Your most and least favorite walker?
My favorite walker:
cuz her name is Beth
My least favorite walkers
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My favorite walker:
cuz her name is Beth
My least favorite walkers
Beth is love, Beth is life.
Least favorite:
My least favourite:
Damn, beat me to it.
We have a common goal, you and I.
Sneaky sneaky 104 Walker
He who should not be a Walker
I HATE THAT FUCKING WALKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I am not sure as to whether or not Nick is my favorite, or least favorite walker.
I like the walkers that ate brie......just kidding just kidding
Eh, his hair and walker eyes look pretty cool, but the overall fact that this is how we see him last is kinda depressing.
I liked those walkers, too.
The same walker that bit Lee is the same walker that Luke pulled away from Clementine in the lake, and also pulled him down.
I'm not happy with this.
-flips table-
Favorite walker: Mark
Least favorite walker: These shitbirds.
Lee bite walker
Luke drowning walker
Nick's bite walker
This walker in a hero, if he didn't walk into the road when he did the police car would have gone to the prison and Lee would never have found Clementine and she would probably have ended up like Fivel.
^Lol, was just gonna mention the one in the pic above.
My favorite would be the one that the cop hit in the beginning of episode 1, as it brought Lee to Clementine. She might be dead if it weren't for that walker.
My least favorite would be the one that bit Lee.
"They're in savannah I think. Where the boats are."
How can one declare 'most favorited' and 'least favorited' walkers? Who likes them anyway? Since when did they become so likable to us humans?
My favorite Walker? This guy:
As an advocate for Zombie Right's I would ask how you could not like a Walker?? Remember, they were all simply people once who never asked to become one of the undead. They are made to wander the earth to search for food, have no friends and must endure being shot at, stabbed, bashed and whatever else the so-called living do to them. With all the mean things people do to them, it's no wonder they bite.
Remember, Carver killed Reggie and beat Kenny almost to death, Kenny got his payback.. Now why cant a walker whose best friend or loved one was shot not get his own payback? Fair is fair afterall..
Make the world a better place!
Hug a Zombie!!!
I see.
Excuse me for my seriousness of my previous post.
Favorite walker: Walker(s) that killed Carley
Least favorite walker: Walker(s) that killed Sarah (both in trailer and observation deck).
Favorite walker: The one that made the cop crash and have Lee meet Clem
Least favorite: the fucker who bit Lee
Lee got lucky. Real lucky.
Great minds think alike
I share both your favorite and least-favorite 
You didn't like Zombie Mark eating the cannibal Brenda?
I just checked, they do look the same, although the Walker that pulled Luke down has one extra marking on its face. TellTale must have reused the model.
TellTale Staff Member 1: Well, it's time to kill off Luke. Which Walker model should we use for the one that pulls him down?
TellTale Staff Member 2: How about we use the one walker that bit Lee?
TellTale Staff Member 1: Brilliant! ^_^
T_T This just makes their deaths hurt a little bit more. Two of my favorite TWDG characters, done in by the same Walker model.
The walker that bit Lee used the same model, rendering his heroic deeds useless.
Great job you shitbird, have Lee meet Clementine and then kill Lee, go fak urself