I ship these two so hard now, its not even funny. I have images, TONS of images, that I'd LOVE to put down on paper. Babies; all the freakin' flippin' cute demonic blonde-haired babies! GAH!
I THINK I know the histroy between Charles and Mary but to avoid spoilers, I'll keep my mouth shut. Hans giving Mary a ride home made me love him even more; I can see he CARES for Mary and damn it...GRAB HER! HOLD HER! Tell her it will be alright!!! ;_:
At least she's taking up on Harm's offer and giving herself time. Also, whatever it is ya'll be cookin' sounds wonderful and you didn't say WHAT yet! XD I LOVE TWD comics; my girlfriend is a HUGE fan of the show. Believe its returns this Sunday...
Mary had finished about 7 dances by the time the last hour of her shift came. The club was practically empty by this time, everyone leaving … morefor the upcoming closing time.
Mary went to the bathroom, peed and tried not to cry. She might be a little psychotic, but this type of work is just not one of her favorite things to do. When she was done, she stepped behind the bar to serve the last of the drinks to the last of the bums lingering there.
"Mary?" She heard Hans say. Hans, he was a very unusual Fable. He had his bad days, which were most days, and then every now and again, when things start going for the better, you see a glimpse of his old self. His true self. Today was one of those lucky days.
"Yeah Hans?" Mary took the rag and started wiping everything down.
"There's one last guy out back, specially requested you. I know you're officially off the clock, but I'll add a few more dollars to your next pay if you go back real quick… [view original content]
It's me again! Today was SO AWESOME YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND!!!!!!! Dad was talking to me this morning while I was eating my cereal. The other kids were still getting dressed but I wake up earlier so I get done quicker, AND GUESS WHAT?
My Dad got me a TICKET to a hockey game on Thursday! How awesome is THAT?!? It's Devils (Woooo!) vs. Flyers! I can't CAN't CAAAAAN'T WAIT!
It's just going to be me and Dad. And also, Robbie. I bet he'll just get bored though. He never likes to watch sports. Mom calls it a 'Boy's Day Out.'
So, anyway, after he showed me them I freaked out and I was jumping around so much that I accidentally changed into a wolf when I ran into the bedroom. I got yelled at but Mom was laughing more than anything.
I had to find a new pair of clothes. (Because if you don't know, changing into something not human-shape kind of rips your clothes a lot.) After that, Mom made us put on jackets even though today wasn't as cold as yesterday. We stood at the gate until the bus came, which is big and silver and blue. Mom didn't like us using the public bus for a while, but now we're used to it and it's no big deal to be on it alone together. We got to school just in time, and today was gonna also be good because I had science in my classroom today.
We made silly putty, and we got to put our favorite colors in. Mine is blue! We put them in plastic bags afterwards and now mine is sitting on the desk I'm writing at. After lunch, I played with Scarlett again, and we took turns pushing each other on the swings. Don't tell Mom, but she doesn't know that we've been practicing our flying. We purposely made ourselves go extra higher than any other kid on the play ground, and it was a million times funner than just normal swinging! Sometimes when I jump off of things, I fly to break the fall. It still looks like I'm falling, but it doesn't hurt as much when you land, you know?
After recess, we went inside and my teacher put on a stupid math video. I thought I was going to fall asleep. I have Ash in my class, and I kept laughing when she was making funny faces whenever the teacher turned away. It wasn't long before the Mrs. Andrews caught on and Ash got in trouble. She gets in trouble the most, but she's so tough that she doesn't even care. Sometimes I can't even get in trouble without crying, so she has some SERIOUS guts!
When we came home, we were surprised! Gramma Snow and Grandpa Bigby were over. They hugged us all when we came in, and then another AWESOME thing happened!
Grandpa Bigby took us in to the woods! It was kind of far from New York, so it took a long time to get there. But when we did, he told us we could be in our wolf forms! We haven't been able to do it in a long time, not since the summer. So it felt so good to be out there. I think Ash caught a little rabbit. I heard Grandpa Bigby praising her, but my back was turned because I was stalking my own prey. It was a squirrel.
It got away. I wish Mom and Dad came, but Gramma and Grandpa said they needed to have some alone time every now and again. I bet they're watching grown-up TV shows like the news and eating tons of desserts and candy with out us. Yeah, they're totally doing that. What else would adults do?
When we got back, it was really really late. Grandpa took us to McDonalds and we all got happy meals for dinner. We got home at nine o clock, and Mom was a little mad but she decided that it was okay, so we took really, really quick showers before bed. And now, while everyone else is getting in their beds, I am writing.
I hope I don't bore you with sports. Some people love them, and others (Like Robbie) like to just play with dolls and read all the time.
Mary had finished about 7 dances by the time the last hour of her shift came. The club was practically empty by this time, everyone leaving … morefor the upcoming closing time.
Mary went to the bathroom, peed and tried not to cry. She might be a little psychotic, but this type of work is just not one of her favorite things to do. When she was done, she stepped behind the bar to serve the last of the drinks to the last of the bums lingering there.
"Mary?" She heard Hans say. Hans, he was a very unusual Fable. He had his bad days, which were most days, and then every now and again, when things start going for the better, you see a glimpse of his old self. His true self. Today was one of those lucky days.
"Yeah Hans?" Mary took the rag and started wiping everything down.
"There's one last guy out back, specially requested you. I know you're officially off the clock, but I'll add a few more dollars to your next pay if you go back real quick… [view original content]
I've been trying to make it obvious with out stating it, although there will probably be a chapter where Mary spills her inner thoughts on it. I think you can guess as to whom
We had sausage peppers and onions. SAVORY HEAVEN!!
Mary may not see it yet, but it's true. He probably wouldn't have gone after any of the other women if they pulled the same thing as Mary. He'd also probably disregard the rules more with them, not so much caring about them in that regard, you know?
Harm treats Mary like a sister, and Mary in turn does the same. Their kids are practically siblings to each other
AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PREMIER! All my money says somebody really important will die in episode one at least. If not, episode two. I just see it happening.
I ship these two so hard now, its not even funny. I have images, TONS of images, that I'd LOVE to put down on paper. Babies; all the freakin… more' flippin' cute demonic blonde-haired babies! GAH!
I THINK I know the histroy between Charles and Mary but to avoid spoilers, I'll keep my mouth shut. Hans giving Mary a ride home made me love him even more; I can see he CARES for Mary and damn it...GRAB HER! HOLD HER! Tell her it will be alright!!! ;_:
At least she's taking up on Harm's offer and giving herself time. Also, whatever it is ya'll be cookin' sounds wonderful and you didn't say WHAT yet! XD I LOVE TWD comics; my girlfriend is a HUGE fan of the show. Believe its returns this Sunday...
I love how people are always just at Katie's house. Whether it's Peter, or Penny, or practically the entire family!
Peter and Katie's relationship has bloomed rather pleasantly They've got a strong Sister-Brother relationship, it's so adorable how they mess with each other.
Lyla sounds bout right XD Always, ALWAYS needs time with EVERY child and grandchild I love her too much, I swear.
Man, I'm REALLY feeling bad for Penny She's got so much to deal with, I can see why she's coping with it by pretending it's no big deal and stuff.
Peter getting Josiah He and Ariana have to have a few kids. Not now, but eventually. It HAS to happen.
As for Emily...I don't know if I trust her with kids XD Not that she wants any, either.
I can just picture little Josiah! He's so adorable even though he's still very small and just sleeps and cries all the time. He's got tons of family that loves him to bits I really hope Penny get's her shit straight soon, it seems really imperative that things should be fixed.
I see what you did there at the end......Everyone was afraid of Katie's reaction. I have a feeling she won't wait for her sister to do something, and she may just do something herself to fix the situation. I could be wrong, but it's a possibility.
Chapter 13
"When in doubt..."
Katie managed to get Josiah and the four remaining girls at home down for a nap. She brewed another pot … moreof coffee, as she checked the cupcakes in the oven. Sitting at the table, Peter held his cup of tea. He picked at a muffin, as Katie sat beside him. She sighed deeply, indicating to Peter the troubles in her mind.
"You alright, sis? Long day?"
Katie smiles. "Eh, I've had worse. I can recall a time when Georgia and Ivy WOULD not sleep through the entire night. For the fist eight months, those girls were up at odd hours. Jersey had to take two weeks off from work because of the lack of sleep."
