Unofficial TWDG Photoshop Request Thread



  • LOL

    CSN2014 posted: »

    oh god please no.

  • He literally drove me to insanity.

    lee4life posted: »


  • I miss him.


  • Me too. His death was not fair. He deserved better.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I miss him. ;_;

  • edited September 2014

    This is not a PS work, but not a piece of fanart either. I just put it here to light some moods~

    The final fight always hurts me. But today I learnt how to swap, and then make this:

    3 Clems Make a Play

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    "You are both being children"

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    Something is wrong so two of the Clems can't get normal facial expressions...
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    What're you searching for, Clem?
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    Er... My arm!
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    Look where you put the knife, Clem! You'll hurt yourself...
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    These facial expressions...
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    You swear too much, Clem...
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    Keep the hair short, Clem!
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    END1: Shoot Clem. Then you'll go with Clem.
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    END2: Let Clem die. Then you'll also go with Clem.
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    END3: Let one Clem die and then shoot any other... All the dead lie down. Clem's alone to go on~
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    PS. It looks more horrible when two kids are trying to kill each other....But with the idiotic facial expressions it can also make you laugh...

    Here's something more~

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  • I think there is one is a past page.

  • If we don 't mind her arms looking like a broken action figure then it is pretty acurate.

  • Yeah I kinda messed up on the arms :P

    blueneon posted: »

    If we don 't mind her arms looking like a broken action figure then it is pretty acurate.

  • Really good, ahahah! I prefer the first one with Nick/Pete, Carver/Bonnie.

    24601 posted: »

    So glad that I'm finally able to post pics! Here's some bad jokes I made... The background story is this: In ancient China, if you had

  • You did.

    lee4life posted: »

    Yeah I kinda messed up on the arms :P

  • :P

    blueneon posted: »

    You did.

  • Are you fucking kidding me?

    Is Lee a demon or an angel?

  • I prefer that one, too. It's the first one that comes to my head, so it goes more naturally. The others take me more time.

    Really good, ahahah! I prefer the first one with Nick/Pete, Carver/Bonnie.

  • Jesus Christ.

    Are you fucking kidding me?

  • Im open to nay requests the next person to request i shall take on the challenge

  • I want Nick->little Elsa, Luke-> little Anna. They play in the hall and Nick accidently hurt Luke in his head, holding him calling "Uncle Pete"!

    Or, Could you make Luke-> Enjolras Nick->Grantaire? It could be any moment during the stage musical or in the film.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Im open to nay requests the next person to request i shall take on the challenge

  • from frozen?

    24601 posted: »

    I want Nick->little Elsa, Luke-> little Anna. They play in the hall and Nick accidently hurt Luke in his head, holding him calling "Un

  • YES! Thank you!

    Lehfeels posted: »

    from frozen?

  • Alt text

    24601 posted: »

    YES! Thank you!

  • Thank you! Luke's eyes look so golden! (_)

  • I'll be glad to take your next request~ Though I'm not so good at PS.

  • edited September 2014

    I dont use photoshop i use quick easy free program that you can use in your browser no download needed ill link you it

    It includes a cutout tool so you can cut character heads out of photos with ease

    24601 posted: »

    I'll be glad to take your next request~ Though I'm not so good at PS.

  • And i you to put winstons head on a guy in a church and do his funny saying its been done before but you can do a unique 1

    24601 posted: »

    I'll be glad to take your next request~ Though I'm not so good at PS.

  • edited September 2014


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    I use the scence in the film Les Miserables... It's when Valjean is dying and the bishop leading his soul to the Lord... I change bishop->Clem & Valjean->Winston. The original pics are like this:

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    And I also make this:

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    I try my best but they still look. like. idiots...

  • Thank you for the link~

    Lehfeels posted: »

    I dont use photoshop i use quick easy free program that you can use in your browser no download needed ill link you it

  • wow u did good with that tool on pizap good job

  • Sorry that I still used Photoshop (T_T) ... The link is awesome, but the Internet in where I live is bad, so it loads too slow....

    Lehfeels posted: »

    wow u did good with that tool on pizap good job

  • wow good job photoshop is hard to do and that takes skill to do on photoshop

    24601 posted: »

    Sorry that I still used Photoshop (T_T) ... The link is awesome, but the Internet in where I live is bad, so it loads too slow....

  • edited November 2014

    But you spelled it wrong i think unless that was intended

    24601 posted: »

    Sorry that I still used Photoshop (T_T) ... The link is awesome, but the Internet in where I live is bad, so it loads too slow....

  • I only know the basic skills... but that's just enough to put one's head on another~

    Lehfeels posted: »

    wow good job photoshop is hard to do and that takes skill to do on photoshop

  • ...Sorry for that! I'll correct it...

    Lehfeels posted: »

    But you spelled it wrong i think unless that was intended

  • edited September 2014

    Here we go:

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Sorry for the mistake... I'm not a native English speaker and crazy spelling shit just comes out of my fingers... I don't mean to "fukcing kidding" you~

    Lehfeels posted: »

    wow u did good with that tool on pizap good job

  • I wanted a less intense image of Kenny but I'm happy with how this turned out

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  • That's amazing!

    benchesh posted: »

    I wanted a less intense image of Kenny but I'm happy with how this turned out

  • Well done! :}

    benchesh posted: »

    I wanted a less intense image of Kenny but I'm happy with how this turned out


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Got Bored

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