This does make me think a lot of what Prince Charming must have been like as a boy! Noah not trusting what people are telling him regarding what he's eating is amusing!
October 2nd
How do you start these things? Scar said you have to label it like you're writing a letter or something. What does she know? … moreShe's just a stupid girl. Any way, today I had gym and it was awesome! I love gym, so so so so much. We did a bunch of exercises and then we played soccer, which by the way is my favorite sport. I scored 6 goals, and then the last one the gym teacher yelled at me because I hit someone in the face with it. That's how it landed in the goal.
We had had some....I can't remember what we ate for dinner. Oh well. All I know is that Ash can't stop talking about Halloween and how she's gonna be Aunt Mary when we go trick or treating. I want to be an astronaut, Ellie wants to be a popstar, Rob wants to be Harry Potter (Laaaaammmmeee.), and Scar wants to be a princess. Mom says we all have perfect ideas. I love when she says stuff like that. Oh yeah! I remember what we ate. It was chicke… [view original content]
For a split-second I thought Bradwr was digging fishnet leggings for himself there! I always imagined Scarlett to be the captain of their two-person crew anyway.
I figured I could give this little October thing a shot, diary entires will be Lyall, Scarlett, Bradwr and Bonnie.
October 2
Dear diar… morey,
First off why the fuck am I calling this damn thing a diary? Whatever it's late, I had a few beers and now I'm either too lazy or drunk to change it.
So Bradwr here, with Halloween coming up soon I figured maybe I can convince Scarlett to go out and have some fun for once. Let her hair down and live a little, it can't be healthy for her to be cooped up in that metalworks.
So being to old to go treat-or-treating I've figured me and her could have some nice grown up fun. Plenty of bars and nightclubs have Halloween parties or themes going on, I'm hoping we can go to some, have a few drinks, and dance till we drop. And believe me, Scarlett is one hell of a dancer.
But of course it wouldn't be Halloween without costumes, so I taken it upon myself to get us some, and better yet matching. Why no… [view original content]
3rd: That bloody wagon! That unreliable, obstinate, smelly, and most aggravatingly broken, wagon! I've had to stay on this Farm for two nights now and I wonder at how many more nights I'll spend here till I can leave; and I'm down to my last glamour!
Honestly, it's terrible. No one will talk to me; in fact, they seem to be avoiding me. Take Posey and Dun: I tried knocking on their door to say hello, as I could see them in their living room through a window, and they just stayed seated, talking as if I'd never made any noise. Colin has all the charm of their trio.
Then there was Puss In Boots. I passed him on the way to the orchard, waved and called out to him, and he walked past me as if I were invisible! I know he has something of a reputation for being haughty at times, but still! He's a cat that wears boots and an oversized hat, for crying out loud! You can't be so arrogant all the time when all most Mundies want to do is give you a cuddle because you're so sodding cute.
Even Badger and Ratty won't speak to me, though they did acknowledge me presence. We've kept in touch via letters over the years, so why would the be so cold to me now? Snow White and Weyland have been working on the wagon or with general maintenance, so there's no help there.
That's why I've had to write an entry this morning. I've spent the night - a chilly night, I hasten to add - in a corner of the barn, never once letting my eyes rest for fear of some sort of attack. There were cows and birds in there with me; you can very rarely trust cows and birds if you let your guard down. Luckily, I had a large spoon with which to defend myself. Spoons are futile for offence, yet are unparalleled at defense! Unless you count shields. But I didn't have a shield, so it had to be a spoon. Hmm, maybe I should get some sleep now there's daylight.
Looks like Mr. Weasel might be starting to go a little stir-crazy with his time on the Farm, but why is everyone ignoring him? Perhaps he will find out in a day or so!
Ffffft Bradwr in fishnet leggings. I'm having the sudden mental image of Bradwr in those, all laid out on the bed saying "Paint me like one of your French girls." And Scarlett just walking out of the bedroom and she's just all "Nope."
For a split-second I thought Bradwr was digging fishnet leggings for himself there! I always imagined Scarlett to be the captain of their two-person crew anyway.
I'm not usually one for sharing my thoughts and feelings, let alone write them on paper. But I decided I needed to brush on my literature skills a bit.
Believe it or not I actually enjoy autumn, it's nice to break out those sweaters that been sitting in the back of my closet since god knows when. And I am rather fond of those pumpkin spice drinks and pumpkin based pastries. It's a quiet and more peaceful season for me... Or was for that matter.
My useless excuse of a husband tried to get me into some pirate lingerie getup. It's one thing to try to make me dress up for Halloween, it's another to try to get me to wear a few strips of fabric. It's OCTOBER for fucks sake, I would freeze my ass off if I were to wear that getup! Common sense anyone?
I may had kicked him in the groin... Which I will admit was a tad harsh... And I was wearing steel toed boots that evening...
Sigh perhaps I'll pick him up a pumpkin spice latte to say sorry... Apologizes aren't really my forte.
Scarlett Marie
And here's Scarlett diary part. And yes, her middle name is Marie ( Lol get it?) O3O Bonnie or Lyall should be next.
3rd: That bloody wagon! That unreliable, obstinate, smelly, and most aggravatingly broken, wagon! I've had to stay on this Farm f… moreor two nights now and I wonder at how many more nights I'll spend here till I can leave; and I'm down to my last glamour!
Honestly, it's terrible. No one will talk to me; in fact, they seem to be avoiding me. Take Posey and Dun: I tried knocking on their door to say hello, as I could see them in their living room through a window, and they just stayed seated, talking as if I'd never made any noise. Colin has all the charm of their trio.
Then there was Puss In Boots. I passed him on the way to the orchard, waved and called out to him, and he walked past me as if I were invisible! I know he has something of a reputation for being haughty at times, but still! He's a cat that wears boots and an oversized hat, for crying out loud! You can't be so arrogant all the time when all most Mundies want to do is … [view original content]
I figured I could give this little October thing a shot, diary entires will be Lyall, Scarlett, Bradwr and Bonnie.
October 2
Dear diar… morey,
First off why the fuck am I calling this damn thing a diary? Whatever it's late, I had a few beers and now I'm either too lazy or drunk to change it.
So Bradwr here, with Halloween coming up soon I figured maybe I can convince Scarlett to go out and have some fun for once. Let her hair down and live a little, it can't be healthy for her to be cooped up in that metalworks.
So being to old to go treat-or-treating I've figured me and her could have some nice grown up fun. Plenty of bars and nightclubs have Halloween parties or themes going on, I'm hoping we can go to some, have a few drinks, and dance till we drop. And believe me, Scarlett is one hell of a dancer.
But of course it wouldn't be Halloween without costumes, so I taken it upon myself to get us some, and better yet matching. Why no… [view original content]
Oh, Katie....You have this poor fool wrapped around your finger.
Around the fire, the girls and every adult huddled close and relished in their current surroundings. The adults still couldn't comprehend how so much Snow managed to fall in just one single area; the girls, however, giggled at their marvelous little secret. Madeline kept quiet, as the unsolved mystery would eventually be nothing but a distant memory.
"Nice to see you, Malcom."
"You too, Lyla. You have a wonderful family here."
Lyla grins. "Yes, they can be something at times but I wouldn't change this life for the world."
As she says this, Lyla places her arm under Georgie's and leans her head to rest upon his shoulders. Bigby sits smoking his cigarette, while Peter and Ethan finish off their Bologna sandwiches.
"How is the family?"
"They are very well. Busy like always; Ethan came down for a week, Peter has his work and school schedule; Emily has the club, you know about Katherine's life, Penny just had a baby and Junior is, well...looking forward to the upcoming holiday."
Lyla nods and smiles. "Seems like he and Mary have a BIG plan for that Friday."
Gianna shivers. "Uncle Junior is creepy when he looks like that in the mirror..."
Bella and Hannah interupt. "Nuh uh! He looks so cool! One time, he showed us and nana-there was SO much blood and glass and-"
Lyla giggles. "Alright you. Sit down. Think that's enough 'Bloody Porgie' for you."
Georgie finishes his cup of hot tea. "So, what have you been up to, Malcom?"
"Well, after Jo-" Malcom looks over at Lyla.
"It's fine, Malcom."
"When John passed away, I stayed with Nancy for awhile to assure she'd be fine with the sudden change. During this time, Beauty and Beast had an open position at the Business Office. I took this opportunity and applied. It was part-time; they would have me file papers, clean up around the office and run errands when needed."
Bigby snickers. "How did THAT go?"
"Eh, not so good at first. Beast refused to let ME work for THEM. Honestly, Katie was my saving grace; since she joined the Council, so many rules have changed for the better."
Georgie sighs. "Yup, that's our Katie. Trys her best to make this fucked up world a little bit better."
Laura peeks over Georgie's shoulder. "My mommy likes to make people happy."
"Your mommy has always been that way."
Malcom looks around. "Speaking of Katie, where is she?"
"At home with Hope and Jersey. Little thing is sick."
"That's too bad. Hopefully she get's better."
Some of the girls get up from their seats and wonder around the woods. Georgia and Willow climb a nearby tree, as the others play hide and seek in the bushes located behind the camp fire. Ivy drags Madeline behind a large Pine tree.
"Can you make us an ice skating area? The water isn't very solid..."
Madeline waves her hands and points to a nearby pond. Within seconds, the water is a solid block of ice. Ivy squeals, as the other girls rush over to their new available play thing. Madeline shakes her wrist for a few seconds and runs over to the others.
Ivy sits on the ice, as Bella's might wings spread to the side. Flapping them as hard as she can, she pushes Ivy around in a circle and with one final blow, propels the Wolf cub into a heaping pile of Snow. Ivy's head pokes up, as she shakes and giggles.
"That was sooooo much fun! Agian!"
Each of the girls pair up and soon, the block of ice is layered in Wolf cubs and Jersey Devil youngsters. The area is suffused with the laughter of the twelve girls; several creatures from the forest perk their heads up in the direction of the abrupt noise. A Doe and her fawn race across the snowy hills and dodge into the darkness. Several birds tweet and fly up above.
"Thank God Hope isn't here! She wouldn't have THIS much fun."
The games and laughter come to a unanticipated stop. Two of the Wolf girls lose their balance and collide into each other. Georgia and Abigail direct their glances at the girl who spoke these words.
"What did you say, Ava Rose?"
The girl, now in her human form, tries to brush off the snow gathering on her head. "What? It's true, isn't it?"
"You shouldn't say things like that, though. She's really sick."
"I KNOW that! all I'm saying is-"
Georgia pins Ava Rose to the ground. "Take that back!"
Ava Rose struggles to move. "Get off of me, Gerogia! I meant no harm by that!"
"Then WHY say it?!"
"I was just...I didn't...Georgia, seriously!?"
The winged girl hissed at Ava Rose, as the other girls did their best to pull an angered creature from their sister. Georgia was too much like her grandfather; when tempers flew and Georgia had her 'buttons' pushed, it was like a bomb ready to detonate. Bella managed to grab Georgia and pull her back. Worried, Ava backed away near her sisters.
"Calm down, Georgia! She didn't mean any harm."
Seeing how nothing would change, Georgia dropped the subject all together. There was no need to drag this on and to avoid an awkward situation, she flew into a nearby tree and perched herself upon a branch.
"Man, you gotta watch her sometimes." Bella looks at Ava Rose. "And YOU should know better than that."
"I didn't mean-"
"I know, I know. know how she is with Hope."
There was a thundering noise headed their direction. The girls stood their ground, as Peter nearly slipped on the ice.
"The hell did this come from? Not that cold yet...."
"The sun is not reall hitting this part of the woods yet, Uncle Peter."
Peter looks around. "Yeah...I guess. You girls ready to head back?"
"Yes, its getting colder and your nana said Hunters like to come out around this time. Plus, the Sheriff has to go and-"
"Good." Ivy walks past Peter.
"Ivy, watch the tone...."
Peter collects all the girls. Georgia finally flys from her post and joins the others. As Georgie is putting out the fire, Lyla and Peter change back into their Wolf forms. Ethan sits upon Lyla's shoulders again. Some of the girls change into their human form and sit beside him.
"What's wrong girls? Tired?"
Alice, Ivy and Willow nod. "Alright. Lay back and hold on tight."
Georgie climbs up and holds onto Peter's fur. He glares over at Malcom and Bigby, who continue to lean against a tree and smoke.
"You two heading out soon?"
"In a bit. We just need to catch up for a minute. Tell everyone I said hi."
Before long, Lyla and Peter head back to the cars. Behind them, the winged creatures follow.
