Although I dont want Clementine as protagonist again, I see how people would want that.
The one thing I will argue against and wouldnt buy S3 because of is having Clementine as a secondary character. In terms of gameplay perspective, players would want to be overly protective of Clementine for a new character who would presumably not know Clementine that well. If they were someone that really cared for Clementine, it would seem too much of a shoe in replacement for Lee, maybe someone with their own story, but with the exact same purpose and would act in much the same way (since the player will presumably make the same types of decisions). If the character wasnt someone that wanted to act as Clementines caretaker, it would likely frustrate players that his/her goals are not in line with their own. Its just a bad idea all around to have Clementine as a main character, but not the protagonist.
You know what would seriously upset me? If certain telltale fans complain about season 3 if clem turns out to be the protagonist. I've seen fans on here complain just about everything.
Well I was disappointed when I heard Clem was the protagonist in S2, not the stupid "everyone boycott Telltale if they dont write things the way I want" kind of thing, but its a very legitimate complaint, especially since it would likely seriously marginalize the final choice players made in S2
You know what would seriously upset me? If certain telltale fans complain about season 3 if clem turns out to be the protagonist. I've seen fans on here complain just about everything.
I really want Clementine to remain the protagonist. I don't want to have another Clem/Lee relationship and start the cycle again with playing as another protective father figure. I really enjoy having her being independent and not having to rely too heavy on an adult taking care of her. It would undermine everything that her and Lee went through.
Well I was disappointed when I heard Clem was the protagonist in S2, not the stupid "everyone boycott Telltale if they dont write things the… more way I want" kind of thing, but its a very legitimate complaint, especially since it would likely seriously marginalize the final choice players made in S2
I think she's pretty much outgrown the need for a parental figure in all of her endings. She's either alone in Wellington, remaining with Kenny to keep him happy, sticking by Jane to keep her in check and build a new community, or completely alone with AJ.
I'd still like to play as Christa and interact with this new independent Clem.
I really want Clementine to remain the protagonist. I don't want to have another Clem/Lee relationship and start the cycle again with playin… moreg as another protective father figure. I really enjoy having her being independent and not having to rely too heavy on an adult taking care of her. It would undermine everything that her and Lee went through.
I'd like to keep playing as Clem to be honest. She's essentially a blank slate and is still growing. I think it would be fascinating as players to decide what sort of person she'll grow into. Christa in my opinion has an established personality and I feel like we'd know what choices she'd make based on it. I would like to see her again and find out what happened to her.
I think she's pretty much outgrown the need for a parental figure in all of her endings. She's either alone in Wellington, remaining with K… moreenny to keep him happy, sticking by Jane to keep her in check and build a new community, or completely alone with AJ.
I'd still like to play as Christa and interact with this new independent Clem.
this is not opinion, dude, this is logic. The endings in this episode are mutually exclusive so there cannot be a 3rd season with Clem as the protagonist. Sure, she may appear some place - a cameo - but she wont be the protagonist anymore. you guys are all dismissing the fact in favor of wishful thinking. And hey you know what, I HOPE I am wrong. I so hope i am wrong and Clem will be back and maybe they will do 3 different beginnings for season 3 (which would overly complicate things but let's say in theory). So this is not me opposing the idea per se, I just dont see it making sense.
As hard as it is for you to accept this people have right to make their own opinions. It's your opinion but you can't say that everyone else… more are in denial . Let me put it this way - you're saying that Clementine's story is over, okay. Maybe we're wrong BUT what if you're wrong? What are you saying is just theory just like Clem being protagonist for season 3 is just theory until Telltale will announce something officially.
really? How do you make one story out of scenario a) where kenny is killed and scenario b) where he goes with Clem to Wellington with scenario c) where clem goes with jane and kills Ken? Please elaborate.
It took me about two min to think up a way to write the story from three different starting points, each one with slight differences based on player choices, tying them all into one common location after about five min of game time.
really? How do you make one story out of scenario a) where kenny is killed and scenario b) where he goes with Clem to Wellington with scenario c) where clem goes with jane and kills Ken? Please elaborate.
Here's a copy/paste of a post of mine from an old topic that was discussing this very thing.
