Huge Skype Playthrough of TWD? (A Small Group has been assembled, still looking to get bigger.)
Ok, I had an awesome Idea, I have a lot of free time on my hands in coming days, so who wants to skype a playthrough of season 2 of the walking dead? Yeah, I think it'll be fun. We'll talk, and dick around, and have a grand old time! Fun for all ages (literally anyone of any age may join), so let's do it! If you want to join, comment your skype name, and I'll add you to the group! No specific time, but we may plan, and though it'll be played on my end, we'll choose our dialogue and choices together! Even if you see this after episode 1 is fully done, even if we're at Season 2 episode 5, we'll still be good. So If you don't have a skype account, it's easy to make, I can instruct you, but if you do, comment the username, and I'll add you right away. I want to get a huge group on board, and we'll have a grand old time. We may text chat, or video chat depending what people want, we'll discuss it more over skype. I'll be online for a long while, so I'll see your post if you post in the first bunch of hours. Also, you must accept my friend request to join. Hopefully I'll see you all there
I'd be in for the first season. Played Season 2 very recently.
Let me PM you my ID because ye
Cool, do you have a skype? If so, either post it here, or if you want to be private, just PM me.
Cool, added you.
Username's hazz98.
It sounds like fun. Too bad I have to work.
It's gonna be continuous for a while, so maybe you'll be able to join later? If so, wanna give me your Skype info?
Same as my name
Sounds like a lot of fun, but I can't join because I don't have Skype and I have work to do
Sent you a request, accept, and you'll be in the group
Haven't even started and it's already pretty cool. Join in!
Go to the skype website, and follow the simple instructions. Download it, and message me the username. Preferably pick your username on this website, and I'll add you. For the work, it's gonna be continuous thing, so maybe join us when you're free?
No set time
I have alot of work and studies to do recently, but i would realy like to join the party! Just tell me the day you guys wanna play and i wil hopefully be available.
Farewell, fellow Stache-ists!
I'll think about it, when does this thing start and at which time does it start for each day? (Eastern time to be exact)
Well, we start whenever we want, no particular time, but I'll give you guys notice, by seeing who is online, and then we'll play! We'll update anyone who misses anything.
Not any particular time, just when most people are free, and I'll give notice, and we'll update whoever missed it.
We're just gonna play periodically whenever a bulk of us are free, and yeah, mostly saturdays and sundays.
Your comment didn't appear, I hate it when that happens
So, your still planning this out? I think a good time to start this thing would be either next Saturday or Sunday, I'm off every week for those 2 days. And I'll have time to think about this.
Alright, please keep me informed!
Do you have a skype account? If so, tell me it, and I'll add you to keep you updated.
Sounds cool I'm in!
Ok, cool, message me your info, and I'll add you
Hmmmm now I'll have to consider getting a Skype
Sent it
It's totally worth it, dude!
Infinity bump
I'll get around to it.
Sounds like fun.
PM me your Skype name, and I'll add ya
Nope, not at all. A microphone, even on the laptop, is needed, but no camera. We're good on that standpoint.
One last thing, do we need a mic and camera? I never used Skype, but most people seem to have a cam and a mic to use when talking.
Your comment didn't appear again, I can't get a microphone, so I guess I can't join....
Mine won't show up in Skype's search engine, I don't think.
It'd probably be best if I added you.
I also have no clue how PMs work on this site. TEACH ME
My username is the same as my username on the site, so look me up, and add me.
You could just join us through text chat
We're going to begin episode 1 TOMORROW! So today where I live. Anyway, if you wanna sign up, add me, I'm maxbear29, and I'll add you to the group in the morning. Night, all!
Heh, sounds nice, I'm in. Just sent friend request. Though I don't know if there'll be free time for me to participate. Eh, we'll see.
Hm... Sure... I'm in.