The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Can you send friend requests? I guess not, since I can't see the option


  • Pronounced "Hor - Hay". It's the Spanish form of George.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Jorge? wat?

  • LOL hahaha xD

    zeke10 posted: »

    Get a load of this kid

  • XD do you hear of the 4chan invasion to tumblr pro?

    Rachelle be like...

  • somebody do a gif nowww

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • edited November 2015


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Can you send friend requests? I guess not, since I can't see the option

  • edited November 2015


    Rachelle be like...

  • Oh, man... I heard of 4chan, and I heard bad stuff about it, lol. I can only imagine how that went...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD do you hear of the 4chan invasion to tumblr pro?

  • edited September 2014


    Alive_Clem posted: »

    LOL hahaha xD

  • So what was he doing? You can PM me if you don't want to say it here.

    I don't know. I've never seen him with his girlfriend, I just know he has one.

  • I don't really feel bad about beating the guy. I'm not joking when I say I'm morally grey. It's more about myself and knowing what I'm capable of. Not everyone could give a guy such beating, no matter the situation. Some people just can't do it. I'll just believe that I have a huge pair of balls. I can't beat myself over it. I must not. I did what had to be done.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Kill or be killed If a guy would beat up a defeneless women imagine what he would do to you? You had no choice but I'm glad he lived for your own conscience even if he was an asshole.

  • I wish I wasn't kidding when I said that this doesn't even sound unbelievable. Parents hardly teach their child respect these days. When I'm a parent (in 10+ years, since I'm only 13), my children will be taught that this is NOT an appropriate way to act, EVER. If my kid said this, I'd want to beat their ass, but as someone who has had their ass beat by a parent for minor reasons, I wouldn't. Still, this child just isn't right in the head. He really, really needs help. :{ Keep the kitten away from blenders.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Get a load of this kid

  • edited September 2014

    bad stuff about it

    Is an understatement I won't go near the site from the things I heard really sick and illegal stuff is there bro dayum

    TUMBLR tried to attack back XDDDD

    Oh, man... I heard of 4chan, and I heard bad stuff about it, lol. I can only imagine how that went...

  • Try to clear your mind of it a bit. Sorry to hear what you are going through. Going to be hard to get it out of your head, but you seem like a mentally strong guy, so I think you can pull through. Dont put so much shit on your self man, who knows what anyone else would do. In the moment you were in, anything could of happened. You saw something you didnt like, so anger filled your thoughts and than things happened. You'll pull through.

    You will get there soon, one day you might have to defend a guy/girl who is in your shoes, and you will no exactly what they are going through, so you have that experience. No problem man, just want to make sure you are doing find since you probably have gained much more stress after this.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I think she looked okay for such a beating, thankfully. I can't stop thinking about what I did, though. Beating a guy almost to death? Not e

  • Lol, so there was a war between them?!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    bad stuff about it Is an understatement I won't go near the site from the things I heard really sick and illegal stuff is there bro dayum TUMBLR tried to attack back XDDDD

  • I think Tumblr doesn't like me. I try to search some of my interests and it keeps saying shit like, "Hmm. Something isn't working." "Something seems to be screwy." "Something went and got goofed."



  • No I applaud you for the act I would of done the same I'm just glad he didn't die for your own sake a man's life is hard on the conscience even if his an asshole you were right :D

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I don't really feel bad about beating the guy. I'm not joking when I say I'm morally grey. It's more about myself and knowing what I'm capab

  • edited November 2015


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I think Tumblr doesn't like me. I try to search some of my interests and it keeps saying shit like, "Hmm. Something isn't working." "Something seems to be screwy." "Something went and got goofed." .-.

  • Yeah you have a point :/

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah, I know. It's just much more graphic when you see a young woman getting beat up like that. Obviously, a man would've at least put up a fight. This girl was just laying there taking the beating.

  • Alt text

    Lol, the ayy lmao was too much for you.

  • I think Olivia Wilde is really hot.

  • we're a bunch of horny, hormone-driven gorillas

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Guys sometimes just like to play with girls for no reason, we're a bunch of horny, hormone-driven gorillas, if he just hugged her or played with her somehow, I don't think he's doing it with intent. Rachel, what did he do?

  • who is that? :o

    I think Olivia Wilde is really hot.

  • i'm still shocked that there are kids that don't know who shrek is

    That awkward moment when you're watching a random Shrek is life video and you find @Jewfreeus in the top comments.

  • Yeah, I'll just believe that I did what had to be done. I can't go pulling this shit on me. I have enough to be worried about as it is.

    I'm normally a guy with a temper, so this just puts me over the top. I think the only reason I'm so calm right know is because of how polite you guys are. I'm fine now. I just wanted to see if people thought it was an evil move on my part or if I went overboard. This will all go away with a cold shower.

    Try to clear your mind of it a bit. Sorry to hear what you are going through. Going to be hard to get it out of your head, but you seem like

  • Fuck... :|

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Yeah you have a point

  • Thanks, man. I appreciate it.

    I just wanted to be sure I did what was right.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    No I applaud you for the act I would of done the same I'm just glad he didn't die for your own sake a man's life is hard on the conscience even if his an asshole you were right

  • edited September 2014

    NO It was more then right it was heroic :'D

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Thanks, man. I appreciate it. I just wanted to be sure I did what was right.

  • I think what you did was right, if you didnt defend the lady and your self, who knows if I would be talking to you right now, if he went that far to do that to someone defenseless, I wonder what he would do to you. But thats not the case and I am glad I can talk to you at this moment.

    Yeah, I will stop reminding you about this, you go take a shower and relax, enjoy the rest of your day man. Im still hear to talk, but for your sake, I think I am done with the other discussion.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah, I'll just believe that I did what had to be done. I can't go pulling this shit on me. I have enough to be worried about as it is. I

  • kewl

    I think Olivia Wilde is really hot.

  • HOLY



    zeke10 posted: »

    Get a load of this kid

  • I couldn't let that woman suffer. It was him of her. Yeah, I can't have any doubts. I've never been that type of guy to regret his decisions.

    I'm fine. I can't be mentally weak and avoid the subject. I'll be dealing with it in the coming weeks, anyway. I just needed an unbiased opinion. All my real life friends freaked out before they could actually say anything.

    I think what you did was right, if you didnt defend the lady and your self, who knows if I would be talking to you right now, if he went tha

  • Holy shit!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    People are messed up. I just got into a fight with a 5'10 guy because he was hitting a woman right outside my house. Beating her to death, l

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