It's Halloween in a few weeks, fellow writers and I'd like to get started on an early costume contest going on. My poor blank sheets of pape… morer. I'll TRY and have one for each week up until the night of Halloween. I LOVE this time of year.
This week, Katie and Jersey. We have a 'Situation' on our hands. I felt this was VERy appropriate for the couple. XD
Also, @DragonButter I hope you like it, dude. Sorry for no color but hope you like it regradless.
Our heroes find theirs united. With the people form their past here to assist them on the raid of the Dark Kingdom. After reuniting, they regroup to a safe house to plan out their strategy. Etan uses the map that his father Hati drew in the sky for him as it contains the entire map out of the Dark Palace, which is extremely useful.
First the group needed to organize squads to in to cover as many ground possible, while Delphantez knights handle the Dark Kingdoms knights while he assist them from the sky. Robby and Walter will climb up the towers and provide support there using their arrows and specialized light arrows crafted by Lydia.
Draco will lead Wolven and Redd on the initial strike where the knights will follow up. They will then begin their assault on the inner corridor leading to the main hall where Etan, Lydia and Daren will make there into the palace where Lydia will recover the light sword and defeat the dark princess Argula.
Once well defeat Argula hurt influence of the neighboring kingdoms including the heroes kingdoms will be lifted, and they will be able to return home to their lands once again. However this will not be easy.
"Alright is everyone ready?"
"Yes Prince Delphantez, me Daren and Lydia are ready to take off."
"Excellent, Draco is your squad ready?"
"We're ready dad. I'm all fired up and ready to burn."
"Good. The Robin Hood brothers all already making their way to the towers. As soon as they give the signal, war will begin. Everyone will have their duties to carry out. If all goes right, we will have our lands back before dawn."
The group waited patiently for the signal. Then after several minutes of waiting the flare goes up into the air, signal the start of the battle. The palace alarms have already bee sounded. Each nwo squad begins to carry out their designated duties.
The begins right off the back. Draco uses his dragon flames to pave a way into the palace, while Wolven and Redd summon their canine like creatures to attack the palaces soldiers. Once the was has been clear Delphantez and his knights will make their move to fight of the palaces armada.
Etan, Daren and Lydia, then make their way inside the courtyard thanks to the help of Robby and Walters barrage of arrows, but as they are about to enter the dreadful palace, they are confronted by two large ogres who are hell bent on keeping them from entering the palace.
"Shit... of course" Daren back away."
All is seeming to god bad until Prince Delphantez appears in his divine dragon form and incinerates the two ogres in a single blast. He then tells the three that time is running out, and they must end this before to late.
Lydia is amazed by Delphantez incredible power, she nods and fallows Daren and Etan inside the dreadful Palace..
Once inside, Etan uses his photograph memory of the map to find out where they treasure room is located. He discovers that it close by and leads the squad to. Etan spots it after traveling down the long hallway. A group of guards then rushes down the hallway but they didn't spot the group, they are leaving for the battle outside.
"They're gone, we can go now." Etan addressing Lydia and Daren.
As they go over to the door of the treasure room containing the the Light Calibur, Lydia recognizes the symbol on the door. It is from here past and see knows exactly how to open this door without a problem, so Etan and Daren allow here to do her thing. But suddenly, Omnimaax walks into the room and seals the exit.
"There is no escape, submit to me or face certain deaths."
"Lydia keep doing what you are doing, me and Etan will handle this."
"Handle me? Ha, you a werecat and the other one being the bastard of a washed of wolf who roams the night sky's? How poignant." Omnimaax as he grins"
"We see who poignant, when I'm wearing your skull as a hat." Etan as his eyes glow.
"Typical fools, you will know your place soon enough." Omnimaax then unsheathes his sword and prepares to combat the two."
"Hmm, Daren look. He doesnt have the dark sword anymore?"
"Is that a good for us?"
"Define good in this situation Daren.."
Omnimaax then attacks Daren and cuts his arm wounding him, but he gets back and transform into his full werecat forming and begin to claw Ominmaax down until he is knock backed. From behind Etan appears from behind him using his trickery magic and manages to take a huge comp out of the of guard Omnimaax.
He rushes over to Daren and make sure he is ok, but suddenly Omnimaax is then transformed into some kind of demonic knight with a larger sword and black flames bursting from his armor. This appears to be his ultimate form, which somewhat puts a small amount of fear into their hearts and they are remind of the stories they're parents use to read to them when they are younger.
"Yes... tremble in fear, you mutts. It it almost time to say goodbye to your worlds and your pathetic lives. Ahhh yes can you hear it? Listen, listen to the bickering of darkness!" Omnimaax he slices into thin air with his sword sending a dark energy towards the two which would kill them on impact.
Fortunately, Lydia saves them from their demise using the power of the light sword. It's elegant glow strike sudden fear into the heart of Omnimaax as he drops his weapon and begins to back away."
"Impossible, impossible, you... are really are her, you...awoken Light Calibur.."
"Yes Omnimaax, and now you will taste its cold steel. This is for the guardians and my friends who died protecting this sword."
Lydia then stabs Omnimaax in the heart with the light sword causing him to return to normal, however he is not dead.. she turns to Daren and Etan and tells them to help the others, she will handle Argula herself. Etan is left without any words and then he wants to tell no becuase it is to risky to allow her to go alone, but he stands up and takes her hand telling her that he made a good decision recruiting you. He tells her that she is truly a hero this world needs. Then he helps up Daren and begins to leave the room telling Lydia that he believes in her and will be waiting for her to return from certain victory.
Lydia begins to make her way to the throne room while holding the light sword in her hand. She then slowly opens the large door and there she see Argula waiting for her holding the dark sword, the light swords dark counterpart.
"It's about time you arrive Lydia..."
@pudding_pie , I absolutely adore your talented artwork, and was wondering I could request are drawing of Lydia holding the light sword in her hand, lol. That would be the icing on the pie if you are able!
Today will be a special episode just for you guys!
(Dave Riddles X Deltora Quest X Adventure Time X DBZ) and a little bit of something else
Chapter 5: The Resistance
'The Resistance?'
'Yes, the resistance', replied John
'Could it be?'
'Yes it could'
'Dude, I didn't even say a word'
'I know, i've been here twice.'
Dave, put his hand around his back and raised his middle finger halfway. Dave, later on asked John
'Well, how many fingers am i holding up?'
'0.5 and you're raising your middle finger'
'I installed a camera just behind you, see?'
'Damn you John'
'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is going on YouTube!'
Dave launched himself forward while John was distracted, but John ducked faster than him and ended up harming Dave.
'Your fault Dave'
'Yeah, I... Let's just go and check the resistance thingy'
Then, Dave acted childish and remembered the old cartoon show he used to watch when he was a little kid called "Adventure Time". Dave asked John.
' What time is it?'
Exciting music started playing, Dave and John were like Finn and Jake, but Finn and Jake were Dave and John( confusing isn't it?). At last, they found the crater of the explosion. Inside the explosion, they found a BIG capsule. It made a cool exiting sound. Something was coming out.... IT WAS... GOKU, VEGETA, PICCOLO, BULMA, TRUNKS, GOTEN, AND GOHAN!
'HOW DID THEY GET HERE?', asked Dave
'We came here, because of Phoenix'
'Who's Phoenix, John?'
'That's my real name'
'WHAT?!, Phoenix Wright? The Lawyer?'
'NO YOU FOOL! I'm the strongest fighter in all the universes that ever existed.'
'OK! So enough of the fun, we should be able to get to Doom, Lief, Jasmine, and Barda in less than a second, so just close your eyes and don't move'
They did so. and when they opened their eyes they were inside a massive castle. In the castle were only a few people, because King Lief ordered them to say put inside their houses and do anything they like!. Lief, Jasmine, Barda, Doom, Kree, and Fili were there to greet them.
'Greetings!' said Lief, Barda, Jasmine, and Doom
They all approached the King and its companions and shook hands.
