Least favourite GOT characters?
So living,dead,show,book which charcaters do you hate from the world of game of thrones and why?
A few I can think of
Bran- Ugh, Book bran I kind sort of stand but show bran is a selfish little twerp also he need to note hodor and his friends arnt his slaves. Not to add that if Bran had listened to his mother the war likely wouldnt have even started.
Davos - Hes a nice guy but his chapters in the books bore me to no end.
Sansa - Shes getting better but she was by far my least favourite character from the first book, aside from Joffrey but hes kind of obvious
Theon - Had no sympathy whatsoever for him, I like reek but im moire treating him as a new character completley.
Lady stoneheart - I dont want to say too much on this to avoid spoilers but I get shes lost people but you dont have to be such a bitch to everyone.
Lysa and Robin - "Make them fly" Ugh please send robin out the mooondoor next? Part of the reason I started to like sansa was her having to put up with Robin
Ugh I forgot
Quenten - Probably the most stupid and pointless character in the whole series
I actually quite like most of the "bad" characters like Ramsay Bolton, Walder Frey, and Cersei Lannister. Without them it'd be dull as hell. There are some less important characters that are successfully written as insufferable arseholes. Ser Godry Farring is the first to come to mind. Screw that guy. Edit: On reflection, every single one of the Queen's Men. I can't think of a single named one that isn't an unbearable wanker.
When it comes to characters that we're supposed to root for, Daenerys. I've never been a fan, either in the books or the show.
Joffrey a.k.a. King Justin Bieber
Brandon Stark (Not the brother the son) - Book Bran was boring, show Bran is boring. I mean I know it's kind of hard to do anything exciting the way he is, but the whole plot of his story right now just makes me want to skip his chapter.
Hodor - Come at me bro. All this Hodor stuff makes my head hurt. Okay we get it! All he says is one word, and contributes almost nothing, besides being Bran's plaything.
Stoneheart: Resurrection is unfair, and I know it's a fantasy book and that's the way it is. But Beric got revived like what?... Five times? And then he brings back her? One of the worst villains(She's a villain in my book) ever in my opinion. To me she just ruins the story
Victarion "Dumb As A Bag Of Hammers" Greyjoy: "LOL I will rule teh werld Euron, cuz i wil be teh dragon. I am a boss and i kill stuff u fgt lol u ded tyrell dude whos name i dun remember" UGH I hate reading his part as well.
The High Sparrow : For being annoying
Victarions hit and miss for me but he's better than Asha. I dont really like any of the greyjoys to be honest. all there stories and characters seem a bit generic compared to the others, Theons the exception but hes not really theon anymore.
Asha's okay but not really interesting... Yet. I think it might get better for her. Meh, definitely not the best house, but at the end of the last book things are getting more interesting with their stories(In my opinion). Theon is actually one of my favorites now with the whole Reek thing.
Jon Snow. Quite unpopular, I know.
I didn't like Jon Snow until the 4th Season when he nutted up and started doing stuff instead of being a whiny bitch.
He knows nothing.
I hate The Mountain. Other depraved monsters in the Game of Thrones universe could at least be entertaining while they were being cruel. The Mountain was just a big lumbering brute who raped and killed indiscriminately.
He's better in the books. A little.
He's also much younger in the books, right? That makes makes the whining a bit more understandable.
If I don't count pretty obvious Joffrey, then it'll be Daenerys. And Lady Stoneheart, what a bitch.
Yeah, he was 14 when it all started.
Cersei and Joffrey.
pretty much the characters you said
I actually love most of the villains. I really like Littlefinger, admire Roose Bolton and Euron for their style and enjoy the mad ramblings of Cersei. I even found one small shed of compassion for Joffrey, who after all is little more than a spoiled and mentally disturbed boy with severe daddy-issues. I found it hard not to pity him and his death in the show actually made me cringe.
However, there are some characters I really don't like
Aeron Greyjoy: Easily my least favourite POV-character, even though the far more interesting Euron has his debut in one of his chapters. Aerons religious fanatism made me really hate him as a character and unlike Cersei his internal thoughts aren't hilarious, but rather make me loathe him even more.
Dorkstar: Because he is of the night. Nuff said...
Lady Stoneheart: I never got the point of this character. I mean, without spoiling anything, the way she is introduced suggested that she is going to be an extremely important character and actually, I'd be fine with that. But recently I heard a rumor that the Show is going to cut her, which makes me doubt her significance for the later books. Why did George even bother with her?