In actuality it took me about ten min to write:
I don't know, however here's how I'd probably write it:
With Jane and Family: Opens with Jane and Clem working on getting Howe's all set for long term survival. Things are looking up and both seem to be reasonably optimistic, except Jane's not sure the food stores will last long enough for everybody to make it till the next set of crops can be harvested. Jane mentions that at least they managed to find a lot of formula for AJ. Walkers attack through a location that the players saw earlier and took note that it was secure. Clem uses all of her bullets trying to fend off the walkers but they are forced to retreat to another location of Howe's, where the family is. Jane has an idea to make a lot of noise outside of Howe's to get the walkers out long enough to patch up the wall. The Dad repeatedly suggests that the place cannot be saved, and eventually cracks and admits to sabotaging the wall. He forces Jane and Clem to leave with AJ at gunpoint, but gives them some food and formula to take with them. As Jane and Clem are leaving with Howe's in the distance, you hear the noise that falls in line with Jane's suggestion for distracting the walkers. Jane reminds Clem that Jane isn't going to leave Clem as they are leaving, and that they will be fine. "It was probably stupid to try and hunker down anyway. It's best not to get too attached to any one location. At least they gave us the formula."
Jane and Clem run into a couple of guys driving a vehicle. These guys seem shady right off the bat. After a brief conversation one of the guys suggests that Clem and Jane "come along with them" eyeballing both Jane, Clem, and the supply bag. Regardless of what Clem says, Jane refuses, and tells Clem that these two give her a bad feeling. The two guys get out of the truck and say that they'd rather the two come along willingly and pulls a bat out of the car. "Ya'll are mighty pretty. Would hate to damage those pretty faces of yours. Just come along and you'll be fine." One guy tells the other to grab "the rope" out of the back of the trunk. Jane tells Clem to run as the two men attack Jane. Clem does run. A short way away Clem has the option to hide AJ and go back for Jane, or to keep running. If you go back you see the car speed off, but there's no sign of Jane.
Clem heads north and ends up in Wellington.
With Jane and no family. ^Same as above except that running into the family after the walker attack is a surprise. The dad makes it clear that Clem and Jane left him no choice and forces them to leave at gunpoint.
With Kenny, the opening scene has Kenny teaching Clem how to hunt, how to setup traps, and other such things. Kenny seems confident that they'll make it so long as they stick together. You get good scenes of exchanges between Kenny and Clem that make the player feel good about going with Kenny. Kenny and Clem get approached by the same two guys as in the Jane openings at some point. They ask if Clem and Kenny are from Wellington. Kenny says that they aren't, but one of the two says "Bullshit. Look at what they've got. They're setting up hunting traps for fuck sake. They've gotta be from Wellington" The two men attack. Kenny tells Clem to run. Clem runs away, has the option to go back for Kenny; you hear the car driving away and there's no sign of Kenny. Clem heads back to Wellington and they let her and AJ in.
^If you're in Wellington you're out with somebody who is teaching clem how to set traps and who plays the exact same role as Kenny in the ending above. The key difference is that when asked if they are from wellington the person Clem is with says that they are, and asks if those two are from (name of a group that the player hasn't been introduced to yet). The two say that they are and then attack. Person Clem is with tells Clem to run. Clem runs back to Wellington.
If you're alone you open with Clem raiding a minimart and finding formula and a stockpile of food that "should last us a while" (Clem's words). This opening has almost no dialogue and should rely on Clem's emotional state (determined, frustrated, lonely) to draw the player in. It has Clem feeding AJ and setting up a makeshift barricade that she supposes will be good for at least the night. She heads north and ends up in Wellington.
^^Take note that you've only really got 3 openings here with slight variations to save on production. Each opening establishes a lot of what is going on in a brief amount of time and in all three Clem ends up in Wellington without Kenny or Jane, though the fate of whoever was with Clem is "alive but off screen." The run time for each opening should be between five and ten min taking up a small portion of the first episode. The rest of the episode can kick off from here.
really? How do you make one story out of scenario a) where kenny is killed and scenario b) where he goes with Clem to Wellington with scenario c) where clem goes with jane and kills Ken? Please elaborate.
Here's a copy/paste of a post of mine from an old topic that was discussing this very thing.
In actuality it took me about ten min to wri… morete:
I don't know, however here's how I'd probably write it:
With Jane and Family: Opens with Jane and Clem working on getting Howe's all set for long term survival. Things are looking up and both seem to be reasonably optimistic, except Jane's not sure the food stores will last long enough for everybody to make it till the next set of crops can be harvested. Jane mentions that at least they managed to find a lot of formula for AJ. Walkers attack through a location that the players saw earlier and took note that it was secure. Clem uses all of her bullets trying to fend off the walkers but they are forced to retreat to another location of Howe's, where the family is. Jane has an idea to make a lot of noise outside of Howe's to get the walkers out long enough to patch up the wall. The Dad repeatedly s… [view original content]
The basic idea is that there's a lot of different ways to tie all three endings to a common plot point and still make it interesting. You don't need to spend a whole lot extra on production so long as you write it correctly.