'A pleasure to finally meet the king!' said Dave
'Your welcome, I think you've already met the king of all the universes?'
'Yeah, i've met him. He's beside me, right?'
'Correct' said Lief
All of them knelt before Phoenix and said long live the king!
'Thanks, but i'm undercover. My 2 best fiends Jenko and Schmidt-'
'Dude, we know that's from 21 Jump Street'
'AW MAN' said the fox, I mean Phoenix
'Since were all here, I make a truce to all of you'
A glass of milk started popping into their hands.
'Cheers!' said everyone
All of them were teleported by John from Deltora back to the small hut.
'We expected bigger', said Barda
'You'll see', said Phoenix
Phoenix clapped his hand once and waited for 5 seconds. Earth started to shake and revealed a secret entrance.
'Shall we?' said Phoenix
Then, everyone followed Phoenix to the Secret entrance thing. Everyone stopped, except Phoenix,
'WHO ARE YOU?', said the mysterious man
'It's me Mario', said Phoenix
'Oh, i'm so sorry my king'
'Nah, it's okay bro'
They saw light at the end of the tunnel, they walked and walked and walked until they finally reached it. It was a big beautiful place bigger than the author's(me) fist. They rejoiced.
'Tomorrow, we will have the meeting. I give thanks to Nike our sponsor, I give thanks to Beats by Dr.Dre buy providing us earphones along the journey, I give thanks to everyone who helped me, and i give thanks to the one who created us and the one who gave us food.', said Phoenix
End of Chapter 5
This may or may not make sense, but I kinda tried my best here.
Ffffft Bradwr in fishnet leggings. I'm having the sudden mental image of Bradwr in those, all laid out on the bed saying "Paint me like one of your French girls." And Scarlett just walking out of the bedroom and she's just all "Nope."
Here's another one
October 3
Dear diary,
I'm not usually one for sharing my thoughts and feelings, let alone write them on paper. … moreBut I decided I needed to brush on my literature skills a bit.
Believe it or not I actually enjoy autumn, it's nice to break out those sweaters that been sitting in the back of my closet since god knows when. And I am rather fond of those pumpkin spice drinks and pumpkin based pastries. It's a quiet and more peaceful season for me... Or was for that matter.
My useless excuse of a husband tried to get me into some pirate lingerie getup. It's one thing to try to make me dress up for Halloween, it's another to try to get me to wear a few strips of fabric. It's OCTOBER for fucks sake, I would freeze my ass off if I were to wear that getup! Common sense anyone?
I may had kicked him in the groin... Which I will admit was a tad harsh... And I was wearing steel toed boots that evening...
Sigh perhaps … [view original content]
Chapter 6
"Wind storm"
Oh, Katie....You have this poor fool wrapped around your finger.
Around the fire, the girls and every… more adult huddled close and relished in their current surroundings. The adults still couldn't comprehend how so much Snow managed to fall in just one single area; the girls, however, giggled at their marvelous little secret. Madeline kept quiet, as the unsolved mystery would eventually be nothing but a distant memory.
"Nice to see you, Malcom."
"You too, Lyla. You have a wonderful family here."
Lyla grins. "Yes, they can be something at times but I wouldn't change this life for the world."
As she says this, Lyla places her arm under Georgie's and leans her head to rest upon his shoulders. Bigby sits smoking his cigarette, while Peter and Ethan finish off their Bologna sandwiches.
"How is the family?"
"They are very well. Busy like always; Ethan came down for a week, Peter has his work and s… [view original content]
You can rarely rust cows and birds if you let your guard down
Georgie: See!! I Bloody told you about those bastards! Can't wait to find out WHY he's being ignored by so many Fables!
Ooh, scented candles are the best. I also like apple scented ones.....and basically anything Yankee Candles makes XD I have a rootbeer scent… moreed candle from them, but I only use it sometimes because after a short while it just smells like I'm burning soda in the room, lol.
Rootbeer sounds like it would be a good smell, though burning soda is maybe a bit more strange haha. I've just found that we have Yankee Candles in the UK, which is excellent!
Ooh, scented candles are the best. I also like apple scented ones.....and basically anything Yankee Candles makes XD I have a rootbeer scent… moreed candle from them, but I only use it sometimes because after a short while it just smells like I'm burning soda in the room, lol.
October 2nd
How do you start these things? Scar said you have to label it like you're writing a letter or something. What does she know? … moreShe's just a stupid girl. Any way, today I had gym and it was awesome! I love gym, so so so so much. We did a bunch of exercises and then we played soccer, which by the way is my favorite sport. I scored 6 goals, and then the last one the gym teacher yelled at me because I hit someone in the face with it. That's how it landed in the goal.
We had had some....I can't remember what we ate for dinner. Oh well. All I know is that Ash can't stop talking about Halloween and how she's gonna be Aunt Mary when we go trick or treating. I want to be an astronaut, Ellie wants to be a popstar, Rob wants to be Harry Potter (Laaaaammmmeee.), and Scar wants to be a princess. Mom says we all have perfect ideas. I love when she says stuff like that. Oh yeah! I remember what we ate. It was chicke… [view original content]
Day 3
Dear Diary:
The kids had a blast at Central Park. They jumped in the leaves the entire time. Ethan and Peter played w… moreith the older kids as well. I was worried Katie or Penny would bully the younger boys, especially Peter but they were surprisingly well behaved. There were several patches of snow here and there. Junior and Emily TRIED making a Snowman. Give it another week or two and Fabletown will be covered in it.
Georgie and I were invited to the annual Fabletown Autumn Harvest festival. The kids stayed with my parents. It was a costume event and those interested in attending the fuction dressed could do so. At first, Georgie refused to participate. Finally, after letting him sulk and think, he came around to the idea. Nothing too fancy; just something festive and exciting.
He had the hat, bot e just needed the outfit. Thankfully some of these mundy Halloween costumes stores have the neccesities we need for this… [view original content]
3rd: That bloody wagon! That unreliable, obstinate, smelly, and most aggravatingly broken, wagon! I've had to stay on this Farm f… moreor two nights now and I wonder at how many more nights I'll spend here till I can leave; and I'm down to my last glamour!
Honestly, it's terrible. No one will talk to me; in fact, they seem to be avoiding me. Take Posey and Dun: I tried knocking on their door to say hello, as I could see them in their living room through a window, and they just stayed seated, talking as if I'd never made any noise. Colin has all the charm of their trio.
Then there was Puss In Boots. I passed him on the way to the orchard, waved and called out to him, and he walked past me as if I were invisible! I know he has something of a reputation for being haughty at times, but still! He's a cat that wears boots and an oversized hat, for crying out loud! You can't be so arrogant all the time when all most Mundies want to do is … [view original content]
Best way to defeat Medusa is with mirrors, and mirrors relate to Scarlett. Even though Scarlett is presumably dead - unless I misunderstood the last part of your previous tale - is there some sort of connection? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Okay next short little story, the seque to The Cold Heart OF Hate...Russian Roulette! I'm really looking forward to this one, now without f… moreurther ado, enjoy.
Also I made Scarlett, Bradwr, Bonnie and Lyall on chibi maker (Since I haven't been able to draw them (Aside from Scarlett) and I can't draw men if my life depended on it.)
Russian Roulette
Chapter one
Snake in the fields
Nerissa's eyes slowly cracked open, her whole body felt so exhausted and heavy, her forehead soaked with sweat.
Hearing her husband's gruff voice she slowly sat up.
"How are you feeling?" Bigby asked.
"Tired..." she grumbled rubbing t… [view original content]
Okay next short little story, the seque to The Cold Heart OF Hate...Russian Roulette! I'm really looking forward to this one, now without f… moreurther ado, enjoy.
Also I made Scarlett, Bradwr, Bonnie and Lyall on chibi maker (Since I haven't been able to draw them (Aside from Scarlett) and I can't draw men if my life depended on it.)
Russian Roulette
Chapter one
Snake in the fields
Nerissa's eyes slowly cracked open, her whole body felt so exhausted and heavy, her forehead soaked with sweat.
