Characters Who You Thought Had Lost Potential. How Would You Fix Them?



  • edited October 2014

    I know the feeling, although I did accept his death better. I think I just mourned Lee [for a whole week!] I even wrote something back then too, where Clem had a dream about Lee in that she was sorry about everything, but I never finished it.

    Um, what's Xenothelosobane and why does it haunt your dreams? o_o

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I know how you feel, When Lee died I didn't want to believe it for a long time. Now the alcohol just hides the pain... The Fly lord Xenothelosobane now haunts my dreams.

  • He knows where the river is though, he can just find water there instead.

    I don't think Nick would be able to lift those bottles...

  • I know the feeling, although I did accept his death better. I think I just mourned Lee [for a whole week!] I even wrote something back then too, where Clem had a dream about Lee in that she was sorry about everything, but I never finished it.

    Not me , I'm still half hoping they'll him back somehow. Even though i know he is "dead". Ben and Lee were my favorite characters in TWDG so far in the main Cannon Story. I expected so much more out of Ben and when he died, it was like Ben is getting off the hook, and dying taking the easy way out. I expected more out of you.

    Then with Lee got bit i had to force myself to play the rest of the game. I feel like they shouldn't of added the false hope angle by cutting off Lee's arm. What was the point other than having him suffer even more.

    Now I'm just rambling.

    Um, what's Xenothelosobane and why does it haunt your dreams? o_o

    The fly lord, One of the seven demons in hell.

    He is mad at me because i won't pay his HBO bill. He should get on unemployment like everyone else in Merica.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I know the feeling, although I did accept his death better. I think I just mourned Lee [for a whole week!] I even wrote something back then

  • Will do!

    I'll bring the best from my mom's collection. lol

    I understand that way of thinking, but I can't say that 'canon' material (I disagree with) affects me all that much. I've made it a habit to write my own endings and twist certain lore for my own personal amusement. The death of Omid and Christa doesn't bother me, as I simply dismiss it as bad writing. In my mind they survived far longer than they had in Season 2.

    Either way, don't worry about Telltale's dumb plot. Write Luke the way you want to write him.

    I know I've dissed Luke several times on this forum, and for good reason, but I still love the guy. I hate how Telltale portrayed him, but I love the idea of him. I wish he and Clem's sibling dynamic was written well, because you're goddamn right. That shit was adorable. You wouldn't believe how much I love that archetype.

    In a weird way, Luke (my personal version of him) is my favorite Walking Dead character ever, and I am glad that I'm not alone in this opinion. People's outrage over his death (and the shitty way Telltale went about it) gives legitimate reasons for excellent writers to rewrite his character the way they wanted him in the first place. :D

    Speaking of excellent writers, don't be afraid to share your story with me as well as I'd love to give it a read.

    I know, right?

    It's such a nifty feature!

    Something clever here.

    Something clever there.

    I love da moonshine. ;)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Now remember to bring your orange shirts and draw some silly mustaches under your noses. We're going to grieve in style! :P Well it's n

  • Exactly man.

    Once I'm done with this essay of mine, I'll join you in reviving this dead horse (Luke).

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don´t think I´m actually that fantastic at writing either but hey nobody is going to get better without practice!

  • I've only got two paragraphs left.

    All is well on my end.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Ouch, essays suck, I´m sorry to hear.

  • Ouch, essays suck, I´m sorry to hear.

    Exactly man. Once I'm done with this essay of mine, I'll join you in reviving this dead horse (Luke).

  • edited October 2014

    Waffles are a plus btw. Don't forget the waffles.

    Wow that sounded really inspiring. You know what, I'm gonna keep in mind while I write from now on. Thanks :) that actually cheered me up a bit <3

    I think after Lee's death, that sibling thing with Clem and Luke was just a strong step forward after the father/daughter bond with got from Clem and Lee before. It's not often in games you get that sibling dynamic that works to great effect and it really did with those two in seeing this guy in his 20's be like a big brother for this young girl. Clem and Luke just had the right dynamic going and it disappoints me that they cut it short and that we never got to see Luke bond with AJ. it's probably why I didn't warm up as much to Telltale's attempt to duplicate it with Jane and Clem, because with Jane the sibling thing didn't hit the same notes or come across as strongly despite everything they did with that, although I mostly blame the curve ball and the game not giving us long enough to bond with Jane within the season [it just felt very rushed in at the end].

