Season 1. Larry
2. Lilly
3. Danny
4. Andy
5. the stranger
Season 2.
1. Sam the doge
2. carver
3. Troy
4. carvers gang
5. mike
6. bonnie
7. Arvo
8. Jane
Christa. What a bitch. She is constantly a bitch to Lee, until he gets bit. Then she does a 360 (not Xbox), and starts being nice. She blames Clementine. Even if it was her fault, you still don't blame a child. By the end of the 16 months, she was done with Clementine. That is the thing guys, she doesn't want Clementine in her life. Every time she looks at Clementine, she thinks about Omid/Omid Jr. She blames Clementine, think she just ran for it. She never looked back. The scavengers gave Christa a excuse to leave. So she did.
I do like closure. I was half expected to see her dead corpse on the way back to Carver's camp in EP 3.
Mark- Who the hell is this guy. He never knew how to shut his mouth. I'm like not giving the cannibals any personal info because I'm a pretty paranoid, non trusting individual. He is telling them everything about us, why didn't the game give me a choice to slap him like Sarah. When he tells me not to eat dinner,
Gee Really!
Thanks Mark. I really needed to know that. I thought they got the Barbeque meat from WalMart. That explains why it is so disgusting.
Vernon- I hate thieves. He screwed us, all of us. He stole our hope, and that is a dangerous thing to lose in the ZA. If i ever see this guy again and the game gives me the chance, he is so getting the Salt Lick Sub. I don't care what his reasons where, and i don't forgive him. He is a piece of crap, and a thief. I didn't steal from the stranger. So don't give me that argument.
Stranger- For obvious reasons. That i won't even bother getting into,
Sam the dog- When that dog bit me , it brought me back when i was a young kid and a neighborhood dog attacked me. I didn't care what its reasons were, i walked away without killing it. My question to Clementine is why didn't she finish the can of beans. I would have.
Alvin- Biggest Beta Male. This guy had no balls. He goes and asks Clementine to go search in a building because he didn't want to do it. Who does that, then asks Clementine to lie for him so Rebecca can eat all the food. I understand that she is pregnant but i felt it wasn't my decision to make, it should have been a Group decision. He wasn't that bad of a guy, but i didn't care if he lived/died other than a little guilt i may have felt when Rebecca cries about Alvin. OOPS.
Why wasn't there a dialogue choice that said " Alvin stop being stupid, you being a Martyr won't keep your wife and child safe." No telltale, all i got was a THANK YOU ALVIN.
Jane- She started the fight between Kenny and Jane which caused this whole hailstorm we are living in now. So the best you can hope for is Kenny becomes "determinant.", or you end Kenny which is equally as painful, because you know even if you didn't like Kenny. You still thought his character was necessary for S&G. He got tons of great Quotes. "SPEAK AMERICAN." Am i the only one who thought Kenny was Funny as Shit.
Anyways back to Jane. She killed Troy. A guy i kind of actually liked because i saw potential in him. He did save Clementine's life. I wanted to see if they could write him in a way that would make fans care if he lived/died. I was all excited to see him come with us. See if he could redeem himself.
NO, Jane shoots him in the Penis like she is ordering Starbucks. @ that moment i knew she was untrustworthy. Who can do that, look someone straight in the eyes and shoot them. When you shoot someone, it changes who you are, and it isn't a easy thing to do. It gets easier by the tenth guy though.
The way she murders Troy, then gives a little speech how she never Murdered someone who never "wronged" her. Who actually believes that. She had no remorse for killing Troy. She is a nut job, and i think its pretty funny how how some people don't realize they are being manipulated.
Honorable Mentions
S1 Chuck - I probably would have thrown the hobo off the train after hearing Clementine tell me what he said. He wouldn't of had a chance to explain himself. Who does that. You don't go and tell a child that they're going to die to make a point. That is stupid.
S2 Arvo- I understand everything he did, well maybe not shoot Clementine. I don't blame him for anything because i probably would of done the exact same thing if i was in his shoes. You have to look at his perspective, there is a nut job guy beating the crap out of you, you have to develop some sort of strategy to live. He manipulated Bonnie/Mike, Kenny/Jane sure didn't help the situations, and it unfolded like it did.
Mike and Bonnie i don't blame them for leaving. You really shouldn't. You can't force someone to stay with you. Though it was kind of shady they took all the supplies/truck. I could explain that away as them being scared. People do crazy shit when they're scared.
