Oh, I've come from tumblr, haha... And I wouldn't say a shit ton, but there are definitely more people on tumblr who like him than any of the other places.
Now I know why this forum has such a less amount of people
im not even going to lie. 1/3 of this community is bullshit. I've said this 9999999999 times. ive been flamed for sharing my opinion, ive even been called a troll a couple of times. and saying "oh just take it" wont solve a fucking thing.
Also. I do realize it's just the internet, but still, this is suppose to be a fan base. And all of the flamers and trolls hardly EVER get banned.
I fully support Everyone'sClemInTime's opinion to abandon babies for my own safety. It seems that sacrificing the life of one person to save many people is worth it. Also, if I were Clementine, I would have totally refused to take care of AJ. The minority can get stronger if they can withstand the hostile majority's insults and get backing from the non-hostile majority members.
I don't understand why people allow themselves to get so whipped up about a videogame.
It's just a videogame!
Just because someone disagrees about a decision someone else made in a videogame, doesn't give them the license to insult that person, or belittle them.
I myself, have stopped explaining my choices to others.
As well as defending them
Why should I have to explain the way I played a videogame?
The main point of it is, to give players a chance to play as they want to.
You're offended by rude comments to your character of being evil or sick, after you made a thread that was basically saying: "I would let a baby die and suffer to save my own skin." and you didn't expect any comments calling you crazy or sick? You kind of were walking in a lion's den with that one.
I don't understand why people allow themselves to get so whipped up about a videogame.
It's just a videogame!
Just because someone disagre… morees about a decision someone else made in a videogame, doesn't give them the license to insult that person, or belittle them.
I myself, have stopped explaining my choices to others.
As well as defending them
Why should I have to explain the way I played a videogame?
The main point of it is, to give players a chance to play as they want to.
It doesn't matter what pointless fantasy he was talking about, i doubt he would act like that in real life, people are trying to turn a hypothetical situation into a mountain. He has a opinion, you have yours. Why the arguing. We all have different opinions on things and think differently, In a "Zombie" situation i might leave the child behind because i wouldn't be capable of taking care of it properly. The key word is Zombie, because that would never happen in real life.
"It is just a game, people take this way too seriously."
I agree with zykelator's response to this argument. It is a dumb argument t… moreo make in it's own right, however I believe you don't understand people's anger on the subject. ClemInTime wasn't talking about sacrificing AJ in-game. He was literally saying, if he were in this scenario, he would leave a baby as a 'distraction' to walkers so he could get away. That's a pretty evil, sociopathic choice to make, and the fact he's trying to justify it makes him even more annoying to deal with.
"People get too emotional, all i'm saying.
ie) This thread."
Not really the case I don't think. No one on this forum (or on the internet in general) really reacts all that passionately to comments that frustrate them. At most, someone will think "what a retarded opinion" and call the person out for it. Emotions are never invested too much in these discussions so the idea we are being too emotional doesn't make much sense to me.
People get WAY too emotional over this game. Some people talk like Clementine is a real person.
I dare you to make a unpopular opinion thread such as "Clementine should be killed off in S4." (well don't do it, i don't want you to be emotionally beaten )
I just feel depressed every time I read someone else calling me "sick" or implying I'm "evil" under their breath.
Well, those are th… moree replies you'd get if you tried to justify baby murder and selfishness.
But, it's your choice. I'm sorry if I've offended you, that stuff doesn't sit right with me. And the whole baby sitting a kid and sacrificing them to Satan thing? I was just messing with you. Hope you weren't insulted. Sarcasm is kind of my thing.
Take a break if you need, but it wouldn't be so great to leave forever. People have seemed to do that lately, still surprised as to why I'm here. You take care of yourself and get over whatever's going on.