Peter chuckles. "Oh yeah, I remember that. He put salt in his coffee instead of creamer."
"Hm. And its not a good thing when your husband takes a nap at the register, either."
Peter sips from his cup. "Well, at least THAT'S over and done with. So, what's on your mind?"
"Whatever do you mean?"
Pete… [view original content]
Would that someone be me, by perchance? I mean, if it's not then I'm going to look like a complete idiot, but I was thinking back to the co… moremment I made about the leggings a while ago. XD
Nice to see Bradwr exploring different possibilities for his and Scarlett's relationship, though I kind of feel sorry for Scarlett now. :P And pumpkin spice again! I'm going to have to find somewhere that sells this stuff.
Indeed it should!
I realised a while after posting that the other video you posted was in a different thread, either the one on Watch Dogs or the one on soundtracks. It was 'Roll On Up'. Sort of a share :P
Yes! Yes, yes, yes that would be entertaining to watch! Gotta draw that, too! XD
I'd love to have Dragon in the car with me. Least we know he'd have a great taste in music!
Disco will NEVER dies with Pie! XD
It would make for an excellent picture! :P
Having Dragon in the car with us is something we can all aspire too; and that's true. XD
Loving the rhyming there
Dragon jokes aside, this was cool. The thought of seeing Noah accidentally change into a wolf was hilarious, I bet it was one of his favorite baseball tees he ripped.
Noah's point of view on what adults do in their spare time made me grin so hard. XD
October 7th
Dear Derek,
It's me again! Today was SO AWESOME YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND!!!!!!! Dad was talking to me this morning while … moreI was eating my cereal. The other kids were still getting dressed but I wake up earlier so I get done quicker, AND GUESS WHAT?
My Dad got me a TICKET to a hockey game on Thursday! How awesome is THAT?!? It's Devils (Woooo!) vs. Flyers! I can't CAN't CAAAAAN'T WAIT!
It's just going to be me and Dad. And also, Robbie. I bet he'll just get bored though. He never likes to watch sports. Mom calls it a 'Boy's Day Out.'
So, anyway, after he showed me them I freaked out and I was jumping around so much that I accidentally changed into a wolf when I ran into the bedroom. I got yelled at but Mom was laughing more than anything.
I had to find a new pair of clothes. (Because if you don't know, changing into something not human-shape kind of rips your clothes a lot.) After that, Mom made us put on jackets … [view original content]
Chapter 13
"When in doubt..."
Katie managed to get Josiah and the four remaining girls at home down for a nap. She brewed another pot … moreof coffee, as she checked the cupcakes in the oven. Sitting at the table, Peter held his cup of tea. He picked at a muffin, as Katie sat beside him. She sighed deeply, indicating to Peter the troubles in her mind.
"You alright, sis? Long day?"
Katie smiles. "Eh, I've had worse. I can recall a time when Georgia and Ivy WOULD not sleep through the entire night. For the fist eight months, those girls were up at odd hours. Jersey had to take two weeks off from work because of the lack of sleep."
Peter chuckles. "Oh yeah, I remember that. He put salt in his coffee instead of creamer."
"Hm. And its not a good thing when your husband takes a nap at the register, either."
Peter sips from his cup. "Well, at least THAT'S over and done with. So, what's on your mind?"
"Whatever do you mean?"
Pete… [view original content]
Alright, you had me at silly putty.
Dragon jokes aside, this was cool. The thought of seeing Noah accidentally change into a wolf was h… moreilarious, I bet it was one of his favorite baseball tees he ripped.
Noah's point of view on what adults do in their spare time made me grin so hard. XD
There is always that ONE house the family gathers at. I have that with my family, at least; usually at my Aunt's place for dinners, family gatherings, birthdays when we were kids, etc. Katie is kind of that at this moment.
Katie, sadly, will let Penny decide all of this for herself. Her and Penny are very close; no one told her because of how she would react in the end. And Emily...give her an award for 'Babysitter' of the year. lol As far as her and Peter go, their relationship has grown stronger, ever since their near-death experience. And sweet, loving Lyla. She's a doll.
I'll add a picture of Josiah in the future; pictured him as that-cries, eats, poops and sleeps. 'Bout it for now. XD
I love how people are always just at Katie's house. Whether it's Peter, or Penny, or practically the entire family!
Peter and Katie's rel… moreationship has bloomed rather pleasantly They've got a strong Sister-Brother relationship, it's so adorable how they mess with each other.
Lyla sounds bout right XD Always, ALWAYS needs time with EVERY child and grandchild I love her too much, I swear.
Man, I'm REALLY feeling bad for Penny She's got so much to deal with, I can see why she's coping with it by pretending it's no big deal and stuff.
Peter getting Josiah He and Ariana have to have a few kids. Not now, but eventually. It HAS to happen.
As for Emily...I don't know if I trust her with kids XD Not that she wants any, either.
I can just picture little Josiah! He's so adorable even though he's still very small and just sleeps and cries all the time. He's got tons of family that loves him to bits I really hope Penny get's her shit… [view original content]
Ah, chicken dinosaur nuggets again, the go-to meal for every Fable (and Mundy) kid!
Question: Penny doesn't have powers, does she? I have a feeling Katie will wreck Oliver up later on, if push comes to violently shove.
You konw it! I actually have a box in my apartment....XD
Yes, she does have powers; they are not AS strong but she does posess them. Kinda like what Junior had before Mary kind of took over...lol
Lol, silly putty experiments were awesome when I was little XD
Lol, he was lucky it wasn't his Jeter Jersey. He would have flipped if it … morewas!
Yeah, well I figured since he's still a kid, these types of assumptions are made in place of the reality of it XD Glad you're liking it.
Thanks to @LupineNoir, he reminded me of this feel-good song I used to jam to. This will be the last song I share with you guys for now.
Katie peered over from the dishes. Jersey collected the dirty cups, as thirteen yearning little girls formed a crowded circle.
"Excuse me?"
Bella steps forward. "Can we please go outside and-"
Jersey hands Katie the cups. "You girls know what time it is?"
They all glance at the clock. "Seven...."
"It's late, girls. We need to start gettin' ready for bed."
"Maybe tomorrow after school, you girls can play outside before dinner. But its bath time, then story and off to bed."
Disappointed, thirteen girls march upstairs and prepare for bed. As Katie tidies up the kitchen, Jersey snatches her hips and turns Katie around. Not expecting Jersey's frisky behavior, Katie squeals and finds herself in a giggling fit.
"Jersey! Stop! The girls-"
"-Are all upstairs gettin' ready. Let's say you and me head over to the Pine Barren and let me show you the 'Jersey Turnpike'."
Katie snorts. "Okay, first off, stop bein' cheesy. Second, you SHOWING me the Jersey Turnpike is how we got all these little girls."
"And I love EVERY single one of them..."
Katie and Jersey embrace in a passionate lock. She's heard some Fables describe their bond as 'lasciviousness.' Nothing in her wildest dreams would even allow her to picture this moment. At least, NOT with the Jersey Devil. As they continued to kiss, Alice walks around the corner.
"OH EWWW, Gross mom and dad!" She makes a sour facial expression. "Nasty!"
Katie kisses Jersey's nose. "Sweetie, you know this is how mommy and daddy show their affection. Its what adults do when they are in love. Remember? I explained to you and your sisters..."
Alice folds her hands. "Yeah but....eww..."
Jersey laughs. "Go upstairs and finish brushing your teeh. Did you take a bath yet?"
Alice's eyes shift. "Yes..."
"Come here and let me check."
Slowly, Alice walks over to Jersey. He instanly glares at Katie.
"Why do you lie, Alice?"
"Georgia didn't take a bath yet..."
"You girls HAVE to share. We only HAVE four bathrooms! Get in, wash yourself and get out. Its gonna be HELL when all of you are in your teens..."
Jersey shudders. "Don't, Katherine. Just....don't...."
Katie gives Jersey a loving punch. "Go, Alice. March."
Alice sighs, as she heads back upstairs. Minutes later, the girls ready to be tucked in migrate their way back to their waiting parents.
"All ready, mommy and daddy!"
Katie grabs Willow and Ava Rose's hands. "Okay, let's go to our beds and settle in."
Minutes later, another group of girls make it to their beds. They throw the covers over themselves and snuggle in tightly. Jersey returns with a book.
"Josiah stayin' the night?"