Hearing her husband's gruff voice she slowly sat up.
"How are you feeling?" Bigby asked.
"Tired..." she grumbled rubbing t… [view original content]
I can relate to Elora with the whole 'singing all the songs that play on the radio' part. The spelling... not so much, it's good Harm put her in writing classes though.
October 3rd
Dear Journal:
How are you? Do journals actually answer the questions you put in them? I saw Noah write a few in his, so I … moredecided to give it a shot, so if you can write Mr. Journal, I would love to hear your opinons on the latest pop stars. My name is Elora, by the way. I don't think we met before, so I shud tell you about myself.
I am a famus singer. My favorite things are to go on tour in Urope (Is that how you spell it? Also, do you know how to spell?) And sing all the songs on the radio, specially the one by that girl who has really red hair. Oh by the way I met her the other day, we had some coffee from Starbucks. I'm the most stilish of my brothers and sisters. Briar Rose says my voice is beatiful.
Uggg, Ash just told me I spelled lots of words rong. I wont go back to correct them thow, becuse I wrote it pen. Mommy put me in special writing classes in scool. She said it will help me a little bit. I wish I could s… [view original content]
Y'know, it's still a wonder why Johann gave Katie that huge sum for Katie to give to Penny. Another thing I'll probably see in the next couple chapters you make!
Chapter 7
Meat, Porgies and Devils
"Mommy where are we going?"
Katie buckles Alice, Madeline and Bella into their seats. The three … moregirls are in human form, as Katie closes the door and takes her seat at the wheel.
"We need to pick up some Hamburger meat for dinner tonight."
"Is it just going to be us?"
"Yes. Your sisters are still sleeping."
"We had SO much fun yesterday!"
Katie starts the car. "I know! You girls didn't even get up until this morning."
Alice fidgets in her seat. "Can we get muffins for after dinner?"
Katie pauses to think. Three, Deer-eyed little girls look in her direction.
"Sure. Why not."
All three of them clap, as Katie pulls into the busy streets. She stops behind a Garbage truck, as the traffic above slowly moves. The girls play 'I spy' for the first five minutes; Bella, however, decides the game has worn out it's 'welcome' and insists they play another game.
"How about the name ga… [view original content]
Hello all This is the first chapter in my story. Please let me know what you think and don't hold back, I want this to be good.
Chapter … moreOne
I sighed and lit another cigarette and stared out the window of my closet size office. The bright lights of New York City blinded me but they had their own sense of beauty in them. I have a feeling that they were there so people who were looking at them could just forget all about their lives. About their problems. To look at them and just see one beautiful thing left in the world.
Unfortunately, I hated them.
My name is Adam. I live in a small apartment in New York City. More specifically Fabletown, but I leave the town a lot to go hunting. Ah, yes, I love hunting. The only thing in the world that makes me happy. The Mundies have even given me an exciting name. The Huntsman.
One special thing you need to know about me, is that everyone in Fabletown knows me and at the same time they don't… [view original content]
Wait, Mary actually being sorry? Guess having a kid softened her up a lot. I don't remember reading about an Alice in your previous chapters either, unless she was mentioned WAY back in your very early installments? (also assuming she's the same Alice from Alice in Wonderland)
Besides, no problem on reading your writes, all of them have been awesome to read!
Mary got home late from her job. Her head entered through the glass first, followed by the rest of her body. She had to hang the mirror high… moreer on the wall, so her little terror didn't give the babysitter a hard time and scare the shit out of her every goddamn minute of the day. The lights in the hallway were off, signifying that her son was fast asleep. He couldn't sleep with an ounce of light and since Mary isn't too fond of leaving his door closed, she instructed the babysitter to turn the hall light out as soon as he was put to bed.
Mary had to jump down to the floor, being as quiet as possible not to disturb the resting apartment. The living room TV was on mute, and she saw Alice resting across the couch, half asleep.
"Wakey, wakey," Mary mumbled, shaking Alice's shoulder. The blond haired girl opened her eyes, squinted a minute, then frowned.
"You said you'd be back by eight. I had to miss the concert I was planning on going to.… [view original content]
I applaud all the effort you put into this picture for Tezoth and Rose, dude. I absolutely appreciate you doing this for me, really I do! Don't worry about not coloring it either, it's fine the way it is.
P.S. - Question: is that Tezoth's left arm in the back holding the sword the crow (Clara?) is perching on? Another nice touch if it is!
It's Halloween in a few weeks, fellow writers and I'd like to get started on an early costume contest going on. My poor blank sheets of pape… morer. I'll TRY and have one for each week up until the night of Halloween. I LOVE this time of year.
This week, Katie and Jersey. We have a 'Situation' on our hands. I felt this was VERy appropriate for the couple. XD
Also, @DragonButter I hope you like it, dude. Sorry for no color but hope you like it regradless.
Dragon is gonna FREAK. F.R.E.A.K. FREAK!
As for me, I'm still laughing at seeing Jersey XD Looks like they've been hanging around Seaside… more for too long!
I really love the bottom picture. Tez and Rose.....I ship it Also, adding Clara as a bonus is awesome! I just read the "Defy Covers" Issue of Fairest. Clara and a ton of Fables are featured in that issue, its awesome.
ROFL! OMG! Jersey and Katie! I ship these two so hard! PERFECT costume, Pie! XD Damn, Katie...lookin' good! XD
Dragon will love it! Nice Dragon in the back, too! REALLY nice!
I say you're kind of on the right track, but I'm not going to spoil anything for you about Medusa But she will make an appearance physically soon enough.
Best way to defeat Medusa is with mirrors, and mirrors relate to Scarlett. Even though Scarlett is presumably dead - unless I misunderstood the last part of your previous tale - is there some sort of connection? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Glad you like it!! I'm always so worried when drawing someone elses OC. XD And yes; the last picture you drew, Tezoth was holding a sword and I wanted to incorporate that. Also, Clara; had to add the blackbird in there! Again, I'm glad you like it.
I applaud all the effort you put into this picture for Tezoth and Ros… moree, dude. I absolutely appreciate you doing this for me, really I do! Don't worry about not coloring it either, it's fine the way it is.
P.S. - Question: is that Tezoth's left arm in the back holding the sword the crow (Clara?) is perching on? Another nice touch if it is!
Can I just tell you this; I've been meaning to but always forget. The names you give your characters are unique and fun!
With that being said (finally!) I enjoyed this chapter; so far, my favorite because of the description you painted from begining to end. And yes, I'd love to make you an image of Lydia, seeing I've done several OC's images for other writers.
I THINK you had an image of her but I can't remember...either a picture or description would be nice. I want to make this perfect!
The end is near, but not quite.
Act 6, Dark Kingdom Part 2
Our heroes find theirs united. With the people form their past here to assi… morest them on the raid of the Dark Kingdom. After reuniting, they regroup to a safe house to plan out their strategy. Etan uses the map that his father Hati drew in the sky for him as it contains the entire map out of the Dark Palace, which is extremely useful.
First the group needed to organize squads to in to cover as many ground possible, while Delphantez knights handle the Dark Kingdoms knights while he assist them from the sky. Robby and Walter will climb up the towers and provide support there using their arrows and specialized light arrows crafted by Lydia.
Draco will lead Wolven and Redd on the initial strike where the knights will follow up. They will then begin their assault on the inner corridor leading to the main hall where Etan, Lydia and Daren will make there into the palace where Lydia … [view original content]
Very random, funny and a great read. Dave is something all in himself! Plus Adventure Time; anything ith that is a thumbs up for me. The misses adores that show! XD
Plus, that little advertisment you thre in there! XD
Today will be a special episode just for you guys!
(Dave Riddles X Deltora Quest X Adventure Time X DBZ) and a little bit of something el… morese
Chapter 5: The Resistance
'The Resistance?'
'Yes, the resistance', replied John
'Could it be?'
'Yes it could'
'Dude, I didn't even say a word'
'I know, i've been here twice.'