Hope is fast asleep on the couch. In her hand, she cuddles a stuffed kitten. Jersey and Katie stand in the doorway.
"She's too precious."
"Yeah." Jersey sighs. "I just, worry 'bout her sometimes."
"She'll be fine, Jersey. She's a tough little thing."
Katie kisses his cheek. "She's too much like you."
"Me?" Jersey follows Katie into the kitchen. "What do you mean me?"
Katie pours herself another cup of Milk. "Tell him, Penny."
"Uh no, no, no! Don't drag your sister into this! She is on MY side."
Penny laughs. "Well, I DO have to agree with Katie but-"
In her arms, Josiah becomes fussy. Penny tries rocking him but the boy refuses to cooperate. She attemtps the breast one last time but Josiah refuses it almost instantly. Seconds later, her phone goes off.
"Here. Hand him to me."
Katie gently holds the infant, as Penny excuses herself from the kitchen. Katie glares at her sister's troubled face.
As Penny leaves the kitchen, the front door opens. Twelve very cold and exhausted girls walk in. Several of them head upstairs, while the others notice Hope and cuddle beside them. Georgie gets a small fire going, as Lyla returns with more quilts and pillows. Jersey and Katie give each of the girls a kiss before they all return to the kitchen.
"Did they have fun?"
"Yes, sweetie. They were very well behaved and had so much fun."
"Yeah, I can tell." Jersey looks over. "They didn't say ONE word. That's how I know..."
"Thank you so much for taking them."
Georgie smiles. "It was a blast havin' the girls today. We should do this more often. Hopefully little miss Hope will join us next time."
"How is she, Katie?"
"Better. We baked cookies all day. We had a dance session earlier in the kitchen. It was too damn cute."
"Notice Penny is here."
"She's on the phone...with the baby daddy."
"Do you know who-"
"No. But I'll get it out of her..."
Until that day came, Katie walked over and noticed all her girls in the living room. Each one of them cuddled close to either Hope or the fireplace.
Chapter 7 soon
If you have any questions, you know the drill. It's Friday!!! Whoa!!
Here's another one
October 3
Dear diary,
I'm not usually one for sharing my thoughts and feelings, let alone write them on paper. … moreBut I decided I needed to brush on my literature skills a bit.
Believe it or not I actually enjoy autumn, it's nice to break out those sweaters that been sitting in the back of my closet since god knows when. And I am rather fond of those pumpkin spice drinks and pumpkin based pastries. It's a quiet and more peaceful season for me... Or was for that matter.
My useless excuse of a husband tried to get me into some pirate lingerie getup. It's one thing to try to make me dress up for Halloween, it's another to try to get me to wear a few strips of fabric. It's OCTOBER for fucks sake, I would freeze my ass off if I were to wear that getup! Common sense anyone?
I may had kicked him in the groin... Which I will admit was a tad harsh... And I was wearing steel toed boots that evening...
Sigh perhaps … [view original content]
The kids had a blast at Central Park. They jumped in the leaves the entire time. Ethan and Peter played with the older kids as well. I was worried Katie or Penny would bully the younger boys, especially Peter but they were surprisingly well behaved. There were several patches of snow here and there. Junior and Emily TRIED making a Snowman. Give it another week or two and Fabletown will be covered in it.
Georgie and I were invited to the annual Fabletown Autumn Harvest festival. The kids stayed with my parents. It was a costume event and those interested in attending the fuction dressed could do so. At first, Georgie refused to participate. Finally, after letting him sulk and think, he came around to the idea. Nothing too fancy; just something festive and exciting.
He had the hat, bot e just needed the outfit. Thankfully some of these mundy Halloween costumes stores have the neccesities we need for this time of year. Georgie was going as Alex Delarge from the movie 'ClockWork Orange.' I was to be his Playboy bunny. It was fun explaining to the kids WHY we were dressed up. Thank GOD they understand.
The Festival was always held at the Farm; it wouldn't be fair to those that couldn't leave the premises. Why hold an annual event when half of the community live in a different section? We came across Gren and my sister; the fools were already drunk and singing some random song. We found them sitting upon a bale of hay. Snow White was there, as were various other members of the community.
That night, they had a dance competition and costume contest. To our surprise, a lot of Fables dressed up. Georgie was anxious to participate in the dance competition. To be honest, in the years I've known him and been married to, never once did I ever witness Georgie Porgie enthused about dancing. I HAD to see this.
On the dance floor, he and about twenty other Fables, including Jack, Gren and Jersey, patiently waited for the music. No surprise, Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' echoed into the night. It was entertaining watching them dance like the video portrayed. In the front of the group, Georgie showed off moves I had no idea he possesed. Even Snow seemed a tad astonished by his sudden need to 'bust a move.'
When the competition was over, it was no shock who won that evening. The kids will be so happy to see daddy won a trophy. In the morning, we are taking them to the Pumpkin Patch and later, Junior wants to attempt actually finishing a Haunted House. Georgie knows of a very terrifying one. We'll see how this ends.
Chapter 6
"Wind storm"
Oh, Katie....You have this poor fool wrapped around your finger.
Around the fire, the girls and every… more adult huddled close and relished in their current surroundings. The adults still couldn't comprehend how so much Snow managed to fall in just one single area; the girls, however, giggled at their marvelous little secret. Madeline kept quiet, as the unsolved mystery would eventually be nothing but a distant memory.
"Nice to see you, Malcom."
"You too, Lyla. You have a wonderful family here."
Lyla grins. "Yes, they can be something at times but I wouldn't change this life for the world."
As she says this, Lyla places her arm under Georgie's and leans her head to rest upon his shoulders. Bigby sits smoking his cigarette, while Peter and Ethan finish off their Bologna sandwiches.
"How is the family?"
"They are very well. Busy like always; Ethan came down for a week, Peter has his work and s… [view original content]
Chapter 6
"Wind storm"
Oh, Katie....You have this poor fool wrapped around your finger.
Around the fire, the girls and every… more adult huddled close and relished in their current surroundings. The adults still couldn't comprehend how so much Snow managed to fall in just one single area; the girls, however, giggled at their marvelous little secret. Madeline kept quiet, as the unsolved mystery would eventually be nothing but a distant memory.
"Nice to see you, Malcom."
"You too, Lyla. You have a wonderful family here."
Lyla grins. "Yes, they can be something at times but I wouldn't change this life for the world."
As she says this, Lyla places her arm under Georgie's and leans her head to rest upon his shoulders. Bigby sits smoking his cigarette, while Peter and Ethan finish off their Bologna sandwiches.
"How is the family?"
"They are very well. Busy like always; Ethan came down for a week, Peter has his work and s… [view original content]
Okay next short little story, the seque to The Cold Heart OF Hate...Russian Roulette! I'm really looking forward to this one, now without further ado, enjoy.
Also I made Scarlett, Bradwr, Bonnie and Lyall on chibi maker (Since I haven't been able to draw them (Aside from Scarlett) and I can't draw men if my life depended on it.)
Nerissa's eyes slowly cracked open, her whole body felt so exhausted and heavy, her forehead soaked with sweat.
Hearing her husband's gruff voice she slowly sat up.
"How are you feeling?" Bigby asked.
"Tired..." she grumbled rubbing the sleep out if her eyes. "Where is-"
"Right here." Bigby mused sitting down on the edge of the bed. A white bundle in his arms. "You passed out for a little while, Swineheart says he's great."
A slow smile spread on her face, seems like just hours ago Nerissa was cursing his name as she gone through the most painful process in her life.
Peering at the little cub in the blanket she chuckled seeing the cubs unruly head of thick brown hair.
"He looks just like you." she commented.
"Yeah, but he's got your tail." Bigby replied. Once seeing the rather confused look on her face her husband carefully unraveled the white blanket, causing there son to slowly fidget from the slightly cold air of the room. "Swineheart says he can be out if water for a little while, being part wolf and all."
Her eyes widen, Nerissa was rendered speechless, instead of two pudgy little legs their was a scaly teal coloured tail.
"He's a... merwolf?" that was the first thing that popped into her head. And merwolf seemed like the only suitable hybrid name.
"It looks that way, he might be a better swimmer then me." Bigby chuckled as he watched their son's tail give a slight swish. "I think he wants to see his mom before he needs to go back." Wrapping the newborn cub up again he handed him to Nerissa.
If possible she smiled bigger.
"Hey there little guy..."
Her slender fingers ran through her son's thick locks of greasy brown hair. Christ, it's been what? Two days now? It seemed more like years to Nerissa...
All Swineheart said was he needed rest soon after the bullet was removed and his leg was patched up... well almost. It was a horrifying sight for her. Her first and only child lying on the ground, silver bullet nearly piercing his heart, leg ripped off, and on the brink of death... It was a parent's worst nightmare.
Her eyes averted to her son's leg... Swineheart informed her and Bigby there was nothing he could do for the missing limb, when he turn the form of a merman his tail wouldn't be affected ... But his wolf form was another story.
Looking up she seen Bigby enter the room, two coffee cups in his hand.
"Hey..." Nerissa greeted back, holding back the urge to let out a sigh.
"How are you holding up?" he asked sitting himself on the edge of the bed, handing her a coffee.
"About as good as what can be expected." she replied letting out a sigh. "I just wish there was more I could do, I know he's all grown up... But he's still our baby, you know?" Bringing the hot drink to her lips Nerissa took a long sip. Plenty of milk, two sugars, and a shot of vanilla. Just the way she liked it.
"I know..." Bigby glanced at Lyall, both of them were eagerly awaiting for him to wake up.
"Bigby,... Who did this?"
"Remember that woman?"
"The one that looked like Mary?"
He nodded.
"Yeah, that's the one. There was another guy too, looked hell of a lot like the Jersey Devil." he stated as he took a sip of his coffee.
"Do you think it was them?" What became of Jersey was unknown to them, but one thing they were certain of was that Bloody Mary was dead.
"Couldn't be, Mary would had put up a fight against me. Plus she's taller then that. Same with Jersey, I think that woman called him Bradwr?" he shrugged.
Nerissa stared at the cup of coffee, to think before this they were dancing the night away, drinking champagne, and chatting away with other Fables... Then the night ended with her son in the hospital, it was just like that scene when Mary kidnaped Crane...
"Who do you think they are?"
"No fucking idea." Bigby replied. "That woman must have some sort of relation to Bloody Mary, only way she escaped was with a mirror on my guess. Damn room she ran too had nothing but a mirror."
Another sigh escaped from Nerissa as she shook her head. A low groan caused their eyes to quickly avert to their son.
"Lyall?" Nerissa leaned in a bit closer, seeing his eyes slowly crack open.
"My head..." he grumbled.
"Just take it easy now, no need to overwork yourself." Bigby warned.
Lyall slowly sat up, shutting his eyes tightly and resting his face in his palms.
"Room... Spinning." he grumbled.
"It's the painkillers, they should wear off soon." She reassured.
"Good, never liked narcotic stuff. I hate being out of character." he huffed.
"Do you want anything? Some water, something to eat?" offered Nerissa.
"Water...cold. Jesus fucking Christ my head..."
"Language." Bigby lectured.
"Really? You of all people are going to nag our twenty year old son not to curse." Nerissa laughed handing Lyall a styrofoam cup of water.
She watched as Lyall drank, at first it was slow, taking long sips, then he quickly downed the cup. There was an eerie silence as Lyall glanced downwards at his bed.
"My leg..."
"Lyall-" Bigby started but before he could finish Lyall pulled the sheet off of him. Revealing his one good leg and his missing one.
"Shit..." he said in shock.
"You can still work if that's what you're thinking." Bigby reassured. "Swineheart got a fake leg already for you."
"Will it still work in my wolf form. And what about my tail?"
That was their son alright, straight to the point. Tail was clearly referring to the scaly one, made for swimming.
"The witches on the thirteenth floor did their thing, it can change to fit whatever form you're in." Nerissa informed. "How do you feel?"
"Like I got shot and then got my leg ripped off." he replied.
"Look, I really don't want to do this... but what do you remember?" Bigby asked.
"Dad, you don't need to treat me like I'm a victim."
"But you are." An annoyed sigh came from Lyall. "It can help us find who did it."
"If that's the case... It's a bit of a blur though." their son informed.
"Just tell us what you remember. Do you know anything about that woman?" Bigby questioned.
"Pretty sure her name was Scarlett..."
"Scarlett...well now we got a name." Nerissa replied.
"Said something about doing something someone should had done a long time ago. Can't remember who though." he brushed back a lock of greasy hair. "Fuck, I need a shower..."
