Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited September 2014

    In S1E3, when Lee is deciding whether to shot the girl or not, he can shoot the walkers around the girl, or shoot nothing, which causes Kenny say "Shit you're not shooting anything!". If you shoot for twice and still haven't shoot the girl, Kenny will tell you to "knock it off" and Lee will have to leave her there. If you don't and don't back off, just let the time run out, the girl will fall down to the ground and is about to be devoured. At that moment Lee will stop aiming at the miserable scence, and Kenny will tell him to "GO. NOW!". But next second you can see the girl still standing and screaming there. Whatever you do, as long as you don't shoot the girl, she will save the same time for you...

    If Lee picked up enough stuff in the drug store and tell Lilly that he got nothing or just stay silent, Kenny will say "Lee must have thumped his head out there or something". Then in S2E3,...

    If you shoot the girl, then at the door of Lilly's room Carley will say "maybe you could save her" but will still listen to Lee's explaination. But if you use the girl for saving time, Carley will go away with an angry face.

  • It's summer when this starts

    Is it? I distinctly recall Clem's mom mentioning getting home before Sandra's Spring break.

    Gwion posted: »

    Hmm, you know, I think you may be right. It's summer when this starts, so first grade was just over...but her birthday is in about November.

  • Watching a psychotic old man beat someone up gets a gif of a psychotic old man grinning.

    Seems legit.

    bloop posted: » And I was like:

  • That's more bad writing than anything else. Remember that Bonnie protected Sarah at the end of Episode 3 by shooting a couple of random zombies too.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Jesus. Just when I thought I could not hate Bonnie more that I hated her already...

  • Telltale messed up, that's all. 8-year-olds are 3rd Graders.

    I always find it hilarious to think that they unintentionally implied that Clementine was retarded, when in reality she's supposed to be very precocious.

    Gwion posted: »

    That's confusing to me, I was 6 in the first grade. I think first graders are still 6, right? All my nephews and nieces were 18 or close to it when they graduated from high school.

  • Or the Stranger lied to make himself seem 'better' than Lee.

    24601 posted: »

    Maybe... or I think she should tell Lee about that.

  • Yeah, yeah, but still...Fuck Bonnie.

    Bokor posted: »

    That's more bad writing than anything else. Remember that Bonnie protected Sarah at the end of Episode 3 by shooting a couple of random zombies too.

  • perhaps english isn't your first language,

    No, is not my first language. I am Spanish.

    looking for warning signs is a way to stay clear of them before things reach the point of abuse.

    Warning signs? If that was what you really are doing, then I be okay with it, but it seems to me that you are blowing his bad traits out of proportion to justify the Carver comparison. But well, I get what you are saying.

    carver's own words, after killing reggie no less.

    Ah, yes. I remember now, sorry. But while I think he hated Reggie for being weak willed.

    so if those that knew carver seem to think kenny has some similarities to him, then maybe he does.

    Jane is the only one who seems to think that.

    sometimes good stuff can mix with bad stuff to make even worse stuff.

    Yes. And?

    very bad thing carver did was for the good of someone else, j

    Every bad thing that Carver did was for his own good, the 'good of humanity' and 'the good of the group' were just justifications. But Kenny taking Arvo hostage is different-there is not justification there, just necesity.

    jamoecw posted: »

    Okay. I don´t what meaning has having ‘abusive tendencies’ if you are not abusive, but sure, whatever. perhaps english isn't your fi

  • Good point, considering after announcing it, he says something like "near as I can tell, at least".

    Apples posted: »

    I agree with Jane, but Luke mentioning his birthday was a guess at best, could be he just realized while they were walking that day

  • But the guy getting beat up is such a pile of shit that they deserve it.

    Bokor posted: »

    Watching a psychotic old man beat someone up gets a gif of a psychotic old man grinning. Seems legit.

