenny is the better influence on Clementine. Most people who shot him are the same ones still stick on him being a jerk in Season 1. Who really thinks Jane would have surrendered if Clem was being held at gunpoint? Who thinks she would have taken a life threatning beating without thinking twice for Clem? Kenny maybe a psychopath but he's no threat at all to Clem or AJ. Atleast with Kenny you know what you're getting. Do you really want Clementine turning out to be a savage like Jane? Kenny's endings preserve her innocence and what good she has left in her.

    That1Guy posted: »

    They're both pretty shitty influences in certain aspects: Kenny- yell at anyone who disagrees with you, including your family Jane- le

  • Actually, you can slowly see Jane becoming a bit of a better person. If you stay quiet while deciding to let the family in or not, she eventually decides to let them inside. And, in my opinion, she loses more of her innocence if she lets Kenny kill Jane. And come on, both Jane and Kenny of them are savages, especially to people they don't know.

    Jaxknife posted: »

    Yeah. Unfortunately Christa isn't an option. Out of those 2 Kenny is the better influence on Clementine. Most people who shot him are the s

  • edited September 2014

    Why do I have to pick sides? Why can't I hate both? I killed them both.

    Sarah was the last character I cared about, and Telltale killed her off because they think only freaks deserve to live.

  • The one difference is that Kenny is an angel to those he loves. Jane isn't loyal. Once again do you think she will take the amount of punishment he did to protect her? I don't see her risking herself if it means being a step behind. People who chose Jane over Kenny are people who don't understand the bigger picture. Clem and AJ were in a life ending situation don't see Jane putting them before herself. I don't want my Clementine growing up to be someone like Jane. If you choose to stay with Kenny Clementine is happier as she's ever been (atleast in the endings) and they're all a real family.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Actually, you can slowly see Jane becoming a bit of a better person. If you stay quiet while deciding to let the family in or not, she event

  • The one difference is that Kenny is an angel to those he loves. Jane isn't loyal. Once again do you think she will take the amount of punishment he did to protect her? I don't see her risking herself if it means being a step behind. People who chose Jane over Kenny are people who don't understand the bigger picture. Clem and AJ were in a life ending situation don't see Jane putting them before herself. I don't want my Clementine growing up to be someone like Jane. If you choose to stay with Kenny Clementine is happier as she's ever been (atleast in the endings) and they're all a real family.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Actually, you can slowly see Jane becoming a bit of a better person. If you stay quiet while deciding to let the family in or not, she event

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