"Her scent was pretty strong... pretty sure that other bastard was named Bradwr." he replied. "And that's all I can remember... think I can try on that leg?" he asked.
"I'll call Swineheart up." Nerissa said getting up.
Jersey's fingers tapped impatiently on his lap, he sunk deeper into the armchair. It's been two long days, where the fuck was Bradwr and Scarlett? It was one thing for them to be a few hours late, mainly it was Bradwr being drunk or hungover. But for two days was a completely different matter. He sent Dee and Dum out to search for them, he decided to stay and deal with phone calls, in case any where from them.
His eyes lit up once hearing the phone ring, he quickly answered it.
"Ah, bonjour Jersey, it's been awhile non?"
'Aw fuck...' he mentally swore upon hearing the fake sweet tone of the woman on the other line.
"Damn it, Medusa I don't understand what fucking fancy language you're speaking this time." he hissed.
'Just play it cool.'
"Forgive me Jersey, I recently brought some fine art straight from Paris. You know how I adore art." Medusa crackled on the line.
Of course, of all Fables this bitch had to be the one who called him. Medusa ran a little illegal fight club, trick Fables out of their cash, like he did with the Lucky Pawn. Course, when she wasn't getting and doing favours for them she had a habit of calling or showing up uninvited.
"What the hell do you want this time?" he demanded.
"What? I 'me not allowed to call my favourite urban legend?" she laughed.
"You always got some fucking game going on." Jersey stated. "So get to the damn point already, I ain 'to got all day."
"Oh I just wanted to talk about the black mamba I recently got. Beautiful really, so quick and deadly. It's a wonderful snake to add to my collection, don't you think?" her voice dropped that faked sweetness in it. "Do you know what I feed my snakes Jersey?"
"I don't know... Rats or something? What are you going on about?" he demanded again.
"Right, I feed them rats. Do you know why I feed them rats?"
"Medusa, for once in you're damn life cut to the chase."
"If there's one thing I don't like, it's a rat. They squeak too much, I HATE them. So I let my lovely snakes gobble them up, and the rats are never to be seen again."
He gritted his teeth in annoyance, this woman was just as bad as the magic mirror.
"What's your point?"
"I don't like rats Jersey, and I have ways to get rid of them. Well that's all for now, bye-bye!"
"Does it fit right?" asked Bigby. "Not to uncomfortable? Not digging into your skin?"
"Bigby, I assure you everything was measured and checked three times." Swineheart stated.
Lyall stared at his new leg, it strapped on without a hitch and fitted like a glove.
"Try standing up, if you feel like you can." Swineheart encouraged.
Giving him and his family a slow nod he slowly swung his legs to the edge of the bed, at first when he applied a little pressure it felt a tad sore, but he quickly grew used to it. Once applying a little more pressure he slowly stood up.
"Easy now."
" I got this doc..." taking a deep breath he took his first step, a bit shaky but hey it worked.
"Once you get used to it you're be as good as new." he stated.
"Feels kind of weird..."
"You're get used to it in no time, I can offer you some painkillers in the meantime."
"I'll have to pass, not a fan of being drugged up." he replied.
"Very well then I'll take my leave. And please, do try to take good care of it, it's a strong leg for sure... But it wasn't easy to make."
"No promises." Lyall replied, watching Swineheart shake his head as he left.
Lyall took another step, although certainly more steady it still contained a bit of uneasiness.
"This must be how it feels for a child to take their first step." Lyall chuckled.
"Well this is all very touching," turning around there was Bluebeard leaning against the doorframe. "But I do believe we have important matters to attend to."
Oh great, this guy, certainly one of the last Fables he wanted to see.
His father's brows buckled from seeing Bluebeard's presence.
"What do you want?" hissed Bigby.
"Come along now, I have something that I think you will find most helpful. And it's getting to be an burden to deal with. Come along now, I don't have all day."
And that's the first part of Russian Roulette, we're find out more in the next part.
Ok quick bio of Medusa
Medusa- Medusa is a Fable, well known for her snake hair, which glamour keeps hidden, and love of deadly snakes and fine art. When out of glamour her hair is a cluster of venomous snakes, and can turn anyone into stone if they look into her eyes. Also has the power to put anyone under a trance to obey her orders, and has been known to drabble in magic. In her glamoured form she appears to be a slender woman with curly locks of dark brown hair and green hairs.
She is clever and sly, and not scared to push her limits and others to get what she desires. Medusa currently runs an illegal fight club, the main source of her income.
Yeah this phone. I was in a hurry! XD You know how that goes!
Penny and Oliver are together but the boy is not Oliver's son; this is the … morereason why she is with Lyla and Georgie at the moment. She will not say WHO the real father is; we all know him. That's all I'll say.
And Hope is too damn cute.
Haha, yeah. I figured I would switch off, each entry a different child. I've got a few things planned, although I'm generally winging it And food is too good not to mention, lmao.
Oh you switched on us! I like that! Gives us an idea for each of each of their thoughts and ideas. :)And that food. I always get so hungry when I read your stories. XD
That's what I'm sort of going for! I drew inspiration from my own brothers who are 11 right now, and I know when they don't believe something the other one said, they go all around asking other people if it's really true or not XD
This does make me think a lot of what Prince Charming must have been like as a boy! Noah not trusting what people are telling him regarding what he's eating is amusing!
How are you? Do journals actually answer the questions you put in them? I saw Noah write a few in his, so I decided to give it a shot, so if you can write Mr. Journal, I would love to hear your opinons on the latest pop stars. My name is Elora, by the way. I don't think we met before, so I shud tell you about myself.
I am a famus singer. My favorite things are to go on tour in Urope (Is that how you spell it? Also, do you know how to spell?) And sing all the songs on the radio, specially the one by that girl who has really red hair. Oh by the way I met her the other day, we had some coffee from Starbucks. I'm the most stilish of my brothers and sisters. Briar Rose says my voice is beatiful.
Uggg, Ash just told me I spelled lots of words rong. I wont go back to correct them thow, becuse I wrote it pen. Mommy put me in special writing classes in scool. She said it will help me a little bit. I wish I could spell perfect, becuse then I can be normal like the others. Mommy and Daddy alweys say I am normal, but I dont know sometimes. She says it is called Dislexa.
At least I am famus. Maybe you shud tell me about your self?
Ya, I think I'll finish writing now. It's almost dinner time and we got sandwitches from the Eggman Dinner. Plus I have to watch my favorite TV show after called Dance Moms. I'm gonna be on there one day, you know?
Okay, by-by
~ Elora
Not the best writer of the bunch Definitely living in a dream world, though XD I almost wrote Blossom instead of Elora at first, because I'm used to talking about Bigby's cubs at age ten, not Harm's.
Mary got home late from her job. Her head entered through the glass first, followed by the rest of her body. She had to hang the mirror higher on the wall, so her little terror didn't give the babysitter a hard time and scare the shit out of her every goddamn minute of the day. The lights in the hallway were off, signifying that her son was fast asleep. He couldn't sleep with an ounce of light and since Mary isn't too fond of leaving his door closed, she instructed the babysitter to turn the hall light out as soon as he was put to bed.
Mary had to jump down to the floor, being as quiet as possible not to disturb the resting apartment. The living room TV was on mute, and she saw Alice resting across the couch, half asleep.
"Wakey, wakey," Mary mumbled, shaking Alice's shoulder. The blond haired girl opened her eyes, squinted a minute, then frowned.
"You said you'd be back by eight. I had to miss the concert I was planning on going to."
"I'm sorry, really. I am. This job I have, it's-"
"It's whatever. Just pay me, I'll be getting home then."
Mary fished the cash from her wallet. All there is was a twenty dollar bill. "I uhm.....I'm sorry. This is all I have on me.... I uh..."
"Forget it," Alice said. She grabbed her purse and waltzed out the door, taking special precaution to slam it a bit harder than she should have. A faint cry emerged from the nursery.
"God fucking dammit." Mary muttered to herself. She turned the TV off and ran to the bedroom, her hand flipping the bedroom light switch on. When Carter saw his mother, he instantly smiled and ran out of his toddler bed to greet her.
"Momma!" He said, wrestling himself into her lap as she sat on the armchair.
"Yes, momma is home," Mary said. She rubbed her eyes tiredly as the boy began playing with the strands of her hair. His blue footsie pajamas rubbed against Mary's skin as he climbed her like a jungle gym. It'll take hours to get him back to bed. She stood up with him in her arms and headed to the kitchen, which was a mess of dirty dishes and takeout boxes. When he was born, she'd sworn that she would only order out on occasion. The promise fell through not too long ago. The clock on the stove read 2 AM, which made Mary groan more. She placed Carter on the tiled floor and began shuffling through the pantry filled with empty cereal boxes and stale cookies.
"Hungry momma! Food!" She heard Carter say as he picked up some toys lying around.
"Working on it, buddy. Momma's hungry too." She found a clean sippy cup and filled it with juice from the fridge, giving it to Carter to at least quell him until she was done with her own meal. Finally, she decided a carton of leftover Lo Mein was the most desirable thing within the refrigerator. Occasionally, she'd scoop a tiny bit of the noodles into her growing boy's mouth.
"All done! Ready for bed?"
"Not uh," He said, laughing. Mary just sighed.
Carter laid on the couch, his eyes drooping back to sleepiness. Mary carried her son to his bed again, then sat in the dark while he dreamed peacefully in his sleep.
She watched his chest rise under the covers, his little hand supporting his head like a pillow, the same way she did after a long day of activity.
Her thoughts drifted to how perfect this moment right then and now felt. She had a house. Her son was fed. They could maybe, possibly, start living more comfortably once her hours are more stabilized. They could make it. She could do it.
She started to cry. It was silent tears, both for anguish and happiness.
Happy that she had him and that things were going as well as they could.
Sad, because of what she had to do in order to make it all possible.
A little glimpse of Mary. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask. I'll answer them to the best of my ability. I love to write, and I love that you guys like to read what I write. I think if it weren't for you guys, this would have never, ever happened. Thank you
Oh my god, the picture XD Did you write this as a reply on purpose? I'm assuming
Man, I almost forgot about Junior and then I was like,"OH yeah! Bloody Porgie!" I can just imagine the craziness that he will bring on Halloween XD
The children are adorable with their random comments! I love it!
OH man, the scene where Ava Rose spoke up....damn! I can't wait to find out the Baby Daddy....I bet he's someone extremely obvious and I'm just not seeing it, lol! Good chapter. Really good!
Chapter 6
"Wind storm"
Oh, Katie....You have this poor fool wrapped around your finger.
Around the fire, the girls and every… more adult huddled close and relished in their current surroundings. The adults still couldn't comprehend how so much Snow managed to fall in just one single area; the girls, however, giggled at their marvelous little secret. Madeline kept quiet, as the unsolved mystery would eventually be nothing but a distant memory.
"Nice to see you, Malcom."
"You too, Lyla. You have a wonderful family here."
Lyla grins. "Yes, they can be something at times but I wouldn't change this life for the world."
As she says this, Lyla places her arm under Georgie's and leans her head to rest upon his shoulders. Bigby sits smoking his cigarette, while Peter and Ethan finish off their Bologna sandwiches.
"How is the family?"
"They are very well. Busy like always; Ethan came down for a week, Peter has his work and s… [view original content]
Here's another one
October 3
Dear diary,
I'm not usually one for sharing my thoughts and feelings, let alone write them on paper. … moreBut I decided I needed to brush on my literature skills a bit.
Believe it or not I actually enjoy autumn, it's nice to break out those sweaters that been sitting in the back of my closet since god knows when. And I am rather fond of those pumpkin spice drinks and pumpkin based pastries. It's a quiet and more peaceful season for me... Or was for that matter.
My useless excuse of a husband tried to get me into some pirate lingerie getup. It's one thing to try to make me dress up for Halloween, it's another to try to get me to wear a few strips of fabric. It's OCTOBER for fucks sake, I would freeze my ass off if I were to wear that getup! Common sense anyone?
I may had kicked him in the groin... Which I will admit was a tad harsh... And I was wearing steel toed boots that evening...
Sigh perhaps … [view original content]
Okay next short little story, the seque to The Cold Heart OF Hate...Russian Roulette! I'm really looking forward to this one, now without f… moreurther ado, enjoy.
Also I made Scarlett, Bradwr, Bonnie and Lyall on chibi maker (Since I haven't been able to draw them (Aside from Scarlett) and I can't draw men if my life depended on it.)
Russian Roulette
Chapter one
Snake in the fields
Nerissa's eyes slowly cracked open, her whole body felt so exhausted and heavy, her forehead soaked with sweat.