"Penny is off at one. I'll probably stay up until she gets here."
"Ahh! Josiah isn't staying the night?"
"No, Hannah. He's still too little. He'll wake you girls up."
Bella nods in agreement. "All he DOES is cry..."
Katie adjusts the pillow. "Well, he is only three weeks old."
Jersey sits in the middle of the room. Beside him, Hope and Abigail sit and stare at the cover. The other girls suddenly open their mouths to yawn. Katie holds Laura and Sarah in her arms.
"What is this book called, daddy?"
"This is called 'Stellaluna.' Its about a little bat."
Ivy claps under the sheets. "Read it, daddy. Read it."
Jersey opens the book. "Alright, here we go-"
All the girls look in his direction. "Once upon a time, there was a mother Megabat, who had a baby girl bat named Stellaluna."
"Like mommy?" Georgia points at Katie.
"Yes. Like mommy. The mother bat loved her little baby so much. One night, while flying in the night, they were attacked by an Owl."
Jersey holds up the book, to show the pictures. "Stellaluna fell from her mother's grasp and landed in a nearby nest."
Hope leaned in closer. "Is she okay?"
Jersey continues. "She lands in a nest with three other baby birds; Pip, Flitter and Flap. The mother bird will allow Stellaluna to stay ONLY if she acted like a bird. So, the next morning, Stellaluna tries to eat worms, fly in the sunlight and act like a bird. But she finds it very hard to be a bird."
"Cause she's a Bat, huh mommy?" Laura bounces in her spot.
"Hush, my little Wolf cub. Listen to the story...relax, sweetie."
Laura yawns. "Okay, mommy."
Jersey continues. "One afternon, Pip, Flap and Flitter go outside to play with Stellaluna. When it becomes dark, the baby birds fly home; they leave Stellaluna behind, however and the little Bat tries to catch up. Tired, she hangs from a tree branch to catch her breathe."
Jersey holds up the pictures. Ava Rose looks over. "Hey, its kinda like Hope."
They all look over at Ava. "What do you mean, baby?"
"Yeah. I kinda remember this book. The teacher read it in class. Keep readin', daddy."
Beaming, Jersey carries on. "As she is hanging by her thumbs, another Bat flies by and asks why she is doing this. She explains her situation until another bat flies by. It's her mother! Stellaluna and her mother are reunited again."
"What does reunited mean, daddy?"
"Means when someone is gone for a long time and they see each other again."
"Keep reading, daddy. This is good...." Hope snuggles closer.
"Stellaluna finally understood why she was so different. She flies back to the nest to show Pip, Flap and Flitter her new image. They all agree to learn how to be a Bat but nearly crash and lose their way because they could not see in the dark."
Jersey pauses. "Stellaluna rescues them and although they are different in many ways, they are still friends and family. The end."
Katie looks around the room. All but Hope are fast asleep.
"Leave them, Jersey. Take Hope to her bed. I'm not even going to TRY waking them up..."
Katie covers Laura and Sarah, as Jersey takes Hope to her bed. He wraps her up tightly, as he turns on the night light.
"Ava Rose was right 'bout the book daddy."
"Oh yeah. How so, Chipmunk?"
"I'm different than you and mommy and my sisters but we are still family. Like Stellaluna and the birdies."
Jersey turns around and looks out the window. Trying to hold back tears, he kisses her forehead.
"You are right, Hope...but we are still a family and I love you VERY much. No matter what."
"Even though I don't turn, daddy?"
"Even when you don't turn. I love you just the same. Love you, Chipmunk."
"I love you too, daddy."
Hope rolls over, hugs her toy and closes her eyes. Soon, she is off in dream world. Katie returns and kisses her on the cheek.
You cried!? ;_; I know; my GF read it and she was like 'damn, I HATED that guy but sweetie, really?' I read that book to the kids today and it made me think of Hope.
Oh my god! I cried. I seriously cried. I love that book and glad you. Added this. He is such a wonderful father.. I loved this so much. My fav so far. Cant wait as usual.
Oh my god! I cried. I seriously cried. I love that book and glad you. Added this. He is such a wonderful father.. I loved this so much. My fav so far. Cant wait as usual.
Chapter 13
"A Ray of Hope"
"Mom, can we go outside and play?"
Katie peered over from the dishes. Jersey collected the dirty cups, a… mores thirteen yearning little girls formed a crowded circle.
"Excuse me?"
Bella steps forward. "Can we please go outside and-"
Jersey hands Katie the cups. "You girls know what time it is?"
They all glance at the clock. "Seven...."
"It's late, girls. We need to start gettin' ready for bed."
"Maybe tomorrow after school, you girls can play outside before dinner. But its bath time, then story and off to bed."
Disappointed, thirteen girls march upstairs and prepare for bed. As Katie tidies up the kitchen, Jersey snatches her hips and turns Katie around. Not expecting Jersey's frisky behavior, Katie squeals and finds herself in a giggling fit.
"Jersey! Stop! The girls-"
"-Are all upstairs gettin' ready. Let's say you and me head over to the Pine Barren and let me show you the 'Jersey T… [view original content]
You cried!? ;_; I know I had my GF read it and she was like 'WHY do you make me like these people! I HATED Jersey!' XD I read that book to the kids today in class. Made me think of Hope.
Oh my god! I cried. I seriously cried. I love that book and glad you. Added this. He is such a wonderful father.. I loved this so much. My fav so far. Cant wait as usual.
You cried!? ;_; I know I had my GF read it and she was like 'WHY do you make me like these people! I HATED Jersey!' XD I read that book to the kids today in class. Made me think of Hope.
We only have FOUR bathrooms.....gosh if we had more than two bathrooms here, life would be that much better XD Only one of them has a shower/tub.
The Jersey Turnpike. Not nearly as exciting as Jersey makes it seem XD Just a bunch of trees and cars going over the speed limit!
Little 3 week old Josiah I really like that name btw, not one you see everyday, I think. It's a good one
Story time with the Jersey Devil XD Picturing it made my sides hurt from laughing, but at the same time is such a sweet scene! You got me wondering if you pulled this from a legitimate children's book, lol.
So cute Hope is such a sweetheart, I just can't even. Good chapter, can't wait for more!
Chapter 13
"A Ray of Hope"
"Mom, can we go outside and play?"
Katie peered over from the dishes. Jersey collected the dirty cups, a… mores thirteen yearning little girls formed a crowded circle.
"Excuse me?"
Bella steps forward. "Can we please go outside and-"
Jersey hands Katie the cups. "You girls know what time it is?"
They all glance at the clock. "Seven...."
"It's late, girls. We need to start gettin' ready for bed."
"Maybe tomorrow after school, you girls can play outside before dinner. But its bath time, then story and off to bed."
Disappointed, thirteen girls march upstairs and prepare for bed. As Katie tidies up the kitchen, Jersey snatches her hips and turns Katie around. Not expecting Jersey's frisky behavior, Katie squeals and finds herself in a giggling fit.
"Jersey! Stop! The girls-"
"-Are all upstairs gettin' ready. Let's say you and me head over to the Pine Barren and let me show you the 'Jersey T… [view original content]
Finished with my second picture for Tez after starting it around 2 weeks ago, I could've gotten it done sooner but I was contemplating whether I should add a background to it. So I finally came to the conclusion it was fine the way it was.
This is meant to be based off of a certain part that happened in chapter 1 of my story, back when Tez was still at the Farm. Reynard is such a nuisance at times, isn't he?
That was like us growing up; I'd KILL to have a BR to myself. Now I can but when your a kid still living at home....BOO! XD Oh wow and only one has a shower and tub...0.0 How do you manage!?
I've always liked the name Josiah and it seems to fit with the story, seeing as some of the other kids get to have 'unique' names. I was debating on the age; Penny JUST giving birth seemed appropriate. Since she has Fable AND Wolf in her, its easier to bounce back.
And no, I did not make the story up; if you google 'Stellaluna' the book will appera. I loved it as a kid and I JUST read it to my preschool class on Tuesday; the topic of the week is 'family' and as I was reading it, Hope came to mind.
We only have FOUR bathrooms.....gosh if we had more than two bathrooms here, life would be that much better XD Only one of them has a shower… more/tub.
The Jersey Turnpike. Not nearly as exciting as Jersey makes it seem XD Just a bunch of trees and cars going over the speed limit!