Dave, put his hand around his back and raised his middle finger halfway. Dave, later on asked John
'Well, how many fingers am i holding up?'
'0.5 and you're raising your middle finger'
'I installed a camera just behind you, see?'
'Damn you John'
'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is going on YouTube!'
Dave launched himself forward while John was distracted, but John ducked faster than him and ended up harming Dave.
'Your fault Dave'
'Yeah, I... Let's just go and check the resistance thingy'
Then, Dave acted childish and remembered the old cartoon show… [view original content]
XD The image I got in my head; this little Weasel perched on his shoulder, using the spoon to shoo off the vermin with wings! Georgie yelling his thunderous profanities that we all know and love!
While the meat marinated for another hour, Katie, Lyla and Penny helped set the table. The men were outside drinking beer and preparing the barbecue for the Hamburgers. The remainder of the girls were awake. Some played outside while the others assisted inside with dinner.
"What are we havin'?" Sarah hands Katie a plate "It smells good."
"Mommy and daddy thought Hamburgers sounded REALLY good and-"
"OH! Yummy! I LOVE Hamburgers!"
Katie giggles. "Yes sweetie. We are having nice, juicy, plump burgers for dinner. That and Potato Salad. Mommy made sure to make PLENTY this time."
She kisses the little girl's forehead, as she shrieks. Lyla and Penny finish off with cups and silverware.
"That looks great. All we need are the burgers and we are set."
Just than, Josiah could be heard from his bassinet. Penny excuses herself to retreive the boy.
"He's too precious." Lyla pauses. "Damn shame with her and Oliver...."
"I'm sure he'll come around, mom."
"Oh, I'm sure; they are connected and its very difficult seperating when that occurs. You know that."
Katie looks into the sink. "Still, uh...still trying to see who the mysterious man is."
"She refuses to tell me OR your father. I'm hoping she'll tell one of you kids..."
Katie pauses. "I'll uh, be right back mom."
"Everything okay, Katherine?"
Katie heads for her purse. "Well, we'll see..."
A bemused Lyla watched her daughter pull out an envelope and head to the living room. Katie found Penny, surrounded by eager eyes, as she feeds the baby boy. Gianna, Hannah and Laura watch, as Josiah finishes his meal. Penny burps the baby, as Katie sits back and waits.
"He's so tiny, Auntie Penny!"
"He is, isn't he Gianna? I remember when you girls used to look like this. Gianna, you were so little with the cutest little fingers. I mean, hours later you turned into a creature like daddy but you were STILL so precious. Loud, too!"
Gianna smiled. "What 'bout Laura and Hannah?"
"Loud...VERY loud! Came out hissing and screaming! Laura tried kicking daddy when she was born; Hannah had a nasty habit of head butting or grabbing."
Josiah finally burps. Penny snuggles the boy, as Katie takes a seat beside her sister. Penny looks down.
"What is that?"
"Girls, will you excuse us for a minute? See if Nana and Hope need help in the kitchen. Go on."
The three girls give a brief kiss to Josiah and run off into the kitchen. Penny places the sleeping infant into the bassinet.
"Katie, what is that?"
"Johann gave it to me. He want's you to have this."
Penny stops in place. "What is it?"
"How much?"
"Not sure...Penny-"
Penny snatches the envelope from Katie's hand and stuffs it into her pant pocket. She tried avoiding eye contact, as Penny heads into the kitchen. Quick on her feet, however, Katie manages to stop Penny before she was out of reach.
"Penelope, what is going on with you? Why did Johann-"
"DROP it, Katie! I'll handle Johann." There was vexation in her eyes. "Fuck, Johann...."
"What?! Penny-"
Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door. Freeing her arm, Penny begins to walk away.
"Think Emily is here...."
Sighing, Katie rushes to the door. In her hand, Emily holds a rather large tray of various meats, cheeses and green olives.
"Fook, its cold out there!"
"Watch the language, please."
Emily chuckles. "Oh, right...sorry."
Hope peeks around the corner. Seeing who it is, the girl runs to Emily and jumps into her arms.
"Aunt Emily, you made it! Where is Auntie Felicia?"
"Sick, love. VERY sick. Has the stomach flu."
"Oh no."
"Don't worry. She'll be fine. Be a doll and take this into the kitchen."
Coming from outside, Madeline and Willow embrace their aunt. Ivy and Bella are close to follow. They all tightly hug Emily, as she attempts to take off her coat. Finally, the group manages to migrate into the kitchen. Lyla smiles, stands up and hugs Emily.
"You look great, sweetie."
"Course I do. Look like dad and we all know how much you LOVE dad."
Lyla smirks, as Emily grabs a beer and sits down. Penny is nowhere to be found; Katie could hear her on the phone in the spare bedroom. She'd leave it for now until dinner was ready. As she walks down the hall, the bathroom lights up. The Crimson red escapes the crack in the door. Curious, Katie opens the door. The mirror shakes and glows, as she cautiously peers in the glass.
As she reached up to touch it, a hand pulls out and grabs Katie's wrist. She screams, causing several little girls and Lyla to run to her aid.
"KATIE! Sweetie!"
But before anyone could react, Junior, Mary and the kids all exist the glass. Junior is in a laughing fit. Hitting his chest, Katie simply walks aay. Still laughing, Junior follows.
"Hey, sis! Wait up!"
Several little girls crowd around both him and Mary.
"Look at you girls! Gettin' so big!"
"That was so cool!"
"Hm. I THOUGHT so! You hear that, Katie-the girls thought it was cool!"
George follows Katie. "You scared Auntie Katie...."
Katie hugs the boy. "See? HE loves me!"
Junior punches her arm. "Loosen up, sis. We're here!"
"Still getting used to that....hey, Mary."
Mary waves back, as they clasp each other. "Sorry 'bout that. Bloody Porgie is gettin' a kick out of teleporting in that fashion. Brownies?"
Katie grabs the plate, as everyone gathers around the table.
Everyone but Penelope.
Chapter 9 soon
Ah yes, the weekend. Gonna be gone tomorrow afternoon for awhile; got a family reunion and we are excited to attend and see family members that either live out of state or moved clear across the world. (Portugal, I'm looking at you! XD) Plus, with the news that one of the kids is expecting a baby, you know how THAT goes, especially with grandparents!
I you have any questions, you know what to do. If I promised you a picture, I'm still working on a few. (You know who you are. I hope to have them done VERY soon. Thank you for the patience.
Hell yeah! You did an excellent job as I said. (another +1 for adding the sword) But, there's this one thing that you missed though. If you're willing to hear what it is. ^^
Glad you like it!! I'm always so worried when drawing someone elses OC. XD And yes; the last picture you drew, Tezoth was holding a sword and I wanted to incorporate that. Also, Clara; had to add the blackbird in there! Again, I'm glad you like it.
Hell yeah! You did an excellent job as I said. (another +1 for adding the sword) But, there's this one thing that you missed though. If you're willing to hear what it is. ^^
I love anything that has to do ith Emily Porgie. She's a female version of Georgie...what more can you ask for? lol Then the BR scene with Junior and his new abilitites to travel. XD Priceless! I enjoyed this chapter. Penelope, sweetie...STOP being so damn stubborn! I hope this works out for her. May I add I LOVE how your adding two stories in one!
Oh yeah, that's right! Well, be safe and have fun tomorrow!
Chapter 8
Anything different
While the meat marinated for another hour, Katie, Lyla and Penny helped set the table. The men were outsi… morede drinking beer and preparing the barbecue for the Hamburgers. The remainder of the girls were awake. Some played outside while the others assisted inside with dinner.
"What are we havin'?" Sarah hands Katie a plate "It smells good."
"Mommy and daddy thought Hamburgers sounded REALLY good and-"
"OH! Yummy! I LOVE Hamburgers!"
Katie giggles. "Yes sweetie. We are having nice, juicy, plump burgers for dinner. That and Potato Salad. Mommy made sure to make PLENTY this time."
