Interesting Alternative Choice
So in Episode 5, you choose to help Luke or cover Luke. And then, if you cover Luke, Bonnie runs over and breaks the ice. So what if telltale made this a threeway choice. Bonnie is already determinate, as she dies if you don't break the ice. What if when you covered Luke, when Bonnie starts running over, you had the option to either (Shoot Bonnie) or (Let Her). If you shoot Bonnie, she dies, but Luke lives, and he's angry that you shot Bonnie, thinking she could have made it. However, if you let her run, it plays out as it normally does. Then, if Luke lives, after you shot Bonnie and Kenny mistreats Arvo, he could decide to leave with Mike, instead of Bonnie leaving. I think it would have been really interesting if this played out, as it would have been the ultimate "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain", as well as allowing us to have more Luke time, which is always a good thing.
So all in all, there should have been four outcomes:
You help Luke, Luke dies, Bonnie leaves with Mike
You cover Luke, you don't shoot Bonnie, you break the ice, Luke dies but Bonnie lives, Bonnie leaves with Mike
You cover Luke, you do shoot Bonnie, Luke lives, but he leaves with Mike.
You cover Luke, you don't shoot Bonnie, you don't break the ice, they both die.
Thoughts? Opinions?
I think it´d be kinda OOC of Luke to leave the group.
Not bad.
I think that Luke, being the moral light he is, would be appalled if you shot Bonnie. It would take a very pragmatic Clem to shoot Bonnie, and knowing Luke, who couldn't stomach shooting Carver, it would be horrifying. I doubt we'd be able to justify it to him, even considering it saves his life. Combined with Kenny's actions, which he's shown to butt heads with before, I think he'd be over it. However, I agree that it would probably be OOC for him to take all the supplies, but then again, I think that taking all the supplies was OOC for Mike and Bonnie (determinate) too.
Eh, Luke can disapprove of at least of two of Clem´s actions (robbing and watching Carver die) through the game and nothing changed much so I don´t know. Also, taking the supplies is basically leaving at least a child and a baby to die, I just can´t see him doing that.
I´m Luke biased though...
Fair enough, but let's be frank, did anything you did in 203 really MATTER? I don't think Luke even mentions Nick's determinate death in that episode, so I don't think that's the best example. I'll agree to disagree though.
While I agree with you on the whole Luke leaving because of how amoral/immoral Clem and Kenny would be in his eyes, I don't think he would leave with just supplies, he would probably try and take Alvin jr. too.
But Luke would never do something like that!
Honestly, I have to thank you. Most people aren´t this generous around here.
I agree with that. Perhaps when you're approaching Mike and Arvo by the car, Mike could say something along the lines of "Okay, after Luke grabs the supplies, we'll just grab AJ and go"? Because I think Luke respects Rebecca too much to just abandon AJ straight up, you're right.
Yeah if Luke lived I dont think he would ditch.