Little 3 week old Josiah I really like that name btw, not one you see everyday, I think. It's a good one
Story time with the Jersey Devil XD Picturing it made my sides hurt from laughing, but at the same time is such a sweet scene! You got me wondering if you pulled this from a legitimate children's book, lol.
So cute Hope is such a sweetheart, I just can't even. Good chapter, can't wait for more!
Love how Reynard just takes a seat on Tez's head like a boss! XD Tez must have A LOT of patience and willing to tolerate this behavior. Usually Reynard would have been dinner....but I guess being friends allows you to look past certain qualitites in a person.
I love the simple, yet very detailed Tez. Nice to know and see you are continuing to share your OC on paper. I love it; looking forward to more, should you decide to draw somemore.
Finished with my second picture for Tez after starting it around 2 weeks ago, I could've gotten it done sooner but I was contemplating wheth… moreer I should add a background to it. So I finally came to the conclusion it was fine the way it was.
This is meant to be based off of a certain part that happened in chapter 1 of my story, back when Tez was still at the Farm. Reynard is such a nuisance at times, isn't he?
I know its early but with it being completed and another pile of uncompleted work taking over my desk, I feel its time to show yet another Halloween image. I know its days away but I'm so excited! Got our costumes ready for that night! XD
Here you have Georgie Porgie and Lyla Smith. See if you can guess what THEY are going as this year. XD Next up: Junior and Bloody Mary.
NOTE: Sorry for the funky quality. Phone was NOT cooperating with me that day. ;_;
Definitely, Reynard was basically his first friend when he 'arrived' in our Mundy world - to eat him would strike a major emotional blow to Tezoth, regardless of his hunger. I suppose him being a thief back in the Homelands gave him the proper patience for situations like this. XP
Coming from an artist like you, it means a bunch to me. Thank ya again. :') I was thinking on doing more, but I may hold off on that since I still haven't finished my chapter 13 for Tez's adventure.
Love how Reynard just takes a seat on Tez's head like a boss! XD Tez must have A LOT of patience and willing to tolerate this behavior. Usua… morelly Reynard would have been dinner....but I guess being friends allows you to look past certain qualitites in a person.
I love the simple, yet very detailed Tez. Nice to know and see you are continuing to share your OC on paper. I love it; looking forward to more, should you decide to draw somemore.
Yeah, you lost me. I dunno if they're supposed to be a particular pair from somewhere, but I'm gonna guess that Lyla's a Playboy bunny whereas Georgie's an orderly with a cropping whip. XD
I know its early but with it being completed and another pile of uncompleted work taking over my desk, I feel its time to show yet another H… morealloween image. I know its days away but I'm so excited! Got our costumes ready for that night! XD
Here you have Georgie Porgie and Lyla Smith. See if you can guess what THEY are going as this year. XD Next up: Junior and Bloody Mary.
NOTE: Sorry for the funky quality. Phone was NOT cooperating with me that day. ;_;
Chapter 13
"A Ray of Hope"
"Mom, can we go outside and play?"
Katie peered over from the dishes. Jersey collected the dirty cups, a… mores thirteen yearning little girls formed a crowded circle.
"Excuse me?"
Bella steps forward. "Can we please go outside and-"
Jersey hands Katie the cups. "You girls know what time it is?"
They all glance at the clock. "Seven...."
"It's late, girls. We need to start gettin' ready for bed."
"Maybe tomorrow after school, you girls can play outside before dinner. But its bath time, then story and off to bed."
Disappointed, thirteen girls march upstairs and prepare for bed. As Katie tidies up the kitchen, Jersey snatches her hips and turns Katie around. Not expecting Jersey's frisky behavior, Katie squeals and finds herself in a giggling fit.
"Jersey! Stop! The girls-"
"-Are all upstairs gettin' ready. Let's say you and me head over to the Pine Barren and let me show you the 'Jersey T… [view original content]
Yeah, you lost me. I dunno if they're supposed to be a particular pair from somewhere, but I'm gonna guess that Lyla's a Playboy bunny whereas Georgie's an orderly with a cropping whip. XD
'Maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you all want her love. She's a Maneater. Make you buy cars, make you cut cards, makes you fall real hard in love. She's a Maneater. Makes you wish you never met her at all."
Katie sat up in bed. Beside her, Jersey covered his face with his right hand and slept well into the night. His roaring snores repeated, as she stood up and wrapped the robe around her body.
Katie left the bedroom and checked on the thirteen sleeping girls. Each of them were sound asleep. She quickly kissed them on the head and headed to the room Josiah slept in. Katie walked closer to the crib and found the infant boy asleep. He sucked on his thumb, as she ran her fingers through his very fine hair.
"You look so much like mommy." Katie whispered, as she contiued to play with his hair. "Such a handsome little man."
Insominia was here to stay. Giving up all hope of sleeping more than three hours, Katie headed to the kitchen. She grabbed a box of tea bags, turned to stove on and boiled a kettle of water. She sat at the table, resting her head on the wood.
"Ugh. What a night..."
The phone in her pocket began to vibrate. Katie looked at the incoming message from Penny.
'Leaving now. See you in a bit. Love you. Thank you again. xoxo'
Katie replied, as the kettle indicated the water was hot enough. She poured the boiling liquid into her tea cup, as Katie sat in the living room. Although it was dark in the room, the moon cascading across her floor gave off a faint, eerie glow. The curtains danced, as the wind blew in from outside. Katie inhaled deeply; she secretly treasured these moments of peace and quiet. The girls were understanding when mommy needed her 'quiet' time but you can only keep six, five and four year olds noiseless for so long.
Tick Tok. Tick Tok Katie leaned into the seat cushion, as she closed her eyes for a brief moment. There was a vague knock at the door. Katie lifted herself up and headed for the door. Penny, still in her work outfit, walked inside. She rubbed her hands together.
"BRRR! Its getting cold out there."
"You're gonna get sick dressed like that. You want some tea?"
At first, Penny refused. "No...I really should be going-"
Katie grabs her arm. "No, c'mon. Let's sit and have some tea. Just you and me. Plus, this gives Josiah a chance to rest."
"Was he bad tonight?"
"At first but thank God Peter was here. He's very relaxed around him..."
"He loves his Uncle Peter. They have a very special bond; like you have with Uncle Hans, me and Junior with Uncle Gren-"
Katie smiles. "Well, come with me. Sit. Warm up."
Katie returns with another cup of hot tea. She hands it to Penny, as the two sit side by side on the couch. By this time, the lamp located on the coffee table lights the once semi-darkened room.
"So, how was work?"
Penny sips from her cup. "Work..."
"Well, how WAS it tonight? Oliver give you shit?"
"When does he not, Katherine?"
Katie sighs. "You need to leave that place, Penny. You don't deserve that kind of treatment and-"
"He treats me A LOT better than most of those girls. He does not make me 'walk' for work or take clients when I don't want them; I pick, the others deal with whatever walks in through the doors."
"Hm...some fucking treatment..."
"Don't, okay, don't! I'm not here to be lectured by you, Katherine. Stop pointing the finger for once. You're such a hypocrite-"
"HOW am I a hypocrite?!"
"Mom...dad...you're forgetting that's HOW they came to be-"
Katie blows into her cup. "Yeah, well, at least dad never laid a hand on mom...."
Penny takes a second to pause. "You don't understand, Katie. I NEED this job...I have bills, a newborn baby, rent and groceries are so expensive."
"But I thought dad-"
"And I don't want mom OR dad having to take care of ALL my problems. I'm not a child-"
"No one said you ARE, Penny. But you need help...."
"I'm tired of being helpless, Katie. I can take care of myself..."
Penny looks down into her cup. "Would you happen to have anymore prepared in there?"
Katie grabs her cup. "Sure. I'll be right back."
Katie tried to comprehend her sister's rash decisions in 'employment'. It was true; no one REALLY had the right to tell Penelope 'no' when she decided to step foot on the pole. Their mother especially found it difficult to voice her opinion. Katie still remembers the day her mother found out Penelope's 'night' life. Their father for the longest time was very distraught and for awhile, disappointed.
"Penelope, you know I love you no matter what you decide in life. I always knew there was a chance for this...but I can't lie and pretend I'm happy for this..."
Katie knew deep down she felt her sister had failed them miserably; she could recall a period where neither of them spoke. It was almost four months before her father and sister had a conversation, where it didn't lead to a screaming match. Now, she had this new problem to deal with; Oliver being his usual 'asshole' self and a newborn baby.
