Googles the name in bold.
Joel... Joel... you're freakin' me out man, what's going on?
themadeiramagician posted: »Googles the name in bold.
ClementineStarling posted: »we also get to see a sexy scene.
we also get to see a sexy scene.
Joel... come on man, your scaring me.
da best story ever! at least it wasn't a boring Russian dude.
Cluke_is_Dumb posted: »Dafuq.
How about no...
Boy you have serious problems.
Sadly this stuff doesn't surprise me with how rotten the forum has gotten.
Alive_Clem posted: »Boy you have serious problems.
I have to agree
Cluke_is_Dumb posted: »Sadly this stuff doesn't surprise me with how rotten the forum has gotten.
All of my what.
Googles the name in bold.
Joel... Joel... you're freakin' me out man, what's going on?
Joel... come on man, your scaring me.
da best story ever! at least it wasn't a boring Russian dude.
we also get to see a sexy scene.
How about no...
Boy you have serious problems.
Sadly this stuff doesn't surprise me with how rotten the forum has gotten.
I have to agree
All of my what.