Hearing her husband's gruff voice she slowly sat up.
"How are you feeling?" Bigby asked.
"Tired..." she grumbled rubbing t… [view original content]
Poor thing. Being a single parent is a tough job in itself; my mother was since dad left all those years ago. Hope, man...that was uncool. Carter is too precious. I REALLY hope Jack steps up soon.
Mary got home late from her job. Her head entered through the glass first, followed by the rest of her body. She had to hang the mirror high… moreer on the wall, so her little terror didn't give the babysitter a hard time and scare the shit out of her every goddamn minute of the day. The lights in the hallway were off, signifying that her son was fast asleep. He couldn't sleep with an ounce of light and since Mary isn't too fond of leaving his door closed, she instructed the babysitter to turn the hall light out as soon as he was put to bed.
Mary had to jump down to the floor, being as quiet as possible not to disturb the resting apartment. The living room TV was on mute, and she saw Alice resting across the couch, half asleep.
"Wakey, wakey," Mary mumbled, shaking Alice's shoulder. The blond haired girl opened her eyes, squinted a minute, then frowned.
"You said you'd be back by eight. I had to miss the concert I was planning on going to.… [view original content]
Katie buckles Alice, Madeline and Bella into their seats. The three girls are in human form, as Katie closes the door and takes her seat at the wheel.
"We need to pick up some Hamburger meat for dinner tonight."
"Is it just going to be us?"
"Yes. Your sisters are still sleeping."
"We had SO much fun yesterday!"
Katie starts the car. "I know! You girls didn't even get up until this morning."
Alice fidgets in her seat. "Can we get muffins for after dinner?"
Katie pauses to think. Three, Deer-eyed little girls look in her direction.
"Sure. Why not."
All three of them clap, as Katie pulls into the busy streets. She stops behind a Garbage truck, as the traffic above slowly moves. The girls play 'I spy' for the first five minutes; Bella, however, decides the game has worn out it's 'welcome' and insists they play another game.
"How about the name game?"
"What's that?"
"You we played it on the trip with Uncle Hans and Aunt Gina that one time."
Madeline smiles. "Oh yeah! Cool!"
"Okay! Hmmmm. Let's see...the letter 'F.'"
The other two girls sit and think. "Umm...."
"C'mon! Its easy! We LIVE here-"
"FABLETON!" Alice nearly causes Katie to swerve into the next lane.
"Girls, please. Indoor voices."
"Sorry mommy. Your turn, Maddie."
"Hmmmm. The letter 'C.'"
"The Cut Above?"
Katie pulls into a tiny parking lot outside of the butcher shop.
"Well, speaking of here we are!"
Thr girls squeal, as they unbuckle their belts. One by one, the girls exit the car. After setting the alram, The four ladies walk into the Butcher Shop. Ding Ding! Anxiously waiting, the girls place their eager faces against the glass. Madeline licks her lips, as the other to girls point out the different variety of meats. A minute later, Johann enters the room. He is surprised to see Katie.
Katie turns to face him. "Johann, hello. Good afternoon. How are you today?"
Johann rubs the back of his neck. "Fine, fine...I uh, didn't know that was YOU on the phone..."
Katie looks addled. "You okay, Johann. Who did you think it was?"
Johann rubs his hands. "Nothing. No one. Just...umm...the Hamburger meat, right?"
Katie nods. "Alright. Be right back..."
Johann leaves to the back. Unsure of his state of mind, Katie stands close by and waits. The girls, however, are delighted to be surrounded by such delicious treats.
"Mommy, have you seen this Ham!?"
"Mommy, look at THESE Steaks!"
Katie laughs. "Settle down, girls. I'm sure Johann has a little something for you. He used to do that for me when I as your age."
"He DID?"
"Yup. Used to give us bits of fat or skin that he never used. Your papa hated that idea but noticed how much it made us happy, so he allowed it."
Johann returns with an enormous bundle of meat.
"Here you are, Katherine. 25 pounds of Hamburger meat."
"Great. How much do I owe you?"
As Katie opens her purse, Johann shakes his head. "No. Its on the house today."
"Johann, no. Let me give you the amount-"
Johann smiles. "Its fine Katherine. Really. Its the least I can do..."
Before she could speak, Johann tosses the girls each a leg bone.
"Here you girls go. Enjoy that tasty little treat."
"Thank you, Mr. Johann!"
The girls sit quietly in the corner; the only sound was gnawing and a few growls. Katie tries to hand Johann a few twenties but he refuses to take them. She places them back into her wallet.
"Johann, I don't under-"
"How is Penelope?"
"Penelope? She's fine. Just had a baby boy. Josiah. She's fallen on hard times, though."
"What, uhh...where is she at?"
Intrigued, Katie carried on the conversation. "At my parent's place. She was kicked out the week she gave birth to Josiah. Guess the boy does not belong to Oliver and when he found out, she was on the streets."
Johann bit his bottom lip. "My God. awful..."
"She's fine now. They are at my place right now."
Johann excuses himself for a minute and returns with an envelope.
"What...what is this-"
"Money...for Penelope."
Johann tries to avoid eye contact. "Well, you know...she needs it! More than I do, at least. Plus, that little boy..."
"But WHY do you-"
"Just, please Katie...."
Katie places the envelope into her purse. Her eyes never leaves Johann's, as she gathers the massive bundle into her arms.
"C'mon, girls. Mommy needs to marinate this for dinner tonight. Say good-bye to Mr. Johann."
The girls, bones in their mouth, as they head back to the mini van. Katie helps the girls into their seats, as she starts the car.
"Mmmm! This is so good, mommy!"
Katie smiles. "Well, glad you like it."
"Can we come back again?"
"No worries, love. We will."
Katie buckles in, turns into the street and heads back to the house.
Chapter 8 soon
Had time for another. If you have any questions, ask away.
Day 3
Dear Diary:
The kids had a blast at Central Park. They jumped in the leaves the entire time. Ethan and Peter played w… moreith the older kids as well. I was worried Katie or Penny would bully the younger boys, especially Peter but they were surprisingly well behaved. There were several patches of snow here and there. Junior and Emily TRIED making a Snowman. Give it another week or two and Fabletown will be covered in it.
Georgie and I were invited to the annual Fabletown Autumn Harvest festival. The kids stayed with my parents. It was a costume event and those interested in attending the fuction dressed could do so. At first, Georgie refused to participate. Finally, after letting him sulk and think, he came around to the idea. Nothing too fancy; just something festive and exciting.
He had the hat, bot e just needed the outfit. Thankfully some of these mundy Halloween costumes stores have the neccesities we need for this… [view original content]
I loved this little section; the part with the girls chewing on the bones! And I get what's going on with Penny now. You can't outsmart Katie Porgie. And wow....over 20 lbs of meat! XD
Chapter 7
Meat, Porgies and Devils
"Mommy where are we going?"
Katie buckles Alice, Madeline and Bella into their seats. The three … moregirls are in human form, as Katie closes the door and takes her seat at the wheel.
"We need to pick up some Hamburger meat for dinner tonight."
"Is it just going to be us?"
"Yes. Your sisters are still sleeping."
"We had SO much fun yesterday!"
Katie starts the car. "I know! You girls didn't even get up until this morning."
Alice fidgets in her seat. "Can we get muffins for after dinner?"
Katie pauses to think. Three, Deer-eyed little girls look in her direction.
"Sure. Why not."
All three of them clap, as Katie pulls into the busy streets. She stops behind a Garbage truck, as the traffic above slowly moves. The girls play 'I spy' for the first five minutes; Bella, however, decides the game has worn out it's 'welcome' and insists they play another game.
"How about the name ga… [view original content]
Hello all This is the first chapter in my story. Please let me know what you think and don't hold back, I want this to be good.
Chapter One
I sighed and lit another cigarette and stared out the window of my closet size office. The bright lights of New York City blinded me but they had their own sense of beauty in them. I have a feeling that they were there so people who were looking at them could just forget all about their lives. About their problems. To look at them and just see one beautiful thing left in the world.
Unfortunately, I hated them.
My name is Adam. I live in a small apartment in New York City. More specifically Fabletown, but I leave the town a lot to go hunting. Ah, yes, I love hunting. The only thing in the world that makes me happy. The Mundies have even given me an exciting name. The Huntsman.
One special thing you need to know about me, is that everyone in Fabletown knows me and at the same time they don't know me. I am a rumor, a whisper in the shadows. At the same time, I'm every Fable's bitch. They find me when they need me to leave the city to fetch something of theirs when they are too busy to. Its not light stuff either. Its stuff that has come to this world from ours.
A knock on the door awoke me from my thoughts. I put out the cigarette and opened the door slowly.
"Are you the Huntsman?" a scared voice asked.
I nodded and let the man in. He was skinny and average height, but his eyes were red and his face made him look hundreds of years older than he normally looked. Then again, he probably was.
I told the man to sit down on the chair across my desk and I sat across from him. I offered him a cigarette, which he denied. I lit another one and motioned for him to speak.
"I... I need you," he started slowly. "To get something for me."
"No shit." I said. Then I felt a pang of regret. I feel like this man had been through too much for my rude bullshit today. "I'm sorry. Please continue."
He excused my rudeness and continued. "I need you to get me something from Europe. Greece to be more exact. Its... its." he took another deep breath. "I need you to get me a sample of water from the River Lethe. I need to forget everything that has ever happened to me. I need to get away from this wretched town and have no memories of it. No memories means no intention to return."
He looked at me, awaiting my answer. I studied the man more closely then nodded. "Consider it done. I'll need a few weeks though."
For the first time, the man showed some emotion other than sadness. "What? No questions asked, just like that you will do it?"
I nodded. "I'm the best hunter that you will ever meet. Best tracker. I don't just kill my prey, I study them. I've studied animals and humans so much that I know what someone is going through." I shifted forward in my seat. "You lost someone recently, haven't you?"
The man stared back at me blankly. "Yes." he said finally. "My wife. In fact, I'm on my way to her funeral right now."
I nodded and apologized for his loss while already running a list of things in my head I would need to do to get this task done. Before he left, I took another small break from my thoughts to ask him what his name was.
My dad was a single parent for a few years, so I know what a struggle things can be too He's remarried now, but I don't forget what it was like when we had to have the TV shut off for a while, or had to live off of pasta and peanutbutter jelly sandwiches. Thing's will get better for Mary, I plan on writing a few chapters like this one. As for Jack....well, I haven't put much thought to bringing him back or not. Maybe something better will happen
Poor thing. Being a single parent is a tough job in itself; my mother was since dad left all those years ago. Hope, man...that was uncool. Carter is too precious. I REALLY hope Jack steps up soon.
Lmao your telling me XD I go to Dunkin Donuts and get the pumpkin iced coffee with the pumpkin donuts. I wish Tim Hortons were in America. Well, maybe they are in America, but they're not in my region if they are I heard they're really good.
Really? I just noticed that XD Scarletts everywhere!
And pumpkin everything is perfect, I swear I could live off of Pumkin spice muffins they sell at Tim Hortons.
The kids pointing out all the meats. "Mommy Steak!" I had a good laugh at that XD
Katie definitely know's whats up. I think she's just playing stupid with Johann. And if she's genuinely unsure....well. OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES KATHERINE. Nuff said.
I loved this little section; the part with the girls chewing on the bones! And I get what's going on with Penny now. You can't outsmart Katie Porgie. And wow....over 20 lbs of meat! XD
I loved this little section; the part with the girls chewing on the bones! And I get what's going on with Penny now. You can't outsmart Katie Porgie. And wow....over 20 lbs of meat! XD
Mary woke up really suddenly, still sitting in the armchair within her son's bedroom. He was awake already, building with his Lego Duplo set.
"Mornin' buddy," She said, yawning and stretching her arms. The back of her neck was stiff. She stood up slowly, then walked over to pick him up. She decided that she would pay Alice back as soon as she could, and then maybe she would hire someone else to babysit her child.
Today though, he was going to be over his Aunt Harmony's house. It was Mary's only day off in the week, and although spending the time with Carter seemed to be the desirable option, she had to go run some errands around the city. She got her son all dressed up, packed a diaper bag, and made sure his tummy was already full before stepping into the mirror.
The genuine glee on the boy's face whenever they went into the mirror was enough to melt Mary's insides. She carried him across the desolate inside, a distorted version of the real world. In the mirror, there was no one but them. She could live there, if she so desired. But then, there's no protection from the demons. Because instead of people, there are monsters, and bad dreams that live in here. She doesn't particularly like to linger in there too long with Carter, and she's counting her blessings that they haven't run into any problems so far. It's easy to deal with the fuckers when you're alone and if you're Bloody Mary, but when you've got a kid you're responsible tends to get a little more complicated.