Season 1. Larry
2. Lilly
3. Danny
4. Andy
5. the stranger
Season 2.
1. Sam the doge
2. carver
3. Troy
4. carvers gang
5. mike
6. bonnie
7. Arvo
8. Jane
If Mike was actually going to die from the arrow (which he wasnt), i wouldnt have had any problems with Andy. Of course i wouldnt approve eating human flesh, or do it myself, but i wouldnt cause drama over it.
If Mike was actually going to die from the arrow (which he wasnt), i wouldnt have had any problems with Andy. Of course i wouldnt approve eating human flesh, or do it myself, but i wouldnt cause drama over it.
Season 1:
1. The stranger. He is the reason lee died. Nuff said
2. Ben. Words cannot express what went through my head when he pulled the hatchet out of the door in crawford. Needless to say he died there.
3. Larry. I dont really feel like this one needs explaining. Not once was he ever even remotely civil to you even if you give him food.
4. Lily. She shot carley just as it was seeming like we would have a romance option with her. Plus she is annoying
Season 2:
1. Carver. He was just so unlikable in almost every way plus he hits clem.
2. Arvo. FUCK ARVO
3. Rebecca. I really could not stand her personality even after she apologizes for being queen bitch during episode 1.
4. Bonnie. She did nothing but complain about how i dont trust her and then prove why i shouldnt trust her by betraying me time and time again.
Well why should i? If they eat people who would die anyway, why should it concern me? Only difference is that in the game they actually killed Mark, he wasnt going to die from the arrow. So as i said, if they only ate people who were going to die anyway, it would have been different.
Well why should i? If they eat people who would die anyway, why should it concern me? Only difference is that in the game they actually kill… moreed Mark, he wasnt going to die from the arrow. So as i said, if they only ate people who were going to die anyway, it would have been different.
yeah they did, he invited bonnie in, instead of the rational thing, the 3 questions: 1, How many walkers have you killed. 2, How many people have you killed. 3, are you bitten or a threat to us? Rick, TWD S4
Well why should i? If they eat people who would die anyway, why should it concern me? Only difference is that in the game they actually kill… moreed Mark, he wasnt going to die from the arrow. So as i said, if they only ate people who were going to die anyway, it would have been different.
I hated Kenny. Selfish asshole in Season 1 who was willing to let an 8 year old die because I never took his side 100% when in reality I helped him at least 82% of the time. This sums him up perfectly.
Lee: Molly saved your life twice
Kenny: Yeah, but what's she done for me lately?
I loved telling him to go fuck himself. The greatest moment in the entire series.
Kenny: You haven't had my back all the time Lee and I wonder if you would do the same for me if it was Duck.
Lee: "You know what, Kenny? Go fuck yourself. You want to let a little girl die just because I didn't have your back every damn minute? Fuck you, man. Do whatever the fuck you want."
okay, okay okay okay, dude. 1 christa did NOT hate clem she didn't blame her, she knew clem was all she had left in the world and every time she looks at her shes reminded of the life a little girl is supposed to have. and she feels bad, and that also brings up memories of omid, and especially how clem protected him (if you choose to make clem stay in the house for the trip to crawford) in episode 4. 2. arvo was tired of watching people die, and the constant hate he got from kenny, and clem didnt help out much by stealing supplies, and killing is sister in cold blood, i dont care if she was a walker, she could have just crippled her, and let arvo say his goodbyes. thats what i would have done, i dont blame arvo for ANYTHING, he did what i would probably do in the ZA, and did it to survive. 3. ALVIN, has no balls? did you keep alvin alive in episode 2? you know he goes total badass in episode 3 right? i have made my statement make a comeback as you will, i'll be busy being awesome. now, all the people on my left better duck, because im about to turn left, and i dont wanna hit any of you with my dick
Christa. What a bitch. She is constantly a bitch to Lee, until he gets bit. Then she does a 360 (not Xbox), and starts being nice. She blam… morees Clementine. Even if it was her fault, you still don't blame a child. By the end of the 16 months, she was done with Clementine. That is the thing guys, she doesn't want Clementine in her life. Every time she looks at Clementine, she thinks about Omid/Omid Jr. She blames Clementine, think she just ran for it. She never looked back. The scavengers gave Christa a excuse to leave. So she did.
I do like closure. I was half expected to see her dead corpse on the way back to Carver's camp in EP 3.
