A monstrous roar echoes from outside the fences. "It's dinner time..." Clementine whispers as Tara reluctantly throws the worn-out backpack over her shoulders. Clementine grabs the girl's arm and pulls her away from the blood-drenched gates, now trembling under the weight of the undead pushing and pulling like they're playing a giant game of tug-o'-war. "Where did they come from!?" Tara shouts in confusion. "The gunshot must have attracted them, lured them out of the woods." Clementine shouts while running across the dirt road towards the main buildings. Danielle points towards the sleeping-hall, where all the women had went before. "We can't let ourselves get trapped." The girl says before looking at the fences, which are barely supporting the strain they are being put under. "But I guess it's too late for that." Seeing no other options, the girls run toward the hall, where they are greeted by a crowd of terrified women packing their bags and struggling to stick close to their friends and family, all while the soldiers try to keep the operation organized, but to no avail. "What do we do?" Tara's voice has shrunk to the size of a pea. "We'll never make it. Those walkers, there were so many of them..." The girl's chest is pounding up and down like a broken metronome, each breath feels like a stab to the chest. "I can't... I can't do this!" She cries out in fear. Clementine pulls the girl towards her, holding her hands tenderly, yet firm enough to keep her from moving. "Tara, look me in the eyes." The words linger in the air, unable to get through to her clouded mind. The older girl forcefully moves her head into the right position. "Tara. Listen to me. You are a strong girl. You have been through so, so much. You've seen your mom being eaten and your closest friend dying right in front of you. But you know what? It's okay. Because you're still alive. Still living, breathing, feeling. You're going to see bad things. But they're going to make you stronger. You are going to beat this world. I know you are." Tara looks at Clementine in disbelief, her eyes wet as morning dew. "Now, I wan't you to close your eyes. Just like that. I want you to close your eyes and count to ten. When you open them. Everything will be alright. I promise." No energy left to protest, Tara obeys and lets her eyelids fall, before silently whispering the numbers to herself.
(Listen to this for added suspense: )
"1." Danielle picks the girl up and cradles her in her arms. "2." The doors start trembling behind them. "3." Panicking, soldiers run towards it, trying to barricade it with whatever they can find. "4." The doors fly open and the undead trip and fall into the building like a flood of guts and rotten flesh. "5." Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of walkers, the soldiers start shooting at anything trying to enter the building. "6." Having overcome the initial shock, Clementine and Danielle start to work their way through the massive crowd, now making more noise than ever. "7." As the flow of zombies increases, the soldiers get overrun, the walkers make their way towards the group, pushing each other onto the ground in their eagerness to take a bite out of the tasty meals running around the hall. "8." Unable to distinguish alive from dead, Clementine breaks an old bottle laying on the ground and holds the sharp end in front of her to defend herself. "9." "Take her somewhere safe!" Clementine shouts to Danielle, who seems to be struggling to hold the girl in her arms. Her face determined, Danielle shakes her head before nodding towards an open window high up on the wall. "10." As Tara whispers the last number, Danielle boosts her up onto one of the few bunk-beds that hasn't been pushed over yet. Clementine follows her, before proceeding to boost her all the way up to the window and onto a ledge, where the little girl barely finds her balance. "Do you think it's safe enough to go down?" Clementine asks the girl. "I think so, yeah. There's just a few cars. And I think I see a horse." Clementine looks up to the girl with a sigh of relief. "That's good. Go down and be safe. We'll be right over." She says while the girl climbs out of sight. Worried about the girl's safety, Clementine looks towards Danielle, who is still standing among the crowd, holding them back with a shard of glass wrapped in cloth. "Danielle! Get up here, we need to go!" The older girl looks up at Clementine, her hand clenching onto the make-shift weapon tightly. Her eyes are dark as the walkers' skin, her clothes covered in guts and blood. She shakes her head with a look of disgust before turning towards the mess of walkers and people, stabbing anything that comes too close. Tears welling up in her eyes, Clementine screams for Danielle to come, to follow her towards safety. But the girl refuses. Crying silently, Clementine accepts her choice and climbs onto the ledge. She looks back at Danielle one last time, every stab into a walker's head feeling like a stab into her heart, the girl looks away before climbing out of the window, finally escaping the screams of agony and smell of rotting flesh.
A monstrous roar echoes from outside the fences. "It's dinner time..." Clementine whispers as Tara reluctantly throws the worn-out backpack … moreover her shoulders. Clementine grabs the girl's arm and pulls her away from the blood-drenched gates, now trembling under the weight of the undead pushing and pulling like they're playing a giant game of tug-o'-war. "Where did they come from!?" Tara shouts in confusion. "The gunshot must have attracted them, lured them out of the woods." Clementine shouts while running across the dirt road towards the main buildings. Danielle points towards the sleeping-hall, where all the women had went before. "We can't let ourselves get trapped." The girl says before looking at the fences, which are barely supporting the strain they are being put under. "But I guess it's too late for that." Seeing no other options, the girls run toward the hall, where they are greeted by a crowd of terrified women packing their bags an… [view original content]
This was very, very good. I have been poking around in here, and have been impressed by the collaboration I've seen. I think I'd like to participate here as well if you guys will have me. It appears that you guys are trying to revive this thread and I'd enjoy being part of the effort. Please don't hesitate to let me know how I could best contribute.
A monstrous roar echoes from outside the fences. "It's dinner time..." Clementine whispers as Tara reluctantly throws the worn-out backpack … moreover her shoulders. Clementine grabs the girl's arm and pulls her away from the blood-drenched gates, now trembling under the weight of the undead pushing and pulling like they're playing a giant game of tug-o'-war. "Where did they come from!?" Tara shouts in confusion. "The gunshot must have attracted them, lured them out of the woods." Clementine shouts while running across the dirt road towards the main buildings. Danielle points towards the sleeping-hall, where all the women had went before. "We can't let ourselves get trapped." The girl says before looking at the fences, which are barely supporting the strain they are being put under. "But I guess it's too late for that." Seeing no other options, the girls run toward the hall, where they are greeted by a crowd of terrified women packing their bags an… [view original content]
A monstrous roar echoes from outside the fences. "It's dinner time..." Clementine whispers as Tara reluctantly throws the worn-out backpack … moreover her shoulders. Clementine grabs the girl's arm and pulls her away from the blood-drenched gates, now trembling under the weight of the undead pushing and pulling like they're playing a giant game of tug-o'-war. "Where did they come from!?" Tara shouts in confusion. "The gunshot must have attracted them, lured them out of the woods." Clementine shouts while running across the dirt road towards the main buildings. Danielle points towards the sleeping-hall, where all the women had went before. "We can't let ourselves get trapped." The girl says before looking at the fences, which are barely supporting the strain they are being put under. "But I guess it's too late for that." Seeing no other options, the girls run toward the hall, where they are greeted by a crowd of terrified women packing their bags an… [view original content]
Only a few things to note is that you have read our previous season, that you stay within the logic of the storyline, and just make sure you don't do anything that's simply random and doesn't make sense.