Her head poked out of the bathroom mirror in Harmony's apartment. Normally she would use the living room one, but to her knowledge that one was moved to the nursery, and she wasn't about to scare the shit out of a group of one year olds.
She places Carter down as soon as she entered the living room. The boy sprinted for the bedroom, knowing that the start of his days here began with waking his favorite aunt and uncle up from their slumber. Mary took a trip to the nursery, watching her little nieces and nephews resting in their cribs.
Ashlyn stirred awake as soon as the door creaked open. The little girl popped her head up, stairing through the wooden bars belonging to her bed.
"Morning sunshine," Mary said with a smile. She patted the baby on the head, and in return the girl giggled. The rest of them still slept peacefully, and Mary was sure that Tim and Harm would like to keep it that way. She picked Ash out of her crib and re-entered the living room.
Harmony entered the room with a robe around herself. "You could have warned me that you were sending your little soldier in to wake us. I was a little busy trying to get Tim to distract the boy while I got a robe on myself."
"My boy has seen boobs before. It won't faze him."
"Well, I'm also his aunt, so I don't want him thinking of my boobs whenever I come to mind, thank you very much."
Mary just laughs. She places Ash in the giant rainbow colored playpen behind the couch and hugs Harm and kisses her on the cheek. She does the same to Tim, who's holding Carter in his arms as he enters the living room minutes after.
"See you in the afternoon," Mary says.
"See ya. We'll take good care of your demon spawn," Tim joked.
"Oh, I know it. Bye."
And Mary stepped back into the mirror.
I think I'm going to make this a thing for a while. I'll write about Mary and her personal affairs before going back to Harmony. Of course, I'm also writing the daily diary posts, so really I'm not taking a break from Harmony, I'm just coinciding Mary and Harmony and I have no idea where I'm going with this so I'm just going to go to bed because it's 10 PM and I have to wake up at 7 to go to stupid SAT bootcamp that my school is offering ON A FUCKING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY and I have to go TO BOTH OF THEM because IF YOU SIGN UP THEN YOU HAVE TO and I'm just a LITTLE ANGRY about it. JUST A LITTLE.
Yeah. I remember those days, too. Just her raising four kids on her own. Glad to hear everything worked out for you, though. I can't ait to see what you do. Either way, I'll love it!
My dad was a single parent for a few years, so I know what a struggle things can be too He's remarried now, but I don't forget what it was … morelike when we had to have the TV shut off for a while, or had to live off of pasta and peanutbutter jelly sandwiches. Thing's will get better for Mary, I plan on writing a few chapters like this one. As for Jack....well, I haven't put much thought to bringing him back or not. Maybe something better will happen
.....Ohhhh shiiiiiiitt.....
That's all imma say.
The kids pointing out all the meats. "Mommy Steak!" I had a good laugh at that XD
… moreKatie definitely know's whats up. I think she's just playing stupid with Johann. And if she's genuinely unsure....well. OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES KATHERINE. Nuff said.
Good chapter. To the point and very lovely
I'm loving this so far. The idea of the Huntsman is very exciting, considering Snow White is in the same area. (Assuming THIS is the same guy. If not, my bad! XD) The fact that people avoid him is very mysterious in itself.
And Lawrence; I'd like to see if he's going to be a main part in your stroy. Not a lot of people mention the guy. You are off to a great start and can't wait for more.
Hello all This is the first chapter in my story. Please let me know what you think and don't hold back, I want this to be good.
Chapter … moreOne
I sighed and lit another cigarette and stared out the window of my closet size office. The bright lights of New York City blinded me but they had their own sense of beauty in them. I have a feeling that they were there so people who were looking at them could just forget all about their lives. About their problems. To look at them and just see one beautiful thing left in the world.
Unfortunately, I hated them.
My name is Adam. I live in a small apartment in New York City. More specifically Fabletown, but I leave the town a lot to go hunting. Ah, yes, I love hunting. The only thing in the world that makes me happy. The Mundies have even given me an exciting name. The Huntsman.
One special thing you need to know about me, is that everyone in Fabletown knows me and at the same time they don't… [view original content]
It's Halloween in a few weeks, fellow writers and I'd like to get started on an early costume contest going on. My poor blank sheets of paper. I'll TRY and have one for each week up until the night of Halloween. I LOVE this time of year.
This week, Katie and Jersey. We have a 'Situation' on our hands. I felt this was VERy appropriate for the couple. XD
Also, @DragonButter I hope you like it, dude. Sorry for no color but hope you like it regradless.
Ooh, scented candles are the best. I also like apple scented ones.....and basically anything Yankee Candles makes XD I have a rootbeer scented candle from them, but I only use it sometimes because after a short while it just smells like I'm burning soda in the room, lol.
It's a good idea! Though it's odd at first reading about Harmony and Tim from such a different perspective :P
That's a spice that causes some strong opinions then! I'm going to have to import some, possibly in scented candle form
As for me, I'm still laughing at seeing Jersey XD Looks like they've been hanging around Seaside for too long!
I really love the bottom picture. Tez and Rose.....I ship it Also, adding Clara as a bonus is awesome! I just read the "Defy Covers" Issue of Fairest. Clara and a ton of Fables are featured in that issue, its awesome.
It's Halloween in a few weeks, fellow writers and I'd like to get started on an early costume contest going on. My poor blank sheets of pape… morer. I'll TRY and have one for each week up until the night of Halloween. I LOVE this time of year.
This week, Katie and Jersey. We have a 'Situation' on our hands. I felt this was VERy appropriate for the couple. XD
Also, @DragonButter I hope you like it, dude. Sorry for no color but hope you like it regradless.
It's Halloween in a few weeks, fellow writers and I'd like to get started on an early costume contest going on. My poor blank sheets of pape… morer. I'll TRY and have one for each week up until the night of Halloween. I LOVE this time of year.
This week, Katie and Jersey. We have a 'Situation' on our hands. I felt this was VERy appropriate for the couple. XD
Also, @DragonButter I hope you like it, dude. Sorry for no color but hope you like it regradless.
This does make me think a lot of what Prince Charming must have been like as a boy! Noah not trusting what people are telling him regarding what he's eating is amusing!
For a split-second I thought Bradwr was digging fishnet leggings for himself there! I always imagined Scarlett to be the captain of their two-person crew anyway.
3rd: That bloody wagon! That unreliable, obstinate, smelly, and most aggravatingly broken, wagon! I've had to stay on this Farm for two nights now and I wonder at how many more nights I'll spend here till I can leave; and I'm down to my last glamour!
Honestly, it's terrible. No one will talk to me; in fact, they seem to be avoiding me. Take Posey and Dun: I tried knocking on their door to say hello, as I could see them in their living room through a window, and they just stayed seated, talking as if I'd never made any noise. Colin has all the charm of their trio.
Then there was Puss In Boots. I passed him on the way to the orchard, waved and called out to him, and he walked past me as if I were invisible! I know he has something of a reputation for being haughty at times, but still! He's a cat that wears boots and an oversized hat, for crying out loud! You can't be so arrogant all the time when all most Mundies want to do is give you a cuddle because you're so sodding cute.
Even Badger and Ratty won't speak to me, though they did acknowledge me presence. We've kept in touch via letters over the years, so why would the be so cold to me now? Snow White and Weyland have been working on the wagon or with general maintenance, so there's no help there.
That's why I've had to write an entry this morning. I've spent the night - a chilly night, I hasten to add - in a corner of the barn, never once letting my eyes rest for fear of some sort of attack. There were cows and birds in there with me; you can very rarely trust cows and birds if you let your guard down. Luckily, I had a large spoon with which to defend myself. Spoons are futile for offence, yet are unparalleled at defense! Unless you count shields. But I didn't have a shield, so it had to be a spoon. Hmm, maybe I should get some sleep now there's daylight.
Looks like Mr. Weasel might be starting to go a little stir-crazy with his time on the Farm, but why is everyone ignoring him? Perhaps he will find out in a day or so!
Ffffft Bradwr in fishnet leggings. I'm having the sudden mental image of Bradwr in those, all laid out on the bed saying "Paint me like one of your French girls." And Scarlett just walking out of the bedroom and she's just all "Nope."
Here's another one
October 3
Dear diary,
I'm not usually one for sharing my thoughts and feelings, let alone write them on paper. But I decided I needed to brush on my literature skills a bit.
Believe it or not I actually enjoy autumn, it's nice to break out those sweaters that been sitting in the back of my closet since god knows when. And I am rather fond of those pumpkin spice drinks and pumpkin based pastries. It's a quiet and more peaceful season for me... Or was for that matter.
My useless excuse of a husband tried to get me into some pirate lingerie getup. It's one thing to try to make me dress up for Halloween, it's another to try to get me to wear a few strips of fabric. It's OCTOBER for fucks sake, I would freeze my ass off if I were to wear that getup! Common sense anyone?
I may had kicked him in the groin... Which I will admit was a tad harsh... And I was wearing steel toed boots that evening...
Sigh perhaps I'll pick him up a pumpkin spice latte to say sorry... Apologizes aren't really my forte.
And here's Scarlett diary part. And yes, her middle name is Marie ( Lol get it?) O3O Bonnie or Lyall should be next.
You can rarely rust cows and birds if you let your guard down
Georgie: See!! I Bloody told you about those bastards! Can't wait to find out WHY he's being ignored by so many Fables!
I'd be down to wear fishnet stockings with these guys! XD
Chapter 6
"Wind storm"
Oh, Katie....You have this poor fool wrapped around your finger.
Around the fire, the girls and every adult huddled close and relished in their current surroundings. The adults still couldn't comprehend how so much Snow managed to fall in just one single area; the girls, however, giggled at their marvelous little secret. Madeline kept quiet, as the unsolved mystery would eventually be nothing but a distant memory.
"Nice to see you, Malcom."
"You too, Lyla. You have a wonderful family here."
Lyla grins. "Yes, they can be something at times but I wouldn't change this life for the world."
As she says this, Lyla places her arm under Georgie's and leans her head to rest upon his shoulders. Bigby sits smoking his cigarette, while Peter and Ethan finish off their Bologna sandwiches.
"How is the family?"
"They are very well. Busy like always; Ethan came down for a week, Peter has his work and school schedule; Emily has the club, you know about Katherine's life, Penny just had a baby and Junior is, well...looking forward to the upcoming holiday."
Lyla nods and smiles. "Seems like he and Mary have a BIG plan for that Friday."
Gianna shivers. "Uncle Junior is creepy when he looks like that in the mirror..."
Bella and Hannah interupt. "Nuh uh! He looks so cool! One time, he showed us and nana-there was SO much blood and glass and-"
Lyla giggles. "Alright you. Sit down. Think that's enough 'Bloody Porgie' for you."
Georgie finishes his cup of hot tea. "So, what have you been up to, Malcom?"
"Well, after Jo-" Malcom looks over at Lyla.
"It's fine, Malcom."
"When John passed away, I stayed with Nancy for awhile to assure she'd be fine with the sudden change. During this time, Beauty and Beast had an open position at the Business Office. I took this opportunity and applied. It was part-time; they would have me file papers, clean up around the office and run errands when needed."
Bigby snickers. "How did THAT go?"
"Eh, not so good at first. Beast refused to let ME work for THEM. Honestly, Katie was my saving grace; since she joined the Council, so many rules have changed for the better."
Georgie sighs. "Yup, that's our Katie. Trys her best to make this fucked up world a little bit better."
Laura peeks over Georgie's shoulder. "My mommy likes to make people happy."
"Your mommy has always been that way."
Malcom looks around. "Speaking of Katie, where is she?"
"At home with Hope and Jersey. Little thing is sick."
"That's too bad. Hopefully she get's better."
Some of the girls get up from their seats and wonder around the woods. Georgia and Willow climb a nearby tree, as the others play hide and seek in the bushes located behind the camp fire. Ivy drags Madeline behind a large Pine tree.
"Can you make us an ice skating area? The water isn't very solid..."
Madeline waves her hands and points to a nearby pond. Within seconds, the water is a solid block of ice. Ivy squeals, as the other girls rush over to their new available play thing. Madeline shakes her wrist for a few seconds and runs over to the others.
Ivy sits on the ice, as Bella's might wings spread to the side. Flapping them as hard as she can, she pushes Ivy around in a circle and with one final blow, propels the Wolf cub into a heaping pile of Snow. Ivy's head pokes up, as she shakes and giggles.