Mark- Who the hell is this guy. He never knew how to shut his mouth. I'm like not giving the cannibals any personal info because I'm a pretty paranoid, non trusting individual. He is telling them everything about us, why didn't the game give me a choice to slap him like Sarah. When he tells me not… [view original content]
Christa. What a bitch. She is constantly a bitch to Lee, until he gets bit. Then she does a 360 (not Xbox), and starts being nice. She blam… morees Clementine. Even if it was her fault, you still don't blame a child. By the end of the 16 months, she was done with Clementine. That is the thing guys, she doesn't want Clementine in her life. Every time she looks at Clementine, she thinks about Omid/Omid Jr. She blames Clementine, think she just ran for it. She never looked back. The scavengers gave Christa a excuse to leave. So she did.
I do like closure. I was half expected to see her dead corpse on the way back to Carver's camp in EP 3.
Mark- Who the hell is this guy. He never knew how to shut his mouth. I'm like not giving the cannibals any personal info because I'm a pretty paranoid, non trusting individual. He is telling them everything about us, why didn't the game give me a choice to slap him like Sarah. When he tells me not… [view original content]
well im 15 if thats what your asking, and dont tell lee4life this but i wouldn't have a problem with letting them eat people who are gonna die, i'd be like, whateva do your own shit, but dont hurt my clemetine, sorry i was a douche
well im 15 if thats what your asking, and dont tell lee4life this but i wouldn't have a problem with letting them eat people who are gonna die, i'd be like, whateva do your own shit, but dont hurt my clemetine, sorry i was a douche
Sounds like you loathe her. Well this forum about characters you hate the most. Your hate towards Jane is your opinion and I respect that. My brother hates Luke.
I don't care if this is not a suitable answer to your question, but i hate the zombie's. I mean the very fact that people judge characters in this game as harsh and dislikable purely because their survivor mentality has changed their normal and natural attitudes or personalities seems unfair. I mean if you were in a hypothetical real life zombie apocalypse i'm fairly certain your own personality would change into something perhaps a bit more harsher or unbearable due to the new reality regardless if you disagree. I'm positive every character's personality in this game in their Pre-Apocalypse life would be quite normal and friendly if it weren't for this new unfortunate harsh reality coming to fruition.
okay, okay okay okay, dude. 1 christa did NOT hate clem she didn't blame her, she knew clem was all she had left in the world and every time… more she looks at her shes reminded of the life a little girl is supposed to have. and she feels bad, and that also brings up memories of omid, and especially how clem protected him (if you choose to make clem stay in the house for the trip to crawford) in episode 4. 2. arvo was tired of watching people die, and the constant hate he got from kenny, and clem didnt help out much by stealing supplies, and killing is sister in cold blood, i dont care if she was a walker, she could have just crippled her, and let arvo say his goodbyes. thats what i would have done, i dont blame arvo for ANYTHING, he did what i would probably do in the ZA, and did it to survive. 3. ALVIN, has no balls? did you keep alvin alive in episode 2? you know he goes total badass in episode 3 right? i have made my statement make a comeback a… [view original content]
Yep, I hold nothing against them. Also, I believe Michelle accidentally fired, it wasn't purposeful, though she isn't winning any brownie points either.
well i can agree on the stranger since your group stole his life, and michelle was just a girl trying to survive like clem, and clem becomes more like her later on, but carver?! who doesn't hate carver?!
Yep, I hold nothing against them. Also, I believe Michelle accidentally fired, it wasn't purposeful, though she isn't winning any brownie points either.
Kenny and Bonnie. I don't like Russel either.
Season 1.
season 2
Season 1. Larry
2. Lilly
3. Danny
4. Andy
5. the stranger
Season 2.
1. Sam the doge
2. carver
3. Troy
4. carvers gang
5. mike
6. bonnie
7. Arvo
8. Jane
Christa. What a bitch. She is constantly a bitch to Lee, until he gets bit. Then she does a 360 (not Xbox), and starts being nice. She blames Clementine. Even if it was her fault, you still don't blame a child. By the end of the 16 months, she was done with Clementine. That is the thing guys, she doesn't want Clementine in her life. Every time she looks at Clementine, she thinks about Omid/Omid Jr. She blames Clementine, think she just ran for it. She never looked back. The scavengers gave Christa a excuse to leave. So she did.
I do like closure. I was half expected to see her dead corpse on the way back to Carver's camp in EP 3.
