The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Toy Story probably.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Okay everyone, random question. What is your favorite Disney movie? Mine is Treasure Planet

  • Still Ben's. XD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    So, who's voice is better now? Benuseful's or Jewf's?

  • It 's ok, Gustav is helping me.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Oh, I don't know then. Sorry

  • Damn insomnia! :(

    I finally caught a cold so now my throat is ticklish and my allergies are going bonkers. Damn allergies keeps me awake. -___-

    Nope, just trying to get some sleep. I'm tired but I can't sleep ;_;

  • edited November 2015


    blueneon posted: »

    So, Woodbury helped me record my voise. But due to my noobisity I don 't know how to upload it. Does anyone want to help?

  • I have help now, but thanks. :}


  • k

    Twistee posted: »

    am sry ;-;

  • Lol. XD

    I believe it was when I was posting... ahem, the glowing nipples guy that one day. xD

  • I believe it was when I was posting... ahem, the glowing nipples guy that one day. xD

    blueneon posted: »

    HI! I don 't know what the last time I saaw you was! Well, I never did, but you know.

  • Which one? out of Toy Story 1-3, i probably liked 2 the most.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Toy Story probably.

  • edited November 2015


    blueneon posted: »

    I have help now, but thanks. :}

  • The Little Mermaid and Tangled

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Okay everyone, random question. What is your favorite Disney movie? Mine is Treasure Planet

  • You were a huge help. :}


  • I didn't watch all of The Little Mermaid, but i did like Tangled, good movie. Hell, all Disney movies are good.

    The Little Mermaid and Tangled

  • Ramn, get well soon.

    Damn insomnia! I finally caught a cold so now my throat is ticklish and my allergies are going bonkers. Damn allergies keeps me awake. -___-

  • Exept for Frozen.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I didn't watch all of The Little Mermaid, but i did like Tangled, good movie. Hell, all Disney movies are good.

  • But TLM is one of the main Disney movies! That's like saying you haven't seen The Lion King or Snow White.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I didn't watch all of The Little Mermaid, but i did like Tangled, good movie. Hell, all Disney movies are good.

  • So I discovered we're doing voice recordings.... hmm, I'll might join in sometime. Probably.

  • 1.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Which one? out of Toy Story 1-3, i probably liked 2 the most.

  • edited September 2014


    Okay I'll ram the shit out of you...! >:D

    Alt text

    Boop. :3

    Ramn, get well soon.

  • Frozen was good, just not great.

    blueneon posted: »

    Exept for Frozen.

  • Beauty and the beast, toy story, UP, wall-e, And lion king.

    Alt text

    This part always gets me :(

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Okay everyone, random question. What is your favorite Disney movie? Mine is Treasure Planet

  • I know. I just never got around to it. :p

    But TLM is one of the main Disney movies! That's like saying you haven't seen The Lion King or Snow White.

  • LOL, ramn auto-correct!

    Ramn Okay I'll ram the shit out of you...! >:D Boop.

  • edited November 2015


    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Okay everyone, random question. What is your favorite Disney movie? Mine is Treasure Planet

  • A lot of people complain about Frozen because it was talked about so damn much, but honestly it was a good movie. Do I think it's the best Disney movie ever? Not even close. I have my complaints about it, but it had a great soundtrack, meticulously researched and detailed animation, and a good message.

    There is such a bad thing as a Disney movie. I can name a couple that are regarded by my fellow Disnerds as lowpoints in Disney's history. Though I happen to like a couple of them xD

    blueneon posted: »

    Exept for Frozen.

  • Step 1: record your voice on your phone.

    Step 2: transfer it to your computer.

    Step 3: upload it on


    blueneon posted: »

    So, Woodbury helped me record my voise. But due to my noobisity I don 't know how to upload it. Does anyone want to help?

  • It was ok. And a cliche super hero movie with princeses.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Frozen was good, just not great.


    Beauty and the beast, toy story, UP, wall-e, And lion king. This part always gets me

  • B}

    Step 1: record your voice on your phone. Step 2: transfer it to your computer. Step 3: upload it on DONE

  • Alt text

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I know. I just never got around to it.

  • Cmon man, don't bring the feels back to me. (ithoughtthatbambi'smumwassadderthough)

    Beauty and the beast, toy story, UP, wall-e, And lion king. This part always gets me

  • You have solid points. I 'll give you that. But I thinlk that with disney standrds it was not good. When they have made movies that made us cry, laugh and tell them to go fuck themselves because we wanted more, then a movie with an ok soundtrack (for about 30 minutes, then it gets worst) I will not say it was a good movie. I am sorry.

    A lot of people complain about Frozen because it was talked about so damn much, but honestly it was a good movie. Do I think it's the best D

  • Toy Story I guess, but only the first 2.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Okay everyone, random question. What is your favorite Disney movie? Mine is Treasure Planet

  • Solid choices, I don't see Wall-E mentioned very often, but I thought it was a great movie.

    Beauty and the beast, toy story, UP, wall-e, And lion king. This part always gets me


    Step 1: record your voice on your phone. Step 2: transfer it to your computer. Step 3: upload it on DONE

  • stahppppp </3

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Yeah, "fairy dust"

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited September 2014

    Alt text

    Yeah, "fairy dust"

  • It's okay, I just think people's opinions of Frozen get over-saturated with negativity in response to all the praise it got.

    blueneon posted: »

    You have solid points. I 'll give you that. But I thinlk that with disney standrds it was not good. When they have made movies that made us

  • Hercules maybe?

    I like Lion King as well.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Okay everyone, random question. What is your favorite Disney movie? Mine is Treasure Planet

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