  • Arvo is not Carver. A skinny nerd is not the same thing as a murderer.

    bloop posted: »

    But the guy getting beat up is such a pile of shit that they deserve it.

  • Dunno if this has been mentioned or even correct, but Stephanie looks eerily similar to the first zombie Lee kills in S1 EP5 when he was on the street trying to save Clem from stranger

  • If you didn't steal from him in episode 4, everything that happened in episode 5 is Arvo's fault

    He led his group to Clem's: His sister and group is killed because he lied

    Pretends not to understand Kenny: He understood Clem and Jane fine in episode 4, which caused him to get pushed around

    He ran on the ice: Which I think indirectly caused Luke's death and caused him to get beaten

    Shoots Clem: This one is pretty straight forward

    Forgive me if I don't have any sympathy for this shitbird

    Bokor posted: »

    Arvo is not Carver. A skinny nerd is not the same thing as a murderer.

  • He was forced to distract Clem's group by Buricko, who wanted to rob them and started the gunfight.

    He honestly didn't understand Kenny because he was traumatized. You don't think clearly in a foreign language when you're in pain. He in no way pushed himself around when it was the irrational violence of both Jane and Kenny (who explicitly refuses to listen to the reasonable Luke and Mike) who decide to hurt someone weaker than them.

    He didn't at all cause the ice to break. I don't see any causal relation there. Luke was simply unlucky, and Kenny was simply a moron who wanted to take his anger out on a convenient valve rather than actually accept that nature can be unreasonable.

    Shooting Clem is the only unsympathetic thing he does, and it's after a long period of torture. The game itself doesn't allow Clementine to establish a connection with Arvo, no matter how hard the player tries to sympathize with him. Indeed, Arvo shooting Clem seems contrived in order to bring about the inevitable reunion with Lee and make people feel like idiots for ever feeling bad about a teenage boy who lost his entire family and was getting beaten up by an angry, childish man.

    Because I have zero sympathy for bullies. Kenny went past the point of redemption with his treatment of Arvo, because I've been on both sides of that relationship and I'm disgusted by Kenny never realizing what he did was wrong.

    bloop posted: »

    If you didn't steal from him in episode 4, everything that happened in episode 5 is Arvo's fault He led his group to Clem's: His sister a

  • Somebody said that literally two posts above you.

    In No Going Back, in the Ice scene you could kill off Bonny and Luke if you don't smash the ice with your pistol.

  • Whatever, dude. Arvo was obviously pushing their buttons and hoping they would die in the ice. I'm going to assume you would be right there alongside him and Mike, running away like cowards after shooting a little girl.

    Bokor posted: »

    He was forced to distract Clem's group by Buricko, who wanted to rob them and started the gunfight. He honestly didn't understand Kenny b

  • "Pushing Kenny's buttons" by existing, you mean. Luke, Mike and Bonnie - who were in the same gunfight that Kenny was in - had the sense to realize that Arvo wasn't a threat. Being unable to recognize nuance and to assume an unarmed, traumatized, disabled teenage boy is as dangerous as a big scary dude in a fancy coat is actually a pretty bad attitude to take.

    There was no reason for kind people like Mike and Bonnie to steal EVERYTHING from Kenny and then leave Clementine alone with him when previously they showed concern for her and the baby, but that's because Telltale's writers aren't actually that good. They don't have room for nuance and believable characterization when it's better to just shock the players with contrived drama (cue the final battle between characters who had barely spoken to each other in previous episodes) and having them act inconsistently (Kenny suddenly losing his macho attitude in his endings, Jane suddenly becoming a moron by pretending to kill AJ.)

    Similarly, the real reason why Arvo shot players no matter what they did was because Telltale wants to make your agency and choices seem meaningless. No matter what Clementine wants to do, people refuse to listen to her and mistreat her because they don't respect her. Arvo shoots a little girl because he believes she murdered his sister and is best buddies with the redneck who's been abusing him. Jane and Kenny fight over Clem like a piece of meat and refuse to stop when she tells them to.