"That was sooooo much fun! Agian!"
Each of the girls pair up and soon, the block of ice is layered in Wolf cubs and Jersey Devil youngsters. The area is suffused with the laughter of the twelve girls; several creatures from the forest perk their heads up in the direction of the abrupt noise. A Doe and her fawn race across the snowy hills and dodge into the darkness. Several birds tweet and fly up above.
"Thank God Hope isn't here! She wouldn't have THIS much fun."
The games and laughter come to a unanticipated stop. Two of the Wolf girls lose their balance and collide into each other. Georgia and Abigail direct their glances at the girl who spoke these words.
"What did you say, Ava Rose?"
The girl, now in her human form, tries to brush off the snow gathering on her head. "What? It's true, isn't it?"
"You shouldn't say things like that, though. She's really sick."
"I KNOW that! all I'm saying is-"
Georgia pins Ava Rose to the ground. "Take that back!"
Ava Rose struggles to move. "Get off of me, Gerogia! I meant no harm by that!"
"Then WHY say it?!"
"I was just...I didn't...Georgia, seriously!?"
The winged girl hissed at Ava Rose, as the other girls did their best to pull an angered creature from their sister. Georgia was too much like her grandfather; when tempers flew and Georgia had her 'buttons' pushed, it was like a bomb ready to detonate. Bella managed to grab Georgia and pull her back. Worried, Ava backed away near her sisters.
"Calm down, Georgia! She didn't mean any harm."
Seeing how nothing would change, Georgia dropped the subject all together. There was no need to drag this on and to avoid an awkward situation, she flew into a nearby tree and perched herself upon a branch.
"Man, you gotta watch her sometimes." Bella looks at Ava Rose. "And YOU should know better than that."
"I didn't mean-"
"I know, I know. know how she is with Hope."
There was a thundering noise headed their direction. The girls stood their ground, as Peter nearly slipped on the ice.
"The hell did this come from? Not that cold yet...."
"The sun is not reall hitting this part of the woods yet, Uncle Peter."
Peter looks around. "Yeah...I guess. You girls ready to head back?"
"Yes, its getting colder and your nana said Hunters like to come out around this time. Plus, the Sheriff has to go and-"
"Good." Ivy walks past Peter.
"Ivy, watch the tone...."
Peter collects all the girls. Georgia finally flys from her post and joins the others. As Georgie is putting out the fire, Lyla and Peter change back into their Wolf forms. Ethan sits upon Lyla's shoulders again. Some of the girls change into their human form and sit beside him.
"What's wrong girls? Tired?"
Alice, Ivy and Willow nod. "Alright. Lay back and hold on tight."
Georgie climbs up and holds onto Peter's fur. He glares over at Malcom and Bigby, who continue to lean against a tree and smoke.
"You two heading out soon?"
"In a bit. We just need to catch up for a minute. Tell everyone I said hi."
Before long, Lyla and Peter head back to the cars. Behind them, the winged creatures follow.
Hope is fast asleep on the couch. In her hand, she cuddles a stuffed kitten. Jersey and Katie stand in the doorway.
"She's too precious."
"Yeah." Jersey sighs. "I just, worry 'bout her sometimes."
"She'll be fine, Jersey. She's a tough little thing."
Katie kisses his cheek. "She's too much like you."
"Me?" Jersey follows Katie into the kitchen. "What do you mean me?"
Katie pours herself another cup of Milk. "Tell him, Penny."
"Uh no, no, no! Don't drag your sister into this! She is on MY side."
Penny laughs. "Well, I DO have to agree with Katie but-"
In her arms, Josiah becomes fussy. Penny tries rocking him but the boy refuses to cooperate. She attemtps the breast one last time but Josiah refuses it almost instantly. Seconds later, her phone goes off.
"Here. Hand him to me."
Katie gently holds the infant, as Penny excuses herself from the kitchen. Katie glares at her sister's troubled face.
"Oliver?" Penny says no. "Is it...Josiah's father...."
"Just...hold him, Katie...."
As Penny leaves the kitchen, the front door opens. Twelve very cold and exhausted girls walk in. Several of them head upstairs, while the others notice Hope and cuddle beside them. Georgie gets a small fire going, as Lyla returns with more quilts and pillows. Jersey and Katie give each of the girls a kiss before they all return to the kitchen.
"Did they have fun?"
"Yes, sweetie. They were very well behaved and had so much fun."
"Yeah, I can tell." Jersey looks over. "They didn't say ONE word. That's how I know..."
"Thank you so much for taking them."
Georgie smiles. "It was a blast havin' the girls today. We should do this more often. Hopefully little miss Hope will join us next time."
"How is she, Katie?"
"Better. We baked cookies all day. We had a dance session earlier in the kitchen. It was too damn cute."
"Notice Penny is here."
"She's on the phone...with the baby daddy."
"Do you know who-"
"No. But I'll get it out of her..."
Until that day came, Katie walked over and noticed all her girls in the living room. Each one of them cuddled close to either Hope or the fireplace.
Chapter 7 soon
If you have any questions, you know the drill. It's Friday!!! Whoa!!
Day 3
Dear Diary:
The kids had a blast at Central Park. They jumped in the leaves the entire time. Ethan and Peter played with the older kids as well. I was worried Katie or Penny would bully the younger boys, especially Peter but they were surprisingly well behaved. There were several patches of snow here and there. Junior and Emily TRIED making a Snowman. Give it another week or two and Fabletown will be covered in it.
Georgie and I were invited to the annual Fabletown Autumn Harvest festival. The kids stayed with my parents. It was a costume event and those interested in attending the fuction dressed could do so. At first, Georgie refused to participate. Finally, after letting him sulk and think, he came around to the idea. Nothing too fancy; just something festive and exciting.
He had the hat, bot e just needed the outfit. Thankfully some of these mundy Halloween costumes stores have the neccesities we need for this time of year. Georgie was going as Alex Delarge from the movie 'ClockWork Orange.' I was to be his Playboy bunny. It was fun explaining to the kids WHY we were dressed up. Thank GOD they understand.
The Festival was always held at the Farm; it wouldn't be fair to those that couldn't leave the premises. Why hold an annual event when half of the community live in a different section? We came across Gren and my sister; the fools were already drunk and singing some random song. We found them sitting upon a bale of hay. Snow White was there, as were various other members of the community.
That night, they had a dance competition and costume contest. To our surprise, a lot of Fables dressed up. Georgie was anxious to participate in the dance competition. To be honest, in the years I've known him and been married to, never once did I ever witness Georgie Porgie enthused about dancing. I HAD to see this.
On the dance floor, he and about twenty other Fables, including Jack, Gren and Jersey, patiently waited for the music. No surprise, Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' echoed into the night. It was entertaining watching them dance like the video portrayed. In the front of the group, Georgie showed off moves I had no idea he possesed. Even Snow seemed a tad astonished by his sudden need to 'bust a move.'
When the competition was over, it was no shock who won that evening. The kids will be so happy to see daddy won a trophy. In the morning, we are taking them to the Pumpkin Patch and later, Junior wants to attempt actually finishing a Haunted House. Georgie knows of a very terrifying one. We'll see how this ends.
Until next time.
Work dem legs XD
Dat ending.
Ivy has an attitude 'bout her and I love it!
Plus, Bella standing up to Ava about Hope.
I hope you DO add more 'bout Penny and this 'mysterious' man. Can we guess. Um. Jack? lol
Good ork! Loved it!
You need to draw this now, Pie! XD
Lol, Bloody-Mary's going to be super confused when she sees that you replied an entire chapter to hers. XD
Okay next short little story, the seque to The Cold Heart OF Hate...Russian Roulette!
I'm really looking forward to this one, now without further ado, enjoy.
Also I made Scarlett, Bradwr, Bonnie and Lyall on chibi maker (Since I haven't been able to draw them (Aside from Scarlett) and I can't draw men if my life depended on it.)
Russian Roulette
Chapter one
Snake in the fields
Nerissa's eyes slowly cracked open, her whole body felt so exhausted and heavy, her forehead soaked with sweat.
Hearing her husband's gruff voice she slowly sat up.
"How are you feeling?" Bigby asked.
"Tired..." she grumbled rubbing the sleep out if her eyes. "Where is-"
"Right here." Bigby mused sitting down on the edge of the bed. A white bundle in his arms. "You passed out for a little while, Swineheart says he's great."
A slow smile spread on her face, seems like just hours ago Nerissa was cursing his name as she gone through the most painful process in her life.
Peering at the little cub in the blanket she chuckled seeing the cubs unruly head of thick brown hair.
"He looks just like you." she commented.
"Yeah, but he's got your tail." Bigby replied. Once seeing the rather confused look on her face her husband carefully unraveled the white blanket, causing there son to slowly fidget from the slightly cold air of the room. "Swineheart says he can be out if water for a little while, being part wolf and all."
Her eyes widen, Nerissa was rendered speechless, instead of two pudgy little legs their was a scaly teal coloured tail.
"He's a... merwolf?" that was the first thing that popped into her head. And merwolf seemed like the only suitable hybrid name.
"It looks that way, he might be a better swimmer then me." Bigby chuckled as he watched their son's tail give a slight swish. "I think he wants to see his mom before he needs to go back." Wrapping the newborn cub up again he handed him to Nerissa.
If possible she smiled bigger.
"Hey there little guy..."
Her slender fingers ran through her son's thick locks of greasy brown hair. Christ, it's been what? Two days now? It seemed more like years to Nerissa...
All Swineheart said was he needed rest soon after the bullet was removed and his leg was patched up... well almost. It was a horrifying sight for her. Her first and only child lying on the ground, silver bullet nearly piercing his heart, leg ripped off, and on the brink of death... It was a parent's worst nightmare.
Her eyes averted to her son's leg... Swineheart informed her and Bigby there was nothing he could do for the missing limb, when he turn the form of a merman his tail wouldn't be affected ... But his wolf form was another story.
Looking up she seen Bigby enter the room, two coffee cups in his hand.
"Hey..." Nerissa greeted back, holding back the urge to let out a sigh.
"How are you holding up?" he asked sitting himself on the edge of the bed, handing her a coffee.
"About as good as what can be expected." she replied letting out a sigh. "I just wish there was more I could do, I know he's all grown up... But he's still our baby, you know?" Bringing the hot drink to her lips Nerissa took a long sip. Plenty of milk, two sugars, and a shot of vanilla. Just the way she liked it.
"I know..." Bigby glanced at Lyall, both of them were eagerly awaiting for him to wake up.
"Bigby,... Who did this?"
"Remember that woman?"
"The one that looked like Mary?"
He nodded.
"Yeah, that's the one. There was another guy too, looked hell of a lot like the Jersey Devil." he stated as he took a sip of his coffee.
"Do you think it was them?" What became of Jersey was unknown to them, but one thing they were certain of was that Bloody Mary was dead.
"Couldn't be, Mary would had put up a fight against me. Plus she's taller then that. Same with Jersey, I think that woman called him Bradwr?" he shrugged.
Nerissa stared at the cup of coffee, to think before this they were dancing the night away, drinking champagne, and chatting away with other Fables... Then the night ended with her son in the hospital, it was just like that scene when Mary kidnaped Crane...
"Who do you think they are?"
"No fucking idea." Bigby replied. "That woman must have some sort of relation to Bloody Mary, only way she escaped was with a mirror on my guess. Damn room she ran too had nothing but a mirror."
Another sigh escaped from Nerissa as she shook her head. A low groan caused their eyes to quickly avert to their son.
"Lyall?" Nerissa leaned in a bit closer, seeing his eyes slowly crack open.
"My head..." he grumbled.
"Just take it easy now, no need to overwork yourself." Bigby warned.
Lyall slowly sat up, shutting his eyes tightly and resting his face in his palms.
"Room... Spinning." he grumbled.
"It's the painkillers, they should wear off soon." She reassured.
"Good, never liked narcotic stuff. I hate being out of character." he huffed.
"Do you want anything? Some water, something to eat?" offered Nerissa.
"Water...cold. Jesus fucking Christ my head..."
"Language." Bigby lectured.
"Really? You of all people are going to nag our twenty year old son not to curse." Nerissa laughed handing Lyall a styrofoam cup of water.
She watched as Lyall drank, at first it was slow, taking long sips, then he quickly downed the cup. There was an eerie silence as Lyall glanced downwards at his bed.
"My leg..."
"Lyall-" Bigby started but before he could finish Lyall pulled the sheet off of him. Revealing his one good leg and his missing one.
"Shit..." he said in shock.
"You can still work if that's what you're thinking." Bigby reassured. "Swineheart got a fake leg already for you."