Brienne: That only goes for the Brienne from the books. I found her extremely boring, dull and predictable and her chapters in AFFC are part of why I think this book is the weakest ASOIAF-book to date. The Show-Brienne on the other hand, while far from being my favourite character is better and Gwendoline Christie is one of the best actresses on the show.
In no particular order:
I never really understood why people hate cersei, I mean I dont love her or anything but apart from being a bit stupid and hating on Tyrion shes not that bad and pretty entertaining while drunk.
Daenarys is just THE WORST.
Also Jamie because he pushed a little kid out of a window #Neverforget.
And Catelyn. It's just all her fault really.
Ned and Daenerys and Bran and Ramsey and Theon (pre-Reek) and Cersei and Joffrey and TV Jon Snow and TV Catelyn and Book Davos
Regarding Catelyn.. ah come on. Other than taking Tyrion hostage, caused by the schemes of Littlefinger, I don't see how she's to blame for "all" of it. In the books she told Ned not to go. And in the show she told him to go without giving due consideration for his lack of tact. And she knew Robb marrying someone other than a Frey would set that family against him. On top of that, Joffrey's "uncles" would have turned on him sooner or later. Renly clearly knew Cersei's kids were bastards, and I imagine Stannis had more than an inkling to boot. Hell, given the two smartest politickers in Kings Landing had civil war as a goal, they'd probably have given them the evidence without Ned's help. So aye, you could argue she played her part in the downfall of House Stark, but no moreso than the honourable Ned or the pompouse tit Robb.
I'm in agreement on Jaime, though.
Actually take it back just re read the last book I forgot Victarions whole deal is more or less killing everyone. Plus hes more or less some mutant now
In his defence he suffers from intense migraines so he's constantly high on milk of the poppy, doesn't excuse his cruelty but in my head it makes him slightly more sympathetic than say, Ramsay, Craster, Kraznys or Joffrey
Any red priest characters, lady what's her face with Stannis. They are all plot devices and they all made story that much dumber.
It's game of thrones, not some corny 3rd related fantasy novel with Veg monster
If you read the latest book, oh there's more i predict the future exactly priest character that you know it'll screw up the story by being "magical"
I mean if the red priests were so powerful, literally predicting future EXACTLY, then why haven't they literally taken over the world? Dragon? no problem, i'll just predict where it'll land and setup a trap to kill it, want to kill a king? Find king's bastard (there's plenty historically) and one Veg monster coming right up...
The worst part of the book... literally.
In the lastest book its revealed they make plenty of errors like anyone, I fail to see whats so bag about a bit of seeing the future, I mean dragons and zombies are way more crazy than that. I think resurrection is the one thing that bothers me a bit but even that not that much.
Im not a big fan of Melisandre but in the latest book she grew on me a lot especially with her POV chapters
Exactly. He's probably just a device to advance Dany's plot and hopefully get her to Westeros.
Also I liked Quentyn
He was a good person but stupid. "Im gonna tame the dragons derp derp" his entire purpose in the plot is to release them oh and hopefully it stops dorne from siding with Dany.
He was actually one of my favourites, I wish he could have lasted a little longer. He only wanted to impress Daenerys, and that was his mission, it sucked when he died, because he was going to do whatever it took to marry her, and he just couldn't do it. Also, I guess you're not a Dany fan? lol, I agree, I don't like her plotline. I hope Dorne sides with JC, and YG(A).
Nope cant stand Dany, though I dont know who really does anymore. thats why I didnt add her I thought it was too obvious. I like a ton of people who are around her though, just get rid of her and everything about this approaching army would have my support.
Daenerys is just obnoxious I kind of hope her dragons just eat her
Woa, hold up...You don't like Davos? You dont like the onion knight?! WHAT
All the obvious villains I suppose. Cersei, Jofferey, Tywin, Ramsey, etc.
I said why, The book chapters (like many with very nice guys are kind of boring and they) go on and on. Also its mainly as his chapters also introduce new people constantly so I'm not as invested in them, Next book seems to be the same way as well though I'm a bit more invested in his mission
Cersei Lannister.. Never really liked her and just felted like she wanted everyone to have pity for her all the time.
Daenerys and Joeffrey. That's all. Everyone else at least has some redeeming factor to them. But those two are just downright annoying.