The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @sweetpeaclem cuteness alert ^ XD aww even to a guy like me that's cute :'D

  • Because I'm special.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD that's a bit strange why do you have it?

  • Wooooord hold up time to get them lotion and tissue ready.

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    Wow. Just because Emma Watson gave a speech on gender equality, men are threatening to hack and leak nudes of her (if they even exist). T

  • Nah, you did good. ayy lmao. B]

    Lol, I did have trouble with some words, I can't pronounce the cr and the pr like you guys do. Oh well. Lol, yep, I falied, haha.

  • edited September 2014

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    EMMA WATSON.....EMMA...WATSON THEY CAN GTFO oh no not her pls :'(

    But can I point out don't base an entire gender on the minority the people involved should get the abuse not the male gender as it's unfair as for myself I adored that speech I even posted it here and loved her not just for the bravery but for the content and intelligence of that speech.

    This is sick and I hope the people involved get punished accordingly

    Wow. Just because Emma Watson gave a speech on gender equality, men are threatening to hack and leak nudes of her (if they even exist). T

  • edited November 2015


    Yours is cuter.

  • I tried she won't evil partner :'(

    But I like your voice Maddi. ;-; And you think mine is soft because I was being low, when I'm loud is really high pitched, lol.

  • I'm not generalizing all men, I worded it like "these men", referring to the specific group of men that behave like this.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    EMMA WATSON.....EMMA...WATSON THEY CAN GTFO oh no not her pls But can I point out don't base an entire gender on the minority the people

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    Wooooord hold up time to get them lotion and tissue ready.

  • You don't suck, you're awesome :D

    blueneon posted: »

    Sometimes I just sit there and wonder... why do I suck so much?

  • Sorry, I hate it when people call me cute, but maybe you like it :P


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    Not even a little giggle?

  • You don't suck at all.

    blueneon posted: »

    Sometimes I just sit there and wonder... why do I suck so much?

  • edited September 2014

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    Ok Emma Watson is a sensitive subject for me :'*(

    btw answering your PM for once too would be great :P

    I'm not generalizing all men, I worded it like "these men", referring to the specific group of men that behave like this.


    Wooooord hold up time to get them lotion and tissue ready.

  • Men suck :[D

    Wow. Just because Emma Watson gave a speech on gender equality, men are threatening to hack and leak nudes of her (if they even exist). T

  • Random is a word that can be used for many. Pancake wars?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    You are one of the funniest and most randomly brilliant people here your awesome you mean :P

  • Psst bragging about how much you're a gamer gurl puts you in the other half

    Oh but I like that the gamecube is playing with Rapunzel and Tiana I approve.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    All the gamer gurls up in here

  • I do suck. My ice cream.

    You don't suck.

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    blueneon posted: »

    From Gustav. Listen to the end.

  • Not as awesome as you Semen. ;}

    You don't suck, you're awesome

  • edited September 2014

    You don 't know that... By the way if you need my Muffin Healing powers ever again then tell me.

    You don't suck at all.

    edited September 2014

    FU THEN ;-;

    I don't have classes until next next sunday bruh

  • played the shit out of Wind Waker and Melee on that

    mari me pls

    Lol The Gamecube my 6th generation console played the shit out of Wind Waker and Melee on that.

  • KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So fucking cute. ^_^

  • u cray.

    blueneon posted: »

    Sometimes I just sit there and wonder... why do I suck so much?

  • Alright, alright, I'll post my voice after my errand :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Ok Emma Watson is a sensitive subject for me :'*( btw answering your PM for once too would be great :P

  • Wait, just because she fights for what she believes in they're threatening to leak nudes of her?

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    Wow. Just because Emma Watson gave a speech on gender equality, men are threatening to hack and leak nudes of her (if they even exist). T

  • I agree :[D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Men suck :[D

  • I am never genlte!


















    That did not sound at all the way I wanted it to.

    Ooook I just rip that shit right off I don't do gentle shit.

  • edited September 2014

    Of course it does. How do you think he just appeared next to those two guys in the movie whose name I seem to not remember?

    It all makes sense now...

  • :) That's something. Don't take it like I was bashing your comment I agree it's pretty fucked up that they would threaten to reveal her pics for something so stupid our generation is supposed to be the one to eradicate Racism, Sexism and all other types of ism there is but I guess some people still live in the past.

  • Not the first and not the last time I will hear it. But it usuall has an ''n'' in the end.

    Twistee posted: »

    u cray.

  • xD Niiiigggaaa

    AWESOMEO posted: »


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    Ok pls you will be awesome don't worry :'/

    Alright, alright, I'll post my voice after my errand

  • People suck. I hate everyone, that's the proper way x)

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Men suck :[D

  • Why do I miss everythinggggxhfid ;_____;

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