"Will it still work in my wolf form. And what about my tail?"
That was their son alright, straight to the point. Tail was clearly referring to the scaly one, made for swimming.
"The witches on the thirteenth floor did their thing, it can change to fit whatever form you're in." Nerissa informed. "How do you feel?"
"Like I got shot and then got my leg ripped off." he replied.
"Look, I really don't want to do this... but what do you remember?" Bigby asked.
"Dad, you don't need to treat me like I'm a victim."
"But you are." An annoyed sigh came from Lyall. "It can help us find who did it."
"If that's the case... It's a bit of a blur though." their son informed.
"Just tell us what you remember. Do you know anything about that woman?" Bigby questioned.
"Pretty sure her name was Scarlett..."
"Scarlett...well now we got a name." Nerissa replied.
"Said something about doing something someone should had done a long time ago. Can't remember who though." he brushed back a lock of greasy hair. "Fuck, I need a shower..."
"After we're done, anything else?" Bigby persisted.
"Her scent was pretty strong... pretty sure that other bastard was named Bradwr." he replied. "And that's all I can remember... think I can try on that leg?" he asked.
"I'll call Swineheart up." Nerissa said getting up.
Jersey's fingers tapped impatiently on his lap, he sunk deeper into the armchair. It's been two long days, where the fuck was Bradwr and Scarlett? It was one thing for them to be a few hours late, mainly it was Bradwr being drunk or hungover. But for two days was a completely different matter. He sent Dee and Dum out to search for them, he decided to stay and deal with phone calls, in case any where from them.
His eyes lit up once hearing the phone ring, he quickly answered it.
"Ah, bonjour Jersey, it's been awhile non?"
'Aw fuck...' he mentally swore upon hearing the fake sweet tone of the woman on the other line.
"Damn it, Medusa I don't understand what fucking fancy language you're speaking this time." he hissed.
'Just play it cool.'
"Forgive me Jersey, I recently brought some fine art straight from Paris. You know how I adore art." Medusa crackled on the line.
Of course, of all Fables this bitch had to be the one who called him. Medusa ran a little illegal fight club, trick Fables out of their cash, like he did with the Lucky Pawn. Course, when she wasn't getting and doing favours for them she had a habit of calling or showing up uninvited.
"What the hell do you want this time?" he demanded.
"What? I 'me not allowed to call my favourite urban legend?" she laughed.
"You always got some fucking game going on." Jersey stated. "So get to the damn point already, I ain 'to got all day."
"Oh I just wanted to talk about the black mamba I recently got. Beautiful really, so quick and deadly. It's a wonderful snake to add to my collection, don't you think?" her voice dropped that faked sweetness in it. "Do you know what I feed my snakes Jersey?"
"I don't know... Rats or something? What are you going on about?" he demanded again.
"Right, I feed them rats. Do you know why I feed them rats?"
"Medusa, for once in you're damn life cut to the chase."
"If there's one thing I don't like, it's a rat. They squeak too much, I HATE them. So I let my lovely snakes gobble them up, and the rats are never to be seen again."
He gritted his teeth in annoyance, this woman was just as bad as the magic mirror.
"What's your point?"
"I don't like rats Jersey, and I have ways to get rid of them. Well that's all for now, bye-bye!"
"Does it fit right?" asked Bigby. "Not to uncomfortable? Not digging into your skin?"
"Bigby, I assure you everything was measured and checked three times." Swineheart stated.
Lyall stared at his new leg, it strapped on without a hitch and fitted like a glove.
"Try standing up, if you feel like you can." Swineheart encouraged.
Giving him and his family a slow nod he slowly swung his legs to the edge of the bed, at first when he applied a little pressure it felt a tad sore, but he quickly grew used to it. Once applying a little more pressure he slowly stood up.
"Easy now."
" I got this doc..." taking a deep breath he took his first step, a bit shaky but hey it worked.
"Once you get used to it you're be as good as new." he stated.
"Feels kind of weird..."
"You're get used to it in no time, I can offer you some painkillers in the meantime."
"I'll have to pass, not a fan of being drugged up." he replied.
"Very well then I'll take my leave. And please, do try to take good care of it, it's a strong leg for sure... But it wasn't easy to make."
"No promises." Lyall replied, watching Swineheart shake his head as he left.
Lyall took another step, although certainly more steady it still contained a bit of uneasiness.
"This must be how it feels for a child to take their first step." Lyall chuckled.
"Well this is all very touching," turning around there was Bluebeard leaning against the doorframe. "But I do believe we have important matters to attend to."
Oh great, this guy, certainly one of the last Fables he wanted to see.
His father's brows buckled from seeing Bluebeard's presence.
"What do you want?" hissed Bigby.
"Come along now, I have something that I think you will find most helpful. And it's getting to be an burden to deal with. Come along now, I don't have all day."
And that's the first part of Russian Roulette, we're find out more in the next part.
Ok quick bio of Medusa
Medusa- Medusa is a Fable, well known for her snake hair, which glamour keeps hidden, and love of deadly snakes and fine art. When out of glamour her hair is a cluster of venomous snakes, and can turn anyone into stone if they look into her eyes. Also has the power to put anyone under a trance to obey her orders, and has been known to drabble in magic. In her glamoured form she appears to be a slender woman with curly locks of dark brown hair and green hairs.
She is clever and sly, and not scared to push her limits and others to get what she desires. Medusa currently runs an illegal fight club, the main source of her income.
shit...I need to start listing all the possible men who could have gotten her pregnant now! Goddamnit, Pie!
Haha, yeah. I figured I would switch off, each entry a different child. I've got a few things planned, although I'm generally winging it
And food is too good not to mention, lmao.
That's what I'm sort of going for! I drew inspiration from my own brothers who are 11 right now, and I know when they don't believe something the other one said, they go all around asking other people if it's really true or not XD
October 3rd
Dear Journal:
How are you? Do journals actually answer the questions you put in them? I saw Noah write a few in his, so I decided to give it a shot, so if you can write Mr. Journal, I would love to hear your opinons on the latest pop stars. My name is Elora, by the way. I don't think we met before, so I shud tell you about myself.
I am a famus singer. My favorite things are to go on tour in Urope (Is that how you spell it? Also, do you know how to spell?) And sing all the songs on the radio, specially the one by that girl who has really red hair. Oh by the way I met her the other day, we had some coffee from Starbucks. I'm the most stilish of my brothers and sisters. Briar Rose says my voice is beatiful.
Uggg, Ash just told me I spelled lots of words rong. I wont go back to correct them thow, becuse I wrote it pen. Mommy put me in special writing classes in scool. She said it will help me a little bit. I wish I could spell perfect, becuse then I can be normal like the others. Mommy and Daddy alweys say I am normal, but I dont know sometimes. She says it is called Dislexa.
At least I am famus. Maybe you shud tell me about your self?
Ya, I think I'll finish writing now. It's almost dinner time and we got sandwitches from the Eggman Dinner. Plus I have to watch my favorite TV show after called Dance Moms. I'm gonna be on there one day, you know?
Okay, by-by
~ Elora
Not the best writer of the bunch
Definitely living in a dream world, though XD I almost wrote Blossom instead of Elora at first, because I'm used to talking about Bigby's cubs at age ten, not Harm's.
Mary got home late from her job. Her head entered through the glass first, followed by the rest of her body. She had to hang the mirror higher on the wall, so her little terror didn't give the babysitter a hard time and scare the shit out of her every goddamn minute of the day. The lights in the hallway were off, signifying that her son was fast asleep. He couldn't sleep with an ounce of light and since Mary isn't too fond of leaving his door closed, she instructed the babysitter to turn the hall light out as soon as he was put to bed.
Mary had to jump down to the floor, being as quiet as possible not to disturb the resting apartment. The living room TV was on mute, and she saw Alice resting across the couch, half asleep.
"Wakey, wakey," Mary mumbled, shaking Alice's shoulder. The blond haired girl opened her eyes, squinted a minute, then frowned.
"You said you'd be back by eight. I had to miss the concert I was planning on going to."
"I'm sorry, really. I am. This job I have, it's-"
"It's whatever. Just pay me, I'll be getting home then."
Mary fished the cash from her wallet. All there is was a twenty dollar bill. "I uhm.....I'm sorry. This is all I have on me.... I uh..."
"Forget it," Alice said. She grabbed her purse and waltzed out the door, taking special precaution to slam it a bit harder than she should have. A faint cry emerged from the nursery.
"God fucking dammit." Mary muttered to herself. She turned the TV off and ran to the bedroom, her hand flipping the bedroom light switch on. When Carter saw his mother, he instantly smiled and ran out of his toddler bed to greet her.
"Momma!" He said, wrestling himself into her lap as she sat on the armchair.
"Yes, momma is home," Mary said. She rubbed her eyes tiredly as the boy began playing with the strands of her hair. His blue footsie pajamas rubbed against Mary's skin as he climbed her like a jungle gym. It'll take hours to get him back to bed. She stood up with him in her arms and headed to the kitchen, which was a mess of dirty dishes and takeout boxes. When he was born, she'd sworn that she would only order out on occasion. The promise fell through not too long ago. The clock on the stove read 2 AM, which made Mary groan more. She placed Carter on the tiled floor and began shuffling through the pantry filled with empty cereal boxes and stale cookies.
"Hungry momma! Food!" She heard Carter say as he picked up some toys lying around.
"Working on it, buddy. Momma's hungry too." She found a clean sippy cup and filled it with juice from the fridge, giving it to Carter to at least quell him until she was done with her own meal. Finally, she decided a carton of leftover Lo Mein was the most desirable thing within the refrigerator. Occasionally, she'd scoop a tiny bit of the noodles into her growing boy's mouth.
"All done! Ready for bed?"
"Not uh," He said, laughing. Mary just sighed.
Carter laid on the couch, his eyes drooping back to sleepiness. Mary carried her son to his bed again, then sat in the dark while he dreamed peacefully in his sleep.
She watched his chest rise under the covers, his little hand supporting his head like a pillow, the same way she did after a long day of activity.
Her thoughts drifted to how perfect this moment right then and now felt. She had a house. Her son was fed. They could maybe, possibly, start living more comfortably once her hours are more stabilized. They could make it. She could do it.
She started to cry. It was silent tears, both for anguish and happiness.
Happy that she had him and that things were going as well as they could.
Sad, because of what she had to do in order to make it all possible.
A little glimpse of Mary. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask. I'll answer them to the best of my ability. I love to write, and I love that you guys like to read what I write. I think if it weren't for you guys, this would have never, ever happened. Thank you
Oh my god, the picture XD Did you write this as a reply on purpose? I'm assuming
Man, I almost forgot about Junior and then I was like,"OH yeah! Bloody Porgie!" I can just imagine the craziness that he will bring on Halloween XD
The children are adorable with their random comments! I love it!
OH man, the scene where Ava Rose spoke up....damn! I can't wait to find out the Baby Daddy....I bet he's someone extremely obvious and I'm just not seeing it, lol! Good chapter. Really good!
Lol, we both have a Scarlett in our stories X3 This was nice, and an awesome choice of middle name! Pumpkin EVERYTHING!
Love Medusa and her story! I'm glad you added her in the mix. Also, Jersey. 'Nuff said! XD
Poor thing. Being a single parent is a tough job in itself; my mother was since dad left all those years ago. Hope, man...that was uncool.
Carter is too precious. I REALLY hope Jack steps up soon.
Chapter 7
Meat, Porgies and Devils
"Mommy where are we going?"
Katie buckles Alice, Madeline and Bella into their seats. The three girls are in human form, as Katie closes the door and takes her seat at the wheel.
"We need to pick up some Hamburger meat for dinner tonight."
"Is it just going to be us?"
"Yes. Your sisters are still sleeping."
"We had SO much fun yesterday!"
Katie starts the car. "I know! You girls didn't even get up until this morning."
Alice fidgets in her seat. "Can we get muffins for after dinner?"
Katie pauses to think. Three, Deer-eyed little girls look in her direction.
"Sure. Why not."
All three of them clap, as Katie pulls into the busy streets. She stops behind a Garbage truck, as the traffic above slowly moves. The girls play 'I spy' for the first five minutes; Bella, however, decides the game has worn out it's 'welcome' and insists they play another game.
"How about the name game?"
"What's that?"
"You we played it on the trip with Uncle Hans and Aunt Gina that one time."
Madeline smiles. "Oh yeah! Cool!"
"Okay! Hmmmm. Let's see...the letter 'F.'"
The other two girls sit and think. "Umm...."
