They're both, horn on his snout (you're right!) while there are spikes by his eyes and spikes under his lower jaw - as you already have seen.
Thanks for the compliment like the others have been giving, I may hold off on drawing more pictures until I pump out a few more chapters for Tezoth. I just need to get into the mood for writing again. :P
You are just too good at feeding my Reynard obsession, Dragon XD I really like the look of Tez in this, with the details like the horn/spike… more on his nose (or snout?), and the parts around his eye. Drawing dragons is something I struggle with, so I admire this even more.
That was epic, seriously! Great to know everyone had an happy ending and met with their loved ones, well, except for Robby - who has yet to see his parents again, hopefully he will.
Act 8, Conclusion and Farewell.
Lydia and Argula's battle draws to the end, with the fate of the Kingdoms on the line. The battle begins … moreto get more violent as it draws to it's ultimate conclusion. Spells are thrown from left to right by the two powerful princess. Light and darkness clash with each other creating some kind of twilight from the aftermath. The ground beneath them begins to shake from the battle causing the two to slightly go off balance but that doesn't stop the fight.
Argula uses her dark magic to summon dark creatures to overwhelm Lydia, but they are illuminated and destroyed by her aura of light. Lydia retaliates and shoots a powerful arrow of light at Argula who dodges and teleports behind her and slices her with the Dark Calibur. It is painful, but the princess shakes it off and continues her onslaught.
More magic is used as the two princess summon a piercing bolts lighting to strike another. Each of theirs both… [view original content]
Day 6
Lyla and the kids went into town to get more Pumpkin Spice candles and pick up dinner. TRYING to fix the heater with Han… mores, Georgie takes a break before he either burns the club down or Hans 'mysteriously' vanishes. He wanders into the room and finds a bright, pink journal on the desk. He decided to add his OWN version of the Fall season.
Dear Diary? No. I'm not bloody puttin' that! Sounds fuckin' silly. Hmmm. Seems like I'm not the only one working in Lyla's jornal. Katherine was here. Why is my hat flying? The boys can fly now, too? Damn, Katie. Is THAT how you see mommy...0_o And Emily, love. Lighten up a bit, will ya'?
Anyways, I needed a break. Told Hans to bugger off but he never fuckin' listens. Does what he wants. Ugh. This weather. Snow, cold, winds, leaves all over my bloody yard....Henry was SUPPOSED to be pickin' up the little fuckers but the last couple of days, he's been slackin' 'round here. Perhaps… [view original content]
Here's Chapter 3 guys! The story will probably have around 5 chapters with an epilogue. Hope you guys like it
Chapter 3
I dropped my … morebag and took a swig of water. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I glanced down at the map where a little X had marked my destination. It was at least another two night journey.
I picked up my bag and decided to find a place to spend the night. After some search, I finally found a tiny tavern with rooms that resembled my little closet size apartment back in Fabletown. I was the only person there, other than the old man who checked me in and his dog.
I feel back on my bed and as a cloud of dust surrounded me, I closed my eyes and blocked out any outside noise, eventually falling asleep.
I dreamt I was back in the Homelands. There had been many hunters back then, but I was better than them all. But no one knew me. No one would ever pay attention to a stable boy, even if he could hunt better than a… [view original content]
The next morning came in like a train crashing into a wall. Mary forced herself out of her warm comfy bed, aware of the fact that she'd left… more Carter over night at his aunt and uncle's house. She felt bad, but not enough to make the trip in the middle of the night to get him. So she got dressed into something more appealing and warmer, and took a walk to Fabletown Castle.
The door greeter acknowledged her as she walked up the steps. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, presumably Harmony asking when Mary would be there. The tacky elevator music was slightly better than the music in her apartment, and she found herself whistling the tune on the way to Tim and Harm's apartment.
Knock Knock!
The door eased open and Harmony's exhausted eyes appeared in front of Mary.
"Oh my god, did he-"
"No, no Mary. He was fine. My own kept me up all night. Not all of them are feeling well, a few have fevers. Gotta take them to Swineheart and get them c… [view original content]
That was epic, seriously! Great to know everyone had an happy ending and met with their loved ones, well, except for Robby - who has yet to see his parents again, hopefully he will.
Very true, I just thought that most people would be a little uneasy at the sight of an eyeball! :P And that he was more uneasy because he thought Bluebeard suspected him of killing her; guess I misread that, though.
I wouldn't say Bradwr isn't bothered by it, in the last chapter you could see he was very uneasy at the sight of her eye..
Bradwr : What … moredo you want to do tonight babe?
Scarlett : The same thing we do everything Bradwr, AVENGE MY MOTHER!
Bradwr :... I was thinking more of a movie night.
The commentary on the drawing is just perfect! XD Great to read about things from Georgie's perspective - I've only just realised that we don't get to hear his inner- thoughts that much. And I love that picture at the end!
Day 6
Lyla and the kids went into town to get more Pumpkin Spice candles and pick up dinner. TRYING to fix the heater with Han… mores, Georgie takes a break before he either burns the club down or Hans 'mysteriously' vanishes. He wanders into the room and finds a bright, pink journal on the desk. He decided to add his OWN version of the Fall season.
Dear Diary? No. I'm not bloody puttin' that! Sounds fuckin' silly. Hmmm. Seems like I'm not the only one working in Lyla's jornal. Katherine was here. Why is my hat flying? The boys can fly now, too? Damn, Katie. Is THAT how you see mommy...0_o And Emily, love. Lighten up a bit, will ya'?
Anyways, I needed a break. Told Hans to bugger off but he never fuckin' listens. Does what he wants. Ugh. This weather. Snow, cold, winds, leaves all over my bloody yard....Henry was SUPPOSED to be pickin' up the little fuckers but the last couple of days, he's been slackin' 'round here. Perhaps… [view original content]
Well, firstly, take that forces of darkness! Satisfying to see evil thwarted. The rest was quite emotional actually - being reunited in such a manner with those they've mourned.
Act 8, Conclusion and Farewell.
Lydia and Argula's battle draws to the end, with the fate of the Kingdoms on the line. The battle begins … moreto get more violent as it draws to it's ultimate conclusion. Spells are thrown from left to right by the two powerful princess. Light and darkness clash with each other creating some kind of twilight from the aftermath. The ground beneath them begins to shake from the battle causing the two to slightly go off balance but that doesn't stop the fight.
Argula uses her dark magic to summon dark creatures to overwhelm Lydia, but they are illuminated and destroyed by her aura of light. Lydia retaliates and shoots a powerful arrow of light at Argula who dodges and teleports behind her and slices her with the Dark Calibur. It is painful, but the princess shakes it off and continues her onslaught.
More magic is used as the two princess summon a piercing bolts lighting to strike another. Each of theirs both… [view original content]
Here's Chapter 3 guys! The story will probably have around 5 chapters with an epilogue. Hope you guys like it
Chapter 3
I dropped my … morebag and took a swig of water. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I glanced down at the map where a little X had marked my destination. It was at least another two night journey.
I picked up my bag and decided to find a place to spend the night. After some search, I finally found a tiny tavern with rooms that resembled my little closet size apartment back in Fabletown. I was the only person there, other than the old man who checked me in and his dog.
I feel back on my bed and as a cloud of dust surrounded me, I closed my eyes and blocked out any outside noise, eventually falling asleep.
I dreamt I was back in the Homelands. There had been many hunters back then, but I was better than them all. But no one knew me. No one would ever pay attention to a stable boy, even if he could hunt better than a… [view original content]
Hans. On the one hand he's been a nasty pimp, and on the other an understanding and kind guy. It's confusing, and makes you unsure about trusting him, but he seems genuine at the moment!
Nice to see Jack's making an effort; and we've all accidentally bitten into a crayon when we were younger! Right?
The next morning came in like a train crashing into a wall. Mary forced herself out of her warm comfy bed, aware of the fact that she'd left… more Carter over night at his aunt and uncle's house. She felt bad, but not enough to make the trip in the middle of the night to get him. So she got dressed into something more appealing and warmer, and took a walk to Fabletown Castle.
The door greeter acknowledged her as she walked up the steps. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, presumably Harmony asking when Mary would be there. The tacky elevator music was slightly better than the music in her apartment, and she found herself whistling the tune on the way to Tim and Harm's apartment.
Knock Knock!
The door eased open and Harmony's exhausted eyes appeared in front of Mary.
"Oh my god, did he-"
"No, no Mary. He was fine. My own kept me up all night. Not all of them are feeling well, a few have fevers. Gotta take them to Swineheart and get them c… [view original content]
This should hopefully give even more of an idea as just what he look like, and a great big thanks to @puddin_pie once more. Hope you like what I've done with it, and I hope everyone else enjoys it!
And it might be better if it were a bit smaller, but I'm not sure how to do that, so zoom out a little in your browser, maybe?
It's Mr. Weasel again!
This should hopefully give even more of an idea as just what he look like, and a great big thanks to @puddin_p… moreie once more. Hope you like what I've done with it, and I hope everyone else enjoys it!
And it might be better if it were a bit smaller, but I'm not sure how to do that, so zoom out a little in your browser, maybe?
The commentary on the drawing is just perfect! XD Great to read about things from Georgie's perspective - I've only just realised that we don't get to hear his inner- thoughts that much. And I love that picture at the end!
I just love it colored! The shadowing is a nice touch; Mr. Weasel both glamoured and his true from look spectacular. I'm glad you liked it so much. Anytime!
It's Mr. Weasel again!
This should hopefully give even more of an idea as just what he look like, and a great big thanks to @puddin_p… moreie once more. Hope you like what I've done with it, and I hope everyone else enjoys it!
And it might be better if it were a bit smaller, but I'm not sure how to do that, so zoom out a little in your browser, maybe?
"Yeah but its Friday. He usually get's home around one. Which is a good thing."
"Can't believe he still works at that shop..."
"Well, that's HIS thing and he likes it."
Gren laid on his back, as his fingers pulled wires and turned knobs. His hands, down to his writs, were layerd in thick oil. Katie, glass of water in hand, sat beside her Uncle. It was true what they said; one thing breaks and soon enough, they all decide to join the bandwagon. Today, both the oven and television decided to call it quits. The television was one thing; honestly, he didn't have to fix that today. The oven, however, was a different story.
"Want something to drink?"
Gren lifts up, covered in dirt and grease. "You got any of that sun tea you make?"
"I think so. Let me check. Hopefully Jersey didn't take an entrie thing to himself...."
Gren laughs, as he wips his hands on a rag. He stands up, adjusts his shirt and waits for Katie. During her absence, four little heads peeked around the corner. Gianna, Abigail, Hope and Hannah watched as Gren cleaned off the tools. He laid a towel down on the chair and took a seat. He rubbed his brow with his index finger.
"You are dirty, Gren!"
He turns and looks down. Gianna walks by and touches his hand.
"What is this stuff?"
"Oil and dirt....some grease is in there, too."
Gianna looks at her finger. " smells...."
"Well..." Gren snatches Gianna up. The little girl wiggles in his grasp. "Maybe it won't be so BAD, if you were dirty with me!"
The other girls squeal with delight, as Gren wraps his arms around Gianna. He tries to escape from his arms but the Grendel has a tight grip. She squirms around, her clothes and skin now covered in the same mess. Gren gives Gianna a Raspberry kiss.
"And WHERE do you think you three are going, huh?"
Gianna under his arm, Gren goes after the other girls; they scream with glee, as they dart into the living room.
"Come back here! Join the dark side!"
Hope dodges behind the couch. "NO! No, no, Gren! That's icky!"
Gianna still in his arms, Gren manages to grab Hope and plant a big, wet kiss on her cheek. Her clothes, arms and face are now covered in oil and grease. She laughs, however, as Gren continues chasing the other two.
"What's wrong, girls? You don't wanna give your 'ol Uncle Gren some love?"
Just then Katie comes around the corner, holding two glasses of tea. She stands back and watches as Gren chases the other two girls.
Katie clears her throat. "Usually, I don't allow running in the house but you're too damn cute right now, so I'll let it slide this time."
Trying to catch their breathe, Gren takes his cup and quickly drinks the tea. Katie looks at her two messy daughters.
"My god you both are filthy...."
"Ah, that's what soap and water is for, Katie."
Hanna takes a sip from Katie's cup. "Are Sheila and the others still coming over tonight?"
Gren finishes his tea. "You kids havin' a sleep over?"
All four girls nod. "Uncle Junior and Aunt Mary are going to see a movie and eat dinner and-"
Gren looks over at Katie. "Date night, huh?"
"Yup. You know Mr. Casanova. Besides, gives the girls a chance to spend some time with their cousins. I remember doing that when we were kids."
Gren smiles. "Good times..."
Gianna bounces around. "Can we get pizza tonight mommy?"
"Let daddy know when he comes home. You know he'd love to get some for you guys tonight."
The four girls clap their hands. "Yay! I can't wait..."
"Now, march on up to the tub and get cleaned off."
The girls, especially Hope and Gianna head to the bathroom. Katie hands Gren a moist rag.