I'm really hoping that Kenny/Jane's determinant status is treated in a way similar to this, where they are off the screen for very good story reasons so that they might make a cameo later on (like Mass Effect's Urdnot Wrex). I'm also really hoping for Clem as the protag again
She's one of my favorite characters in any story medium ever and it just wouldn't be the same without her.
If she dies I'll cry for a long long time. Not ashamed to admit it
I cried like a beaten whore throughout the Lee flashback thinking Telltale had actually gone and killed Clem off... If it actually happened I'd be a huge, huge mess. No shame. xD
The basic idea is that there's a lot of different ways to tie all three endings to a common plot point and still make it interest… moreing. You don't need to spend a whole lot extra on production so long as you write it correctly.
I'm really hoping that Kenny/Jane's determinant status is treated in a way similar to this, where they are off the screen for very good story reasons so that they might make a cameo later on (like Mass Effect's Urdnot Wrex). I'm also really hoping for Clem as the protag again
She's one of my favorite characters in any story medium ever and it just wouldn't be the same without her.
If she dies I'll cry for a long long time. Not ashamed to admit it
lol dude of course the game will continue the preview seasons... i mean whats the point of calling the game SEASON 3 if it doesnt show characters from previews seasons.... i wish we get a new main character though .. even if it is playing as Kenny or whatever but i dont like playing as clementine.. dont care if she is in the game or not to be honest.
I'm a little confused as to why people think that the different endings mean that Clementine won't be a part of season to either by being the protagonist or deuteragonist. It's like people are saying they can't believe TTG can pull it off? I mean they might just make it so episode 1 of season 3 has it so Clem ends up in the same place no matter what ending you got? Just a bit of a different way of getting there and different text options (like.flavor options depending on your choices in the past).
I don't think TellTale will beat a dead horse (unless it's an undead horse). Artificially prolonging a character would only dilute the story… more.
Season 1 was Lee's story. 400 days was about 5 characters' stories. Season 2 was Clementine's story. Season 3 will be another character's story.
Logic? Okay, let put it with logic - it's possible to make next game with THE SAME protagonist after a few different endings in the previous game. If you're saying that it isn't then I'm sorry but this is bullshit. It may seems difficult but I'm sure as hell that it is possible. Telltale have at least a year or maybe even two to (maybe) solve this problem with multiple endings in season 2. If (and I'm saying IF) they want to continue Clem's story then I think they'll come up with something. If they want to start something new then we'll see.
In any case - your idea is only a theory now. Just like Clementine being a protagonist is a theory too until Telltale will release some official informations about season 3.
this is not opinion, dude, this is logic. The endings in this episode are mutually exclusive so there cannot be a 3rd season with Clem as th… moree protagonist. Sure, she may appear some place - a cameo - but she wont be the protagonist anymore. you guys are all dismissing the fact in favor of wishful thinking. And hey you know what, I HOPE I am wrong. I so hope i am wrong and Clem will be back and maybe they will do 3 different beginnings for season 3 (which would overly complicate things but let's say in theory). So this is not me opposing the idea per se, I just dont see it making sense.
I don't think TellTale will beat a dead horse (unless it's an undead horse). Artificially prolonging a character would only dilute the story… more.
Season 1 was Lee's story. 400 days was about 5 characters' stories. Season 2 was Clementine's story. Season 3 will be another character's story.
Nope! That'd make for a very poor reason on its own. I've loved many characters in The Walking Dead but I'm not bitter over their deaths, and wouldn't be angry at Telltale had the season ended with Clem's demise (Provided it was done well)
The main reason I want her legacy to continue is the fact she's so iconic and more or less the face of The Walking Dead Game. Both seasons had her in the spotlight, and I feel as if the series shouldn't continue without her. S2's endings weren't conclusive enough for my liking, especially the Jane ones which were absurdly anti-climatic.