She kisses the little girl's forehead, as she shrieks. Lyla and Penny finish off with cups and silverware.
"That looks great. All we need are the burgers and we are set."
Just than, Josiah could be heard from his bassinet. Penny excuses herself to retreive the boy.
"He's too precious." Lyla pauses. "Damn shame wit… [view original content]
In times like these... I wish I could kick down his bedroom door and see for myself, but I can't. (assuming that he keeps his drawing folders inside his bedroom XD)
Annoyed, I forcefully slammed my glass down. The ends chipped, as I stood up. I tossed the stool to the side, grabbed my jacket and proceeded to leave. Rose was soon behind me.
"Robert, stop! I will not have you fucking runnin' away EVERY time something you don't like happens!"
"I don't have time for this-"
"What is the deal? You KNOW you two can't-"
I changed into my true form and threw the cigarette machine to the side. It slammed into the wall, causing the foundation to slightly crack. Bits of wall fell to the floor, as Holly and Rose stood back and watched.
"YOU have no right telling ME what to do!" I charged into the opposite wall and threw my fists into the structure. The building moved for a second. "I only wanted to spend some time with her..."
With that said, I ran outside. By this time, the rain was pouring from the sky. I heard Rose call my name but by this time, I was in the shadows of an alley three blocks from the bar. Still in my true form, I did my best to avoid mundy eyes. I found a dumpster near an apartment complex. I took shelter there and waited for my anger to subside.
I KNEW where this was coming from; Holly and Rose were only concerned for my ell being but there were times they crossed the line; I was aware of Lyla's relationship status and had no interest in wondering around that part of town. I knew my place. Georgie and I didn't see eye-to-eye as it was. Didn't need an angry former British pimp at my door, preparing to defend what was his. Let's be honest; yes, I COULD change and rip him in half but I've SEEN Georgie get to the point of pure destruction. You DON'T want to be around when he reaches this level.
I remained in the shadows, hoping time would quickly pass. I thought I heard Rose one last time. Perhaps my mind was playing tricks again. The rain, however, did not ease up. I didn't mind. We Grendels tend to enjoy a nice rain storm now and then.
I closed my eyes and lend my mighty head against the brick wall behind me. If anyone were to catch me at this point, that was it for me. Next stop, the Farm. To be honest, I really didn't care too much at this moment. Sheriff Bigby and his junk yard dog Snow White could shove the rules far up their asses. Then, I heard a faint voice.
Was I dreaming?
"Shit! No, no, no!"
An umbrella, a tangled mess of fabric and wires, found its way in my part of the alley. I heard the clink clank of high heels, as a female figure appeared in the shadows. She did her best to sheild the rain from her body.
"No, where is it? Fuck!"
I carefully peeked over and noticed it was Gwen, the waitress from the diner. Instanly ducking my head, I secretly hoped the girl would give up her search and continue her business some place else. But she never left; Gwen continued searching for her lost umbrella.
Pity struck deep within, as I grabbed what was left of the tangled mess. I did my best to fix it. Turning back into my true form, I walked from behind the dumpster. Gwen dug into her purse and pulled out a tiny pink container. She walked into a ladder, as she aimed the bottle in my direction.
"Stay back! I'm warning you! I'll do it! I'll fuckin' spary your ass!"
Laughing, I stepped into the neon lights hanging from above. She quickly dropped the container and smiled.
"Hey. It's Mr. Apple Pie. Robert, right?"
"Yeah. That's me." I handed her the umbrella. "Here. You, uh, lost this..."
"Thank you! I thought it was gone for good. I have to wait for either a cab or bus and well, I didn't want to wait in this rain..."
Gwen sttempted to fix the mess. She managed to open the top, adjust the ends and make the 'umbrella' sheild her from the rain. She smiled and thanked me before walking back to the streets. I looked around. Peering at my watch, I noticed the time. I ran after Gwen.
"Hey, hey, hey! Wait up!" She turned around. "Can I walk you home?"
"Don't worry 'bout me, big guy. I'll be alright."
I continued to follow her. "Well, you'll have to just suck it up 'cus I'm not leaving you alone."
Gwen laughed. "Overweening man, aren't you?"
"Nah. Just stubborn."
"Hm. I can tell. Well, guess I have no choice then, huh?"
We made it to her apartment in fifteen minutes. The rain never eased up, as I walked Gwen to her door.
"Well, here I am. A2."
"You alone?"
Gwen shakes her head. "I mean, I have a cat but you know...that does not count."
"Does to me."
Gwen smiles. "Hey, thanks for walking me home."
"And you wanted me to go away."
Gwen laughs. "Well, good night, Robert. Hope to see you around sometime. Stop by the diner if you're ever in the mood for Apple Pie."
"Will do. See ya, Gwen. 'Night."
I wait until she locks the door before I leave. As I walk down the streets, I hear Rose behind me.
LOL One of these days I'm gonna have to take pics of the various folders and pics he has pinned up. And yes, in the bedroom is where pie keeps these marvelous treasures! XD
In times like these... I wish I could kick down his bedroom door and see for myself, but I can't. (assuming that he keeps his drawing folders inside his bedroom XD)
Dear diary... Or should I made this a daily journal or something, not sure yet.
It's Lyall Wolf here, and I find it really hard to believe that we're not even a week into October and some pranksters are already pulling shit. Just walked by The Cut Above and found it draped in toilet paper, poor Johann. I managed to stick around for awhile and help remove some of the toilet paper. Apparently this isn't the first time this happened around Fabletown.
The day before someone egged Lawrence's place. Poor guy spend a good couple of hours scrapping dried eggs off his windows. I love a good joke as much as the other person but I'll stick to jumping out at my parents thank you very much.
I promise to keep an eye out, the scent was long gone after both pranks. Not really sure if there's much I can do, maybe once Halloween's over these blasted pranks can stop.
And here's Lyall's part, I might either write another one for Bradwr or Scarlett, or finally do a Bonnie one.
Ding, ding, ding! You have won DragonButter's first ever trivial game for the day! Your prize will be a bucket of complimentary buttered popcorn that you will be receiving in a few weeks or so.
Incredible artwork indeed!
The end is near, but not quite.
Act 6, Dark Kingdom Part 2
Our heroes find theirs united. With the people form their past here to assist them on the raid of the Dark Kingdom. After reuniting, they regroup to a safe house to plan out their strategy. Etan uses the map that his father Hati drew in the sky for him as it contains the entire map out of the Dark Palace, which is extremely useful.
First the group needed to organize squads to in to cover as many ground possible, while Delphantez knights handle the Dark Kingdoms knights while he assist them from the sky. Robby and Walter will climb up the towers and provide support there using their arrows and specialized light arrows crafted by Lydia.
Draco will lead Wolven and Redd on the initial strike where the knights will follow up. They will then begin their assault on the inner corridor leading to the main hall where Etan, Lydia and Daren will make there into the palace where Lydia will recover the light sword and defeat the dark princess Argula.
Once well defeat Argula hurt influence of the neighboring kingdoms including the heroes kingdoms will be lifted, and they will be able to return home to their lands once again. However this will not be easy.
"Alright is everyone ready?"
"Yes Prince Delphantez, me Daren and Lydia are ready to take off."
"Excellent, Draco is your squad ready?"
"We're ready dad. I'm all fired up and ready to burn."
"Good. The Robin Hood brothers all already making their way to the towers. As soon as they give the signal, war will begin. Everyone will have their duties to carry out. If all goes right, we will have our lands back before dawn."
The group waited patiently for the signal. Then after several minutes of waiting the flare goes up into the air, signal the start of the battle. The palace alarms have already bee sounded. Each nwo squad begins to carry out their designated duties.
The begins right off the back. Draco uses his dragon flames to pave a way into the palace, while Wolven and Redd summon their canine like creatures to attack the palaces soldiers. Once the was has been clear Delphantez and his knights will make their move to fight of the palaces armada.
Etan, Daren and Lydia, then make their way inside the courtyard thanks to the help of Robby and Walters barrage of arrows, but as they are about to enter the dreadful palace, they are confronted by two large ogres who are hell bent on keeping them from entering the palace.