As she poured the hot water into the cup and watched the tea bag float, Penny walked into the kitchen and hugged her sister. Katie could feel the warm moisture from her sister's cheeks. She instantly came to the conclusion that Penny had been crying.
"Talk to me, Penny. You know you can..."
Penny wips her eyes, sits at the table and continues to cry some more. Katie hands her the freshly made cup of tea. For a minute, they sat in silence. Penny tried to gather her thoughts. Looking around the room, she eyed a picture on the fridge.
"That's a beautiful picture, sis."
Katie looks over. "Which one?"
"That one. With all of you." She pauses. "You and Jersey look so happy. And those girls...they love you both so much..."
"Thanks. It took almost fifteen minutes before we managed to find a good position to fit us ALL in. The photographer, thank God, had patience to deal with such a large quanity of people."
"I've seen this one at mom and dad's place. I love it...I hope to one day have something like that."
Katie grabs Penny's hand. "You CAN and you WILL. But you need to leave that club. He's no good for you. For awhile, you two were always in the bathroom shooting up; thank God dad was the one to catch you and put some fuckin' sense into your head."
Penny tries to hold back the tears. "Yeah...I remember that year..."
"Then WHY stay?"
"We are connected, Katie. You KNOW that-"
"But YOUR image is very slim to none; its there, yes, I see it but remember what mom said? That's usually an indication that there is a good chance it will not work out. YOU have to make the call! And I'm tired of Oliver using you as either his crutch or punching bag."
Penny's eyes widen. "What...how did you-"
"Peter told me and I GET why no one told me yet but fuck, Penny! You have a son to look out for. He needs his mother!"
"I'm doing the best I can, Katherine! This is all I've got! Yes, the work is VERY demeaning but it pays the bills. Tonight, I made over thirteen hundred dollars. In ONE night-"
"Don't." Katie is now furious. "Don't act like its nothing. You have other options-"
"Like what? There is not a lot of work out there! I've tried going to the Business office for help; seeing maybe if they knew of some business that needed part-time help. Nothing. No one in this fuckin' town is hiring...and I NEED the money now!"
"Go to the council-"
"And do what? Just because YOU are on there, does not guarantee me work..."
Katie slams her fists down on the table. "I'm NOT going to bury my sister, Penny!"
Shocked by her comment, all Penny can do is sit in silence. She refuses to move, as Katie inhales and exhales rapidly. The urge to change is greater than before but Katie controls it. She knows if it got out of hand, she can hurt Penny in a fatal way.
"I mean it, Penny. You NEED to work, I get it. But I will not let that day come, when I receive the phone call that your dead because of an overdose or Oliver lost his fuckin' mind and killed you. I....I can't do that. Josiah needs you...think about the baby, Penny. I....I...."
Penny grabs Katie's hand and holds it against her face. "I won't bury my sister, Penny. I won't...."
The two sisters sit in tranquility. The clock in the kitchen is the only noise heard throughout the house. Tick Tok. Tick Tok. Katie glances over and sighs. There was only so much she could do. Despite her need and feelings to pull her sister out of the depths of despair, she sadly knew this was something SHE had to learn on her own. As the Porgie clan goes, they all did.
"You better get going. Its getting late and you look like you could use the rest."
Penny stands up and adjusts her skirt. "Yeah...I'll go get Josiah."
Packing the diaper bag, Katie slips a couple of twenties into the pocket. She already knew Penny would not use it; perhaps she's had either mom, dad or one of the other siblings to return it. It didn't matter. It was her way of showing Penny she cared and was concerned. Secretly, Katie knew that's all Penny wanted.
Penny returns, holding Josiah in her arms. The little boy moves slightly, as Katie helps her put on mittens and a beanie. They walk out to Penny's car, as they buckle the boy in the seat. He continues to suck on his thumb, as Penny steps into the drivers seat. She turns on the car and soon, the heater is warming both of them up. Katie leans on the door and smiles.
"He's too cute, sis. You should be proud."
"I am. I love this little guy. He's saved me in more ways than I ever could imagine...."
"So, will you EVER tell me?" Katie halts. "You know, about the father-"
Penny sighs. "I...I will eventually. I need to figure some things out..."
"Johann seems like he REALLY cares about your situation. He gave you that money and-"
"Yeah. Johann is a good man...."
They embrace one last time. "Well, I better be going. Talk to you later, Katie. Thanks again."
"No problem. Any time, sis. Call me...if you need anything."
Penny pulls out of the driveway and into the streets. The stars hang above, as the little black Honda drives into the city that never sleeps. They disappear around the corner, as Katie heads back inside. She looks at the clock; by this time, there is no need to return to the comfort of her bed.
Instead, she prepares for another day.
Chapter 15 soon
If you have ANY questions, feel free to ask away. If I promised you an image, they should be ready by this weekend. Hopefully...so busy with work and school and on top of that, think I'm getting a cold. Bleh!
LMAO You got Lyla right but I'm not sure if you've ever seen the movie 'Clockwork Orange' before. He's supposed to be dressed like Alex Delarge; that movie is OLD school! XD
Yeah, you lost me. I dunno if they're supposed to be a particular pair from somewhere, but I'm gonna guess that Lyla's a Playboy bunny whereas Georgie's an orderly with a cropping whip. XD
I ship these two so hard now, its not even funny. I have images, TONS of images, that I'd LOVE to put down on paper. Babies; all the freakin' flippin' cute demonic blonde-haired babies! GAH!
I THINK I know the histroy between Charles and Mary but to avoid spoilers, I'll keep my mouth shut. Hans giving Mary a ride home made me love him even more; I can see he CARES for Mary and damn it...GRAB HER! HOLD HER! Tell her it will be alright!!! ;_:
At least she's taking up on Harm's offer and giving herself time. Also, whatever it is ya'll be cookin' sounds wonderful and you didn't say WHAT yet! XD I LOVE TWD comics; my girlfriend is a HUGE fan of the show. Believe its returns this Sunday...
October 7th
Dear Derek,
It's me again! Today was SO AWESOME YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND!!!!!!! Dad was talking to me this morning while I was eating my cereal. The other kids were still getting dressed but I wake up earlier so I get done quicker, AND GUESS WHAT?
My Dad got me a TICKET to a hockey game on Thursday! How awesome is THAT?!? It's Devils (Woooo!) vs. Flyers! I can't CAN't CAAAAAN'T WAIT!
It's just going to be me and Dad. And also, Robbie. I bet he'll just get bored though. He never likes to watch sports. Mom calls it a 'Boy's Day Out.'
So, anyway, after he showed me them I freaked out and I was jumping around so much that I accidentally changed into a wolf when I ran into the bedroom. I got yelled at but Mom was laughing more than anything.
I had to find a new pair of clothes. (Because if you don't know, changing into something not human-shape kind of rips your clothes a lot.) After that, Mom made us put on jackets even though today wasn't as cold as yesterday. We stood at the gate until the bus came, which is big and silver and blue. Mom didn't like us using the public bus for a while, but now we're used to it and it's no big deal to be on it alone together. We got to school just in time, and today was gonna also be good because I had science in my classroom today.
We made silly putty, and we got to put our favorite colors in. Mine is blue! We put them in plastic bags afterwards and now mine is sitting on the desk I'm writing at. After lunch, I played with Scarlett again, and we took turns pushing each other on the swings. Don't tell Mom, but she doesn't know that we've been practicing our flying. We purposely made ourselves go extra higher than any other kid on the play ground, and it was a million times funner than just normal swinging! Sometimes when I jump off of things, I fly to break the fall. It still looks like I'm falling, but it doesn't hurt as much when you land, you know?
After recess, we went inside and my teacher put on a stupid math video. I thought I was going to fall asleep. I have Ash in my class, and I kept laughing when she was making funny faces whenever the teacher turned away. It wasn't long before the Mrs. Andrews caught on and Ash got in trouble. She gets in trouble the most, but she's so tough that she doesn't even care. Sometimes I can't even get in trouble without crying, so she has some SERIOUS guts!
When we came home, we were surprised! Gramma Snow and Grandpa Bigby were over. They hugged us all when we came in, and then another AWESOME thing happened!
