400 DAYS Rip-Off/ Disapointed

Well, I for one am quite dissapointed with 400 days. I actually liked the episode itself for the most part, but I was very unhappy with the whole "bridging the gap between the seasons" and how it would have an influence on season 2. There could have been so much potential for this, with Carver's group going up against those who didn't join, or something. Maybe those who didn't go ended up at that Ski Lodge or something!

So when I got to the choice at the end of 400 Days where it showed me who went with Tavia, I was real hyped because of what they could do. But what did my 400 days choices have in season 2? JUST A FEW LINES OF DIALOGUE!! I mean, pretty much all the choices were meaningless because all that would happen is a few extra, pointless lines of dialogue. For ONE episode only. Even the community was speculating how they're in Amid the Ruins or No Going Back, but they weren't.

Yes, I know all about Bonnie but seeing as she went to the camp anyway I don't really think that she counts. I really wanted to see into Russel or Shel a bit more to be honest.

As Season 3 is confirmed (yay!) I think it is likely that there is another special episode out soon. I just REALLY hope that my choices would matter in this one. I know that the writers for 400 Days and In Harms Way were different so I'm assuming that they had a lack of communication for the overall plot.

Overall I was quite disapointed at how it "bridged the gap" but I love Telltale and The Walking Dead and it's still a great game. What do you guys think?


  • Think about the people who didn't go to the camp being at Wellington.

  • I still think they should have made the DLC be about the cabin group and their time at Howe's. It sets up their characters for season two and begins building the foundation for their character arcs.

  • I guess I'm the only one who liked 400 days for being its own standalone thing? I thought it was nice to have a break from clem etc, its what a DLC usually is a few extras with a couple of links to the main story

  • I get the disappointment that the characters and choices from 400 Days didn't play a bigger role in season 2 but I would have thought the most important thing was one of the first things you wrote - that you liked the episode itself.

    Personally, I felt 400 Days was a great piece of short story telling. They managed to build those characters in such a tiny space and told very different stories, and different to anything in either season too. I really enjoyed it.

    I too felt 'is that it?' when I saw their appearances in season 2 but the episode itself was excellent in my opinion.

  • To be honest, I didn't expect it to be tied in all that much, just because I understand a bit about game development. 400 days was enjoyable as its own thing and would have been worth the chedda even if it didn't tie in at all.

    I think it was a bit of an experiment. Telltale wanted to see what it felt like, for them, to break away from the main story. It probably helped them in their decision to continue Clem's story in season 2.

  • edited September 2014

    This. I'm disappointed it didn't bridge more but I'm glad we got another ep, any DLC for TWDG is worth it imo. I'm hoping for more DLC, like 400 Days or different

    I guess I'm the only one who liked 400 days for being its own standalone thing? I thought it was nice to have a break from clem etc, its what a DLC usually is a few extras with a couple of links to the main story

  • Perhaps there'd be a 400 Days 2? Or a character from 400 Days will be the main playable character for S3? I dunno. Maybe we'll see more of the 400 Days crew in S3? There's always S3. God, all y'all are makin' it worse!

  • If Nick Breckon wrote the episode,we wouldn't have this problem.

  • no worries guys 400 days choices will influence season 3!!!


  • It has probably been brought up here many times (I'm new - go easy!) but did anyone notice how many of the characters were made from bits of season 1 characters? The kid had Omid's eyes. One of the prisoners had the lines from Lee's forehead. I think someone had Lilly's eyes if I remember correctly. There were more but I'm going from memory here.

  • My next playthrough will surely keep those guys out of Carvers camp. They are better off by themselves.

  • I was disappointed that they didnt' do more with the 400 days characters. It was one of the things I was looking forward to most going into season 2. Except for Bonnie, they seemed like an afterthought. However, I did really enjoy 400 days on its own merits so I'm not sorry that I played it.

  • If anyone else put in that level of scrutiny, I don't remember it. How did you recognize Lee's forehead wrinkles?