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

    And goddammit they were just so CUTE with the jokes and the insults [I'm not an asshole/you look like an idiot] and then just the moving scenes too like with the scene in the finale where Luke asks 'how did we get here?'. And did you see that shit with the high five? Poor Clem's just staring all confused like "What, huh, why the heck is his guy showing me his hand? Is it dirty? Is there something on my hand-omg! It's hand slapping! This is the most coolest thing I've ever learned in my entire life!" those two could've been the best family for each other and I just wish they'd stuck with that idea to be an option and given us a Luke ending.

    But I get what you mean about the character thing. I thought the art history major just came out of nowhere, like they pulled a Jack Dawson on him. He literally sinks like a Jack in Titanic. And then there was the porking with Jane, although that mostly just had me laughing XD Luke he's becoming a danger to the group.

    But the fic, it's over here:

    I'm in the midst of tidying it up before I continue writing the sequel. I just recently finished polishing up Part 1 and add some little extra things here and there. Got to go back before I can go forward :P



    Gotta love da Moonshine =p

    Will do! I'll bring the best from my mom's collection. lol I understand that way of thinking, but I can't say that 'canon' material

  • Yeah, "you shot my dick off" was treated as a moment of black humor.

    Itchy_Tasty posted: »

    I've said this many times, but Troy should have been a more sympathetic character. Someone you hated, but understood. I think Troy should ha

  • Lol, killing off children so that the father can get upset. We already had that with Kenny.

    Sarah bonding with Clem over the loss of their father figures would have been more original, daring and interesting. I'm glad Telltale at least didn't kill off Sarah for Carlos' 'rage'.

    Kennythegod posted: »

    Carlos and Sarah should have made it to the shootout, in which Sarah dies. Then Carlos would be the one who gets angry and beats on Arvo blaming him for his daughter's death, and he would develop an obsession with keeping AJ safe.

  • edited October 2014

    Waffles are rather nice. I've made a habit of smothering them in coconut flavored peanut butter as the syrup we own is less than satisfactory. I'll definitely bring them over.

    If it's not the best thing you ever tasted, I don't know what is.

    Really? Why thank you! That means a lot to me. I could of sworn I was just rambling, but I guess I actually formed a coherent sentence for once. I never knew I would ever inspire anyone to do anything, so I sincerely thank you for the compliment. :D

    I felt the same way about Luke potentially being a really good complement to Lee's character. I personally think it could have expanded upon, and I definitely blame Kenny's reappearance for taking up the most of the spotlight but I'll keep my critiques at a minimum. I'll try to stay positive for now. Going back to the Lee thing, Telltale could have made so many references and connections to Lee through Luke and his actions. I just think it was a decent set-up that was ruined a little bit.

    The point about him and AJ is especially true as well. He's so protective of Rebecca and then they kill him off before he sees the baby? Laaaaame.

    Getting to the point of the two's cuteness. When Luke's being a charming guy, he nails it on the forehead a little bit. It's his southern twang probably. :P And while I'm not a huge fan of his treatment of Clem as a sidekick (rather than a child), that's a simple error that can be fixed in the fics and other fan-media being created.

    I'm definitely a fan of Luke's personality but only when he isn't being a nervous wreck to Clementine. I'm totally fine with this more panic-y side of his personality, but not when he's directing it at a little girl. This trait of his could be interesting if it were brought up in the right circumstances and was focused towards people that might actually deserve it. However, when he's shouting at a little girl who's only sin was (allegedly) getting bitten by a walker, he's crossing the line a little bit.

    Again an issue easily fixable via other people's work, but still worth mentioning, I think.

    Getting back on track, I actually didn't get passed Episode 3, so I didn't know about the Art Major thing, but I guess that's pretty cool. If introduced earlier, that could've opened up some opportunities for development. Clementine's drawing cute little pictures like she did in Season 1, Luke takes notice gives her pointers and they bond a little bit over that.
    Just a cute little thing Telltale could have added.

    The high-five thing is really cute too, if not a little campy. I mean, the idea that Clementine doesn't know what a high-five is does seem a little far-fetched. haha

    It's pretty sweet nonetheless, tho.

    As for your story. Very well done. I have no words really.

    It's dark, brooding, and makes you feel cold inside and out. Clem's getting XX-spoiler-XX was definitely unexpected, and Luke's reaction felt genuine and real. Good on you for making me care. If it's any consolation, it's inspired me to get to writing as well, and is definitley making my favorites. Well done.

    If you want me to gush about it a little bit more, feel free to ask. You deserve to build a bit of an ego over this little project of yours. :D

    Anyways, you seem like a super chill person. Does Telltale have a friending system do you know? May I add you?