Mark- Who the hell is this guy. He never knew how to shut his mouth. I'm like not giving the cannibals any personal info because I'm a pretty paranoid, non trusting individual. He is telling them everything about us, why didn't the game give me a choice to slap him like Sarah. When he tells me not to eat dinner,
Gee Really!
Thanks Mark. I really needed to know that. I thought they got the Barbeque meat from WalMart. That explains why it is so disgusting.
Vernon- I hate thieves. He screwed us, all of us. He stole our hope, and that is a dangerous thing to lose in the ZA. If i ever see this guy again and the game gives me the chance, he is so getting the Salt Lick Sub. I don't care what his reasons where, and i don't forgive him. He is a piece of crap, and a thief. I didn't steal from the stranger. So don't give me that argument.
Stranger- For obvious reasons. That i won't even bother getting into,
Sam the dog- When that dog bit me , it brought me back when i was a young kid and a neighborhood dog attacked me. I didn't care what its reasons were, i walked away without killing it. My question to Clementine is why didn't she finish the can of beans. I would have.
Alvin- Biggest Beta Male. This guy had no balls. He goes and asks Clementine to go search in a building because he didn't want to do it. Who does that, then asks Clementine to lie for him so Rebecca can eat all the food. I understand that she is pregnant but i felt it wasn't my decision to make, it should have been a Group decision. He wasn't that bad of a guy, but i didn't care if he lived/died other than a little guilt i may have felt when Rebecca cries about Alvin. OOPS.
Why wasn't there a dialogue choice that said " Alvin stop being stupid, you being a Martyr won't keep your wife and child safe." No telltale, all i got was a THANK YOU ALVIN.
Jane- She started the fight between Kenny and Jane which caused this whole hailstorm we are living in now. So the best you can hope for is Kenny becomes "determinant.", or you end Kenny which is equally as painful, because you know even if you didn't like Kenny. You still thought his character was necessary for S&G. He got tons of great Quotes. "SPEAK AMERICAN." Am i the only one who thought Kenny was Funny as Shit.
Anyways back to Jane. She killed Troy. A guy i kind of actually liked because i saw potential in him. He did save Clementine's life. I wanted to see if they could write him in a way that would make fans care if he lived/died. I was all excited to see him come with us. See if he could redeem himself.
NO, Jane shoots him in the Penis like she is ordering Starbucks. @ that moment i knew she was untrustworthy. Who can do that, look someone straight in the eyes and shoot them. When you shoot someone, it changes who you are, and it isn't a easy thing to do. It gets easier by the tenth guy though.
The way she murders Troy, then gives a little speech how she never Murdered someone who never "wronged" her. Who actually believes that. She had no remorse for killing Troy. She is a nut job, and i think its pretty funny how how some people don't realize they are being manipulated.
Honorable Mentions
S1 Chuck - I probably would have thrown the hobo off the train after hearing Clementine tell me what he said. He wouldn't of had a chance to explain himself. Who does that. You don't go and tell a child that they're going to die to make a point. That is stupid.
S2 Arvo- I understand everything he did, well maybe not shoot Clementine. I don't blame him for anything because i probably would of done the exact same thing if i was in his shoes. You have to look at his perspective, there is a nut job guy beating the crap out of you, you have to develop some sort of strategy to live. He manipulated Bonnie/Mike, Kenny/Jane sure didn't help the situations, and it unfolded like it did.
Mike and Bonnie i don't blame them for leaving. You really shouldn't. You can't force someone to stay with you. Though it was kind of shady they took all the supplies/truck. I could explain that away as them being scared. People do crazy shit when they're scared.
How could you hate Andy? I just felt sorry for him.
He wanted me to fuckin eat human legs for dinner...
If Mike was actually going to die from the arrow (which he wasnt), i wouldnt have had any problems with Andy. Of course i wouldnt approve eating human flesh, or do it myself, but i wouldnt cause drama over it.
Season 1:
1. The stranger. He is the reason lee died. Nuff said
2. Ben. Words cannot express what went through my head when he pulled the hatchet out of the door in crawford. Needless to say he died there.
3. Larry. I dont really feel like this one needs explaining. Not once was he ever even remotely civil to you even if you give him food.
4. Lily. She shot carley just as it was seeming like we would have a romance option with her. Plus she is annoying
Season 2:
1. Carver. He was just so unlikable in almost every way plus he hits clem.
2. Arvo. FUCK ARVO
3. Rebecca. I really could not stand her personality even after she apologizes for being queen bitch during episode 1.
4. Bonnie. She did nothing but complain about how i dont trust her and then prove why i shouldnt trust her by betraying me time and time again.