This was very, very good. I have been poking around in here, and have been impressed by the collaboration I've seen. I think I'd like to p… morearticipate here as well if you guys will have me. It appears that you guys are trying to revive this thread and I'd enjoy being part of the effort. Please don't hesitate to let me know how I could best contribute.
This was very, very good. I have been poking around in here, and have been impressed by the collaboration I've seen. I think I'd like to p… morearticipate here as well if you guys will have me. It appears that you guys are trying to revive this thread and I'd enjoy being part of the effort. Please don't hesitate to let me know how I could best contribute.
A monstrous roar echoes from outside the fences. "It's dinner time..." Clementine whispers as Tara reluctantly throws the worn-out backpack … moreover her shoulders. Clementine grabs the girl's arm and pulls her away from the blood-drenched gates, now trembling under the weight of the undead pushing and pulling like they're playing a giant game of tug-o'-war. "Where did they come from!?" Tara shouts in confusion. "The gunshot must have attracted them, lured them out of the woods." Clementine shouts while running across the dirt road towards the main buildings. Danielle points towards the sleeping-hall, where all the women had went before. "We can't let ourselves get trapped." The girl says before looking at the fences, which are barely supporting the strain they are being put under. "But I guess it's too late for that." Seeing no other options, the girls run toward the hall, where they are greeted by a crowd of terrified women packing their bags an… [view original content]
A monstrous roar echoes from outside the fences. "It's dinner time..." Clementine whispers as Tara reluctantly throws the worn-out backpack … moreover her shoulders. Clementine grabs the girl's arm and pulls her away from the blood-drenched gates, now trembling under the weight of the undead pushing and pulling like they're playing a giant game of tug-o'-war. "Where did they come from!?" Tara shouts in confusion. "The gunshot must have attracted them, lured them out of the woods." Clementine shouts while running across the dirt road towards the main buildings. Danielle points towards the sleeping-hall, where all the women had went before. "We can't let ourselves get trapped." The girl says before looking at the fences, which are barely supporting the strain they are being put under. "But I guess it's too late for that." Seeing no other options, the girls run toward the hall, where they are greeted by a crowd of terrified women packing their bags an… [view original content]
Thinking back at how I created Weston and Joel, it's all silly to me. Weston is an unrealistic psychopath that kills anyone he sees, and Joel is RDR's protagonist 2.0. I feel like we could end this secondary story in the matter of an episode without affecting the main story all that much. The idea was to have Joel murdered somehow, Weston feels remorse for his past sins and wants to achieve Redemption by helping Clementine and the rest. At the end of Episode 2 or sometime in Episode 3, Jesse and his son will escort Weston to Charlotte, North Carolina where he'll be executed - fulfilling Joel's dying wish so his wife can be free. The characters will likely never be seen again, ending on a good note. It depends where the story goes I guess. As for the side characters such as Neil and Willie, I have no idea. I guess we could kill them offscreen somehow, killed by Walkers or something.
So what do you guys think? This should clean up the mess.
Good idea overall, sure, but the fact that Weston suddenly feels remorse after all these insane things he's done before and how he is overall insane would make it a bit unrealistic to have him suddenly have heart.
Good idea overall, sure, but the fact that Weston suddenly feels remorse after all these insane things he's done before and how he is overall insane would make it a bit unrealistic to have him suddenly have heart.
"Clementine! Where are you?!", the little girl screams in fear. Tara had already jumped down onto the truck that has parked near the wall. Clem hops down to her whilst trying to not lose track of the whole situation. Not only the entire building is flooded with walkers but also its circuit. Clem's eyes sway back and forth in attempt to find a safe way through the horde of dead creatures seeking for flesh. Most of the soldiers got already dragged down as there are crowds of walkers every here and there along with the slippery eating noises. The soldiers left are desperately trying to contain the situation with gunfire. The fences are too far away to get to as well as any other buildings.
Noticing the resigning look on Clem's face Tara suddenly grabs her sleeve: "Clem! We gotta do something!" She regrets it almost immediately as some of the ghosts have become aware of the girls location. "Get down!", Clem orders pulling her down onto the truck's trunk floor, seeking for a way out there as the growls are coming closer. "Jesus, where is Ava? Why aren't they helping us!?", Clem whispers to herself in desperation. "They are here...". Clem could barely hear it for Tara's voice is just a weak breath. Turning her head to the left she notices one of the walkers staring directly at them. Both of the girls neither breathe nor move. Seconds later Tara suddenly squawks weakly, yet loud enough for the walker to react sharply - it jumps at the girls immediately, trying to climb onto the trunk. "Come on!", says Clementine as she grabs Tara's little and cold sweated hand. She guides her to the other side of the trunk. "Climb down, I'll give you a hand.", Clementine speaks as silent as possible - Tara obeys. The gap between the truck and the wall of the building is so low that Clem barely manages to get down of the vehicle, so she sucks her stomach in trying to squeeze through to the bottom.
When she finally managed to make it Tara is already crouching beneath the car. Dozens of leg pairs are wandering around the van, one of them tumbling at a hurried pace. "Clem!? We are trapped." says Tara, as all of the sudden that one walker has found them. His growls become louder as he tries to squeeze through to them between the wall and the car. Another goon has squated down and is about to crawl underneath the truck.
Everything happens so fast: Clem notices a tiny window opening to the buildings basement. It's dark down there, yet no sounds can be heard. This is the only way out! "Tara, trust me on this: Squeeze through that window, we'll be safe down there!" "But... I can't see the ground...", Tara responds with a shakey voice. "Just GO!", Clem shouts, pushing her so she gives in. A dull noise bespeaks that Tara has made it in there. "Are you alright?", Clem shouts when suddenly her short ponytail is being pulled, so her hat falls to the ground. A sharp pain goes through her entire body, as she yells in agony, trying to get rid of the walkers hands on her, accompanied by Tara's screams: "Clementine!! Don't leave me!!!" Her friends cry of helplessness is a wake-up call to Clementine: She gathers all her strength to push him off of her, succeeding by kicking him several times into his chest when he releases his grasp eventually. This is the chance: Clem climbs into the opening with a hint of a smile. By ill luck, she can't get any further for her upper body is too wide. "SHIT!", she yells. "Tara, please help me!" The walker stuck between the car and the wall is trying to get to her while the other one is almost there. Luckily, Tara is pulling Clementine's pant leg. The squeezing pain on Clem's chest is hard to bear up, yet she slips down bit by bit. Right, when she almost made it Clementine yells at Tara: "Tara, stop!! I gotta get my hat!" She reaches for it, almost getting it, even though the walker is only inches away from her hand when Tara says: "Let it be! You gotta let go ..." A last pull and Clem falls down into the dark safety, finally.