Nope! That'd make for a very poor reason on its own. I've loved many characters in The Walking Dead but I'm not bitter over their deaths, an… mored wouldn't be angry at Telltale had the season ended with Clem's demise (Provided it was done well)
The main reason I want her legacy to continue is the fact she's so iconic and more or less the face of The Walking Dead Game. Both seasons had her in the spotlight, and I feel as if the series shouldn't continue without her. S2's endings weren't conclusive enough for my liking, especially the Jane ones which were absurdly anti-climatic.
Nope, Season 1 was most definitely Lee's story. Clementine was in it, but she had at the most 5% screen time. Most of the time, there were only adults on screen. Kenny was also in both seasons, but neither was his story.
someday next year when they announce the cast in the walking dead game season 3 when i see clementine as the protagonist I'm gonna flip off everyone who thought she wouldn't comeback
someday next year when they announce the cast in the walking dead game season 3 when i see clementine as the protagonist I'm gonna flip off everyone who thought she wouldn't comeback
Why would you even bother calling it Season Three if it focuses on a brand new character? I notice people saying new protagonist all the tim… moree but they actually forgot that if they just changed the setting and the character, why bother calling it a Season three at all if it doesn't follow the same story arc as the past two seasons? That's like making a trilogy and out-of-the-blue, the third one has no relevance to the previous entries. Whenever that happens, I even find it more somewhat insulting to the fans that invested in the series.
To me, Season Three should either still focus on Clementine, or reboot and not even call it Season Three if they decide to focus on a brand new character. Transitioning from Lee to Clem worked, because as Lee you trained her to take care of herself. I didn't even see a way they COULD change the protagonist unless this is truly the end of the story. And if it was, I would've preferred if this was the series f… [view original content]
Season 1 was primarily about teaching Clementine and keeping her safe. That was Lee's main goal throughout every episode, and in the end he died for her sake. She was undeniably in the spotlight.
Nope, Season 1 was most definitely Lee's story. Clementine was in it, but she had at the most 5% screen time. Most of the time, there were only adults on screen. Kenny was also in both seasons, but neither was his story.
Season 1 was primarily about teaching Clementine and keeping her safe. That was Lee's main goal throughout every episode, and in the end he died for her sake. She was undeniably in the spotlight.
The truth about god...
Although I dont want Clementine as protagonist again, I see how people would want that.
The one thing I will argue against and wouldnt buy S3 because of is having Clementine as a secondary character. In terms of gameplay perspective, players would want to be overly protective of Clementine for a new character who would presumably not know Clementine that well. If they were someone that really cared for Clementine, it would seem too much of a shoe in replacement for Lee, maybe someone with their own story, but with the exact same purpose and would act in much the same way (since the player will presumably make the same types of decisions). If the character wasnt someone that wanted to act as Clementines caretaker, it would likely frustrate players that his/her goals are not in line with their own. Its just a bad idea all around to have Clementine as a main character, but not the protagonist.
XD, i know it is long
You know what would seriously upset me? If certain telltale fans complain about season 3 if clem turns out to be the protagonist. I've seen fans on here complain just about everything.
Well I was disappointed when I heard Clem was the protagonist in S2, not the stupid "everyone boycott Telltale if they dont write things the way I want" kind of thing, but its a very legitimate complaint, especially since it would likely seriously marginalize the final choice players made in S2
I really want Clementine to remain the protagonist. I don't want to have another Clem/Lee relationship and start the cycle again with playing as another protective father figure. I really enjoy having her being independent and not having to rely too heavy on an adult taking care of her. It would undermine everything that her and Lee went through.
Huh, did you mean S1 in your last sentence? Otherwise I don't quite understand your point.
I think she's pretty much outgrown the need for a parental figure in all of her endings. She's either alone in Wellington, remaining with Kenny to keep him happy, sticking by Jane to keep her in check and build a new community, or completely alone with AJ.
I'd still like to play as Christa and interact with this new independent Clem.
I'd like to keep playing as Clem to be honest. She's essentially a blank slate and is still growing. I think it would be fascinating as players to decide what sort of person she'll grow into. Christa in my opinion has an established personality and I feel like we'd know what choices she'd make based on it. I would like to see her again and find out what happened to her.
this is not opinion, dude, this is logic. The endings in this episode are mutually exclusive so there cannot be a 3rd season with Clem as the protagonist. Sure, she may appear some place - a cameo - but she wont be the protagonist anymore. you guys are all dismissing the fact in favor of wishful thinking. And hey you know what, I HOPE I am wrong. I so hope i am wrong and Clem will be back and maybe they will do 3 different beginnings for season 3 (which would overly complicate things but let's say in theory). So this is not me opposing the idea per se, I just dont see it making sense.
really? How do you make one story out of scenario a) where kenny is killed and scenario b) where he goes with Clem to Wellington with scenario c) where clem goes with jane and kills Ken? Please elaborate.