    Moonshine's just too good. You might not like the brands I like, though.

    It'd be best to bring your own.

    Don't trust me with anything, ever.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Waffles are a plus btw. Don't forget the waffles. Wow that sounded really inspiring. You know what, I'm gonna keep in mind while I writ

  • Same, but at least his death actually mattered. It helped push the plot forward by making Nick depressed, causing the events at the Ski Lodge.

    MayorMilk posted: »

    I always thought Pete deserved better, if only he could actually survive longer..I feel like him and Ken would have gotten along nicely.

  • I've never tried that before O.O I SHALL TAKE NOTES! Now! Where the heck do I get coconut flavored peanut butter?

    I read up originally Luke's purpose was to be Clementine's Clementine. So in a way if you think about it, THEY KILLED CLEMENTINE'S CLEMENTINE! ;_; they killed his southern twang. But you're right, having those references of Lee through Luke would've been a really cool idea. I just can't stop thinking what a waste it was killing him like that. I mean if most of them were going to die, why bother killing him then and in such a bad way? They may as well have let him make it to the end.

    About Luke yelling at her though, I think you have to take into account they just lost Nick's mom and it's more about it being 'oh shit not again' when he sees this kid with a bite on her arm just moments after saving her from walkers and worrying about going through that again or somebody else getting bitten in the group. Plus it's a little kid so naturally he's freaking out at the idea that they might have to put this kid down to stop her turning. The group as a whole just seemed inexperienced with surviving out in that world, like they've been at Carver's at the most of it and I think that could play part in it too is they're not used to treating bite victims. Look at how late Pete brings up the suggestion to cut off her arm, when they should've been doing that straight away if it were a bite.

    That picture thing is a really cute idea btw ;.; I actually got some plans to write something like that, but you're right it would've been really sweet to see something like that. Can you imagine Clem just drawing something and then Luke goes drawing the same thing ten times better and leaves the poor kid jaw dropped.

    And really!? =D that's great you let me know on the writing thingy. I'll want to read it. What is it you're doing btw? And I don't know about the gushing thing, would be a bit egoistic of me to build my ego like that and I'm not really one that likes to-oh screw it just do it! MAKE ME FEEL ALIIIIIIIVE!

    I don't know on the friending system on if they have one. I think it's mostly you gif hug somebody and BOOM, you're officially best buds. Got pm's though.

    I dunno, I like any whiskey [drools]

    Waffles are rather nice. I've made a habit of smothering them in coconut flavored peanut butter as the syrup we own is less than satisfactor

  • The brand I have is Earth Balance. If you have a local Whole Foods store, they should be easily accessible. It tastes slightly of Heaven, I'm not even joking you.

    If he was Clementine's Clementine like you say, why would Telltale even want to kill him off? Makes no sense. D8

    His accent his best asset! Seriously tho, twenty something characters with a southern accent are my weakness. Can't get them out of my mind.

    Getting to the Luke-Lee thing (sort of), I'm really not at all a fan of the time gap that takes place between Season 1 and 2. If you think about it, Lee's death would be sort of outdated by the time Season 2 would have taken place. Yah, Clementine would still remember him and stuff, but it would of happened more than a year ago for her. Omid's death, and Christa taking care of her (for much longer than Lee had) could easily skew her perception of him in many ways.

    I can easily imagine a real-life kid going from "omg my father figure's dead!" to "I remember this really cool guy who died awhile back" after a year of unending fear and despair. This lack of any real grief or sorrow makes Lee and everything he did feel irrelevant, and that's a huge smack in the face to the character and anyone that didn't want his death to go in vain. I wish Clementine was as young as she was in the first Season, so we could witness her emotions when they were at their most powerful and sincere. It would have made any kind of nod to Lee's former existence all the more heartbreaking but still touching.


    Yah, Luke's death sucked. A lot of the characters' deaths did, really.

    Really Telltale? Killing off characters who haven't even fulfilled any form of story arc? They killed a major character every episode as if it was necessity. Why? What was wrong with Season 1's formula and it's focus on character development? I just don't understand the switch at all. '-'

    In terms of Luke behavior about Clementine's bite...


    Okay, like... even if his situation was stressful and whatever, his introduction and actions still leave a bad taste in my mouth. I don't understand why Telltale decided to introduce the new protagonists of this Season as antagonists in the first episode. It just leaves an unlikeable first impression. In my honest opinion, and maybe it's just because I'm too cutesy and loving to be a good storyteller, but I do wish the drama surrounding the bite was treated entirely different, with the group (especially Luke) being more sympathetic to a little girl who they think is going to die soon. They save her and make her feel comfortable, despite the danger that they are placing on themselves. Their selflessness being a hopeful light in a dark world. They would be Clem's saviors much like how Lee was, and it'd give us totally legitimate reasons to cheer for them as the Season progressed. Mourn when some of them die.