Tara gives Clementine a huge and hearty hug. "We made it! We are safe!" Tara's enthusiasm is almost contagious, as Clementine releases a vague smile, before she eventually starts to examine the room. One of the walkers outstretches his arm through the window, yet of no avail. "The door is locked - I've already checked.", says Tara while Clementine is staring at the bunch of things lying around: This looks like a storage room, since most of the things look like a collection of people's belongings. There's clothes, books, jewelry, drug store products ... a sea of stuff not useful in this world. Then Clementine goes to the door, pressing her ear on it. She can hear an irregular mixture of female death screams and growls, yet quieter than before. The door is massive and probably barricaded from the other side. Half released, half exasperated Clementine turns with her back to the door, slowly sinking to the ground. "We are lucky, Tara. Very lucky. However ... we are also trapped." Tara looks at her silently with despair. Feeling guilty for making her friend feel miserable Clementine adds: "By the way: Thank you for saving my life, Tara. You did very well..." All the voices in Clementines head trail off when after a while she falls asleep.
"Clementine! Where are you?!", the little girl screams in fear. Tara had already jumped down onto the truck that has parked near the wall. C… morelem hops down to her whilst trying to not lose track of the whole situation. Not only the entire building is flooded with walkers but also its circuit. Clem's eyes sway back and forth in attempt to find a safe way through the horde of dead creatures seeking for flesh. Most of the soldiers got already dragged down as there are crowds of walkers every here and there along with the slippery eating noises. The soldiers left are desperately trying to contain the situation with gunfire. The fences are too far away to get to as well as any other buildings.
Noticing the resigning look on Clem's face Tara suddenly grabs her sleeve: "Clem! We gotta do something!" She regrets it almost immediately as some of the ghosts have become aware of the girls location. "Get down!", Clem orders pulling her down onto the tru… [view original content]
"Clementine! Where are you?!", the little girl screams in fear. Tara had already jumped down onto the truck that has parked near the wall. C… morelem hops down to her whilst trying to not lose track of the whole situation. Not only the entire building is flooded with walkers but also its circuit. Clem's eyes sway back and forth in attempt to find a safe way through the horde of dead creatures seeking for flesh. Most of the soldiers got already dragged down as there are crowds of walkers every here and there along with the slippery eating noises. The soldiers left are desperately trying to contain the situation with gunfire. The fences are too far away to get to as well as any other buildings.
Noticing the resigning look on Clem's face Tara suddenly grabs her sleeve: "Clem! We gotta do something!" She regrets it almost immediately as some of the ghosts have become aware of the girls location. "Get down!", Clem orders pulling her down onto the tru… [view original content]
This post really, REALLY does suck in my personal opinion, so I might just remove it. Your choice, you guys.
The lack of control. That's what's making her panic.
She had enough of complaining, it wasn't gonna help anyways.
So they just stayed quiet, not even thinking about what the world used to be, or any wishes, no nothing.
Their behavior had changed from denial, to depression, to anger, to lack of hope, t-.
"Wait." Bryan said in a matter of less than a second.
"sigh. What is it?" Ruby said in a more annoyed way than worried. She used to appreciate it when things were happening, then it was that she appreciated when things were silent and just stopped for a second. Now she appreciates nothing. But she still goes on in this world. She was starting to question what non existent motivation there wa-.
"Ruby, focus." Bryan was the one who was more worried it seemed this time.
"Sounds like walkers. What about it?" Ruby said.
Bryan hopped off Miles and simply walked towards what started to sound more and more like hell.
Ruby wasn't even hesitating anymore. She lost more hope but didn't seem to give up on life.
"Screams. It's screams." Bryan whispered louder and louder, word for word.
"It's scre-" Bryan said right before starting to run on over to the blurry mess of both dead and alive walkers, that is if they can be named as either.
However much hope Ruby lost she didn't let go of what she had in her grasp.
"Wait. Let's at least think about thi-" Ruby said before being interrupted by a distressed Bryan.
"CLEMENTINE IS STILL OUT THERE. WE'RE GO-" Bryan screamed before Ruby tried to silence him, but Bryan didn't hesitate to push back.
Ruby was pushed to the ground by him. Bryan looked with mixed emotions, but decided to run towards the walkers.
Ruby let him go.
Bryan went to a state of mind that was far away from what Ruby had seen before. He went to a directed behavior, were all he cared about was getting to Clementine. He took down the walkers with no worry. Just anger.
Bryan eventually saw a small building to climb up on and vent. But for him it was just a shortcut to some hope he made up. He didn't even take a second to breathe for a bit, but instead just looked through the windows at the roof.
It was night time by then, so he saw just about nothing through it. But what he did catch was some sort of movement. He instantly had a reflex to kick the windows and drop inside.
He heard a door closing, in which he instantly reacted.
He rushed towards the door.
He grasped the first person he saw. It looked like a teenage boy who looked like he was in shock.
Bryan pushed him to the wall, almost to the point of strangling him to death.
"What the fuck happened here? Tell me. Now." Bryan said in a calm, yet slightly insane voice.
"I- I- we h-… a woma-" The boy stuttered.
"Fucks sake, have no time." Bryan whispered to himself. The boy tried to listen but instead received a punch.
"Let me explain first, alright? Jesu- jesus, shit. This camp, everyone here, we were all heading to Ashley. We find people and we help them, but as it turns out not everyone wants help. Fuck. This enitre place just escalated, alright? Now I'm fuck worried about what the hell happened to everyone. Maybe you can help me? Despite the fact that you didn't give the best in- Are you even listening to me?" The boy said in a stressed voice.
Bryan wasn't listening, he just stared into one of the objects that fell out of the boy's bag.
Clementine's hat.
His eyes went slowly more and more insane.
"You know very well what I'm gonna ask." Bryan said whilst picking up the boy in a fierce manner.
"I- agh, fuck! I told you, you, ugh... we hel-" The boy tried to respond but couldn't because of the pain.
Bryan pulled out his knife and with no mercy stuck a knife into his stomach.
"Go on."
"I- I jus- Jesus fucking christ that hurts, FUCK. I don't know where she is, jesus christ, I'm tryi- tryin-…" The boy says whilst coughing at a constant.
Bryan was losing his patience, as he went out of it and pushed the boy onto the wall once again, but this time strangling him to the point where he could barely speak.
"I CAN'T FIND HE- HER YOU-" The boy said whilst trying to save himself.
The boy didn't breath anymore. He just slowly slided down to the floor, lifeless.
Bryan plummeted down on the ground, slowly realizing what he's done. He was in conflict. He just killed a child who had done absolutely nothing, all whilst stopping him from the one thing that would keep him alive. But on the other hand, he did it for Clementine.
Whilst Bryan is thinking about the actions he had just committed, walkers slowly come toward the door. They try to get in.