"YOU too, Uncle Gren, before you get it all over my furniture....swear. You are worse than the kids."
Jersey returned home, just as the girls finished bathing. Gren had completed the task, fixed the broken appliances and left for home. Katie thanked him with a freshly brewd jug of sweet tea and a tray of cookies.
"So, everything workin' up to speed?"
"Yeah, he fixed them but told us we'll probably need a new oven in a year or so. He managed to do a patch work but-"
Jersey sat at the table. "I'll call around for some ovens in the morning."
Katie kissed the top of his head. "Good to have you home. Work good?"
"Yeah. Kinda slow but that's Friday for you. The two new employess I hired are doing a fuckin' wonderful job. One of those punk ass kids dusted EVERYTHING in that store."
"Well, he must either really like the work or really wants to impress you."
"Well, it worked."
Gianna, Hannah, Hope and Abigail run downstairs and into Jersey's arms. He scoops up all four girls, snuggles them close and gives each of them a kiss.
"You girls excited for tonight?"
"Poor Junior..he's the only boy!"
Jersey chuckles. "Well, if it gets to be too much for him, he can always come hang with me."
"Can we get food tonight?"
"Where you planning on eating the plants outside, Gianna?"
Gianna snorts. "NO, daddy! I wanted to know if we could get pizza tonight."
Jersey stops to think. "You girls want Tony's on fourth street?" They all nod in agreement. "Alright, I'll call them here in a bit. Gonna need time to make all those pizzas."
Katie hands Jersey a notepad. "What you girls want on your's?"
"Pepperoni and cheese. One with that plus olives and mushrooms. I know George likes the combination kind. I THINK Aubrey likes JUST cheese..."
"I'll get one of every kind if I can."
"Junior said they should be here a little after five."
Jersey looks at his watch. "Well, better place it now. Gives Tony a chance to make these things."
Katie smiles. "Thank God for Tony..."
As Jersey places the order, the nine girls arrive home from school. Half of them enter the house laughing with excitment, while the others toss their backpacks to the side and head into the kitchen.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Katie stands in the doorway. "You girls know the rules-pick up your things, take them to the room and get into some play clothes."
Quickly, the girls gather their items and head upstairs. Madeline stays back, however, holding a note.
"What is this, baby?"
"Teacher wants you and daddy to sign it...."
"Madeline. What did you-"
Katie leans against the stair railing and reads the note.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Leeds: I'm sending you this not in regards to your daughter Madeline's recent behavior in class. She would not participate in group time with the other children. Asked why she refused to sing the song, Madeline simply shrugged her shoulders and hid in the corner. I'd like for Madeline to participate. Thank you for your time. Any questions, please call my office number.
Katie looks at Madeline. "What were you not participating in, baby?"
"We are singing nursery ryhmes in class."
"And today we sang about papa...."
Katie now understood. Like they did as children, Katie and her siblings refused to sing the song. At the time, they only knew their father could not stand the song; years later, however, they'd learn the truth behind it. Junior's kids refused to sing it as well. Katie grabbed a pen located on the desk. Without further discussion, she signed the paper.
"Give this to daddy when he's off the phone."
"I don't like that song, mommy. It hurts papa's feelings...."
Katie kisses Madeline's forehead. "I know, baby. Don't worry. You're not in trouble...."
Madeline heads into the kitchen, paper in hand. Minutes later, Madeline puts the note in her folder and heads outside to play with her sisters. Jersey walks around the corner, trying to contain his laughter.
"Well, your father will be proud to hear this."
"We did it when we were kids...."
"I'm just surprised the other girls didn't-"
"Alice told me they mouthed the words, so the teacher THOUGHT they were singing along."
Jersey chuckles. "You ready for tonight?"
Katie folds her arms. "No. Question is are YOU ready for tonight?"
"Will be once the food gets here. Got us some wings, too."
Kaie hugs Jersey. "You know JUST what to get."
"Well, better get the living room ready with blankets and pillows."
As Jersey and Katie prepared for the night ahead, the girls played outside.
Chapter 16 soon
Is Jersey REALLY ready for tonight? XD Off today, so plan on relaxing and doing, well....homework. If I gat the chance, finish some drawings later. Speaking of drawings, one of my watchers made me this BOMB Georgie picture. Love it! kinzigamer over at DA. Check her stuff out sometime.
I just love it colored! The shadowing is a nice touch; Mr. Weasel both glamoured and his true from look spectacular. I'm glad you liked it so much. Anytime!
It's Mr. Weasel again!
This should hopefully give even more of an idea as just what he look like, and a great big thanks to @puddin_p… moreie once more. Hope you like what I've done with it, and I hope everyone else enjoys it!
And it might be better if it were a bit smaller, but I'm not sure how to do that, so zoom out a little in your browser, maybe?
Loved this. Knowing they are going to have a sleepover with Mary's kids....this should be fun! And all those pizzas. How cute! They won't song Georgie Porgie! :)noce pic. Cool that people make you gift art like this.
Chapter 15
'You Devil you...'
"Jersey at work?"
"Yeah but its Friday. He usually get's home around one. Which is a good thing."
… more"Can't believe he still works at that shop..."
"Well, that's HIS thing and he likes it."
Gren laid on his back, as his fingers pulled wires and turned knobs. His hands, down to his writs, were layerd in thick oil. Katie, glass of water in hand, sat beside her Uncle. It was true what they said; one thing breaks and soon enough, they all decide to join the bandwagon. Today, both the oven and television decided to call it quits. The television was one thing; honestly, he didn't have to fix that today. The oven, however, was a different story.
"Want something to drink?"
Gren lifts up, covered in dirt and grease. "You got any of that sun tea you make?"
"I think so. Let me check. Hopefully Jersey didn't take an entrie thing to himself...."
Gren laughs, as he wips his hands on a rag. He stands … [view original content]
I've been practicing my writing a lot since last time. Mom is also helping me, so if you see a lot of erasing marks, it's because I spelled something wrong.
So, today was a fun day. Daddy took the boys to a game after school, so it was a girls ONLY day! Mom said when we got finished with homework, we could do whatever we wanted.
And guess what?
WE WENT TO SEE A MOVIE IN THE THEATER!! It was called Earth to Echo (Which every kid in school wants to see by the way.) and it was SO AWESOME!
There was this little alien and these kids who are about my age were playing with him and they helped each other do things! It was so good! After we got home, it was past dinner time but we all had hotdogs at the movie theater so Mom bake some sugar cookies with us. We got the colored icing to draw on each cookie, and I made one with lots of pink sprinkles on it and different colors. Ash used the black icing on her, and it looked like she poured tar all over it! She said it still tasted good, but I didn't want to take any chances so I stuck to eating my own creations.
After we made cookies, Mom put the music on and we had a super awesome dance-party! I got my shiny hat from last Halloween (I was a pop diva last year) and the other girls wore a bunch of Mom's old dresses and heals and we ran around the room like maniacs. Ash refused to wear the pink bead necklace I offered her, so I wore it myself. She put on one of Daddy's button down shirts because she doesn't like being super girly. She's a lot like Aunt Mary.
After we had our little party, we were really tired. Mom let us stay up thirty minutes past our bed time, so we all sat on the couch and watched late night cartoons. Now, I'm writing in this journal with Mom next to me. The other girls are getting their teeth brushed right now so as soon as they're done I'm gonna have to brush my teeth.
I guess that's it for tonight, I'll write again soon!
Mary arrived several minutes late. Luckily, Hans hadn't even noticed. It seems as though there was a bit of a predicament he was dealing with.
"What the fuck do you mean, 'Pregnant?' How do you know it's even mine?" He was yelling in his office. Mary just tended to her own business, changing from sneakers to heels real quick before any major attention was directed toward her.
One of the strippers, Hazel, stepped out, her mascara staining down her face and her light brown hair sticking to her forehead from sweating.
"Just- Get ready for your shift, okay? We'll fucking deal with it later."
She ignored his comment, rushing toward the changing room.
Mary felt bad for the girl, she seemed like one of the nicest ones here.
Maybe as nice as some of the old strippers who'd worked for Georgie. These newer ones always complained and gossiped about each other, and Mary found herself biting her tongue on most of their comments. Hazel was the better of them, if not the best.
She poured some glasses, sliding them each down the counter. The usuals arrived, some already drunk. Mary secretly wished that they were able to get the diseases that Mundies get when they do this kind of stuff.
But no, Fables are fucking immortal.
Sometimes she wished she wasn't immortal.
Hans made his rounds. His extensive flirting with every woman in the club normally hadn't bothered Mary, but some weird feeling emerged from her when she saw him getting really close to one of the newest girls here, Hannah.
What was that feeling?
She never felt it before, had she?
No, she certainly had. Maybe a life time ago.
She tended the bar as she'd usually do. She was happy that her previous duties were relieved. She couldn't stand letting another stranger grab her ass. Her attention, when not distracted by the foul mouthed idiots in front of her, often turned to the strippers themselves. She watched their behavior. She wondered if they actually liked the attention. If they liked being used. She didn't like any of it in the least bit.
No Fables are willing to hire Bloody Mary.
None but the ones who'd already known her. The ones who knew she wouldn't hurt them unless they were an enemy.
She served a few more drinks. The time felt like it was flying, and soon, 7:30 was approaching. Thirty more minutes.
"Mary?" Hazel said, almost in a whisper.
Mary shook out of her daze. "Hmm? What uh...what's up?"
Hazel looked like she might cry again. "C-can I talk to you when your...erm, shift is over? During my 8:30 break, if it's not a problem?"
Mary sighed. She needed to get Carter around 8. Maybe, maybe she could turn this into a 'trust' issue with Jack. See if he can deal with her son for another half an hour or so.
"I guess. What about."
"Sorry, I have to go. We'll talk about it then, okay? Thank you." The stripper walked off, taking a spot on the stage. The men hooted and started to throw bills at her already.
Hans stepped aside, leaning on the bar. "What she want?"
Mary frowned,"Dunno. I doubt she'll be talking crap about you, so don't let your ego get the better of you. Don't worry Hansi, it's probably just advice for your little....predicament."
"You heard?"
"Who didn't hear it? You yell louder than you think."
Hans looked away, as if that comment actually hurt in some way. When he turned his head back to Mary, he changed the subject. "So, how are things going with Sir Jack?"
"You mean, Sir Jackass? He's not being a total prick. He actually cleaned the apartment for once, prepared for the toddler invasion. I'm sure all he's feeding Carter is junk food. Whatever."
"Right. Well, if you have any issues with him, just tell me. I'll-"
"You'll what? Beat him down for me? I'm sorry, Hans, but you seem to forget who I am. I can handle myself. I may seem soft, but I assure you. The Woodsman's Ax is still mantled above my bed. Still sharp as all hell."
"Sorry. I didn't....mean to come off that way. I'll still, uh....back you up though. If you need it."
"Whatever. Go flirt with some other goddamn whore in this establishment."
Grumbling, he took off, entering his little office to be alone for a while. Mary didn't particularly care, she was glad she struck one of his fragile cords. A man needs to be put in his place every once in a goddamn while.
Quitting time approached. She traded places with one of her coworkers, heading to the back room to get changed and wait for Hazel. She was sitting on the office chair for twenty minutes when the girl stepped back there.
"Uh, hi," Hazel said, giving a slight wave. She pulled her skirt on more securely, stuffing the dollars she'd made into her bra.
"So, whataya need to talk about?" Mary asked, crossing her arms.
"Well, uhm...." Hazel took a spot on the adjacent chair. "You're the only one here who I know has a child. So, I guess your able to give me some..."
"Advice? I figured you were going to ask. How long are you?"
"Uhm......I don't know. I haven't seen a doctor- I....I can't afford an appointment yet."
Mary sighed. This girl was worse of than herself. "Well How long do you think you are?"
"Probably a couple months...."
"How do you know it's Hans's?"
"I....I'm not totally sure. But he's the more likely candidate. It's him.....or...."
"Or who?"
"This man. He was real sweet to me a while ago. He came to see....well, you actually. Told him you weren't working, and he....paid me not to tell you he was here. But I don't think it really matters anymore. His name was Charles. Y'know, now that I think about it, he did look-"
"Stop! Don't....Don't talk about him. Ever." Mary glanced at the mirror in next to them. For a split second, she swore she saw his grin in the reflection.
"W-what? What's-"
"We need to get you to a fucking doctor, okay? Tomorrow. I'll take you. I'll pay. If it's his.....his goddamn baby.....we need to be extremely cautious."
"Why so? He didn't seem-"
"Because he's a fucking demon from Hell or some shit. And he's my father. I'll tell you more tomorrow....just....Finish up at work. Go home and get a lot of rest. I'll pick you up."
"I thought you've always complained about not having a car though?"
The things these women pick up when Mary actually says stuff. "I'll get a car, don't worry. Just.....Goddamn it. Let me.....Okay, this is gonna be awkward. Let me....feel you stomach."
"What the.....Okay?"
Mary pressed her hand on the girl's bare skin.
"Fuck. I was right. Yeah, I'll meet you tomorrow, 8 AM. Okay?"