"C'mon! Its easy! We LIVE here-"
"FABLETON!" Alice nearly causes Katie to swerve into the next lane.
"Girls, please. Indoor voices."
"Sorry mommy. Your turn, Maddie."
"Hmmmm. The letter 'C.'"
"The Cut Above?"
Katie pulls into a tiny parking lot outside of the butcher shop.
"Well, speaking of here we are!"
Thr girls squeal, as they unbuckle their belts. One by one, the girls exit the car. After setting the alram, The four ladies walk into the Butcher Shop. Ding Ding! Anxiously waiting, the girls place their eager faces against the glass. Madeline licks her lips, as the other to girls point out the different variety of meats. A minute later, Johann enters the room. He is surprised to see Katie.
Katie turns to face him. "Johann, hello. Good afternoon. How are you today?"
Johann rubs the back of his neck. "Fine, fine...I uh, didn't know that was YOU on the phone..."
Katie looks addled. "You okay, Johann. Who did you think it was?"
Johann rubs his hands. "Nothing. No one. Just...umm...the Hamburger meat, right?"
Katie nods. "Alright. Be right back..."
Johann leaves to the back. Unsure of his state of mind, Katie stands close by and waits. The girls, however, are delighted to be surrounded by such delicious treats.
"Mommy, have you seen this Ham!?"
"Mommy, look at THESE Steaks!"
Katie laughs. "Settle down, girls. I'm sure Johann has a little something for you. He used to do that for me when I as your age."
"He DID?"
"Yup. Used to give us bits of fat or skin that he never used. Your papa hated that idea but noticed how much it made us happy, so he allowed it."
Johann returns with an enormous bundle of meat.
"Here you are, Katherine. 25 pounds of Hamburger meat."
"Great. How much do I owe you?"
As Katie opens her purse, Johann shakes his head. "No. Its on the house today."
"Johann, no. Let me give you the amount-"
Johann smiles. "Its fine Katherine. Really. Its the least I can do..."
Before she could speak, Johann tosses the girls each a leg bone.
"Here you girls go. Enjoy that tasty little treat."
"Thank you, Mr. Johann!"
The girls sit quietly in the corner; the only sound was gnawing and a few growls. Katie tries to hand Johann a few twenties but he refuses to take them. She places them back into her wallet.
"Johann, I don't under-"
"How is Penelope?"
"Penelope? She's fine. Just had a baby boy. Josiah. She's fallen on hard times, though."
"What, uhh...where is she at?"
Intrigued, Katie carried on the conversation. "At my parent's place. She was kicked out the week she gave birth to Josiah. Guess the boy does not belong to Oliver and when he found out, she was on the streets."
Johann bit his bottom lip. "My God. awful..."
"She's fine now. They are at my place right now."
Johann excuses himself for a minute and returns with an envelope.
"What...what is this-"
"Money...for Penelope."
Johann tries to avoid eye contact. "Well, you know...she needs it! More than I do, at least. Plus, that little boy..."
"But WHY do you-"
"Just, please Katie...."
Katie places the envelope into her purse. Her eyes never leaves Johann's, as she gathers the massive bundle into her arms.
"C'mon, girls. Mommy needs to marinate this for dinner tonight. Say good-bye to Mr. Johann."
The girls, bones in their mouth, as they head back to the mini van. Katie helps the girls into their seats, as she starts the car.
"Mmmm! This is so good, mommy!"
Katie smiles. "Well, glad you like it."
"Can we come back again?"
"No worries, love. We will."
Katie buckles in, turns into the street and heads back to the house.
Chapter 8 soon
Had time for another. If you have any questions, ask away.
This is Thriller, Thriller night! and no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strick!
I loved this little section; the part with the girls chewing on the bones! And I get what's going on with Penny now. You can't outsmart Katie Porgie. And wow....over 20 lbs of meat! XD
Hello all
This is the first chapter in my story. Please let me know what you think and don't hold back, I want this to be good.
Chapter One
I sighed and lit another cigarette and stared out the window of my closet size office. The bright lights of New York City blinded me but they had their own sense of beauty in them. I have a feeling that they were there so people who were looking at them could just forget all about their lives. About their problems. To look at them and just see one beautiful thing left in the world.
Unfortunately, I hated them.
My name is Adam. I live in a small apartment in New York City. More specifically Fabletown, but I leave the town a lot to go hunting. Ah, yes, I love hunting. The only thing in the world that makes me happy. The Mundies have even given me an exciting name. The Huntsman.
One special thing you need to know about me, is that everyone in Fabletown knows me and at the same time they don't know me. I am a rumor, a whisper in the shadows. At the same time, I'm every Fable's bitch. They find me when they need me to leave the city to fetch something of theirs when they are too busy to. Its not light stuff either. Its stuff that has come to this world from ours.
A knock on the door awoke me from my thoughts. I put out the cigarette and opened the door slowly.
"Are you the Huntsman?" a scared voice asked.
I nodded and let the man in. He was skinny and average height, but his eyes were red and his face made him look hundreds of years older than he normally looked. Then again, he probably was.
I told the man to sit down on the chair across my desk and I sat across from him. I offered him a cigarette, which he denied. I lit another one and motioned for him to speak.
"I... I need you," he started slowly. "To get something for me."
"No shit." I said. Then I felt a pang of regret. I feel like this man had been through too much for my rude bullshit today. "I'm sorry. Please continue."
He excused my rudeness and continued. "I need you to get me something from Europe. Greece to be more exact. Its... its." he took another deep breath. "I need you to get me a sample of water from the River Lethe. I need to forget everything that has ever happened to me. I need to get away from this wretched town and have no memories of it. No memories means no intention to return."
He looked at me, awaiting my answer. I studied the man more closely then nodded. "Consider it done. I'll need a few weeks though."
For the first time, the man showed some emotion other than sadness. "What? No questions asked, just like that you will do it?"
I nodded. "I'm the best hunter that you will ever meet. Best tracker. I don't just kill my prey, I study them. I've studied animals and humans so much that I know what someone is going through." I shifted forward in my seat. "You lost someone recently, haven't you?"
The man stared back at me blankly. "Yes." he said finally. "My wife. In fact, I'm on my way to her funeral right now."
I nodded and apologized for his loss while already running a list of things in my head I would need to do to get this task done. Before he left, I took another small break from my thoughts to ask him what his name was.
"Lawrence," he said. "Prince Lawrence."
My dad was a single parent for a few years, so I know what a struggle things can be too
He's remarried now, but I don't forget what it was like when we had to have the TV shut off for a while, or had to live off of pasta and peanutbutter jelly sandwiches. Thing's will get better for Mary, I plan on writing a few chapters like this one. As for Jack....well, I haven't put much thought to bringing him back or not. Maybe something better will happen 
Really? I just noticed that XD Scarletts everywhere!
And pumpkin everything is perfect, I swear I could live off of Pumkin spice muffins they sell at Tim Hortons.
Lmao your telling me XD I go to Dunkin Donuts and get the pumpkin iced coffee with the pumpkin donuts. I wish Tim Hortons were in America. Well, maybe they are in America, but they're not in my region if they are
I heard they're really good.
.....Ohhhh shiiiiiiitt.....
That's all imma say.
The kids pointing out all the meats. "Mommy Steak!" I had a good laugh at that XD
Katie definitely know's whats up. I think she's just playing stupid with Johann. And if she's genuinely unsure....well. OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES KATHERINE. Nuff said.
Good chapter. To the point and very lovely
Whoops, replied to you instead of the actual post X3 My bad.
Mary woke up really suddenly, still sitting in the armchair within her son's bedroom. He was awake already, building with his Lego Duplo set.
"Mornin' buddy," She said, yawning and stretching her arms. The back of her neck was stiff. She stood up slowly, then walked over to pick him up. She decided that she would pay Alice back as soon as she could, and then maybe she would hire someone else to babysit her child.
Today though, he was going to be over his Aunt Harmony's house. It was Mary's only day off in the week, and although spending the time with Carter seemed to be the desirable option, she had to go run some errands around the city. She got her son all dressed up, packed a diaper bag, and made sure his tummy was already full before stepping into the mirror.
The genuine glee on the boy's face whenever they went into the mirror was enough to melt Mary's insides. She carried him across the desolate inside, a distorted version of the real world. In the mirror, there was no one but them. She could live there, if she so desired. But then, there's no protection from the demons. Because instead of people, there are monsters, and bad dreams that live in here. She doesn't particularly like to linger in there too long with Carter, and she's counting her blessings that they haven't run into any problems so far. It's easy to deal with the fuckers when you're alone and if you're Bloody Mary, but when you've got a kid you're responsible tends to get a little more complicated.
Her head poked out of the bathroom mirror in Harmony's apartment. Normally she would use the living room one, but to her knowledge that one was moved to the nursery, and she wasn't about to scare the shit out of a group of one year olds.
She places Carter down as soon as she entered the living room. The boy sprinted for the bedroom, knowing that the start of his days here began with waking his favorite aunt and uncle up from their slumber. Mary took a trip to the nursery, watching her little nieces and nephews resting in their cribs.
Ashlyn stirred awake as soon as the door creaked open. The little girl popped her head up, stairing through the wooden bars belonging to her bed.
"Morning sunshine," Mary said with a smile. She patted the baby on the head, and in return the girl giggled. The rest of them still slept peacefully, and Mary was sure that Tim and Harm would like to keep it that way. She picked Ash out of her crib and re-entered the living room.
Harmony entered the room with a robe around herself. "You could have warned me that you were sending your little soldier in to wake us. I was a little busy trying to get Tim to distract the boy while I got a robe on myself."
"My boy has seen boobs before. It won't faze him."
"Well, I'm also his aunt, so I don't want him thinking of my boobs whenever I come to mind, thank you very much."
Mary just laughs. She places Ash in the giant rainbow colored playpen behind the couch and hugs Harm and kisses her on the cheek. She does the same to Tim, who's holding Carter in his arms as he enters the living room minutes after.
"See you in the afternoon," Mary says.
"See ya. We'll take good care of your demon spawn," Tim joked.
"Oh, I know it. Bye."
And Mary stepped back into the mirror.
I think I'm going to make this a thing for a while. I'll write about Mary and her personal affairs before going back to Harmony. Of course, I'm also writing the daily diary posts, so really I'm not taking a break from Harmony, I'm just coinciding Mary and Harmony and I have no idea where I'm going with this so I'm just going to go to bed because it's 10 PM and I have to wake up at 7 to go to stupid SAT bootcamp that my school is offering ON A FUCKING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY and I have to go TO BOTH OF THEM because IF YOU SIGN UP THEN YOU HAVE TO and I'm just a LITTLE ANGRY about it. JUST A LITTLE.
Yeah. I remember those days, too.
Just her raising four kids on her own. Glad to hear everything worked out for you, though.
I can't ait to see what you do. Either way, I'll love it! 
Katherine plays stupid when she's figured it out. As for you and JJ, looks like you to MAY have as well. XD
I'll add more either tonight or tomorrow. Dun dun dun!!!!
I'm loving this so far. The idea of the Huntsman is very exciting, considering Snow White is in the same area. (Assuming THIS is the same guy. If not, my bad! XD) The fact that people avoid him is very mysterious in itself.
And Lawrence; I'd like to see if he's going to be a main part in your stroy. Not a lot of people mention the guy. You are off to a great start and can't wait for more.
It's Halloween in a few weeks, fellow writers and I'd like to get started on an early costume contest going on. My poor blank sheets of paper. I'll TRY and have one for each week up until the night of Halloween. I LOVE this time of year.
This week, Katie and Jersey. We have a 'Situation' on our hands. I felt this was VERy appropriate for the couple. XD
Also, @DragonButter I hope you like it, dude.
Sorry for no color but hope you like it regradless.
Ooh, scented candles are the best. I also like apple scented ones.....and basically anything Yankee Candles makes XD I have a rootbeer scented candle from them, but I only use it sometimes because after a short while it just smells like I'm burning soda in the room, lol.
Dragon is gonna FREAK. F.R.E.A.K. FREAK!
As for me, I'm still laughing at seeing Jersey XD Looks like they've been hanging around Seaside for too long!
I really love the bottom picture. Tez and Rose.....I ship it
Also, adding Clara as a bonus is awesome! I just read the "Defy Covers" Issue of Fairest. Clara and a ton of Fables are featured in that issue, its awesome.
ROFL! OMG! Jersey and Katie! I ship these two so hard!
PERFECT costume, Pie! XD Damn, Katie...lookin' good! XD
Dragon will love it! Nice Dragon in the back, too! REALLY nice!