Yeah, i suppose there is no point trying to reason with kids.
You said you wouldn't cause drama with eating the human meat...
Yea I think I'll leave
Well why should i? If they eat people who would die anyway, why should it concern me? Only difference is that in the game they actually killed Mark, he wasnt going to die from the arrow. So as i said, if they only ate people who were going to die anyway, it would have been different.
You really are all about survival aren't you?
No? I already stated that I would never do it, but i wouldnt be judgemental if someone did that.
oh please. if he didn't save clem, then surely she would save herself, or kenny would go apeshit on that zombie bitch
yeah they did, he invited bonnie in, instead of the rational thing, the 3 questions: 1, How many walkers have you killed. 2, How many people have you killed. 3, are you bitten or a threat to us? Rick, TWD S4
I hated Kenny. Selfish asshole in Season 1 who was willing to let an 8 year old die because I never took his side 100% when in reality I helped him at least 82% of the time. This sums him up perfectly.
Lee: Molly saved your life twice
Kenny: Yeah, but what's she done for me lately?
I loved telling him to go fuck himself. The greatest moment in the entire series.
Kenny: You haven't had my back all the time Lee and I wonder if you would do the same for me if it was Duck.
Lee: "You know what, Kenny? Go fuck yourself. You want to let a little girl die just because I didn't have your back every damn minute? Fuck you, man. Do whatever the fuck you want."
okay, okay okay okay, dude. 1 christa did NOT hate clem she didn't blame her, she knew clem was all she had left in the world and every time she looks at her shes reminded of the life a little girl is supposed to have. and she feels bad, and that also brings up memories of omid, and especially how clem protected him (if you choose to make clem stay in the house for the trip to crawford) in episode 4. 2. arvo was tired of watching people die, and the constant hate he got from kenny, and clem didnt help out much by stealing supplies, and killing is sister in cold blood, i dont care if she was a walker, she could have just crippled her, and let arvo say his goodbyes. thats what i would have done, i dont blame arvo for ANYTHING, he did what i would probably do in the ZA, and did it to survive. 3. ALVIN, has no balls? did you keep alvin alive in episode 2? you know he goes total badass in episode 3 right? i have made my statement make a comeback as you will, i'll be busy being awesome. now, all the people on my left better duck, because im about to turn left, and i dont wanna hit any of you with my dick
Whats your problem?
llol jk, i just hate jane, and your profile pic is jane, no offense i just wanted to be included ;_; XD
Season 1:
No one, really.
Season 2:
1 Jane
2 Jane
3 Jane
4 Carver
5 Did i say Jane ?
also in 400 days its confirmed that vernon is dead.
So you are a kid...
To be honest, I don't hate anyone.
well im 15 if thats what your asking, and dont tell lee4life this but i wouldn't have a problem with letting them eat people who are gonna die, i'd be like, whateva do your own shit, but dont hurt my clemetine, sorry i was a douche
Theres so many kids in this forum... I guess i need to pick the people i debate with more carefully.
Sounds like you loathe her. Well this forum about characters you hate the most. Your hate towards Jane is your opinion and I respect that. My brother hates Luke.
I don't care if this is not a suitable answer to your question, but i hate the zombie's. I mean the very fact that people judge characters in this game as harsh and dislikable purely because their survivor mentality has changed their normal and natural attitudes or personalities seems unfair. I mean if you were in a hypothetical real life zombie apocalypse i'm fairly certain your own personality would change into something perhaps a bit more harsher or unbearable due to the new reality regardless if you disagree. I'm positive every character's personality in this game in their Pre-Apocalypse life would be quite normal and friendly if it weren't for this new unfortunate harsh reality coming to fruition.
Translate: TL:DU
hey, in words of lee everett. being little dont mean nothin
what does that mean excactly?
soooo, what you saying is you dont hate carver, or the stranger, or the bitch who shot omid, makes sense
no one loves jane (including me)
jane forever alone
The St Johns
The Stranger
Yep, I hold nothing against them. Also, I believe Michelle accidentally fired, it wasn't purposeful, though she isn't winning any brownie points either.
Honestly, the only character in season 1 I found a bit annoying was Christa. In season 2, I hated Jane, Sarah, and Carlos A LOT.
well i can agree on the stranger since your group stole his life, and michelle was just a girl trying to survive like clem, and clem becomes more like her later on, but carver?! who doesn't hate carver?!