Or short intro sequences in which the surviving Clem companion is killed off.
Id only still want to play as Clem if whatever ending you got WILL matter and something stupid wont happen to counter it
I want to play as Wyatt and build the new crew. (Clementine,AJ and Kenny(determinant) come and join my crew in episode 2)
Here's a copy/paste of a post of mine from an old topic that was discussing this very thing.
In actuality it took me about ten min to write:
I don't know, however here's how I'd probably write it:
With Jane and Family: Opens with Jane and Clem working on getting Howe's all set for long term survival. Things are looking up and both seem to be reasonably optimistic, except Jane's not sure the food stores will last long enough for everybody to make it till the next set of crops can be harvested. Jane mentions that at least they managed to find a lot of formula for AJ. Walkers attack through a location that the players saw earlier and took note that it was secure. Clem uses all of her bullets trying to fend off the walkers but they are forced to retreat to another location of Howe's, where the family is. Jane has an idea to make a lot of noise outside of Howe's to get the walkers out long enough to patch up the wall. The Dad repeatedly suggests that the place cannot be saved, and eventually cracks and admits to sabotaging the wall. He forces Jane and Clem to leave with AJ at gunpoint, but gives them some food and formula to take with them. As Jane and Clem are leaving with Howe's in the distance, you hear the noise that falls in line with Jane's suggestion for distracting the walkers. Jane reminds Clem that Jane isn't going to leave Clem as they are leaving, and that they will be fine. "It was probably stupid to try and hunker down anyway. It's best not to get too attached to any one location. At least they gave us the formula."
Jane and Clem run into a couple of guys driving a vehicle. These guys seem shady right off the bat. After a brief conversation one of the guys suggests that Clem and Jane "come along with them" eyeballing both Jane, Clem, and the supply bag. Regardless of what Clem says, Jane refuses, and tells Clem that these two give her a bad feeling. The two guys get out of the truck and say that they'd rather the two come along willingly and pulls a bat out of the car. "Ya'll are mighty pretty. Would hate to damage those pretty faces of yours. Just come along and you'll be fine." One guy tells the other to grab "the rope" out of the back of the trunk. Jane tells Clem to run as the two men attack Jane. Clem does run. A short way away Clem has the option to hide AJ and go back for Jane, or to keep running. If you go back you see the car speed off, but there's no sign of Jane.
Clem heads north and ends up in Wellington.
With Jane and no family. ^Same as above except that running into the family after the walker attack is a surprise. The dad makes it clear that Clem and Jane left him no choice and forces them to leave at gunpoint.
With Kenny, the opening scene has Kenny teaching Clem how to hunt, how to setup traps, and other such things. Kenny seems confident that they'll make it so long as they stick together. You get good scenes of exchanges between Kenny and Clem that make the player feel good about going with Kenny. Kenny and Clem get approached by the same two guys as in the Jane openings at some point. They ask if Clem and Kenny are from Wellington. Kenny says that they aren't, but one of the two says "Bullshit. Look at what they've got. They're setting up hunting traps for fuck sake. They've gotta be from Wellington" The two men attack. Kenny tells Clem to run. Clem runs away, has the option to go back for Kenny; you hear the car driving away and there's no sign of Kenny. Clem heads back to Wellington and they let her and AJ in.
^If you're in Wellington you're out with somebody who is teaching clem how to set traps and who plays the exact same role as Kenny in the ending above. The key difference is that when asked if they are from wellington the person Clem is with says that they are, and asks if those two are from (name of a group that the player hasn't been introduced to yet). The two say that they are and then attack. Person Clem is with tells Clem to run. Clem runs back to Wellington.
If you're alone you open with Clem raiding a minimart and finding formula and a stockpile of food that "should last us a while" (Clem's words). This opening has almost no dialogue and should rely on Clem's emotional state (determined, frustrated, lonely) to draw the player in. It has Clem feeding AJ and setting up a makeshift barricade that she supposes will be good for at least the night. She heads north and ends up in Wellington.
^^Take note that you've only really got 3 openings here with slight variations to save on production. Each opening establishes a lot of what is going on in a brief amount of time and in all three Clem ends up in Wellington without Kenny or Jane, though the fate of whoever was with Clem is "alive but off screen." The run time for each opening should be between five and ten min taking up a small portion of the first episode. The rest of the episode can kick off from here.