"Shit... of course" Daren back away."
All is seeming to god bad until Prince Delphantez appears in his divine dragon form and incinerates the two ogres in a single blast. He then tells the three that time is running out, and they must end this before to late.
Lydia is amazed by Delphantez incredible power, she nods and fallows Daren and Etan inside the dreadful Palace..
Once inside, Etan uses his photograph memory of the map to find out where they treasure room is located. He discovers that it close by and leads the squad to. Etan spots it after traveling down the long hallway. A group of guards then rushes down the hallway but they didn't spot the group, they are leaving for the battle outside.
"They're gone, we can go now." Etan addressing Lydia and Daren.
As they go over to the door of the treasure room containing the the Light Calibur, Lydia recognizes the symbol on the door. It is from here past and see knows exactly how to open this door without a problem, so Etan and Daren allow here to do her thing. But suddenly, Omnimaax walks into the room and seals the exit.
"There is no escape, submit to me or face certain deaths."
"Lydia keep doing what you are doing, me and Etan will handle this."
"Handle me? Ha, you a werecat and the other one being the bastard of a washed of wolf who roams the night sky's? How poignant." Omnimaax as he grins"
"We see who poignant, when I'm wearing your skull as a hat." Etan as his eyes glow.
"Typical fools, you will know your place soon enough." Omnimaax then unsheathes his sword and prepares to combat the two."
"Hmm, Daren look. He doesnt have the dark sword anymore?"
"Is that a good for us?"
"Define good in this situation Daren.."
Omnimaax then attacks Daren and cuts his arm wounding him, but he gets back and transform into his full werecat forming and begin to claw Ominmaax down until he is knock backed. From behind Etan appears from behind him using his trickery magic and manages to take a huge comp out of the of guard Omnimaax.
He rushes over to Daren and make sure he is ok, but suddenly Omnimaax is then transformed into some kind of demonic knight with a larger sword and black flames bursting from his armor. This appears to be his ultimate form, which somewhat puts a small amount of fear into their hearts and they are remind of the stories they're parents use to read to them when they are younger.
"Yes... tremble in fear, you mutts. It it almost time to say goodbye to your worlds and your pathetic lives. Ahhh yes can you hear it? Listen, listen to the bickering of darkness!" Omnimaax he slices into thin air with his sword sending a dark energy towards the two which would kill them on impact.
Fortunately, Lydia saves them from their demise using the power of the light sword. It's elegant glow strike sudden fear into the heart of Omnimaax as he drops his weapon and begins to back away."
"Impossible, impossible, you... are really are her, you...awoken Light Calibur.."
"Yes Omnimaax, and now you will taste its cold steel. This is for the guardians and my friends who died protecting this sword."
Lydia then stabs Omnimaax in the heart with the light sword causing him to return to normal, however he is not dead.. she turns to Daren and Etan and tells them to help the others, she will handle Argula herself. Etan is left without any words and then he wants to tell no becuase it is to risky to allow her to go alone, but he stands up and takes her hand telling her that he made a good decision recruiting you. He tells her that she is truly a hero this world needs. Then he helps up Daren and begins to leave the room telling Lydia that he believes in her and will be waiting for her to return from certain victory.
Lydia begins to make her way to the throne room while holding the light sword in her hand. She then slowly opens the large door and there she see Argula waiting for her holding the dark sword, the light swords dark counterpart.
"It's about time you arrive Lydia..."
@pudding_pie , I absolutely adore your talented artwork, and was wondering I could request are drawing of Lydia holding the light sword in her hand, lol. That would be the icing on the pie if you are able!
Today will be a special episode just for you guys!
(Dave Riddles X Deltora Quest X Adventure Time X DBZ) and a little bit of something else
Chapter 5: The Resistance
'The Resistance?'
'Yes, the resistance', replied John
'Could it be?'
'Yes it could'
'Dude, I didn't even say a word'
'I know, i've been here twice.'
Dave, put his hand around his back and raised his middle finger halfway. Dave, later on asked John
'Well, how many fingers am i holding up?'
'0.5 and you're raising your middle finger'
'I installed a camera just behind you, see?'
'Damn you John'
'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is going on YouTube!'
Dave launched himself forward while John was distracted, but John ducked faster than him and ended up harming Dave.
'Your fault Dave'
'Yeah, I... Let's just go and check the resistance thingy'
Then, Dave acted childish and remembered the old cartoon show he used to watch when he was a little kid called "Adventure Time". Dave asked John.
' What time is it?'
Exciting music started playing, Dave and John were like Finn and Jake, but Finn and Jake were Dave and John( confusing isn't it?). At last, they found the crater of the explosion. Inside the explosion, they found a BIG capsule. It made a cool exiting sound. Something was coming out.... IT WAS... GOKU, VEGETA, PICCOLO, BULMA, TRUNKS, GOTEN, AND GOHAN!
'HOW DID THEY GET HERE?', asked Dave
'We came here, because of Phoenix'
'Who's Phoenix, John?'
'That's my real name'
'WHAT?!, Phoenix Wright? The Lawyer?'
'NO YOU FOOL! I'm the strongest fighter in all the universes that ever existed.'
'OK! So enough of the fun, we should be able to get to Doom, Lief, Jasmine, and Barda in less than a second, so just close your eyes and don't move'
They did so. and when they opened their eyes they were inside a massive castle. In the castle were only a few people, because King Lief ordered them to say put inside their houses and do anything they like!. Lief, Jasmine, Barda, Doom, Kree, and Fili were there to greet them.
'Greetings!' said Lief, Barda, Jasmine, and Doom
They all approached the King and its companions and shook hands.
'A pleasure to finally meet the king!' said Dave
'Your welcome, I think you've already met the king of all the universes?'
'Yeah, i've met him. He's beside me, right?'
'Correct' said Lief
All of them knelt before Phoenix and said long live the king!
'Thanks, but i'm undercover. My 2 best fiends Jenko and Schmidt-'
'Dude, we know that's from 21 Jump Street'
'AW MAN' said the fox, I mean Phoenix
'Since were all here, I make a truce to all of you'
A glass of milk started popping into their hands.
'Cheers!' said everyone
All of them were teleported by John from Deltora back to the small hut.
'We expected bigger', said Barda
'You'll see', said Phoenix
Phoenix clapped his hand once and waited for 5 seconds. Earth started to shake and revealed a secret entrance.
'Shall we?' said Phoenix
Then, everyone followed Phoenix to the Secret entrance thing. Everyone stopped, except Phoenix,
'WHO ARE YOU?', said the mysterious man
'It's me Mario', said Phoenix
'Oh, i'm so sorry my king'
'Nah, it's okay bro'
They saw light at the end of the tunnel, they walked and walked and walked until they finally reached it. It was a big beautiful place bigger than the author's(me) fist. They rejoiced.
'Tomorrow, we will have the meeting. I give thanks to Nike our sponsor, I give thanks to Beats by Dr.Dre buy providing us earphones along the journey, I give thanks to everyone who helped me, and i give thanks to the one who created us and the one who gave us food.', said Phoenix
End of Chapter 5
This may or may not make sense, but I kinda tried my best here.
Still, respect, everyone!
and Good Fortune !
I don't know if that image can ever be beaten. Ever.
Fun to see the things from her perspective! Those steel toed boots winces. And I think I know what you did with the name, there.
Good to see Georgia sticking up for her sister! And I do wonder who the father of Penelope's baby is. Hmm.
Oh, Georgie and Mr. Weasel would definitely both shake their fists at the birds, like when Georgie and Lyla when to Portugal!
Did you just say... root beer-scented candles? WHOA. WHOA.
Rootbeer sounds like it would be a good smell, though burning soda is maybe a bit more strange haha. I've just found that we have Yankee Candles in the UK, which is excellent!