    Whatever, dude. Arvo was obviously pushing their buttons and hoping they would die in the ice. I'm going to assume you would be right there alongside him and Mike, running away like cowards after shooting a little girl.

  • Probably just reused models. Telltale tends to do that.

    Biesel posted: »

    Dunno if this has been mentioned or even correct, but Stephanie looks eerily similar to the first zombie Lee kills in S1 EP5 when he was on the street trying to save Clem from stranger

  • How was he forced to distract Clem's group? He literally says that Clem robbed him.

    Are you sure about that? Honestly I never heard of someone who can't understand someone because he lost his sister.

    I see your point there, I just thought when Arvo ran, Luke also tried at least hobble faster because he didn't want Kenny to hurt him.

    Arvo literally shoots inchers near her heart, he was aiming for a kill.

    Kenny might be an asshole sometimes(He was a complete prick to my Lee), but he is a good person deep down, it's just that he lost a lot and needed someone to help get back up on the road, Clem was the who was supposed to help him. Watch Kenny's endings, it shows that he's a good guy deep down, I doubt Arvo would do what Kenny did.

    Bokor posted: »

    He was forced to distract Clem's group by Buricko, who wanted to rob them and started the gunfight. He honestly didn't understand Kenny b

  • Buricko told Arvo to put the their(Clem's group) guns down so they can take their things.

    Arvo, in counter will say "Buricko! Buricko! Put down YOUR guns!"

    bloop posted: »

    How was he forced to distract Clem's group? He literally says that Clem robbed him. Are you sure about that? Honestly I never heard of so

  • Jane is the only one who seems to think that.

    plus bonnie and mike. not sure about luke though, probably not though. i think we agree that bonnie isn't the most reliable of judgements, but mike's isn't too bad (probably better than jane's).

    Every bad thing that Carver did was for his own good, the 'good of humanity' and 'the good of the group' were just justifications. But Kenny taking Arvo hostage is different-there is not justification there, just necesity.

    survival rates of a newborn out on the road is pretty low, so hunting down the mother to protect the newborn is easy to justify as for the greater good. killing someone for the greater good who screws up repeatedly has been argued about since ben in season one, so it is also easy to justify. not being able or not being willing to see things from other people's perspective makes it easy to justify bad things, especially to yourself. i think that is the big difference between kenny and carver. carver knew he was doing bad stuff for himself, and simply justified things to other people, kenny justified things to himself. kenny is definitely better than carver, the only question is whether other people might think he might become like carver with time and bad decisions.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    perhaps english isn't your first language, No, is not my first language. I am Spanish. looking for warning signs is a way to s

  • edited December 2016

    In 202, when Carver was about to enter the Cabin, Clem sees him through the window. This exactly one window:

    Alt text

    Then, she can clearly see him through another window (first pic below). Therefore, he had to climb this wooden platform thing (whatever it is called) and jump over the railing...

    Alt text

    ...because the stairs are way ahead near the front door.

    Long story short - Carver was a parkour master. Not bad, old timer.

  • I still don't understand why Arvo led his group to Clem's.

    Buricko told Arvo to put the their(Clem's group) guns down so they can take their things. Arvo, in counter will say "Buricko! Buricko! Put down YOUR guns!"

  • The only reason why he got injured (and somehow stole Vitali's shotgun) was bad writing. In reality, Buricko should have instantly killed Kenny because he got the first burst of automatic fire in.

    Yet magically, Natasha (who was last seen circling Bonnie) is the only one who died because of course the token female needs to die to make their male family members angry. Who the fuck shot her? Bonnie, who Arvo seems absolutely cool with? Buricko? BEN?!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Actually Buricko couldn't hold Clem as a meat shield because he can't walk due to some leg injury because he has blood pooling around his feet. The rest I agree with you.

  • How dare she have compassion for strangers?