I agree with zykelator's response to this argument. It is a dumb argument to make in it's own right, however I believe you don't understand people's anger on the subject. ClemInTime wasn't talking about sacrificing AJ in-game. He was literally saying, if he were in this scenario, he would leave a baby as a 'distraction' to walkers so he could get away. That's a pretty evil, sociopathic choice to make, and the fact he's trying to justify it makes him even more annoying to deal with.
I know what he meant. Personally i wouldnt do that, because i dont like to make others suffer on purpose like that. If i didnt know any place which could take care of baby (in case of za), i would most likely kill the baby out of mercy, because i wouldnt want to risk my life having it around and leaving it behind would result in it suffering.
I understand if someone would to otherwise, but calling my decision evil and immoral would be stupid. There is nothing wrong with putting your own life over someone elses you dont know.
"It is just a game, people take this way too seriously."
I agree with zykelator's response to this argument. It is a dumb argument t… moreo make in it's own right, however I believe you don't understand people's anger on the subject. ClemInTime wasn't talking about sacrificing AJ in-game. He was literally saying, if he were in this scenario, he would leave a baby as a 'distraction' to walkers so he could get away. That's a pretty evil, sociopathic choice to make, and the fact he's trying to justify it makes him even more annoying to deal with.
"People get too emotional, all i'm saying.
ie) This thread."
Not really the case I don't think. No one on this forum (or on the internet in general) really reacts all that passionately to comments that frustrate them. At most, someone will think "what a retarded opinion" and call the person out for it. Emotions are never invested too much in these discussions so the idea we are being too emotional doesn't make much sense to me.
Personally, I would.
Even if it isn't my own child, I would still take care of them.
The way I was raised, a REAL man will take care of a child, even if it isn't his own.
Granted, it is just a videogame, I still nevertheless feel that the principle applies.
Just to be clear, I'm not belittling your opinion.
I'm merely stating mine.
Be strong guys. I'm going to stay here until the end of his life. And all this year I'm going to be here with you
And then will the new season of "TWD" and then everyone will be happy again
Some pizza for a good mood, guys
One of the mods should really make a "I'm leaving the forums mega thread", where everyone who leaves can just post it there, rather than making a thread in the wrong section.
Well despite the shit that goes on here at times, I still choose to stay on these forums. I'm not gonna let a few people ruin them for me, and you shouldn't either.
I just figured if you were going to instigate, especially in an argument where you fight on a completely dogmatic basis, you would want to (at the very least) make sense.
The entire point of a hypothetical question is to place yourself in a situation and to decide what choice you would make or how you would go about certain things. I don't care if it's the most fantasy not-of-this-earth scenario, if you are answering legitimately you should probably answer with something morally sound.
The walking dead is made up.
It is not real. There are no Zombies.
It doesn't matter what pointless fantasy he was talking about, i … moredoubt he would act like that in real life, people are trying to turn a hypothetical situation into a mountain. He has a opinion, you have yours. Why the arguing. We all have different opinions on things and think differently, In a "Zombie" situation i might leave the child behind because i wouldn't be capable of taking care of it properly. The key word is Zombie, because that would never happen in real life.
Your method is much more humane and understandable than this guy's, so thank you for having more acceptable morals. That being said, why not take care of the baby for a little bit just to be safe? If the baby starts to run out of food or whatever, than you should kill it I think.
I wasn't calling your viewpoint evil, just ClemInTime's.
I agree with zykelator's response to this argument. It is a dumb argument to make in it's own right, however I believe you don't understand … morepeople's anger on the subject. ClemInTime wasn't talking about sacrificing AJ in-game. He was literally saying, if he were in this scenario, he would leave a baby as a 'distraction' to walkers so he could get away. That's a pretty evil, sociopathic choice to make, and the fact he's trying to justify it makes him even more annoying to deal with.
I know what he meant. Personally i wouldnt do that, because i dont like to make others suffer on purpose like that. If i didnt know any place which could take care of baby (in case of za), i would most likely kill the baby out of mercy, because i wouldnt want to risk my life having it around and leaving it behind would result in it suffering.