This is one of about 29309985892930095986198193895909283467018197321 ways to write it, about 5% of which would actually work well.
If a fan can come up with something this good then I'm sure the professional writers will have no problem.
The basic idea is that there's a lot of different ways to tie all three endings to a common plot point and still make it interesting. You don't need to spend a whole lot extra on production so long as you write it correctly.
I'm really hoping that Kenny/Jane's determinant status is treated in a way similar to this, where they are off the screen for very good story reasons so that they might make a cameo later on (like Mass Effect's Urdnot Wrex). I'm also really hoping for Clem as the protag again
She's one of my favorite characters in any story medium ever and it just wouldn't be the same without her.
If she dies I'll cry for a long long time. Not ashamed to admit it
I cried like a beaten whore throughout the Lee flashback thinking Telltale had actually gone and killed Clem off... If it actually happened I'd be a huge, huge mess. No shame. xD
lol dude of course the game will continue the preview seasons... i mean whats the point of calling the game SEASON 3 if it doesnt show characters from previews seasons.... i wish we get a new main character though .. even if it is playing as Kenny or whatever but i dont like playing as clementine.. dont care if she is in the game or not to be honest.
I don't think TellTale will beat a dead horse (unless it's an undead horse). Artificially prolonging a character would only dilute the story.
Season 1 was Lee's story. 400 days was about 5 characters' stories. Season 2 was Clementine's story. Season 3 will be another character's story.
I'm a little confused as to why people think that the different endings mean that Clementine won't be a part of season to either by being the protagonist or deuteragonist. It's like people are saying they can't believe TTG can pull it off? I mean they might just make it so episode 1 of season 3 has it so Clem ends up in the same place no matter what ending you got? Just a bit of a different way of getting there and different text options (like.flavor options depending on your choices in the past).
As far as I'm concerned both Season 1 and Season 2 were Clementine's story. She was ultimately the main component of both.
And we hope it stays that way in the Season 3.
Logic? Okay, let put it with logic - it's possible to make next game with THE SAME protagonist after a few different endings in the previous game. If you're saying that it isn't then I'm sorry but this is bullshit. It may seems difficult but I'm sure as hell that it is possible.
Telltale have at least a year or maybe even two to (maybe) solve this problem with multiple endings in season 2. If (and I'm saying IF) they want to continue Clem's story then I think they'll come up with something. If they want to start something new then we'll see.
In any case - your idea is only a theory now. Just like Clementine being a protagonist is a theory too until Telltale will release some official informations about season 3.
TL;DR. But I an going to return to finish in the morning.
Is "I love her," a good enough reason?
mmm i dont think so i think it was always clem story.
Nope! That'd make for a very poor reason on its own. I've loved many characters in The Walking Dead but I'm not bitter over their deaths, and wouldn't be angry at Telltale had the season ended with Clem's demise (Provided it was done well)
The main reason I want her legacy to continue is the fact she's so iconic and more or less the face of The Walking Dead Game. Both seasons had her in the spotlight, and I feel as if the series shouldn't continue without her. S2's endings weren't conclusive enough for my liking, especially the Jane ones which were absurdly anti-climatic.
xD Damn right it counts. We can surely get Clementine through Season 3 with the power of the love.
I agree. But me loving her has to count for something
(Possible repost, forums are being buggy X_X) xD Damn right it counts. We can surely get Clementine through Season 3 with the power of the love.
Nope, Season 1 was most definitely Lee's story. Clementine was in it, but she had at the most 5% screen time. Most of the time, there were only adults on screen. Kenny was also in both seasons, but neither was his story.
Season 3's protagonist should be Van Helsing. I can see him dual-wielding a flamethrower and holy water
Just kidding
someday next year when they announce the cast in the walking dead game season 3 when i see clementine as the protagonist I'm gonna flip off everyone who thought she wouldn't comeback
Everyone sub to this channel, The Walking dead animated series is coming soon!
Agree 100 percent. Having a Season 3 without Clem is like making a sequel to Batman focusing primarily on Robin.
This song's lyrics sum up what my reaction will be if Clementine's announced to not be in S3:
Season 1 was primarily about teaching Clementine and keeping her safe. That was Lee's main goal throughout every episode, and in the end he died for her sake. She was undeniably in the spotlight.
You teach Clementine for a maximum of 5 minutes in the whole season. I don't buy that at all.