  • No, he just likes walking on stilts.

    fallandir posted: »

    In 202, when Carver was about to enter the Cabin, Clem sees him through the window. This exactly one window: Then, she can clearly se

  • Yet magically, Natasha (who was last seen circling Bonnie) is the only one who died because of course the token female needs to die to make their male family members angry.

    I'm just curious, but if Arvo and Nataha had been reversed would this have been a serious issue to you?

    Bokor posted: »

    The only reason why he got injured (and somehow stole Vitali's shotgun) was bad writing. In reality, Buricko should have instantly killed K

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited September 2014

    I believe Vitali has a translated line that implies it was Kenny.

    "You killed Natasha! You bastard! I will kill every one of you!"

    Bokor posted: »

    The only reason why he got injured (and somehow stole Vitali's shotgun) was bad writing. In reality, Buricko should have instantly killed K

  • edited September 2014

    It'd still be vastly illogical because realism would entail most of Clem's group die off immediately, but I'd actually like that. I wish we got to know the Russians as more than just a xenophobic plot device that allows people who weren't even conceived until years after the Berlin Wall fell to use the slur "commie" with glee.

    Yet magically, Natasha (who was last seen circling Bonnie) is the only one who died because of course the token female needs to die to make

  • Im not sure if someone posted this, but, in episode 2, Lee killed a walker with the Save Lots outfit, foreshadowing the bandit masscare in episode 3.
    I love the forshadowing in this game!

  • Fuck Arvo

    bloop posted: » And I was like:

  • In S1 Ep2 during the dinner scene if you try to walk back into the kitchen instead of heading upstairs, you can hear Mark screaming.

    • If you shot Rebecca at the end of episode four, Luke will tell Clementine that nothing was her fault and the group will agree that she did what she needed to in order to save AJ. If Kenny shot Rebecca, Bonnie will be the one to say that to him.

    • In the 'previously on' recap at the start of episode five, it will show Bonnie turning and screaming about Rebecca before someone shoots her. This didn't happen if you shot Rebecca yourself or called for help.

    • The closet in Nick and Luke's room was completely empty. Clementine also cannot open the doors to it.

    • So this has been shown before, but there's a board game in Nick and Luke's bedroom. It has pieces on different lands, and a lot of us actually were correct in predicting that it was symbolizing possible endings to our games.

    Alt text

    These pieces show all the different kinds of endings. The fallen piece represents either Kenny or Jane who is killed at the rest stop (no matter what you choose, one of them has to die). The two people together on the green land represents Clementine and whomever she chooses to survive with. The individual person, separate from the others, represents an ending where Clementine is all alone with the baby.

    • When the cabin group talks about Kenny at the dinner table, Luke can sympathize with Kenny's situation. He'll say that he could have experienced a lot of bad stuff during his time apart from Clementine.

    • Episode one of the series sets the time of the outbreak around Spring Break (according to one of the messages Clem's mom leaves Sandra).

    • We never see her, but Hershel will mention having a daughter up in her bedroom.

    • Over sixty people have died in this entire game. Clementine has witnessed most of these deaths herself.

  • OMG you're right! Thank you. I'm an idiot.

    quinnics posted: »

    It's summer when this starts Is it? I distinctly recall Clem's mom mentioning getting home before Sandra's Spring break.

  • When he starts to beat him in the house:
    Silence option [...] because we don't have any options to incentivate Kenny.

    bloop posted: » And I was like:

  • If Carley lives, she will use her gun during the game.

  • Wait a minute, Luke and Nick share one room? I thought Nick lives in the same one with his uncle!

    quinnics posted: »

    * If you shot Rebecca at the end of episode four, Luke will tell Clementine that nothing was her fault and the group will agree that she did

  • Alt text

    If Carley lives, she will use her gun during the game.

  • Why does nobody talk about Kenny's chain? I have been curious about its material...

  • edited September 2014

    BTW, Sam looks cute biting the hat

    Alive_Clem posted: »


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