The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • It's about time!

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    I hope they didn't censor the first episode of S5 too much, they said they were going to edit some things out.

    Twistee posted: »

    The Walking Dead next Sunday bskdsbfjrbjsndjk

  • I put a band aid on my knee once, and a bunch of white coats just threw a PhD at me so I guess you can say I'm pretty legit.

    It's actually pretty easy. The game Operation taught me all I need to know, As long as my patient's nose doesn't glow red while I dissect their abdomen, I won't get sued for malpractice. They get their intestines wrapped in an elaborate knot, and I get thousands of dollars! It's a win-win situation!

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    When did you become a doctor?

  • That'd be the least of your concerns.

    Will my headache go away if I cut my head off?

  • Dildo Faggins

    Yolo Swaggins

    Birdo Saggins

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    Lieutenant Colonel “Mad Jack” Churchill, sometimes called one of the most deadliest man who ever lived, fought in WWII equipped with only a

  • Is that a...

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    I put a band aid on my knee once, and a bunch of white coats just threw a PhD at me so I guess you can say I'm pretty legit. It's actuall

    edited October 2014

    What for? ;-;


    I'm sorry.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Wait, what...?

    I'm sorry.

  • edited October 2014

    How much I love Kingdom Hearts... There are no words to describe that, the dark story telling, the gameplay, the graphics are godlike, the design, the music, the worlds... I cried at the end of KH2 because it was (spoilers are not allowed) and OMFG everybody who ever played Kingdom Hearts stayed loyal to the series

    In 2005 the music... The look on there faces awesome and soon in HD 2014 PS3 STYLE SPECIAL FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BEGIN WITH THE SERIES FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!

    Greator: if you haven't played 1.5 HD Remix this is the best start to begin with the series

    And what do I think about him

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD It's the greatest game ever made it is perfection that should be played by every gamer just so beautiful, how much do you love kingdom hearts

  • edited October 2014

    Hmm? :(

    Are you okay?! Noooo your picture, what happened?! ;_____;

    I'm sorry.

  • edited October 2014

    What are you sorry about exactly?

    I'm sorry.

  • Okay, you convinced me. I'll cut my head off.

    I put a band aid on my knee once, and a bunch of white coats just threw a PhD at me so I guess you can say I'm pretty legit. It's actuall

  • Sometimes papai needs a slapi 'cause he gets pretty snapi. Like my rhymes? Well that's a wrapi.

    papai: maddi pls stahpi

    okay im done

    blueneon posted: »

    I bet you poor souls will miss me again for de night. I love you as much as you love me and more. Exept for Papai. Why do you have to be such a dick sometimes? They are fucking jokes!

  • For what?

    I'm sorry.

  • dafuq

    Dildo Faggins Yolo Swaggins Birdo Saggins

  • XDD that Clem video I might sounds awesome :D

    joshua007 posted: »

    How much I love Kingdom Hearts... There are no words to describe that, the dark story telling, the gameplay, the graphics are godlike, the d

  • You've got the wrong childhood toy in mind.

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Is that a...

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    What's wrong :'(

    I'm sorry.

  • Kingdom Hearts Skyrim style

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    That is awesome and Kingdom looks like so much fun with the disney characters and the non-stop action :'D

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    You've got the wrong childhood toy in mind.

  • It would be awesome if Terminus referenced meeting the St. Johns, like

    "Knew some country folk down in Macon who do the same, a huge house and all the meat they could ever want. We're the ones that survive, the ones that do what needs to be done."

    They would never, but a video game reference would be so cool. AMC, take notes.

    Twistee posted: »

    The Walking Dead next Sunday bskdsbfjrbjsndjk

  • XD

    I love you, You love me, We're a happy family!

    edited October 2014

    Oh I won't just "kill" them, oh no...

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    But Daniel...

  • XD that is badass

    joshua007 posted: »

    Kingdom Hearts Skyrim style

  • edited October 2014

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD that is badass

  • Whoa, are you okay?

    I'm sorry.

  • edited October 2014

    Knowing AMC, they'll never reference the game. -_-

    And I hate my phone.

    It would be awesome if Terminus referenced meeting the St. Johns, like "Knew some country folk down in Macon who do the same, a huge hous

  • Here we have @SweetPeaClem's birthday music.

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    XD I would buy it this is so epic :'D

    joshua007 posted: »


  • I wish it was on a channel like HBO, where we could actually see even more graphic stuff and maybe even Norman Reedus's butt. Just...just a suggestion...

    And they can actually curse like everyone would in the ZA.

    Twistee posted: »

    Knowing AMC, they'll never reference the game. -_- And I hate my phone.

  • It is a blank game, with blank characters and a cliche story for the most part.

    Ubisoft games in a nutshell. Give me one of their games that doesn't have lame characters. If it weren't for the gameplay I wouldn't give 2 shits about any of it. I liked Watch Dog's gameplay but damn Aiden was a 2 bit thug who thought he was Batman and don't even pretend you remember anyone else from that forgettable story. The only interesting people in the entire Assassin's Creed games were Ezio and Edward because they actually have personalities unlike EVERYONE else! Farcry is just more par for the course for Ubisoft. Oh look more tower climbing to reveal the map!

    blueneon posted: »

    Cause I am mostly tolarant around games I am not a really fond of. But this one, I couldn 't hate more. I mean exept for Vaas I hated the la

  • What's wrong? :(

    I'm sorry.

  • I remember first time I played it and I needed to hunt sharks to craft something. I stood for 10 minutes in my boat summing up the courage to jump in the water. That right there is one of the best gaming moments for me. When a game genuinely frightens me like that. Fucking sharks!

    I love that game! I remember swimming in a river for the first time and exploring underwater and the screen goes bloody and I'm in a friggin DEATH ROLL from a surprise crocodile! I love crocodiles though so I let him eat me #noragrets

  • Is...everything okay?

    I'm sorry.

  • Hi. What's wrong?

    I'm sorry.

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