"I have to get going. My son his probably driving his father insane."
"Bye Mary. And thanks! I guess...."
"No problem."
Mary ran out the doors, sprinting her way past people to Jack's apartment.
When the door opened, she was surprised Jack wasn't ripping his hair out.
"The little guy is quite the trouble maker. He was this close to getting into my...erm, stash. I caught him, though."
"He's good at getting into things that aren't his. I hope it doesn't become a habit. Thanks though. Looks like you actually managed for the first time."
"Yeah, he's a good kid." Jack walked over, scooping the toddler off the couch. He was out like a light. "Look. I'm....sorry. I know, I know. It's an overdue one, but I mean it. I wish I was more enthusiastic about this whole...'Fatherhood' thing....but it's never been something I was meant for. I'm going to try though. I really am. Good night."
"Night. If you want, you can ask to see him whenever. I generally don't have a busy schedule. To be honest, I need someone to watch him anyway. We'll talk about it another day. See ya, Horner."
Mary took her time walking home. The boy slept peacefully in her arms the whole time, and when she got home, she could finally unwind for a bit.
She began to cry.
Not for herself.
For Hazel.
I hope you liked this chapter, as the previous ones. I'm really having fun writing this one, I've got a plethora of ideas to jam into it. It's something new, you know? I'll be back to writing about Harm eventually, but I think I'll roll with this one a while. I hope you don't mind. Man, I'm so tired right now and it's only 7:26. It feels so late! I've noticed how dark it's getting recently, it's both heartwarming and annoying. One of those things that brings nostalgia from childhood, but also makes you forget how the clock runs, lol!
Gren is so adorable with the kids! I'm so happy that everyone in the Porgie clan, even people not related, are basically family to each other. It's a brighter side to things, considering the darker times between the siblings and even back to when Georgie was being judged after the whole Crooked ordeal. It's heartwarming
I love sleepovers! I remember when I was a kid and my own cousins were over, it was like the best time of my life. Pizza, candy, soda, you name it! Movies, popcorn, warm PJ's (Especially in the winter), games! The best!
I wonder if his new workers are either Fables or mundies. Or maybe someone we know? Or it could be completely irrelevant and I'm asking questions that will never be answered by a single chapter X3 oh well, I'm the type to wonder about strange things like that!
Katie sounds like my parents XD They always yell at the kids for leaving their school shit lying around!
(((((( Poor Maddie (Hehe, not meaning the cat.) I understand her reasoning. It sucks being a Fable. You know the real truth behind the Mundies depictions, and I'm sure these movies and songs and junk remind each and every one of them about the pain behind the friendly messages that are supposed to mean nothing to the mundane.
I wonder is Junior is ready for tonight XD I can see Mary and Katie being able to handle it. It's the men you have to worry about XD No offense, of course!
Chapter 15
'You Devil you...'
"Jersey at work?"
"Yeah but its Friday. He usually get's home around one. Which is a good thing."
… more"Can't believe he still works at that shop..."
"Well, that's HIS thing and he likes it."
Gren laid on his back, as his fingers pulled wires and turned knobs. His hands, down to his writs, were layerd in thick oil. Katie, glass of water in hand, sat beside her Uncle. It was true what they said; one thing breaks and soon enough, they all decide to join the bandwagon. Today, both the oven and television decided to call it quits. The television was one thing; honestly, he didn't have to fix that today. The oven, however, was a different story.
"Want something to drink?"
Gren lifts up, covered in dirt and grease. "You got any of that sun tea you make?"
"I think so. Let me check. Hopefully Jersey didn't take an entrie thing to himself...."
Gren laughs, as he wips his hands on a rag. He stands … [view original content]
I try to have all the family members together. Family is very important; ever sine the whole CM thing, Georgie's second chance and the shit they had to go through, the kids now see just how important it is.
Well, we are about to have an entire house full of girls. I hope George and Jersey have a secret plan or Jersey with his 'man' cave, just so these two can run off to. XD
LOL He has one mundy worker and a Fable now in the shop working part time. I will cover that section, soon, seeing as this IS a Katie and Jersey tale. Plus, I'd like to picture what MIGHT go down at the Lucky Pawn, having the Jersey Devil as your boss.
I wanted to incorporate that into the story. Like the her mother, aunts and uncles, Maddie and the girls do not like that song or anything negative about their family; wolves, Georgie Porgie, Jersey Devil 'information' etc. They KNOW the mundies do these things for entertainment purposes but it still hurts them. This causes problems at times because they can't SAY the truth to mundies they come across.
Gren is so adorable with the kids! I'm so happy that everyone in the Porgie clan, even people not related, are basically family to each othe… morer. It's a brighter side to things, considering the darker times between the siblings and even back to when Georgie was being judged after the whole Crooked ordeal. It's heartwarming
I love sleepovers! I remember when I was a kid and my own cousins were over, it was like the best time of my life. Pizza, candy, soda, you name it! Movies, popcorn, warm PJ's (Especially in the winter), games! The best!
I wonder if his new workers are either Fables or mundies. Or maybe someone we know? Or it could be completely irrelevant and I'm asking questions that will never be answered by a single chapter X3 oh well, I'm the type to wonder about strange things like that!
Katie sounds like my parents XD They always yell at the kids for leaving their school shit lying around!
(((((( Poor Maddie (Hehe, not meani… [view original content]
This is my favorite one so far in regards to Mary and her current situation on hand. First off, I'm glad she's finally admitting to herself that she DOES have feelings and she is capable of more than she thinks at the moment. Love how Hans is a huge flirt; my money is the baby belongs to Charles, due to the sentence where he is grinning through the mirror.
Mary seems to be genuinly concerned for this girl and she may have made a friend for life; something Mary really needs right now. I hope Hans can go back to his 'normal' behavior, stop trying to be what his boss was and see the truth-that he cares for Mary and possibly her son.
I'm just gonna say this, can't stand Jack, so I HOPE he can turn this around for me; be the father that little boy deserves. I'm looking forward to the next chapter and possible questions anwsered.
Mary arrived several minutes late. Luckily, Hans hadn't even noticed. It seems as though there was a bit of a predicament he was dealing wit… moreh.
"What the fuck do you mean, 'Pregnant?' How do you know it's even mine?" He was yelling in his office. Mary just tended to her own business, changing from sneakers to heels real quick before any major attention was directed toward her.
One of the strippers, Hazel, stepped out, her mascara staining down her face and her light brown hair sticking to her forehead from sweating.
"Just- Get ready for your shift, okay? We'll fucking deal with it later."
She ignored his comment, rushing toward the changing room.
Mary felt bad for the girl, she seemed like one of the nicest ones here.
Maybe as nice as some of the old strippers who'd worked for Georgie. These newer ones always complained and gossiped about each other, and Mary found herself biting her tongue on most of their comments. Hazel wa… [view original content]
Several days has passed since we defeated the Dark Kingdom. It feels like yesterday to be honest. And I still hanging on to the fact that I nearly lost my brother if it wasn't for the generosity of Lydia. However... when she brought back the people we lost, I don't understand why my parents didn't come back either. Could this mean that they were alive... or something else.
After our group disbanded, I set out to search for answers, starting with the castle my father was last seen. When I got there it was complete deserted... for like years... decades or even more. I looked around for answers and got nearly nothing.. only old records.
I explored nearly every room inn this old castle hoping to find any news of my parents and maybe some treasure to boot. Just an old armory.. full of skeletons and rats.. so I left the castle in disappointment.
*As I got to the outskirts I felt a ghostly hand touch my shoulder, and as I turn around I there they were... A man and a woman. The man look just like me while the woman reminded me of Walter. I think I found what I am looking for.. *
"There you are my son, so adventurous like your old man.." The man said. My parents... The stories and adventures I shared with them over the past years.. and especially our most recent one. Then I brought up the question, why didn't they return with the others brought back?
They told me, they weren't those brought back, they told me that the ones brought back felt that they weren't finished with something in their current life, so the held on until they found the hope of ever returning. However this wasn't the case for them, they were with me and Walter this whole time, protecting us... and guiding us..
They told me that their time in this world is up... so they gave me a long hug and prepared to go into the afterlife... and before they leave my father hands me something. It a book containing all of his adventures.. incredible..
Now I know the truth.. now I can finally move on... Lydia I wish I could thank you again.... I guest its time to go back home to the mundy world, to be honest, I'm kinda homesick..
Robby, Son of Robin Hood.
This concludes the Fabled Avengers Saga. For my next story I will go darker places. We will go back to the mundy world.. This next story will be my darkest piece yet, a fitting theme to for the month of October.. An infamous urban legend who terrorize mundies until one decides to fight back.. find out soon.
It will surely send chills down your spines and make you want to think about what is lurking in the darkest corners...
Love Robby. So in your face and ready for anything. Can't wait for this 'mysterious' dark figure. I can gues and guess and guess but I'll never get it. XD
Robby's Diary
October 10th
Several days has passed since we defeated the Dark Kingdom. It feels like yesterday to be honest. And I sti… morell hanging on to the fact that I nearly lost my brother if it wasn't for the generosity of Lydia. However... when she brought back the people we lost, I don't understand why my parents didn't come back either. Could this mean that they were alive... or something else.
After our group disbanded, I set out to search for answers, starting with the castle my father was last seen. When I got there it was complete deserted... for like years... decades or even more. I looked around for answers and got nearly nothing.. only old records.
I explored nearly every room inn this old castle hoping to find any news of my parents and maybe some treasure to boot. Just an old armory.. full of skeletons and rats.. so I left the castle in disappointment.
*As I got to the outskirts I felt a ghostly hand touch my sho… [view original content]
Jersey returned to the house with twenty five very hot Pizzas. The smell infused the home and within seconds, the kitchen and living room had the scent of peperonni, cheese and other various toppings. Half the girls surrounded the food, licking their chops and preparing for dinner.
"Do we have Ranch, daddy?"
"Do we have Ranch-" Jersey takes a brown paper bag and dumps out little plastic cups of Ranch. "That's the only way to eat it, girls! Got some Parmesan cheese ova' here-these little chili things your mother loves and-"
Ivy bounces around. "Can we eat NOW?"
"Your cousins here?"
"Not yet."
Jersey looks at the clock. Before he could make an executive decision, Katie comes around the corner. She places her hand on the box and stares at the faces.
"No....don't you girls think about it. Your uncle Junior called and they are literally around the corner. Go fix up the living room if you girls plan on-"
Before Katie could finish, all thirteen girls run upstairs, gather their blankets and pillows and head back. Neatly, they lay out their section and a few spots for the cousins.
"Can we tell stories tonight, mommy?"
"I don't see why not-"
Bella tosses a blanket over her body. "How about a scary story, since its the month for Ghouls and Goblins?"
Hope shutters. "No! Nothin' scary...."
"Bella, knock it off!" Jersey grabs the remote and plops on his side of the couch. "Or I'll put your ass on a chain and make you stay outside...."
Katie rolls her eyes. Just as she turns, there is a knock at the door. All the girls cheer; to Jersey, it always had the same sound as either a school assembly or a Baseball game. Either way, you could always tell when his girls approved of something. Katie, along with Willow, Ava Rose and Laura, all headed for the door.
"Junior, hey." Katie and Junior hug briefly, as Aubrey and Sophia walk up the steps.
"Go put your things where the girls show you, okay?"
"Yes daddy!"
Before long, there are shriels and squeaks coming from the living room.
"Are you SURE you guys can handle ALL these-"
"Yes, Junior. We can handle these Rugrats. They have video games, board games...we have that fort in the back. Movies, coloring books. Yeah. Think we got it."
Behind Junior, Katie notices Mary hand in hand with the older kids, slowly walking up.
"I can't wait!" Sheila nearly pulls down on Mary's arm.
"Easy there, Buttercup. You're gonna rip my arm off and then what?"
Katie laughs. "Well, come inside for a minute and rest your feet before you leave."
George and Sheila run inside and join the others. With Junior's help, Mary waddles inside the house and into the kitchen. She sits down beside Junior, as she eyes the food on the counter. Katie, noticing Mary's attention, sneaks her two slices. Mary douces the slices with Ranch. Katie stands beside her, rubbing her belly.
"You've gotten so big, Mary! Do you two know what it is?"
"Twins again but this time, we have one boy and one girl in there. This, honestly, has been my easiest pregnancy."
Junior chuckles. "She never got sick the entire time."
Mary shakes her head in agreement. "I had no idea I was pregnant until I was almost two months into it. No swollen ankles, no weight gain for the first four sickness. Nada."
Katie continues to rub her belly. "Any names?"
Junior laughs. "Aubrey wanted the girl to be Ariel, like the Little Mermaid? Sheila wants the boy to be 'Hell Raiser'."
Katie tries to contain he rlaughter. "Oh my God! Hell Raiser?"
Mary nods. "Yup...We both smiled and let them have their moment. We decided on Damien and Haylee."
"Are they, umm, you know-"
Mary finishes off the food. "Both of them are little mirror jumpers and shape shifters. Swineheart said Haylee has a lot of Wolf qualitites in her. Lyla will be pleased to hear that."