"What now?" Bryan said to himself, returning to a more calm yet still worried voice.
This post really, REALLY does suck in my personal opinion, so I might just remove it. Your choice, you guys.
The lack of control. Th… moreat's what's making her panic.
She had enough of complaining, it wasn't gonna help anyways.
So they just stayed quiet, not even thinking about what the world used to be, or any wishes, no nothing.
Their behavior had changed from denial, to depression, to anger, to lack of hope, t-.
"Wait." Bryan said in a matter of less than a second.
"sigh. What is it?" Ruby said in a more annoyed way than worried. She used to appreciate it when things were happening, then it was that she appreciated when things were silent and just stopped for a second. Now she appreciates nothing. But she still goes on in this world. She was starting to question what non existent motivation there wa-.
"Ruby, focus." Bryan was the one who was more worried it seemed this time.
"Sounds like walkers. What about it?" Rub… [view original content]
This post really, REALLY does suck in my personal opinion, so I might just remove it. Your choice, you guys.
The lack of control. Th… moreat's what's making her panic.
She had enough of complaining, it wasn't gonna help anyways.
So they just stayed quiet, not even thinking about what the world used to be, or any wishes, no nothing.
Their behavior had changed from denial, to depression, to anger, to lack of hope, t-.
"Wait." Bryan said in a matter of less than a second.
"sigh. What is it?" Ruby said in a more annoyed way than worried. She used to appreciate it when things were happening, then it was that she appreciated when things were silent and just stopped for a second. Now she appreciates nothing. But she still goes on in this world. She was starting to question what non existent motivation there wa-.
"Ruby, focus." Bryan was the one who was more worried it seemed this time.
"Sounds like walkers. What about it?" Rub… [view original content]
The silent crying of a small voice echoes through the cellar as the light of the outside world dims, leaving only the soft light of the moon for the girls to see. Her head throbbing, Clementine slowly pushes herself up and away from the hard-wood floor. She's had better places to sleep, the girl thinks to herself while grasping for her head, feeling exposed without her hat. She'd slept for quite some time, judging by the lack of light falling through the small window. The walker grasping through it when the two had entered seems to have left, most likely to find a different, more accessible prey. Supporting herself against the crates of useless trinkets and belongings of a long-forgotten time, Clementine moves towards a small silhouette softly weeping in the corner of the room. Every step seems heavier than the last as Clementine approaches the girl, seemingly engulfed in the shadows, before finally sitting down next to her. A steady flow of tears stain Clementine's shirt as she pulls the little girl close to her, letting her head fall onto her chest. Clementine gently runs her hand through Tara's stubby hair until the younger girl's breath becomes calmer, the stream less steady. The room becomes silent and for one incredibly short, but perfect second, Clementine feels peaceful.
(Music for added atmosphere;
"Why isn't she here?" A small voice breaks the silence. Frowning, Clementine looks down at the younger girl. "What do you mean?" She hesitantly asks, despite knowing exactly what she means, but being too afraid to admit it. "Danielle. Why isn't she with us? I thought she was our friend." The older girl looks at the window high up in the wall. Somewhere not too far, just outside of this damp cellar, Danielle chose to keep fighting among a sea of walking corpses and women who looked indistinguishable, instead of following the two only girls who had cared for her over the last couple of days. "I... I..." Clementine stutters. Memories from their long history together flash through her mind as she realizes the answer. "I hurt her." Every word feels like a stab to the heart. A terrible confession, the horrifying truth she was finally able to admit. "Sometimes, my mom and dad used to fight." Tara begins, her tone duller than Clementine had gotten used to. "One time, they fought so much mom had to cry and daddy walked away." The words linger in the air, Clementine doesn't know what to say. "Oh." She finally exclaims. "I miss him. Kind of. I never liked when he screamed." Apparently feeling like she had said enough, Tara lays her head onto her friend's lap. The older girl manages to put on a faint smile as she catches a glimpse of Tara's innocent face, an innocence seemingly unfazed by the horrors the world has thrown at her. An innocence that worries her a bit. Shrugging off the thought, Clementine looks around the cellar one last time. "We're going to get out of here." She whispers while closing her eyes to take a quick nap.
"What could possibly go wrong?" She thinks to herself before falling asleep with her head pressed against the cold wall.
The silent crying of a small voice echoes through the cellar as the light of the outside world dims, leaving only the soft light of the moon… more for the girls to see. Her head throbbing, Clementine slowly pushes herself up and away from the hard-wood floor. She's had better places to sleep, the girl thinks to herself while grasping for her head, feeling exposed without her hat. She'd slept for quite some time, judging by the lack of light falling through the small window. The walker grasping through it when the two had entered seems to have left, most likely to find a different, more accessible prey. Supporting herself against the crates of useless trinkets and belongings of a long-forgotten time, Clementine moves towards a small silhouette softly weeping in the corner of the room. Every step seems heavier than the last as Clementine approaches the girl, seemingly engulfed in the shadows, before finally sitting down next to her. A steady flow of … [view original content]
Turning her back on that unwelcome incident she rushes back to her haven in a swift yet steady manner. The rocky and uneven ground is being crossed by her perfectly even with high heels. Ava used to avoid them during the outbreak. Everything has changed so quickly from one day to the next until she hadn't recognized herself anymore. In the end there were no wealth, no class, no dignity. Instead of that suddenly poverty, shabbiness, unworthiness. These days are over, luckily. One day she had made a decision: "Not me.". This had led to the reputation as well as influence she has gained by her community - this had led to the success that is Ashley. "Fight the dead with all means necessary - apart from that: live the life you would have lived before.", is one of the points in her manifest. She used to be a lady back then - why would she change that now?
The timing couldn't be worse: Lunch was almost done, which means the women shall come together very soon. Ava presses her lips together with a touch of stress. That suicide sure upset the entire community. It's pretty likely they're going to speculate about it, raising to question Ava's abilities and intentions. The speech she had set right down to the last detail is endangered, thanks to the idiotic and unattentive mercenaries. The door behind her closes with a loud bang as she presses her back to it with her eyes closed. "I have to improvise, and I must not make a single mistake.", she says to herself loudly and steadily. The cracking noise of a talkie brings her back down to earth. Slowly she raises it from the table, where the written speech is laying, to her mouth. "What is it." It cracks once again. "It's me, mam. I've got everything under control. Two of the responsible security guards have been determined and will undergo the consequences this night. The women are unsettled, though. Some of them are even trying to rile the others up for resistance. I've just seen that lunch is almost done, already. I think it's best we ring the bell in order to break up this situation - what else can we do but distract them?" Putting her hand on the sheets of paper, then raising it to her chest Ava responds: "Magnificent work, Patrick. I'll see you in the dining hall.". Whilst rolling up her speech she activates a switch behind the table and the dinner bell rings through the speakers. Ava steps to the mirror, ironing her dress with her palms, then tucks a stray streak back in its place. Everything's neat and clean. "It's showtime." As she hovers towards the stairs behind the door with her dress swaying she passes the window. The sudden sight makes her cringe: dead people walking. What once used to be an intact and sturdy fence is now being crossed by the horrible monsters. Judging by the look someone has obviously cut a huge hole into it. Ava drops her paper sheets in a state of shock. "A traitor.", she mumbles, standing there in apathy. "I am not the traitor - you are."
