The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Yeah, I just started learning it again this year and I've gone through almost three spanish classes at my college this year alone. ;A; So much espanol! lol

    And do you know how to write, "there was" in spanish?

    My question I'm working on is this:

    Complete the paragraph with the correct preterit forms of the verbs in parentheses.

    El viernes _________ (there was) una fiesta sorpresa para Andrea.

    I don't know what verb translates to 'there was'.


  • Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    LMFAO nice :P

  • The Heat are still better than most teams, mwahahaha. (;

    Deceptio posted: »

    Haha, karma's a bitch!

  • edited September 2014

    My son is Mexican but he's dumb as shit. It is a tragedy

    XDDD nice

    Mi hijo es mexicano pero el es tonto como caca. Es una tragedia

  • Yeah, that guy was awesome. Wasn't he a fellow raptors fan as well?

    There was also that Gengar guy who was pretty active, have not seen him for a while though. Hopefully he returns before the season starts.

  • Había.

    No para mi! lol (I think I said not for me. XD) And I'm wondering whats the verb for 'there was'? Is it haber? My question I'm working

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited September 2014

    Habia una = There was

    No para mi! lol (I think I said not for me. XD) And I'm wondering whats the verb for 'there was'? Is it haber? My question I'm working

  • Nah, he was a Dallas fan. But I think he was supporting Raps in the Nets vs Raptors series.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Yeah, that guy was awesome. Wasn't he a fellow raptors fan as well?

  • Mama, porfa

    Mi hijo es mexicano pero el es tonto como caca. Es una tragedia

  • The unfortunate truth -.-

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    The Heat are still better than most teams, mwahahaha. (;

  • fuck! As if I'm not hungry enough!

    We need wings...

  • "My child is Mexican, but he is little? It's a tragedy."

    Thats about all I could translate! lol But I googled it, and found out you said he's a little shit... lol!

    Lo siento por tu hijo, yo tengo mucho amigos de mexicano, ellos es muy amables. Me encantan! :)

    Mi hijo es mexicano pero el es tonto como caca. Es una tragedia

  • Where else but Japan? Alt text


    Yep known of it before a kill bill actor dead of it ^

    papai46 posted: »

    Anybody here ever heard of self-asphyxiation? All the dumb teenagers are doing.

  • edited November 2015


    Yeah, I just started learning it again this year and I've gone through almost three spanish classes at my college this year alone. ;A; So mu

  • Yep. Sure, losing Lebron is sad as fuck, but Granger, Deng, and McRoberts are a good enough consolation prize.

    Plus, the Heat are in talks with Blatche.

    Deceptio posted: »

    The unfortunate truth -.-

  • Muchos gracias mi amigo! Tu es muy inteligente! ;) Hablas espanol, o es usted Mexicano?

    Hopefully I didn't botch that up too much, I probably sound like a 2 year old. XD

    SaltLick305 posted: »


  • tu = caca

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Caca = Poop Mierda = Shit

  • Yup, what the others said. "Había" means "there was."

    "Haber" means "to have."

    El viernes habia una fiesta sorpresa para Andrea. = Friday there was a surprise party for Andrea.

    No para mi! lol (I think I said not for me. XD) And I'm wondering whats the verb for 'there was'? Is it haber? My question I'm working

  • Muchos gracias mi amigo! :)

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Habia una = There was

  • Caca = Poop

    Mierda = Shit

    Markd4547 posted: »

    My son is Mexican but he's dumb as shit. It is a tragedy XDDD nice

  • Oh yeah, haha.

    Nah, he was a Dallas fan. But I think he was supporting Raps in the Nets vs Raptors series.

  • They see me 'rollin; they hatin'

    Alt text

    Rockworm posted: »

    Where else but Japan?

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited September 2014

    Soy de Madrid, España.

    Soy un puto gallego, tía. Hablo perfecto Inglés y Español. Naci en la Florida, pero mi familia es española pura.

    Muchos gracias mi amigo! Tu es muy inteligente! Hablas espanol, o es usted Mexicano? Hopefully I didn't botch that up too much, I probably sound like a 2 year old. XD

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited September 2014

    EDIT: Saw your picture. Holy shit, not something I would ever try O.O

    papai46 posted: »

    The one i'm talking about isn't erotic.

  • Alt text

    I saw this on Tosh.0 A few years ago. It's hilarious. XD

    Rockworm posted: »

    Where else but Japan?

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited September 2014

    Yeah. Looks like the Heat is gonna he stacked again but in a different way. Crap. For me at least.

    Well, I gotta go to bed now. Nice conversation tonight, night Salt, night sheep.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yep. Sure, losing Lebron is sad as fuck, but Granger, Deng, and McRoberts are a good enough consolation prize. Plus, the Heat are in talks with Blatche.

  • edited November 2015


    They see me 'rollin; they hatin'

  • Que mal que Andrea esta muerta en Woodbury. Que descanse, nuestra querida Andrea. La muy pendeja, pero ya que.

    Yup, what the others said. "Había" means "there was." "Haber" means "to have." El viernes habia una fiesta sorpresa para Andrea. = Friday there was a surprise party for Andrea.

  • Thanks Dad!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Well done son you can do it that's a great time :'D

  • Hubo and Habia. Both could work. Congrats, Rache. You get a B


  • Alt text

    Did i get it right?

    Alt text


  • No es Andrea de Walking Dead! Es el Andrea de mi tarea. XD

    I suck at spanish, but I'm trying! lol

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Que mal que Andrea esta muerta en Woodbury. Que descanse, nuestra querida Andrea. La muy pendeja, pero ya que.

  • No, I just tried to stay neutral and not give any indications.

    Lol, I had the same problem. Girl I barely knew was just way too touchy feely, and I felt uncomfortable because she was making things awkwar

  • I think I found MY go to gifs lol Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD you forgot this ^

  • Maybe she just badly craves it I guess :/ that's how she stays mentally healthy, by getting attention from people. Who knows. I'm letting her be from now on.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Again? I have the feeling she does those kind of things for some reason, but I can't tell why it could be. Maybe she wants someone to care about her or give her attention? Tbh idk

  • Exactly. Hopefully she moves past it.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Good... Either she gets over it and becomes a better person or she becomes worse in which case you wont want anything to do with her.

  • I agree! Thanks for the support Dad :'D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm proud son it will be worth it in the long run :'D

  • Mas oportunidades si sabes mas idiomas, verdad?

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Soy de Madrid, España. Soy un puto gallego, tía. Hablo perfecto Inglés y Español. Naci en la Florida, pero mi familia es española pura.

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