Good way to end Clementine's story.
How i'd like to see Clementine's story end in season 3 (or 4), is that we get multiple different endings, which all depend on your choices over the last 2 seasons. The same idea that was in bioshock 2, depending on your actions, you get either "evil" Clementine ending, where she does anything she can to survive, no matter the cost, to other extreme of helping others/people she cares about at any cost. There could be multiple decisions over the 5 episodes and they could implement some kind of indicator that lets you know its significant decision. Then, in the end of season 5, there could be like 5 different levels of survivor and Clementine's voice actor could narrate her thoughts on survival and how she keeps going, while theres some kind of video on the background, showing her making decisions.
"Evil" Clementine. She does what ever it takes in order to survive. Abandons her friends for the walkers etc. so she could survive.
Efficient survivor Clementine. She only looks after people she really cares about, but doesnt let this affect her own survival if it comes to that
Neutral Clementine. She does here best to help others, but wont put her own life in significant risk.
Righteous Clementine. She does her best to keep her group save and and shows kindness even to strangers.
Saint Clementine. Looks after everyone in her group, even if that means sacrificing her own life in order to save them. Is kind to Stranger's and does her best to help them.
This would wrap up Clementine's story nicely and we would know how Clementine would turn out to be as she grows up.
I thought they did end Clementine's story... Didn't they?
Now this I can get behind! I'd go for "Evil" Clem
Sorry, but this is bullshit. In Bioshock 2, either you were Hitler in a diving suit or a SAINT. There is no middle ground.
As long as she doesn´t die in any, I´m good.
Speaking of which, I think I´d get "Efficient survivor" the way I´ve been playing so far.
wow so original
I hate karma systems. Just do what you think is correct at the time
3 ,except kenny.
I just want a strong ending no matter what we choose. I don't need any of that other stuff.
nothing confirmed yet
You could save little sisters or kill them and depending if you killed certain people, Eleanor turns out different. I was using it as example and if telltale would do it, of course they would have to do it way better.
Don't bother , the guys saying "her story is over!!!!11!!!!11 one one exclamation mark ! exclamation mark 1 one" He's got no proof.
i was just informing the guy
Oh ok.
BUT MUH LUKE!!!!1111
ayyy lmao
1337 ayy 420 lmao blazing skrub tesco tellytubbies headshots only
420 blaze it fgt
u wt m8? y ws tryned in arm frces fgt il rkt u t cod 1v1 mi
wat ther moight u avin a gigl
eyel bsh ye ead in swer on mi mam
wut was that ther? yer fookin nan
Ayy lmao trnedfrces 420goood1337u
wat ther m8, ya ave to spek cler
see that word?
You can have your childish conversation in private chat.
come on man, we were just having fun
This happens a lot of times. You'll get used to it. Let them have their fun. B]
EDIT: @telltalemaster couldn't see your reply. I just want to say I have no prob with it.
This game is about the decisions being a shade of grey, not good or evil. Fallout and mass effect are the moral system decisions game, TWD is something else which is why I like it so damn much.
i just don't see the problem with having a bit of fun, its not like i do this on every thread
Bioshock 2 was great imo.
They just don't know how to have fun...
*They just don't know how to have fun...
Good and evil are subjective, so i cant see how using those words matters that much.
Well i dont want my thread full of some kids "fun" conversation.
what do you think is fun?
PS: im not kidding, i really want too know
Obviously my definition of fun is far from some kids definition.
why? I'm not gonna judge you or anything, i just really wanna know