Turning her back on that unwelcome incident she rushes back to her haven in a swift yet steady manner. The rocky and uneven ground is being … morecrossed by her perfectly even with high heels. Ava used to avoid them during the outbreak. Everything has changed so quickly from one day to the next until she hadn't recognized herself anymore. In the end there were no wealth, no class, no dignity. Instead of that suddenly poverty, shabbiness, unworthiness. These days are over, luckily. One day she had made a decision: "Not me.". This had led to the reputation as well as influence she has gained by her community - this had led to the success that is Ashley. "Fight the dead with all means necessary - apart from that: live the life you would have lived before.", is one of the points in her manifest. She used to be a lady back then - why would she change that now?
The timing couldn't be worse: Lunch was almost done, which means the women shall come toget… [view original content]
Startled, Ava reaches for her hip, where her revolver idly hangs by, waiting to be picked up by its master. "Don't even think about it." A strong voice is heard from behind her. The unmistakable sound of a gun being loaded echoes through the room. Every hair on the woman's body stands upright as she slowly but surely raises her gloved hands into the air. The unknown attacker moves towards their target step by step, every second painstakingly long. A single drop of sweat runs down the posh woman's back as the cold barrel of a loaded gun touches her neck. Ava struggles to control her every breath. Just one wrong move, a single gust of wind, and she could be laying in a puddle of her own blood, a bullet hole torn through her tender skin and flesh. "Two weeks." The mysterious shadow starts to talk. "Two weeks is all it takes to tear a woman apart, to make her lose every single shred of humanity she had left." The feminine voice is calm, yet an unmistakable passion shows itself in every word. "You took them." Her words linger in the air like the smoke of a cigar. "You locked them up like animals!" Her voice is shaking, at a pitch higher than before. She's weak, Ava thinks to herself. A twisted smirk forms on her face. A way out. "You made them suffer." The mysterious woman continues, tears rolling down her face. "I'm here to return the favor." Ava bluntly falls to the ground as the woman kicks her in the back of the knees, her face lightly pressed against the dirt-ridden windows.
(Listen for atmosphere; )
"Look at what you've done..." Ava mumbles with a smile on her face. Slightly confused, the woman weakens her grip on the gun. "All of those women... All of their families..." The woman slowly steps backwards, a terrible cry emitting from deep within her. "No..." She stutters as her weapon falls to the ground. Ava presses her heels into the dusty floor and swiftly boosts herself up. The woman mutters a vague threat as Ava grabs her revolver, checking the magazine to make sure it's loaded. Heel, toe, heel, toe. The lady floats her way towards the woman, her velvet dress dancing with every movement. "What's your name, dear?" She politely asks. The woman mumbles. "Speak up, dear." Her breathing uncontrollable, the woman looks up in confusion. "My name... My name is Giselle." Ava reaches out to her with a graceful gesture. Hesitantly, Giselle takes her hand and gets lifted off the floor and onto her sturdy boots. "Giselle, dear, you don't have to cry. Those women can still be saved." A spark of hope lights her eyes like a well-kept campfire reaching its flames across the starry skies. "Come here. It'll be okay." Opening their arms, the women move in for a comforting embrace. Giselle couldn't be happier. The warm breath of another living being in the back of her neck. The sweet smell of a rosy perfume widening her nostrils. The cold barrel of a gun pressed into her stomach. A deafening bang piercing through her ears. The terrifying warmth of hot lead burning her insides. Giselle collapses to the ground, desperately clenching onto her abdomen as the the red-clad lady floats away, just like she had come.
Heel, toe, heel, toe. And a smile firmly planted on her face.
You ain't alone ;_;.
In all honesty though, we've been talking a lot recently about the fanfic. Don't worry, news will be coming shortly.
Omg, I remember this fanfic.
Indeed, we all do.
But stay tuned for some upcoming news.
Fan-fic's are cool.
The fuck are you doing Duck :l.
I'm reviving a thread. SO KEEP THAT SALTLICK AWAY FROM ME.
Please, someone help this fanfic already!
Is this place being revived?
Looking back at the old posts and damn, I was a crappy writer back then.
Guess what.
We're still alive.
A monstrous roar echoes from outside the fences. "It's dinner time..." Clementine whispers as Tara reluctantly throws the worn-out backpack over her shoulders. Clementine grabs the girl's arm and pulls her away from the blood-drenched gates, now trembling under the weight of the undead pushing and pulling like they're playing a giant game of tug-o'-war. "Where did they come from!?" Tara shouts in confusion. "The gunshot must have attracted them, lured them out of the woods." Clementine shouts while running across the dirt road towards the main buildings. Danielle points towards the sleeping-hall, where all the women had went before. "We can't let ourselves get trapped." The girl says before looking at the fences, which are barely supporting the strain they are being put under. "But I guess it's too late for that." Seeing no other options, the girls run toward the hall, where they are greeted by a crowd of terrified women packing their bags and struggling to stick close to their friends and family, all while the soldiers try to keep the operation organized, but to no avail. "What do we do?" Tara's voice has shrunk to the size of a pea. "We'll never make it. Those walkers, there were so many of them..." The girl's chest is pounding up and down like a broken metronome, each breath feels like a stab to the chest. "I can't... I can't do this!" She cries out in fear. Clementine pulls the girl towards her, holding her hands tenderly, yet firm enough to keep her from moving. "Tara, look me in the eyes." The words linger in the air, unable to get through to her clouded mind. The older girl forcefully moves her head into the right position. "Tara. Listen to me. You are a strong girl. You have been through so, so much. You've seen your mom being eaten and your closest friend dying right in front of you. But you know what? It's okay. Because you're still alive. Still living, breathing, feeling. You're going to see bad things. But they're going to make you stronger. You are going to beat this world. I know you are." Tara looks at Clementine in disbelief, her eyes wet as morning dew. "Now, I wan't you to close your eyes. Just like that. I want you to close your eyes and count to ten. When you open them. Everything will be alright. I promise." No energy left to protest, Tara obeys and lets her eyelids fall, before silently whispering the numbers to herself.