Junior looks around. "Jersey home?"
There is a pause. "What!?"
"Get your ass in here and be social!"
"Babe, the game-"
"Get your stubborn Jersey ass in here right now! Pause the game!"
There are mumbles and a few curse words before Jersey inches his way into the kitchen.
"Fuck, Mary. Another?"
Mary folds her arms and sits back. "YOU should be the one to talk, Jersey Devil."
"Hey..." He points at Mary. "Don't you-have you been eatin' my food?"
Mary rubs her stomach. "Delicious. Tony's?"
"You know that, woman." He and Junior hug and shake hands. "How you doin', Porgie?"
"Hanging in there. Work, work and more work. Holly sure knows how to keep me busy. It IS game season after all."
"Well, that's good! Keep ya' busy! Congrats on the pregnancy here. The other kids takin' it well?"
"Sheila had a difficult time at first but thankfully, Junior had a talk with her. George is so happy he gets a brother."
Upstairs, the kids had their own idea of entertainment. With some help, they brought down one of the matresses from the girl's room. Bella, Sheila and Georgia sat upon it, as the others pushed it to the edge of the stair case. Bella peered down.
"Are you sure 'bout this, Bella?" Hope nibbled on her nails. "You guys might get hurt..."
George stood and thought for a minute. "Hold on...."
He walks over to the railing, pokes his head through and opens his palms. Blue neon smoke rises from his palm and fingers, as he aims it to the floor. It circles for a few seconds before it creates a blue barrier.
"There. That should help you guys slow down, should it lose-"
He didn't have a chance to finish; Hannah, Aubrey, Sophia and Willow had the matress sprinting down the stairs. The three girls squealed with delight, as they slid down. The blue sheild worked; the second the matress struck the sheild, Bella went flying into the coat rack.
Katie stood up. "What the hell was that?"
Mary sighs, trying to get up. "Our little monsters from hell probably..."
They all walk into the living room; Bella rubs her head, as Sheila and Georgia stand up and try sneaking away. They stop, however, when they notice eyes watching them. Jersey glances up the stairs and sees the 'audience' watching the train wreck. Junior laughs.
"You guys SURE this is a good idea?"
Jersey cackles, picking Bella up. "Oh this. Piece of cake. Its when they all are teenagers...."
Junior shudders. "Oh, God. I'm so sorry..."
"Get up, Bella. What is the matta' with you, huh? Ya' could've broke this noggin here!"
"I'm fine, dad..."
Katie sighs. "Okay, no more of this girls. Pick EVERYTHING up and find something else to do before someone get's hurt."
With help, the matress returns to its original place. The girls, along with George, head outside.
"SHOES! JACKETS! MITTENS! Willow! Abigail! Get back here!"
Mary and Junior kiss the kids goodbye, as they head back to the car.
"Thanks you guys. See you in the morning...."
Jersey waves. "Don't come back pregnant now."
A shard of glass flys past him. It sticks to a tree. Jersey gives Junior the finger, as he helps Mary into the car and drive away.
"NO! GIVE IT BACK!" Crash! "MOM!"
Katie sighs. "Dinner time, Jersey?"
Jersey grabs Katie's hand. "Ready for hell?"
Katie gives Jersey a kiss. "Already there."
Chapter 17 soon
Had time before work to make a chapter or two. Man...its getting cold now in the mornings. Time for the extra blankets now! Its Friday! Looking forward to the weekend; its my girlfriend's birthday, so we have plans for a movie and dinner. She wants to see that 'Annabelle' movie; brave, this one is and with a baby! XD Fearless! Then, its midterm time! 0_o; Study, study, study! If you have any questions ask away.
HOPEFULLY, those I promised a picture to will be ready by this weekend. If not, sometime next week. SO much on my plate. ^^;
Dear Diary: Hmmm. See Georgie was in here, too. Well, guess they wanted to add a little something. Not like there is anything BAD in here. I have THAT hidden. Not doing THAT again. ^^; VERY awkward having to explain to your son why there were photos of his daddy....ummm.....never mind...XD
I love this weather. The wind has been picking up and last night, we had a rain storm. It cleared some of this pollution up; the air smells fresh, clean and crisp. The kids had a carnivel today at school. Junior won a Goldfish at one of the games; Penny and Emily were Apple bobbing champions. Katie, like always, my social butterfly. Talk, talk, talk; fun, fun, fun with that one. Ethan and Peter came home from school early due to a teacher confrence. They helped me bake some cookies and prepare a Pot Roast for dinner tonight.
Georgie picked up the older kids; he stopped by a Sonic Drive-In and picked up Cherry Limeades for the kids. Junior showed me the fish. He named it Goldy. Georgie got him a fish bowl, helped him decorate it and put the fish in his room. Georgie and Emily went into the den and watched the Cowboys play the Raiders; I heard BOTH of them scream and yell at the television all afternoon.
Tomorrow, speaking of Apples, we are heading to my parent's place to pick Apples. Dad's orchards are ready and with the rain and snow heading their way, he wants to pick them as soon as possible. Peter is excited; dad promised he'd show them how to make homemade Apple Cider. Peter LOVES Apple Cider. Too much like his papa. Ethan can't wait to help nana bake some Apple pies. He's my little baker, that one. Penny and Katie OCASIONALLLY help but they'd rather eat. Same with Emily. Eat.
Carla called earlier and asked about Halloween this year. She and Gren were going to do a party but decided at the last second to hold off on the festivities; last year, it was a disaster. My brother-in-law sure knows how to drink his Whiskey...and cause fights...and almost go to jail. We came up with the solution-group Trick-or-Treating. I GUESS they are dressing up, too. I'll see if Georgie will be willing to go dressed up this year.
Tonight, the news said there is a Meteor shower above New Jersey and New York; Georgie is driving us out to my folk's place, since they are smack-dab in the middle of nowhere. The kids are excited; since the rain storm, the skies have been clear, so we will be able to see it. Can you believe Georgie has NEVER seen a Meteor shower before? Okay, well....never mind. Scratch that thought.
Better be going. Something broke in the den and I can hear a very angry Britsh man and his loyal sidekick screaming at the game.
Good luck on the midterms. Mine are literally frying my brain. I loved the mattress part. Georgia, Bella and Sheila are trouble makers. Jersey is right to worry when they are teens. Oh man!!! Mary is pregnant!!!! Love those names!!
Chapter 16
Jersey returned to the house with twenty five very hot Pizzas. The smell infused the home and within seconds, the … morekitchen and living room had the scent of peperonni, cheese and other various toppings. Half the girls surrounded the food, licking their chops and preparing for dinner.
"Do we have Ranch, daddy?"
"Do we have Ranch-" Jersey takes a brown paper bag and dumps out little plastic cups of Ranch. "That's the only way to eat it, girls! Got some Parmesan cheese ova' here-these little chili things your mother loves and-"
Ivy bounces around. "Can we eat NOW?"
"Your cousins here?"
"Not yet."
Jersey looks at the clock. Before he could make an executive decision, Katie comes around the corner. She places her hand on the box and stares at the faces.
"No....don't you girls think about it. Your uncle Junior called and they are literally around the corner. Go fix up the living room if you girls plan on… [view original content]
I'm scared to know what he I loved this entry. I love apple cider too. Awwww and John. :)I love me some John. Oh and a meteor shower!!!!! Cant wait to hear about their halloween adventures.
Dear Diary: Hmmm. See Georgie was in here, too. Well, guess they wanted to add a little something. Not like there is anything BAD… more in here. I have THAT hidden. Not doing THAT again. ^^; VERY awkward having to explain to your son why there were photos of his daddy....ummm.....never mind...XD
I love this weather. The wind has been picking up and last night, we had a rain storm. It cleared some of this pollution up; the air smells fresh, clean and crisp. The kids had a carnivel today at school. Junior won a Goldfish at one of the games; Penny and Emily were Apple bobbing champions. Katie, like always, my social butterfly. Talk, talk, talk; fun, fun, fun with that one. Ethan and Peter came home from school early due to a teacher confrence. They helped me bake some cookies and prepare a Pot Roast for dinner tonight.
Georgie picked up the older kids; he stopped by a Sonic Drive-In and picked up Cherry Limeades for the kids. Junior … [view original content]
"Please, Hans. I'm not making the poor girl walk in the freezing cold. Have you noticed the white shit falling from the sky? Yeah, that's snow! Plus..... I mean, goddamnit. Just let me use your damn car!" Mary yelled over the phone. She was packing the diaper bag and sending her son over to his aunt Harm's house. She'd be over in a few more minutes to pick him up.
"Fine! For fuck's sake, however much gas you use is coming from your paycheck. A single scratch and you'll be fucking demoted."
"You talk like the goddamn thing is your most prized possession! It'll be fine, I know how to operate a vehicle!"
"Whatever, whatever. Just-.....Just don't be late for work later. You and Hazel. And why can't I go to the ultrasound? I thought I was the most likely candidate for fatherhood?"
"You're not the father. Okay?"
"How the fuck-"
"I just know, okay? Just do your little thing, and don't worry about your precious car. It'll be okay."
"Fine. Pick it up in front of the club. I'm already there."
"I'm not surprised. Bye."
The phone hangs up, and not a minute later there's a knock on the door. Mary rushes over, still stuffing an extra pair of clothes in the diaper bag. Carter runs ahead of her, jumping up and down to reach the door handle. Mary opens it wide, and the little boy jumps into Harmony's arms.
"How are things going?" Harmony asked, holding her nephew on her hip.
"Good, actually. Better than usual. Can you do me another favor?"
"What do you need?"
"I need to be dropped off at the club. I'm not working yet, but I'd rather not walk there myself. You mind?"
"Not at all. I was going to take Carter that way anyway, Tim has the little ones at one of those indoor toddler expos. We were going to look around and see what deals we could get on some new stuff."
"Sounds like fun. And thanks for taking Carter. One day I'll have to go with you to the expo, hopefully when I get shit more straightened out."
"That's something to look forward to. Let's roll."
Mary carried the bag downstairs, following Harmony to the car that's parked on the side of the road. Harmony takes her best friend to the desired location, then drives away with the toddler in his booster seat.
"Bye bye Mommy!" Mary heard as she went to shut the door. She headed down the ally way, her boots crunching in the think layer of snow accumulating to the ground.
"Hans! You here?"
The back door to the Puddin' and Pie swings open and the strong muscled man glances in her direction. "Here are the keys. Remember what I said?"
"Ugh, I have to go Hans. Just give me the keys."
"TELL me what you're not going to do."
"Fuck you. I'm not gonna scratch the damn thing, okay?"
"Good." He hands her the keys, a smirk forming across his face.
"What's got you so happy?" She asked, opening the driver's side door.
"Nothin'.... I think I'm just happy that the baby's probably not mine."
"You don't like kids or something?" Mary said, a little too defensively.
"I like kids! I just- If I wanted to be a Dad, I'd be married before hand. Alright?"
"Whatever." Mary steps into the car, turning the ignition and starting the heater. She rubbed her cold hands together, the heat blasting through the vents and into her face at an unreasonable rate. She started driving, turning on to the street and driving toward Hazel's apartment building.
"Apartment 602.....604......608. There we are." She parked her car in a cleared off spot of the road. Her hand lifts the door handle and she enters, another gush of warm air hitting her as she walks inside.
Hazel? You in here?" She called. Her eyes looked up the grungy stairs. She remembered coming here once on Crooked Man duty. Mr. Toad used to live on the first floor apartment, but not anymore.
She sighed. The girl appeared several minutes later, her light brown hair brushed out much nicer than the previous night, and much more clothes covering her frail body.
She nods. They head out together, the car taking them to the Knights of Malta Hospital. The elevator makes it's way to the top three floors, exclusive to Fables only. Not a single Mundy knows about the place.
She weaves through halls as Hazel trails behind. She knows them far too well; Back when she gave birth, all she did was roam them. Her attention was brought to the main office of the hospital. Swineheart exited, greeting the women and showing them to the appropriate room.
"How's Carter doing?" Swineheart asks as he preps Hazel for the ultrasound.
"He's good. Very rambunctious."
"Good to hear. I saw a few of your nieces here the other day. They've got bad colds. Gave them medicine."
"Yeah, Harm told me. So um..."
Swineheart flips the switch on the monitor. Next, he takes the gel, spreading it on Hazel's belly and the image of her insides appear on the screen.
"So, Hazel. Tell me how far along you think you are," Swineheart asks.
"Well....I'm not totally sure. A couple months?"
"Right." He scans her tummy, and soon enough, the baby's silhouette flashes on the screen.
"That's the baby?" Hazel asks. She reaches her hand up to touch the monitor, mesmerized by the sight of it.
Swineheart chuckles. "Yes, that's your child. And you're pretty much right, you're about nine weeks along. Not far enough to tell any genders, but..."
"I need to ask you a question," Mary interjects. "Privately."
Swineheart is taken aback, not really sure what she means.
"I'll um....Nurse Candy? Can you take care of this for me?"