I understand if someone would to otherwise, but calling my decision evil and immoral would be stupid. There is nothing wrong with putting your own life over someone elses you dont know.
Your method is much more humane and understandable than this guy's, so thank you for having more acceptable morals. That being said, why not… more take care of the baby for a little bit just to be safe? If the baby starts to run out of food or whatever, than you should kill it I think.
I wasn't calling your viewpoint evil, just ClemInTime's.
Just to give it some kind of chance.
I just figured if you were going to instigate, especially in an argument where you fight on a completely dogmatic basis, you would want to (at the very least) make sense.
Personally, I would.
Even if it isn't my own child, I would still take care of them.
The way I was raised, a REAL man will take care of a … morechild, even if it isn't his own.
Granted, it is just a videogame, I still nevertheless feel that the principle applies.
Just to be clear, I'm not belittling your opinion.
I'm merely stating mine.
That being said, why not take care of the baby for a little bit just to be safe? If the baby starts to run out of food or whatever, than you should kill it I think.
As long as i would keep it with me, i my mobility would be reduced, i couldnt be stealthy because the baby would just alert close by walkers, i would have to searc & scavenge certain places just to get special food for the baby. It would be just unnecessary risk and survival of the baby would be unrealistic outside safe community.
I've been called sociopath and all kinds of things for this statement, so not everyone agrees with you.
Your method is much more humane and understandable than this guy's, so thank you for having more acceptable morals. That being said, why not… more take care of the baby for a little bit just to be safe? If the baby starts to run out of food or whatever, than you should kill it I think.
I wasn't calling your viewpoint evil, just ClemInTime's.
Just to give it some kind of chance.
Be strong guys. I'm going to stay here until the end of his life. And all this year I'm going to be here with you
And then will the new season of "TWD" and then everyone will be happy again
Some pizza for a good mood, guys
I have moral values that I am sharing with this forum.
That is all.
Why are you trying to make me come across as high and mighty when that isn't the case ?
Oh, I've come from tumblr, haha... And I wouldn't say a shit ton, but there are definitely more people on tumblr who like him than any of the other places.
Now I know why this forum has such a less amount of people
im not even going to lie. 1/3 of this community is bullshit. I've said this 9999999999 times. ive been flamed for sharing my opinion, ive even been called a troll a couple of times. and saying "oh just take it" wont solve a fucking thing.
Also. I do realize it's just the internet, but still, this is suppose to be a fan base. And all of the flamers and trolls hardly EVER get banned.
I fully support Everyone'sClemInTime's opinion to abandon babies for my own safety. It seems that sacrificing the life of one person to save many people is worth it. Also, if I were Clementine, I would have totally refused to take care of AJ. The minority can get stronger if they can withstand the hostile majority's insults and get backing from the non-hostile majority members.
If you are running off because someone hurt your feelings over the internet, I would hate to see how you react when someone does it in real life.
I don't understand why people allow themselves to get so whipped up about a videogame.
It's just a videogame!
Just because someone disagrees about a decision someone else made in a videogame, doesn't give them the license to insult that person, or belittle them.
I myself, have stopped explaining my choices to others.
As well as defending them
Why should I have to explain the way I played a videogame?
The main point of it is, to give players a chance to play as they want to.
This is why the world is so unbalanced.
You're offended by rude comments to your character of being evil or sick, after you made a thread that was basically saying: "I would let a baby die and suffer to save my own skin." and you didn't expect any comments calling you crazy or sick? You kind of were walking in a lion's den with that one.
Be strong guys. I'm going to stay here until the end of his life. And all this year I'm going to be here with you
And then will the new season of "TWD" and then everyone will be happy again
Some pizza for a good mood, guys
Because you don't get to choose whether you can stay with or abandon AJ. I wouldn't have agreed to take care of AJ in the first place, not my child.
The walking dead is made up.
It is not real. There are no Zombies.