(Listen to this for added suspense:
"1." Danielle picks the girl up and cradles her in her arms. "2." The doors start trembling behind them. "3." Panicking, soldiers run towards it, trying to barricade it with whatever they can find. "4." The doors fly open and the undead trip and fall into the building like a flood of guts and rotten flesh. "5." Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of walkers, the soldiers start shooting at anything trying to enter the building. "6." Having overcome the initial shock, Clementine and Danielle start to work their way through the massive crowd, now making more noise than ever. "7." As the flow of zombies increases, the soldiers get overrun, the walkers make their way towards the group, pushing each other onto the ground in their eagerness to take a bite out of the tasty meals running around the hall. "8." Unable to distinguish alive from dead, Clementine breaks an old bottle laying on the ground and holds the sharp end in front of her to defend herself. "9." "Take her somewhere safe!" Clementine shouts to Danielle, who seems to be struggling to hold the girl in her arms. Her face determined, Danielle shakes her head before nodding towards an open window high up on the wall. "10." As Tara whispers the last number, Danielle boosts her up onto one of the few bunk-beds that hasn't been pushed over yet. Clementine follows her, before proceeding to boost her all the way up to the window and onto a ledge, where the little girl barely finds her balance. "Do you think it's safe enough to go down?" Clementine asks the girl. "I think so, yeah. There's just a few cars. And I think I see a horse." Clementine looks up to the girl with a sigh of relief. "That's good. Go down and be safe. We'll be right over." She says while the girl climbs out of sight. Worried about the girl's safety, Clementine looks towards Danielle, who is still standing among the crowd, holding them back with a shard of glass wrapped in cloth. "Danielle! Get up here, we need to go!" The older girl looks up at Clementine, her hand clenching onto the make-shift weapon tightly. Her eyes are dark as the walkers' skin, her clothes covered in guts and blood. She shakes her head with a look of disgust before turning towards the mess of walkers and people, stabbing anything that comes too close. Tears welling up in her eyes, Clementine screams for Danielle to come, to follow her towards safety. But the girl refuses. Crying silently, Clementine accepts her choice and climbs onto the ledge. She looks back at Danielle one last time, every stab into a walker's head feeling like a stab into her heart, the girl looks away before climbing out of the window, finally escaping the screams of agony and smell of rotting flesh.
An impressive return, this. A very, very, VERY, impressive return.
This was very, very good. I have been poking around in here, and have been impressed by the collaboration I've seen. I think I'd like to participate here as well if you guys will have me. It appears that you guys are trying to revive this thread and I'd enjoy being part of the effort. Please don't hesitate to let me know how I could best contribute.
Nicely done.
Please do!
Only a few things to note is that you have read our previous season, that you stay within the logic of the storyline, and just make sure you don't do anything that's simply random and doesn't make sense.
We would absolutely love for you to write with us, before the grand revival we were actually short on members, so that would be very much appreciated.
Thanks man! I'm just so glad to finally get some posts going again. : D
Duck .... this is marvellous
That was WAYYY too fucking awesome.
I'd like to continue, though I haven't the slightest idea how
I have an idea about the whole Weston/Joel plot.
Thinking back at how I created Weston and Joel, it's all silly to me. Weston is an unrealistic psychopath that kills anyone he sees, and Joel is RDR's protagonist 2.0. I feel like we could end this secondary story in the matter of an episode without affecting the main story all that much. The idea was to have Joel murdered somehow, Weston feels remorse for his past sins and wants to achieve Redemption by helping Clementine and the rest. At the end of Episode 2 or sometime in Episode 3, Jesse and his son will escort Weston to Charlotte, North Carolina where he'll be executed - fulfilling Joel's dying wish so his wife can be free. The characters will likely never be seen again, ending on a good note. It depends where the story goes I guess. As for the side characters such as Neil and Willie, I have no idea. I guess we could kill them offscreen somehow, killed by Walkers or something.
So what do you guys think? This should clean up the mess.
Good idea overall, sure, but the fact that Weston suddenly feels remorse after all these insane things he's done before and how he is overall insane would make it a bit unrealistic to have him suddenly have heart.
I was thinking that too, but I honestly don't know what to do with him.
"Clementine! Where are you?!", the little girl screams in fear. Tara had already jumped down onto the truck that has parked near the wall. Clem hops down to her whilst trying to not lose track of the whole situation. Not only the entire building is flooded with walkers but also its circuit. Clem's eyes sway back and forth in attempt to find a safe way through the horde of dead creatures seeking for flesh. Most of the soldiers got already dragged down as there are crowds of walkers every here and there along with the slippery eating noises. The soldiers left are desperately trying to contain the situation with gunfire. The fences are too far away to get to as well as any other buildings.
Noticing the resigning look on Clem's face Tara suddenly grabs her sleeve: "Clem! We gotta do something!" She regrets it almost immediately as some of the ghosts have become aware of the girls location. "Get down!", Clem orders pulling her down onto the truck's trunk floor, seeking for a way out there as the growls are coming closer. "Jesus, where is Ava? Why aren't they helping us!?", Clem whispers to herself in desperation. "They are here...". Clem could barely hear it for Tara's voice is just a weak breath. Turning her head to the left she notices one of the walkers staring directly at them. Both of the girls neither breathe nor move. Seconds later Tara suddenly squawks weakly, yet loud enough for the walker to react sharply - it jumps at the girls immediately, trying to climb onto the trunk. "Come on!", says Clementine as she grabs Tara's little and cold sweated hand. She guides her to the other side of the trunk. "Climb down, I'll give you a hand.", Clementine speaks as silent as possible - Tara obeys. The gap between the truck and the wall of the building is so low that Clem barely manages to get down of the vehicle, so she sucks her stomach in trying to squeeze through to the bottom.
When she finally managed to make it Tara is already crouching beneath the car. Dozens of leg pairs are wandering around the van, one of them tumbling at a hurried pace. "Clem!? We are trapped." says Tara, as all of the sudden that one walker has found them. His growls become louder as he tries to squeeze through to them between the wall and the car. Another goon has squated down and is about to crawl underneath the truck.
Everything happens so fast: Clem notices a tiny window opening to the buildings basement. It's dark down there, yet no sounds can be heard. This is the only way out! "Tara, trust me on this: Squeeze through that window, we'll be safe down there!" "But... I can't see the ground...", Tara responds with a shakey voice. "Just GO!", Clem shouts, pushing her so she gives in. A dull noise bespeaks that Tara has made it in there. "Are you alright?", Clem shouts when suddenly her short ponytail is being pulled, so her hat falls to the ground. A sharp pain goes through her entire body, as she yells in agony, trying to get rid of the walkers hands on her, accompanied by Tara's screams: "Clementine!! Don't leave me!!!" Her friends cry of helplessness is a wake-up call to Clementine: She gathers all her strength to push him off of her, succeeding by kicking him several times into his chest when he releases his grasp eventually. This is the chance: Clem climbs into the opening with a hint of a smile. By ill luck, she can't get any further for her upper body is too wide. "SHIT!", she yells. "Tara, please help me!" The walker stuck between the car and the wall is trying to get to her while the other one is almost there. Luckily, Tara is pulling Clementine's pant leg. The squeezing pain on Clem's chest is hard to bear up, yet she slips down bit by bit. Right, when she almost made it Clementine yells at Tara: "Tara, stop!! I gotta get my hat!" She reaches for it, almost getting it, even though the walker is only inches away from her hand when Tara says: "Let it be! You gotta let go ..." A last pull and Clem falls down into the dark safety, finally.
