The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I hear you man, it was the adrenaline speaking, you probably didnt even feel the stab that much, just went straight to it because of the adrenaline. I never been stabbed but, I know that feeling of not feeling shit when you have adrenaline pumping. Yeah, I dont think anyone likes being disrespected, but I just tend to bundle it up and ignore it, but some things you just cant ignore, and you definitely were in that spot, I dont blame you one bit. Just go to court, tell the judge everything you are expressing here, and you will be fine. I can promise you that.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    As cruel as it sounds, I think that's what really made me go over the edge. I can't stand when people raise their voice at me, let alone stab me and push me around. I lose my head when I feel like I'm being disrespected.

  • lel fagit il rek ur fase

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • k

    I love you guys.

  • That's how I feel. I've always had this mentality that real friends can be honest with each other instead of giving a fake thumbs up. It's how I was raised. Not many agree withh this philosophy, though.

    No wonder I'm usually seen as some sort of villainous figure. You can't change for people.

    Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about. You're nice and mostly everyone loves you. Except those who still dislike you for the whole getting banned thing, of course.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Bro we both said stuff what we never want to ever say again at least for me so I'm perfectly happy never ever mentioning it again for both o

  • There you go :D

    Alt text

    I have like 20+ more pics too, it was hard only picking one picture of the pooch!

    Perhaps my emotional trauma will be lessened if you post a pic of your dog?

  • Alt text

    Um, throw it away and hold off?

  • I love you all. No ho-... You guys know what I'm going to say so never mind.

    But seriously. All of you guys are awesome. Thanks for just being yourselves :D

    I love you guys.

  • I have others but not sure i should post em mods might get mad at me for posting to many lol

  • U having a giggle m8?

    lel m8 teh loomynarti wil cetch his booty in jangle

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited September 2014

    I didn't feel anything. I just saw the blood and the wound. I was like, "That all you got?" I was actually yelling like a crazy fuck. I said something that hours later I find exceptionally funny and amusing. It's just how smug I truly am.

    My exact words:

    "Piece of shit. No one fucking touches me. You fucking psycho, you're gonna regret this!" Keeps cursing

    This was all while heading towards my garage to grab my bat. I swear, that's exactly what I said.

    I hear you man, it was the adrenaline speaking, you probably didnt even feel the stab that much, just went straight to it because of the adr

  • @LeeTheProfessional


    Alt text

    My friend gave me one of his codes. I asked him if he had an extra one, so you could have a demo, but sadly he didn't :/

  • Lol, the demo comes out Friday, so I'm not hating. B^]

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @LeeTheProfessional Jealous? My friend gave me one of his codes. I asked him if he had an extra one, so you could have a demo, but sadly he didn't

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited September 2014

    Damn, hope the girl is okay. Fuck the guy. Although I don't wish death on anyone.

    And the fact that you're just eating a sandwich while talking to us on here after sending a guy to the hospital and got sliced with a knife is something only the legendary salt lick can do.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    They're both at the hospital. Me? Eating a sandwich like a boss. I just have a small scar on my left arm.

  • Alt text

    Bro ask the people that know you look at the thread about describe a member 99% of them have you it speaks for itself

    Ban thing was just really blown out of proportion everyone wrote there on story on it I read some really epic tales I must admit about myself

    XD I love hate if I don't care for a person they can think what they want it entertains me

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    That's how I feel. I've always had this mentality that real friends can be honest with each other instead of giving a fake thumbs up. It's h

  • Lol, if any random person heard you guys on the street, they'd be like "dafuq?".

    Damn you must of been cheesed bro! Was the guy cussing back?

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I didn't feel anything. I just saw the blood and the wound. I was like, "That all you got?" I was actually yelling like a crazy fuck. I said

  • And the fact that you're just eating a sandwich while talking to us on here after sending a guy to the hospital and got sliced with a knife is something only the legendary salt lick can do.

    Amen, brother.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Damn, hope the girl is okay. Fuck the guy. Although I don't wish death on anyone. And the fact that you're just eating a sandwich while t

  • edited November 2015


  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited September 2014

    That's true. I guess I'm not that unlikeable.

    It's just that sometimes I feel like only you understand where I'm coming from. I never intend to be seen as a bad guy. Then again, I'm usually arrogant and act all superior. Can't blame em'.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Bro ask the people that know you look at the thread about describe a member 99% of them have you it speaks for itself Ban thing was just

  • Nope. He completely forgot about me and kept beating on the woman. It's how I got the jump on him.