Yeah, what the heck, Rob? I agree with Noah saying that's a lame costume choice to go as. The ending made me laugh too. :P
I'd probably pay to see the cast of Fables in a recreation of that video; and it's nice to see Junior wanting to finish a Haunted House!
Mr. Weasel with a spoon, perfect weapon of choice.
Best way to defeat Medusa is with mirrors, and mirrors relate to Scarlett. Even though Scarlett is presumably dead - unless I misunderstood the last part of your previous tale - is there some sort of connection? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Noir brings up a really good point, I really love how you introduced Medusa's character with the phone scene as well.
I can relate to Elora with the whole 'singing all the songs that play on the radio' part. The spelling... not so much, it's good Harm put her in writing classes though.
Y'know, it's still a wonder why Johann gave Katie that huge sum for Katie to give to Penny. Another thing I'll probably see in the next couple chapters you make!
Basically, what pudding had said. I'm really eager to see how this will play out now.
Wait, Mary actually being sorry? Guess having a kid softened her up a lot. I don't remember reading about an Alice in your previous chapters either, unless she was mentioned WAY back in your very early installments? (also assuming she's the same Alice from Alice in Wonderland)
Besides, no problem on reading your writes, all of them have been awesome to read!
I applaud all the effort you put into this picture for Tezoth and Rose, dude. I absolutely appreciate you doing this for me, really I do! Don't worry about not coloring it either, it's fine the way it is.
P.S. - Question: is that Tezoth's left arm in the back holding the sword the crow (Clara?) is perching on? Another nice touch if it is!
Aww, you really think Tez and Rose would make a good non-canon couple? I do too. ^^
Your buddy did an excellent job!
It's so superbly-amazingly-awesome!
I say you're kind of on the right track, but I'm not going to spoil anything for you about Medusa
But she will make an appearance physically soon enough.
Glad you like it!! I'm always so worried when drawing someone elses OC. XD And yes; the last picture you drew, Tezoth was holding a sword and I wanted to incorporate that. Also, Clara; had to add the blackbird in there! Again, I'm glad you like it.
Can I just tell you this; I've been meaning to but always forget. The names you give your characters are unique and fun!
With that being said (finally!) I enjoyed this chapter; so far, my favorite because of the description you painted from begining to end. And yes, I'd love to make you an image of Lydia, seeing I've done several OC's images for other writers.
I THINK you had an image of her but I can't remember...either a picture or description would be nice.
I want to make this perfect!
Very random, funny and a great read. Dave is something all in himself! Plus Adventure Time; anything ith that is a thumbs up for me. The misses adores that show! XD
Plus, that little advertisment you thre in there! XD
XD The image I got in my head; this little Weasel perched on his shoulder, using the spoon to shoo off the vermin with wings! Georgie yelling his thunderous profanities that we all know and love!
@pudding_pie @DragonButter thank you guys!!! I'll try to get the next part uploaded soon
Chapter 8
Anything different
While the meat marinated for another hour, Katie, Lyla and Penny helped set the table. The men were outside drinking beer and preparing the barbecue for the Hamburgers. The remainder of the girls were awake. Some played outside while the others assisted inside with dinner.
"What are we havin'?" Sarah hands Katie a plate "It smells good."
"Mommy and daddy thought Hamburgers sounded REALLY good and-"
"OH! Yummy! I LOVE Hamburgers!"
Katie giggles. "Yes sweetie. We are having nice, juicy, plump burgers for dinner. That and Potato Salad. Mommy made sure to make PLENTY this time."
She kisses the little girl's forehead, as she shrieks. Lyla and Penny finish off with cups and silverware.
"That looks great. All we need are the burgers and we are set."
Just than, Josiah could be heard from his bassinet. Penny excuses herself to retreive the boy.
"He's too precious." Lyla pauses. "Damn shame with her and Oliver...."
"I'm sure he'll come around, mom."
"Oh, I'm sure; they are connected and its very difficult seperating when that occurs. You know that."
Katie looks into the sink. "Still, uh...still trying to see who the mysterious man is."
"She refuses to tell me OR your father. I'm hoping she'll tell one of you kids..."
Katie pauses. "I'll uh, be right back mom."
"Everything okay, Katherine?"
Katie heads for her purse. "Well, we'll see..."
A bemused Lyla watched her daughter pull out an envelope and head to the living room. Katie found Penny, surrounded by eager eyes, as she feeds the baby boy. Gianna, Hannah and Laura watch, as Josiah finishes his meal. Penny burps the baby, as Katie sits back and waits.
"He's so tiny, Auntie Penny!"
"He is, isn't he Gianna? I remember when you girls used to look like this. Gianna, you were so little with the cutest little fingers. I mean, hours later you turned into a creature like daddy but you were STILL so precious. Loud, too!"
Gianna smiled. "What 'bout Laura and Hannah?"
"Loud...VERY loud! Came out hissing and screaming! Laura tried kicking daddy when she was born; Hannah had a nasty habit of head butting or grabbing."
Josiah finally burps. Penny snuggles the boy, as Katie takes a seat beside her sister. Penny looks down.
"What is that?"
"Girls, will you excuse us for a minute? See if Nana and Hope need help in the kitchen. Go on."
The three girls give a brief kiss to Josiah and run off into the kitchen. Penny places the sleeping infant into the bassinet.
"Katie, what is that?"
"Johann gave it to me. He want's you to have this."
Penny stops in place. "What is it?"
"How much?"
"Not sure...Penny-"
Penny snatches the envelope from Katie's hand and stuffs it into her pant pocket. She tried avoiding eye contact, as Penny heads into the kitchen. Quick on her feet, however, Katie manages to stop Penny before she was out of reach.
"Penelope, what is going on with you? Why did Johann-"
"DROP it, Katie! I'll handle Johann." There was vexation in her eyes. "Fuck, Johann...."
"What?! Penny-"
Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door. Freeing her arm, Penny begins to walk away.
"Think Emily is here...."
Sighing, Katie rushes to the door. In her hand, Emily holds a rather large tray of various meats, cheeses and green olives.
"Fook, its cold out there!"
"Watch the language, please."
Emily chuckles. "Oh, right...sorry."
Hope peeks around the corner. Seeing who it is, the girl runs to Emily and jumps into her arms.
"Aunt Emily, you made it! Where is Auntie Felicia?"
"Sick, love. VERY sick. Has the stomach flu."
"Oh no."
"Don't worry. She'll be fine. Be a doll and take this into the kitchen."
Coming from outside, Madeline and Willow embrace their aunt. Ivy and Bella are close to follow. They all tightly hug Emily, as she attempts to take off her coat. Finally, the group manages to migrate into the kitchen. Lyla smiles, stands up and hugs Emily.
"You look great, sweetie."
"Course I do. Look like dad and we all know how much you LOVE dad."
Lyla smirks, as Emily grabs a beer and sits down. Penny is nowhere to be found; Katie could hear her on the phone in the spare bedroom. She'd leave it for now until dinner was ready. As she walks down the hall, the bathroom lights up. The Crimson red escapes the crack in the door. Curious, Katie opens the door. The mirror shakes and glows, as she cautiously peers in the glass.
As she reached up to touch it, a hand pulls out and grabs Katie's wrist. She screams, causing several little girls and Lyla to run to her aid.
"KATIE! Sweetie!"
But before anyone could react, Junior, Mary and the kids all exist the glass. Junior is in a laughing fit. Hitting his chest, Katie simply walks aay. Still laughing, Junior follows.
"Hey, sis! Wait up!"
Several little girls crowd around both him and Mary.
"Look at you girls! Gettin' so big!"
"That was so cool!"
"Hm. I THOUGHT so! You hear that, Katie-the girls thought it was cool!"
George follows Katie. "You scared Auntie Katie...."
Katie hugs the boy. "See? HE loves me!"
Junior punches her arm. "Loosen up, sis. We're here!"
"Still getting used to that....hey, Mary."
Mary waves back, as they clasp each other. "Sorry 'bout that. Bloody Porgie is gettin' a kick out of teleporting in that fashion. Brownies?"