Tara gives Clementine a huge and hearty hug. "We made it! We are safe!" Tara's enthusiasm is almost contagious, as Clementine releases a vague smile, before she eventually starts to examine the room. One of the walkers outstretches his arm through the window, yet of no avail. "The door is locked - I've already checked.", says Tara while Clementine is staring at the bunch of things lying around: This looks like a storage room, since most of the things look like a collection of people's belongings. There's clothes, books, jewelry, drug store products ... a sea of stuff not useful in this world. Then Clementine goes to the door, pressing her ear on it. She can hear an irregular mixture of female death screams and growls, yet quieter than before. The door is massive and probably barricaded from the other side. Half released, half exasperated Clementine turns with her back to the door, slowly sinking to the ground. "We are lucky, Tara. Very lucky. However ... we are also trapped." Tara looks at her silently with despair. Feeling guilty for making her friend feel miserable Clementine adds: "By the way: Thank you for saving my life, Tara. You did very well..." All the voices in Clementines head trail off when after a while she falls asleep.
awesome post!"(why do i keep needing to write a captcha for things .-.)
I really like it! That tenseness though. ; D
Gonna probably write today.
Insert GIF Here:
Hey Williamz, come onnn, I wantz the story to go on
The lack of control. That's what's making her panic.
She had enough of complaining, it wasn't gonna help anyways.
So they just stayed quiet, not even thinking about what the world used to be, or any wishes, no nothing.
Their behavior had changed from denial, to depression, to anger, to lack of hope, t-.
"Wait." Bryan said in a matter of less than a second.
"sigh. What is it?" Ruby said in a more annoyed way than worried. She used to appreciate it when things were happening, then it was that she appreciated when things were silent and just stopped for a second. Now she appreciates nothing. But she still goes on in this world. She was starting to question what non existent motivation there wa-.
"Ruby, focus." Bryan was the one who was more worried it seemed this time.
"Sounds like walkers. What about it?" Ruby said.
Bryan hopped off Miles and simply walked towards what started to sound more and more like hell.
Ruby wasn't even hesitating anymore. She lost more hope but didn't seem to give up on life.
"Screams. It's screams." Bryan whispered louder and louder, word for word.
"It's scre-" Bryan said right before starting to run on over to the blurry mess of both dead and alive walkers, that is if they can be named as either.
However much hope Ruby lost she didn't let go of what she had in her grasp.
"Wait. Let's at least think about thi-" Ruby said before being interrupted by a distressed Bryan.
"CLEMENTINE IS STILL OUT THERE. WE'RE GO-" Bryan screamed before Ruby tried to silence him, but Bryan didn't hesitate to push back.
Ruby was pushed to the ground by him. Bryan looked with mixed emotions, but decided to run towards the walkers.
Ruby let him go.
Bryan went to a state of mind that was far away from what Ruby had seen before. He went to a directed behavior, were all he cared about was getting to Clementine. He took down the walkers with no worry. Just anger.
Bryan eventually saw a small building to climb up on and vent. But for him it was just a shortcut to some hope he made up. He didn't even take a second to breathe for a bit, but instead just looked through the windows at the roof.
It was night time by then, so he saw just about nothing through it. But what he did catch was some sort of movement. He instantly had a reflex to kick the windows and drop inside.
He heard a door closing, in which he instantly reacted.
He rushed towards the door.
He grasped the first person he saw. It looked like a teenage boy who looked like he was in shock.
Bryan pushed him to the wall, almost to the point of strangling him to death.
"What the fuck happened here? Tell me. Now." Bryan said in a calm, yet slightly insane voice.
"I- I- we h-… a woma-" The boy stuttered.
"Fucks sake, have no time." Bryan whispered to himself. The boy tried to listen but instead received a punch.
"Let me explain first, alright? Jesu- jesus, shit. This camp, everyone here, we were all heading to Ashley. We find people and we help them, but as it turns out not everyone wants help. Fuck. This enitre place just escalated, alright? Now I'm fuck worried about what the hell happened to everyone. Maybe you can help me? Despite the fact that you didn't give the best in- Are you even listening to me?" The boy said in a stressed voice.
Bryan wasn't listening, he just stared into one of the objects that fell out of the boy's bag.
Clementine's hat.
His eyes went slowly more and more insane.
"You know very well what I'm gonna ask." Bryan said whilst picking up the boy in a fierce manner.
"I- agh, fuck! I told you, you, ugh... we hel-" The boy tried to respond but couldn't because of the pain.
Bryan pulled out his knife and with no mercy stuck a knife into his stomach.
"Go on."
"I- I jus- Jesus fucking christ that hurts, FUCK. I don't know where she is, jesus christ, I'm tryi- tryin-…" The boy says whilst coughing at a constant.
Bryan was losing his patience, as he went out of it and pushed the boy onto the wall once again, but this time strangling him to the point where he could barely speak.
"I CAN'T FIND HE- HER YOU-" The boy said whilst trying to save himself.
The boy didn't breath anymore. He just slowly slided down to the floor, lifeless.
Bryan plummeted down on the ground, slowly realizing what he's done. He was in conflict. He just killed a child who had done absolutely nothing, all whilst stopping him from the one thing that would keep him alive. But on the other hand, he did it for Clementine.
Whilst Bryan is thinking about the actions he had just committed, walkers slowly come toward the door. They try to get in.
"What now?" Bryan said to himself, returning to a more calm yet still worried voice.
Worried about Clementine.
Wow! Wow! Wow! WOW!!! Woaaaah!!! Fuck, this is rad! This was fucking awesome! So damn good
please, more
Awesome post, mang!
The silent crying of a small voice echoes through the cellar as the light of the outside world dims, leaving only the soft light of the moon for the girls to see. Her head throbbing, Clementine slowly pushes herself up and away from the hard-wood floor. She's had better places to sleep, the girl thinks to herself while grasping for her head, feeling exposed without her hat. She'd slept for quite some time, judging by the lack of light falling through the small window. The walker grasping through it when the two had entered seems to have left, most likely to find a different, more accessible prey. Supporting herself against the crates of useless trinkets and belongings of a long-forgotten time, Clementine moves towards a small silhouette softly weeping in the corner of the room. Every step seems heavier than the last as Clementine approaches the girl, seemingly engulfed in the shadows, before finally sitting down next to her. A steady flow of tears stain Clementine's shirt as she pulls the little girl close to her, letting her head fall onto her chest. Clementine gently runs her hand through Tara's stubby hair until the younger girl's breath becomes calmer, the stream less steady. The room becomes silent and for one incredibly short, but perfect second, Clementine feels peaceful.