    Not to mention, it just screams the 'family theme these games have been pushing at us sense Season 1.

    I'm glad you liked the thought. I think it's really cute too. I'd love to see that written out sometime. Now that I've read your little story, I can't help but also imagine Luke teaching Clementine how to sing his little songs as well; in his usual teasing way of course. It's a shame she was too shy to ask about the country songs he sang to the little one. I'm sure he has great taste.

    As for your story. omg. Too much to say about it. I felt the feels all over with that one, it was so brutal. It gave me resting bitchface for the rest of the night, and my mom definitely took notice. I probably shouldn't go into spoilers but I had to check out of the story for the night after a certain character's death. I'll explain more via PM but damn did that do a number on me.

    All that aside, even if this had no connection to TWD, the atmosphere and word choice... and the conditions these characters have to go through are intense and it just feels so genuine. This atmosphere and the unending grief of it all has actually inspired a few song/album ideas for me to play around with. It's just so unforgiving in a way. This is gonna sound like a weird comparison, but in terms of the intense ambiance of the story, it reminds me of Clipping's Midcity album, even if they're about completely different topics. They both just have that sort of 'no hope' vibe going on and I really like it. Don't worry, I do genuinley feel this comparison is legitimate too. I'm not just name dropping an album because I can.

    What am I doing? Ehh... not much. I have plenty of ideas written down on paper, but haven't gotten around to writing them yet, which is probably for the better. I'm a shit writer and so I plan to just start small. Writing one-shot fan-fics and develop my penmanship from there. Might even write an A/U story to your A/U story. hehe

    Who knows? ^_^

    Well I guess we can never truly be friends than! DDD:

    I'm unaware of how to post gifs on this site, especially of the hugging variety so it appears we are doomed to forever just be acquaintances. :'(

    Same. I like the ones that are fruit flavored. omg They're the best.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I've never tried that before O.O I SHALL TAKE NOTES! Now! Where the heck do I get coconut flavored peanut butter? I read up originally

  • edited October 2014

    Sarah showed that she wanted to learn to take care of herself when she asked Clementine to teach her how to use a gun, and she has also helped Clementine on some occasions, the big one being giving Clementine the disinfectant for her arm, she defends Clem if Carver slaps her in the face, and she alerts the group about the walkers on the deck. Her second death on the balcony had nothing to do with how Jane kept saying she was a useless liability, she literally was at the wrong place at the wrong time. If Sarah had died a second time by being frozen in anxiety or something it would have made more sense, if they were trying to prove some sort of point about how Sarah was useless, I never saw it. She had potential and could have grew to be more. I tried so hard to be friends with her too when I played, and it amounted to nothing.

    I hear a lot of people saying that if Nick had replaced Mike's role it would have been more heartbreaking and I completely agree. They should have followed through with him instead of shifting him to a background character after the first few episodes. It would have crushed my soul if Nick tried to leave out of fear of Kenny, I really liked Nick.

    Sarita had little focus and everyone just seems to forget about her, unless it is to bring up how sad it is that Kenny lost another family member. She was meant to further Kenny's development, it is always 'Poor Kenny, losing Sarita like that' not 'Poor Sarita, it was horrible what happened to her' and she was pretty badass back at the lodge with the walkers, and there was that one line where Troy called her 'Indian lady' as an attempt to insult her and she goes 'It is fine. I am Indian.' I thought that was pretty funny actually, Sarita was cool to begin with but she could have stuck around more and came out of her role as just 'Kenny's replacement goldfish for Katjaa'

    I wouldn't trust Kenny or Jane to look after a pet rock at this point, let alone to be a competent companion for Clementine and AJ. Out of Luke, Kenny, and Jane, I think Luke was the most stable. Kenny was volatile and Jane was manipulative. Luke and Clementine deserved to have an ending together, and that's all I have to say on the matter.

    Arvo and the rest of his group were plot devices. Which was really disappointing because there are still mysteries surrounding Arvo (We still don't know what he was doing with the medicine, even though everyone likes to jump to the conclusion that he was a junkie stealing from his people nowadays, it seems.) I feel like Telltale took the easy way out with him. The finale seemed specifically designed to keep the player from having any real interaction with him, because they needed him to stay mad at or paranoid of Clementine to further the plot. He got next to no development and instead was used as a punching bag by Kenny so everybody could see how unhinged Kenny was. I guess it is my fault for expecting them to use him better, I was really intrigued by Arvo in Amid the Ruins and I got attached to him, only to be disappointed with what little they did with him.

