Settle down there Adolf, you don't go throwing around concepts like "Genocide" because people have a different opinion than you.
Hopefully the ban hammer will knock some sense into you when the mods slam it into your teeth.
Trolls don't tend to make alt accounts to upvote their stuff, they like people disagreeing with them, not agreeing.
Either this guy is completely serious, and has made alt accounts to validate himself, or he's joking, and three particularly vile Kenny fans have liked this.
Either way, someone's being perfectly serious here.
Well, I hope your potential ban doesn't hurt too much.
Really? I'm a Kenny fan, no one should die because they picked someone over Kenny.
Fuk u fag Kenny hater
If you cut one head, 10 more will appear.
Out. Standing. Impeccable timing too. I was just discussing threads that threaten the death of Jane fans.
Why must you make Kenny fans look bad?
If you want to hate Jane fans, try to be more secretive. Avoid making direct insults. You will just get banned like this.
And they complain that Kenny get's too much hate.
waits for thread to be deleted
Until he admits that this is a joke I will take it seriously.
Settle down there Adolf, you don't go throwing around concepts like "Genocide" because people have a different opinion than you.
Hopefully the ban hammer will knock some sense into you when the mods slam it into your teeth.
No it fucking wasn't I don't joke about holocausts
Mods close this thread and ban this guy please.
Until he confirms that this was a joke I'll take this seriously.
This will only make Kenny fans look bad and make Jane's fans feel superior.
Kill Jane's fans? really?
I will take it up the bumhole. And I'll enjoy it.
Yo, this guy is fucking amazing. Made me think that he couldn't get anymore obvious as a young troll.
Pro-tip- Use the word faggot in any place where the people aren't retarded 12 year olds or not serious at all and you come off as a stupid one.
3 upvotes. Wow guys. Wow.
How did you manage to get two likes for this?
You give Lord Kenny a bad name!
Instead of talking about Jane, why don't we look at a lovely photoshop?
He isn't going to get sense knocked into him, he's probably someone from here using an alt account, it was made today and this is his first post.
Guys, Let's just ignore threads like this, so we can end Kenny vs Jane or discuss it civilly
But fuck it, no one's gonna listen to me anyway
wow threatening to kill people because they don't like a fictional character. very mature.
Because there're a vocal minority of Kenny fans who actually believe this.
It's just a troll account. I looked at his profile and it said that he join Oct 3 2014 which is today.
Trolls don't tend to make alt accounts to upvote their stuff, they like people disagreeing with them, not agreeing.
Either this guy is completely serious, and has made alt accounts to validate himself, or he's joking, and three particularly vile Kenny fans have liked this.
Either way, someone's being perfectly serious here.
I like to think that no sane person with access to the internet would believe this.
Sadly, I am wrong.
@BlindSniper Deputy here, I got another one for you.
and just when i thought the other hate thread was dying..
just ignore this guys its just a troll
Now don't say that Mr Kenny fan. If I was Jane loving then why would I let my husband fuck my brains out a few hours ago?
It's telling that you just laugh with stuff like this.
It's a fairly obscure meme love.
It's a fairly obscure meme lovemuffin.