It doesn't matter what pointless fantasy he was talking about, i doubt he would act like that in real life, people are trying to turn a hypothetical situation into a mountain. He has a opinion, you have yours. Why the arguing. We all have different opinions on things and think differently, In a "Zombie" situation i might leave the child behind because i wouldn't be capable of taking care of it properly. The key word is Zombie, because that would never happen in real life.
People get WAY too emotional over this game. Some people talk like Clementine is a real person.
I dare you to make a unpopular opinion thread such as "Clementine should be killed off in S4." (well don't do it, i don't want you to be emotionally beaten )
See the venom that would come your way.
You need to create some more picture threads, I like them.
I can't even. Do you know what selflessness means?
I know what he meant. Personally i wouldnt do that, because i dont like to make others suffer on purpose like that. If i didnt know any place which could take care of baby (in case of za), i would most likely kill the baby out of mercy, because i wouldnt want to risk my life having it around and leaving it behind would result in it suffering.
I understand if someone would to otherwise, but calling my decision evil and immoral would be stupid. There is nothing wrong with putting your own life over someone elses you dont know.
Personally, I would.
Even if it isn't my own child, I would still take care of them.
The way I was raised, a REAL man will take care of a child, even if it isn't his own.
Granted, it is just a videogame, I still nevertheless feel that the principle applies.
Just to be clear, I'm not belittling your opinion.
I'm merely stating mine.
What the fuck does a simple error have to do with it?
A "Simple error" can completely change the meaning of your point...
You can clearly understand what I meant, even with the error, if the words "baby murder" is in front of it. Common sense.
Common sense ain't so common nowadays , unfortunately
Sorry for being a dick... I'm just a little tired right now.
One of the mods should really make a "I'm leaving the forums mega thread", where everyone who leaves can just post it there, rather than making a thread in the wrong section.
Well despite the shit that goes on here at times, I still choose to stay on these forums. I'm not gonna let a few people ruin them for me, and you shouldn't either.
I just figured if you were going to instigate, especially in an argument where you fight on a completely dogmatic basis, you would want to (at the very least) make sense.
The entire point of a hypothetical question is to place yourself in a situation and to decide what choice you would make or how you would go about certain things. I don't care if it's the most fantasy not-of-this-earth scenario, if you are answering legitimately you should probably answer with something morally sound.
This guy didn't.
That is the issue.
Your method is much more humane and understandable than this guy's, so thank you for having more acceptable morals. That being said, why not take care of the baby for a little bit just to be safe? If the baby starts to run out of food or whatever, than you should kill it I think.
I wasn't calling your viewpoint evil, just ClemInTime's.
Just to give it some kind of chance.
Yet another who thinks he has some reason he can proclaim what is immoral, wrong, and evil. Oh please.
I don't see how spelling errors would have anything to do with my argument. Dyslexia is hard thing to deal with, buddy.
All good.
I have moral values that I am sharing with this forum.
That is all.
Why are you trying to make me come across as high and mighty when that isn't the case ?
I understand.
As long as i would keep it with me, i my mobility would be reduced, i couldnt be stealthy because the baby would just alert close by walkers, i would have to searc & scavenge certain places just to get special food for the baby. It would be just unnecessary risk and survival of the baby would be unrealistic outside safe community.
I've been called sociopath and all kinds of things for this statement, so not everyone agrees with you.
Viva, all moral values are subjective, so yours are as good as mine. Basically nothing is wrong, since there arent absolute moral values.
I wasn't replying to you. I was replying to the person casting judgement on ClemInTime and saying his view is "evil."
I'm not trying to make you come off as high and mighty. You do that yourself. You and InfiniteDawn (spelling?).
"more acceptable morals" "viewpoint evil, just ClemInTime's" That's two times in a very short post.
Take another shot at my post?
My bad. Misunderstood what you meant.
Another shot at your post?
The hell are you talking about? You replied to me, do you expect me to let you be an asshole?
I expected you to understand my post and reply to it in a manner that shows you understood my post.