    I'd like to know what she did that pissed him off like that. Cheating, maybe?

    Lol, if any random person heard you guys on the street, they'd be like "dafuq?". Damn you must of been cheesed bro! Was the guy cussing back?

  • Have you played Fire Emblem for the 3DS?

    Lol, the demo comes out Friday, so I'm not hating. B^]

  • My brother from another mother!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    And the fact that you're just eating a sandwich while talking to us on here after sending a guy to the hospital and got sliced with a knife is something only the legendary salt lick can do. Amen, brother.

  • Always. <3

    I can say one thing, I've met some good folks here.

    Deceptio posted: »

    My brother from another mother!

  • Damn what an asshole for continuing to beat on her, even though you are confronting him.

    I was thinking that too! Most likely cheating, or maybe he is just a complete fucking psycho ..who knows.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Nope. He completely forgot about me and kept beating on the woman. It's how I got the jump on him. I'd like to know what she did that pissed him off like that. Cheating, maybe?

  • Nah, but I know the series. A few friends of mine bought it, so I've seen gameplay of it. I heard the one on 3DS was pretty good, though.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Have you played Fire Emblem for the 3DS?

  • edited September 2014

    arrogant and act all superior.

    XD Not remember who's the better villain debate we had you met your match :p ^

    I never want to be the seen as a bad guy either it just comes natural sometimes even though I try to be the nice guy :'/

    I can't think of one person in my knowledge that thinks of you as a bad guy lies

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    That's true. I guess I'm not that unlikeable. It's just that sometimes I feel like only you understand where I'm coming from. I never intend to be seen as a bad guy. Then again, I'm usually arrogant and act all superior. Can't blame em'.

  • edited September 2014

    Ops ignore this.


  • edited November 2015


    ComingSoon posted: »

    Suddenly I have a life. My day was so busy ;-; I ran an 18:35 minute 2.85 mile today. And I'm in a group message with all my IRL friends. Having a life is hard.

  • Suddenly I have a life. My day was so busy ;-;

    I ran an 18:35 minute 2.85 mile today. And I'm in a group message with all my IRL friends.

    Having a life is hard.

  • I don't know how it is like to have a life ;-;

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Suddenly I have a life. My day was so busy ;-; I ran an 18:35 minute 2.85 mile today. And I'm in a group message with all my IRL friends. Having a life is hard.

  • I love you guys :)

    I love you guys.

  • To be fair, he didn't seem like a sociopath that would hit a woman for no reason. There was something more to it. It was still wrong, though. But yeah, it's usually cheating on cases like this.

    Damn what an asshole for continuing to beat on her, even though you are confronting him. I was thinking that too! Most likely cheating, or maybe he is just a complete fucking psycho ..who knows.

  • Same here man. I can make an endless list of awesome people I've met here.

    I think we really began to kick it off when we found out we were both interested in basketball. Can't wait for it to start again, geez I'm really excited. I make so many memories watching the NBA, and it's just so fun for me.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Always. I can say one thing, I've met some good folks here.

  • Well, you're breathing, and you're alive... Isn't that life?

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    I don't know how it is like to have a life ;-;

  • How do you know that? Well... Good point, I HAVE A LIFE :D

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, you're breathing, and you're alive... Isn't that life?

  • Which I ended up winning. Plus, I'm still out there. :p

    Come on, you know everyone here loves you. I think you're seen as the nicest guy on the forum, rightly so.

    I can't think of one person in my knowledge that thinks of you as a bad guy lies

    Quite a few, actually. But, I stopped caring a while ago.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    arrogant and act all superior. XD Not remember who's the better villain debate we had you met your match ^ I never want to be th

  • 11/10 make me a child - Greg Miller

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    ...I kept staring into Tobi's eyes."This is for everyone you've ever hurt or killed... this is for the people that you've mentally and physi

  • O no


    Jk lel

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    I don't know how it is like to have a life ;-;

  • I miss talking about Basketball. ;-;

    Too bad all of our teams will be mediocre at best this year. @TheWalkingSheep

    Deceptio posted: »

    Same here man. I can make an endless list of awesome people I've met here. I think we really began to kick it off when we found out we we

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