The nurse walks over, taking Swineheart's place as he walks into the hall with Mary.
"What's wrong, Mary."
"She's having my father's baby," Mary blurts out. "And it's a really really bad thing."
"What do you mean?"
"My father is a demon. He feeds on people's fears of all things dark and horrifying. My mother died birthing me. She was a goddamn human who thought she was in love, but as soon as he came, he went. And because of the nature of the pregnancy, because she was having a fucking demon, she fucking died. I killed her. And when she died, he seemed to want me back. And....fuck. If she's not careful, she's fucked! Do you understand?"
"Yes, unfortunately I do, Mary. You should talk to Harmony, now that she's a witch of the thirteenth floor. I know the witches are able to brew some concoctions that will help out. I'll do what I can on my end of the stick. I need to go talk with that girl now. I think you should, too."
"Can you tell her? If she's confused, I'll explain more. I just.... I can't just say it to the poor girl."
"I understand."
Swineheart re-enters the room and Mary stays in the hall. Hazel emerges a few minutes later, her face a pale as a ghost.
"W-what...what do I do now, Mary? What can I do?"
Mary gulped. "I need to speak with my goddamn father, first of all. I'll help you figure this out, okay? I'll....for god's sake, I don't fucking know. I barely know you. Why am I worked up about this? Fuck...."
The girl began to cry, her hands burying her face. "I want to keep my baby, Mary. I don't want to get rid of it!"
"I....I understand that- I didn't say you couldn't! We just....I just....." Mary's nose began to bleed violently.
Her father was doing this to her. She began to sway and before she knew it, the floor came up and smacked her face. The voices in the hospital were muffled as Mary's field of vision blurred to darkness.
Another chapter! I hope you liked this one, it took a longer time to write than others since I was more or less winging some of it X3
Thank goodness Gren got the cooker and TV working! If he had time to fix the TV, that is. With all those children someone's bound to want to watch it at some point; unless they're very imaginative and can entertain themselves, which would be a plus.
Anyway, that picture of Georgie is ever so charming! I shall check her stuff out.
Chapter 15
'You Devil you...'
"Jersey at work?"
"Yeah but its Friday. He usually get's home around one. Which is a good thing."
… more"Can't believe he still works at that shop..."
"Well, that's HIS thing and he likes it."
Gren laid on his back, as his fingers pulled wires and turned knobs. His hands, down to his writs, were layerd in thick oil. Katie, glass of water in hand, sat beside her Uncle. It was true what they said; one thing breaks and soon enough, they all decide to join the bandwagon. Today, both the oven and television decided to call it quits. The television was one thing; honestly, he didn't have to fix that today. The oven, however, was a different story.
"Want something to drink?"
Gren lifts up, covered in dirt and grease. "You got any of that sun tea you make?"
"I think so. Let me check. Hopefully Jersey didn't take an entrie thing to himself...."
Gren laughs, as he wips his hands on a rag. He stands … [view original content]
Loving the Robin Hood appearance! Would Robby and Walter's mother be Maid Marion? Anyway, it's good he's gotten the close he's been searching for; and I, too, wonder what you're exactly planning for your next piece!
Robby's Diary
October 10th
Several days has passed since we defeated the Dark Kingdom. It feels like yesterday to be honest. And I sti… morell hanging on to the fact that I nearly lost my brother if it wasn't for the generosity of Lydia. However... when she brought back the people we lost, I don't understand why my parents didn't come back either. Could this mean that they were alive... or something else.
After our group disbanded, I set out to search for answers, starting with the castle my father was last seen. When I got there it was complete deserted... for like years... decades or even more. I looked around for answers and got nearly nothing.. only old records.
I explored nearly every room inn this old castle hoping to find any news of my parents and maybe some treasure to boot. Just an old armory.. full of skeletons and rats.. so I left the castle in disappointment.
*As I got to the outskirts I felt a ghostly hand touch my sho… [view original content]
The bit where Katie shouted at Jersey to come into the room I found funny - you can just picture it easily! And the bits where people keep mentioning the girls as teenagers and the responses being very sympathetic. XD
Chapter 16
Jersey returned to the house with twenty five very hot Pizzas. The smell infused the home and within seconds, the … morekitchen and living room had the scent of peperonni, cheese and other various toppings. Half the girls surrounded the food, licking their chops and preparing for dinner.
"Do we have Ranch, daddy?"
"Do we have Ranch-" Jersey takes a brown paper bag and dumps out little plastic cups of Ranch. "That's the only way to eat it, girls! Got some Parmesan cheese ova' here-these little chili things your mother loves and-"
Ivy bounces around. "Can we eat NOW?"
"Your cousins here?"
"Not yet."
Jersey looks at the clock. Before he could make an executive decision, Katie comes around the corner. She places her hand on the box and stares at the faces.
"No....don't you girls think about it. Your uncle Junior called and they are literally around the corner. Go fix up the living room if you girls plan on… [view original content]
"Please, Hans. I'm not making the poor girl walk in the freezing cold. Have you noticed the white shit falling from the sky? Yeah, that's sn… moreow! Plus..... I mean, goddamnit. Just let me use your damn car!" Mary yelled over the phone. She was packing the diaper bag and sending her son over to his aunt Harm's house. She'd be over in a few more minutes to pick him up.
"Fine! For fuck's sake, however much gas you use is coming from your paycheck. A single scratch and you'll be fucking demoted."
"You talk like the goddamn thing is your most prized possession! It'll be fine, I know how to operate a vehicle!"
"Whatever, whatever. Just-.....Just don't be late for work later. You and Hazel. And why can't I go to the ultrasound? I thought I was the most likely candidate for fatherhood?"
"You're not the father. Okay?"
"How the fuck-"
"I just know, okay? Just do your little thing, and don't worry about your precious car. It'll be okay."
… [view original content]
10th: Pumpkins! Is there literally anything they cannot do?
Well, yes, but they have many applications! One can eat them, carve them, hide in them, and fly in them! Which is what I did today.
Colin and I decided to have a go at carving some delightfully ghoulish shapes into said orange fruits - at least, I think they're fruits. Fruits have seeds, vegetables don't, I'm sure; and, incidentally, pumpkin seeds are very tasty - in order to give his apartment - well, Bigby's - and my own place an atmosphere for the month. I went over to his apartment and we started late in the morning and made a day of it, there were that many pumpkins. I may or may not have acquired a magical bag of seeds when up at the Farm last week that is endless and grows the pumpkins almost instantly when applied to dirt and water.
You know, that pig is surprisingly dexterous with a knife!
Now, in order to explain why the following idea seemed like a good one, I should mention that we also passed the time with plenty of whiskey cocktails. Colin said it'd be fine if we drunk some of Bigby's supply, and one Mac daddy easily leads to another! Heh. So, with the sun setting and most of the pumpkins carved, we decided to light a few candles in them - while placing one on the sill outside the window - and wait for Bigby to clock off work. After an hour or so he came through the door, greeted by an apartment where the only light was that cast by the eerie flickers of the candles, while menacing silhouettes danced on the walls. Of course, he smelt Colin straight away, and then switched the lights on. But bear with me, for this is where things come to a point. As he went around blowing out the candles, he saw the pumpkin on the sill, asked Colin why it was there - to which Colin replied he must have forgotten about it, and told Bigby to bring it in. As Bigby picked up the pumpkin, he turned back inside his apartment, where he realised Colin had been at his whiskey; and at that point of distraction, as my weasel self, I jumped out of the pumpkin Bigby was holding, sending the lid of it flying across the room!
You should have seen Bigby's face! Caught him totally off guard! So much so, in fact, his instincts kicked in and he sent the pumpkin - with me still inside it - hurtling out of the window! I've got to say that if it weren't for being pretty intoxicated, I might have been a little worried given how high up that window is. As it was, I landed in a bush, Colin quickly explained to Bigby just what he'd thrown, and the Wolf stuck his head out and called to see if I was okay. I wasn't sure at first if the squelch on landing had been the pumpkin breaking or me - it turned out to be the pumpkin; and relieved Bigby swore at me to never do that again if I valued life, and disappeared inside.
Ah, good times.
Mr. Weasel getting up to mischief in the month of October. I've only ever introduced one other character of my own so far, however I plan to introduce at least some others in any challenges that might be set, or maybe even in a diary entry! Hope you found it at least vaguely enjoyable to read!
LOL, I think the final form of the two would be called Rezoth the Dragonox. Yeah, that sounds about right.
They're both, horn on his snout (you're right!) while there are spikes by his eyes and spikes under his lower jaw - as you already have seen.
Thanks for the compliment like the others have been giving, I may hold off on drawing more pictures until I pump out a few more chapters for Tezoth. I just need to get into the mood for writing again. :P
That was epic, seriously! Great to know everyone had an happy ending and met with their loved ones, well, except for Robby - who has yet to see his parents again, hopefully he will.
After reading this, I've gathered the key points of this entry:
Lyla's badonkakonks, candy, chicken pox, pie, ice cream, and lastly, chicken and dumpling soup.
Well, at least Adam is on Medusa's good side, I hope! Interesting to see his (possession?) power as well!
Have fun at Six Flags on Friday!
Another (insert typical DragonButter compliment here) chapter. Loved the way you made Mary so innocent in this one, dialogue was great too, of course!
Robby will be reunited in a bonus chapter that I am writing.
Also, I will be introducing a urban legend character who kills and torments mundies.. until he comes across the wrong one and gets manhandled lol.
Very true, I just thought that most people would be a little uneasy at the sight of an eyeball! :P And that he was more uneasy because he thought Bluebeard suspected him of killing her; guess I misread that, though.
The commentary on the drawing is just perfect! XD Great to read about things from Georgie's perspective - I've only just realised that we don't get to hear his inner- thoughts that much. And I love that picture at the end!
Well, firstly, take that forces of darkness! Satisfying to see evil thwarted. The rest was quite emotional actually - being reunited in such a manner with those they've mourned.
Great stuff!
What a great chapter! I wonder how Medusa is going to fit into the plot in the long run.
Hans. On the one hand he's been a nasty pimp, and on the other an understanding and kind guy. It's confusing, and makes you unsure about trusting him, but he seems genuine at the moment!
Nice to see Jack's making an effort; and we've all accidentally bitten into a crayon when we were younger! Right?
It's Mr. Weasel again!
This should hopefully give even more of an idea as just what he look like, and a great big thanks to @puddin_pie once more.
Hope you like what I've done with it, and I hope everyone else enjoys it!
And it might be better if it were a bit smaller, but I'm not sure how to do that, so zoom out a little in your browser, maybe?
I'll be doing that from time to time; having Georgie and the kids sneak in Lyla's journal and write about this awesome weather!
I just love it colored! The shadowing is a nice touch; Mr. Weasel both glamoured and his true from look spectacular.
I'm glad you liked it so much. Anytime! 
Why thank you.
Chapter 15
'You Devil you...'
"Jersey at work?"
"Yeah but its Friday. He usually get's home around one. Which is a good thing."
"Can't believe he still works at that shop..."
"Well, that's HIS thing and he likes it."
Gren laid on his back, as his fingers pulled wires and turned knobs. His hands, down to his writs, were layerd in thick oil. Katie, glass of water in hand, sat beside her Uncle. It was true what they said; one thing breaks and soon enough, they all decide to join the bandwagon. Today, both the oven and television decided to call it quits. The television was one thing; honestly, he didn't have to fix that today. The oven, however, was a different story.
"Want something to drink?"
Gren lifts up, covered in dirt and grease. "You got any of that sun tea you make?"
"I think so. Let me check. Hopefully Jersey didn't take an entrie thing to himself...."
Gren laughs, as he wips his hands on a rag. He stands up, adjusts his shirt and waits for Katie. During her absence, four little heads peeked around the corner. Gianna, Abigail, Hope and Hannah watched as Gren cleaned off the tools. He laid a towel down on the chair and took a seat. He rubbed his brow with his index finger.
"You are dirty, Gren!"
He turns and looks down. Gianna walks by and touches his hand.
"What is this stuff?"
"Oil and dirt....some grease is in there, too."
Gianna looks at her finger. " smells...."
"Well..." Gren snatches Gianna up. The little girl wiggles in his grasp. "Maybe it won't be so BAD, if you were dirty with me!"
The other girls squeal with delight, as Gren wraps his arms around Gianna. He tries to escape from his arms but the Grendel has a tight grip. She squirms around, her clothes and skin now covered in the same mess. Gren gives Gianna a Raspberry kiss.
"And WHERE do you think you three are going, huh?"
Gianna under his arm, Gren goes after the other girls; they scream with glee, as they dart into the living room.
"Come back here! Join the dark side!"
Hope dodges behind the couch. "NO! No, no, Gren! That's icky!"
Gianna still in his arms, Gren manages to grab Hope and plant a big, wet kiss on her cheek. Her clothes, arms and face are now covered in oil and grease. She laughs, however, as Gren continues chasing the other two.
"What's wrong, girls? You don't wanna give your 'ol Uncle Gren some love?"
Just then Katie comes around the corner, holding two glasses of tea. She stands back and watches as Gren chases the other two girls.