Grandpa Bigby took us in to the woods! It was kind of far from New York, so it took a long time to get there. But when we did, he told us we could be in our wolf forms! We haven't been able to do it in a long time, not since the summer. So it felt so good to be out there. I think Ash caught a little rabbit. I heard Grandpa Bigby praising her, but my back was turned because I was stalking my own prey. It was a squirrel.
It got away. I wish Mom and Dad came, but Gramma and Grandpa said they needed to have some alone time every now and again. I bet they're watching grown-up TV shows like the news and eating tons of desserts and candy with out us. Yeah, they're totally doing that. What else would adults do?
When we got back, it was really really late. Grandpa took us to McDonalds and we all got happy meals for dinner. We got home at nine o clock, and Mom was a little mad but she decided that it was okay, so we took really, really quick showers before bed. And now, while everyone else is getting in their beds, I am writing.
I hope I don't bore you with sports. Some people love them, and others (Like Robbie) like to just play with dolls and read all the time.
~ Noah
Hans is such a gent. ^_^
First of all, XDDD
I've been trying to make it obvious with out stating it, although there will probably be a chapter where Mary spills her inner thoughts on it. I think you can guess as to whom
We had sausage peppers and onions. SAVORY HEAVEN!!
Mary may not see it yet, but it's true. He probably wouldn't have gone after any of the other women if they pulled the same thing as Mary. He'd also probably disregard the rules more with them, not so much caring about them in that regard, you know?
Harm treats Mary like a sister, and Mary in turn does the same. Their kids are practically siblings to each other
AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PREMIER! All my money says somebody really important will die in episode one at least. If not, episode two. I just see it happening.
Ikr? He has his moments
I love how people are always just at Katie's house. Whether it's Peter, or Penny, or practically the entire family!
Peter and Katie's relationship has bloomed rather pleasantly
They've got a strong Sister-Brother relationship, it's so adorable how they mess with each other.
Lyla sounds bout right XD Always, ALWAYS needs time with EVERY child and grandchild
I love her too much, I swear.
Man, I'm REALLY feeling bad for Penny
She's got so much to deal with, I can see why she's coping with it by pretending it's no big deal and stuff.
Peter getting Josiah
He and Ariana have to have a few kids. Not now, but eventually. It HAS to happen.
As for Emily...I don't know if I trust her with kids XD Not that she wants any, either.
I can just picture little Josiah! He's so adorable even though he's still very small and just sleeps and cries all the time. He's got tons of family that loves him to bits
I really hope Penny get's her shit straight soon, it seems really imperative that things should be fixed.
I see what you did there at the end......Everyone was afraid of Katie's reaction. I have a feeling she won't wait for her sister to do something, and she may just do something herself to fix the situation. I could be wrong, but it's a possibility.
.....maybe.... XD
And everything's better with pumpkin spice, if they sell it better stock up till next Fall.
And yeah it is pretty sad to think about, these two used to be happy together, Bradwr was one of the few people Scarlett trusts
Basically this is their relationship in a nutshell XD
First time? If so: you've been missing out.
You taught me a new word too, I never knew Ohrwurm was earworm or brainworm in German. :P
I think it was both.
I gotta share it with you guys since you jogged my memory now.
Awww... that means a lot, Pie.
Be ready to hear my heavenly dragon voice if I ever ride with you someday. :P
You are too kind, Noir! That would be the day.
Alright, you had me at silly putty.
Dragon jokes aside, this was cool.
The thought of seeing Noah accidentally change into a wolf was hilarious, I bet it was one of his favorite baseball tees he ripped.
Noah's point of view on what adults do in their spare time made me grin so hard. XD
Ah, chicken dinosaur nuggets again, the go-to meal for every Fable (and Mundy) kid!
Question: Penny doesn't have powers, does she? I have a feeling Katie will wreck Oliver up later on, if push comes to violently shove.
Lol, silly putty experiments were awesome when I was little XD
Lol, he was lucky it wasn't his Jeter Jersey. He would have flipped if it was!
Yeah, well I figured since he's still a kid, these types of assumptions are made in place of the reality of it XD Glad you're liking it.
Thanks to @LupineNoir, he reminded me of this feel-good song I used to jam to. This will be the last song I share with you guys for now.
There is always that ONE house the family gathers at. I have that with my family, at least; usually at my Aunt's place for dinners, family gatherings, birthdays when we were kids, etc. Katie is kind of that at this moment.
Katie, sadly, will let Penny decide all of this for herself. Her and Penny are very close; no one told her because of how she would react in the end. And Emily...give her an award for 'Babysitter' of the year. lol As far as her and Peter go, their relationship has grown stronger, ever since their near-death experience. And sweet, loving Lyla. She's a doll.
I'll add a picture of Josiah in the future; pictured him as that-cries, eats, poops and sleeps. 'Bout it for now. XD
You konw it! I actually have a box in my apartment....XD
Yes, she does have powers; they are not AS strong but she does posess them. Kinda like what Junior had before Mary kind of took over...lol
Gimme that box, now.
Can't wait to see what happens, obviously.
Oh yeah, you betcha!
Not if you can keep up with my awesome, musical, out of this world vocal cords! XD
Oh and my driving....GET READY!!!! :O
This is wonderful! Helping me with my currrent midterm paper. XD Yes...music helps me concentrate!
Another classic, Dragon.
Music helps me concentrate whenever I do homework or whenever I draw as well!
Tanks, forum buddy.
Alright, Crane, let's do this!!! XD
Chapter 13
"A Ray of Hope"
"Mom, can we go outside and play?"
Katie peered over from the dishes. Jersey collected the dirty cups, as thirteen yearning little girls formed a crowded circle.
"Excuse me?"
Bella steps forward. "Can we please go outside and-"
Jersey hands Katie the cups. "You girls know what time it is?"
They all glance at the clock. "Seven...."
"It's late, girls. We need to start gettin' ready for bed."
"Maybe tomorrow after school, you girls can play outside before dinner. But its bath time, then story and off to bed."
Disappointed, thirteen girls march upstairs and prepare for bed. As Katie tidies up the kitchen, Jersey snatches her hips and turns Katie around. Not expecting Jersey's frisky behavior, Katie squeals and finds herself in a giggling fit.
"Jersey! Stop! The girls-"
"-Are all upstairs gettin' ready. Let's say you and me head over to the Pine Barren and let me show you the 'Jersey Turnpike'."
Katie snorts. "Okay, first off, stop bein' cheesy. Second, you SHOWING me the Jersey Turnpike is how we got all these little girls."
"And I love EVERY single one of them..."
Katie and Jersey embrace in a passionate lock. She's heard some Fables describe their bond as 'lasciviousness.' Nothing in her wildest dreams would even allow her to picture this moment. At least, NOT with the Jersey Devil. As they continued to kiss, Alice walks around the corner.
"OH EWWW, Gross mom and dad!" She makes a sour facial expression. "Nasty!"
Katie kisses Jersey's nose. "Sweetie, you know this is how mommy and daddy show their affection. Its what adults do when they are in love. Remember? I explained to you and your sisters..."
Alice folds her hands. "Yeah but....eww..."
Jersey laughs. "Go upstairs and finish brushing your teeh. Did you take a bath yet?"
Alice's eyes shift. "Yes..."
"Come here and let me check."
Slowly, Alice walks over to Jersey. He instanly glares at Katie.
"Why do you lie, Alice?"
"Georgia didn't take a bath yet..."
"You girls HAVE to share. We only HAVE four bathrooms! Get in, wash yourself and get out. Its gonna be HELL when all of you are in your teens..."
Jersey shudders. "Don't, Katherine. Just....don't...."
Katie gives Jersey a loving punch. "Go, Alice. March."
Alice sighs, as she heads back upstairs. Minutes later, the girls ready to be tucked in migrate their way back to their waiting parents.
"All ready, mommy and daddy!"
Katie grabs Willow and Ava Rose's hands. "Okay, let's go to our beds and settle in."
Minutes later, another group of girls make it to their beds. They throw the covers over themselves and snuggle in tightly. Jersey returns with a book.
"Josiah stayin' the night?"
"Penny is off at one. I'll probably stay up until she gets here."
"Ahh! Josiah isn't staying the night?"
"No, Hannah. He's still too little. He'll wake you girls up."
Bella nods in agreement. "All he DOES is cry..."
Katie adjusts the pillow. "Well, he is only three weeks old."