    Mike didn't get enough characterization, and they could have made Troy better than 'generic bully sidekick' to Carver.

  • I agree...Writing fanfiction is the best way to get over the shitty deaths or to bring more to characters lacking development. (I have so many ideas planned for Sarah and Arvo...and Luke.)
    I have so much writing I want to do.

    Write a personal fanfic about how he survives. That's what I usually do.

  • edited October 2014

    The only character that I can really understand legit criticism for is Nick. He did start playing a much smaller role as soon as he became determinant, just kept to himself mostly and only spoke a few lines of dialogue. I didn't really notice it until others mentioned it, but that's mostly because... to be honest... I left him alive begrudgingly. I thought that if I didn't say "he's a nice guy" that he was gonna get killed right then and there, and I even though I absolutely hated him and wanted him gone after shooting Matthew, I understood that he was a fuckup, not a "bad" guy inwardly.

    I really liked each character's actual death moments. It reminded me, as a player, that "at any time something can happen and somebody might die." Most people in real life today die for stupid reasons with no "meaning" to that particular person's death. I LOVE it when games and other forms of media push this into their mediums, if only because it's so infrequently done. Plot armor is something that's bothered me since I was very young and I noticed it in almost every story involving danger ever told. With Sara I "knew" that she wasn't going to die because why else would the developers spend all that time focusing on her? I was dead wrong and it was depressing (in a good way).

    I, personally, don't think that Clementine is safe. Lee wasn't safe. Clem isn't safe. I do think that they probably shouldn't kill her off until they plan on making no more TWD games, but I absolutely don't feel like she's safe.

  • edited October 2014

    On the subject, I really liked Luke and did NOT want him to die. He was one of my favorite characters this season. I 100% do NOT hate the writers for killing him though, or for giving him a "cheap" death as so many here seem to call it.

    His actual death scenes were both expertly done (though the end game screen is WRONG when it says that you "didn't try to help Luke" if you played the game smart) I really like how the group fell apart after he died. I had a feeling that it would.

    The death itself didn't have "meaning" but the effects of his death certainly had a lot of weight. Same goes for the Doc. If he wouldn't have died Rebecca would have probably lived. I've no doubt that Clem is going to miss Sarah, though how it ties in I'm really not sure.

    The only character that I can really understand legit criticism for is Nick. He did start playing a much smaller role as soon as he became

  • Totally. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this way. It works as great grief control, even if the character had a well-written and appropriate death. :3
    I've written a couple lackluster fics for my own enjoyment, but I'd love to get into writing them adequately and as a hobby. I hope to start out with small reasonably short fics and to work from there. If I tried to write a competent novel at my current level it'd be a complete mess.

    Out of curiosity, what are these ideas you have in mind?

    I agree...Writing fanfiction is the best way to get over the shitty deaths or to bring more to characters lacking development. (I have so many ideas planned for Sarah and Arvo...and Luke.) I have so much writing I want to do.

  • edited October 2014

    The one I'm currently working on is an Arvo/OC fic.
    I go into this knowing the chances of it being well received are slim at best considering all the hatred people have for Arvo...But I've always looked for excuse to use an OC in twdg yet I never really had any idea how to go about that, and I want to develop Arvo more because the writers didn't, so I'm just going to kill two birds with one stone and do it.

    After I'm finished with that I want to do a fic where Clementine and Sarah end up the only survivors of their group. I originally wanted to do it with Clem ending up with Michelle, but she has had even less development than Arvo has so Michelle would be very open to interpretation. It would be more a challenge to try and develop a character like Sarah who has already been established to the audience more.

    And finally, I want to give Clementine and Luke an ending because most of the endings to the finale were lackluster in my opinion. And seeing the way Jane and Kenny behaved in the finale, I just felt really uncomfortable letting Clementine be with either of them, but I didn't want her alone. Luke has his flaws too, but with Kenny's volatility and Jane's manipulative ways, I don't see them as good longterm companions for Clem. I think Luke would have been the best choice out of the three. I never thought highly of him before to be honest, but I grew attached in the last episode. I want him and Clem to have an ending because they sort have become my brotp.

    I just have so much I want to say about these but I tried to keep it short and just give you the gist of my ideas.

    Totally. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this way. It works as great grief control, even if the character had a well-written and a

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