Katie clears her throat. "Usually, I don't allow running in the house but you're too damn cute right now, so I'll let it slide this time."
Trying to catch their breathe, Gren takes his cup and quickly drinks the tea. Katie looks at her two messy daughters.
"My god you both are filthy...."
"Ah, that's what soap and water is for, Katie."
Hanna takes a sip from Katie's cup. "Are Sheila and the others still coming over tonight?"
Gren finishes his tea. "You kids havin' a sleep over?"
All four girls nod. "Uncle Junior and Aunt Mary are going to see a movie and eat dinner and-"
Gren looks over at Katie. "Date night, huh?"
"Yup. You know Mr. Casanova. Besides, gives the girls a chance to spend some time with their cousins. I remember doing that when we were kids."
Gren smiles. "Good times..."
Gianna bounces around. "Can we get pizza tonight mommy?"
"Let daddy know when he comes home. You know he'd love to get some for you guys tonight."
The four girls clap their hands. "Yay! I can't wait..."
"Now, march on up to the tub and get cleaned off."
The girls, especially Hope and Gianna head to the bathroom. Katie hands Gren a moist rag.
"YOU too, Uncle Gren, before you get it all over my furniture....swear. You are worse than the kids."
Jersey returned home, just as the girls finished bathing. Gren had completed the task, fixed the broken appliances and left for home. Katie thanked him with a freshly brewd jug of sweet tea and a tray of cookies.
"So, everything workin' up to speed?"
"Yeah, he fixed them but told us we'll probably need a new oven in a year or so. He managed to do a patch work but-"
Jersey sat at the table. "I'll call around for some ovens in the morning."
Katie kissed the top of his head. "Good to have you home. Work good?"
"Yeah. Kinda slow but that's Friday for you. The two new employess I hired are doing a fuckin' wonderful job. One of those punk ass kids dusted EVERYTHING in that store."
"Well, he must either really like the work or really wants to impress you."
"Well, it worked."
Gianna, Hannah, Hope and Abigail run downstairs and into Jersey's arms. He scoops up all four girls, snuggles them close and gives each of them a kiss.
"You girls excited for tonight?"
"Poor Junior..he's the only boy!"
Jersey chuckles. "Well, if it gets to be too much for him, he can always come hang with me."
"Can we get food tonight?"
"Where you planning on eating the plants outside, Gianna?"
Gianna snorts. "NO, daddy! I wanted to know if we could get pizza tonight."
Jersey stops to think. "You girls want Tony's on fourth street?" They all nod in agreement. "Alright, I'll call them here in a bit. Gonna need time to make all those pizzas."
Katie hands Jersey a notepad. "What you girls want on your's?"
"Pepperoni and cheese. One with that plus olives and mushrooms. I know George likes the combination kind. I THINK Aubrey likes JUST cheese..."
"I'll get one of every kind if I can."
"Junior said they should be here a little after five."
Jersey looks at his watch. "Well, better place it now. Gives Tony a chance to make these things."
Katie smiles. "Thank God for Tony..."
As Jersey places the order, the nine girls arrive home from school. Half of them enter the house laughing with excitment, while the others toss their backpacks to the side and head into the kitchen.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Katie stands in the doorway. "You girls know the rules-pick up your things, take them to the room and get into some play clothes."
Quickly, the girls gather their items and head upstairs. Madeline stays back, however, holding a note.
"What is this, baby?"
"Teacher wants you and daddy to sign it...."
"Madeline. What did you-"
Katie leans against the stair railing and reads the note.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Leeds: I'm sending you this not in regards to your daughter Madeline's recent behavior in class. She would not participate in group time with the other children. Asked why she refused to sing the song, Madeline simply shrugged her shoulders and hid in the corner. I'd like for Madeline to participate.
Thank you for your time. Any questions, please call my office number.
Katie looks at Madeline. "What were you not participating in, baby?"
"We are singing nursery ryhmes in class."
"And today we sang about papa...."
Katie now understood. Like they did as children, Katie and her siblings refused to sing the song. At the time, they only knew their father could not stand the song; years later, however, they'd learn the truth behind it. Junior's kids refused to sing it as well. Katie grabbed a pen located on the desk. Without further discussion, she signed the paper.
"Give this to daddy when he's off the phone."
"I don't like that song, mommy. It hurts papa's feelings...."
Katie kisses Madeline's forehead. "I know, baby. Don't worry. You're not in trouble...."
Madeline heads into the kitchen, paper in hand. Minutes later, Madeline puts the note in her folder and heads outside to play with her sisters. Jersey walks around the corner, trying to contain his laughter.
"Well, your father will be proud to hear this."
"We did it when we were kids...."
"I'm just surprised the other girls didn't-"
"Alice told me they mouthed the words, so the teacher THOUGHT they were singing along."
Jersey chuckles. "You ready for tonight?"
Katie folds her arms. "No. Question is are YOU ready for tonight?"
"Will be once the food gets here. Got us some wings, too."
Kaie hugs Jersey. "You know JUST what to get."
"Well, better get the living room ready with blankets and pillows."
As Jersey and Katie prepared for the night ahead, the girls played outside.
Chapter 16 soon
Is Jersey REALLY ready for tonight? XD Off today, so plan on relaxing and doing, well....homework. If I gat the chance, finish some drawings later. Speaking of drawings, one of my watchers made me this BOMB Georgie picture.
Love it! kinzigamer over at DA. Check her stuff out sometime. 
I'm pleased you like the way it looks.
It was enjoyable colouring between your lines, and it wouldn't look anywhere near as good without those lines!
Sadly yes, georgie! XD
Great work! You two make an awesome artist team!
Loved this. Knowing they are going to have a sleepover with Mary's kids....this should be fun! And all those pizzas. How cute! They won't song Georgie Porgie! :)noce pic. Cool that people make you gift art like this.
October 9th
Dear Journal:
I've been practicing my writing a lot since last time. Mom is also helping me, so if you see a lot of erasing marks, it's because I spelled something wrong.
So, today was a fun day. Daddy took the boys to a game after school, so it was a girls ONLY day! Mom said when we got finished with homework, we could do whatever we wanted.
And guess what?
WE WENT TO SEE A MOVIE IN THE THEATER!! It was called Earth to Echo (Which every kid in school wants to see by the way.) and it was SO AWESOME!
There was this little alien and these kids who are about my age were playing with him and they helped each other do things! It was so good! After we got home, it was past dinner time but we all had hotdogs at the movie theater so Mom bake some sugar cookies with us. We got the colored icing to draw on each cookie, and I made one with lots of pink sprinkles on it and different colors. Ash used the black icing on her, and it looked like she poured tar all over it! She said it still tasted good, but I didn't want to take any chances so I stuck to eating my own creations.
After we made cookies, Mom put the music on and we had a super awesome dance-party! I got my shiny hat from last Halloween (I was a pop diva last year) and the other girls wore a bunch of Mom's old dresses and heals and we ran around the room like maniacs. Ash refused to wear the pink bead necklace I offered her, so I wore it myself. She put on one of Daddy's button down shirts because she doesn't like being super girly. She's a lot like Aunt Mary.
After we had our little party, we were really tired. Mom let us stay up thirty minutes past our bed time, so we all sat on the couch and watched late night cartoons. Now, I'm writing in this journal with Mom next to me. The other girls are getting their teeth brushed right now so as soon as they're done I'm gonna have to brush my teeth.
I guess that's it for tonight, I'll write again soon!
~ Elora
Mary arrived several minutes late. Luckily, Hans hadn't even noticed. It seems as though there was a bit of a predicament he was dealing with.
"What the fuck do you mean, 'Pregnant?' How do you know it's even mine?" He was yelling in his office. Mary just tended to her own business, changing from sneakers to heels real quick before any major attention was directed toward her.
One of the strippers, Hazel, stepped out, her mascara staining down her face and her light brown hair sticking to her forehead from sweating.
"Just- Get ready for your shift, okay? We'll fucking deal with it later."
She ignored his comment, rushing toward the changing room.
Mary felt bad for the girl, she seemed like one of the nicest ones here.
Maybe as nice as some of the old strippers who'd worked for Georgie. These newer ones always complained and gossiped about each other, and Mary found herself biting her tongue on most of their comments. Hazel was the better of them, if not the best.
She poured some glasses, sliding them each down the counter. The usuals arrived, some already drunk. Mary secretly wished that they were able to get the diseases that Mundies get when they do this kind of stuff.
But no, Fables are fucking immortal.
Sometimes she wished she wasn't immortal.
Hans made his rounds. His extensive flirting with every woman in the club normally hadn't bothered Mary, but some weird feeling emerged from her when she saw him getting really close to one of the newest girls here, Hannah.
What was that feeling?
She never felt it before, had she?
No, she certainly had. Maybe a life time ago.
She tended the bar as she'd usually do. She was happy that her previous duties were relieved. She couldn't stand letting another stranger grab her ass. Her attention, when not distracted by the foul mouthed idiots in front of her, often turned to the strippers themselves. She watched their behavior. She wondered if they actually liked the attention. If they liked being used. She didn't like any of it in the least bit.
No Fables are willing to hire Bloody Mary.
None but the ones who'd already known her. The ones who knew she wouldn't hurt them unless they were an enemy.
She served a few more drinks. The time felt like it was flying, and soon, 7:30 was approaching. Thirty more minutes.
"Mary?" Hazel said, almost in a whisper.
Mary shook out of her daze. "Hmm? What uh...what's up?"
Hazel looked like she might cry again. "C-can I talk to you when your...erm, shift is over? During my 8:30 break, if it's not a problem?"
Mary sighed. She needed to get Carter around 8. Maybe, maybe she could turn this into a 'trust' issue with Jack. See if he can deal with her son for another half an hour or so.
"I guess. What about."
"Sorry, I have to go. We'll talk about it then, okay? Thank you." The stripper walked off, taking a spot on the stage. The men hooted and started to throw bills at her already.
Hans stepped aside, leaning on the bar. "What she want?"
Mary frowned,"Dunno. I doubt she'll be talking crap about you, so don't let your ego get the better of you. Don't worry Hansi, it's probably just advice for your little....predicament."
"You heard?"
"Who didn't hear it? You yell louder than you think."
Hans looked away, as if that comment actually hurt in some way. When he turned his head back to Mary, he changed the subject. "So, how are things going with Sir Jack?"
"You mean, Sir Jackass? He's not being a total prick. He actually cleaned the apartment for once, prepared for the toddler invasion. I'm sure all he's feeding Carter is junk food. Whatever."
"Right. Well, if you have any issues with him, just tell me. I'll-"
"You'll what? Beat him down for me? I'm sorry, Hans, but you seem to forget who I am. I can handle myself. I may seem soft, but I assure you. The Woodsman's Ax is still mantled above my bed. Still sharp as all hell."
"Sorry. I didn't....mean to come off that way. I'll still, uh....back you up though. If you need it."
"Whatever. Go flirt with some other goddamn whore in this establishment."
Grumbling, he took off, entering his little office to be alone for a while. Mary didn't particularly care, she was glad she struck one of his fragile cords. A man needs to be put in his place every once in a goddamn while.
Quitting time approached. She traded places with one of her coworkers, heading to the back room to get changed and wait for Hazel. She was sitting on the office chair for twenty minutes when the girl stepped back there.
"Uh, hi," Hazel said, giving a slight wave. She pulled her skirt on more securely, stuffing the dollars she'd made into her bra.
"So, whataya need to talk about?" Mary asked, crossing her arms.
"Well, uhm...." Hazel took a spot on the adjacent chair. "You're the only one here who I know has a child. So, I guess your able to give me some..."
"Advice? I figured you were going to ask. How long are you?"
"Uhm......I don't know. I haven't seen a doctor- I....I can't afford an appointment yet."
Mary sighed. This girl was worse of than herself. "Well How long do you think you are?"
"Probably a couple months...."
"How do you know it's Hans's?"
"I....I'm not totally sure. But he's the more likely candidate. It's him.....or...."
"Or who?"
"This man. He was real sweet to me a while ago. He came to see....well, you actually. Told him you weren't working, and he....paid me not to tell you he was here. But I don't think it really matters anymore. His name was Charles. Y'know, now that I think about it, he did look-"
"Stop! Don't....Don't talk about him. Ever." Mary glanced at the mirror in next to them. For a split second, she swore she saw his grin in the reflection.
"W-what? What's-"
"We need to get you to a fucking doctor, okay? Tomorrow. I'll take you. I'll pay. If it's his.....his goddamn baby.....we need to be extremely cautious."
"Why so? He didn't seem-"
"Because he's a fucking demon from Hell or some shit. And he's my father. I'll tell you more tomorrow....just....Finish up at work. Go home and get a lot of rest. I'll pick you up."
"I thought you've always complained about not having a car though?"
The things these women pick up when Mary actually says stuff. "I'll get a car, don't worry. Just.....Goddamn it. Let me.....Okay, this is gonna be awkward. Let me....feel you stomach."
"What the.....Okay?"