    BeefJerkyX posted: »

    It has probably been brought up here many times (I'm new - go easy!) but did anyone notice how many of the characters were made from bits of

  • He has distinctive wrinkles! The one that tipped me off was one that goes diagonally down. I had noticed it while playing season 1 so the arrangement stood out when I spotted it in 400 Days.

    KCohere posted: »

    If anyone else put in that level of scrutiny, I don't remember it. How did you recognize Lee's forehead wrinkles?

  • I enjoyed 400 Day's too, and I understand how some complain that more of the character's didn't have much to do with S2 at all. But, I also remember Telltale saying it was just a little added extra game between S1 and S2.

    Am I disappointed the 400 Day's characters didn't have more to do with S2?? No!!
    Why not? Because Telltale announced that it wouldn't!!

    400 Day's was exactly what Telltale said it would be.. An extra episode while S2 was being completed and a bridge to S2 with getting to know the backrounds of some characters, Anyone can play S1, skip 400 Days and go into S2 and it wouldnt matter one bit to skip 400 Days.

    If you want to complain about 400 Day's then of course you have every right to do so, but keep in mind, some of you are complaining about something that was explained before it was even released. We got exactly what Telltale said we would get. You are complaining about not getting something that was never intended!.

  • I'd most prefer the DLC to be foreshadowing for Season 3, but if it were to center around Season 2 I'd most enjoy it to be Tavia's story. It'd center around Rebecca's initial escape from Howe's community, because that event was frankly too ill-defined to really form any conclusions about.

    As Tavia you'd get to see Carver from a less hostile perspective - particularly since Bonnie implies that Rebecca's escape caused his instability. You'd also get to see the circumstances behind Alvin's murder of George, and how the community was prior to Rebecca's escape. I have a feeling that it was probably a miserable place back then, but not as bad as it was when Clem was taken prisoner.

  • Well 400 days did actually prove to be important to the story, but only 2 of the characters had a real impact on Clem's story. Bonnie is obviously important as she becomes part of Clem's group and tries to be her friend, but before all that you knew the second you saw her and heard her story she was full of shit and something bad was coming thanks to her. Tavia showed that she was either lying about how great Carver's community was or she represented how far it had fallen from when she hyped it up so much, since her personality had changed drastically.

    With 400 days it was nice to see a back story for these characters before Clem interacts with them. The other characters were pointless, but I guess they could represent how Carver has such an important influence on those people. Turning them into jerks,having them lose sight of what kind of person they use to be, and forgetting why they came to Carver's community in the first place. Just imagine that if Clem stayed in Carver's community she would end up like them.

  • Don't you think there was some expectation of something coming out of it when the ending hinged on who you got to join Tavia's camp. It wasn't exactly a closed-ended scenario. And they did say that we would see something from 400 days in season 2. I don't think our expectations were off the wall.

    WowMutt posted: »

    I enjoyed 400 Day's too, and I understand how some complain that more of the character's didn't have much to do with S2 at all. But, I also

  • If there's a 400 Days sequel, they could actually make the 400 Days cast non determinant, in which case they could have a better role in S3

  • I don't think 400 days was a rip off but I do agree the lack of an impact it had on the 2 seasons was very disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to see Bonnie but it was pretty much a given seeing as she goes regardless. However all that happens with the other characters is they get a cameo where they say a line or 2 and that's it. If everyone stayed behind, then you don't even get that. Like you said, there was so much potential to have some at the camp, and the others in the cabin or the lodge or at the museum or SOMEWHERE!

    I was also very disappointed at not seeing Eddie after he was clearly visible on episode 4 slide. I had thought he might appear in episode 5 seeing as episode 3 suggested Rebecca would go into labour and she didn't until episode 4, but no. That didn't happen so now I have to hope that we see them in season 3. I would personally like to run into Bonnie and Mike again.. or at least for Bonnie to run into the other 400 day survivors.

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