Jersey sits in the middle of the room. Beside him, Hope and Abigail sit and stare at the cover. The other girls suddenly open their mouths to yawn. Katie holds Laura and Sarah in her arms.
"What is this book called, daddy?"
"This is called 'Stellaluna.' Its about a little bat."
Ivy claps under the sheets. "Read it, daddy. Read it."
Jersey opens the book. "Alright, here we go-"
All the girls look in his direction. "Once upon a time, there was a mother Megabat, who had a baby girl bat named Stellaluna."
"Like mommy?" Georgia points at Katie.
"Yes. Like mommy. The mother bat loved her little baby so much. One night, while flying in the night, they were attacked by an Owl."
Jersey holds up the book, to show the pictures. "Stellaluna fell from her mother's grasp and landed in a nearby nest."
Hope leaned in closer. "Is she okay?"
Jersey continues. "She lands in a nest with three other baby birds; Pip, Flitter and Flap. The mother bird will allow Stellaluna to stay ONLY if she acted like a bird. So, the next morning, Stellaluna tries to eat worms, fly in the sunlight and act like a bird. But she finds it very hard to be a bird."
"Cause she's a Bat, huh mommy?" Laura bounces in her spot.
"Hush, my little Wolf cub. Listen to the story...relax, sweetie."
Laura yawns. "Okay, mommy."
Jersey continues. "One afternon, Pip, Flap and Flitter go outside to play with Stellaluna. When it becomes dark, the baby birds fly home; they leave Stellaluna behind, however and the little Bat tries to catch up. Tired, she hangs from a tree branch to catch her breathe."
Jersey holds up the pictures. Ava Rose looks over. "Hey, its kinda like Hope."
They all look over at Ava. "What do you mean, baby?"
"Yeah. I kinda remember this book. The teacher read it in class. Keep readin', daddy."
Beaming, Jersey carries on. "As she is hanging by her thumbs, another Bat flies by and asks why she is doing this. She explains her situation until another bat flies by. It's her mother! Stellaluna and her mother are reunited again."
"What does reunited mean, daddy?"
"Means when someone is gone for a long time and they see each other again."
"Keep reading, daddy. This is good...." Hope snuggles closer.
"Stellaluna finally understood why she was so different. She flies back to the nest to show Pip, Flap and Flitter her new image. They all agree to learn how to be a Bat but nearly crash and lose their way because they could not see in the dark."
Jersey pauses. "Stellaluna rescues them and although they are different in many ways, they are still friends and family. The end."
Katie looks around the room. All but Hope are fast asleep.
"Leave them, Jersey. Take Hope to her bed. I'm not even going to TRY waking them up..."
Katie covers Laura and Sarah, as Jersey takes Hope to her bed. He wraps her up tightly, as he turns on the night light.
"Ava Rose was right 'bout the book daddy."
"Oh yeah. How so, Chipmunk?"
"I'm different than you and mommy and my sisters but we are still family. Like Stellaluna and the birdies."
Jersey turns around and looks out the window. Trying to hold back tears, he kisses her forehead.
"You are right, Hope...but we are still a family and I love you VERY much. No matter what."
"Even though I don't turn, daddy?"
"Even when you don't turn. I love you just the same. Love you, Chipmunk."
"I love you too, daddy."
Hope rolls over, hugs her toy and closes her eyes. Soon, she is off in dream world. Katie returns and kisses her on the cheek.
"She said that bat was her, Katherine."
"Guess Ava Rose had a point."
"Well, she's our Stellaluna, then."
Katie smiles. "Yeah. She is, isn't she?"
Hand in hand, they walk to their bedroom.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Chapter 14 soon
Any questions, well....you know! XD
You cried!? ;_; I know; my GF read it and she was like 'damn, I HATED that guy but sweetie, really?' I read that book to the kids today and it made me think of Hope.
Oh my god! I cried. I seriously cried. I love that book and glad you. Added this. He is such a wonderful father.. I loved this so much. My fav so far. Cant wait as usual.
You cried!? ;_; I know I had my GF read it and she was like 'WHY do you make me like these people! I HATED Jersey!' XD I read that book to the kids today in class. Made me think of Hope.
Yes! I was like damn all these feels!! I too hated jersey but I adore him now!
We only have FOUR bathrooms.....gosh if we had more than two bathrooms here, life would be that much better XD Only one of them has a shower/tub.
The Jersey Turnpike. Not nearly as exciting as Jersey makes it seem XD Just a bunch of trees and cars going over the speed limit!
Little 3 week old Josiah
I really like that name btw, not one you see everyday, I think. It's a good one 
Story time with the Jersey Devil XD Picturing it made my sides hurt from laughing, but at the same time is such a sweet scene! You got me wondering if you pulled this from a legitimate children's book, lol.
So cute
Hope is such a sweetheart, I just can't even. Good chapter, can't wait for more!
Finished with my second picture for Tez after starting it around 2 weeks ago, I could've gotten it done sooner but I was contemplating whether I should add a background to it. So I finally came to the conclusion it was fine the way it was.
This is meant to be based off of a certain part that happened in chapter 1 of my story, back when Tez was still at the Farm. Reynard is such a nuisance at times, isn't he?
That was like us growing up; I'd KILL to have a BR to myself. Now I can but when your a kid still living at home....BOO! XD Oh wow and only one has a shower and tub...0.0 How do you manage!?
I've always liked the name Josiah and it seems to fit with the story, seeing as some of the other kids get to have 'unique' names.
I was debating on the age; Penny JUST giving birth seemed appropriate. Since she has Fable AND Wolf in her, its easier to bounce back.
And no, I did not make the story up; if you google 'Stellaluna' the book will appera. I loved it as a kid and I JUST read it to my preschool class on Tuesday; the topic of the week is 'family' and as I was reading it, Hope came to mind.
Love how Reynard just takes a seat on Tez's head like a boss! XD Tez must have A LOT of patience and willing to tolerate this behavior. Usually Reynard would have been dinner....but I guess being friends allows you to look past certain qualitites in a person.
I love the simple, yet very detailed Tez. Nice to know and see you are continuing to share your OC on paper.
I love it; looking forward to more, should you decide to draw somemore. 
I know its early but with it being completed and another pile of uncompleted work taking over my desk, I feel its time to show yet another Halloween image. I know its days away but I'm so excited! Got our costumes ready for that night! XD
Here you have Georgie Porgie and Lyla Smith. See if you can guess what THEY are going as this year. XD Next up: Junior and Bloody Mary.
NOTE: Sorry for the funky quality. Phone was NOT cooperating with me that day. ;_;
Definitely, Reynard was basically his first friend when he 'arrived' in our Mundy world - to eat him would strike a major emotional blow to Tezoth, regardless of his hunger. I suppose him being a thief back in the Homelands gave him the proper patience for situations like this. XP
Coming from an artist like you, it means a bunch to me. Thank ya again. :') I was thinking on doing more, but I may hold off on that since I still haven't finished my chapter 13 for Tez's adventure.
Yeah, you lost me. I dunno if they're supposed to be a particular pair from somewhere, but I'm gonna guess that Lyla's a Playboy bunny whereas Georgie's an orderly with a cropping whip. XD
Pshhh, of course not. If anything, BeeGees still get a stable amount of radiotime.
Chapter 14
"She's a Maneater...."
'Maneater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you all want her love. She's a Maneater. Make you buy cars, make you cut cards, makes you fall real hard in love. She's a Maneater. Makes you wish you never met her at all."
Katie sat up in bed. Beside her, Jersey covered his face with his right hand and slept well into the night. His roaring snores repeated, as she stood up and wrapped the robe around her body.
Katie left the bedroom and checked on the thirteen sleeping girls. Each of them were sound asleep. She quickly kissed them on the head and headed to the room Josiah slept in. Katie walked closer to the crib and found the infant boy asleep. He sucked on his thumb, as she ran her fingers through his very fine hair.
"You look so much like mommy." Katie whispered, as she contiued to play with his hair. "Such a handsome little man."
Insominia was here to stay. Giving up all hope of sleeping more than three hours, Katie headed to the kitchen. She grabbed a box of tea bags, turned to stove on and boiled a kettle of water. She sat at the table, resting her head on the wood.
"Ugh. What a night..."
The phone in her pocket began to vibrate. Katie looked at the incoming message from Penny.