Mary pressed her hand on the girl's bare skin.
"Fuck. I was right. Yeah, I'll meet you tomorrow, 8 AM. Okay?"
"I have to get going. My son his probably driving his father insane."
"Bye Mary. And thanks! I guess...."
"No problem."
Mary ran out the doors, sprinting her way past people to Jack's apartment.
When the door opened, she was surprised Jack wasn't ripping his hair out.
"The little guy is quite the trouble maker. He was this close to getting into my...erm, stash. I caught him, though."
"He's good at getting into things that aren't his. I hope it doesn't become a habit. Thanks though. Looks like you actually managed for the first time."
"Yeah, he's a good kid." Jack walked over, scooping the toddler off the couch. He was out like a light. "Look. I'm....sorry. I know, I know. It's an overdue one, but I mean it. I wish I was more enthusiastic about this whole...'Fatherhood' thing....but it's never been something I was meant for. I'm going to try though. I really am. Good night."
"Night. If you want, you can ask to see him whenever. I generally don't have a busy schedule. To be honest, I need someone to watch him anyway. We'll talk about it another day. See ya, Horner."
Mary took her time walking home. The boy slept peacefully in her arms the whole time, and when she got home, she could finally unwind for a bit.
She began to cry.
Not for herself.
For Hazel.
I hope you liked this chapter, as the previous ones. I'm really having fun writing this one, I've got a plethora of ideas to jam into it. It's something new, you know? I'll be back to writing about Harm eventually, but I think I'll roll with this one a while. I hope you don't mind. Man, I'm so tired right now and it's only 7:26. It feels so late! I've noticed how dark it's getting recently, it's both heartwarming and annoying. One of those things that brings nostalgia from childhood, but also makes you forget how the clock runs, lol!
Gren is so adorable with the kids! I'm so happy that everyone in the Porgie clan, even people not related, are basically family to each other. It's a brighter side to things, considering the darker times between the siblings and even back to when Georgie was being judged after the whole Crooked ordeal. It's heartwarming
I love sleepovers! I remember when I was a kid and my own cousins were over, it was like the best time of my life. Pizza, candy, soda, you name it! Movies, popcorn, warm PJ's (Especially in the winter), games! The best!
I wonder if his new workers are either Fables or mundies. Or maybe someone we know? Or it could be completely irrelevant and I'm asking questions that will never be answered by a single chapter X3 oh well, I'm the type to wonder about strange things like that!
Katie sounds like my parents XD They always yell at the kids for leaving their school shit lying around!
I wonder is Junior is ready for tonight XD I can see Mary and Katie being able to handle it. It's the men you have to worry about XD No offense, of course!
I try to have all the family members together. Family is very important; ever sine the whole CM thing, Georgie's second chance and the shit they had to go through, the kids now see just how important it is.
Well, we are about to have an entire house full of girls. I hope George and Jersey have a secret plan or Jersey with his 'man' cave, just so these two can run off to. XD
LOL He has one mundy worker and a Fable now in the shop working part time. I will cover that section, soon, seeing as this IS a Katie and Jersey tale.
Plus, I'd like to picture what MIGHT go down at the Lucky Pawn, having the Jersey Devil as your boss.
I wanted to incorporate that into the story. Like the her mother, aunts and uncles, Maddie and the girls do not like that song or anything negative about their family; wolves, Georgie Porgie, Jersey Devil 'information' etc. They KNOW the mundies do these things for entertainment purposes but it still hurts them. This causes problems at times because they can't SAY the truth to mundies they come across.
This is my favorite one so far in regards to Mary and her current situation on hand. First off, I'm glad she's finally admitting to herself that she DOES have feelings and she is capable of more than she thinks at the moment. Love how Hans is a huge flirt; my money is the baby belongs to Charles, due to the sentence where he is grinning through the mirror.
Mary seems to be genuinly concerned for this girl and she may have made a friend for life; something Mary really needs right now. I hope Hans can go back to his 'normal' behavior, stop trying to be what his boss was and see the truth-that he cares for Mary and possibly her son.
I'm just gonna say this, can't stand Jack, so I HOPE he can turn this around for me; be the father that little boy deserves. I'm looking forward to the next chapter and possible questions anwsered.
Robby's Diary
October 10th
Several days has passed since we defeated the Dark Kingdom. It feels like yesterday to be honest. And I still hanging on to the fact that I nearly lost my brother if it wasn't for the generosity of Lydia. However... when she brought back the people we lost, I don't understand why my parents didn't come back either. Could this mean that they were alive... or something else.
After our group disbanded, I set out to search for answers, starting with the castle my father was last seen. When I got there it was complete deserted... for like years... decades or even more. I looked around for answers and got nearly nothing.. only old records.
I explored nearly every room inn this old castle hoping to find any news of my parents and maybe some treasure to boot. Just an old armory.. full of skeletons and rats.. so I left the castle in disappointment.
*As I got to the outskirts I felt a ghostly hand touch my shoulder, and as I turn around I there they were... A man and a woman. The man look just like me while the woman reminded me of Walter. I think I found what I am looking for.. *
"There you are my son, so adventurous like your old man.." The man said. My parents... The stories and adventures I shared with them over the past years.. and especially our most recent one. Then I brought up the question, why didn't they return with the others brought back?
They told me, they weren't those brought back, they told me that the ones brought back felt that they weren't finished with something in their current life, so the held on until they found the hope of ever returning. However this wasn't the case for them, they were with me and Walter this whole time, protecting us... and guiding us..
They told me that their time in this world is up... so they gave me a long hug and prepared to go into the afterlife... and before they leave my father hands me something. It a book containing all of his adventures.. incredible..
Now I know the truth.. now I can finally move on... Lydia I wish I could thank you again.... I guest its time to go back home to the mundy world, to be honest, I'm kinda homesick..
Robby, Son of Robin Hood.
This concludes the Fabled Avengers Saga. For my next story I will go darker places. We will go back to the mundy world.. This next story will be my darkest piece yet, a fitting theme to for the month of October.. An infamous urban legend who terrorize mundies until one decides to fight back.. find out soon.
It will surely send chills down your spines and make you want to think about what is lurking in the darkest corners...
Love Robby. So in your face and ready for anything. Can't wait for this 'mysterious' dark figure. I can gues and guess and guess but I'll never get it. XD
Chapter 16
Jersey returned to the house with twenty five very hot Pizzas. The smell infused the home and within seconds, the kitchen and living room had the scent of peperonni, cheese and other various toppings. Half the girls surrounded the food, licking their chops and preparing for dinner.
"Do we have Ranch, daddy?"
"Do we have Ranch-" Jersey takes a brown paper bag and dumps out little plastic cups of Ranch. "That's the only way to eat it, girls! Got some Parmesan cheese ova' here-these little chili things your mother loves and-"
Ivy bounces around. "Can we eat NOW?"
"Your cousins here?"
"Not yet."
Jersey looks at the clock. Before he could make an executive decision, Katie comes around the corner. She places her hand on the box and stares at the faces.
"No....don't you girls think about it. Your uncle Junior called and they are literally around the corner. Go fix up the living room if you girls plan on-"
Before Katie could finish, all thirteen girls run upstairs, gather their blankets and pillows and head back. Neatly, they lay out their section and a few spots for the cousins.
"Can we tell stories tonight, mommy?"
"I don't see why not-"
Bella tosses a blanket over her body. "How about a scary story, since its the month for Ghouls and Goblins?"
Hope shutters. "No! Nothin' scary...."
"Bella, knock it off!" Jersey grabs the remote and plops on his side of the couch. "Or I'll put your ass on a chain and make you stay outside...."
Katie rolls her eyes. Just as she turns, there is a knock at the door. All the girls cheer; to Jersey, it always had the same sound as either a school assembly or a Baseball game. Either way, you could always tell when his girls approved of something. Katie, along with Willow, Ava Rose and Laura, all headed for the door.
"Junior, hey." Katie and Junior hug briefly, as Aubrey and Sophia walk up the steps.
"Go put your things where the girls show you, okay?"
"Yes daddy!"
Before long, there are shriels and squeaks coming from the living room.
"Are you SURE you guys can handle ALL these-"
"Yes, Junior. We can handle these Rugrats. They have video games, board games...we have that fort in the back. Movies, coloring books. Yeah. Think we got it."
Behind Junior, Katie notices Mary hand in hand with the older kids, slowly walking up.
"I can't wait!" Sheila nearly pulls down on Mary's arm.
"Easy there, Buttercup. You're gonna rip my arm off and then what?"
Katie laughs. "Well, come inside for a minute and rest your feet before you leave."
George and Sheila run inside and join the others. With Junior's help, Mary waddles inside the house and into the kitchen. She sits down beside Junior, as she eyes the food on the counter. Katie, noticing Mary's attention, sneaks her two slices. Mary douces the slices with Ranch. Katie stands beside her, rubbing her belly.
"You've gotten so big, Mary! Do you two know what it is?"
"Twins again but this time, we have one boy and one girl in there. This, honestly, has been my easiest pregnancy."
Junior chuckles. "She never got sick the entire time."
Mary shakes her head in agreement. "I had no idea I was pregnant until I was almost two months into it. No swollen ankles, no weight gain for the first four sickness. Nada."
Katie continues to rub her belly. "Any names?"
Junior laughs. "Aubrey wanted the girl to be Ariel, like the Little Mermaid? Sheila wants the boy to be 'Hell Raiser'."
Katie tries to contain he rlaughter. "Oh my God! Hell Raiser?"
Mary nods. "Yup...We both smiled and let them have their moment. We decided on Damien and Haylee."
"Are they, umm, you know-"
Mary finishes off the food. "Both of them are little mirror jumpers and shape shifters. Swineheart said Haylee has a lot of Wolf qualitites in her. Lyla will be pleased to hear that."
Junior looks around. "Jersey home?"
There is a pause. "What!?"
"Get your ass in here and be social!"
"Babe, the game-"
"Get your stubborn Jersey ass in here right now! Pause the game!"
There are mumbles and a few curse words before Jersey inches his way into the kitchen.
"Fuck, Mary. Another?"
Mary folds her arms and sits back. "YOU should be the one to talk, Jersey Devil."
"Hey..." He points at Mary. "Don't you-have you been eatin' my food?"
Mary rubs her stomach. "Delicious. Tony's?"
"You know that, woman." He and Junior hug and shake hands. "How you doin', Porgie?"
"Hanging in there. Work, work and more work. Holly sure knows how to keep me busy. It IS game season after all."
"Well, that's good! Keep ya' busy! Congrats on the pregnancy here. The other kids takin' it well?"
"Sheila had a difficult time at first but thankfully, Junior had a talk with her. George is so happy he gets a brother."
Upstairs, the kids had their own idea of entertainment. With some help, they brought down one of the matresses from the girl's room. Bella, Sheila and Georgia sat upon it, as the others pushed it to the edge of the stair case. Bella peered down.
"Are you sure 'bout this, Bella?" Hope nibbled on her nails. "You guys might get hurt..."
George stood and thought for a minute. "Hold on...."
He walks over to the railing, pokes his head through and opens his palms. Blue neon smoke rises from his palm and fingers, as he aims it to the floor. It circles for a few seconds before it creates a blue barrier.
"There. That should help you guys slow down, should it lose-"
He didn't have a chance to finish; Hannah, Aubrey, Sophia and Willow had the matress sprinting down the stairs. The three girls squealed with delight, as they slid down. The blue sheild worked; the second the matress struck the sheild, Bella went flying into the coat rack.
Katie stood up. "What the hell was that?"
Mary sighs, trying to get up. "Our little monsters from hell probably..."
They all walk into the living room; Bella rubs her head, as Sheila and Georgia stand up and try sneaking away. They stop, however, when they notice eyes watching them. Jersey glances up the stairs and sees the 'audience' watching the train wreck. Junior laughs.
"You guys SURE this is a good idea?"
Jersey cackles, picking Bella up. "Oh this. Piece of cake. Its when they all are teenagers...."
Junior shudders. "Oh, God. I'm so sorry..."
"Get up, Bella. What is the matta' with you, huh? Ya' could've broke this noggin here!"
"I'm fine, dad..."
Katie sighs. "Okay, no more of this girls. Pick EVERYTHING up and find something else to do before someone get's hurt."
With help, the matress returns to its original place. The girls, along with George, head outside.
"SHOES! JACKETS! MITTENS! Willow! Abigail! Get back here!"
Mary and Junior kiss the kids goodbye, as they head back to the car.
"Thanks you guys. See you in the morning...."
Jersey waves. "Don't come back pregnant now."
A shard of glass flys past him. It sticks to a tree. Jersey gives Junior the finger, as he helps Mary into the car and drive away.
"NO! GIVE IT BACK!" Crash! "MOM!"
Katie sighs. "Dinner time, Jersey?"
Jersey grabs Katie's hand. "Ready for hell?"
Katie gives Jersey a kiss. "Already there."
Chapter 17 soon
Had time before work to make a chapter or two. Man...its getting cold now in the mornings. Time for the extra blankets now! Its Friday!