(Music for added atmosphere;
"Why isn't she here?" A small voice breaks the silence. Frowning, Clementine looks down at the younger girl. "What do you mean?" She hesitantly asks, despite knowing exactly what she means, but being too afraid to admit it. "Danielle. Why isn't she with us? I thought she was our friend." The older girl looks at the window high up in the wall. Somewhere not too far, just outside of this damp cellar, Danielle chose to keep fighting among a sea of walking corpses and women who looked indistinguishable, instead of following the two only girls who had cared for her over the last couple of days. "I... I..." Clementine stutters. Memories from their long history together flash through her mind as she realizes the answer. "I hurt her." Every word feels like a stab to the heart. A terrible confession, the horrifying truth she was finally able to admit. "Sometimes, my mom and dad used to fight." Tara begins, her tone duller than Clementine had gotten used to. "One time, they fought so much mom had to cry and daddy walked away." The words linger in the air, Clementine doesn't know what to say. "Oh." She finally exclaims. "I miss him. Kind of. I never liked when he screamed." Apparently feeling like she had said enough, Tara lays her head onto her friend's lap. The older girl manages to put on a faint smile as she catches a glimpse of Tara's innocent face, an innocence seemingly unfazed by the horrors the world has thrown at her. An innocence that worries her a bit. Shrugging off the thought, Clementine looks around the cellar one last time. "We're going to get out of here." She whispers while closing her eyes to take a quick nap.
"What could possibly go wrong?" She thinks to herself before falling asleep with her head pressed against the cold wall.
well done, mate - well done
Turning her back on that unwelcome incident she rushes back to her haven in a swift yet steady manner. The rocky and uneven ground is being crossed by her perfectly even with high heels. Ava used to avoid them during the outbreak. Everything has changed so quickly from one day to the next until she hadn't recognized herself anymore. In the end there were no wealth, no class, no dignity. Instead of that suddenly poverty, shabbiness, unworthiness. These days are over, luckily. One day she had made a decision: "Not me.". This had led to the reputation as well as influence she has gained by her community - this had led to the success that is Ashley. "Fight the dead with all means necessary - apart from that: live the life you would have lived before.", is one of the points in her manifest. She used to be a lady back then - why would she change that now?
The timing couldn't be worse: Lunch was almost done, which means the women shall come together very soon. Ava presses her lips together with a touch of stress. That suicide sure upset the entire community. It's pretty likely they're going to speculate about it, raising to question Ava's abilities and intentions. The speech she had set right down to the last detail is endangered, thanks to the idiotic and unattentive mercenaries. The door behind her closes with a loud bang as she presses her back to it with her eyes closed. "I have to improvise, and I must not make a single mistake.", she says to herself loudly and steadily. The cracking noise of a talkie brings her back down to earth. Slowly she raises it from the table, where the written speech is laying, to her mouth. "What is it." It cracks once again. "It's me, mam. I've got everything under control. Two of the responsible security guards have been determined and will undergo the consequences this night. The women are unsettled, though. Some of them are even trying to rile the others up for resistance. I've just seen that lunch is almost done, already. I think it's best we ring the bell in order to break up this situation - what else can we do but distract them?" Putting her hand on the sheets of paper, then raising it to her chest Ava responds: "Magnificent work, Patrick. I'll see you in the dining hall.". Whilst rolling up her speech she activates a switch behind the table and the dinner bell rings through the speakers. Ava steps to the mirror, ironing her dress with her palms, then tucks a stray streak back in its place. Everything's neat and clean. "It's showtime." As she hovers towards the stairs behind the door with her dress swaying she passes the window. The sudden sight makes her cringe: dead people walking. What once used to be an intact and sturdy fence is now being crossed by the horrible monsters. Judging by the look someone has obviously cut a huge hole into it. Ava drops her paper sheets in a state of shock. "A traitor.", she mumbles, standing there in apathy. "I am not the traitor - you are."
Awesome post as always!
tumbleweed passing
Startled, Ava reaches for her hip, where her revolver idly hangs by, waiting to be picked up by its master. "Don't even think about it." A strong voice is heard from behind her. The unmistakable sound of a gun being loaded echoes through the room. Every hair on the woman's body stands upright as she slowly but surely raises her gloved hands into the air. The unknown attacker moves towards their target step by step, every second painstakingly long. A single drop of sweat runs down the posh woman's back as the cold barrel of a loaded gun touches her neck. Ava struggles to control her every breath. Just one wrong move, a single gust of wind, and she could be laying in a puddle of her own blood, a bullet hole torn through her tender skin and flesh. "Two weeks." The mysterious shadow starts to talk. "Two weeks is all it takes to tear a woman apart, to make her lose every single shred of humanity she had left." The feminine voice is calm, yet an unmistakable passion shows itself in every word. "You took them." Her words linger in the air like the smoke of a cigar. "You locked them up like animals!" Her voice is shaking, at a pitch higher than before. She's weak, Ava thinks to herself. A twisted smirk forms on her face. A way out. "You made them suffer." The mysterious woman continues, tears rolling down her face. "I'm here to return the favor." Ava bluntly falls to the ground as the woman kicks her in the back of the knees, her face lightly pressed against the dirt-ridden windows.
(Listen for atmosphere;
"Look at what you've done..." Ava mumbles with a smile on her face. Slightly confused, the woman weakens her grip on the gun. "All of those women... All of their families..." The woman slowly steps backwards, a terrible cry emitting from deep within her. "No..." She stutters as her weapon falls to the ground. Ava presses her heels into the dusty floor and swiftly boosts herself up. The woman mutters a vague threat as Ava grabs her revolver, checking the magazine to make sure it's loaded. Heel, toe, heel, toe. The lady floats her way towards the woman, her velvet dress dancing with every movement. "What's your name, dear?" She politely asks. The woman mumbles. "Speak up, dear." Her breathing uncontrollable, the woman looks up in confusion. "My name... My name is Giselle." Ava reaches out to her with a graceful gesture. Hesitantly, Giselle takes her hand and gets lifted off the floor and onto her sturdy boots. "Giselle, dear, you don't have to cry. Those women can still be saved." A spark of hope lights her eyes like a well-kept campfire reaching its flames across the starry skies. "Come here. It'll be okay." Opening their arms, the women move in for a comforting embrace. Giselle couldn't be happier. The warm breath of another living being in the back of her neck. The sweet smell of a rosy perfume widening her nostrils. The cold barrel of a gun pressed into her stomach. A deafening bang piercing through her ears. The terrifying warmth of hot lead burning her insides. Giselle collapses to the ground, desperately clenching onto her abdomen as the the red-clad lady floats away, just like she had come.
Heel, toe, heel, toe. And a smile firmly planted on her face.