'Leaving now. See you in a bit. Love you. Thank you again. xoxo'
Katie replied, as the kettle indicated the water was hot enough. She poured the boiling liquid into her tea cup, as Katie sat in the living room. Although it was dark in the room, the moon cascading across her floor gave off a faint, eerie glow. The curtains danced, as the wind blew in from outside. Katie inhaled deeply; she secretly treasured these moments of peace and quiet. The girls were understanding when mommy needed her 'quiet' time but you can only keep six, five and four year olds noiseless for so long.
Tick Tok. Tick Tok Katie leaned into the seat cushion, as she closed her eyes for a brief moment. There was a vague knock at the door. Katie lifted herself up and headed for the door. Penny, still in her work outfit, walked inside. She rubbed her hands together.
"BRRR! Its getting cold out there."
"You're gonna get sick dressed like that. You want some tea?"
At first, Penny refused. "No...I really should be going-"
Katie grabs her arm. "No, c'mon. Let's sit and have some tea. Just you and me. Plus, this gives Josiah a chance to rest."
"Was he bad tonight?"
"At first but thank God Peter was here. He's very relaxed around him..."
"He loves his Uncle Peter. They have a very special bond; like you have with Uncle Hans, me and Junior with Uncle Gren-"
Katie smiles. "Well, come with me. Sit. Warm up."
Katie returns with another cup of hot tea. She hands it to Penny, as the two sit side by side on the couch. By this time, the lamp located on the coffee table lights the once semi-darkened room.
"So, how was work?"
Penny sips from her cup. "Work..."
"Well, how WAS it tonight? Oliver give you shit?"
"When does he not, Katherine?"
Katie sighs. "You need to leave that place, Penny. You don't deserve that kind of treatment and-"
"He treats me A LOT better than most of those girls. He does not make me 'walk' for work or take clients when I don't want them; I pick, the others deal with whatever walks in through the doors."
"Hm...some fucking treatment..."
"Don't, okay, don't! I'm not here to be lectured by you, Katherine. Stop pointing the finger for once. You're such a hypocrite-"
"HOW am I a hypocrite?!"
"Mom...dad...you're forgetting that's HOW they came to be-"
Katie blows into her cup. "Yeah, well, at least dad never laid a hand on mom...."
Penny takes a second to pause. "You don't understand, Katie. I NEED this job...I have bills, a newborn baby, rent and groceries are so expensive."
"But I thought dad-"
"And I don't want mom OR dad having to take care of ALL my problems. I'm not a child-"
"No one said you ARE, Penny. But you need help...."
"I'm tired of being helpless, Katie. I can take care of myself..."
Penny looks down into her cup. "Would you happen to have anymore prepared in there?"
Katie grabs her cup. "Sure. I'll be right back."
Katie tried to comprehend her sister's rash decisions in 'employment'. It was true; no one REALLY had the right to tell Penelope 'no' when she decided to step foot on the pole. Their mother especially found it difficult to voice her opinion. Katie still remembers the day her mother found out Penelope's 'night' life. Their father for the longest time was very distraught and for awhile, disappointed.
"Penelope, you know I love you no matter what you decide in life. I always knew there was a chance for this...but I can't lie and pretend I'm happy for this..."
Katie knew deep down she felt her sister had failed them miserably; she could recall a period where neither of them spoke. It was almost four months before her father and sister had a conversation, where it didn't lead to a screaming match. Now, she had this new problem to deal with; Oliver being his usual 'asshole' self and a newborn baby.
As she poured the hot water into the cup and watched the tea bag float, Penny walked into the kitchen and hugged her sister. Katie could feel the warm moisture from her sister's cheeks. She instantly came to the conclusion that Penny had been crying.
"Talk to me, Penny. You know you can..."
Penny wips her eyes, sits at the table and continues to cry some more. Katie hands her the freshly made cup of tea. For a minute, they sat in silence. Penny tried to gather her thoughts. Looking around the room, she eyed a picture on the fridge.
"That's a beautiful picture, sis."
Katie looks over. "Which one?"
"That one. With all of you." She pauses. "You and Jersey look so happy. And those girls...they love you both so much..."
"Thanks. It took almost fifteen minutes before we managed to find a good position to fit us ALL in. The photographer, thank God, had patience to deal with such a large quanity of people."
"I've seen this one at mom and dad's place. I love it...I hope to one day have something like that."
Katie grabs Penny's hand. "You CAN and you WILL. But you need to leave that club. He's no good for you. For awhile, you two were always in the bathroom shooting up; thank God dad was the one to catch you and put some fuckin' sense into your head."
Penny tries to hold back the tears. "Yeah...I remember that year..."
"Then WHY stay?"
"We are connected, Katie. You KNOW that-"
"But YOUR image is very slim to none; its there, yes, I see it but remember what mom said? That's usually an indication that there is a good chance it will not work out. YOU have to make the call! And I'm tired of Oliver using you as either his crutch or punching bag."
Penny's eyes widen. "What...how did you-"
"Peter told me and I GET why no one told me yet but fuck, Penny! You have a son to look out for. He needs his mother!"
"I'm doing the best I can, Katherine! This is all I've got! Yes, the work is VERY demeaning but it pays the bills. Tonight, I made over thirteen hundred dollars. In ONE night-"
"Don't." Katie is now furious. "Don't act like its nothing. You have other options-"
"Like what? There is not a lot of work out there! I've tried going to the Business office for help; seeing maybe if they knew of some business that needed part-time help. Nothing. No one in this fuckin' town is hiring...and I NEED the money now!"
"Go to the council-"
"And do what? Just because YOU are on there, does not guarantee me work..."
Katie slams her fists down on the table. "I'm NOT going to bury my sister, Penny!"
Shocked by her comment, all Penny can do is sit in silence. She refuses to move, as Katie inhales and exhales rapidly. The urge to change is greater than before but Katie controls it. She knows if it got out of hand, she can hurt Penny in a fatal way.
"I mean it, Penny. You NEED to work, I get it. But I will not let that day come, when I receive the phone call that your dead because of an overdose or Oliver lost his fuckin' mind and killed you. I....I can't do that. Josiah needs you...think about the baby, Penny. I....I...."
Penny grabs Katie's hand and holds it against her face. "I won't bury my sister, Penny. I won't...."
The two sisters sit in tranquility. The clock in the kitchen is the only noise heard throughout the house. Tick Tok. Tick Tok. Katie glances over and sighs. There was only so much she could do. Despite her need and feelings to pull her sister out of the depths of despair, she sadly knew this was something SHE had to learn on her own. As the Porgie clan goes, they all did.
"You better get going. Its getting late and you look like you could use the rest."
Penny stands up and adjusts her skirt. "Yeah...I'll go get Josiah."
Packing the diaper bag, Katie slips a couple of twenties into the pocket. She already knew Penny would not use it; perhaps she's had either mom, dad or one of the other siblings to return it. It didn't matter. It was her way of showing Penny she cared and was concerned. Secretly, Katie knew that's all Penny wanted.
Penny returns, holding Josiah in her arms. The little boy moves slightly, as Katie helps her put on mittens and a beanie. They walk out to Penny's car, as they buckle the boy in the seat. He continues to suck on his thumb, as Penny steps into the drivers seat. She turns on the car and soon, the heater is warming both of them up. Katie leans on the door and smiles.
"He's too cute, sis. You should be proud."
"I am. I love this little guy. He's saved me in more ways than I ever could imagine...."
"So, will you EVER tell me?" Katie halts. "You know, about the father-"
Penny sighs. "I...I will eventually. I need to figure some things out..."
"Johann seems like he REALLY cares about your situation. He gave you that money and-"
"Yeah. Johann is a good man...."
They embrace one last time. "Well, I better be going. Talk to you later, Katie. Thanks again."
"No problem. Any time, sis. Call me...if you need anything."
Penny pulls out of the driveway and into the streets. The stars hang above, as the little black Honda drives into the city that never sleeps. They disappear around the corner, as Katie heads back inside. She looks at the clock; by this time, there is no need to return to the comfort of her bed.
Instead, she prepares for another day.
Chapter 15 soon
If you have ANY questions, feel free to ask away. If I promised you an image, they should be ready by this weekend. Hopefully...so busy with work and school and on top of that, think I'm getting a cold.
LMAO You got Lyla right but I'm not sure if you've ever seen the movie 'Clockwork Orange' before. He's supposed to be dressed like Alex Delarge; that movie is OLD school! XD
Your guess for Georgie, though! XD