Looking forward to the weekend; its my girlfriend's birthday, so we have plans for a movie and dinner. She wants to see that 'Annabelle' movie; brave, this one is and with a baby! XD Fearless! Then, its midterm time! 0_o; Study, study, study! If you have any questions ask away. 
HOPEFULLY, those I promised a picture to will be ready by this weekend. If not, sometime next week. SO much on my plate. ^^;
Dear Diary: Hmmm. See Georgie was in here, too. Well, guess they wanted to add a little something. Not like there is anything BAD in here. I have THAT hidden. Not doing THAT again. ^^; VERY awkward having to explain to your son why there were photos of his daddy....ummm.....never mind...XD
I love this weather. The wind has been picking up and last night, we had a rain storm. It cleared some of this pollution up; the air smells fresh, clean and crisp. The kids had a carnivel today at school. Junior won a Goldfish at one of the games; Penny and Emily were Apple bobbing champions. Katie, like always, my social butterfly. Talk, talk, talk; fun, fun, fun with that one.
Ethan and Peter came home from school early due to a teacher confrence. They helped me bake some cookies and prepare a Pot Roast for dinner tonight.
Georgie picked up the older kids; he stopped by a Sonic Drive-In and picked up Cherry Limeades for the kids. Junior showed me the fish. He named it Goldy. Georgie got him a fish bowl, helped him decorate it and put the fish in his room. Georgie and Emily went into the den and watched the Cowboys play the Raiders; I heard BOTH of them scream and yell at the television all afternoon.
Tomorrow, speaking of Apples, we are heading to my parent's place to pick Apples. Dad's orchards are ready and with the rain and snow heading their way, he wants to pick them as soon as possible. Peter is excited; dad promised he'd show them how to make homemade Apple Cider. Peter LOVES Apple Cider. Too much like his papa. Ethan can't wait to help nana bake some Apple pies. He's my little baker, that one. Penny and Katie OCASIONALLLY help but they'd rather eat. Same with Emily. Eat.
Carla called earlier and asked about Halloween this year. She and Gren were going to do a party but decided at the last second to hold off on the festivities; last year, it was a disaster. My brother-in-law sure knows how to drink his Whiskey...and cause fights...and almost go to jail. We came up with the solution-group Trick-or-Treating. I GUESS they are dressing up, too. I'll see if Georgie will be willing to go dressed up this year.
Tonight, the news said there is a Meteor shower above New Jersey and New York; Georgie is driving us out to my folk's place, since they are smack-dab in the middle of nowhere. The kids are excited; since the rain storm, the skies have been clear, so we will be able to see it. Can you believe Georgie has NEVER seen a Meteor shower before? Okay, well....never mind. Scratch that thought.
Better be going. Something broke in the den and I can hear a very angry Britsh man and his loyal sidekick screaming at the game.
Good luck on the midterms. Mine are literally frying my brain. I loved the mattress part. Georgia, Bella and Sheila are trouble makers. Jersey is right to worry when they are teens. Oh man!!! Mary is pregnant!!!! Love those names!!
I'm scared to know what he I loved this entry. I love apple cider too. Awwww and John. :)I love me some John. Oh and a meteor shower!!!!! Cant wait to hear about their halloween adventures.
"Please, Hans. I'm not making the poor girl walk in the freezing cold. Have you noticed the white shit falling from the sky? Yeah, that's snow! Plus..... I mean, goddamnit. Just let me use your damn car!" Mary yelled over the phone. She was packing the diaper bag and sending her son over to his aunt Harm's house. She'd be over in a few more minutes to pick him up.
"Fine! For fuck's sake, however much gas you use is coming from your paycheck. A single scratch and you'll be fucking demoted."
"You talk like the goddamn thing is your most prized possession! It'll be fine, I know how to operate a vehicle!"
"Whatever, whatever. Just-.....Just don't be late for work later. You and Hazel. And why can't I go to the ultrasound? I thought I was the most likely candidate for fatherhood?"
"You're not the father. Okay?"
"How the fuck-"
"I just know, okay? Just do your little thing, and don't worry about your precious car. It'll be okay."
"Fine. Pick it up in front of the club. I'm already there."
"I'm not surprised. Bye."
The phone hangs up, and not a minute later there's a knock on the door. Mary rushes over, still stuffing an extra pair of clothes in the diaper bag. Carter runs ahead of her, jumping up and down to reach the door handle. Mary opens it wide, and the little boy jumps into Harmony's arms.
"How are things going?" Harmony asked, holding her nephew on her hip.
"Good, actually. Better than usual. Can you do me another favor?"
"What do you need?"
"I need to be dropped off at the club. I'm not working yet, but I'd rather not walk there myself. You mind?"
"Not at all. I was going to take Carter that way anyway, Tim has the little ones at one of those indoor toddler expos. We were going to look around and see what deals we could get on some new stuff."
"Sounds like fun. And thanks for taking Carter. One day I'll have to go with you to the expo, hopefully when I get shit more straightened out."
"That's something to look forward to. Let's roll."
Mary carried the bag downstairs, following Harmony to the car that's parked on the side of the road. Harmony takes her best friend to the desired location, then drives away with the toddler in his booster seat.
"Bye bye Mommy!" Mary heard as she went to shut the door. She headed down the ally way, her boots crunching in the think layer of snow accumulating to the ground.
"Hans! You here?"
The back door to the Puddin' and Pie swings open and the strong muscled man glances in her direction. "Here are the keys. Remember what I said?"
"Ugh, I have to go Hans. Just give me the keys."
"TELL me what you're not going to do."
"Fuck you. I'm not gonna scratch the damn thing, okay?"
"Good." He hands her the keys, a smirk forming across his face.
"What's got you so happy?" She asked, opening the driver's side door.
"Nothin'.... I think I'm just happy that the baby's probably not mine."
"You don't like kids or something?" Mary said, a little too defensively.
"I like kids! I just- If I wanted to be a Dad, I'd be married before hand. Alright?"
"Whatever." Mary steps into the car, turning the ignition and starting the heater. She rubbed her cold hands together, the heat blasting through the vents and into her face at an unreasonable rate. She started driving, turning on to the street and driving toward Hazel's apartment building.
"Apartment 602.....604......608. There we are." She parked her car in a cleared off spot of the road. Her hand lifts the door handle and she enters, another gush of warm air hitting her as she walks inside.
Hazel? You in here?" She called. Her eyes looked up the grungy stairs. She remembered coming here once on Crooked Man duty. Mr. Toad used to live on the first floor apartment, but not anymore.
She sighed. The girl appeared several minutes later, her light brown hair brushed out much nicer than the previous night, and much more clothes covering her frail body.
She nods. They head out together, the car taking them to the Knights of Malta Hospital. The elevator makes it's way to the top three floors, exclusive to Fables only. Not a single Mundy knows about the place.
She weaves through halls as Hazel trails behind. She knows them far too well; Back when she gave birth, all she did was roam them. Her attention was brought to the main office of the hospital. Swineheart exited, greeting the women and showing them to the appropriate room.
"How's Carter doing?" Swineheart asks as he preps Hazel for the ultrasound.
"He's good. Very rambunctious."
"Good to hear. I saw a few of your nieces here the other day. They've got bad colds. Gave them medicine."
"Yeah, Harm told me. So um..."
Swineheart flips the switch on the monitor. Next, he takes the gel, spreading it on Hazel's belly and the image of her insides appear on the screen.
"So, Hazel. Tell me how far along you think you are," Swineheart asks.
"Well....I'm not totally sure. A couple months?"
"Right." He scans her tummy, and soon enough, the baby's silhouette flashes on the screen.
"That's the baby?" Hazel asks. She reaches her hand up to touch the monitor, mesmerized by the sight of it.
Swineheart chuckles. "Yes, that's your child. And you're pretty much right, you're about nine weeks along. Not far enough to tell any genders, but..."
"I need to ask you a question," Mary interjects. "Privately."
Swineheart is taken aback, not really sure what she means.
"I'll um....Nurse Candy? Can you take care of this for me?"
The nurse walks over, taking Swineheart's place as he walks into the hall with Mary.
"What's wrong, Mary."
"She's having my father's baby," Mary blurts out. "And it's a really really bad thing."
"What do you mean?"
"My father is a demon. He feeds on people's fears of all things dark and horrifying. My mother died birthing me. She was a goddamn human who thought she was in love, but as soon as he came, he went. And because of the nature of the pregnancy, because she was having a fucking demon, she fucking died. I killed her. And when she died, he seemed to want me back. And....fuck. If she's not careful, she's fucked! Do you understand?"
"Yes, unfortunately I do, Mary. You should talk to Harmony, now that she's a witch of the thirteenth floor. I know the witches are able to brew some concoctions that will help out. I'll do what I can on my end of the stick. I need to go talk with that girl now. I think you should, too."
"Can you tell her? If she's confused, I'll explain more. I just.... I can't just say it to the poor girl."
"I understand."
Swineheart re-enters the room and Mary stays in the hall. Hazel emerges a few minutes later, her face a pale as a ghost.
"W-what...what do I do now, Mary? What can I do?"
Mary gulped. "I need to speak with my goddamn father, first of all. I'll help you figure this out, okay? I'll....for god's sake, I don't fucking know. I barely know you. Why am I worked up about this? Fuck...."
The girl began to cry, her hands burying her face. "I want to keep my baby, Mary. I don't want to get rid of it!"
"I....I understand that- I didn't say you couldn't! We just....I just....." Mary's nose began to bleed violently.
Her father was doing this to her. She began to sway and before she knew it, the floor came up and smacked her face. The voices in the hospital were muffled as Mary's field of vision blurred to darkness.
Another chapter! I hope you liked this one, it took a longer time to write than others since I was more or less winging some of it X3
Thanks for saying so!
Thank goodness Gren got the cooker and TV working! If he had time to fix the TV, that is. With all those children someone's bound to want to watch it at some point; unless they're very imaginative and can entertain themselves, which would be a plus.
Anyway, that picture of Georgie is ever so charming! I shall check her stuff out.
Loving the Robin Hood appearance! Would Robby and Walter's mother be Maid Marion? Anyway, it's good he's gotten the close he's been searching for; and I, too, wonder what you're exactly planning for your next piece!
The bit where Katie shouted at Jersey to come into the room I found funny - you can just picture it easily! And the bits where people keep mentioning the girls as teenagers and the responses being very sympathetic. XD
Happy birthday to your girlfriend!
Poor Hazel, really sympathise for her
And what's Charles doing to Mary?! Somebody needs to sort that guy out.
10th: Pumpkins! Is there literally anything they cannot do?
Well, yes, but they have many applications! One can eat them, carve them, hide in them, and fly in them! Which is what I did today.
Colin and I decided to have a go at carving some delightfully ghoulish shapes into said orange fruits - at least, I think they're fruits. Fruits have seeds, vegetables don't, I'm sure; and, incidentally, pumpkin seeds are very tasty - in order to give his apartment - well, Bigby's - and my own place an atmosphere for the month. I went over to his apartment and we started late in the morning and made a day of it, there were that many pumpkins. I may or may not have acquired a magical bag of seeds when up at the Farm last week that is endless and grows the pumpkins almost instantly when applied to dirt and water.
You know, that pig is surprisingly dexterous with a knife!
Now, in order to explain why the following idea seemed like a good one, I should mention that we also passed the time with plenty of whiskey cocktails. Colin said it'd be fine if we drunk some of Bigby's supply, and one Mac daddy easily leads to another! Heh. So, with the sun setting and most of the pumpkins carved, we decided to light a few candles in them - while placing one on the sill outside the window - and wait for Bigby to clock off work. After an hour or so he came through the door, greeted by an apartment where the only light was that cast by the eerie flickers of the candles, while menacing silhouettes danced on the walls. Of course, he smelt Colin straight away, and then switched the lights on. But bear with me, for this is where things come to a point. As he went around blowing out the candles, he saw the pumpkin on the sill, asked Colin why it was there - to which Colin replied he must have forgotten about it, and told Bigby to bring it in. As Bigby picked up the pumpkin, he turned back inside his apartment, where he realised Colin had been at his whiskey; and at that point of distraction, as my weasel self, I jumped out of the pumpkin Bigby was holding, sending the lid of it flying across the room!
You should have seen Bigby's face! Caught him totally off guard! So much so, in fact, his instincts kicked in and he sent the pumpkin - with me still inside it - hurtling out of the window! I've got to say that if it weren't for being pretty intoxicated, I might have been a little worried given how high up that window is. As it was, I landed in a bush, Colin quickly explained to Bigby just what he'd thrown, and the Wolf stuck his head out and called to see if I was okay. I wasn't sure at first if the squelch on landing had been the pumpkin breaking or me - it turned out to be the pumpkin; and relieved Bigby swore at me to never do that again if I valued life, and disappeared inside.
Ah, good times.
Mr. Weasel getting up to mischief in the month of October. I've only ever introduced one other character of my own so far, however I plan to introduce at least some others in any challenges that might be set, or maybe even in a diary entry! Hope you found it at least vaguely enjoyable to read!