Katie grabs the plate, as everyone gathers around the table.
Everyone but Penelope.
Chapter 9 soon
Ah yes, the weekend.
Gonna be gone tomorrow afternoon for awhile; got a family reunion and we are excited to attend and see family members that either live out of state or moved clear across the world. (Portugal, I'm looking at you! XD) Plus, with the news that one of the kids is expecting a baby, you know how THAT goes, especially with grandparents!
I you have any questions, you know what to do.
If I promised you a picture, I'm still working on a few. (You know who you are.
I hope to have them done VERY soon. Thank you for the patience. 
Hell yeah! You did an excellent job as I said. (another +1 for adding the sword) But, there's this one thing that you missed though. If you're willing to hear what it is. ^^
Oh can I guess!!! The shades, huh? I remember your OC had shades! See, Pie...told you. lol
I love anything that has to do ith Emily Porgie. She's a female version of Georgie...what more can you ask for? lol Then the BR scene with Junior and his new abilitites to travel. XD Priceless! I enjoyed this chapter. Penelope, sweetie...STOP being so damn stubborn! I hope this works out for her. May I add I LOVE how your adding two stories in one!
Oh yeah, that's right! Well, be safe and have fun tomorrow!
EDIT: I couldn't help it, Pie! It's Jersey!!! XD
You guys should see the folders upon folders this guy has of work he's done and currently working on.
You're halfway correct, why did he need to wear the shades?
In times like these... I wish I could kick down his bedroom door and see for myself, but I can't.
(assuming that he keeps his drawing folders inside his bedroom XD)
Chapter 10
I JUST noticed its been awhile since I've written anything! XD Here we go!
We made it to the Trip Trap before the sun had set. Rose and I took a seat at the bar, as Holly poured us each a shot of Bourben.
"Well, someone looks like they are feelin' better."
Rose and I clinked glasses. "Yup, Holly! Its been a WONDERFUL day!"
She smiles. "Well, out with it. What is goin' on?"
I finish my shot. "Lyla want's to have coffee with me and-"
The room fell into a deadly silence, as both Rose and Holly seemed baffled by my comment.
"Robert, sweetie. Lyla...."
I didn't quite understand. "What? We are getting coffee and-"
"Yeah but, two can't...I mean, you two are-fuck."
Rose stood up. "What the bar troll is TRYIN' to say, is you have no business being around Lyla."
"Why!? She's married...WITH GEORGIE PORGIE!"
Annoyed, I forcefully slammed my glass down. The ends chipped, as I stood up. I tossed the stool to the side, grabbed my jacket and proceeded to leave. Rose was soon behind me.
"Robert, stop! I will not have you fucking runnin' away EVERY time something you don't like happens!"
"I don't have time for this-"
"What is the deal? You KNOW you two can't-"
I changed into my true form and threw the cigarette machine to the side. It slammed into the wall, causing the foundation to slightly crack. Bits of wall fell to the floor, as Holly and Rose stood back and watched.
"YOU have no right telling ME what to do!" I charged into the opposite wall and threw my fists into the structure. The building moved for a second. "I only wanted to spend some time with her..."
With that said, I ran outside. By this time, the rain was pouring from the sky. I heard Rose call my name but by this time, I was in the shadows of an alley three blocks from the bar. Still in my true form, I did my best to avoid mundy eyes. I found a dumpster near an apartment complex. I took shelter there and waited for my anger to subside.
I KNEW where this was coming from; Holly and Rose were only concerned for my ell being but there were times they crossed the line; I was aware of Lyla's relationship status and had no interest in wondering around that part of town. I knew my place. Georgie and I didn't see eye-to-eye as it was. Didn't need an angry former British pimp at my door, preparing to defend what was his. Let's be honest; yes, I COULD change and rip him in half but I've SEEN Georgie get to the point of pure destruction. You DON'T want to be around when he reaches this level.
I remained in the shadows, hoping time would quickly pass. I thought I heard Rose one last time. Perhaps my mind was playing tricks again. The rain, however, did not ease up. I didn't mind. We Grendels tend to enjoy a nice rain storm now and then.
I closed my eyes and lend my mighty head against the brick wall behind me. If anyone were to catch me at this point, that was it for me. Next stop, the Farm. To be honest, I really didn't care too much at this moment. Sheriff Bigby and his junk yard dog Snow White could shove the rules far up their asses. Then, I heard a faint voice.
Was I dreaming?
"Shit! No, no, no!"
An umbrella, a tangled mess of fabric and wires, found its way in my part of the alley. I heard the clink clank of high heels, as a female figure appeared in the shadows. She did her best to sheild the rain from her body.
"No, where is it? Fuck!"
I carefully peeked over and noticed it was Gwen, the waitress from the diner. Instanly ducking my head, I secretly hoped the girl would give up her search and continue her business some place else. But she never left; Gwen continued searching for her lost umbrella.
Pity struck deep within, as I grabbed what was left of the tangled mess. I did my best to fix it. Turning back into my true form, I walked from behind the dumpster. Gwen dug into her purse and pulled out a tiny pink container. She walked into a ladder, as she aimed the bottle in my direction.
"Stay back! I'm warning you! I'll do it! I'll fuckin' spary your ass!"
Laughing, I stepped into the neon lights hanging from above. She quickly dropped the container and smiled.
"Hey. It's Mr. Apple Pie. Robert, right?"
"Yeah. That's me." I handed her the umbrella. "Here. You, uh, lost this..."
"Thank you! I thought it was gone for good. I have to wait for either a cab or bus and well, I didn't want to wait in this rain..."
Gwen sttempted to fix the mess. She managed to open the top, adjust the ends and make the 'umbrella' sheild her from the rain. She smiled and thanked me before walking back to the streets. I looked around. Peering at my watch, I noticed the time. I ran after Gwen.
"Hey, hey, hey! Wait up!" She turned around. "Can I walk you home?"
"Don't worry 'bout me, big guy. I'll be alright."
I continued to follow her. "Well, you'll have to just suck it up 'cus I'm not leaving you alone."
Gwen laughed. "Overweening man, aren't you?"
"Nah. Just stubborn."
"Hm. I can tell. Well, guess I have no choice then, huh?"
We made it to her apartment in fifteen minutes. The rain never eased up, as I walked Gwen to her door.
"Well, here I am. A2."
"You alone?"
Gwen shakes her head. "I mean, I have a cat but you know...that does not count."
"Does to me."
Gwen smiles. "Hey, thanks for walking me home."
"And you wanted me to go away."
Gwen laughs. "Well, good night, Robert. Hope to see you around sometime. Stop by the diner if you're ever in the mood for Apple Pie."
"Will do. See ya, Gwen. 'Night."
I wait until she locks the door before I leave. As I walk down the streets, I hear Rose behind me.
Chapter 11 coming soon!
His eyes! He had those dragon eyes! Pie...told you...told you....XD
LOL One of these days I'm gonna have to take pics of the various folders and pics he has pinned up.
And yes, in the bedroom is where pie keeps these marvelous treasures! XD
October 4
Dear diary... Or should I made this a daily journal or something, not sure yet.
It's Lyall Wolf here, and I find it really hard to believe that we're not even a week into October and some pranksters are already pulling shit. Just walked by The Cut Above and found it draped in toilet paper, poor Johann. I managed to stick around for awhile and help remove some of the toilet paper. Apparently this isn't the first time this happened around Fabletown.
The day before someone egged Lawrence's place. Poor guy spend a good couple of hours scrapping dried eggs off his windows. I love a good joke as much as the other person but I'll stick to jumping out at my parents thank you very much.
I promise to keep an eye out, the scent was long gone after both pranks. Not really sure if there's much I can do, maybe once Halloween's over these blasted pranks can stop.
And here's Lyall's part, I might either write another one for Bradwr or Scarlett, or finally do a Bonnie one.
Ding, ding, ding! You have won DragonButter's first ever trivial game for the day! Your prize will be a bucket of complimentary buttered popcorn that you will be receiving in a few weeks or so.